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Dear «Author_Name»

Season’s Greetings!

Congratulations! On behalf of the RAORBA-2024 Chairs, we are pleased to inform you that
your paper:

Paper ID: «Paper_ID»

Title: «Paper_Name»

Has been accepted for oral presentation at the International Conference on Recent
Advances in Operations Research & Business Analytics (RAORBA-2024) and for the
possible publication in the conference proceedings. This email provides you with all the
information required to complete your paper and submit it for inclusion in the proceedings. A
notification of the timing of the presentation will be sent in a subsequent email.

Here are the steps:

1. Please prepare your manuscript for final camera-ready submission by following the
formats described below
 Abstract word limit: 200 words
 Abstract font-size: 9pt, Italic
 Keywords: maximum 5 no., font-size: 9pt. Italic
 Title font-size: 14pt, Bold, Times New Roman
 Heading font-size: 12pt, Bold, Times New Roman
 Sub-heading font-size: 11pt, Bold, Italic, Times New Roman
 Single-column text
 Main body of the article: 11pt
 Line Spacing: 1.15pt
 Tables and figures must have a caption written on the bottom table or figure
 All borrowed ideas, quotations, etc. should be cited and acknowledged
 Reference font size:10pt
 Referencing style: APA (6th Ed.)
 Corresponding author should be indicated with (*) mark

The page limit can be 12. If your final manuscript does not comply with the formatting
requirements, you will be asked to rectify and resubmit until all formatting requirements are
satisfied. In proper formatting may reject the paper for the possible publication in the
conference proceeding.

2. Once you are ready to submit, please submit the final manuscript in PDF and MS Word
File / LaTeX files in compress mode (ZIP file) both via below mentioned Google Form
Please do adhere to the strict deadline for final manuscript submission on or before June 30,
2024. Any papers submitted after this date will not be included in the proceedings.

1. Registration details are available at the conference website at https://raorba- then go to the Registration tab from the upper menu bar.

2. The Last date of registration is June 30, 2024, without a late fine.

3. The details of the account are given below

 Account Name: RAORBA 2024
 Account No: 77733 49825
 Bank Name: Indian Bank
 Branch Name: Ekdalia
 IFSC Code: IDIB000G005

4. Keep a copy of the transaction proof with you (N.B. UTR Number is mandatory; Don't
choose any payment mode where UTR number is not available.)

5. Each paper must have a corresponding registered author to be included in the proceedings.
Papers that do not have an associated registered author will not be included in the
proceedings. The deadline for author registration is June 30, 2024, so be sure to register
by that time to ensure that your paper is included in the proceedings. Please ensure that
you complete your registration early.

6. After completing the payment procedure, at least one author of each paper should register
himself/herself by the following registration form link.

7. At the time of registration, the author should upload the payment proof through the online
registration form. A presentation certificate will be generated based on the name of
the author only who registers himself/herself by the registration form.

8. If an accepted paper is found to have plagiarized, the paper will be removed from the
proceedings. (Restrict then Similarity Index below 10%)

9. Authors are informed that; this acceptance notification is only for the possible
publication in conference proceeding. This acceptance does not ensure the
publication in Journal. Some of the registered and presented publication will be
published in Journal based on the merit of the article and decision of the technical
committee of the Journals. Regarding this, Author will be communicated further
after the completion of the conference regarding the journal publication.

If you have any questions regarding your registration, please contact us


Program Chair

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