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G reen

Lctter No. GtJI]/GC l38l24l aog
I)atc: 24 .lanuart' 2024

Subject: Academic Calcn dar 2024 with Introducing Special Tcrm

authoritl"o1'thc (lreen LJnivcrsit)'of Ilangladcsh has clccidccl to introduce a'spccial
'l-crtr'bctrvcctt thc Spring and lrall scnrestcrs.'l'hc
kc1,qb.icctivc of introclucing the
spccial lerttt is to providc studcnts u,ith a uniquc lcarnins cxpcricnce. olllring condenscd
and fbcr-rscd courscs dLrrins thc intcrinr pcriocl. 'l'hc spccial tcnn u'ould allou, stLrclcnts 10
rctakc coLlrscs. atrcl con.t1-rlctc GlrD. laniruagc. basic scicncc. IC.l-l'. ancl othcr soli sl<ill
clcvclopnleltt coLlrscs to accclcratc their acadcrric progress or participalc in spccialized
progratrs thal align u'ith thcir intcrcsts and carecr goals. It will crcatc spaccs fbr str-rdents
to per:lbrtr industrial trairring. intcrnslrips. extcnsivc rcscarch" capstonc pro.iects. e1c.. and
to preparc tlrcrnsclvcs tbr taking part in compctitivc cl,cltts rclcr,,zrnt to their rla.iors.

'l'hc spccial tcrlr vr'ill

bc optional lbr thc stLrdcnts and thcl arc not rccprircd to apply lbr.a
sclrestcr drop. I1'a str"rclctrt docs not rcgistcr'1br anv coLlrsc during the spccial teun
tllroughout his/hcr entirc studl' pcriod. thc acadcnric transcript rvill only contain rccords
o1'thc Spring and Irall scmestcrs o1'a vcar. ilorvcvcr. if a studcnt enrolls in special ternr
courscs. his/hcr transcripl u,ill inclr-rdc thosc rccords accorclingll.'l'hc studcnts mal,cnroll
ttp ttl 6 crcdits. includins lab ancl thcorr coLrrscs in zt scnteslcr. I".xccptionalll,. sor-ltc
studcnts sccurinq a CGI'}A o1- 3.-5 or highcr nrar takc r-rp to 9 cre:clits. inclLrding rctakc
cotlrses. Irl thc spccial tcrnr. thc nticl-scnrcstcr n,ill bc conciuctccl by.thc rcspcctir.,c
coLlrsc tcachcrs and thc accoLrr.rts olllcc ri,ill collcct tr-rition t'ccs in tu,o irrstallmcnls onl1,,.

l-he dctailcd Acadcnric Calcndar'2024 is attachcd hcrcw'i1h fbr'1,or-rr kincl inlormation ancl
llcccssar)' aclion. Wc look fbrward to cxploring thc potcntial bcncflts it coulcl bring to our
studcnts and irrslitution.

0\\ ')fiL\/
Md at I slam
Ilcgistrar (Acting)

lior Aclior-r:
All Studcnts. Adrninistrativc Stall. and lracullr Mgrbcrs o1'(itJIl

For Kind Information:

Honorable Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Honorable Vice Chancellor


Purbochol Americqn City, Konchon, Rupgoni
Naroyongoni - 1461, Dhoko, Bonglodesh
Phone: +880 9614482482, E-moil : www.g reen.ed u. bd
Green IJnivcrsity of Bangladesh
Academic Calen dar 2024
S ring Scmester
SI, Name of Events /Activities Date (2024\
I Last Date o1-Par,ment o1'Coursc Rceislration 04 Feb (Sun)
2 Course Advising & Registration 05r07 Feb (Mon-Wed)
J Cloursc Advising & Rceistration u ith Latc [cc 08-14 Feb (Thu-Wed)
4 Fresher's Orientation 08 Feb (Thu)
5 Commencement of C lasses 09 I;cb (lrri)
6 Semester Drop/Course Add/Replacement with 100% Relund 17 -23 Ircb (Sat-Fri)
1 *** Interntrtiorral Mothcr Lanquaec I)at , 2l Feb (Wed)
x>k't< Ilirth Day ol'thc I;athcr
o['thc Nation and National
8 l7 Mar ((Sun)
Childrcn's I)ar
9 * *'N Indcpcndcr-rcc I)a1' 26 Mar ((Tue)
10. Last Date of Payrnent Belore Mid-term Exam 03 Apr (Wcd)
11 Issuing Adrnit (lards llelbre Mid-tenl l'.xarr 04 &15 Apr (Thu & Mon)
t2 Last Class Ilefbre Mid-ten-n }ixarn 04 Apr ('l'hu)
StLrdl" Dav s ( I ncI uding I ricl-u I -Ir itr'. Shab-c-Quaclr. .l urn' atu I
13. 5 - l4 Apr (Fri-SLrn)
Wida, Pohela Boishakh IJoli da1's)
l4 Mid-tcrnr l:xarn 1 6-29 Apri I ("I'uc-Mon)
1 ,5. Clornmcnccrncnt ol- Classcs Alicr Micl-tcrnt lrxant 30 Apr (-l'uc)
16 Mar,
[)al' 0l May (Wcd)
11 **Open Forum witli the Students 02 May ('l"hu)
l8 **Acaclcmic lrrccllcncc Au,arcl (VC's and [)can's Ccrtillcatc) l5 May (Wed)
19 Last Datc o['Pavrlcnt bclirrc l]inal 'l'crnt 07 .lLrn (liri)
2t) Issuing Admit (lards IJclirrc Irinal Irxam 08 ll.lun(Sat-'l-uc)
21 Last Class IJclirrc Iinal lrxan"r l4 .lun (Fri)
22 Study Days (Including Eid-ul-Adha Holidays) l5-23 .lurn (Sat-Sun)
23 Iinal lixarn 24 .lun - 06 .lul (Mon-Sat)
21 Last Date of Grade Subrnission 09 July (I'ue)
25. Publication o1' I'-inal Rcsults I I Jul (Thu)
26 Semester Break 1 2- I 4 J r,rl.v ( lrri-Sun)

S ccial T'crm Sum mer

SL Name of Events /Activities Date (2024\
I I ast Datc ol'Payrncnt Coursc Rcsistration l4 July (Sun)
2 Course Advisi ng & Rcgistration l5-16 July (Mon-Tue)
.J Commencement of Classes l8 Jul (Thu)
4 ***National Moumin g I)a1' 15 Aue. ( I'hu)
5 Mid-tcnr l'.ranr Wcck l6-21 Arg.(lrri-Wcd)
6 Last Date of P avmcnt lbr Spccial '['cnr 20tr' Aug ('t'uc)
7 Issuing Adrnit Cards Ilclbre Irinal lrxarn 02-03 Sept. (Mon-Tue)
8 Last Class Before Final Exam 03 Sept. (Tue)
9 Study Day 04 Sept. (Wed)
l0 l;inal l'.xanr 5-10 Sept. (Thu-Tue)
ll l .ast Datc o1' (iradc SLrl'rntission l2 Scpt. (.1'hu)
12. Publication o1' Irinal Results 13 Sept. (Fri)
13 Semester Break 14-16 Sept. (Sat-Mon)
14 ** Cl1'fI- W 17-19 Sept. (Tue-Thu)
Page 1 of 3
Fall Semester
UL Name of Events /Activities Date (2024)
I Last Date of Pa ment for Course Re stration 17 Sept. (Tue)
2 Course Advising & Registration 18-21 Sept (Wed-Sat)
J Course Advising & Registration with l.ate Fee 23-30 Sept. (Mon-Mon)
4 Fresher's Orientation 23 Sept. (Mon)
) Commencement of Classes 24 Scpt. ('l'ue)
6 Semester Drop/Course Add/Replacement with 100% Refund 01-07 Oct. (Tue-Mon)
1 Last Date of Payment Before Mid-term Exam 11tl'Nov (Mon)
8 Last Class Before Mid-term Exam 11 Nov. (Mon)
Study Days 12-13 Nov (Tue-Wed)
10 Issuing Admit Cards before Mid Term Exam 12-13 Nov (Tue-Wed)
11 Mid-term Exarr lil Nor., 26 Nov. (-lhur- I'uc)
t2 Commencement of Classes After Mid-tenn 27 Nov. (Wcd)
13 **Open Forum with the Students 05 Dec (Thu)
t4 +** Victory Da)' l6 Dec (Mon)
**Academic Lrxccllencc Arvard (VC's and Dean's
l5 18 Dec (Wed)
Certif-rcate )
t6 Last Date of Payrnent for Final Exam 13 Jan 2024 (Mon)
11 Last Class Befbre Final Exam l4 Jan (Tue)
18 Issuing Admit Cards Before Final Exams 14-15 Jan (Tue-Wed)
19 Stud_v [)ar s l5-16 Jan (Wed-Thu)
20 Final Exam 17 lan-28 Jan (Fri-Tue)
2l Last Date of Grade Submission 30 Jan (Thu)
22 Publication of Final Results 3 Jan (liri)
,) Semester Break 01-03 Feb (Sat-Mon)
24 **Clr'll- Workshop 04-06 Feb (Tue-Thu)

Page 2 of 3 @*]
List of tlolidays 2024

SI Date Day Ilolid

xx*lntcrnational Mother Laneuage Da1- & Shahid
I 2l I'-cbruary, Wednesday
2 26 l;ebruarl Mondav *Shab-ll-Rarat
>k*,.llirth [)a1' ol'thc I]athcr
o1-thc Nation ancl National
-) l7 March Sundav
4 26 March " ^ lltoc cc I)
5 l4 April Sunclav *x*l)ohcla Iloishalih (llcngali Ncii, Ycar)
6 05 April I]riclav +.lurr'aturl Wicla
1 07 April Sundav *Shab-E-Kadar
8 l0-12 April Wcdne sdlrr -Ijridirr "l:ic'l-Lrl-lritr
9 l4 April Sunday *)ili<J)ohclo Iloishakh (llcngali Ncrv Ycar)
l0 0l Mal' Wcdncsdav Mar f)av
1t 22 Mar Wcclncsdar *Budha Purnima
12 l6-l8.lunc SLrn<Jar -'['ucsda t'[:ic'l-ul-Aclha
l3 l7 .luh Wcclncsdav 'k Ashura
t4 15 Ausust 'l'hursdav * {' Nalional
'o MoLrrnin D
l5 26 August Mor-rday *.lanmashtarni
l6 16 September Monda " I;id-l:-M iladunnabi
l7 13 Octohcr Sr-rnclar +
I)rr a
18 l6 December ., ., l,

19. 25 l)ecclnbcr W ('hristmas

*Sutrject to the Moon Sighting

** Tentative Dates
***University will remain open to observing National tlolidays %n\24\ottzrrr'l
Md. Saitut
Regrstrar (Acring)
Green Un iversi$' of Balf u,Je,:l

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