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Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

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A top–down approach to characterise aquifer–river interaction processes

Karen M. Ivkovic *
Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (iCAM) Centre, The Fenner School for Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: The interconnections between groundwater and river systems remain poorly understood in many catch-
Received 12 February 2008 ments throughout the world, and yet they are fundamental to effectively managing the quantity and
Received in revised form 6 November 2008 quality of water resources. Many of the techniques traditionally employed by hydrogeologists and
Accepted 7 November 2008
hydrologists rely on characterising the groundwater flow systems, topography, geology/aquifer systems,
climate and/or the rainfall–runoff processes within a river basin. These studies can provide useful process
characterisations that are fundamental to developing a physical understanding of hydrological processes
within a specified region. However, in many instances the findings are descriptive and the results are dif-
ficult to up-scale to the larger sub-catchment/catchment scale at which water is managed and allocated.
Aquifer Moreover, they may have significant time and cost requirements. An alternative approach is to collate a
River range of hydrometric data, that for many catchments may already available, and to then analyse data pat-
Surface water terns and infer processes from the data without being overly concerned about the details of the physical
Interactions processes driving the system taking a top–down approach. In this paper the river reaches in the semi-arid
Namoi River catchment in Australia were characterised according to three levels of information; namely:
(1) presence of aquifer–river hydraulic connection; (2) dominant direction of flux; and (3) the potential
for groundwater extraction to impact on river flows. The methods used to characterise the river reaches
included an analysis of: (1) groundwater and river channel base elevations using a GIS/database; (2)
stream hydrograph data; (3) flow duration data; (4) vertical aquifer connectivity at nested piezometer
sites; and (5) paired river and groundwater hydrographs. The data patterns seen in the stream gauging
station derived data for gaining, losing and variably gaining–losing river reaches were described together
with the general processes that operate in these systems. Subsequently, a map was prepared for the
Namoi River catchment river reaches indicating aquifer–river connectivity and dominant direction of
flux. The potential for groundwater extraction to impact on river flows was also assessed and found to
be a significant issue for the connected aquifer–river systems.
Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction systems have been written by Sophocleous (2002), Winter et al.

(1998), Winter (1999) and Woessner (2000), and the ecological
The interconnections between groundwater and river systems significance of groundwater–surface water interactions has been
remain poorly understood in many catchments throughout the discussed in Boulton et al. (1998), Brunke and Gonser (1997) and
world, and yet they are fundamental to effectively managing the Meyer et al. (1997). Groundwater extraction from aquifers that
quantity and quality of water resources. It has been well docu- are connected to river systems have been documented to reduce
mented that groundwater and surface water systems interact in river flows (Glennon, 2002; Ivkovic, 2006; Smakhtin, 2001; Soph-
a range of geological, topographical, and climatic settings, and that ocleous, 2000; Theis, 1941; Winter et al., 1998) through the pro-
many surface water features, such as rivers, lakes, dams, and wet- cesses of captured discharges and induced recharge. This has
lands, will have varying degrees of connection with groundwater implications for riverine and groundwater ecosystem health, water
systems (Sophocleous, 2002; Toth, 1970; Winter, 1999). Accord- security, aesthetic and cultural values, as well as for water alloca-
ingly, water moves as a continuum between surface and ground- tion and water management policies more generally. The decline
water systems and the use and/or quality of one resource can in river flows as a consequence of groundwater extractions has
impact upon the other. the potential to threaten river basin industries and communities
A number of comprehensive papers regarding the physical reliant on water resources. These risks will become greater as
interactions that occur between groundwater and surface water the pressures on river and groundwater resources continue to
grow as a result of drier than average climatic patterns and in-
creased economic development within river basins (Sophocleous,
* Tel.: +61 26282 5061; fax: +61 6125 8395.
E-mail address:

0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
146 K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

The identification of stream reaches that interact intensively or (3) they do both, gaining in some reaches and losing in other
with groundwater is fundamental to the protection and manage- reaches, or both gain and lose in the same reach at different times.
ment of such systems. There are numerous methods (hydrological, In order for groundwater to discharge into a stream channel, the
hydrogeological, tracer, GIS-based, and geophysics-based) dis- elevation of the groundwater surface adjacent to the stream must
cussed in the literature to identify and quantify interactions be- be higher than the elevation of the river stage. Conversely, for sur-
tween groundwater and surface water systems (Kalbus et al., face water to seep to groundwater, the elevation of the river stage
2006; REM, 2002; Smith, 2005). Each method will have its must be higher than the adjacent near stream groundwater eleva-
strengths and limitations. Some methods are better suited to tion. In both cases, there must be permeable material that will al-
small-scale studies because of the high cost and/or detailed process low this hydraulic head to move water. The direction of flux
characterisations which may not be easily or readily applied at the between groundwater and river systems will commonly vary along
larger scale (REM, 2002). The approach traditionally employed by a river reach and depend on the timing and the scale of analysis
hydrogeologists is to characterise groundwater flow systems, (Woessner, 2000).
topography, geology/aquifer systems and climate within a river ba- There is a degree of subjectivity in categorising a river reach as a
sin (Toth, 1999; Winter, 1999), and the knowledge of surface gaining, variably gaining–losing, or losing type of reach given the
hydrological processes may be limited. Hydrologists on the other continuum in the hydrological cycle and the dynamic variations
hand rely on characterising the rainfall–runoff processes, and often in both groundwater and river stage elevations in response to a
have little understanding of groundwater processes. In each case, range of factors. The types of interactions observed between
significant time and cost may be spent on explicitly characterising groundwater and river water change temporally and spatially in
the heterogeneity and complexity of the catchment hydrology. response to natural factors such as climate variability, which influ-
Whilst such studies may provide fundamental process characteri- ences the rainfall–runoff and recharge–discharge dynamics, and in
sations for developing a physical understanding of the hydrology response to anthropogenic factors such as river regulation and
within a specified region, in many instances the findings are groundwater and surface water extraction, which affect the
descriptive and difficult to up-scale to the larger sub-catchment/ hydraulic gradients between the two systems.
catchment scale at which water is managed and allocated (McDon- Groundwater extraction can cause the hydraulic gradients to
nell et al., 2007). Consequently, the interconnections between fluctuate during the irrigation season by lowering the water table
groundwater and surface water systems remain unassessed over and reversing flow directions such that a gaining stream becomes
large areas where detailed studies have yet to be undertaken or a losing stream. Groundwater extraction can also result in an in-
in cases where individual small-scale studies have not been aggre- creased frequency and duration of periods with reduced baseflow
gated to form a larger-scale perspective. through captured discharges.
An alternative approach to assessing aquifer–river interactions Losing streams can be connected to the groundwater system
is to collate a range of hydrometric data, that for many catchments by a continuous saturated zone or can be disconnected from
may be available already (such as stream gauging station and pie- the groundwater system by an unsaturated zone. An important
zometer data), and to then analyse data patterns and infer pro- feature of rivers that are not in direct hydraulic connection with
cesses from the data without being overly concerned about the the underlying aquifer is that pumping of shallow groundwater
details of the physical processes driving the system. In this way near the stream generally does not affect the flow of the stream
the use of existing data is the first step in assessing aquifer–river near the pumped wells (although unsaturated zone storage of
interactions using a staged approach in which varying techniques water may play a role in maintaining some degree of connectiv-
are used at different stages in the assessment, depending on the ity). Conversely, pumping groundwater from a connected aqui-
scale and study objectives. A data-driven, or top–down, approach fer–river system will impact on the local stream flow hydrology,
was first introduced to the discipline of hydrology by Klemeš reducing water availability for surface water users and riverine
(1983) and was described in the context of predicting overall ecosystems.
catchment response based on the interpretation of observed re- These broad types of interactions that occur between ground-
sponses at the scale of interest. This style of model building focuses water and river systems have been used to derive a qualitative
on attempting to learn from the data about how a system works classification system for river reaches by which to assess the
without being overly concerned as to the physical processes occur- data.
ring (Beven, 2000). Such an approach may give insights into the
key driving factors as evidenced by the data itself and the informa-
tion contained within the data alone. Classification of river reaches
In this paper a data-driven approach that makes use of pre-exist-
ing hydrometric data is used to characterise physical and temporal In order to broadly conceptualise the nature of groundwater–
aquifer–river interaction processes. The emphasis in this paper is river interactions, it may be useful in the first instance to classify
on rapid assessment approaches to assist water managers identify the basic types of interactions that occur along river reaches (Table
the physical and temporal interaction processes. The key objective 1). In this study the groundwater–river interaction processes were
of this research was to identify the regions along river reaches in classified according to hydraulic connection (Level 1) and the dom-
which significant groundwater and river water exchanges were inant direction of flux, or water exchange, between the groundwa-
occurring and to assess the cumulative effects of those processes ter and river systems (Level 2) based on the descriptions of (Winter
at the larger river reach (20 km) and catchment scales. The et al., 1998). A connected river reach system in this paper is defined
semi-arid Namoi River catchment was selected as a case study area. as having a length of river in direct contact with the underlying
aquifer via a zone of saturated material or by a narrow unsaturated
zone (Bouwer and Maddock, 1997). Further consideration has also
Groundwater–river water interaction: basic principles given to the potential impacts of groundwater extraction on a river
system (Level 3). Whilst the Level 3 impacts in Table 1 are some-
Rivers generally interact with groundwater in three basic ways what subjective, what is clear is that for the hydraulically con-
(Winter et al., 1998): (1) rivers gain water from inflow of ground- nected aquifer–river systems, the potential impacts of
water through the streambed (gaining stream); (2) they lose water groundwater extraction on surface water resources may be signif-
to groundwater by outflow through the streambed (losing stream); icant. This classification scheme builds upon the works of Braaten
K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155 147

Table 1
Classification system for aquifer–river interactions (adapted from REM, 2002).

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Hydraulic connection Dominant direction of Potential for groundwater extraction to impact on river resources
river–aquifer flux
Connected Gaining High as a result of captured discharge and induced recharge
Connected Losing Medium as a result of increases in induced recharge
Connected (may also be variably Variably gaining/losing Medium to high, as per the two categories above
Disconnected Losing No direct impact along disconnected river reach, although impacts will become evident at
groundwater discharge site(s) as a result of captured discharge

and Gates (2003) and Resource and Environmental Management sons, and generally exhibits a summer-dominated pattern. An-
(REM, 2002). nual average potential evaporation ranges from less than
The classification system outlined in Table 1 facilitates the 1000 mm in the eastern portion of the catchment to as much
development of a framework that can be used to qualify dominant as 1750 mm in the west (DPMS, 1996).
types of river–aquifer reaches and has been applied in the Namoi The Cainozoic alluvial aquifers of the Namoi River catchment
River catchment. are the primary source of groundwater within the basin and supply
both irrigation, stock, domestic, and town water supplies. In most
Case study area areas there are two aquifer systems identified within the alluvium
associated with the river systems, but in some areas there are
The Namoi River catchment (Fig. 1) covers an area of approx- three. The two main aquifers are an upper aquifer comprised of
imately 42,000 km2 in northeast-central New South Wales, Aus- mostly clays and silts and a lower gravel and sand aquifer. The
tralia. It is arguably Australia’s most developed irrigation area aquifers tend to being semi-confined, and have varying degrees
where the use of surface and groundwater resources support of vertical connectivity. The deepest alluvial aquifer is associated
substantial cotton and lucerne–alfalfa industries, amongst other with the Namoi River palaeochannel to the north of the present
various cropping regimes. The Namoi River stretches for over day river course.
350 km, flowing from the Great Dividing Range in east to the There has been a significant amount of data collected in the Na-
topographically flat west. Some of the major tributaries include moi River catchment dating back to the 1960s for both river and
the Peel, Manilla and Mooki Rivers, and Cox’s Creek. The princi- groundwater resources, making this catchment highly suited to a
pal water storages are Keepit, Chaffey, and Split Rock dams, be- data-driven study. Despite the large amount of data, no synthesis
low which the rivers are regulated. Average annual rainfall of the range of data available had been previously undertaken by
ranges from 1100 mm at the top of the dividing range in the which to assess groundwater–river interaction processes. The key
east of the catchment to less than 470 mm at Walgett in the data sets utilised for this study included river gauging station
far west. Rainfall is extremely variable between years and sea- and bore hydrograph derived data.

Fig. 1. Namoi River catchment, New South Wales Australia.

148 K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

Methods to classify groundwater–river interactions Flow duration data

The spatial and temporal scales at which the groundwater–river Two categories of flow duration data were used in this study
interaction processes can be assessed will be limited by the avail- including: (1) the percentage of the streamflow record with river
able data (location, number and type of measurements, dates col- flows recorded at the stream gauging station and (2) flow duration
lected, etc.). The aquifer–river interaction classification and curves.
mapping undertaken for this study was primarily conducted with The percentage of time the river flows gives an indication of the
the objective of providing a rapid assessment of situations where extent to which a stream is perennial, intermittent or ephemeral.
groundwater and river exchanges were occurring at the larger, riv- The definitions of these river types vary in the literature and can
er-reach scale (e.g. about 20 km distance between stream gauging be somewhat arbitrary. For the purposes of this research a peren-
stations) in order to develop an aggregated view of groundwater– nial stream is defined as having streamflows that are measurable
river interaction processes upstream of a gauging station. Hence, throughout the year, with the exception of drought periods when
the localised, small-scale variations in flux along a river reach were flows may temporarily cease. An intermittent river is defined as
not identified in this type of assessment. having measurable flows throughout most of the streamflow re-
The principle methods used to classify the river reaches accord- cord, but it may also be dry for some periods of time. An ephemeral
ing to the three levels outlined in Table 1 included: (1) a compar- river is one that flows occasionally, and at these times the stream-
ison of groundwater and river channel base elevations using a GIS/ flow is predominantly comprised of surface runoff. Assuming a
Database; and the analysis of ; (2) flow duration data; (3) stream similar physiographic environment, the longer the duration of
hydrograph data; (4) vertical aquifer connectivity from nested measured flow in a river, the greater the likelihood that baseflows
piezometer sites; and (5) paired stream and groundwater are maintaining river flows between rainfall events. Conversely,
hydrographs. the shorter the period of measured flow, the more likely it is that
A comparison of groundwater and river channel base elevations the water table is falling below the level of the stream. Thus some
using a GIS/Database was used to assess hydraulic connectivity be- inferences can be made about groundwater–river interactions
tween the groundwater and river systems. Vertical aquifer connec- based on flow duration.
tivity was assessed from nested piezometer sites, and these were The flow duration curve (FDC) for stream gauging station data
used to determine where pumping from a deeper aquifer might in the unregulated river systems provided further information
impact upon a shallower aquifer in hydraulic connection with about the relative contribution of groundwater flow to streamflow
the river system. The dynamic relationships between the aquifer as an aggregate response for the upstream catchment area. FDCs
and river systems were further assessed through paired stream display the relationship between a given value of streamflow dis-
and groundwater hydrograph data sets. charge and the percentage of time the given discharge is equalled
The two main methods used to infer the direction of aquifer– or exceeded. Although the use of FDCs in hydrological studies is
river flux within the unregulated river systems included: (1) the relatively commonplace, there is little published in the literature
use of flow duration data and (2) the shape of the stream hydro- on their use, and their potential has not yet fully been explored
graph, which provided a visual reference to broadly distinguish (Smakhtin, 2001). Although, in a recent study (Winter, 2007) FDCs
baseflow from surface runoff dominated periods within the were utilised to demonstrate the role of groundwater in generating
streamflow record. The hydrological data used in this analysis were streamflow in headwater areas and in maintaining river baseflows.
obtained from 35 stream gauging stations on the unregulated riv- FDCs can be plotted in a variety of ways. For the purposes of this
ers of the Namoi River catchment (Fig. 2). research, daily streamflow discharge data and the percentage of

Fig. 2. Location of stream gauging stations on the unregulated rivers of the Namoi River catchment.
K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155 149

time-probability for the complete length of the streamflow record river systems in the upper Namoi catchment (Fig. 2) using a filter
were plotted with streamflow discharges in log scale in order to parameter value 0.925. This type of filter is based on signal pro-
more clearly display the high and low ends of the curve and its cessing theory and has the objective of separating high frequency
slope. River reaches that receive a significant input of baseflow will quick flows, such as surface runoff, from low frequency flows, such
have a notable period of low flows characterised by a flat slope in as baseflow. The filter was used to provide a visual reference for
the low-flow portion of the FDC. By contrast, a steep slope suggests separating baseflow dominated components of the streamflow re-
a variable and/or low baseflow contribution. cord. However, because the filter is synthetic and has no real phys-
ical basis, it was used only as a general guide. It is important to
note that the filter always estimates a baseflow component, even
Hydrograph analysis during surface runoff events, as an artefact of the method of pro-
cessing. Whilst the filter does provide a degree of visual assistance
A typical stream hydrograph of discharge versus time can be in separating baseflow components of the stream hydrograph, its
separated into its component contributions of quickflow and base- use is not essential since the shape and form of the hydrograph
flow. There may also be an interflow component of streamflow gives a visual indication of runoff versus baseflow dominated
arising from rainfall that has taken a temporary, shallow subsur- events.
face pathway to the river; however, the interflow component is as- Some limitations in the use of hydrometric data must be kept in
sumed to be included within the other two pathways and is mind when using these methods. In the first instance, the distance
generally ignored in hydrograph analysis for reasons of practicality between gauging stations limits the scale of river reach mapping in
and identifiability. In this paper the term surface runoff is used to the unregulated systems (refer back to Fig. 2). The runoff and base-
represent the quickflow response to rainfall that is composed of flow events observed in the stream gauging station data represent
water flowing on the land surface. The term baseflow is used to an aggregated response of the losses and gains upstream of the
represent the slower subsurface discharges from catchment sto- gauge over the available data period. Most river reaches will both
rages such as groundwater. These terms, and the actual detailed gain and lose water, and consequently any baseflows evidenced in
physical processes they represent, are commonly debated by the stream hydrograph data will represent the net balance be-
hydrologists. Nonetheless, these are used in this study to broadly tween any gains and losses occurring in the river upstream of
distinguish between surface water and groundwater processes, the gauge over the period of data analysed. The total length of
and hence to assist with qualifying river-reach scale groundwa- the hydrological data record (Table 2) was evaluated in this study
ter–river interactions. in order to assess the longest time series response possible since
The recursive digital baseflow filter described in (Lyne and Hol- selecting synchronous stream gauging datasets alone would have
lick, 1979) was applied to 35 gauging stations on the unregulated substantially limited the data pool.

Table 2
Flow characteristics of unregulated river gauging stations.

Gauging station Record start Record end % Time river flowing Dominant fluxa
419072 08/05/1981 21/12/2003 44 Variably gaining–losing (mostly losing)
419004 28/04/1915 30/09/1970 94 Gaining
419081 05/07/1991 18/06/2003 100 Gaining
419016 01/07/1936 01/12/2003 95 Gaining
419037 19/06/1965 21/05/1977 99 Gaining
419054 17/05/1974 02/08/2003 90 Gaining
419055 21/05/1974 02/08/1989 91 Gaining
419070 25/06/1980 27/06/2003 99 Gaining
419032 05/06/1965 21/12/2003 38 Variably gaining–losing (mostly losing)
419033 09/06/1965 13/12/2003 83 Variably gaining–losing (mostly gaining)
419052 01/08/1972 21/03/1989 41 Variably gaining–losing (mostly losing)
419085 06/06/1995 13/12/2003 97 Gaining
419086 05/12/1995 15/01/2003 98 Gaining
419035 16/06/1965 05/12/2003 100 Gaining
419046 01/07/1936 20/11/1946 99 Gaining
419051 08/06/1972 14/12/2003 97 Gaining
419010 26/10/2027 10/08/2003 99 Gaining
419028 20/05/1965 03/12/2003 97 Gaining
419042 26/04/1968 27/11/1987 98 Gaining
419027 03/09/1957 21/12/2003 88 Variably gaining–losing (mostly gaining)
419034 10/06/1965 12/12/2003 87 Variably gaining–losing (mostly gaining)
419076 15/06/1982 08/07/2003 97 Gaining
419084 29/06/1994 21/12/2003 53 Variably gaining–losing (mostly losing)
419087 07/12/1995 14/01/2003 75 Variably gaining–losing (mostly gaining)
419031 02/06/1965 30/06/1986 99 Gaining
419008 05/06/1924 16/06/2028 100 Gaining
419038 22/06/1965 30/11/1987 100 Gaining
419030 28/05/1965 21/05/1988 98 Gaining
419047 27/05/1970 21/12/2003 97 Gaining
419050 01/06/1972 11/08/1992 52 Variably gaining–losing (mostly losing)
419053 23/08/1972 30/04/2003 99 Gaining
419005 10/12/1915 19/08/2003 100 Gaining
419011 15/06/1936 30/09/1953 99 Gaining
419029 22/05/1965 30/11/2003 100 Gaining
419036 17/06/1965 05/12/1986 86b Gaining
Based on analysis of flow duration data together with the patterns seen in the stream hydrograph.
Missing parts of streamflow record which has lowered expected value.
150 K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

Hydrological data are best analysed together with physio- distant shallow bores where there were no bores located closer to
graphic and anthropogenic (e.g. river regulation, dams, drains, the river. The potential for hydraulic connection was assumed to ex-
etc.) factors, and with an awareness of the limitations to the meth- ist where measured groundwater levels were within 10 m from the
ods. A key assumption in baseflow separation is that baseflow surface, which is the estimated difference between the elevation of
equates to groundwater discharge, although this is not always the floodplain and that for the base of the river within the Namoi
the case. For example, low flow discharges can be maintained catchment (Braaten and Gates, 2002). Whilst there are localised spa-
through the drainage of saturated soils, perched groundwater re- tial differences between riverbed and floodplain elevation through-
leased by springs, bank storages, surface water bodies, and other out the Namoi catchment, the use of a uniform figure of 10 m was
drainage systems in hydraulic connection with rivers, as well as considered reasonable given the uncertainties involved in using
ice and snow melting. These types of inputs to a stream may influ- either a 250 m or 25 m digital elevation model in the absence of de-
ence the baseflow signal in the steam hydrograph and can some- tailed surveys of the peri-stream region and because of the lack of
times obscure the ‘‘true” contribution of groundwater discharge observation bores located immediately adjacent to the river.
alone (Halford and Mayer, 2000). There are also a number of Hydraulic connection between the shallow aquifer and river water
anthropogenic factors that can impact on low flows, and hence al- was established, with some exceptions, for most of the upper portion
ter the natural baseflow signal. Some of the factors discussed in of the Namoi catchment from the town of Wee Waa eastwards
(Smakhtin, 2001) include regulated river flow releases from dams through to the upper headwaters of the catchment, and also towards
and weirs, land use change such as urbanisation, direct river the end of the catchment to the west of Walgett (Fig. 3). The remain-
extraction, irrigation return flows, and groundwater extraction. der of the river systems between Wee Waa and Walgett were consid-
ered as being disconnected from the groundwater system (i.e. with
Results and discussion an unsaturated zone between the river and groundwater systems),
although river transmission losses along this disconnected section
The groundwater–river interaction processes in the Namoi Riv- play an important role in groundwater recharge as determined by
er catchment were classified according to the three levels of infor- vertical subsurface hydraulic connectivity assessment through
mation outlined in Table 1. The application of the methods and the nested piezometer sites and paired bore and stream hydrograph
associated results are discussed below. data analysis. The veracity of the groundwater–river connectivity
mapping was further cross-validated by the methods used to deter-
Hydraulic connection – Level 1 mine the dominant direction of flux.

The first step in classifying the river reaches outlined in Table 1 is River–aquifer direction of flux – Level 2
to determine whether the rivers are in direct hydraulic connection
with the underlying aquifers. This was achieved through the use of The second level of the classification framework outlined in Ta-
a GIS and groundwater database. Hydraulic connection was assessed ble 1 establishes the dominant direction of flux between the
through comparing the differences in the elevation of the base of the groundwater and river systems. The general absence of surveyed
river channel with the elevation of the groundwater observed within stream gauging stations and appropriately located piezometers
the shallow observation bores (<40 m depth) located within 1 km of transecting the river systems in the Namoi River catchment meant
the river. Some extrapolations were also made using data from more that detailed groundwater elevation–river stage relationships

Fig. 3. River–aquifer connectivity and depths to groundwater within the shallow aquifers (<40 m) in the Namoi River catchment.
K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155 151

Table 3
Summary of hydrometric data and characteristics used in aquifer–river characterisation.

River reach classificationa Type of river Established hydraulic Flow duration (% of Flow duration Hydrograph characteristics based
system connection using GIS/ time river flows) curve shape on visual inspection
Connected-gaining Unregulated Saturated connection >90% Flat slope Almost constant input of baseflow
dominated by low throughout streamflow record
Variably connected–disconnected, Unregulated Variably saturated 75–90% Flat to steep slope Baseflow dominated flows
gaining–losing (mostly connection interspersed with surface runoff
gaining) events
Variably connected–disconnected, Unregulated Variably saturated 38–75% Steep slope Runoff dominated flows
gaining–losing (mostly losing) connection interspersed with baseflow events
Connected-losing Regulated Saturated connection Not applicable Not applicable Regulated flow releases
Disconnected-losing Can be regulated Unsaturated zone between Not applicable Not applicable Regulated flow releases and/or
or unregulated river and aquifer surface runoff events
Cross-validated through assessment of nested piezometers sites together with paired bore and stream hydrographs.

could not be established. Consequently, the direction of flux be- Bundella Creek is a perennial stream with river flows occurring
tween aquifer and river systems had to be inferred though other for over 98% of the record (Table 2). This type of river reach is char-
methods including flow duration and stream hydrograph data acterised by a stream hydrograph which has a constant, or nearly
analysis, as discussed previously in Methods to classify groundwa- constant, baseflow contribution to streamflow that is observed in
ter–river interaction. the filtered stream hydrograph (Fig. 4). Whilst this reach some-
The characterisation of river reaches according to the dominant times behaves as a losing reach during periods of streamflow
river–aquifer interaction processes and how these classes appear recession and, furthermore, the river is dry for brief periods of
in the data are discussed for selected examples. Table 3 provides time, this reach has been categorised as a gaining reach because
a summary of the hydrometric data sets used to characterise and it continues to flow through all but the very driest of periods with
classify river–aquifer interaction processes. low flows being maintained in the river over dry periods. Hence,
the river flows along this reach must be principally derived from
Connected-gaining reach groundwater discharges. The FDC for Bundella Creek is character-
A connected-gaining river reach is in direct hydraulic contact ised by having a flat slope (Fig. 5) that is typical of baseflow-dom-
with the underlying aquifer, and the direction of water flow is pre- inated rivers, with low flows (between 0.8 and 10 ML/day)
dominantly from the groundwater system to the river. The river occurring for over 80% of the streamflow record.
reaches in the Namoi River catchment were classified as gaining
reaches for the purposes of this research where they had river Connected variably gaining–losing reach
flows measured over 90% or more of the streamflow record and A connected, variably gaining–losing river reach is in direct
where connection between the aquifer and river was previously hydraulic connection with the underlying aquifer, although for
established (Fig. 3). The rationale behind selecting an arbitrary some periods of time the aquifer and river may become discon-
cut-off of 90% is that within a semi-arid zone such as the Namoi nected, and the river alternates between being a gaining and losing
River catchment, if river flows are maintained throughout 90% or river system. In a variably gaining–losing type of reach, a river will
more of the record, e.g. the river is perennial, then the size and initially lose water at the start of a rainfall event when runoff pro-
hydraulic properties of the aquifers must be sufficient to maintain cesses dominate. During wet periods and flood events the infiltra-
flows throughout dry periods and hence the gains to the river will tion of rainwater and streamflow provides a source of recharge to
be mostly derived from baseflow discharges. the underlying aquifer. Groundwater elevations will increase as a
An example of this type of river reach is provided using data result of groundwater recharge, and eventually the elevation of
from gauging station 419086 on Bundella Creek, one of the upper, the groundwater system may become higher than that of the river
headwater, tributaries of the Cox’s Creek (Fig. 2). stage. At this point the flow gradient will be reversed in the near
stream area, and seepage to the riverbed will occur in the form

Total Flow
Baseflow 10000
Cox's Ck @ Boggabri (419032)
Streamflow (ML/day)

Streamflow (ML/day)

Bundella Ck (419086)

1 1

0.1 0.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100









Flow exceedence percentages (%)

Fig. 5. Typical flow duration curves representing the probability of flows at gauging
Fig. 4. Typical stream hydrograph for a connected-gaining river reach, Bundella station 419086, Bundella Creek tributary to Cox’s Creek (perennial reach) and at
Creek, Cox’s Creek subcatchment (gauging station 419086). gauging station 419032, the Cox’s Creek at Boggabri (intermittent reach).
152 K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

of baseflow and bank storage discharges. When the baseflow com- 100000
Total Flow
ponent ceases, in this situation after the water table returns to a le- Baseflow
vel that is below the base of the river, the river once again looses

Streamflow (ML/day)
water and the river channel may dry out until the next rainfall– 1000
runoff-recharge event takes place.
The river reaches in the Namoi River catchment were classi-
fied as variably gaining–losing reaches for the purposes of this 10
research where they had river flows measured between 90%
(the cut-off for a perennial system) and 38% (the minimum flow 1

duration recorded in connected aquifer–river reaches within the

study area) of the streamflow record and where hydraulic con-
nection between the aquifer and river was previously established 0.01







(Fig. 3).
A continuum was observed in these systems between those
rivers that predominantly gain water through to those that
Fig. 6. Typical baseflow hydrograph for a connected-variably gaining–losing river
mostly lose water. If river flows were measured between 75%
reach, Cox’s Creek subcatchment at Boggabri (gauging station 419032).
and 90% of the streamflow record and the streamflow hydrograph
demonstrated baseflow dominated flows with interspersed peri-
ods of surface runoff, then the river reach was classified as a var- Connected-losing reach
iably gaining–losing river reach with a mostly gaining A connected-losing river reach is in direct hydraulic connection
subcategory (refer to Tables 2 and 3). If river flows were mea- with the underlying aquifer and the main direction of flow is from
sured between 75% and 38% of the streamflow record, and the the river to the groundwater system. The river reaches in the Na-
streamflow hydrograph demonstrated runoff dominated flows moi River catchment were classified as connected-losing reaches
with interspersed baseflow events, then the river reach was clas- for the purposes of this research where connection between the
sified as a variably gaining–losing river reach with a mostly losing aquifer and river was previously established (Fig. 3) and the river
subcategory. The logic behind the arbitrary division in flow dura- system is regulated. All of the regulated river systems in this study
tion of 75% for a mostly gaining versus mostly losing system is were classified as losing systems because regulated flows result in
that for a given physiographic environment, the shorter the per- elevated river stages throughout the irrigation season (over the
centage of time the river flows, the more likely it is that the water September–March period). The regulated streamflows thus pro-
table is falling below the level of the stream and hence the river vide a source of recharge to the underlying aquifers for most of
is more likely to be losing water. Rivers that had flows measure the year. Note the distinction for the purposes of this study be-
over less than 75% of the streamflow record demonstrated less tween a connected, variably gaining–losing river reach that is
frequent baseflow events in the stream hydrograph and hence mostly losing, versus a connected-losing reach. In the connected,
were considered to be mostly losing. The continuum in the vari- variably gaining–losing type of reach baseflow discharges provide
ably gaining–losing category of river classification was also re- a significant input of water to the overall streamflow volumes de-
flected in the FDC. The mostly gaining reaches tended towards spite the fact that over most of the record the river loses water to
having a flatter slope in the low flow component of the FDC the underlying groundwater. In the connected-losing reaches the
whilst the mostly losing reaches were characterised by having a artificially high river stage as a consequence of river regulation
steeper slope indicating a reduced probability of low flows and drives the flux of water from the river to the underlying aquifer.
a more variable discharge. Whilst at times connected losing systems may receive a gain of
An example is provided using data from gauging station baseflow, the dominant process is one that primarily encompasses
419032 on the Cox’s Creek at Boggabri (Fig. 2), which is typical stream transmission losses. Neither baseflow filtering nor FDC
of a connected, variably gaining–losing reach within the analysis was of use in classifying connected-losing reaches because
catchment. river regulation has altered the natural streamflow characteristics
The reach of the Cox’s Creek at Boggabri is an intermittent river of these river reaches.
reach where streamflows are recorded over 38% of the record (Table
2) and the FDC has a steep slope (Fig. 5) indicative of a variable dis-
charge. Whilst this river reach mostly loses water, it has been cate- Disconnected-losing reach
gorised as a variably gaining–losing reach in order to reflect the A disconnected-losing stream reach is characterised by having
important dynamics in flux which take place between the ground- an unsaturated zone between the base of the river and the
water and river systems. The stream hydrograph (Fig. 6) demon- underlying aquifer (Fig. 3), and thus there is no direct hydraulic
strates a number of short duration flows that appear as short, connection between the two systems. In these river reaches
sharp peaks in the record, assumed to be composed primarily of water will be lost via seepage through the base of the river to
surface runoff, that are interspersed with wider peaks representing the subsurface and the underlying aquifer. The seepage rate will
longer duration flows, assumed to be primarily composed of base- be limited by the hydraulic conductivities of the riverbed
flow. Whilst for most of the record this river reach is dry and/or los- material and unsaturated zone sediments. The reaches in the Na-
ing water (based on the flow duration data) one can see in Fig. 6 that moi River catchment mapped as disconnected-losing included
there are periods within the streamflow hydrograph when baseflow river reaches overlying aquifers where the water table for the
contributions to streamflow are considerable, lasting for more than shallow bores adjacent to the river were deeper than 10 m.
a year. Accordingly, this reach has been categorised as variably The depth to groundwater in the regions mapped as being dis-
gaining–losing, with a mostly losing subcategory. connected was usually less than 25 m, and so a degree of re-
Groundwater extractions can have an impact upon the aqui- charge to the semi-confined aquifers as a result of stream
fer–river flux dynamics, and some of the observed impacts of transmission loses would be expected assuming sufficient per-
groundwater extraction on baseflows at this site are further dis- meability of the river bed and unsaturated zone sediments (con-
cussed in Potential for groundwater extraction impacts on river firmed through assessments on vertical connectivity from nested
– Level 3. piezometer sites).
K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155 153

Map of aquifer–river reach connectivity and dominant flux (1994), Toth (1999), and Winter (2001). Nonetheless, the data-dri-
ven approach employed in this study has rapidly produced an
Through the application of the methods discussed above, a map overview of regional aquifer–river dynamics, which can be com-
of aquifer–river reach connectivity and dominant direction of flux bined with additional physically-based descriptive studies to add
was prepared for the Namoi River catchment (Fig. 7). This map rep- further process understanding. For example, some of the smaller-
resents the dominant aquifer–river interaction processes observed scale hydrogeological studies previously conducted in the Namoi
over the data record. The ungauged and unregulated river systems River catchment (Coram and Jaycock, 2003; Lavitt, 1999; McLean,
remain largely unassessed because of a lack of data. Although there 2003; Williams, 1985; Williams, 1997) were assessed in relation
are a number of regionalisation techniques that could be utilised to to Fig. 7 and they were found to cross-validate the data-driven out-
employ this framework for ungauged catchments, see for example put from this research.
Littlewood et al. (2003), it was beyond the scope of this study to The map shown in Fig. 7 can be used to assist water managers
perform such an analysis. with developing a greater understanding of aquifer–river manage-
The resulting classification of the river systems, by inference, ment issues within the Namoi River catchment and may be of
also incorporates features of the Namoi river catchment and its assistance in the prioritisation of integrated water resource man-
geology consistent with the reporting of Braaten and Gates agement objectives such as water quality, water quantity and eco-
(2003) in that: system function objectives. The perennial river systems that
comprise the connected-gaining river reaches might, for example,
 Disconnected river reaches tend to occur in the more mature have ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to altered low
middle to lower river reaches situated within unconsolidated flow characteristics (Brunke and Gonser, 1997). These river reaches
sedimentary deposits where the river is separated from the might also have unique salinity or other water quality parameters
underlying aquifers by an unsaturated zone (>10 m deep). These due to the proportionally larger baseflow discharges from the
types of reaches provide continual leakage to underlying aqui- underlying fractured rock aquifers that might also differ in hydro-
fers where permeable material exists between the base of the chemistry to those waters of the variably gaining–losing reaches.
river and the aquifer. Each type of river reach would be expected to have its own partic-
 Connected river reaches commonly occur in the shorter, less ular ecosystem function, water quantity, water quality, and water
mature reaches in the upper to middle parts of the catchment. security issues and have varying water management priorities.
These river reaches are generally gaining or variably gaining–
losing reaches where direct interaction with the fractured rock
or shallow alluvial aquifer occurs. In these reaches the ground- Potential for groundwater extraction impacts on river – Level 3
water system plays a critical role in the generation and mainte-
nance of streamflow. In areas with connected aquifer–river systems it is critical to
 Connected river reaches are also found in the lower, more understand the potential impacts that groundwater extraction
mature reaches of the major rivers where geological conditions, may have on river flows and to better understand the key driving
such as contrasts in permeability, impose regional groundwater factors that influence the dynamics of groundwater–river interac-
flows towards surface drainage features. tion processes. Groundwater extraction bores are commonly lo-
cated within a few kilometres of connected aquifer–river systems
The roles of catchment geology, topography, geomorphology, in the Namoi River catchment; especially in the upper, eastern
climate, and anthropogenic influences on the observed aquifer–riv- parts of the catchment. Consequently, the potential for groundwa-
er dynamics require further investigation. Ideally, it would be ter extraction to impact on river flows in the Upper Namoi River
appropriate to work towards identifying definable landscape units catchment is high as a consequence of both captured discharges
and their influence on aquifer–river exchanges along the lines of and induced recharge (refer to Table 1) and worthy of further
the works of Dahl et al. (2007), Larkin and Sharp (1992), Rosgen investigation.

Fig. 7. Aquifer–river reach connectivity and dominant flux in the Namoi River catchment.
154 K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155

In general, only the shallowest aquifers in an alluvial aquifer with a period of rapid increase in the number of properties using
system will be in direct hydraulic connection with a river. How- groundwater during the 1994–1995 drought, as well as the intro-
ever, if vertical flow components exist between a connected shal- duction of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Cap which placed
low aquifer–river system and a deeper underlying aquifer, then an upper limit on the volumes of surface water that could be ex-
there is the potential for the river and the deeper aquifer to interact tracted and resulted in increased groundwater use for irrigation.
with each other. For example, pumping from a deeper aquifer may The stream hydrograph during this period is characterised by hav-
result in a downward hydraulic gradient that reduces the water le- ing interspersed spikes of short duration flows, composed of sur-
vel in the shallow aquifer. Reduced groundwater levels in the shal- face runoff lasting only days, instead of the lengthier flows
low aquifer may alter the nature of the groundwater–river previously observed lasting months. The baseflow contributions
interactions by causing a gaining reach to become a losing reach to flow over this period are significantly reduced.
or by causing a connected aquifer-river system to become discon- From 1998 to 2000, groundwater pressures begin to recover
nected through the creation of an unsaturated zone. Hence, when during the post-irrigation season due to a return to wetter climatic
assessing the potential impacts of groundwater extraction on a riv- conditions together with a reduction in the volumes of groundwa-
er system, it is also important to assess vertical aquifer connectiv- ter extracted compared to the previous period. The stream hydro-
ity within a river system. graph during this period once again shows the streamflow events
The vertical connectivity between aquifers was assessed for 184 are of longer duration due to the increased baseflow contributions
nested piezometers sites and 140 paired stream and bore hydro- to streamflow.
graphs in order to further assess the potential impact of groundwa- The aquifers in this site demonstrate good vertical connectivity,
ter extraction on river flows. In the areas mapped as having with the shallower aquifers responding to the pressure variations
connected aquifer–river systems (Fig. 2), the nested piezometer arising from groundwater extraction in the deep aquifer. A more
and paired hydrograph sites also gave evidence of aquifer–river detailed study focusing on the climate, hydrology and groundwater
interaction. The regions mapped as having disconnected aquifer– extraction patterns provided a greater understanding of the rela-
river systems generally had hydrographs that demonstrated poor tionship observed between reduced groundwater levels and the
evidence of aquifer–river interaction. There were some exceptions, association with reduced baseflow events (Ivkovic et al., 2009).
however, within the disconnected reaches in the area between It is evident from this example, that in regions where aquifers
Wee Waa and Walgett where the hydrographs suggest that exhibit vertical connectivity, groundwater extraction from a deep
stream–aquifer interactions are occurring, and that river leakage aquifer can impact on the connectivity between the shallow aqui-
is recharging the underlying aquifers (evidenced from nested pie- fer and river system and result in reduced baseflow volumes. Thus,
zometer site data). Hence these data also validated the aquifer–riv- in the connected aquifer–river reaches of the Namoi River catch-
er characterisation mapping in Fig. 7. ment it will be important to quantify the temporal dynamics of
Fig. 8 provides an example of data for a connected-variably water flux between groundwater and river systems arising as a
gaining–losing river reach using the hydrograph for the gauging consequence of groundwater extraction, and to elucidate manage-
station on Cox’s Creek at Boggabri with a paired observation bore ment priorities for water allocation.
(GW036602) with three aquifer nests. The aquifers screened at this
site demonstrate good vertical hydraulic connectivity, with the
shallower aquifers responding to the pressure variations from Conclusions
groundwater extraction in the deepest aquifer. The groundwater
levels fluctuate in response to seasonal irrigation pumping, with One way to develop a relatively quick overview of large scale
the lowest groundwater levels found in late February, towards aquifer–river system interaction processes is to collate the range
the end of the irrigation season. Groundwater levels subsequently of hydrometric data that may already be available for a catchment,
recover to varying extents after the irrigation season, when the and to take a top–down approach to data analysis in which data
aquifers are recharged during periods with notable streamflow patterns are assessed and processes inferred from the data without
events (and the associated rainfall–runoff-recharge processes), as being concerned about the physical processes driving the system.
well as through equilibration of aquifer pressures post the pump- Then, once the aquifer–river interaction processes have been char-
ing season. acterised based primarily on data patterns, further detailed, more
The period 1993–1997 shows a pattern of groundwater levels physically-based studies can be undertaken targeting key areas re-
being increasingly drawn down over time, with less post-irrigation quired to meet scientific, policy or other environmental manage-
season water level recoveries evident. This period of time coincides ment objectives. This data-driven approach is particularly useful
in data rich catchments such as the Namoi River catchment where
pre-existing data may not have been synthesised to provide a
catchment scale perspective of basic aquifer–river interaction
Total Flow
Pipe 1 (15-19 m) In this paper the river reaches in the semi-arid Namoi River
Pipe 2 (55-60 m) catchment in Australia were characterised according to three levels
Pipe 3 (86-91 m)
100000 237 of information; namely: (1) presence of aquifer–river hydraulic
10000 236 connection; (2) dominant direction of flux; and (3) the potential
1000 for groundwater extraction to impact on river flows. A comparison


233 of groundwater and river channel base elevations using a GIS/data-
232 base was used to make an initial assessment of the connectivity be-
1 231
tween the shallow aquifer and river systems. The use of two types
0.1 230
0.01 229
of flow duration data, percentage of time with measurable flows in
the river and flow duration curves, were found to be particularly












useful in assessing the dominant direction of flux over the whole

of the data record. From an operational point of view, these data
Fig. 8. Paired bore and stream hydrograph for gauging station 419032 on the Cox’s are commonly available and it would make sense to see greater
Creek at Boggabri with nested observation bore GW036602. use made of them given the insights they provided in this case
K.M. Ivkovic / Journal of Hydrology 365 (2009) 145–155 155

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