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Chapter 7

Response of First-Order RL circuit and RC circuit

Prepared and Presented By Dr.Yousef Alarfaj


• The natural response of RL circuit

• The natural response of RC circuit
• The step response of RL and RC circuit
• A General solution for the natural and step responses
What is Natural
• The currents and voltages that arise
when stored energy in an inductor or a
capacitor is suddenly released to a
resistive network.
What is Step
• The currents and voltages that arise when
energy is being acquired by an inductor or
a capacitor due to the sudden application
of a dc voltage or current source.
Natural Response
of RL Circuit
• When the switch is closed (t < 0)

1. Independent source generates

2. only constant (dc) currents can exist in circuit
3. ⁄ = 0 → voltage across inductor = 0
4. Inductor appears as a short circuit
5. No currents flowing through or
flows only through inductor
7. Inductor is storing energy:
Natural Response
of RL Circuit
• When the switch is open ( t 0)

1. Inductor begins to release energy

2. Circuit reduces to circuit shown

3. Determine ( ) and ( ) for ≥ 0

Time constant ( )

• Definition: It is the rate which current approaching zero

• Equation:

• L is the equivalent inductance

• R is the equivalent resistors

• 
Steps to calculating Natural
response of RL circuit
1. Draw circuit for < 0
• Inductor acts as a short-circuit.
• Find ( )
2. State the known fact that the current in the inductor does not change

3. Find the time constant ( ) for t
• One easy way to find is to find from the point view
of the inductor
4. Use the equation

Example 1
• The switch in the circuit in Figure has been closed for a long time
before opening at = 0. Find the current ( ) for > 0.
Stop Here?
The Natural Response
of RC Circuit
• When the switch is closed (t < 0)

1. Independent source generates

2. only constant (dc) voltage can exist in circuit
3. v⁄ = 0 → current through capacitor = 0
4. Capacitor appears as open circuit
5. Voltage across capacitor is
6. Capacitor is storing energy:
The Natural Response
of RC Circuit
• When the switch is open ( t 0)

1. Capacitor begins to release energy

2. Circuit reduces to circuit shown

3. Determine ( ) and ( ) for ≥ 0

Time constant ( )

• Definition: It is the rate which voltage approaching zero

• Equation:

• C is the equivalent Capacitance

• R is the equivalent resistors

• 
Steps to calculating Natural
response of RC circuit
1. Draw circuit for < 0
• Capacitor acts as a open-circuit.
• Find ( )
2. State the known fact that the voltage in the capacitor does not change

3. Find the time constant ( ) for t
• One easy way to find is to find from the point view
of the capacitor
4. Use the equation

Example 2
• The switch in the circuit in Figure has been closed for a long time
before opening at = 0. Find the voltage ( ) for > 0
Stop Here?
The Step Response
for RL and RC Circuit
• The Step Response of RL
1. When (Switch closed)  Inductor
acts as short circuit  find

2. When (Switch Open)  Find

3. When  Inductor acts as short

circuit 
The Step Response
for RL and RC Circuit
• The Step Response of RC
1. When (Switch closed)  Capacitor
acts as open circuit  find

2. When (Switch Open)  Find

3. When  Capacitor acts as Open

circuit 
General Solution for
Step and Natural Responses

• A general equation can be written for both natural and step responses
for either the current or the voltage:

Steps for Natural & Steps
Responses of RL & RC Circuit
RL Circuit RC Circuit
1) Draw the circuit for (Switch Closed)
Inductor acts as short circuit Capacitor acts as open circuit
2) Draw the circuit for (Switch Open)


3) Draw the circuit for

Inductor acts as short circuit Capacitor acts as open circuit
Formula 𝑖 (𝑡)=𝑖 ∞ + [𝑖 0 − 𝑖 ∞ ]𝑒 ⁄
𝑉 (𝑡)=𝑉 ∞ + [𝑉 0 − 𝑉 ∞ ]𝑒 ⁄
Example 3
• The switch in the circuit in Figure has been at position for a long time
before moving to position at = 0. Find the current ( ) for > 0.
Example 4
• The switch in the circuit in Figure has been at position for a long time
before moving to position at . Find the voltage for .
Example 5
• Find ( ) and ( )for >0 in the circuit of Figure
Example 6
• The switch in the circuit shown has been closed for a long time and is
opened at =0. Find
1. The initial value of ( )
2. The time constant for >0
3. The numerical expression for ( ) after the switch has been opened
4. The initial energy stored in the capacitor
Thank You
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