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Group Assignment

Management Information System

By Prof. Siddharth G Majhi

Group Details
Case: - The Obamacare Website
Sl. No. Name Roll No.
1. APARNA JHA MBA/07/190

1. What is the purpose of the website?
Primary Purpose
The fundamental goal of the website (also known as the
OBAMACARE website) was to provide affordable health insurance coverage to all
Americans, either through the private or public sector, and to regulate healthcare
costs. Furthermore, the website was created to address the issue that around 31% of
every 1000 dollars earned went into health care administrative expenditures. They
were looking forward to finding a solution to the topic since it is a large GDP.
Furthermore, the research highlighted political motivations, with roughly 56 per
cent of Democrats likely to vote for a candidate who creates a better healthcare

As a result, it created a customized website in a federal exchange market (a

marketplace where buyers and sellers meet) to serve as a single platform for
acquiring multiple health insurance policies.

Along with these, it also provided the below-mentioned advantages: -

Individuals and small companies could use the website to acquire private
insurance policies through online marketplaces.
Through the website, providers may sell private regulated insurance policies.
Consumers were required to browse the website, compare the plans, fill out
a form to determine eligibility, and purchase the insurance coverage.
CGI was meant to create, which would carry out the
following duties.
✓ Welcome and validate user
✓ Create and secure an online identity
✓ Store personal information
✓ Cross-check income and immigration status
✓ Check qualification for subsidy
✓ Connect with a marketplace
✓ Advice on insurance options
✓ Purchase insurance
✓ Communicate with government agencies etc.

2. What are the various aspects going wrong in the website project?
Some of the significant aspects going wrong with are as follow: -
 There were reports of halted pages, dead ends, error messages, lost accounts,
loading delays, misinformation, and deadlines were falling behind.

 The infrastructure upgrade work was massive, and it had to be done under
ACA requirements, which called for either an update or a complete
replacement of existing IT systems.
 Struggles with contractors, employees, and software issues
 Some of the predicted causes were incorrectly estimated performance and
throughput needs, insufficient testing, pre-existing silos between project
stakeholders, and government inefficiencies concerns.
 Programs competed for political attention with those who did not want it.
3. What do you understand by integration? Why is integration so tricky?
Integration refers to combining various software and subsystems to create a single
system. Integration improves business operations and procedures and productivity,
and, ultimately, product quality. It enables more effortless connectivity across IT
systems, resulting in quicker information flow and cheaper operational costs. Some
of the integration problems are as follows:

Integrating monolithic systems: Many firms use monolithic architectural

systems. As a result, effective elimination of those systems is impossible.
Organizations rely heavily on monolithic systems since they are typically
older systems. These systems are tough to replace for integration. As a result,
the work becomes more challenging.
Environmental Changes: Software systems that have been integrated are
rarely the same as before integration. It is possible that integrated
components and subsystems are not adequately prepared for integration. As
a result of their inability to keep up with developments, such systems become
Different business units see data differently: Because their operational
responsibilities differ and they may use various systems or apps, each
business unit or business domain views data uniquely. It is OK from the
standpoint of a single unit, but a standard data model is necessary to connect
these systems throughout the organization. A systems integrator must fulfil
a company's objectives and go above and above to establish an integration
that delivers a consistent picture of data across the organization.

4. If you were creating a new system like, would you start with hardware
infrastructure decisions or business requirements? Why?

When developing a new system, such as, that will be used by

residents from roughly 26 states in an economy such as the United States. A proper
method must be devised. This is especially true when the network was designed for
relevant technologies and requirements years ago, and the business decides to adopt
new IT technologies to help it achieve its goals, but the business's existing network

was not designed to meet the requirements of these new technologies. As a result,
to accomplish the intended purpose of a given design, the network designer must
take an organized approach to the design. There are two techniques to network
analysis and design that are often used:
The top-down approach: The top-down design method streamlines the design
process by dividing design chores to make them more focused on the design scope
and conducted in a more controlled way, which can eventually enable network
designers to perceive network design solutions from a business-driven perspective.
The bottom-up approach: The bottom-up strategy, on the other hand, prioritizes
network technologies and design paradigms. Because the network will not fulfil the
company's requirements or applications, there is a significant risk of design failure.

A focus on a business-driven strategy must be added to establish an excellent

strategic design. This means a significant focus on corporate goals, technological
objectives, and current and future services and applications. As a result, our first
choice would be to establish all of the system's business needs before developing the
physical infrastructure.

5. If you were Sebelius, what would you do next, given that is a disaster?

Given that is a fiasco, I would be Sebelius. I would have opted for a
healthcare system with a single-payer. A single-payer healthcare system is an
answer to the challenges that Obamacare cannot solve. Because Single Payer is
government-funded, the problems caused by the present privatized system will be
solved. First, instead of perpetuating an unjust system in which families with
chronically sick relatives and lower to middle-class families pay an exorbitant price
for health care, everyone would contribute equally to funding the programme
through moderate taxes depending on one's capacity to pay. The federal
government's healthcare costs will gradually fall (PNHP, A Superior System...).

With Single Payer, patients will also have a free choice of doctor and hospital, and
doctors will recover ultimate authority over patient care. Finally, under a Single
Payer system, all U.S. residents would be automatically covered for all required
medical services, such as doctor, hospital, long-term care, reproductive health care,
medical supply costs, dental, preventative, prescription drugs, vision, prescription
drug, and mental health care (PNHP, What Is Single-Payer). As can be seen, Single
Payer is the answer to the challenges that Obamacare sought but failed to address.


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