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1. It is the coldest of all biome .

2. Comes from the finnish word tunturia
meaning treeless plain.
3. It is distinguished for its frost landscapes
,extremely low temperatures, little precipitation,
low nutrients, and short growing seasons.
4.Trees do not grow there .
5.Winters are vey cold.
6.Summers last for avery short time .
Characteristics of TUNDRA

1. Extremely cold climate.

2. Low biotic diversity.
3. Simple vegetation structure.
4. Limitation of drainage .
5. Short season of growth and reproduction.
6. Energy and nutrients in the form of dead
oragnic material.
7. Large population oscillation.
1.Climate type that imapct in this biome include extremely
short growing season 6 to 10 weeks and long ,cold ,dark
winters 6 to 10 monthswith meanmonthly temperatures
and low precipitation.
2.Snowfall is actually advantageous to plant and animal life
as it provides an insulating layer on the ground surface.
3.It has been called the land of midnight sun but even the sun
cannot warm the tundra much. The short summer last only 6 to
10 weeks. It never gets any warmer than 45 or 50 F
4.The warmer weather causes a layer of permafrost ice that
never goes away in the ground to melt creating bogs and
shallow lakes that donot drain.
5.They breed stinging insects which makes life even in the
summer miserable for the inhabitants of the tundra.
Types of tundra ‘arctic tundra ’

1.Located in the northern hemisphere, encircling the north

pole and extending south to the coniferous forests of the
2. Is known for its cold, desert- like conditions.
3.Yearly precipitation ,including melting snow, is 15 to 25
cm .
4.A layer of permanently frozen subsoil called
permafost exist.
Arctic tundra
Alpine tundra

 Alpine tundra is located on mountains throughout

the world at high altitude where trees cannot
 The growing season is approximately 180 days .
 Treescannot grow at this high altitude ,most of
the alpine tundra plant life consists of shrubbery
and small leafy plants.
Alpine tundra
Tundra temperature

The winters are extremely cold with

temperatures typically below -34 degree Celsius.
The summers last only about two months and the
temperatures are still very cold.
Average summer tempeatures range from 37
degree to 60 degree
Tundra soil

 During the short summers the top layer of soil may thaw
just long enough to let plants grow and reproduce
 Below the soil is the tundras permafrost a permanantly a
frozen layer of the earth
 The ground is always frozen beneath the top layer of soil
so trees cannot send their roots down
 In tundra soil is very low in nutrients and minerals
Tundra precipitation
The tundra is basically like a desert when it come
to percipitation. Only about 6-10 inches of
precipitation fall each year
 Insipite of the low annual rainfall arctic land
may be very wet bacause the moisture
evapurates slowly drainage conditions are poor.

 Growing close to the ground
 Having shallow roots to absorb the limited water
 Trees grow less than 1 meter high
 Large mammals are heavily insulated against the
cold and migrate to warmer areas in the winter
 Smaller mammals survive by burrowing during the
Animals and plants in tundra

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