Preparing for an Internship Interview at the Aga Khan University Hospital

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Preparing for an internship interview at The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) in Karachi

involves several steps to ensure you're well-prepared and can present yourself as a strong
candidate. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you:

1. Research the Institution

 Background Information: Learn about the history, mission, and values of AKUH.
Understand its role within the Aga Khan Development Network and its impact on
healthcare in Pakistan.
 Services and Specialties: Familiarize yourself with the hospital's key services,
departments, and specialties. Know about any recent developments, research, or
initiatives they are involved in.
 Reputation and Achievements: Look into the hospital's reputation, awards, and
recognitions. Understanding these aspects can help you align your answers with the
hospital’s strengths.

2. Understand the Role

 Job Description: Carefully review the internship description. Know the specific duties
and responsibilities associated with the role.
 Required Skills: Identify the skills and qualifications required. Be ready to demonstrate
how your background and experiences match these requirements.
 Learning Opportunities: Be clear about what you hope to learn and achieve during the
internship. This shows your enthusiasm and forward-thinking attitude.

3. Prepare Your Documents

 Resume/CV: Ensure your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the internship at AKUH.
Highlight relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments.
 Cover Letter: Write a compelling cover letter explaining why you are interested in this
internship, what you bring to the table, and how it aligns with your career goals.
 References: Have a list of professional or academic references ready, in case they are

4. Practice Common Interview Questions

Here are some common questions you might encounter, along with tips on how to answer them:

1. Tell us about yourself.

o Provide a brief summary of your background, education, and relevant
experiences. Highlight what led you to pursue an internship at AKUH.
2. Why do you want to intern at The Aga Khan University Hospital?
o Mention your admiration for their work, the specific programs or departments that
interest you, and how this internship aligns with your career goals.
3. What do you know about our hospital and its services?
o Share specific information about AKUH’s services, achievements, and impact on
healthcare in Pakistan.
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
o Discuss strengths that are relevant to the internship. For weaknesses, mention a
real but minor area for improvement and how you’re working to address it.
5. Describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it.
o Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your
response. Focus on a situation that showcases your problem-solving and
6. What are your long-term career goals?
o Explain how this internship fits into your career trajectory and how you plan to
contribute to the field of healthcare.
7. How do you handle stress and pressure?
o Provide examples of how you manage stress effectively, especially in a healthcare

5. Prepare Questions for the Interviewers

Having thoughtful questions prepared shows your genuine interest in the role and the institution.
Here are some examples:

 What are the main goals and expectations for interns in this department?
 Can you describe a typical day for an intern here?
 What opportunities for professional development and learning does the hospital offer?
 How do you evaluate the success of your interns?

6. Practice Interview Etiquette

 Dress Professionally: Choose appropriate business attire.

 Punctuality: Arrive on time or join the virtual interview a few minutes early.
 Body Language: Maintain good posture, eye contact, and a positive demeanor.
 Thank You Note: Send a thank you email after the interview, expressing your
appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the role.

7. Mock Interviews

Consider conducting mock interviews with a friend, mentor, or career advisor. This can help you
practice your responses and get feedback on your performance.

By thoroughly preparing in these areas, you'll be well-equipped to make a positive impression

during your internship interview at The Aga Khan University Hospital. Good luck!

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