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7/11/24, 8:26 PM Gmail - Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re:


Marie Landry <>

Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada -
JUSTIN TRUDEAU, Allies and Friends // So I received this and RCMP/CSIS doesn’t
do anything. No charges? I was told by RCMP that nazism was legal in canada.
[Warning: Neo-Nazi Imagery.., Threathening language, Insurectionist warmongering
directed at Canadian & US leaders. #RingTheAlarm #Time4ADrill
Marie Landry <> 11 July 2024 at 19:42

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 19:40
Subject: Fwd: Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re:
IS NAZISM LEGAL IN CANADA??? OPEN LETTER FOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU, Allies and Friends // So I received this and
RCMP/CSIS doesn’t do anything. No charges? I was told by RCMP that nazism was legal in canada. [Warning: Neo-Nazi
Imagery.., Threathening language, Insurectionist warmongering directed at Canadian & US leaders. #RingTheAlarm
To: <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Marie Landry <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 at 04:50
Subject: Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re: IS
NAZISM LEGAL IN CANADA??? OPEN LETTER FOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU, Allies and Friends // So I received this and
RCMP/CSIS doesn’t do anything. No charges? I was told by RCMP that nazism was legal in canada. [Warning: Neo-Nazi
Imagery.., Threathening language, Insurectionist warmongering directed at Canadian & US leaders. #RingTheAlarm
To: Anand, Anita - M.P. <>, Christine Guay <>, David Gordon Koch
<>, Francoise Blanchard <>, Go public
<>, McKee, Robert (LEG) <>, <>, Michael Dean
<>, PMO-CPM Minister | Premier Ministre <>, Petitpas Taylor,
Ginette - M.P. <>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>, <michael.duheme@rcmp->, <>, <>, <ps.ministerofpublicsafety-ministredelasecuritepublique.sp@ps->, <>

### Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada -


#### Overview

This report aims to address and expose the dangerous neo-Nazi ideologies espoused by Andrew
"Christo" Nelson, a self-admitted neo-Nazi residing in Cocagne, NB. The goal is to provide an
ethical, professional, and factual account of his actions, emphasizing that hate groups and hate… 1/17
7/11/24, 8:26 PM Gmail - Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re: IS NAZISM LE…

speech are illegal and unwelcome in Canada. This public lesson serves as a clear message to
Andrew and others like him that such ideologies are not tolerated and that he must change his


#### Background

Andrew "Christo" Nelson has openly admitted to being a neo-Nazi and has engaged in
transphobic, bigoted, anti-liberal, pro-Nazi, racist, and homophobic hate speech. His actions have
included threatening language towards multiple individuals, including prominent world leaders such
as Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden. As a result of his behavior, Andrew is now on a federal watchlist
in Ottawa.


#### Ethical and Legal Response

In Canada, neo-Nazi hate groups and the promotion of hate speech are illegal and contrary to the
values of equality, respect, and diversity upheld by the country. Hate speech, particularly when it
targets individuals or groups based on their identity, is a serious crime with severe consequences.
Andrew must understand that his actions are not only unethical but also illegal.


#### #MissionAndrew: A Public Lesson

1. **Understanding the Impact of Hate Speech**: Andrew must learn that his hate speech has real,
harmful consequences. Hate speech can incite violence, create fear, and perpetuate discrimination
and division within communities. The use of hate symbols, such as the swastika, and the
promotion of neo-Nazi ideologies are direct attacks on the values of human dignity and equality.

2. **Historical Context**: It is crucial for Andrew to understand the historical atrocities committed by
the Nazis, including the Holocaust, where millions of Jews, LGBTQ+ individuals (marked by pink
triangles), people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups were systematically murdered.
Glorifying such a regime is abhorrent and unacceptable.

3. **Legal Consequences**: Neo-Nazi activities and hate speech are monitored by national
security agencies. Andrew’s threats and hate speech have placed him on a federal watchlist,
making him subject to investigation by CSIS and the CIA. The authorities are vigilant in identifying
and addressing threats posed by individuals who promote extremist ideologies.

4. **Constructive Alternatives**: Instead of spreading hate, Andrew should redirect his energy
towards positive, constructive activities. This could include community service (like weaving
baskets in a psych ward bubble room), engaging in dialogues about diversity and inclusion, and
educating himself about the harmful impacts of racism, homophobia, and bigotry.

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7/11/24, 8:26 PM Gmail - Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re: IS NAZISM LE…

#### Message to Andrew

Andrew, your actions and ideologies are not only wrong but dangerous. You have chosen a path
that leads to harm and division. Canada does not tolerate neo-Nazi hate groups or hate speech. It
is time for you to reflect on your actions, understand the consequences, and choose a different
path—one that promotes understanding, respect, and unity.


#### Conclusion

This report serves as an ethical and legal warning to Andrew "Christo" Nelson and others who
share similar ideologies. Hate speech and neo-Nazi activities are not tolerated in Canada. We
encourage Andrew to seek help, educate himself, and transform his behavior. The community and
the authorities are watching, and any form of hate will be met with appropriate legal action.


#### Communication and Action

This report will be shared publicly, including on social media platforms, to ensure broad awareness
and to set a precedent for how such ideologies are addressed. The aim is to educate, warn, and
ultimately protect communities from the harmful impacts of hate speech.



#### References

For further information on the illegality of hate speech in Canada and the historical context of neo-
Nazi ideologies, please refer to the following sources:

- [Canadian Human Rights Act](

- [Historical Overview of the Holocaust](
- [CSIS National Security Threats](


By addressing Andrew's actions publicly and ethically, we aim to foster a safer, more inclusive

**Marie Seshat Landry**
* CEO / OSINT Spymaster
* Marie Landry's Spy Shop
* Email:
* Website:… 3/17
7/11/24, 8:26 PM Gmail - Public OSINT Report: Exposing and Addressing Neo-Nazi Hate Speech in Canada - #MissionAndrew // Re: IS NAZISM LE…

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 4:38 AM Marie Landry <> wrote:… 4/17
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CSIS & RCMP already in possession of these materials and effectively nothing was done as no charges were brought
forward and I was told nazism is legal and basically suck it up.

I was told he was put on a watch list by RCMP but charges and full investigation of his computer/cell should of been
done a year ago. Im telling you guys, We cannot let neo-nazis organize again. Nazism is illegal universally by
convention of they got their ass kicked.

Let me give my best shot here alright,

let's declare a Universal Declaration to address the prohibition of
Nazism and Neo-Nazism, recognizing the historical context and emphasizing the principles of
human dignity, equality, and peace.

### Universal Declaration Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism


Recognizing the catastrophic consequences of Nazism and Neo-Nazism, including genocide,

war, and widespread human rights abuses, and acknowledging the universal condemnation of
these ideologies following their defeat in World War II;

Affirming the commitment to the principles of human dignity, equality, and peace as fundamental
to global harmony and the prevention of future atrocities;

Emphasizing the importance of combating all forms of hate, discrimination, and violence rooted
in supremacist ideologies;

We, the representatives of the global community, hereby proclaim this Universal Declaration
Against Nazism and Neo-Nazism as a common standard for the dignity, freedom, and well-being
of all individuals and societies.

**Article 1: Right to Dignity and Equality**

Every individual, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality, has the inherent right to
be treated with dignity and equality. Nazism and Neo-Nazism, which promote racial supremacy
and hatred, are incompatible with these fundamental rights.

**Article 2: Prohibition of Nazism and Neo-Nazism**

Nazism and Neo-Nazism, including the promotion, dissemination, and adherence to these
ideologies, are universally prohibited. This includes the use of symbols, slogans, and literature
associated with these ideologies.

**Article 3: Right to Protection from Hate Crimes**

Individuals and communities have the right to protection from hate crimes and violence
perpetrated by adherents of Nazism and Neo-Nazism. States shall implement measures to
prevent, investigate, and prosecute such crimes.

**Article 4: Education and Remembrance**

States shall promote education about the history and consequences of Nazism and Neo-Nazism,
emphasizing the importance of human rights, tolerance, and mutual respect. Commemoration of
victims of these ideologies is essential to prevent their recurrence.… 14/17
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**Article 5: Freedom of Expression and Responsibility**

While freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it does not extend to the promotion of
Nazism and Neo-Nazism. States shall balance the protection of free speech with the need to
prevent hate speech and incitement to violence.

**Article 6: International Cooperation**

States shall cooperate internationally to prevent the resurgence of Nazism and Neo-Nazism,
including through the sharing of intelligence, joint law enforcement efforts, and support for
international legal mechanisms.

**Article 7: Support for Victims**

Victims of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and related hate crimes have the right to support and
rehabilitation. States shall provide assistance, including legal aid, psychological support, and
social services, to affected individuals and communities.

**Article 8: Monitoring and Implementation**

Mechanisms shall be established for the monitoring and implementation of this Declaration.
States and international organizations shall collaborate to ensure compliance and address
violations effectively.

**Article 9: Promotion of Peace and Unity**

States shall actively promote the values of peace, unity, and mutual respect among diverse
populations. Efforts to counteract divisive ideologies and foster inclusive societies are essential
for global stability.


This Declaration serves as a universal commitment to eradicate the ideologies of Nazism and
Neo-Nazism, uphold human dignity, and ensure a peaceful and just world for all. Through
collective action and unwavering resolve, we can prevent the horrors of the past from being

Signed, Marie Seshat Landry

IN THE END…ANDREW “Christo” NELSON must be CHARGED with hate speech, hate crimes, and needs a good
brain doctor…..!!!!!!

I wouldnt bother you if it wasn’t important. Thanks for standing for what is right.

I did two depositions with RCMP and one with CSIS… and nothing has happened so far. Unbelievable. Lest we forget…
I want answers in this case. He puts our national security and personal safety at risk as long as he is unaddressed. He
must be fully investigated. Go scrape his hard drives and dark web for mitigating this insurectionist threat.

Received this from my other friend last week. Andrew is big mad. I shouldnt have to deal with this guy alone. Im a
canadian citizen! Im not losing my life to this psycho lunatic incel whos mad I refused his sexual advances ☠️no lie,
please do something. Bust this mf.… 15/17
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**Marie Seshat Landry**
* CEO / OSINT Spymaster
* Marie Landry's Spy Shop
* Email:
* Website:… 17/17

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