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Questionnaire on treatment adherence of newly diagnosed

tuberculosis patients in Dalian

Hello! We are the tuberculosis (TB) patients’ treatment adherence research project team of Dalian

Medical University, and we are investigating the treatment adherence of TB patients. The purpose

of this survey is to assess the treatment adherence of newly diagnosed TB patients in Dalian and to

determine the impact of family function, social support, and national policy support factors on

treatment adherence. The data collected will only be used for scientific research and will not have

any adverse impact on you personally. We are asking you for your generous help. We assure you

that the content of your answers will be kept strictly confidential. If you do not want to participate

in the study, you have full right to refuse at any time. But your honest participation will have a

great contribution. So please take a few minutes to answer these questions. Thank you for your


Do you wish to participate in the study?

……Yes, I want to participate in the study (please go to the next page)

……No, I don’t want to participate

Thank you

- Questionnaire number___________________ signature _______________

Part I: Socio-demographic information and adverse drug reaction

No Questions Coding Categories Code

101 Sex 1. Male 2. Female
102 Age years old
Marital status 1. Unmarried
103 2. Married
3. Divorced or widowed
What is your highest completed 1. Junior high school or below
104 level of education? 2. High school or technical secondary school
3. College degree or above
What is your monthly income 1. <1000
(RMB)? 2. 1000-3000
3. 3001-5000
4. >5000
How long does it take you to get
106 to the medical facility from your minutes
Have you had any adverse drug
107 reactions while taking the 1. Yes 2. No

Part II: Adherence with medication treatment (© 2006 Donald E. Morisky)

No Questions Coding Categories Code

201 Do you sometimes forget to take your TB pills? 1. Yes 2. No
Over the past two weeks, were there any days when you
202 1. Yes 2. No
did not take your TB medicine?
Have you ever cut back or stopped taking your
203 medication without telling your doctor because you felt 1. Yes 2. No
worse when you took it?
When you travel or leave home, do you sometimes
204 1. Yes 2. No
forget to bring along your medications?
205 Did you take your TB medicine yesterday? 1. Yes 2. No
When you feel your condition is under control, do you
206 1. Yes 2. No
sometimes stop taking your medicine?
Taking medication everyday is a real inconvenience for
207 some people. Do you ever feel hassled about sticking 1. Yes 2. No
to your TB treatment plan?
1. Never
2. Occasionally
How often do you have difficulty remembering to take
208 3. Sometimes
all your TB medication?
4. Often
5. Always
Part III: Family support

No Questions Coding Categories Code

1. Never
How often do your family supervise you taking the
301 2. Sometimes
3. Often
1. Never
How often can your family give you spiritual
302 2. Sometimes
encouragement for TB treatment?
3. Often
1. Poor
303 How do your family members relate to each other? 2. General
3. Good
1. Never
How often can your family help you solve the problems
304 2. Sometimes
in your daily life during your illness?
3. Often

Part IV: Society support

No Questions Coding Categories Code

How many close friends do 1. 0
401 you have who can provide 2. 1-2
support and help? 3. ≥3
1. Poor
How do you get along with
402 2. General
your neighbors?
3. Good
How do you relate to your 1. Poor
403 (current or former) 2. General
colleagues? 3. Good
1. Poor
How is your relationship
404 2. General
with your doctors?
3. Good
How often will you
participate in the activities
1. Never
of organizations (social)
405 2. Sometimes
such as party organizations,
3. Often
religious organizations,
trade unions, etc.?
1. Inhalation of TB droplet nuclei
What do you think is the
2. Eat with a TB patient
406 main route of transmission
3. Shake hands with a TB patient
of TB?
4. Hug with a TB patient
1. After taking TB antibiotics for two weeks
When do you think TB
2. After two weeks of regular anti-TB treatment
407 patients become much less
3. When therapy is discontinued
4. No need for being treated
1. Early, joint
What do you think are the
2. Early, joint, right amount, regular
408 treatment principles that TB
3. Early, joint, regular, whole course
patients must follow?
4. Early, joint, right amount, regular, whole course
1. All types of TB can be cured
Do you think tuberculosis 2. Most types of TB can be cured
can be cured? 3. None type of TB can be cured
4. Have no idea
Did you know how many 1. Four months
months of treatment can 2. Six months
cure patients with newly 3. Eight months
active TB? 4. Ten months
1. Drug resistance, making treatment difficult
What do you think are the
2. Symptom decreasing
411 consequences of irregular
3. Being cured
anti-TB treatment?
4. Symptom disappearing

Part V: National policy support

No Questions Coding Categories Code

1. Unknow
501 Do you know the national TB treatment policy? 2. General
3. Know
1. Not too satisfaction
How satisfied are you with our national medical
502 2. General satisfaction
security policy for TB treatment?
3. Satisfaction
1. Not too need
How much more do you think it is necessary for the
503 2. General need
country to increase policy support for TB treatment?
3. Need

504. What other policy support do you think the country needs to provide for the treatment of TB


Thank you again for participating in this survey! I wish you a speedy recovery!

Investigate member: (signature) The reviewer: (signature)

Survey date:

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