Employee's Warning Letter

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Date: June 5th, 2024

Subject: Warning for Irregular Attendance

Dear Ms. _________________

This letter is to inform you that your work attendance has repeatedly been unsatisfactory despite
receiving a verbal warning from your supervisor. The records annexed to this letter clearly depict
how often you have been absent/tardy without prior intimation.
Your poor attendance, frequent lateness, or early departure from the office without checking out
is a serious concern that must be addressed, as this may impede other employees’ workflow and
affect our capacity to run operations smoothly. This written warning serves to emphasize how
serious an issue this is at Company Name and is an infraction of our company policy.
Please note that your performance evaluations will make mention of your frequent absenteeism
and pay deductions may be enforced accordingly. A copy of this letter will also be added to your
personnel file. If this attendance issue continues to be a concern and there appears to be no effort
to improve on your part, we will have to take further disciplinary action.
We strongly urge that you must take extra measures to overcome the said issues and avoid
further lateness/short attendance or leave days for the next {_______} months unless it is for
truly extenuating circumstances. If so, then you must provide a written explanation with your
supervisor’s approval.
We would also like to remind you that your health and wellbeing are paramount to us at
Company Name. Should you feel the need to explain any personal or professional issues you’re
currently facing, please do not hesitate to contact your supervisor or our human resource
officials, and we can explore possible solutions.

Management at Company Name


Date: July 4th, 2024

Subject: Second Warning for Irregular Attendance

Dear Ms. ____________,

With reference to the previous letter on subject “Warning for Irregular Attendance” dated
June 22, 2024, this letter serves as a second formal warning regarding your irregular attendance
at office for the month of June 2024, which continues to be unsatisfactory despite our previous
communications. You were specifically advised to take serious corrective measures related to the
subject matter; but unfortunately, there has been no significant improvement in your attendance
record since then.
Your still persistent absenteeism and frequent tardiness, without prior intimation, severely disrupt
our operations. This behavior violates our company policy and negatively impacts your
colleagues' productivity and the overall workflow.
As previously mentioned, your performance evaluations reflect your attendance record, and
further disciplinary action will be enforced if there is no improvement. Given the lack of
improvement, the management at Company Name decided to extend your probation period by
Two Months as a penalty. During this extended probationary period, we expect you to
demonstrate consistent and punctual attendance. Failure to show improvement will result in more
severe consequences, which may include termination of your employment.
A copy of this letter will be added to your personnel file. We hope that this second warning will
prompt you to make the necessary changes to your attendance habits.

____________________ __________________
Manager HR / Admin Director

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