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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies
STI West Negros University
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education
Major in Administration and Supervision


July 2022
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Academic performance is defined as how a student does well in

school. The student’s achievement is measured by a students’

performance using a variety of assessments which are cumulatively

reflected in the Grade Point Average (GPA). It indicates the extent to

which a person accomplished specific goals. The academic performance

of student may be affected by different factors besides their personal

characteristics. It is a general belief that the backgrounds of learners,

learning environment, parental support and availability of learning

resources are contributing factors to have the greatest influence on their

academic performance (Rabia, Mubarak, Tallat, and Nasir, 2017).

During the 2018 NAT result of grades 6, 10, and 12 showed “low

mastery” level were 37.44, 44.59 and 37.74 MPS, respectively. These

were below the standard mean percentage score of at least 75 set by the

DepEd. Moreover, the Global Competitiveness Report of the World

Economic Forum noted that Philippines where the country ranked 79th

out of 138 countries during the period 2016-2017 and 76th out of 137

countries in 2017-2018. The aforementioned facts are strong indicators

that Filipino learners are having difficulty in mastering the competencies

required of them curriculum (Jolejole-Caube et al., 2019).

Apparently, a global health crisis strike around the world which

cause many schools to temporary shutdown its operation. With this,

children lack daily access to school and the basic educational needs for

many learners. In order to sustain the delivery of quality education to

every school, the Department of Education implemented different

learning modalities to make sure that learners will continue to learn and

no child will be left behind (DepEd, 2020).

Modular distance learning is the major mode of delivery of

instruction used by the public schools all throughout the county.

Printed/digital self-learning modules are used and parents serves as

para teachers for the learners. Since there is no face to face classes, the

students only rely to self-learning modules, support and guidance of the

parents, and learning resources available at their homes in order to

learn. However, students are hardly to adjust with the new learning set-

up. They are instances that they don’t understand the lessons on the

modules because it has limited examples and no enough references that

can be found in books or online educational platforms. Likewise, their

parents has no time to guide them because they are also working.

As an educator, the researcher was motivated to conduct this

study to identity the factors affecting the students’ academic

performance on modular distance learning and proposed an intervention

plan. Likewise, the researcher was inspired to investigate a more

accurate analysis of why there are many of the students are not
performing well on modular distance learning and so to formulate plans

and activities for the students not only on academics but as well as

students’ well-being.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting Grade 10

students’ academic performance on modular distance learning at

Demetrio L. Alviola National High School, Bindoy District, Negros

Oriental for the school year 2020-2021.

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents according to the following


a. sex

b. parents’ highest educational attainment

c. average family monthly income

2. What is the degree of the factors affecting Grade 10 students’

academic performance on modular distance learning according to the

following areas?

a. self-learning modules

b. parental support

c. learning environment

3. What is the degree of the factors affecting Grade 10 students’

academic performance on modular distance learning when grouped

according to the aforementioned variables?

4. Is there a significant difference in the degree of the factors

affecting Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular distance

learning when grouped and compared according to aforementioned


5. Based on the result of the study, what interventional plan can

be proposed?


There is no significant difference in the degree of the factors

affecting Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular distance

learning when grouped and compared according to aforementioned


Assumption of the Study

The factors affecting students’ academic performance varies to a

certain degree.

Study Variables, Indicators, and Categories

Variables Indicators Categories

Biological Male
reproductive organ Female
Lower (Elementary/High
Highest educational School Graduate)
attainment Higher (College Level/
Average Family Family total amount Lower
Monthly Income of earning in a month Higher
Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored on Self-Determination Theory (STD). Self-

Determination Theory (STD) places its emphasis on learner’s inherent

motivational propensities for learning and growing, and how they can be

supported (Ryan and Deci, 2020). It provides the factors and

understanding on the broad framework to undermine and facilitate the

autonomous, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation and on psychological

and wellness particularly on the direct relevance and issues to

educational settings.

The theory provides self-determination on both the well-

internalized and intrinsic motivation from the extrinsic motivation array

that predict positive outcomes across levels of education and cultural

context that can support and enhance the psychological need of students

for competence, autonomy and relatedness. It helps the students to

motivate themselves in the new normal perspective of learning that can

constrain the impact of the institutional pressure. Teachers who support

students’ autonomy begin by attempting to understand, acknowledge,

and where possible, be responsive to students’ perspectives. It also

provide opportunities for students to take ownership and initiative of

their schoolwork, providing them with meaningful choices and tasks that

can engage their interests.

Teachers and parents play an important role in fostering student

motivation in distance learning, and can accomplish this by encouraging

student autonomy, by ensuring learning, and by being involved

interpersonally. In distance learning, teachers and parents will provide

students with emotional and motivational support such as pedagogical

caring, involvement closeness, acceptance, and help, and foster the

development of trust relationships among students in collaborative

learning environments and in small discussion groups. Then, students

will feel more welcome, safe, efficacious, and autonomous, and will

internalize their experience and evince greater engagement. Good

teacher–student relationships can encourage students to participate in

course activities, foster students’ positive feelings toward the course and

its activities, give students confidence to complete challenging tasks, and

encourage students to speak up regarding their learning needs (Vollet et

al., 2017).

As linked in the present study, the students are determined and

motivated perform well in academic if they have proper support from

teachers by providing quality learning resources as well as parents’

emotional and psychological for students’ well-being.

Conceptual Framework

This study was to determine the factors affecting Grade 10

students’ academic performance on modular distance learning at

Demetrio L. Alviola National High School, Bindoy District, Negros

Oriental for the school year 2020-2021. Academic performance is defined

as how a student does well in school. The student’s achievement is

measured by a students’ performance using a variety of assessments

which are cumulatively reflected in the Grade Point Average (GPA). There

are a variety of factors that affect students’ academic performance. Some

of these factors includes learning environmental, teachers’ effectiveness,

and parental support.

In the present study, the degree of factors affecting students’

academic performance is divided in three areas: self-learning modules,

parental support and learning environment. Self-learning modules are

individualized instruction that allows learners to use printed or digital

format to support learners’ educational needs in the new normal

education. Parental support involves the ability to guide their children in

doing learning activities in the modules, quality time and child’s learning

needs. Learning environment refers to home and community

environment which could affects students’ academic performance. This

areas have being identified because the researcher hopes that by analyzing

this areas the deep insides on the factor for student poor performance can

be revealed, thus guide towards improvement of school performance in

terms of academic of the school.

The degree of factors affecting the students’ academic performance

on modular distance learning was categorized into “very high degree”,

“high degree”, moderate degree”, “low degree” and “very low degree”.
Profile of the students such sex, parents’ highest educational

attainment and average family income was also considered to determine

if significant difference existed on the degree of factors affecting students’

academic performance on modular distance learning.

Scope of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine the degree of factors affecting

students’ academic performance on modular distance learning at

Demetrio L. Alviola National High School, Bindoy District, Negros

Oriental for the school year 2020-2021. The study will used Descriptive

Research Design using a researcher–made questionnaire and will be

subjected for validity and reliability testing. The respondents of the study

are the Grade10 students of Demtrio L. Alviola National High School.

Analytical schemes will be use are descriptive and comparative

procedures. In the treatment of data, frequency, percentage, mean, and

Mann Whitney U test will be used. The data gathered will be processed

by the use of SPSS software. An intervention plan will be crafted based

on the results of the study.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that the findings of this study may help the


School Division Superintendents

The present study may provide the presents DepEd officials to be

aware of the present condition/situation on the implementation of

modular distance learning and addressed the issues and problems by

crafting a plan or program.

Curriculum Implementation Division Personnel

The findings of the study will lead them to initiate provision and

availability of quality learning modules, teaching resources, and

instructional support materials for teachers. Likewise, to develop

contextualized and localized learning resources by learning areas.

School Governance and Operation Division Personnel

The results of the study will provide a concrete guide to what

intervention plan/programs to implement to address the issues

concerning on the implementation of modular distance learning.

School Heads

The findings of the study will guide the administrators or their

educational planners in adopting policies and programs to improve the

academic performance.


The parents will be aware of the problems of their children and the

effects of these on their academic performance. It will help them to speak

for their children and motivate them in their studies in order to achieve

higher academic performance. It would also help parents to become

aware of their responsibility not only on the financial aspect but as well

as on the emotional, psychological and moral aspect.


The teachers can improve and change their teaching strategies and

techniques to suit the needs of their learners. It will also aid teachers in

establishing better rapport with learners which can ultimately lead to

learners' better performance.


The students will be aware of the different factors influencing their

academic performance and take step in improving themselves.

Local Government Units

The findings of this study will encourage stakeholders to help the

school especially in extending help based on the present needs of the

school in distance learning that they motivate to take part in whatever

activities in the school.

Present Researcher

This study will serve as a basis for present researchers to undergo

similar studies on the different factors influencing learners’ academic


Future Researchers

Results of this study will motivate other researchers to do further

researches on the factors that influence learners’ academic performance.

Definition of Terms

In order to facilitate better understanding of the study, key terms

are enumerated and defined in the manner they are used in this study.

Academic Performance

This term refers to as a measure of success as to how well a

student meets a standards set out by government and the institution

itself (Bell, 2017).

Operationally, the terms refers to the average rating obtain by the

Grade 10 students in Demetrio Alviola National High School during the

school year 2020-2021.

Average Family Monthly Income

The term is defined as the measure of the combined incomes of all

people sharing a particular household or place of residence (Dahl and

Lochner, 2015).

In this study, it refers to the combined income of household

members from which students of Demetrio Alviola National High School

who were respondents of the study are from.

Intervention Plan

The term means a plan designed to improve the progress of

students determined to be not making satisfactory progress.

In this study, it refers to the plan to be developed to enhance the

academic performance of the Grade 10 students.

Learning Environment
The term refers to physical conditions needed for learning. One of

the factors that affect the efficiency of learning is the condition in which

learning takes place (Mondal, 2018).

In this study, it refers to the learning conditions of the students

that influence in the academic performance.

Modular Distance Learning

The terms refers to the individualized instruction that allows

learners to use SLMs in print or digital format, whichever is applicable in

the context of the learner, and other learning resources like learner’s

materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other study

materials. Learners access electronic copies of learning materials on a

personal computer (PC), tablet PC, or smartphone. CDs, DVDs, USB

storage, and computer-based applications can all be used to deliver e-

learning materials, including offline e-books. The teacher takes the

responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners

may ask assistance from the teacher via email, telephone, text

message/instant messaging, etc. Where possible, the teacher shall do

home visits to learners needing remediation or assistance. Any member

of the family or other stakeholders in the community need to serve as

para-teachers (DepEd, Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-

LCP), 2020).
As used in this study, refers to a learning delivery modality where

learning takes place between the teacher and the students who are

geographically remote from each other during instruction.

Parental Support

The term refers to that support that satisfies children’s

fundamental needs for acceptance, belonging, and love from his or her

family in their education.

In this study, it refers to the material and social support given to

their children’s educational needs to improve academic performance.

Parents’ Highest Educational Attainment

It is defined as the highest grade completed within the most

advanced level attended in the educational system of the country where

the education was received (Connelly, 2016).

As used in this study, it refers to the highest educational

qualifications of parents of the student. It may either be college graduate,

high school graduate or elementary graduate.


It is defined as the assemblage characterized by the presence of a

male and female genitals and physical distinctions (Cambridge English

Dictionary, 2015).

The term operationally used in this study, refers to biological

difference of the students either male or female.

Self-Learning Modules
The term refers to the form of individualized instruction that

allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital

format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the context of the

learner and other learning resources like Learner’s Materials, textbooks,

activity sheets, study guides, and other study materials (DepEd, Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), 2020).

In this study, it refers to the individualized instruction printed

materials used by teachers to support in the teaching and learning

process in the modular distance learning.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the conceptual and research literature which

the researcher reviewed in order to give him background on the study.

Likewise related concepts and studies that have significant bearings to

the study conducted are also presented. These concepts and studies are

related to the present investigation as to its major variable which are the

factors affecting students’ academic performance.

Conceptual Literature


Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance. Academic

performance is defined as how a student does well in school. The

student’s achievement is measured by a students’ performance using a

variety of assessments which are cumulatively reflected in the Grade

Point Average (GPA). There are a variety of factors that affect student

academic performance. Some of these factors include a) classroom

environment factors, such as teachers’ effectiveness in the classroom,

and teacher and student relationship; b) students’ factors such as,

student academic interaction and study habits c) peer relationship; and

d) home environment which includes parental support (Rabia, Mubarak,

Tallat, & Nasir, 2017).

Rashid (2018) stressed that students’ academic performance is a

dynamic phenomenon as there are a number of different factors that

affect a student’s performance. Such effect of each of these factors varies

from student to student and context to context. One specific factor that

has received attention from the teacher’s attitude towards teaching. The

authors have argued that a student’s motivation, attitude towards

school, their willingness to do homework and confidence in their learning

behavior are all a factor of the teacher’s attitude of teaching towards the

students. These instrumental factors collect together to shape a pupil’s

personality over time, therefore, argue the authors, that teacher’s

attitude has long lasting impact on the student, well beyond his or her

academic career.

In general parlance, academic achievement is the level of learning

outcome in a particular area of subject in relation to knowledge,

understanding, skill and application which are usually evaluated by

concerned teachers in the form of test scores and examination.

Academic achievement is defined as, “knowledge attained or skills

developed in the school subjects, usually designated by test scores or by

marks assigned by teachers or both.” It is also considered as a key

instrument through which students learns about their talents and

competencies which are recognized as an essential part of developing

career aspirations (Hasan, 2016).

Another factor that affects students’ performance is the availability

of quality learning resources. Quality Learning Materials/Resources

influence students learning outcomes and enhance the morale of the

teachers. Quality teaching and learning resources in education cannot be

attained in an environment that is over stretched in regard to

teaching/learning materials, teachers and physical facilities. This is in

view of the fact that the teacher cannot address the needs of individual

learners. Inadequate teaching/learning resources will reduce the

teachers’ interaction with the pupils. For instance UNESCO (2015) report

notes that, in congested learning environments teachers will tend to give

few assignments. Moreover, they are likely to ask pupils to exchange

books and carry out the marking exercise since the books may be needed

in the next lesson. As a result, the teacher may end up not assisting slow

pupils (Kigotho, 2015).

Learning materials/resources have been observed as a powerful

strategy to bring about effective teaching and learning. The importance of

quality and adequate instructional materials in teaching and learning

can occur through their effective utilization during classroom teaching.

Instructional materials here include all the tools that the teachers can

use to make the learning more interesting and memorable (Tety, 2016).
For many years, the importance and need for parental involvement

in education has been well recognized (Ravitch, 2016). In fact, there is

a significant shortage of parent participation at the secondary level that

may negatively affect academic progress and high school completion.

Current researchers continue to investigate the influence of parental

involvement on student achievement, accountability, and attendance.

Patel and Agbenyega (2016) recognized parent involvement as “the

participation of parents in every facet of children’s education and

development from birth to adulthood”. Therefore, it is imperative for

educators to continue to find ways and to encourage parents to become

involved in the educational process of their children regardless of social

and socio-economic challenges.

Additionally, there are lower rates of school incompletion and

better self-confidence among students when teachers have better

classroom management and when parents participate more (Moon &

Hofferth, 2016). Parents likewise profit from actively participating at

their children’s school. As parents become more involved, they gain a

better comprehension of school, they empower the communication with

their children, they have constant access to needed services, and they

strengthen their self-efficacy and sense of empowerment. Parental

involvement is a term used to describe a wide variety of parental

practices, ranging from educational beliefs and academic achievement

expectations to the multiple behaviors parents use to advance children’s

academic achievement and other educational outcomes. It can

encompass a variety of actions, such as assisting with homework,

attending school functions, discussing academic expectations, and

communicating with faculty and staff at their child’s school (Leithwood

& Patrician, 2015). Children have the capacity to learn at an early age,

and parents are usually their child’s first teacher (Kurtulmus, 2016).

Meanwhile, Furstenberg and Hughes (2015) suggested that

environment and the personal characteristics of learners play also an

important role in their academic success. The school personnel,

members of the families and communities provide help and support to

students for the quality of their academic performance. This social

assistance has a crucial role for the accomplishment of performance

goals of students at school. Besides the social structure, parents’

involvement in their child’s education increases the rate of academic

success of their child.

The forces of environment begin to influence the growth and

development of the individual right from the womb of the mother.

Educational process of development occurs in physical, social, cultural

and psychological environment. A proper and adequate environment is

very much necessary for a fruitful learning of the child. Especially the

home and the school should provide the necessary stimulus for learning

experience. The child spends most of his time in school and here his
environment is exerting a different influence on performance through

curricula, teaching techniques, relationship (Laurence, 2016).

Whether the learning environment is in a school, center, or home,

the adults who interact with children play a key role in what children do,

accomplish, or learn from any experience. Adult communication and

relationships with children are critical elements of the climate or

environment, as are children’s relationships in terms of communication

with their peers (Sheridan and Kim, 2015).

Children need safe, healthy and stimulating environment in which

to grow and learn. During the school year, children can spend 6 to 8

hours at the school where the environment plays a significant/critical

role in child development. More of the time is spent in the school yard or

travelling to and from school. This condition requires careful planning

and designing to optimize experiences that support education, health

and stewardship. Therefore, the school environment is of paramount

importance in shaping and reshaping intellectual ability. However,

supportive and favorable school environment enriched with enough

learning facilities, and favorable climate makes students more

comfortable, more concentrated on their academic activities that resulted

in high academic performance. The forces of the environment begin to

influence growth and development of the individual right from the womb

of his mother. The educational process of development occurs in

physical, social, cultural and psychological environment. A proper and

adequate environment is very much necessary for a fruitful learning of

the child. The favorable school environment provides the necessary

stimulus for learning experiences. The children spend most of their time

in school, and this school environment is exerting influence on

performance through curricular, teaching technique and relationship

(Usaini, et al (2015).

Further, according to Orlu (2015), learning environment has a

significant influence on academic performance. The location of the school

affects students’ performance. For example, when a school is sited in a

noisy area like an airport or in the heart of a city where activities disrupt

the teaching-learning of the student. One will not expect such students

in this area to be doing well academically. Noise in anything interferes

with teaching/learning process. However, the physical structure of the

school building and the interactions between teachers and students are

also influence students’ performance. School climate can be a positive

influence on the health of the learning environment or a significant

barrier to learning. The school environment can affect many areas and

people within schools. For example, a positive school climate has been

associated with fewer behavioral and emotional problems for students.

Therefore, it is believed that positive interpersonal relationship and

optional learning opportunities for students in all demographic

environments can increase achievement behavior. Positive student

teacher relationship brings about a positive and supportive school

climate for students for smooth running of academic activities which

results in good academic performance.


Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance. There are

several factors affecting the student’ academic performance. Some are

home, school, teacher and student factors. Most of the factors are home

related: family size, financial burden, work at home, parental attitude

towards education and parenting style. When it comes to school, the

relationship between the teacher and the students and the distance of

the school from home are some factors that affect. However, the student

himself or herself contributes to the case particularly the peer group

influence. It reflects the student’s values and priorities when it comes to

the life’s choice to study hard and give focus on the study. The teacher

qualities and capabilities also affect the performance of the students in

their studies. Some of the attributes of the teacher like teaching

experience, teacher attitude towards students, and teacher training can

highly affect the student’s perception on the study (Garcia, 2017).

According to Pardillo (2020), quality learning resources/materials

are primarily tool that facilitates the process of learning for both the

teachers and the students. Effective usage of proper learning resources

help the students to construct more than superficial knowledge that is

building in depth knowledge on a particular subject and also developing

their individual learning strategies, values, attitudes and generic skills. It

is important to use proper learning resources in the teaching process in

order to build a solid foundation for lifelong learning.

The importance of learning resources is to improve students’

knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of

information, and to contribute to their overall development and

upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain

student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share

experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more

permanent. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching

effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they

can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter (Marbas,


Parents play a very important role in the learning process. They

should effect their presence and availability in times that learners needs

their presence. They should support and sustain the studies of their

children through financial stability. But more than that is the affection,

the love, and care that student must feel so that they will be inspired to

go further in their studies. In same perception, the parent’s income or

social status can positively affect the student’s performance in school

(Garcia, 2017).

Many factors can affect student's quality of academic achievement

may it be inside or outside the school premises. These factors may be

termed as student factors—family factors, school factors and peer

factors. Besides other factors, socio-economic status is one of the most

researched and debated factors that contribute towards the academic

performance of students. The most prevalent argument is that the

socioeconomic status of learners affects the quality of their academic

performance. Most of the experts argue that the low socioeconomic

status has a negative effect on the academic performance of students

because the basic needs of students remain unfulfilled and hence they

do not perform better academically (Junio and Liwag, 2016).

Orillosa (2015), detailed that Parents has an important role on

their child’s academic achievement. Once the child is placed in schools,

the parents‟ role is deepened due to the various modes of assessments

used by schools. Given this situation, parents must provide

opportunities at home where children can further hone their skills to

increase academic performance. This is especially true among parents

who are full time in taking care of their own child. They are much

concerned about the kind of assessment that their child will engage. The

seriousness of schools in the conduct of assessment places the parents

in a situation to mimic the kind of assessment done by schools. These

practices need to be documented in order to situate parental involvement

factors within a more specific context in education such as assessment.

Parents’ role in making appropriate and high-quality environment

are important to be noted in order to assess learning in its totality.

Parents‟ involvement in children’s early academic development is

necessary to investigate in order to establish the influence of family in a

child’s academic life. Parents’ involvement is malleable variable that can

be changed. This malleability has been its distinct quality, which makes

the parents‟ engagement more reasonable to be interrogated (Ortiz,


Students’ learning outcomes are affected by their educational

experiences. These experiences depend on various factors like

intellectual capacity, social interactions, emotional and environmental

settings. In the Philippines, many criticisms have been told on the

quality of public school education. Most common includes the

competence of teachers and the quality of learning environment that are

significant to pupils’ everyday learning. If schools do not have facilities,

teachers and other learning resources, the learning of pupils might be

adversely affected. A lot of concerned people see that the provisions of

good school environment will make a big difference in improving the

quality of education. Heeding the call for regionalization and

globalization, international standards are tried to meet so Filipino

learners and teachers can be at par with their counterparts worldwide

(Cardenas and Cerado, 2016).

Further, Lansangan et al. (2015) stated that the quality of learners’

performance remains at top priority for educator, trainers, and

researchers who have long been interested in exploring variables are

inside and outside school that affect learners’ quality of academic

achievements such as demographic profile of the learners, family factors

and teachers factor that emphasized on how the teacher give quality of

instructions in teaching.

Research Literature


Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance. Gopang,

Singh and Aggarwal (2021), conducted a study to identify the factors

affecting students’ satisfaction and performance regarding online classes

during the pandemic period of COVID–19 and to establish the

relationship between these variables. The results show that four

independent factors used in the study viz. quality of instructor, course

design, prompt feedback, and expectation of students positively impact

students’ satisfaction and further student’s satisfaction positively impact

students’ performance. For educational management, these four factors

are essential to have a high level of satisfaction and performance for

online courses. This study is being conducted during the epidemic period

of COVID- 19 to check the efect of online teaching on students’


Gonzalez, et al (2020), conducted a study on the influence of

COVID-19 confinement on students’ performance. The results show that

there is a significant positive effect of the COVID-19 confinement on

students’ performance. This effect is also significant in activities that did

not change their format when performed after the confinement. We find
that this effect is significant both in subjects that increased the number

of assessment activities and subjects that did not change the student

workload. Additionally, an analysis of students’ learning strategies before

confinement shows that students did not study on a continuous basis.

Based on these results, we conclude that COVID-19 confinement

changed students’ learning strategies to a more continuous habit,

improving their efficiency. For these reasons, better scores in students’

assessment are expected due to COVID-19 confinement that can be

explained by an improvement in their learning performance.

In the same manner, El Said (2020) conducted a study to how did

the COVID-19 affects learners academic performance in developing

countries. The results suggested that there was no statistically

significant difference in students’ grades. In addition, the unplanned and

rapid move to online distance learning at the time of pandemic did not

result in a poor learning experience as was expected. The results of this

study provide specific recommendations for universities, instructors, and

higher education portal designers about future application of online

distance learning. Since Egypt decided to make the shift to online distant

learning in all future higher education plans, the results of this research

would be especially vital for universities in Egypt and other developing

countries. If administered correctly, this shift could lead to a larger

learner population, more cost efficiencies, and more university revenue.

Alfifi and Abed (2017), studied to identify and analyze different

factors influencing academic achievement. The result of their first-grade

annual examination gauged the academic performance. The estimated

effect of studying indicates that student’s learning preferences, number

of daily study hour and secondary average positively affect student’s

achievement, also, English language level has a positive influence on

students’ academic performance. The results show that female perform

better than male students and married students realize significantly

more academic success than single. While, class size, age, residential

area of student, family size, family income and parents’ education level

have no significant influence.

Akessa and Dhufera (2015), conducted to examine different factors

influencing the academic performance of students in higher institution

case of Rift valley university Jimma campus Ethiopia. Cross sectional

study design was examined. The respondents for this study was 294

students which is determined using simple random sampling technique.

A survey was conducted by using a questionnaire for information

gathering about different factors relating to academic performance of

students. Chi-square test of association and regressions was applied to

investigate the effect of different factors on students’ achievement.

Keywords: Academic performance, Rift valley university and regression

Whereas, Vargas, et al (2020), conducted a study on the impact of

environmental factors on academic performance of students taking

online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is remarked that the

COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on the academic performance of

university students who take online classes in Mexico. However, this

academic performance can be affected by other variables different to the

lighting, noise, and temperature levels. Such variables can include the

desk/table and chair design where students take classes on, or the

technological devices they are using to study, and the time they interact

with these furniture and equipment. If the design of these furniture and

equipment is not ergonomic, students may suffer from pain in different

body parts such as back, neck, arms, and wrists. Also, these variables

may increase the students’ mental workload, which can cause stress,

anxiety, headache, among other effects. All these effects may impact on

students’ academic performance influencing their motivation to continue

studying and learning. However, the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has

not affected only university students, but also higher education teaching

institution staff, whose job performance may consequently affect their

sustainability. Therefore, for further research, different analyses can be

carried out on the variables mentioned in this study and include other

variables that could affect online learning, in addition to combining both

the perceptions of university students and teachers.

Further, Kieti (2017) investigated the factors which influence

students‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in

Matungulu sub-county, Machakos County. The findings of the study

revealed that the learning resources were inadequate and hence affected

academic performance to a great extent. The study also revealed that the

influence of administrative practices on academic performance was

strongly positive and significant (r = .844, P≤ 0.5) and similarly, teacher

related factors and socio economic background of the learners had a

statistically significant influence on academic performance (P≤ 0.5). The

study recommended among others that principals should intensify the

routine checking of professional records by teachers to ensure adherence

to the dictates of the professional records and that head teachers and the

school management should ensure that relevant materials were procured

for use by both the students and teachers.


Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance. Cos and

Paguia (2021), conducted a study to explore several factors affecting the

distance learning modality of Carrascal National High School, Division of

Surigao del Sur. Identifying the different dimensions of distance learning

entails important basic questions which are of great relevance in order to

enhance its implementation in the succeeding quarters. Factors being

considered are: Students’ Demographic Profile, Content Delivery thru

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), Learning Preference, Language Use in the

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), Degree of Difficulty (Cognitive

Dimensions), Study Environment, Parental Support and Teacher

Support. Findings suggested that in order to enhance the

implementation of the distance learning modality of Carrascal National

High School, there is a need to revisit the Bloom’s Taxonomy and Social

Cognitive Dimensions before designing the Learning Activity Sheets to

ensure the consistency and alignment of the degree of difficulty to the

summative assessments guidelines. Parental and teacher support

especially to the young learners must also be considered since this study

singled out that these variables have significant correlation to the age

and grade level of the learners. Therefore, these are two of the important

factors affecting distance learning which must be strengthened and


Palermo (2017), conducted a study to determine the degree of

factors influencing pupils’ academic performance as basis for

collaborative remedial program in Kabugwason Elementary School,

Division of Bacolod City during the School Year 2016-2017. From the

foregoing findings the following conclusions were made: The degree of

influence to pupils’ academic performance in terms of pupil, family,

school and factor is high. The academic performance of the pupils is

generally affected by all the four factors. Such that, pupils interest in

going to school, his family’ support towards his studies, the kind of peers

he goes with and the inviting image of the school. The level of academic
performance of the pupils is satisfactory. Grade Five pupils have

satisfactory performance in all seven learning areas: English, Filipino,

Math, Science, MAPEH, KHS and EPP. Pupils only got a very satisfactory

rating in their ESP subject. This implies that pupils perform good in all

their learning areas and better in ESP. Generally, the degree of influence

to pupils’ academic performance in terms of pupil, family, school and

peer are of high level regardless of the pupils’ sex, parents’ highest

educational attainment and average family income.

Likewise, Junio and Liwag (2017), conducted a study to examine

factors that affect students’ performance in their physical education

class at Lyceum of the Philippines University –Laguna. Self-made

questionnaires were distributed to respective students who are currently

enrolled in PE II and IV during 2 nd semester SY 2015-2016. Several

factors that is being discussed in this research are socio-economic,

aptitude of students’, learning facilities and teacher characteristics.

Frequency counts and percentage were used to describe demographic

profile and socio-economic profile, as well as the ranking of the teacher

characteristics. Weighted mean was used to summarize the perception

on the students’ aptitude, the learning facilities and the teacher

characteristics. The researcher found that all four factors that were

identified positively affect students’ performance. Results also indicated

that first year students had a higher expectation of their PE teacher

compared to second year students.

In addition, Vasquez (2017) conducted a study to determine the

level of pupils’ academic performance in mathematics using mother

tongue based-multilingual education (MTB-MLE) in Grade Two of

Handumanan Elementary School I, District IV, Division of Bacolod City

during the School Year 2015-2016. The findings of the study showed

that the level of pupils’ academic performance in mathematics using

MTB-MLE was “average”. However, they differed in areas when they are

grouped according to age, sex parents’ educational attainment and

section. From the findings, it was highly recommended that DepEd

officials monitor intensively the implementation of the program. DepEd

officials must clarify some misconceptions regarding the use of Mother

Tongue Based Multi-Lingual Education. The mother tongue use at home

should be acceptable in the school for instruction. Likewise, familiarize

with the language of Mathematics through extra drills of the different

concepts and operations in Mathematics. The grade two teachers should

seek improvement of the localized learning materials and make simple

word to be use by the pupils to fully understand the concept in Reading

and writing numbers and money value. A propose intervention plan is

implemented in Handumanan Elementary School-1, District IV, Division

of Bacolod City was made.

Further, Tus (2021) conducted a study on the mental health and

academic performance of the students in the new normal education in

the Philippines. The study's findings showed that almost more than half
of the respondents suffered from moderate to extremely severe levels of

depression, stress, and anxiety. Thus, there was no significant

relationship between high negative mental health symptoms and

academic performance. In conclusion, students that encounter extreme

levels of adverse mental health can still maintain high academic

achievement. However, the students' mental health should always be

managed and helped to cope with their life problems, especially during

this pandemic crisis.


In summary, researches to date have explored a variety of

literature and related studies that have discussed on factors affecting the

students’ academic performance Also, the literatures on the students’

academic performance which are affected by the abovementioned factors

also identified and summarized in this section.

The research literatures presented by the researcher, supported

her aim to conduct the present study. The researcher’s perspective and

insight is being broadened in order to pave the way towards the findings

of the specific problems raised in this study. Specially, insights provided

by the conceptual and related concepts granted the researcher the basis

of establishing questions in each of the factors on academic performance.

Moreover, the related conceptual and research literatures stressed

by various authors in this chapter about the factors affecting students’

academic performance has a great help to the researcher’s

understanding and gave the researcher idea to how the study will go and

help the researcher come up conclusions, recommendations and

intervention plans.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology
This chapter presents the methodology of the study which

includes the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the

study, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, validity of

the research instrument, reliability of the data research instrument and

statistical treatment used.

Research Design

This study employed the descriptive research design in

determining the factors affecting Grade 10 students’ academic

performance on modular distance learning at Demetrio L. Alviola

National High School, Bindoy District, Negros Oriental.

According to Nachimas and De Ward (2015), descriptive design is

appropriate for studies which aim to find out what prevail in the present

conditions or relationships, held opinions and beliefs, processes and

effects and developing trends. It is also used to determine the extent or

direction attitude and behaviors.

The nature of the present study is to determine the conditions of

things in their present state. It delves into the comparisons among

variables that are considered in this study as well as the influence of one

variable to another. Therefore, descriptive research design is suited for

this study for it aimed to gather information about the characteristics

within the present study and it helped in making professional


Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in Demetrio L. Alviola National High

School, Bindoy, Negros Oriental.

Demetrio L. Alviola National High School was established in year

1968. It is located at Tinaogan, Bindoy Negros Oriental. Currently,

there are 2,320 officially enrolled learners and 99 permanent teachers.

There are 56 instructional classrooms and 5 laboratory rooms. The

students of school received recognitions during the Seniliksik- National

Level, Editorial Cartooning and Photojournalism in the Regional Level

while Canvas Painting in the Division Level. The students also received

various medals during the Negros Oriental Athletic Association, highlight

of this are gold medal for 3k run, silver medal for 1.5k run and overall

champion on boxing. The school was also hailed champion in

Congressional Level – Radical Damath Competition.

Respondents of the Study

Respondents of this study will be the Grade 10 students who are

officially enrolled during the school year 2020-2021. Since there were

large number of respondents the researcher will use the stratified

random sampling by the use of Cochran’s formula. The Cochran formula

allows you to calculate an ideal sample size given a desired level

of precision, desired confidence level, and the estimated proportion of the

attribute present in the population.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Grade 10 Population Percentage Sample
(Sections) (N) (%) (n)
A 44 7.8 23
B 34 6.0 18
C 38 6.7 20
E 38 6.7 20
F 39 6.9 21
G 40 7.0 21
H 38 6.7 20
I 37 6.5 19
J 39 6.9 21
K 41 7.2 22
L 40 7.0 21
M 57 10.0 30
N 39 6.9 21
O 42 7.7 22
Total 566 100.0 229

Data Gathering Instrument

This study will utilize a researcher–made questionnaire. The

researcher–made questionnaire has two parts. First part comprises the

personal profile of the respondents in terms of sex, parents’ educational

attainment and average family monthly income. The second part

includes the degree of the factors affecting students’ academic

performance. Factors affecting students’ academic performance is

divided into three areas: self-learning modules, parental support and

learning environment. Each area is composed 10 items/issues with a

total of 30 items in all.

The respondents were asked to rate each item using the five-point

Likert’s scale which contains the following scores: 5 – Always; 4 – Often;

3 – Sometimes; 2 – Rarely and 1 – Almost Never. A draft copy of the

questionnaire was presented to the researcher’s adviser for comments,

and suggestions and approval of the panel members is also solicited.

The researcher will also use the google form in the distribution of the

research instrument to the students.


Validity according to Shuttleworth (2015) encompasses the entire

experimental concept and establishes whether the results obtained meet

all of the requirements of the scientific research method.

This will be done through face and content validation by

presenting the instrument and interviewing the jury of experts. The

suggestions and recommendations of the said experts were incorporated

in the final copy of the questionnaire. To determine the validity of the

research instrument, the researcher adapted the criteria developed for

the evaluation of survey questionnaires set forth by Carter V. Good and

Douglas E. Scates.

The interpretations are as follows: Excellent (4.04 – 5.00); Very

Good (3.28 - 4.03); Good (2.52 – 3.27); Fair (2.52 – 3.27); Poor (1.00 –

1.75). The rating of the three (3) jurors was averaged to determine

whether the said instrument is valid or not.


Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces

stable and consistent results (Mansen, 2016) clarified the meaning of

reliability as the degree of consistency or stability of a research to

produce or yield the same or identical results.

To establish the reliability of the questionnaire, a dry run test was

conducted to 30 Grade 10 students of Tambo National High School,

Ayungon, Negros Oriental. After the administration of the test, the data

gathered was classified and subjected to Cronbach Alpha formula to

obtain the reliability rating. According to Taber (2017), a coefficient of

0.70 or higher indicates high reliability. The interpretations are as

follows: Excellent (0.91-1.00); Good (0.81-0.90); Acceptable (0.70-0.80);

Questionable (0.61-0.70); Not acceptable (0.01 – 0.60).

Data Gathering Procedure

Through the approval of the Schools Division Superintendent of

the Department of Education of the Division of Negros Oriental, the

researcher will distribute the questionnaires to the target respondents. A

consent form was given to the parents for allowing their children to be

the subject of the study. The purpose of the study was properly explained

to the students as well as to the parents by the researcher. The

responses of students in the research questionnaire were anonymous

and the researcher preserved the confidentiality of students’ data.

During the administration of the questionnaires, the researcher strictly

follow the health standard protocols set by the Department of Education.

The researcher will also utilize online platforms in the distribution of the

questionnaire. Upon the 100% retrieval of the needed data, it will be

tallied and presented in tabular form for easy interpretation and analysis

of the researcher out of the results.

Analytical Schemes

This study employs two analytical schemes based on the research

objectives which are descriptive and comparative.

Objective No.1, which seeks to determine the profile of the

respondents according to sex, parents’ highest educational attainment

and section, descriptive analytical scheme will be used.

Objective No. 2, which seeks to determine the degree of factors

affecting the Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular

distance learning according to areas, descriptive analytical scheme will

be used

Objective No. 3, which seeks to determine the degree of factors

affecting the Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular

distance learning when they are grouped according to aforementioned

variables, descriptive analytical scheme will be used.

Objective No. 4, which seeks to determine if there is a significant

difference existed in degree of factors affecting the Grade 10 students’

academic performance on modular distance learning when grouped and

compared according to aforementioned variables, comparative analytical

scheme will be used.

Statistical Tools
In the analysis of the data, appropriate statistical tools were used

on the basis of the specific objectives and hypotheses that are set forth

earlier in this study.

Objective No. 1, which aims to determine the profile of the

respondents according to sex, parents’ highest educational attainment

and section, frequency and percentage will be used.

Categorical data are best described by counting how many of

subjects’ responses fall within each category in a frequency distribution

and by calculating their percentages or proportions, that is the number

of times each response was given by the total number (Baylor, 2015).

Objective No. 2, which aims to determine the degree of factors

affecting the Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular

distance learning according to areas, mean will be used.

The mean is computed by adding scores and dividing the sum by

the number of individuals/items (Bluman, 2015). Thus, mean is the

most appropriate statistical tool used.

To interpret the mean score of factors affecting the students’

academic performance on modular distance learning, the following mean

score are interpreted.

Score Range Verbal Interpretation

4.50 – 5.00 Very high degree

3.50 – 4.49 High degree

2.50 – 3.49 Moderate degree

1.50 – 2.49 Low degree

1.00 – 1.49 Very low degree

Objective No. 3, which aims to determine the degree of factors

affecting the Grade 10 students’ academic performance on modular

distance learning when grouped according to aforementioned variables,

mean will be used.

Objective No. 4, which aims to determine if there is significant

difference existed in degree of factors affecting the Grade 10 students’

academic performance on modular distance learning when grouped and

compared according to aforementioned variables, Mann Whitney U test

will be used.

According to Sirug (2015), Mann- Whitney U test is a non-

parametric test that is used to compare two populations that come from

the same population. It is appropriate when the likely alternative is that

the two populations are shifted with respect to each other. It is used for

two sample sizes, and is used to test the median of two populations.

The computed p-values were interpreted using the following guide:

 Significant if the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05 level of

significance; and,

 Not significant if the p-value is more than 0.05 level of


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