Writing and Grammar

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Section B : Writing and Grammar

Letter/Article Writing

Letter Writing (5 or 8 marks each)

Q. 1. You are Vaibhavi Sinha, examination incharge. Goodway Public School. Aurobindo Road,
Indore. You require 4 reams of white paper, 2 packets of carbon paper, one dozen registers, blue
and red ball point pens (50 each). Place an order with Sunrise Stationery Mart. 12 Mall Road,
Indore mentioning terms of payment, discount asked by you and delivery date (100 – 150 words)
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]

Ans. Goodway Public School

Aurobindo Road

20th September, 20XX

Sunrise Stationery Mart

12 Mall Road

Sub. : Purchase of stationery items

I wish to place a bulk order of stationery goods for the school for the academic session 20XX-20XX.
The particulars of the goods and their quantity to be supplied are given below:

S.No. Particulars Quantity

1. White paper 4 reams
2. Carbon paper 2 packets
3. Register 1 dozen
4. Blue ballpoint pens 50 units
5. Red ballpoint pens 50 units

As we are your regular customer, kindly give us the maximum discount on the placed order and send us
the stationery items from the fresh lot. The payment of these goods will be made digitally when we’ll
receive the order. So, do let us know the date by which you will deliver these Looking forward to hearing
from you.

Yours truly,
Vaibhavi Sinha
Examination Incharge

Q. 2. You are Kapil /Komal living at C-424. Sector-18, Green Park, New Delhi. You bought a
washing machine from Balaji Electricals Private Limited, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. It started
giving a trouble within a few days. Write a complaint, letter (100 - 150 words) to the Sales
Manager seeking immediate repair or replacement. Invent the details of defects. [CBSE Delhi,
Set 2, 2020]
Ans. C-424, Sector - 18
Green Park
New Delhi

20th November, 20XX

Balaji Electrical Private Limited

Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi

Sub. : Complaint about the Washing Machine.

I am sorry to inform you that the Washing Machine which I bought from your shop against cash memo
No.200, dated 7th November with a two-year guarantee, stopped working well just after ten days.
Currently, the machine makes an unbearable noise and the motor tears the delicate fabrics. All these
problems are causing a great inconvenience and I feel cheated. I, therefore, request you to remove the
fault if it is minor or replace it with a new one as per the conditions in the guarantee certificate. Your
quick action will be highly appreciated.

Yours truly,

Q. 3. You are Akshay/Akshita, 23, Rampur Road, Delhi, a responsible citizen of your country.
When you go on the road, you see that the people are becoming more intolerant of other, and
driving their vehicles recklessly which some times leads to road rage. Write a letter to the editor
of a local newspaper advising people to follow rules while driving vehicles. (100 – 150 words)
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]

Ans. 23, Rampur Road

New Delhi
20th October, 20XX

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Sub. : Appeal to follow traffic rules

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the commuters
towards reckless and negligent driving practised on the roads. Recently, it has been observed that the
traffic is increasing day-by-day and in order to reach their destinations; commuters are violating the
traffic rules. Reckless driving does not only lead to road accidents but also causes unnecessary
inconvenience to the fellow commuters.
I request you to kindly look into the matter and help in maintaining road safety.
Yours truly,

Q. 4. You are Vipul/Apoorva, living at D-424,

Island Avenue, Ernakulam. You have
seen an advertisement about a diploma
course in French language soon to be
organised by Maxwell Institute of
Languages, Fort Road, Kochi. Write a
letter in 100-150 words to the advertiser
seeking all the relevant information
like admission procedure, fee structure,
duration of the course, timing of the
class, transport facilities etc.
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]

Ans. D-424, Island Avenue

12th March, 20XX
The Administrator Incharge
Maxwell Institute of Languages
Sub. : Inquiry about the procedure for
joining the institute
With reference to your advertisement in
‘The Times of India’, dated 10th March
20XX, I am attempting the International
Test for French Language Learners and
want to opt for the diploma course in
French Language offered by your
I need some information regarding the
diploma course so that I can enroll for the
Kindly provide me with the following
details :
• Duration of the course
• Timings of the classes
• Number of batches
• Transport facilities
• Fee structure
• Joining date
I request you to furnish all the other
necessary details by sending me the
Looking forward to an early reply!
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Q. 5. Slums are spreading more than the
planned townships. The life in the
slums is miserable. Crowded living,
lack of drinking water, insanitary
conditions, poor power supply etc., are
causing a lot of suffering to the people.
Write a letter in 100 – 150 words to the
editor of a national newspaper drawing
attention of the concerned authorities
to this problem and asking for a proper
solution. You are Udit/Udita, 26 Latouche
Road, Kanpur.
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020]
Ans. 26 Latouche Road
10th May, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindu

Sub. : Spreading of slum areas in the city

Through the column of your esteemed
newspaper, I would like to draw your attention
to the increasing number of slums
in the city which is creating inconvenience
to not only the slum dwellers but
also to the neighbouring colonies.
Recently, an open area in the RR Nagar
was converted to a slum within three
months. Also, one can find a slum in every
locality of the city currently. Slums are
spreading more than the planned township
and this is disfiguring the city’s face.
Slum areas are a home to several unfavourable
dwelling conditions such as
crowded living, lack of potable water, insanitary
conditions and poor power supply.
Moreover, these slum areas give rise
to contaminated diseases that spread
around causing great deal of discomfort.
I request you to kindly take some strict
actions against this and provide a lucrative
solution for the citizens.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Q. 6. You are Shammi/Sapna, resident of 12
Mall Road, Agra. You have noticed that
majority of the water taps in your colony
keep on leaking. Also water drips from
various joints in the supply pipes. All
these lead to a big wastage of potable
water. Write a letter of complaint to
the Municipal Commissioner, Agra
Municipal Corporation requesting him
to get the necessary repairs done. (100 –
150 words) [CBSE OD, Set 3, 2020]
Ans. 12 Mall Road
25th August, 20XX
The Municipal Commissioner
Agra Municipal Corporation
Sub. : Requesting immediate repair of water
I am a resident of Mall Road, Agra and have
noticed that there are more than 12 leaking
taps in our colony as well as the neighbouring
areas. Also, there has been a lot of wastage
of water from the supply pipes due to
the leakage at various joints.
Last summer, Agra faced a huge water crisis
and the residents had to rely on paid
water tanks to fulfill the need of water.
Shortage of potable water had led to the
inconvenience amongst the citizens. This
year, leaking taps and pipes are causing
massive wastage of potable water and this
issue should be immediately addressed.
In order to avoid a situation like last year,
I request you to kindly look into the matter
and take the necessary measures.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Q. 7. As a health conscious person, you have
noticed an advertisement in a newspaper
on yoga classes in your neighbourhood.
Write a letter in 100–120 words to the
organiser, Yoga for Public, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi requesting him/her to send
you information about the duration of
the course and other relevant details.
You Shweta/Srikar of 13, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi.
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. 13, R.K. Puram
New Delhi
14th April 20XX
The Organiser
Yoga for Public
R.K. Puram
New Delhi
Sub: Inquiry about the Yoga Classes
With reference to your advertisement in
‘Patrika Times’ dated 12th April, 20××, I
have come to know that you are organising
yoga classes near my locality. It’s
a good initiative and also highly appreciable
because yoga helps detox the body
and de-stress the mind. It also maintains
balance between physical and mental
health of a person. Sparing some time for
yoga helps in getting relief from stress. As
I am a health conscious person and know
that yoga helps in curing many diseases
in today’s deskbound lifestyle, I wish to

join the classes. But prior to joining the

classes, I would like you to furnish me
the following necessary details:
• Duration of the course
• Timings
• Fee structure
• Mode of payment
• Instructor/Info.
• Class duration
It will be highly appreciated if the above
details are provided to me at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Q. 8. You are Hema/Hemant, 14/9 Hill
Apartment, Jaipur. You are not satisfied
with the facilities for tourists in Jaipur.
Write a letter in 100–120 words to the
editor of a local daily giving suggestions
on ways to improve the facilities for
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. 14/9, Hill Apartments
15th May 20XX
The Editor
Patrika Times
Sub: Suggestions on ways to improve
the facilities for tourists
Through the columns of your esteemed
newspaper, I would like to highlight the
issues of dissatisfactory tourists’ facilities
in Jaipur and wish to give my suggestions
in this regard.
It is a world known fact that Rajasthan
is one of the best tourists’ destinations in
India and its capital Jaipur fascinates all
foreigners immensely. But there are certain
areas which need a lot of improvement.
First and the foremost suggestion
is related to the signboards places. As we
know that foreigners don’t understand
the local dialect the signboards and the
direction boards should be both in Hindi
and English. Another suggestion is regarding
the cleanliness near the temples.
Jaipur is popularly known as ‘Choti
Kashi’ and the famous Govind Dev Ji
temple is visited by almost each and every
tourist here. But there is a lot of chaos
around the temple area. The hawkers,
paddlers and fruit sellers have made the
area congested and filthy. The queue system
is also out of place and it portrays a
negative picture of the city. Thus, management
should take certain steps in this
regard. Then comes the question of forts.
The magnificently built forts should be
senior citizen friendly and there should
be provision of lifts and wheelchairs for
handicaps. My last suggestion is about
the conditions of buses which is pathetic.
Improved bus services would attract
more tourists.
I hope my suggestions would find
place in your newspaper and can be incorporated
so that the tourism sector can
be improved.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Q. 9. Promila/Praveen Chopra reads the
following news report in a newspaper
and feels deeply troubled, She/He
writes a letter to the Editor. 'The Times
of Delhi', New Delhi voicing her/
his concern for ill effect of synthetic
milk on the health of the unsuspecting
consumers and suggesting ways to deal
with the offenders. Imagine yourself as
Promila/Praveen Chopra. 12/15, Kunj
Vihar, Alapur and write the letter for
her/him in 100–120 words.
Alapur: August 24. The sale of synthetic
milk continues unabated in the district
despite ongoing efforts by the authorities
concerned. Out of 20 samples of milk
taken recently, reports of 19 which were
received from Lakenagar Test Laboratory
indicated adulteration with urea and
other chemicals.
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. 12/15, Kunj Vihar
25th August 20XX
The Editor
The Times of Delhi
New Delhi

Sub: Ill effects of synthetic milk on

health and suggestions to deal with it.
This is with reference to a news report
which I read yesterday, regarding the
adulteration of milk with urea and other
chemicals. It has greatly disturbed me as
we have been hearing the increased cases
of unique diseases daily which were
never heard of earlier. They are the consequence
of the adulterated food products.
Synthetic milk which contains the
amount of urea, caustic soda, detergents
and cheap cooking oils, increases the
risk of heart problems. It is also harmful
for pregnant ladies. Moreover, synthetic
milk possesses cancerous properties and
many people have been affected by it
till date. Children are the biggest sufferers
as their immune system is weak at a
young age. The sodium that enters the
body through the synthetic milk acts as a
slow poison.
During the festival seasons, the increased
cases of adulterated milk have
come into light as the demand for milk
increases to prepare sweets and other
delicacies. Therefore, I suggest that the
Health Department should keep a strict
vigilance on these unscrupulous milk
dealers and police should raid the milk
factories from time to time. Food Safety
and Standards Act prescribes maximum
six months in prison for the offence and
this should be taken into practice for
sure. The Supreme Court has also advised
the states to make the adulteration
of milk a punishable offence. Thus, if
these steps are followed strictly, I think
the cases of milk adulteration will definitely
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Promila/Praveen Chopra
Q. 10. You are Tanvi/Shirish of Safdarjung
Development Area, New Delhi. You are
extremely disturbed about the attacks
on old people living alone. Write a letter
in 100–120 words to the Editor, ‘The New
Indian News‘ making people sensitive
to the problem. Make suggestions to the
people living alone and the authorities
to ensure that such attacks do not take
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Safdarjang Development Area
New Delhi
23 March 20XX
The Editor
The New Indian News
33, Gole Market
New Delhi
Sub: Attacks on old people
Through the columns of your reputed
newspaper, I show my deep concern
and draw the attention of the government
towards the growing feeling of
fear and insecurity among people due
to frequent attacks on old people living
The recent attacks on old people clearly
indicate lapses on our part. In addition to
this, social media and different reports
are creating disharmony instead of doing
something constructive. The old people
are not safe in their own homes. These
attacks have taken away their peace and
tranquility. Many old people have lost
their lives. This shatters the faith of people
in the government.
In order to combat this menace, we
should make concerted efforts. Those
who are caught and found guilty, should
be taught a lesson.
I hope the authorities will be more cautious
and initiate stern steps to encounter
the enemies of humanity.
Your truly
Tanvi / Shirish
Q. 11. You have lost your original certificates
of class X and XII. You want to get their
duplicates issued but you do not know
the procedure. Write a letter to the
Chairman, CBSE, Preet Vihar enquiring
about the fee to be deposited, mode
of payment, time taken by the board
for issuing duplicate certificates and
any other formalities. You are Tarun /
Taruna, 7/9, Kunj Apartments, Shimla
(100–120 words).
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]

Ans. 7/9
Kunj Apartments
23 March 20XX
The Chairman
Preet Vihar
New Delhi
Sub: Issue of duplicate certificates
I graduated class X and XII in the year
2016 and 2018 respectively from CBSE
Board. Unfortunately, I lost my original
certificates of class X and XII during
my journey in the train. Now, I urgently
need duplicate certificates of the same. I
am ready to pay the fee needed for the
process. Please let me know the amount
to be paid, the mode of payment and how
much time will it take to issue the duplicate
certificates. If there is any other formality,
please let me know.
Roll No — X 695962 year-2016
XII 735012 year-2018
Thanking you
Yours truly
Q. 12. You are Ambica / Mohit, Librarian, High
Scope Public School, Hauz Khas, Delhi.
Write a letter to Jindal Publishers,
Pratap Vihar, Delhi to place an order for
English to Hindi dictionaries, illustrated
children‘s encyclopedia, fiction books
etc. for your school library. Request
them for a catalogue, discount offered,
mode of payment and time taken for
delivery. (100–120 words).
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. High Scope Public School
Hauz Khas
23 March 20XX
The Manager
Jindal Publishers
Pratap Vihar
Sub: Order for books
We are your regular customer. We would
like to place an order for dictionaries,
encyclopedia and fiction books for our
school library. We are providing a list of
books we are in need of. Kindly deliver
these books in their latest edition and
in proper condition. We will be pleased
if you give us a suitable discount on
these books and send us a catalogue too.
Please suggest the mode of payment and
time taken for deliver. The list of books
with their particulars is attached.
S. No. Name
1 English to Hindi
2 Illustrated Children‘s 25
3 Fiction: Arabian Nights 15
4 Panchtantra 15
5 Fables 20
We hope for timely delivery and maximum
Your faithfully
Ambica / Mohit
Q. 13. You are Prabhu Kumar / Parvati of 17E,
Ravi Dass Road, Kochi. Write a letter
in 100–120 words to the editor of a
newspaper about the nuisance caused
by loudspeakers in the city during
examination days drawing attention
of the concerned authorities to the
[CBSE, 2018]
Ans. 17E, Ravi Dass Road,
3rd November 20XX
The Editor,
The Times of India.
Sub: Nuisance caused by loudspeakers
in the city
Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter to express my anguish
and annoyance over the problem
of loud speakers during the examination
days. I am a student studying in 10th
grade of a reputed school in the city. The
final examinations are just around the
During the day, the loud noise from
speakers disturbs and distracts as

much as it does at night. Especially on

the weekends, the noise from the loudspeakers
is unbearable. Last weekend,
I could not study at all. In spite of the
law prohibiting loud music playing beyond
10 o‘clock, people violate the rules
and regulations by playing it all night.
There are thousands of students like me
who have to suffer from this problem.
Besides, there are some old patients and
new born babies in every locality who
get affected by this noise pollution. I, on
behalf of all the students of the city plead
and appeal to the concerned authorities
to look into the matter as this is a clear
contravention of the laws.
Yours truly
Prabhu Kumar/Parvati
Q. 14. The road that leads to your market is
broken and full of potholes. Mosquitoes
and flies breed there. Write a letter in
100–120 words to the editor of a local
newspaper drawing attention of the
concerned authorities to get the road
repaired. You are P.V. Prabhu/Prabha,
112, Aram Nagar, Delhi.
[CBSE, 2018]
Ans. 112, Aram Nagar
26th August 20XX
The Editor
The Navjiwan Times
Sub: Repair of the road
Through the columns of your esteemed
newspaper I want to draw the attention
of the concerned authorities to the pitiable
condition of the road leading to the
market area in our city. The road is broken
and is full of potholes causing problems
for the residents of the area.
As monsoon has set in, water accumulates
in puddles. Water is definitely
as panacea for us but the stagnant water
multiplies our problems. It becomes the
safest place for breeding mosquitoes and
flies. Flies sit over food items and leave
their dangerous bacteria which in turn,
cause trouble to our health. There are
many rough stones in the road that cause
burst in tyres and tubes due to which,
the vehicles lose balance on the shattered
road and cause accidents.
Hence, it is in the best interest of everyone
that the road is immediately repaired
so that the water accumulation stops. I
hope the concerned authorities will take
immediate action and remove the hurdles.
Yours sincerely
P.V. Prabhu/Prabha
Q. 15. There is a busy road in front of your
school. A large number of students have
to cross the road while going back home.
They run a great risk. Write a letter in
100–120 words to the Editor, Navjiwan
Times, Agra drawing attention of the
concerned authorities to the problem.
Make a request to mark a zebra crossing
and to put traffic lights in front of your
school. You are Amit/Anita, Class X,
New Age Public School, Ram Nagar,
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. New Age Public School
Ram Nagar
16th August 20XX
The Editor,
The Navjiwan Times,
Sub: Need of Zebra crossing and traffic
Through the columns of your esteemed
newspaper, I want to draw the attention
of the concerned authorities to the
problem of unruly traffic in front of our
The road near New Age School is always
jam packed. Everybody seems to
be a road racer. Increasing vehicles and
indisciplined driving make it difficult for
the students to cross the road while going
back to home. Multitudes of vehicles,
scooters, cars, three wheelers, block the
road as there is no traffic light. Patience,
courtesy and sympathy seem to have
gone away from the minds of drivers.
It is in the safety and interest of students
if concerned authorities install traf
fic light on this junction and also mark
zebra crossing. This will ensure safety of
the students.
I hope, the concerned authorities will
take action and do the needful.
Yours faithfully
Q. 16. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper
in 100–120 words complaining against
the schools that hire bus drivers who
indulge in rash and drunken driving
and cause risk to the lives of the
innocent school children. You are Akash
of Rajdhani Public School Delhi.
[CBSEi, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. E–15, Surya Nagar
New Delhi
17 November 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
K.G. Marg, Delhi
Sub: Expressing Views About Rash
I wish to express my views about rash
and drunken driving of school bus drivers
through your newspaper.
It is very painful and alarming that the
drivers of school buses are neither trained
for this particular job, nor do they feel responsible
towards the children. They drive
so rashly that they cause accidents and injure
the innocent children and the people
around. The school authorities and parents
seem to be confident about the safety
of their children after hiring the drivers.
Many young children lose their lives due
to careless attitude of the drivers towards
the safety of the school children.
It is suggested that the drivers of school
buses should be given a special training
and there should be regular updating of
their skills. They should be scrutinised by
giving them tough personality tests, only
then we can safeguard our school children.
I hope you would agree with me and
give my article a suitable space in your
Thanking you
Yours truly
Q. 17. Your locality has witnessed a number
of cases of theft in recent weeks. The
local law and order authorities were
approached but you find no change in
the situation. Write a letter in 100–120
words to the editor of a local newspaper
drawing attention of the higher
authorities to the problem. You are Ram/
Rama 4, Gobind Road, Meerut.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. 4, Gobind Road,
11th August 20XX
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Sub: Increasing thefts in our locality
and inaction by the police.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to express my
deep concern over the increasing theft
rate in our locality. The incidents of thefts
are on the rise. There is an atmosphere of
insecurity and fear in the entire locality.
Approximately five cases of thefts have
taken place during the last month. Along
with thefts what really scares us is the
injury and paranoia that is raised due to
such incidents.
To combat this fear, we, the residents
of the locality have lodged a written complaint
with the local Police Station. In our
complaint, we had requested for permanent
patrolling by the cops during the
evening hours. In spite of our repeated
complaints, no action has been taken.
This has only led to much fear and general
distrust in the Police Force. I, on behalf
of the residents of the locality, have
decided to bring this matter to the attention
of the concerned authorities through
the medium of your esteemed newspaper.
I am hopeful that you will help us in
this regard by publishing this letter in
your reputed daily.
Yours truly
Q. 18. Your school has decided to take part in
half marathon organised by an N.G.O.
in New Delhi. Write a letter in 100–120
words to the Area Manager of the N.G.O.
requesting permission to participate
in the half marathon on 28 April 20XX
starting from National Stadium. Request
the N.G.O. to provide your school with
200 T-shirts for boys and girls aged 15–17
years.You are School Captain, Manish
Mehta, Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Saket.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya
18th March 20XX
The Area Manager,
Kaali Foundation,
New Delhi.
Sub: Permission to participate in the
half marathon on 28th April 20XX.
Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter on behalf of my
schoolmates. We have read about your
esteemed NGO in the newspapers. It is
really inspiring to know that humanity
is still alive. Education is a fundamental
right and should be available to all,
especially to the girl child.
We, the students of Sarvodaya
Vidyalaya, would like to contribute in
our own little way. We cannot contribute
financially to this cause but we would
like to participate in the half marathon
on 28th April starting from National
Stadium as a part of our support to the
noble cause of educating the girl child.
Around 200 of us students have decided
to participate in the half marathon for
this noble cause. We hope through our
example we can garner more support
and awareness towards the cause of
education for the girl child. I would also
like to place an order for 200 t-shirts for
the marathon for boys and girls aged 15–
17 years, please let me know the cost of
each t-shirt and the payment details.
I am grateful for your continuous support
and encouragement to the society.
Yours truly
Manish Mehta
School Captain
Q. 19. Increase in the number of private
vehicles coupled with lack of civic sense
has let to several road accidents in your
city. Write a letter in 100–120 words to
the editor of a local daily urging people
to use public transport and to have
patience while driving.
You are Ram/Rama 4, Raja Road, Karnal.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. 4, Raja Road,
2nd February 20XX
The Editor,
The Times of India,
Sub: Increase in the number of road
accidents in the city
Respected Sir,
I would like to draw the people‘s
attention towards the ever-increasing
road accidents in the city. Your paper has
itself reported twelve major accidents in
the past two months in which several
people have lost their lives.
These accidents are caused due to
several reasons. Some of these are poor
road lighting, increasing encroachments,
open violation of the traffic rules by
drivers, absence of safety procedures and
lack of traffic educations. The Deputy
Commissioner of the city must chalk out
a comprehensive plan to improve the
traffic situation in the city.
People could begin using public
transport, which apart from reducing the
strain on the traffic will be an efficient way
of saving energy and the environment.
Public transport will ensure that there
are lesser vehicles on the road and more
place for the pedestrians to walk safely
and comfortably. School children should
be given proper traffic education. All
vehicle drivers should be made to pass a
screening test to judge their suitability as
drivers. Roads should not only be repaired
and widened but should also be provided
with lamps to provide sufficient lighting.
The use of helmets should be encouraged.
Drunk driving should be stopped at any
cost. People violating traffic rules should
be punished. The traffic police should
be encouraged to perform their duty
honestly and efficiently. These along with
many more steps need to be urgently
taken to check this menace of increasing
road accidents.
Yours truly
Q. 20. Now-a-days, we see the rise in prices
of edible things like pulses, onions, oil
and some other products. The layman
is facing hardship on account of it.
Write a letter in 120–150 words to the
editor of a reputed daily requesting him
to highlight the difficulties faced by
common man due to rise in prices. Sign
yourself as Pranjal/Praneeta living at
124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. 124, Vivek Vihar,
11th August 20XX
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Sub: Difficulties faced by the common
man due to rise in prices
Through the medium of the columns of
your esteemed newspaper, I wish to express
my deep concern in the increasing
rise of prices of basic commodities.
Today the prices of basic commodities
especially edible items like pulses, onions,
oils and other products necessary
for the common man has increased exponentially.
A few years ago, the prices of
basic edible items were low enough for
a person to survive on. However, the
same item has increased by around 30%,
making it difficult for many families
to survive. This leads to families either
foregoing a meal a day or choosing to end
their lives because there is no end to the
dark tunnel. The blind eye of the government
towards these issues has not helped,
infact it has resulted in the death of many.
While increase in prices may show that
our country is doing financially well but
at the cost of scores of people who have to
miss their daily nourishment.
To solve this problem, the authorities
need to take prompt actions to resolve
this issue. One such solution may be providing
these subsidies at a lower prices
for the lower-income families and having
the same items sold at a higher cost for
those who can afford the same. Another
solution may be to provide the grain at
an optimum price that is affordable by all
but this may require thorough government
planning. It is necessary that the
government takes stringent action to ensure
that every person meet their nutritional
needs for the day. Without the support
of a strong people-friendly policy,
the common man will have to continue to
suffer with an empty stomach.
I am hopeful that you will publish my
letter in your newspaper so as to bring to
the attention to the authorities the difficulties
faced by the common man in purchasing
even the basic food items necessary
for their day to day living.
Yours sincerely
Q. 21. Owing to the MCD employees‘ strike,
the roads in your area are littered with
garbage. Not only the place is stinking
but also is a health hazard. As Miki/
Manish of 112, Laxmi Nagar, write a
letter in 100–120 words to the editor
of a local newspaper informing the
concerned authorities of the unhygienic
conditions and requesting them to take
appropriate and necessary action in the
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. 112, Laxmi Nagar,
3rd August 20XX
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Sub: Unhygienic living conditions in
Laxmi Nagar
Respected Sir,
I am a local resident of Laxmi Nagar.
I, through your esteemed newspaper,
would like to bring to the notice of the
concerned authorities the unhygienic living
conditions prevalent in our area due
to the on-going strike of the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi employees.
The employees who collect garbage
have been on strike for the last two weeks,
which has only resulted in an extensive
pile of garbage being accumulated at the
edge of the road. This pile has led to a lot
of breeding of mosquitoes in the filthy water
and is home to rats. This has become
a health hazard to the people of the area.
There are already twelve cases of dengue
and malaria which have been reported,
out of which one is a seven-year-old girl
who is fighting for her life in the intensive
care. The stink of the garbage has made
living in the area unbearable. Our once
beautiful locality has now turned into a
dumping ground from hell.
I would be grateful to you if you could
help us in bringing this concern in front of
the authorities responsible for the upkeep
so that the situation can be controlled.
Yours truly
Q. 22. The authorities have been claiming that
the roads in your town have been relaid
and repaired. But there is no visibility
of such a work. Write a letter in 100–120
words to the editor of a local newspaper
expressing your disappointment at the
present situation and giving suggestions
to resolve the problem. You are Shweta/
Sham of 24, Pushp Nagar.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. 24, Pushp Nagar,
3rd November 20XX
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Sub: Bad roads in Pushp Nagar
Respected Sir,
I would like to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities to the miserable
state of the roads of our area through
your esteemed newspaper. The roads
here are in a terrible condition and the
local authorities have claimed that the
roads have been repaired and re-laid a
month ago, but there is no visibility of
any such work. In fact, the roads are in a
terrible shape.
The potholes on the road are a major
cause of concern, as they cause accidents
daily. Motor-bikes skid‘s and pedestrian
accidents are a common occurrence on
this route. It is the duty of our authorities
to relay the roads under strict supervision
to prevent this event from re-occurring.
I would be grateful to you if you help
us in highlighting this problem to the
concerned authorities, so that preventive
measure can be taken up.
Yours truly
Q. 1. Water scarcity is becoming a serious
problem because sources of water are
getting depleted day by day. Considering
the gravity of the situation, write an article
in 100-150 words on the topic, “Need of
the Hour : Rainwater Harvesting.‘‘ You
are Ram/Rama. [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
By Ram/Rama
Increasing population along with the
pollution and negligence towards the
need of conservation of water has led
to water crisis around the globe. As an
after effect, it depleted the water table so
much that there is no water left enough
for basic needs. In such a situation, we
need to adopt certain measures that will
enable conservation of water for the times
in distress.
Rainwater harvesting is a method
to collect the rain water into natural
reservoirs or man-made tanks. It is a
technique to collect and store rainwater for
various purposes. The most common and
easy method of rainwater harvesting is
rooftop harvesting. Using this technique,
we can collect clean rainwater in the rainy
season. This water has a good shelf-life
and can be used for household purposes
like gardening, livestock, irrigation, etc.
It helps in reducing water supply loads
and electricity bills of municipality,
provides free water supply, used for crop
production in rural areas, etc.
Rainwater harvesting system helps in
reducing the insecurity of households or
individuals for water in the rural areas. It
provides easy and low cost water supply
thus, helps in agriculture and many other
Q. 2. Yoga is most important in everyone‘s life
as it helps in balancing the relationship
between body and mind. Write an
article in 100 - 150 words on the topic
‘‘Importance of Yoga in our life’’. You
are Ram/Rama.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2020]
By Ram/Rama
Yoga is India’s gift to the world. Originating
from the Sanskrit language, the word
‘Yoga’ has two meanings, one is union
and another one is discipline. Practicing
yoga teaches us about the body and
mind discipline by uniting or connecting
both entities together with a smooth and
steady flow of breath. It is a spiritual practice
used to meditate in the early morning
to balance body and mind while staying
in sync with nature. It was practiced earlier
by the people of religions like Hindu,
Buddha and Jain. It is an amazing type
of exercise which makes life better by
controlling the body and mind. Yoga is a
science of living a healthy life. It is like
a medicine which treats various diseases
gradually by regularising the functioning
of body organs.
Yoga is a controlled practice of body
movements and breathing. It enhances
the core and mind strength by connecting
both to nature. It can be practiced
by people at any age, i.e., childhood,
teenage, adult- hood or old age. It results
into safe, slow and controlled movements
of the body with controlled breathing. In
order to make people aware of yoga and
its benefits, 21st June is observed as the
World Yoga Day or International Yoga
Day globally.
Q. 3. You go to your school travelling in a
government bus. You notice the benefits
of travelling by bus which is helpful
in reducting pollution. write an article
in 100 – 150 words on the topic. “Use
Public Conveyance; Control Pollution.’’
Your are Akshay/Akshita.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
By Akshita/Akshay
With rapid population explosion and the
increase in the number of vehicles; traffic,
noise pollution and air pollution is a daily
sight. It causes inconvenience to one and
all. Air pollution which is one of the most
dangerous forms of pollution, is on a rise
due to vehicle exhaustion.
In order to curb the rising pollution,
public transport such as buses, should be
actively used. With good bus connectivity
throughout the city; transport would be
utilised at the optimum level. Traveling
by bus is not only cheaper than travelling
on your own vehicle but also is a step
towards pollution control.
Moreover, citizens can opt for car-pooling
or alternative modes of transport such as
cycling, which will keep both their health
and pollution in check. Being vigilant
citizens of the country, it becomes our
moral obligation to avail the services
offered by the government and work
towards their betterment.
Q. 4. You are disturbed to find that most of
the youngsters nowadays are falling
prey to the fast food culture, overeating
and lazy life style. Write an article on
the topic, 'Importance of exercise and
nutritious food'. You are Raj/Rani. (100-
150 words) [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
By Raj/Rani
In today’s fast-paced age where every
individual is running from pillar to post
to make ends meet; even the young and
old are getting trapped. The millennial
culture of bonded corporate labourers
from ‘Monday to Friday’ and ‘party
animals’ over the weekends is taking a
severe toll on our mental, physical, and
emotional health. One is so busy accumulating
likes on social media and looking
forward to the next appraisal cycle or
planning the holiday destination that he
neglects what is he feeding his mind
and body with.
Youngsters today are struggling to reach
their classes or office on time; thanks to
the ever-growing traffic and their lazy lifestyles.
Home-cooked healthy meals have
become once-in-a-while retreat. Exercise
is something that one enjoys watching the
social media influencers perform in their
videos because the youngsters have ‘no
time for it’.
One must sit back and ponder how long
will he be able to run with such unhealthy
lifestyle and dietary habits? Our country’s
future depends on the shoulders of the
youth and hence, these shoulders need to
stay healthy and strong. One must make
an effort to eat a home-cooked balanced
diet along with a minimum of 4 days of
exercise in a week to keep his mind and
body strong.
Q. 5. Roads in our cities are fast turning
into death traps, Eight out of ten road
accidents are caused by people who
don’t follow rules of the road. Write an
article in 100 – 150 words on the topic,
‘Road Safety’. You are Ramesh/Rita.
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020]
By Ramesh/Rita
With an increasing number of vehicles on
the roads, commuters violating the traffic
rules are also increasing. In a hurry to
reach their destination, commuters don’t
think twice before neglecting the red light
or turning a deaf ear to the appeals by the
traffic cops to follow the road safety rules.
Road safety rules are meant for public
safety and to keep the traffic congestion
in check. Eight out of ten road accidents
are caused by the people who don’t follow
rules of the road. Walking along the
road side or driving on a busy road is
as dangerous as falling into a death trap
these days.
Wearing a helmet, seat-belt, slowing
down near a school or keeping left are
some of the basic habits that a commuter
is expected to follow while driving or
riding on the road but to no avail. It is
convenient to ignore them and focus
on your destination putting the lives of
others in danger.
Travellers should, however, realise that
change cannot be brought by a single
person. We should join hands together and
vow to follow the traffic rules. Abiding by
the traffic rules will only help us in having
a smooth traffic flow and prevent road
Q. 6. Outdoor games occupy a prominent
place in the life of people. They not
only help in keeping them healthy
and fit but also play an important part
as recreational events. Write an article
in 100 – 150 words on, ‘‘Importance of
Outdoor Games.’’ You are Raj/Rani.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
By Rani/Raj
Running, jumping and moving around
in open fields gives a boost to your blood
circulation. It helps one to involve in
physical activity that keeps the mind alert
and the body active. Physical activity in
the form of outdoor games thus, is very
important. It not only helps in keeping
one healthy but also plays an important
part as recreational events.
Since olden days, spending time with
nature has been encouraged in the form
of rituals and traditions. Walking towards
distant temples, circumnavigating trees
or holy fires have been ways in which
outdoor activities have been encouraged
and promoted.
Advanced outdoor games such as
baseball, football, hockey, cricket, etc.,
helps one to indulge into physical
movement of the body. This movement
keeps you fit and active. It also boosts
your immunity and improves resilience
as well as resistance.
It is advisable for both young and old to
spend a minimum of 40 minutes daily
indulging into any outdoor physical
activity. Outdoor games also help one
to imbibe values such as sportsmanship,
Topper’s Answers
team spirit and celebrating victory and
failure with enthusiasm.
Q. 7. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on
the topic, ‘Rising Prices’. You are Rahul/
Renu. [CBSE, 2019]
Q. 8. You have noticed that the number of
vehicles is steadily increasing in your city.
There are long traffic jams causing a lot
of inconvenience to the road users. Write
an article in 100–200 words on the topic,
‘Problem of Traffic Jams in Metropolitan
Cities.’ Your are Renu/Rajan.
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Problem of Traffic Jams in
Metropolitan Cities
By Renu/Rajan
The country’s automobile industry has
been growing rapidly with the increase
in per capita income, the consequence of
which is excessive load on roads due to
steadily increasing number of vehicles in
the metropolitan cities. Traffic jams occur
when vehicles in large numbers come to
a standstill for any reason for a certain
period of time. There is not a single day
when the roads in the metro cities are
without chaos. Another reason for the
traffic congestion is the overgrowing
population as well as the increase in the
number of private, public and commercial
vehicles. It occurs mostly during peak
hours when people commute to or fro
from their workplaces and hence, they face
inconvenience. It is an absolute wastage
of their productive time. Distances have
also increased in a way. Where it used to
take only few minutes to cover certain
distances earlier, now takes hours to
cover the same. People get stranded in
their vehicles for hours and get late for
their offices, business meetings or any
other appointments. Heavy traffic creates
problems not only for the vehicle drivers
but also for pedestrians. Pedestrians find
it difficult to walk on the sideways meant
for them. Traffic congestion has become
a menace for the injured or seriously ill
patients who sometimes die on their way
due to traffic jams. There are also chances
of road mishaps as vehicles move in close
proximity to each other.
It is therefore, necessary to start an
awareness campaign to lighten the burden
on roads and to take various measures to
control traffic jams in metro cities.
Q. 9. You came across an advertisement
advising motorists not to play loud
music while driving as it may distract
them. Write an article in 100–120 words
for a local newspaper advising people to
refrain from playing loud music while
driving near hospitals, schools, etc. You
are Tarun/Tanvi.
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. Avoid Playing Loud Music
While Driving
By Tarun/Tanvi
While reading the newspaper, I came
across an advertisement advising the
motorists not to play loud music while
driving. This advertisement caught my
attention and I felt that the need of the
hour is to spread awareness amongst the
people against it. Nowadays, listening
to loud music while driving has become
fashionable among people, especially
youngsters, but they don’t know the
harmful consequences of it. For their
own entertainment, these people turn
deaf ear to others’ problems. It not only
affects the public and residents of the
colony but the patients and children
too. Loud music has become a constant
source of nuisance. When loud music is
being played near hospitals, patients lose
their peaceful sleep and they become
restless. The high volume of the music
has disrupted everyone’s tranquility.
Students fail to concentrate upon their
studies and during examinations, they
face great difficulty due to it. Moreover,
there are cases of deafness, insomnia,
palpitation of heart, mental fatigue, etc.
and among the sufferers are majorly
small babies and old people.The problem
further adds to the fact that noise control
laws are neither followed properly nor
implemented completely.
So I think that law alone is not sufficient
until and unless we all take oath to make
the city noise-free by educating the
people about its ill effects. Everyone who
plays loud music while driving, should
refrain from doing so.
Q. 10. You are very impressed by the idea of
'Each one, Teach one and you want to
participate in the campaign actively.
Write an article in 100–120 words to be
published in your school magazing
on the topic, “The Role of Students
in Achieving 100% Literacy.“ You are
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. The Role of the Students in
Achieving 100% Literacy
By Mohan/Mohini
Youth plays a vital role in the development
of any country and one cannot deny their
importance in the upliftment of a nation.
India is a land of villages and most of its
population is illiterate. In many villages,
there are no schools or teaching facilities.
Thus, villagers don’t get any opportunity
to learn. Poverty and ignorance have
deprived them from becoming literate.
They don’t even know how to write their
name or recognise the alphabets. The
villagers are bound by the superstitions
and it is necessary to remove these beliefs
from their minds. Therefore, it becomes the
duty of the youth to render their services
to them by teaching them. They can give
their valuable advice and guidance to
educate them. The government has also
started a campaign ‘Each one, Teach One’
to facilitate the learning programme for
the illiterates. So anyone who wants to
participate in this campaign can get their
names enrolled. I think it is a very good
initiative by the government. The students
are the only ones who can change the
mindset of the illiterates and transform
them. They can easily teach them using
innovative techniques which would help
them in many things such as their farming
process. The students could make groups
among themselves and start teaching the
illiterate people in their respective areas.
With the increase in the population, the
responsibilities of students have also
increased. Their role in teaching people
is now full of challenges and they can
possibly achieve 100% literacy in the
country by making revolutionary changes.
Q. 11. You are Ravi / Raveena, Sports Secretary
of your school. Write an article in 100–
120 words on the topic, ‘Importance of
Outdoor Games in the life of a teenager.‘
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Importance of Outdoor Games
in the Life of a Teenager
By Ravi/Raveena, Sports Secretary
In this age, when teenagers are suffering
from obesity, outdoor activities form
an important part of their life. These
outdoor activities have long-term
benefits on their health. Adequate
outdoor activity increases health and
physical development by improving
sensory development, reducing obesity
and stimulating blood cells.
These outdoor games can ward off
health problems. These also inculcate
in them the fighting spirit and team
spirit and hence, the teenagers learn the
importance of setting goals, pursuing
them and achieving them. This boosts
their self-esteem and their social
behaviour improves. They learn to adjust
with others and work in team. They also
learn to make strategy to win. Self talk,
positive thinking and visualisation help
them stay above the pressures of the
game and make them win.
Outdoor names also give a sense of
freedom. Teenagers feel that they can do
and achieve anything in life. In this age,
where children are so tech-savy, it might
be challenging for parents to push them
for outdoor games but these games help
them in the overall development of their
Q. 12. More and more people are used
to carrying mobile phones to their
workplace. However, the use of mobile
phones can be dangerous at certain
times and places. Write an article on
the topic. ‘Mobile Phone Manners.‘
Take hints from the information that
• The Government on Thursday
banned the use of cellular phones at
petrol pumps as they could ignite the
flammable vapours present in the air.
• Don‘t use mobiles
• While driving
• Inside an aircraft
• When in an ICU
• If you are near a heart patient or
someone who has pacemaker
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. Mobile Phone Manners
Telecom industry has brought the world
closer. Using mobile phones is as natural
and common as eating food these days.
In today‘s world, everyone can be seen
using a mobile phone whether he is
from the upper strata of society or a poor
man. Surely, it has made things easy and
smooth. But excess of everything takes a
price. One needs to be careful about when
mobile phone should not be used.
It is very risky and dangerous to use
phones at petrol pumps as using them
could ignite the flammable vapours
present in the air and could cause disaster.
That is the reason why the government
has banned the use of phones at petrol
It should not be used while driving as it
diverts the attention of the driver, leading
to accidents.
It disturbs the patients in the hospital
and its use is harmful if one is near a
heart patient or someone who has a
pacemaker. Its electromagnetic energy
emission weakens cell membranes and
alters the handling of calcium in cells.
It also levies a heavy find on those
show use mobile phones while driving.
In aircrafts too, instructions are given
to switch off the mobile phones. So,
mobile phone users should know mobile
Take control of your phone. Don‘t let it
control you !
Q. 13. Good health plays an important role
in the life of a student. Student should
not neglect their health. Good health
is essential for a good performance in
studies as well.
Write an article on the topic, ‘How
can students keep fit and healthy?‘
You are Arun/Anita, 1489, Hem Kunt
Apartments, Delhi. (100–12 words).
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. ‘How Can Students Keep Fit
and Healthy?‘
By Arun/Anita
Being healthy and fit in simple terms
means taking good care of the body. We
should remember that a healthy mind
resides only in a healthy body. Good
health of both mind and body helps one
maintain the required energy level to
achieve success in life.
It is essential for students to be fit
and healthy because only then they can
concentrate and perform well in studies.
For this, it is necessary that they protect
their bodies from the intake of harmful
substances. Doing regular exercise,
taking proper food and sleep are the
defining factors for a healthy lifestyle.
Being fit will keep them away from being
lethargic, restless or tired.
A healthy student can focus not only
on studies but also on other co-curricular
activities. It will bring him mental stability
A healthy diet comprising of a balance
of proteins, carbs and vitamins will help
in maintaining fitness and enhancing
immunity level. So each student should
keep health on a priority. Being happy
is also directly related to boosting your
mental strength and health. So happiness
is also a part of a healthy lifestyle.
Q. 14. You are Pratibha/Rahul of Class X. Write
an article in 100–120 words on ‘Ill effects
on students of too much of television‘.
You can use the following clues:
— Increasing addiction
— A great variety of programmes
— Easy availability
— Neglect of studies
— Drop in academic performance
— Result — poor physical and mental
[CBSE, 2018]
Topper’s Answers
Ans. Ill Effects of Too Much
By Rahul/Pratibha, Class X
Most children nowadays, watch
television as part of their leisure time.
Two of the major reasons are that there is
a great variety of television programs and
the ease of availability. If children do not
get to watch their programs on television,
they will use their parents‘ phone to
watch the programs online. Researchers
have found that watching television
for young children has both its own
share of advantages and disadvantages.
Watching TV for children is an enjoyable
activity but it can have several ill effects
on their cognitive abilities, health, and
their habits. Children who watch a lot of
TV programs can suffer from the lack of
concentration. When he or she watches a
TV program, they get only a few minutes
to concentrate and that too in between the
advertisements. They also find it difficult
to imagine because when they watch a
television program, they only need to
look and listen. A child who likes to watch
television programs can be in front of it
for many hours. Obesity is a fast-growing
problem amongst children these days due
to the lack of physical activity. Children
become lazy to try out new activities as
they do not want to miss their television
programs. They ofter prefer watching T.V.
over doing their homework or learning
their lessons, which eventually leads
to a drop in the academic performance.
Another bad effect is that they will be
influenced by violence in some television
programs as they have not yet developed
their critical thinking skill to differentiate
between good and bad. Anything in
excess is harmful to a person. Thus,
watching excessive television can lead to
poor physical and mental health.
Q. 15. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on the
topic ‘A library is good for all — the old
and young‘. You are P.V. Prabhu/Prabha.
Use the following clues:
• best place in the school
• reference books, help books,
newspapers, etc.
• don‘t have to buy expensive ones
• books to relax — novels, plays, etc.
• books — treasure of knowledge
• spend leisure hours
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. A Library is Good For All
By P.V. Prabhu/Prabha
Library is the best place in the school. It is
a place where books are kept, issued and
collected. It is a treasure of knowledge. A
public library, besides being a library, has
a reading room and a hall for meetings or
other activities.
It is a place where books on any subject
or any topic are available so people don't
have to buy expenive ones when they want
to do a resarch or so. There sits infinite
knowledge in the library as there are books
written by the most experienced minds.
The purpose of a library is to create
love for books and reading habits among
the people. Books are the best and the
most faithful friends that a reader could
have. Thus, library is a very useful place
where people can spend their leisure time
constructively. It relaxes people and also
enriches their knowledge. Thus, library
provides a platform for reading which
is the only enjoyment that lasts while all
other pleasures fade away.
Q. 16. Write an article in 100–150 words on
‘Importance of Morning Walk.‘ Your are
Amit/Anita. Use the following clues:
• makes you rise early
• fresh air
• blood rushes through your body
• energy for the day
• hungry for breakfast
• good for studies
• all day active
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. Importance of Morning Walk
By Amit/Anita
Walking has its own delights. One gets
optimum benefits from walking. ‘Sound
mind in a sound body‘ is the saying that
stresses the need of remaining healthy.
Walking has its own contribution to
make a person healthy. It is the easiest,
the cheapest and the best way to remain
fit and healthy. It has many benefits. It is
a panacea for our survival. While taking
a walk, we get pure and clean air that
provides life to our lungs and rejuvenates
power in our mind. A walk in the morning
helps in regulating our blood circulation
and regenerates our lost energy. Most of
the ailments in our body subside, stress
reduces and we become tension free. It
regulates our appetite and smoothens
our digestive system. The chirping of the
birds, calm atmosphere, greenery and
blooming flowers add charm and life to
our survival. Nature uplifts our mood.
Being in nature is like a communication
with God. We should enjoy and avail
this very gift of God provided to human
beings and make full use of our legs to
keep ourselves fit. It gives a headstart of
the day.
Q. 17. Write an article in 100–120 words on ‘The
International Day of Yoga‘ describing
how the Yoga events were organised
all over the world and the impact it has
created on people.
[CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. The International Day of Yoga
21 June 20XX was celebrated as The
International Day of Yoga. People all
over the world celebrated the Yoga Day.
In India, various programmes of yoga
were organised in all the states and
offices. In Delhi, the four yoga geniuses
including Ram Devji displayed various
asanas which were followed by around
40,000 volunteers. The four gurus were
present at Rajpath to exhibit asanas which
were projected through 28 big screents.
About 80–100 foreigners from around
50 countries were also present in the
function. A 1400 meter stretch on Rajpath
had about 40,000 yoga mats laid out for
the participants, many of whom were
government officers and staff.
Each of the officer was given a bag
which contained a white T-shirt, a
booklet, a DVD and an entry pass. The
yoga got worldwide endorsement as a
preventive health care measure.
The Prime Minister himself was
there to perform yoga on the stage. The
international acclaim of our yoga asanas
would certainly help us lead a peaceful
and healthy life.
Q. 18. Write an article in 100–120 words on ‘Use
of Technology in Education‘ for your
school magazine. You are Ram/Rama.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Use of Technology in Education
By Rama/Ram
Technology is basically the use of
automation to add a cushion of comfort
to the life of the common man. The use
of technology is seen today in many
arenas, from banking to shipping
and to education. The effective use of
technology has changed the shape of
education and has created an abundance
of opportunities. Various educational
technologies has benefitted both
students as well as teachers. Teachers
have learned to blend technology with
manual learning and this has managed
to grab the attention of students. Internet
technology has broken the barriers of
distance, teachers can now reach students
across borders. The use of technology in
education works by saving a lot of time
while supplementing the lessons taught
by the teacher. It gives rise to a friendly
enviornment as everyone is updated
and aware about the other‘s doings.
Advancement in educational technology
has shown positive results. Digital
learning tools have helped increase the
learner‘s engagement and motivation
towards learning. But despite all the
advancement in educational technology,
the truth does remain that no one can
replace an inspiring teacher.
Q. 19. Write an article in 100–120 words on
“Importance of Good Health“ You are
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. Importance of Good Health
By Ram/Rama
Health is a very important aspect in
everyone‘s life. Nothing is more important
than health and fitness for any human
being. Healthy and fit people enjoy their
life happily and peacefully. An unhealthy
person cannot enjoy life to the fullest.
He/she cannot enjoy eating, watching
sports, or other luxuries of the life. There
is a famous saying 'health is wealth'. In
order to maintain good health, we need
to take care of the hygiene and sanitation
all around us. We should eat healthy and
complete meals on timely basis. We need
to remember at all times that a healthy
child develops into a healthy adult.
We should eat green and fresh vegetables,
milk, fresh fruits, eggs, etc. Our body
needs sufficient amounts of proteins, minerals
and vitamins on a daily basis to be fit
and healthy. Along with healthy food and
physical activities, we need to maintain
cleanliness in our home and surrounding
areas including our personal cleanliness.
The maintenance of physical and mental
health is very improtant for a person
who wants to be successful. It is rightfully
said by Buddha about health and fitness
that, “To keep the body in good health is
a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to
keep our mind strong and clear“.
Q. 20. According to a recent survey, school students
are the worst victims of malnutrition. This
leads to poor performance in their studies.
Write an article in 100–120 words for your
school magazine appealing to students
to avoid junk food as far as possible and
adhere to a healthy diet of fruits and green
vegetables. You are Vaibhavi / Vaibhav of
New Delhi.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. Health is Real Wealth
We all are aware and have heard that our
parents have laid so much importance
on the kind of food we eat. Whether our
parents or theirs, the story of food has been
same in every era. Maybe if we had some
concrete evidence on how our ancestors
dealt with this problem of eating right,
then the story would have been just the
same as today. We even know that if we
eat right now then later, we will always be
healthy. The food pyramid that we have
seen and some of us may have been taught
in school, also keeps carbohydrates and
fats on the top of the pyramid. That is in
the least quantity zone. Whereas, raw fruits
and salads form the base. These are the
things our mother nature provides us and
in their natural form is how they should
be consumed, without killing the vitamins
and minerals they are loaded with. Even
milk and meat come in the second tier.
Taking the food pyramid as our guide,
where do puris, pizzas, burgers, sweets,
cakes, ice-creams and chocolates fall?
Not even on the top, as they are not a
part of the food pyramid. That is why
we put such food in an entirely different
category. We call them JUNK FOOD! All
such type of food that is laden with sugar,
oil, butter and excessive salt damage our
system on the whole. Though the effects
may not be immediate, but they make
our lives tough. This kind of food makes
us lethargic, sluggish, and fat. We need to
be aware of this. Why do you see so many
advertisements backing upon you to come
and eat, they gives schemes and offers,
they allure you, entice you and tempt you
to come and eat? This is all because they
want you to eat food that is enticing to
watch but unhealthy to eat. So the onus
lies on us — shall we get entrapped or take
our own decision to eat healthy and stay
fit and strong. Choose wisely, after all it is
one life that you have got. Eat to live or
live to eat! The decision is yours.
Q. 21. “A man‘s manners are a mirror in which
he shows his portrait.“ This quote
highlights the importance of good
manners in life. Write an article for your
school magazine on “Good Manners‘‘.
You may use the following hints with
your own ideas.
Hints: First step to success — need for
good manners — make life easy with
politeness — create goodwill — use
words like thank you, please, sorry —
important words — well mannered
people liked by all.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Good Manners
Good manners are basic etiquettes that need
to be imbibed by all as a man‘s manners are
a mirror in which he shows his portrait.
Practicing good manners makes a person
desirable at home by their family members
and in society. If a man or woman from any
background or any financial condition has
good manners, they are always accepted
and appreciated by everyone.
Good manners can be one of the
reasons for success in a person‘s academic
or professional career. The reason behind
this rationale is that good manners helps
a person imbibe the positive attributes
of time management and punctuality,
which goes a long way in moulding one‘s
personality. People are always attracted
to an individual with a good heart and
good manners. ‘Thank You‘, ‘Sorry‘ and
‘Please‘ are the three magical words,
which form the pillars of good manners.
If someone offers you something or some
kind of favor or praises you, then you
should say ‘Thank You‘. If you want to
ask or want any kind of favor from others
then before starting your sentence you
should say ‘Please‘. If you hurt someone
whether it is intentional or by mistake,
you should say ‘Sorry‘. A well-mannered
person attracts more goodwill than an illmannered
one. By being polite, humble
and kind, you will always makes a place
in everyone's heart.
Q. 22. A civilised and well groomed personality
has a positive impact on others. Write
an article in 100–120 words for your
school magazine on the importance of
education in personality development.
You are Miki/Manish.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. Importance of Education In
Personality Development
By Miki/Manish
Many people still think that personality
is related to the physical appearance of a
person. If a person is well-built and wearing
a good dress, it is said, that he/she has
a good personality. But this is not a rational
approach. As a person‘s true personality
can be noticed through the way he
communicates with others.
The purpose of education is to develop
knowledge, skills and shape the character
of a person. Education does not only
provide knowledge and skills but also
imparts values, and helps cultivate the
right attitude and habits. It is necessary
for physical, mental and social development.
It helps in honing one‘s character
through discipline. The aim of education
is to inspire and motivate an individual
to think, evaluate and act.
Through co-curricular activities, one
can pick up necessary skills and values.
Good manners that are a part of education
can also be honed and aid a person
in becoming a responsible and productive
person. Education helps to improve
the capability and the personality of an
Q. 23. Write an article in 100–120 words on the
topic, ‘Importance of clean surroundings
in your locality‘. You are Ram/Rama.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. Importance of Clean
Surroundings in Your Locality
By Ram/Rama
Throughout our childhood, we have been
learning that ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness‘.
Cleanliness is one of the most important
habit for human being in order to
live a healthy and happy life. It is a best
quality everyone needs to have or develop
with time. Following cleanliness helps
us in keeping our body and mind very energetic,
active, fresh and healthy. It keeps
us away from the diseases which is the
most important thing. Even the government
through its ‘Clean India mission‘
tries to present a clean and green country.
We know that every household generates
waste or garbage, we can do our
bit by throwing waste or garbage only
in trash bins. Throwing garbage all over
the place will only make our surroundings
dirty and pollute the environment.
Controlling the use of plastic bags will
also help to keep our surroundings clean.
One should use recycled and eco-friendly
products such as paper or jute bags instead
of plastic bags.
Throwing of plastic bags by the roadside
only makes our surroundings dirty
and unhygienic. Plastic bags are not biodegradable.
They also clog the drains and
cause water logging. Do not litter on the
road or in your neighbourhood. Littering
causes land, air and water pollution. Try
planting trees and plants that will beautify
our surroundings as well as keep
us healthy. Greener surroundings look
beautiful and also reduce pollution to
keep us fit and healthy. soilling our surroundings
will only cause harm to us. So,
keep the surroundings clean and live a
healthy life. This will result in a pollution
free and safe environment.

Story Writing
Story Writing (10 marks each)
Q. 1. Write a story in 150-200 words with the
help of the following outline. Give it a
suitable title also.
A cricket match .............. boys playing
in the street .............. Ram hit the ball
.............. a second floor window pane
broken .......... [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
Every year, as the summer vacation began,
bats, balls and stumps were cleaned and
installed on the street in front of our
society. Scorching heat of the sun and our
sweating bodies was an yearly scenario
for the kids of the society. The best part
about these afternoon cricket matches
was the breaks that involved any one of
the mothers getting exotic soft drinks for
us to drink and rejuvenate our energies.
On one such afternoon, when an intense
match was going on between our society
and the one on the opposite side of the
street; Ram, our best batsman, was in his
complete enthusiasm. It was crucial for
us to win this match as the challenge was
tough and it was a matter of pride and
honour to win against the opposite society.
As Rakesh bowled, Ram swung his
bat with full force and the ball went at
lightning speed. Little did we know that
this speed will make us run helter-skelter
because the ball went through the glass
window of the second floor of a building.
The sound of the shattering glass silenced
the cheers of us all and we ran before
getting caught. Ram was standing at his
position waiting for the house owners to
come out in their balcony.
A short old lady approached the balcony
with the ball in her hand. She looked at us
with furious red eyes. We were trembling
looking at her face from behind the building
wall. She then looked at Ram and summoned
him upstairs. We don’t know what
happened next but thereafter, our cricket
matches never took place in the street.
Q. 2. Ahmad went to watch Diwali Mela
with his parents. He wanted to enjoy a
ride in the merry go-round. His father
.................. [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
Ahmad went to watch Diwali Mela with
his parents. He wanted to enjoy a ride in
the merry-go-round. His father bought
him a ticket and asked him to enjoy the
ride. He was so excited to ride the merrygo-
round that he ran towards the long
queue leaving his parents behind. Lost
in his thoughts and excitement, Ahmad
soon realised that he has reached the end
of the queue all alone. His parents were
no where to be seen.
A worried little Ahmad was on the
verge of breaking down when he saw a
policeman patrolling through the streets
of the fair. He ran towards the cop and
told him that he is lost. The policeman
took Ahmad to the ‘Help’ counter and
asked him to sit there while he tried to
locate his parents.
Ahmad was so tensed when he was offered
an ice-cream by another policeman
sitting at the counter that he refused it because
all he wanted then was to meet his
parents. He heard his name being called
out on the loudspeaker which made him
shiver. “A 6-year-old boy, Ahmad has got
lost in the fair. He is with us at the Help
counter. Ahmad’s parents are requested
to collect him from here”, said the announcement.
Before Ahmad could process the
information, he saw his parents running
towards him. His mother was crying
profusely holding him tightly. His father
thanked the cops for their help and
apologised for the inconvenience caused.
Ahmad too thanked the policemen for
helping him and promised to be more
careful next time.
Story Writing (10 marks each)
Q. 3. Write a story in 150-200 words with the
help of the following clues.
Last year in the month of December, I
went to my native village where my
grand parents live in a cottage on the
foothills of the Himalayas. One day,
I was standing on the edge of a dense
forest. Suddenly .......... .
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. Last year in the month of December,
I went to my native village where my
grandparents live in a cottage on the
foothills of the Himalayas. One day, I was
standing on the edge of a dense forest.
Suddenly, I heard a loud thud. All the
birds flew away with a not-so-pleasant
chirping sound and I ran towards the
source of the sound. What I saw made my
heart skip a beat.
A large ferocious bear was shot and there
was a large gathering of people around the
body of the animal. He was still breathing
but was too injured to get up. The forest
officials who had shot him were making
calls to get the animal transported.
On listening to the villagers, I figured out
that the animal was causing a great threat
to the villagers. He had attacked and killed
five people in the past few days. On
several complaints made to the forest
department, the bear was finally caught
after a struggling operation.
I felt bad for the bear who was lying
in a pool of blood and I questioned
his activity as in, would the bear have
attacked humans if this beautiful green
forest was left untouched for animals
to thrive? Won’t humans attack in
defense if animals entered our skysoaring
complexes and apartment? Then
why can’t animals do the same in their
defense? And these questions made me
feel sorry for the tortured animals.
Q. 4. It was an amazing day, full of fun and
frolic. We all stood aghast to see a
strange flying object over our heads. We
started ......... . [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. It was an amazing day, full of fun and
frolic. We all stood aghast to see a strange
flying object over our heads. We started
running here and there as it approached
the ground. There was dust all around
and the object made a loud ringing sound
as it descended. I tried to look through
the dust what was happening but all I
could see was that the lower section of
the object opened and a strong beam of
light came out from it.
Suddenly, some strange figures came
out of the object. I shivered and held
my mother’s arm as tightly as I could.
The figure came right in front of us and
before I could faint or understand what
was happening, it started talking. The
figure was almost 10 feet tall with a large
round head. It had a thick green skin
and webbed feet and hands. There was
a screen-like object on its chest which
displayed the text and produced sound.
It was an alien!
The alien did not have a mouth but a
large eye in the centre of his face. With
two big ears over its large head, it could
only talk through the screen which said,
“Please don’t be scared! We have come
from space. We are not here to harm
you but to inform you that the Earth is
in danger. The pollution that humans are
creating on Earth is damaging the planet
greatly. Please stop it before it’s too late.”
I could hardly listen to the complete
information when suddenly I opened my
eyes. I looked around and it was dark. I
was dreaming! Hush! I lifted myself up
in the bed. As I was trying to sleep again,
I wondered whether aliens exist? And
if they do, is our earth really in danger?
Thinking about these questions, I went
back to sleep again.
Q. 5. Write a short story in 200 – 250 words
with the help of the cues given below.
Give a suitable title to your story.
I saw a cute puppy — looked sick and
scared — gripped with pity — started
petting the puppy — decided to take
it home — my mother not happy —
narrated the whole story — gave milk —
named it Tabby — now the most loved
member of my family.
[CBSE, 2019]
Topper’s Answers
Q. 6. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
Mukesh, the grocer, was very greedy. He
would mix stones in pulses and coloured
sand in spices and sell them to the poor
villagers. The villagers complained to
him but he turned a deaf ear to them,
as his was the only grocery store in the
village. The villagers, then decided......
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Tit For Tat
Mukesh, the grocer, was very greedy. He
would mix stones in pulses and coloured
sand in spices and sell them to the poor
villagers. The villagers complained to him
but he turned a deaf ear to them, as his
was the only grocery store in the village.
The villagers, then decided to teach him a
lesson. They all gathered and went to the
king to make a complaint against him. On
hearing this the king became very angry
and ordered his courtiers to summon him
to the court. When Mukesh was brought
to the court, the king rebuked him saying,
“You have been cheating the innocent villagers
for the past so many months and
for this, you will be punished”. The grocer
was frightened and asked for forgiveness.
The king gave him the relaxation of
choosing his punishment. The king asked
him either to get ready to go beaten a
thousand times or eat one hundred onions
at a time. The grocer became happy
thinking it to be an easy punishment and
chose to eat onions. But having eaten only
20 onions, tears rolled down his eyes and
he asked to be beaten. When guards started
lashing him and the count reached to
50, Mukesh cried with pain and knelt
down before the king feeling extremely
sorry for his deeds. He promised not to
cheat anyone in future. The king released
him on a warning and Mukesh lived the
life of an honest person thereafter.
Moral – ‘Greed leads to grief’
Q. 7. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
It was 10 p.m. I was alone at home.
Suddenly I heard a knock on the door......
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. The Scary Night
It was 10 p.m. I was alone at home.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.
I expected no one at that hour of time
as all my family members had gone to
attend a close family wedding whereas
I was supposed to stay at home due to
my board exams. Repeated knocking at
the door scared me to death. A chill went
down my spine. Suddenly, the lights
went off and this only worsened my
fear. Then I saw some shadows outside
the window. My heartbeat increased as
it was dense dark outside, and I couldn’t
imagine in my wildest thoughts who
could be there. I geared up, gathered
courage and reached the window. Slowly
I pulled the curtains and looked outside
but the shadow was not clear at all and
it was not a single shadow but four or
five shadows. This was enough for me
to believe that some scoundrels were
there at the door. I looked for my cricket
bat, held it tightly and reached for the
main door of the living room. Although
it was cold winter, I was still down with
sweat. With a sudden jerk, I opened the
door and lifted my bat to hit but I was
surprised to see that it was my family
members who had come early because
of me. I felt relieved and embraced my
mother tightly. That night I slept with
my parents, holding my mother‘s hand.
It was really a scary night!
Moral – ‘Do not loose courage even in the
worst situation.’
Q. 8. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
A woodcutter earned his living by
cutting wood from the jungle and selling
it in the market. One day when he was
cutting down a tree on the bank of
a river, his axe fell into the river. He
was .........
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. The Woodcutter and the Axe
A woodcutter earned his living by cutting
wood from the jungle and selling it in the
market. One day when he was cutting
down a tree on the bank of a river, his axe
fell into the river. He was shocked to see
that because the axe was his only source of
earning. The river was deep enough and
the poor woodcutter didn’t know how to
swim. He sat there weeping. For hours he
kept waiting for someone to help him but
no one turned up. Then an unusual thing
happened. A beautiful elf from the river
appeared before the woodcutter. She
asked him “Why are you not chopping
the wood?” The woodcutter sadly replied,
“My axe has fallen into the river and I
don’t know how to swim. Now I can’t cut
wood”. The elf then showed him a golden
axe and asked him “Is this your axe which
had fallen into the river?” The woodcutter
saw the axe carefully and replied, “No,
it’s not my axe”. The elf disappeared and
after some time reappeared with a silver
axe. She again asked the woodcutter, “Is
this the axe you are looking for?” The
woodcutter checked the axe again and
said,” No, it’s not my axe. My axe is made
up of iron and has a wooden handle”.
This time the elf showed him his original
axe and seeing that the woodcutter
exclaimed with joy,” Yes, that‘s my axe!”
The honesty of the woodcutter made the
elf very happy and she gave him both
the gold and silver axes as his reward.
The woodcutter accepted the gifts and
returned home thrilled and overjoyed. He
told the whole incident to wife who also
appreciated his honesty and thereafter
they both lived happily.
Moral –‘Honesty is always rewarded.’
Q. 9. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
The next day was the annual day of
my school. I was very excited as I had
participated in many activites. Moreover,
I was going to receive the 'Best Student
Trophy' for 2017–18. Late at night I heard
a strange sound. My mother woke me up
and told me that .........
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. The Best Trophy of My Life
The next day was the annual day of
my school. I was very excited as I had
participated in many activities. Moreover,
I was going to receive the ‘Best Student
Trophy’ for 2017-18. Late at night, I heard
a strange sound. My mother woke me
up and told me that my grandmother
had been seriously ill. She was gasping
and sweating profusely. My mother was
horrified and perplexed to see this. She
couldn’t understand what had happened
to the grandmother. She didn’t know what
to do so she cried for help. My father was
not at home that time. He had gone out
of the town for a week for some official
work. I was all alone with my mother,
younger sister and grandmother. Nobody
had ever imagined that anything like that
would happen. Fortunately, our next
door neighbour had returned home early
as he had to attend some party that day.
When he heard my mother shouting for
help, he came running to our house. He
saw my grandmother and immediately
understood her condition. Without a
moment’s delay, he took out his car, put
my grandmother in it and rushed to the
nearby hospital. Meanwhile his wife took
me and my sister to her house, calmed
us down and fed us properly. Doctors
examined her and told that she had a
mild heart attack and the slightest delay
would have turned out to be dangerous
for her. Next morning my grandmother
was discharged after getting medical
prescriptions and we took her back home.
It was the happiest moment for all of us
and we were grateful to our neighbours
for because of whom we could see our
grandmother alive. Then, I was all ready
to receive the trophy but more than that,
I was happy to have my grandmother
back. It was the best trophy that I ever
received in my life.
Moral – The gift of life is the biggest of all.
Q. 10. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
It was raining heavily, the street light
had gone off and I was alone, coming
back from my tuition class. It was 8 p.m.
and very cold. Suddenly I .........
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. A Fearful Incident
It was raining heavily, the street lights
had gone off and I was alone, coming
back from my tuition class. It was 8
p.m. and very cold. Suddenly, I heard
some footsteps behind me. I stopped
and looked behind but saw no one. I
started walking again and then, I heard
the footsteps again. This time it scared
me. The road was lonely and in that
rainy night, I could hardly see a person
or two on the sideways. I neither had
an umbrella nor a raincoat as I couldn’t
think of the possibility of rain that day. I
imagined who it could be? a watchman
returning home after his duty or a
criminal following me for some purpose?
Mere thought of the latter aroused my
goosebumps. I dared not to see back and
instead increased my walking speed. But
what! The footsteps behind me were also
heard walking rapidly. I prayed silently
to God to help me. In my fear, I followed
the wrong path. I thought of screaming
for help but then no one was there. The
whole road was deserted because the
road which I had taken went towards the
isolated industrial area and the workers
might have gone to their houses by then.
I started running fast and the footsteps
behind me also started running fast. I
was almost on the verge of fainting when
the voice from behind held my breath.
I mustered up the courage and turned
back. I saw a tall man, wearing a long
raincoat and a hat, moving towards me.
In a stern voice he asked me stop and I
stopped! When he came closer to me, I
saw his face. He was a policeman who
was doing his night duty. He asked me
the reason for running as he suspected
me to be a criminal. I explained him that
I was returning back home from tuition
and showed him my tuition register and
books as proof. When he was satisfied
with the answer, he escorted me to the
house and went away.
Moral – Don’t believe anything you hear
and only half of what you see.
Q. 11. Complete the story in 200–250 words,
which begins as the following, provide
an appropriate title also.
One day I was sleeping in my room.
Suddenly I had difficulty in breathing.
On waking up I found smoke coming
into my room. I got up and oppened my
window. Peeping out I saw .........
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. A Fiery Experience
One day I was sleeping in my room.
Suddenly, I had difficulty breathing. On
waking up I found smoke coming into my
room. I got up and opened my window.
Peeping out, I saw a big fire which broke
out in the busy commercial complex in
front of my house. Without wasting a
second, I rang up the fire brigade and
informed the police too. The security
guard was shouting at the top of his voice.
Everyone came out of their houses. The
fire started spreading fast and the worst
thing that happened was the wind which
started blowing at the same moment. It
made the fire more tyrannous. Many
people got trapped in the fire. I joined the
others in the rescue work. Soon the police
and firemen arrived and began doing their
job. The police quickly evacuated the area
and the firemen got engaged in fighting
the fire. It nearly took one and a half hour
to extinguish the fire. It was actually very
difficult to evacuate the people trapped in
the leaping flames. Fortunately, there was
no harm to any life although goods worth
lakhs were destroyed and turned into
ashes. Later on, it was discovered that the
fire broke out due to short circuit that had
sparked off the fire in one of the shops
in the complex. If there was no quick
action taken by the firemen, policemen
and security guards, anything hazardous
could have happened.
That day, I understood the true value of
our helpers and how they carry out their
duties. Everyone’s job is equally important
and we should never underestimate any
work as no work is small. I salute these
brave people who render their services to
help others by putting their own lives at
Moral –‘Always value the services rendered
to us by the helpers’
Q. 12. Write a story in 150–200 words with the
help of the following outline. Give it a
suitable title also.
Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an
attention seeker. He was a woodcutter
and would go deep into the jungle to
cut trees. One day he wanted to do an
act of mischief. He shouted at the top of
his voice, ‘‘There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a
tiger .... ....‘‘
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Nobody Believes a Liar
Bunya was a foolish boy who was an
attention seeker. He was a woodcutter
and would go deep into the jungle to cut
trees. One day, he wanted to do an act of
mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice,
‘‘There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger ...... .‘‘
The farmers in the neighbouring area
heard the voice and his cries for help. They
left all of their work and came running to
help the boy. When they came to the spot,
they did not see any sign of a tiger.
The farmers asked the boy, ‘‘Was it you
who cried for help? Where is the tiger?’’
The boy laughed and said, ‘‘I was just
having fun. There is no tiger here. Go
away.’’ The farmers got very angry. They
scolded the boy and went away.
The next day, the boy played the same
trick and thus, annoyed the farmers once
again. A few days later, a tiger came
there for real. The boy was petrified. He
climbed up a tree. He looked here and
there helplessly and shouted for help but
the farmers in the nearby areas felt that he
was trying to befool them again. So there
came no help. Everybody was irritated by
his foolish tricks. Finally, the tiger killed
the boy. Hence, we should never lie as
nobody believes a liar.
Q. 13. Write a story in 150–200 words with the
help of the following outline. Give it a
suitable title also.
On Sunday I was watching TV. Suddenly
I heard people shouting outside...
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. The Ugly Face of Electric Current
On Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly,
I heard people shouting outside. I got up
to peep out of the window to see what had
happened. To my horror and surprise, I
saw a boy clinging to an electric pole.
People were shouting and asking him to
leave it. But he could not get off from the
pole and was continuously electrified.
If anybody tried to touch him, he too
got the current. His mother was utterly
shocked and was crying. People were
trying various things to help him but
all went in vain. Then came a wise
man. He understood the situation. He
immediately called the electricity board
and told them to switch off the lights
from the mainboard. As soon as the
action was taken, the young boy fell
off. He was unconscious. Immediately,
he was rushed to the hospital. Then the
crowd scattered. I could not believe that
touching a pole could be so dangerous.
Hence, I learnt a lesson to be careful of
the electric current.
Q. 14. Develop a short story in 150–200 words
which begins as of the following:
Last Sunday I along with my friends
decided to go to the riverside for a
picnic. We planned to spend the whole
day there, but ...... Give it a suitable title
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. True Friends
Last Sunday, I along with my friends,
decided to go to the riverside for a picnic.
We planned to spend the whole day there,
but as luck would have it, the day turned
out to be catastrophic. My friend and I
set out on a boating trip. We sailed the
boat smoothly and talked merrily. Soon,
we noticed we were very far from the
bank of the river. We were in the middle
where water seemed to be very deep and
flow of the river was powerful. All of a
sudden the sky grew dark. A strong wind
started blowing hard. The water became
rough. The boat tossed up and down in
the rampant water.
Luckily, we saw a plank floating in the
water. We both jumped and caught hold
of the plank. But the plank was too small
to bear the weight of two. We both know
that one of us should leave it otherwise
both of us will drown. Then my friend
said to me, ‘‘You are a married man. You
must live for your wife and children. I
am single. So I must go.‘‘ I was shaken
to hear that. I told him that he too had a
mother and a sister to take care of. But
he insisted on leaving the plank and told
me to take care of his mother and sister.
Saying this, he let go off the plank. He
was drowned.
After the storm was over, I reached the
bank of the river. Our other friends were
very worried. They were waiting for use
to come back. They all turned very sad
to know about his drowning. After that
we all went to his home and broke the
sad news to his mother and sister. They
were shocked. I brought both of them to
my house. My family accepted them with
great love and warmth.
Moral – True friends share joys as well as
Q. 15. With the help of the following cues,
develop a short story along with a title
in 150–200 words:
A cap seller carrying a bundle of caps ......
sleeps under a tree ..... puts the bundle
beside him ..... some monkeys take away
the caps...... wakes up .... finds monkeys
wearing caps ... angry ... throws his own
cap ..... monkeys throw their caps ....
collects ..... happy.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. The Capseller and the Monkeys
There was a jungle between two villages.
Many monkeys lived in the jungle. One
day, a cap seller was passing through the
jungle to go to another village. He was
carrying a bundle of caps. On the way,
he got tried. He put the bundle aside, lay
down under a tree and fell asleep.
He woke up after some time. He got
upset when he saw that his box was open
and the monkeys had taken away all the
caps. Just then he looked up, there were
so many monkeys on the tree. Each one
of them had a cap on his head. The cap
seller was angry. He picked up a stone
and threw it at the monkeys. The monkeys
plucked fruits from the tree and
threw them at the cap seller. Then, the
cap seller understood the trick. He knew
how to get back his caps from the monkeys.
They had the habit of copying others.
The cap seller took off the cap from
his head and threw it on the ground.
The monkeys also copied him. They too
threw their caps down. The cap seller
was happy to see this. He collected
the caps from the ground, put them in
the box and happily went to the other
village to sell them.
Moral – Presence of mind can find a way
out of many difficulties.
Q. 16. Develop a short story in 150–200 words
with the help of the given beginning.
Suggest a suitable title also.
It was a lovely rainy day. I was enjoying
a cup of tea while sitting on the balcony
of my 1st floor flat. Suddenly, I felt dizzy
and the cup fell from my hand. I ........
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. The Day I Got a New Life
It was a lonely rainy day. I was enjoying
a cup of tea while sitting in the balcony
of my first floor apartment. Suddenly, I
felt dizzy and the cup fell from my hand.
I felt pain in my chest. I thought that this
was the last moment of my life. I wanted
to call my daughter, my husband and
everyone to say the final good bye, but
couldn‘t do so. I was thinking of their
life without me. I was worried what
would happen to them if I collapsed. I
prayed to God to give me some more
time. I had always thought of giving a
wonderful life to my daughter. Then
my thoughts shifted to my husband
who can‘t live without me. He was used
to having me around him all the time.
Suddenly, a thought came to my mind,
‘You have to live. Get up and do something’.
I tried to call but it was as if I
was dumb. I knew I should not lose my
wits. I should do something to keep going
till my family notices me. Suddenly,
I picked my mobile and dialled 102. I
don’t know what happened after that.
When I came to senses, I was in a hospital
room with a team of doctors bending
over me. Later, I was told that I had been
taken in an ambulance to the hospital in
the nick of time. Any delay could have
been fatal. I was happy to get a new life
and to see my family around me.
Moral – Timely treatment saves the life.
Q. 17. Develop a short story in 150–200 words
with the help of the given beginning.
Suggest a suitable title also.
Reena, a 10 year old brave girl lived in a
slum with her relatives. One day when
she was alone at home .........
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. The Brave Girl
Reena, a ten-year-old girl lived in a slum
with her relatives. One day when she was
alone at home, a stranger knocked at the
door asking for her uncle. She did not
know him but let him in. It did not strike
her at the moment that it could be dangerous.
Her aunt came at that exact time.
She too did not recognise him. She asked
him to come later when her husband
would be at home. He took out a knife
and put it on the girl‘s neck. He started
threatening them to bring out all the cash
and valuables. Reena made a quick plan
and fell on the man‘s feet pretending to
plead with him. After a few seconds, she
suddenly stood up, grabbed the knife
from his hand and threw it out from the
window. Her aunt raised an alarm and
started shouting. Within no time, people
from the neighbourhood gathered there.
They caught him and got him arrested.
Moral – Presence of mind can find a way
out of many difficulties.
Q. 18. Write a story in 150–200 words with the
help of the following outline:
Tortoise and hare — good friends
— tortoise — known for his slow
speed — hare has fast speed — makes
fun of tortoise — challenges him —
referee selected — race starts — hare
overconfident — takes a nap — tortoise
wins. [CBSE, 2018]
Topper’s Answers
Ans. The Hare and the Tortoise
In a forest, there lived two very good
friends, a hare and a tortoise. The hare
was famous for his speed while the
tortoise was famous for doing things
slowly. One day, the hare was making fun
of the tortoise for being so slow. “Do you
ever reach anywhere on time?“ he asked
with a mocking laugh. “Yes,“ replied the
tortoise, “and, I will get there sooner than
you think I‘ll run a race with you”.
The hare was much amused at the idea
of running a race with the tortoise, so he
agreed. The Fox, who had consented to
act as a referee, marked the distance and
started the runners off. The hare was soon
far out of sight. He got over confident so
he thought how ridiculous it was for him
to try a race with a hare, then he lay down
beside the course to take a nap until the
tortoise would catch up.
The tortoise meanwhile kept going
slowly and steadily, and after a time, he
passed through the place where the hare
was sleeping. The hare slept on very
peacefully; and when at last he woke up,
the tortoise was near the goal. The hare
now ran his swiftest, and fastest but he
could not overtake the tortoise in time.
Q. 19. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
There was a joint family of six members
including grandparents. It was the 75th
birthday of the grandmother and the
family planned to celebrate .... .... ...
[CBSE, 2018]
Ans. A Surprise Birthday Party
There was a joint family of six members,
including grandparents. It was the 75th
birthday of the grandmother and the
family planned to celebrate it. They
decided to make her feel special, and
so they thought of celebrating the day
by planning a surprise party for her.
They invited all their relatives and all of
grandma‘s friends at home. The children
of the house were told to take grandma
out so that she couldn't come to know
about the surprise and also so the relatives
could come home without grandma‘s
keen notice of things.
The children happily took grandma to
the garden nearby. They talked to their
grandmother about her childhood memories
and about her likes and dislikes.
They kept their beloved grandmother engaged
till it got dark. When they reached
home, the grandmother found the home
in complete silence and darkness. She got
worried and called out to her son. The
lights were suddenly turned on with all
the relatives wishing her. She did not expect
such a wonderful birthday surprise.
She had tears in her eyes. She was overwhelmed
seeing her loved ones around.
It was a moment of joy for her.
Q. 20. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the following outline:
A stag, thirsty — a pool of clear water
— reflection — saw his horns — proud
of them — his thin legs — ashamed —
hunter‘s dogs — ran — horns caught in a
tree — dogs very near — pulled his horn
free — ran for his life — legs saved him.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. A Thirsty Stag
Once there was a stag. He was thirsty.
To quench his thirst, he went to a pool
of clear water. The water in the pool was
so clear that he could see his reflection
in the water. He got fascinated by his
own beauty. Seeing his horns, he felt
very proud but he had very thin legs
and was ashamed of them. While he
was enjoying, he saw the hunter's dogs
coming towards him. He ran from
there to save his life. He was running
through the bushes and trees. His horns
got entangled in the bushes and he
could not run. The dogs came nearer,
endangering his life. Somehow, he
pulled his horns and ran again to save
his life. He ran as fast as he could and
was able to escape the dogs. When he
realised that he was safe from the dogs,
he heaved a sigh of relief. Then the
truth dawned on him. His horns which
he was so proud of, had put his life in
danger whereas his thin legs which he
was so ashamed of, had saved his life.
So appearances are often deceptive.
Q. 21. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
It was my fifteenth birthday. My parents
were very happy. Some of my class–
fellows had agreed to come.........
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. It was my fifteenth birthday. My parents
were very happy. Some of my classfellows
had agreed to come to my
birthday party. My parents had made a
lot of arrangements. They had decorated
my room with balloons. In the evening,
many guests started coming. They were
all dressed in their best. I never know
that they had planned it at such a big
level. After a while, my friends too
started pouring in with attractive gifts.
I was very excited. The cake was of my
favourite flavour. I cut the cake in the
midst of clappings, cheers and wishes.
Everyone wished me and gave me the
After having cake, we had tasty snacks
and soft drinks. My friends enjoyed the
snacks a lot. We played interesting games
like passing the parcel and musical chair.
When we all were playing, my mother
came and asked us to take the dinner. It
was a fun-filled day.
Q. 22. Write a story in 150–200 words with the
help of the following outline:
Ram — poor parents — helped his father
in the field — less time to study —
teacher scolded — won‘t pass — took it
to heart — studied at night — came first
in the class — teacher congratulated.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Hard Work Leads to Success
There was a boy who was very poor. His
father was a farmer who used to go to
the fields in the morning. He had three
children. Ram was the eldest of them all.
Ram was quite a sincere boy. His father
used to work hard but didn‘t make much
to feed his family. Hence, Ram also went
with him to the fields to help him. Since
he worked there in day time after school,
he used to get tired. He didn‘t get time to
study. His performance in the school was
affected. Even his teacher was very upset
to see his deteriorating performance.
He scolded Ram for not studying well.
He warned him if he did not work the
exams. Ram being a sincere boy, took it
to his heart. He resolved to show that he
was capable of doing better. He burnt the
midnight oil and studied hard. He got so
focussed that he stopped playing with
his friends. As his exams came nearer,
his determination to outshine others
became stronger. He did very well in his
exams. When the result was announced,
everybody was surprised to know that
he stood first in the class. His teacher
was also thrilled. He congratulated him
on his success. Ram proved that a person
can achieve anything he wants with hard
work and determination.
Q. 23. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
Anita lives in a village. Everyday she
goes to school on foot. On the way there
is a river. There is a bridge across the
river. One day when she .........
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Peace Leads to Joy
Anita lives in a village. Everyday she
goes to school on foot. On the way there
is a river. There is a bridge across the
river. One day when she reached the
river, she saw a black goat climbing the
bridge from the one side. The bridge was
narrow and only one animal or person
could cross it at a time. Then she saw a
brown goat too climbing from the other
side. She waited there to let them pass
first. When the goats met in the middle of
the bridge, they stood facing each other.
First, they snarled at each other to get out
of the way. But then realising that none
could move aside as the bridge was very
narrow, they both acted sensibly. They
stood there for a while. Then one of them
sat down. It allowed the other goat to
step over its body and go ahead. Then it
stood up and went on its way. Thus, both
of them crossed the bridge safely. Seeing
this, Anita was overwhelmed. After the
goats crossed the bridge, Anita went on
it. She was so thrilled to see this sensible
act of the goats. She had feared that one
of them might fall in the river but their
intelligence had made it clear that peace
always leads to joy.
Q. 24. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the following outline:
A monkey and a crocodile — friends
— monkey ate fruits — crocodile only
fish — crocodile ‘s wife — wanted to eat
monkey‘s heart — crocodile offered the
monkey a ride in the river — told him —
his wife‘s desire — monkey — left my
heart on the tree — crocodile swam back
— monkey climbed the tree — saved.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Greed is a Curse
A monkey used to live on a fruit tree
near the bank of a river. Crocodile used
to come near to that tree and soon,
the monkey and the crocodile became
friends. From that day onwards, they
started meeting everyday and talked for
long hours. The monkey plucked some
delicious fruits from the tree and gave
him to eat. The monkey also gave the
crocodile some fruits for his wife.
The crocodile‘s wife did not like her
husband‘s friendship with the monkey.
She was annoyed because her husband
had started coming home late every day.
One day she asked her husband to bring
the monkey to the house. She wanted to
eat the monkey‘s heart. The crocodile
refused. She got furious and dived deep
into the water leaving the little ones to
pester their father.
The crocodile loved his wife very much
but at the same time, he did not want
to betray his friend. Finally, finding no
choice, he decided to bring the monkey
to his home. He went to him and invited
him for a meal. The monkey rode on
crocodile‘s back and they set out towards
the crocodile‘s house.
In the middle of stream, the crocodile
told monkey that he had brought him
here because his wife wanted to eat his
heart. The monkey got frightened but
maintained his calm. He told the crocodile
that he had left his heart on the tree. So
they should rush back to the tree to bring
his heart back. The foolish crocodile swam
back as fast as he could. As soon as they
reached the bank of the river, the monkey
climbed the tree and was safe. He told
the crocodile that they would never meet
again. Hence, we should never be greedy
for anything as greed is a curse.
Q. 25. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
It was the month of December. The
school was over at 6:00 pm. I was
standing at the bus stand waiting for
the bus. Suddenly it became dark and a
heavy rain started.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Meeting a Stranger
It was the month of December. The school
was over at 6.00 pm. I was standing at the
bus stand waiting for the bus. Suddenly,
it became dark and a heavy rain started.
There was no one at the bus stand. The
whole area was deserted after a while.
When there came no bus, I started
walking. It was getting windy and nothing
could be seen clearly. Somehow, I reached
a place where there was a lonely house. I
took shelter in it and waited for the rain
to stop. Being tired, I soon fell asleep. I
heard the sound of the foot steps. I opened
my eyes and I saw a man who was tall,
fair and handsome with thick moustache
before me. I was startled and stared at him
with fear. But he looked at me gently and
said, “Don‘t be afraid. I mean no harm.‘‘
I summoned my courage and asked him,
“Are you too a traveller like me?“ He
said, “Not exactly“. He looked at me with
calm dignity and said, ‘I am the owner of
this house. I keep coming here.“ He had
a job that required a lot of travelling. So
he kept going out of the house often. He
offered me fruits. But I was so afraid that
I did not eat anything. Then he asked me
my address and dropped me home. My
parents who were anxiously waiting for
me, heaved a sign of relief and thanked
the man a lot.
Q. 26. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the following outline:
two cats — hungry — a loaf of bread
— can‘t divide — each greedy — wants
move — a clever monkey — offered to
help — bit by bit — ate the bread — his
fee — bread finished — cats foolish —
still hungry.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. The Monkey‘s Justice
One day two cats found a loaf of bread.
Both of them were very hungry. The first
cat wanted to have it all for himself. He
jumped at it and picked it up. Another
one tired to snatch it away from him.
The first cat asked him to keep away as
he was the first one to pick it up. But the
other cat claimed that he had seen it first
so it was his. Both of them wanted to have
it and were not able to divide.
Just then a monkey was passing by.
He understood the problem. He offered
to help and settle their problem. He said
that he will give two equal parts of the
bread to each one of them.
The cats agreed and let him solve the
issue. They gave him the bread. The
monkey made two parts of the bread.
Then he shook his head and said, “These
two parts are not equal. This one is bigger
than the other one.” He ate a bit of the
bigger part. But again the parts were not
equal. So he ate a bit of the bigger part
again to make the two parts equal. This
went on till only small pieces of the bread
were left. Then the monkey said to the
cats that it was his fee and he ate those
small pieces too and went away. The
foolish cats were left hungry.
Q. 27. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
It was a family picnic. The picnic spot
was the bank of a river ...... ..... .......
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. It was a family picnic. The picnic spot was
the bank of a river. We went there by car.
We had taken fruits, sweets, sandwiches
and biscuits with us. Our plan was to go
for boating. When we reached there, we
selected a shady tree to sit and spread
our mats under it. First, we took some
snacks and then played games. After
a round of games, we started singing
songs. It was when we were singing, my
younger brother noticed some smoke at a
distance. It was coming from a flour mill.
Initially, we did not pay any attention
to it. But then we could see thin flames
also in the rear part of the building too.
Slowly, it took a bigger shape. Now, there
was panic all over. Employers of the mill
were running here and there.
We were horrified. My father and uncle
went towards the site to see how they
can help in this situation. They sent for
a fire brigade. Workers of the mill were
using fire extinguishers to bring the fire
in control. But their attempts to quench
the fire seemed useless.
Machines began to crack. Sparks of
fire were spreading and clouds of smoke
could be seen in the air. Then to the relief
of everyone, there came the fire brigade.
The people in fire brigade bravely fought
with the flames and at last, the fire was
brought under control. When we reached
near the scene of destruction, we were
horrified. Beams and machines were all
rolled into the heap. There was a chaos
everywhere. Smell of the smoke was nauseating.
It was a tragic scene. Few workers
had been badly burnt. They were
rushed to the hospital. After helping the
people over there, we came back home
with a heavy heart. Devastation and cries
of the people still echoes in my head.
Q. 28. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the following outline:
a fox — hungry — went into a garden —
looking for food — a grapevine — ripe
grapes — jumped to pluck — couldn‘t
reach — fell down — jumped again —
fell down — tried again and again —
failed — said grapes are sour — don‘t
like them.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. The Fox and the Grapes
Once there was a fox. He was very
hungry. He went into a garden in search
of food. After looking for a while, he
found a grapevine. He saw bunches of
riped grapes hanging on the vines and
his mouth started watering. Somehow, he
wanted to eat those grapes. He jumped
and stretched out to reach the grapes
but he found them rather too high. So he
jumped again to pluck them but couldn‘t
reach. He tried to pluck the grapes many
times but all went in vain. All his efforts
to reach the grapes failed. He continued
his efforts till he got completely tired.
Then there came a point of time when he
became hopeless. He gave up and said,
“The grapes are sour. Who wants sour
grapes?“ The fox hated the grapes as he
couldn't have them.
Q. 29. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
Ram and Mohan, two brothers, studied
in a village school. On day they were
returning from the school on the way
there was a forest ..................
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. The Bear Encounter
Ram and Mohan, two brothers, studied
in a village school. One day they were returning
from the school on the way, there
was a forest. One day, when they were
coming back from the school, something
strange happened. When they reached
in the middle of the forest, they heard
the rustling of grass. They assumed that
some wild animal was there. Soon, a bear
appeared in front of them. The bear was
approaching them. Both were in panic.
One of them ran and climbed up a tree.
But the other one couldn‘t run and climb.
When he could not make out what to do,
he laid down and pretended to be dead.
The bear came, stopped, sniffed him and
thought that he was dead. He left him and
went away. The second brother who was
lying on the ground, heaved a sigh of big
relief. Now, the brother who had climbed
up the tree came down. He was happy
that he had climbed up the tree. He asked
his brother what the bear had said to him
in his ears. He gave him a curt reply and
said that the bear had told him never to
trust selfish people even if they are your
own blood. The boy felt very ashamed of
leaving his brother alone in time of danger.
He realised his mistake and asked his
brother to pardon him.
Q. 30. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the following outline:
a crow — thirsty — no water — saw, a
jar half-full of water — beak could not
reach — small stones — one by one —
put into the jar — water level rose —
drank water.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. A Thirsty Crow
It was the month of June. On a hot
summer day, there was a crow who was
very thirsty. His mouth was dry. His
throat was burning. He flew from place
to place in search of water but he could
not find a single drop of water anywhere.
After searching for a while he sat down
disappointed. Rivers and lakes had all
dried up.
At last, at a distance, he saw a jar of
water. It was lying near a house. He went
there and looked into it. It was half full.
He could see the water but his beak could
not reach it. He was frustrated.
Then an idea came into his mind. There
were stones around. He picked up small
stones, one by one, from the ground and
dropped them into the jug. The water
started coming up. Slowly, the water level
rose to such a level that he could reach it
easily. He drank the water, cawed happily
and flew away.
Hence, the thirsty crow proved that
where there is a will, there is a way.
Q. 31. Complete the story in 150–200 words
which begins as the following:
Ram and Sham are two sons of a labourer.
One day they came to know that their
father had fallen from a small building
and ........
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. Ram and Sham are two sons of a labourer.
One day they came to know that their
father had fallen from a small building
and got badly injured. They immediately
ran to the site of the accident. They saw
that their father was in great pain. With
the help of people, they took him to
the hospital. But getting him admitted
in the hospital was difficult as they did
not have money. Then they took him to
a government hospital where there were
good doctors and medical fees was not
very high. After admitting their father
in the hospital, they took charge of their
family responsibilities. Though, they
were just twelve and thirteen years old,
they opted to do jobs so that they could
bear household and medical expenses.
They sold fruit, did shoe polishing,
sold newspapers, worked as a tourists
guide and earned money. Every week,
they went to the hospital to pay the
bill. Their father was overwhelmed and
grateful to them for doing so much. He
blessed those noble souls all the time.
Those two little gentlemen have proven
that with determination, one can make
the impossible thing possible. Adverse
circumstances made them better not
bitter. They did not give up, nor did
they expect any help or obligation from
anyone. They reminded the society that,
“There is a solution to every problem.“
Q. 32. Complete the following story given
below in about 150–200 words:
Harish was getting late for the station. He
picked up his bag and started running.
somehow he crossed the market. Then
suddenly somebody hit him and he fell
down. He got up and ran to the station.
He saw the train leaving the platform.
He started crying. An old man came
there and he ...................
[CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. Harish was getting late for the station. He
picked up his bag and started running,
somehow he crossed the market. Then
suddenly somebody hit him and he fell
down. He got up and ran to the station.
He saw the train leaving the platform.
He started crying. An old man came
there and he quickly got inside the train
and pulled emergency brakes. The train
suddenly stopped. Harish got inside the
train. He was very happy to catch the
train which he almost had missed. After
some time, two policemen came and
started searching his bag. He was unable
to know why they were suspecting him.
They searched his bag more thoroughly
and found a small packet of white
powder. Harish was surprised to see
the packet. The policemen were very
strict with Harish. He started crying as
he was taken to the police station at the
platform. The police inspector sitting
there seemed to be a familiar face to
Harish. He tried to recognise him and
asked him to narrate the whole story
from the beginning. When Harish was
telling about his story he did not forget
to mention about the old man. Mr. Gupta
asked him to recollect anything worth
mentioning. Then Harish remembered
that the old man had taken his bag to
help him catch the train. Now Mr. Gupta
realised that who was the real criminal.
He showed Harish some photographs
of the criminals and Harish at once,
recognised the old man and realised that
the packet was kept by the old man in
his bag. Finally, Mr. Gupta sent him back
to his home.
Q. 33. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the clues given below:
A boy was playing in the park. He saw
a small sparrow sitting on a stone. He
went near it, still it didn‘t fly. He .....
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. A Little Bit of Love
Vishal was an eight-year-old boy who
loved exploring. One sunny afternoon
while Vishal was playing in the park
behind his house, he saw a small bird
sitting very still on a stone. He walked
slowly towards it. Getting close to the
bird, he realised that it was a sparrow
but it did not fly away. It sat as if it were
stunned. He was scared but decided to
put his fears aside and take some steps.
Vishal carefully picked the bird up and
ran home. He found an old shoebox. In
this box, he put some old cloth pieces
and placed the bird in the box. Using a
dropper, Vishal gave the sparrow some
water. He placed some rice grains in a
bow and kept it inside the box. The little
boy sat by the box the entire evening. In
his worry, he swiftly fell asleep.
The next morning as Vishal was getting
ready, he heard a soft chirping sound. On
seeing the sparrow chirping, his mother
told him that the sparrow was getting
better. His mother promised him that she
would look after the little sparrow while
he was at school. Vishal went to school
happily knowing that the sparrow would
be safe.
Q. 34. Write a story in 150–200 words based on
the clues given below:
You were playing cricket in a park.
Suddenly you saw an old man, just
collapsing on the pavement. You all
rushed to him .........
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. A Hand to Aid
Indeed, it was a very hot summer
afternoon! Summer vacations had just
begun. For me, it meant endless days of
cricket and eating dozens of ice-creams.
One such summer afternoon, I was
playing cricket with my neighbourhood
friends. It was my turn to bat while my
friend bowled. I could feel the sweat
trickle down my forehead, as I hit the
ball and it went straight over the fence.
A direct six! But our eyes were not on the
ball, instead it was on an old man who
seemed to be walking in a daze.
Suddenly, he slumped to the ground.
We left our cricket bats and ran towards
him. A taxi driver sitting nearby came
running too. He called some of the
passers-by and with their help lifted the
old man and put him in the taxi. They
rushed him to the nearest hospital. The
old man‘s family was easy to trace as he
had written their numbers on a piece of
paper and kept it in his wallet. Later, that
evening, we came to know that he was
fine but had suffered a heat stroke. It was
indeed a terrible summer day.
Q. 35. Complete the a story in 150–200 words
where beginning is given below:
Ram has lost one leg to polio. He had
a brilliant mind. He wanted to attend a
school. Luckily one day ..........
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. Sweet is the Fruit of Hard Work
Ram had lost one leg to polio when he
was a child. He possessed a brilliant
mind and desperately wanted to attend a
school. This brave boy refused to let the
fact that he was crippled by polio leave
him helpless. He decided to overcome
his handicap so that he could study. He
knew that despite the dire situations in
the house, he had to make it to school.
His parents spent all the money they
could on his treatments. In the end, both
were forced to leave to work in the city,
so they could send money back and
continue treatment for their son. While
other children used to play outside, he
was confined to the house, unable to
afford a wheelchair and could only see
his mother and father a few times a year.
His enormous determination to succeed
and not to be confined by his limitations
impressed many people in the village
and attempts were made to find a place
for him at a school.
Luckily one day, at one of the village
meetings, an old gentleman stood up and
stated his claim to help Ram realise his
dream. This old man had gone through
something similar in life and he was
aware of Ram‘s determination and desire
to study. He had seen Ram sitting on the
sidewalks and poring through his friends‘
book while trying to study. This old man
seeing Ram‘s determination, helped him
enrol in a boarding school where he
would be taken care of and would learn
more. Ram‘s hard work produced sweet
results when he became the first engineer
from his village in the countryside.
Q. 36. Complete the a story in 150–200 words
where beginning is given below:
It was her friend‘s birthday. Vaibhavi
was very happy. She was going to attend
such a party for the first time in her life.
The problem was .............
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. All‘s Well That Ends Well
It was her friend‘s birthday. Vaibhavi was
very happy. It was a theme-party. She
was going to attend such a party for the
first time in her life. The problem was she
had just moved into the city a few months
ago and was still a little hesitant to travel
The entire time in class, her mind
wandered to the party. She wondered
if her parents would give her the
permission to attend the party. She was
wondering which outfit she would wear
to the party. All these thoughts kept
her from paying attention in class. As
soon as Vaibhavi got home she ran and
asked her mother for the permission
to go to the party. Her mother agreed
on two conditions, that her dad would
pick her up by 9:30 and that her phone
would be with her at all times, to which
she promptly agreed. Vaibhavi enjoyed
herself a lot at the party and checked
in with her mother every hour. She
messaged and told her mother that she
was waiting for her father to pick her
up. She was waiting for her father in the
parking lot but she could not see him.
It was soon going to be ten, she checked
her phone but alas! the battery died. She
was worried, she decided to walk home
as it was only a block away. Midway she
heard someone call her name, she was
terrified and hid behind a car, she saw a
man walking towards her and that frightened
her. When the person came close
and stood beneath a streetlight, she ran
and hugged him. It was her father! One
of the car‘s tyres was punctured and so
her father decided to walk to her friends‘
house. Vaibhavi was both relaxed and
happy that everything turned out well in
the end.
Q. 37. Complete the story in 150–200 words
based on the outline given below:
A sixty-two year old woman — travelling
in daytime by a public transport bus — a
man in his 20‘s comes and sits — offers
sweets to her — woman faints — man
takes away her gold bangles and chain
and disappears — police searches —
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. All That Glitters is Not Gold
It was indeed a sunny day! Sunita, a
62-year-old woman, had just visited
her daughter and was returning to her
village. Her hands were full with the gifts
her daughter had sent with her. While
she was waiting for the bus to arrive, a
youth in his 20‘s offered to hold her bags
for her to which she readily agreed. He
told her that his name was Ramesh and
was travelling back to his village which
was a little further than hers. Sunita was
delighted that she had some company. A
little into the journey, Ramesh offered her
some sweets, which she accepted. A few
minutes later, she fell fast asleep. Ramesh
swiftly took her gold bangles and the
chain from her neck and got down at the
very next stop.
After an hour, the conductor woke
Sunita up as her stop had arrived. On
waking up, she realised that all her gold
ornaments were gone. She was scared and
did not know what to do. The conductor
immediately called the police and they
registered a complaint. Sunita and the
conductor also gave a description of the
man who claimed to be Ramesh. The conductor
also told the police that they had
lately installed CCTV cameras at the bus
depot, so there were chances that one of
the CCTV cameras would have captured
an image of Ramesh. The police thus
began their search for the robber. Soon
they found that Ramesh was trying to
sell Sunita‘s gold in a village not far from
the stop. On nabbing him, they did manage
to recover the gold and his identity.
Sunita however learned a very important
lesson that day that all that glitters isn‘t
gold and none can be trusted, blindly.
Q. 38. Complete the story in 150–200 words
based on the outline given below:
7 years old Sunil — alone at home —
rich locality — three men — suspicious
looking — boy, afraid — rang up 100 —
15 minutes — police came — robbers
arrested — notorious — Sunil rewarded
— famous at school.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. A Stitch in Times Saves Nine
Sunil was a seven-year-old boy, very
often he was left at home alone as both
his parents went to work. He lived in a
posh locality. One day, while returning
home from school, he found his front
door open. At first he was scared and
worried, but he gathered up his courage
and peeped inside the house. He saw
three suspicious looking men searching
the house. A few days earlier, Sunil‘s
teacher had told them that if they ever
find anything suspicious they should
immediately approach an adult and dial
100 which is the helpline for the police.
Sunil ran to his neighbour‘s house and
told them what he had seen.
Without wasting another minute, his
neighbour called the police and within
fifteen minutes, the police arrived and
arrested the robbers. Sunil‘s father told
him that the robbers who were caught
were notorious and wanted for several
such robberies. Sunil received a reward
for his bravery and was soon famous in
his school.
Q. 39. Write a story in 150–200 words from the
outline given below:
Cold winter night — all sound asleep —
a thudding sound — switched on lights
— hurried footsteps —followed —
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. A Surprise Visitor
We just moved into our new house in
the beautiful hills of Dehradun. Winters
were cold and dark. Being the first night,
I found it difficult to take rest due to
the excitement. I seemed to be the only
one awake reading my new comic book,
while rest of the family members were
sleeping soundly. It was extremely cold
and chilly so I cuddled myself firmly in
my blanket.
At first, I thought I was imagining
things when I heard a thudding sound.
I felt that is was just my imagination
running wild, but when the sound came
again for the second and then the third
time, I was sure it could not be ignored. I
got up from my bed and as I switched on
the light, the sound stopped. I could hear
the footsteps in the kitchen. I picked up
the torch lying on my bedside table and
walked nervously towards the kitchen.
With hurried footsteps, I followed the
noise albeit nervously.
As soon as I opened the kitchen door,
I heard a crash. I switched on the lights,
immediately. My parents were also awakened
by the noise. On the floor was a
glass bowl of milk smashed into pieces.
We looked behind the counter and saw
two shiny innocent eyes looking back at
us. The culprit was the cutest Labrador
puppy one could ever find. He walked
up to me and licked my face in apology.
We realised that he must have got into the
house lost and frightened. Since, there
was no collar round his neck, I begged
my parents to keep him. Seeing the cold
and snow outside, they relented. Now,
this doggy of mine is my best friend who
never leaves my side.
Q. 40. Write a story in 150–200 words from the
outline given below:
The date of examination was declared
— I was horrified — My parents helped
me — reached the examination centre
— examination commenced — took a
sigh of relief — stood first in the class.
The hints of the story are given above.
You can start the story by using hints
with your own ideas but you cannot
change the end.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Just a little luck
The date of the final examinations was
declared. I was very upset as I already
knew I would have to leave home
much before the scheduled time as my
examination center was quite far. Being
in a prime location, I realised that there
would be a lot of traffic on the way to the
examination center.
On the day of exam, I was horrified
when my friend called and informed
me that the entire main road had been
blocked due to an accident and there was
a long traffic jam. I was extremely perplexed
and tensed. My parents told me
to relax and assured me that they would
drop me to the examination center. Fortunately,
my father knew another route
that we could take, though it was much
longer. We took the route but reached the
examination center late. The exam had already
begun. I was tensed. The examiner
told me rush to my seat and begin writing
my paper.
I rushed to my seat and I breathed a
sigh of relief after reading the question
paper as I knew most of the answers. I
was able to complete the paper on time. I
came out of the examination hall, happy
and content. I saw my parents waiting
for me. When the result were declared, I
stood first in the class. I was happy as my
hard work paid off.
Q. 41. Complete the following story in 150–200
words. The beginning of the story is
given below:
On my way to school I usually see a
beggar on the roadside. Yesterday on
my way back, I did not see him there.
Walking further I saw him limping
slowly. Out of idle curiosity I followed
him. Soon I found ..........
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. Do Not Judge A Book by
Its Cover
On my way to school, I usually see a
beggar on the roadside. Yesterday on my
way back, I did not see him there. Walking
further, I saw him limping slowly. Out
of idle curiosity I followed him. Soon I
found him walking straight as soon as he
entered an alley, he was talking to three
other men who were shabbily dressed.
They were talking in hushed tones and I
sensed something wrong. I remembered
seeing a police van parked on the main
road, I walked quickly and told the
policeman whatever I had seen. The Senior
Inspector told me to wait with one of the
lady constables while they went to the
spot where I saw the beggar. It took them
a while to return, but when they returned,
the beggar and the other three men were
in handcuffs. The Senior Inspector then
told me that the beggar was actually
a thief with a gang responsible for the
recent spate of robberies in the area. The
injury was caused while he was trying to
enter a house through a broken window.
The gang managed to escape before an
alarm was rung by the watchman of the
society. That was the day I learnt not to
judge a book by its cover.
Q. 42. Complete the following story in 150–200
words. The beginning of the story is
given below:
It was a Sunday afternoon. We had gone
for a picnic to a park. Suddenly I found
that my seven year old sister was missing
from the group. We went in search of her
in the woods and .............
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. An Unforgettable Picnic
It was a Sunday afternoon. We had
gone for a picnic to a park. Suddenly,
I noticed that my seven-year-old sister
was missing from the group. We went in
search of her in the woods and shouted
out her name but there was no reply from
her. Everyone started to panic especially
my mother. We soon informed the park
ranger and then divided ourselves into
smaller groups and continued our search.
My mother and my aunt went back to the
picnic spot just in case she returned. We
searched for nearly two hours as the sun
was going to be set. The park ranger got a
message on his radio transceiver from his
colleague that they had found a sevenyear-
old girl sleeping under a tree with a
golden retriever standing as a guard by
her side. We all rushed to the spot. I ran
and woke my sister up, the park ranger
told us that it was good that our pet dog
had accompanied her else she could have
become a prey to the wild animals. We
then told the ranger that it was not our
pet, and soon discovered that the dog
was abandoned by his owners. My father
carried my sister in his arms and said that
we would take care of the dog from now
on. My sister did not understand much
of what had happened and was confused
about all the fuss. One good thing that
came out of this adventure was that my
sister found herself a new best friend.
Q. 43. Complete the story based on the outline
given below in 150–200 words.
a pond ..... a crocodile ....... a monkey .......
on a tree.... were friends. Crocodile‘s
wife ......... wanted monkey‘s heart ........
monkey bewildered ...... planned ......
heart, home ........ went back to get it. .......
saved himself.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. Be Careful of The Friends
You Make
Once upon a time, a monkey lived on
a mango tree beside a lake. He used to
throw ripe mangoes into the lake which a
crocodile ate. The crocodile became a great
friend of the monkey. They often chatted
as they ate mangoes. The crocodile was
nice but he was continuously nagged by
his wife. He always took some mangoes
home under the water for his wife.
One day, the crocodile told the monkey
that his wife was very pleased with the
mangoes and she had asked the crocodile
to bring his friend to her. “Please, friend,
accept my request. Come to our house
with me. My wife wants to meet you.
She is very grateful to you“. The monkey
said, “But how can I go into water? I cannot
swim!“ The crocodile told him that he
should simply sit on his back and hold on
to him. “Trust me. You will not drown “,
said the crocodile.
So, one day the monkey sat on the
back of the crocodile. He asked his friend
to swim on the surface for some time.
During this ride, the crocodile, who was
very simple, told the monkey that his
wife wanted to eat the heart of a monkey.
The monkey was scared to hear this, but
he did not express his fear. He cleverly
told the crocodile, “I am sorry, friend, I
have left my heart on the tree. Take me
back; I will take it for your wife.“ The
foolish crocodile swam back. As soon as
he reached the bank, the monkey jumped
off his back, and climbed up the tree.
“Good bye, friend!“ he said from above,
“your wife will never taste a monkey‘s
heart!“ And this proved that we should
always be careful while making friends.
Q. 44. Complete the story based on the outline
given below in 150–200 words.
A thirsty crow ........... looked for water
....... found a pitcher ....... very less water
in it .......... picked up pebbles and put
them in the pitcher ....... water level
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. Perseverance Will Always Lead
You to Your Goals
It was a hot summer‘s day. A thirsty crow
flew into a village in search of water.
The crow flew over the houses, fields,
and trees. But he didn‘t find any water.
After a long time, he came across a farm.
Under one of the trees on the farm was
a pitcher of water. Happy that he found
some water finally, he swooped down to
the tree and then down to the ground.
He quickly moved towards the pitcher
and looked inside. There was very little
water in the pot. The crow put his beak
inside the pitcher but could not reach the
water. The water level was too low and the
narrow opening prevented his neck from
going all the way down. He tried to push
the vessel down to let the water out, but it
was too heavy. The crow was disappointed.
He was really thirsty and needed to
drink the water badly. He could have given
up and flown to another farm, looking for
water. But he didn‘t. Instead, he looked
around and thought, “What else can I do?“
He saw that there were a lot of pebbles on
the farm. And, he had an idea! He collected
a pebble and put it into the pitcher. As he
added more and more pebbles the water
level came up to the brim. The crow drank
the water and flew back home happily

Grammar Items (3 or 4 marks each)

Q. 1. Fill in any four of the following

blanks given below choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones that
follow. Write the answers in your answer
sheet against the correct blank numbers.
Communication (a).............. become
very effective (b)..............instant due to
smart phones. People are able (c)..............
convey their message all around the
globe to (d).............. loved ones (e)..............
spending hefty sums of money.

(a) (i) is (ii) has

(iii) have (iv) had
(b) (i) but (ii) as
(iii) or (iv) and
(c) (i) for (ii) in
(iii) to (iv) of
(d) (i) his (ii) her
(iii) their (iv) your
(e) (i) with (ii) without
(iii) and (iv) to
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]

Ans. (a) (ii) has (b) (iv) and

(c) (iii) to (d) (iii) their
(e) (ii) without

Q. 2. The following paragraph has not been

edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error along with its correction
in the space provided.
Tallam is situated in an
altitude of about 550 feet on a southern
arm of a deep bay of the Western Ghats.
Tallam boasts of delight forest scenery.
Error Correction
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) in at
(b) a the
(c) of in
(d) delight delightful
Q. 3. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow. Write
the answers in your answer sheet against
the correct blank numbers.
Reading books (a).......... a good hobby.
Books open(b).......... vast new world to
us. They increase (c).......... knowledge
and change our outlook (d).......... the
(a) (i) has (ii) was
(iii) are (iv) is
(b) (i) the (ii) a
(iii) an (iv) some
(c) (i) his (ii) one‘s
(iii) our (iv) your
(d) (i) towards (ii) for
(iii) by (iv) from
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. (a) (iv) is (b) (ii) a
(c) (iii) our (d) (i) towards
Q. 4. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error along with its correction
in the space provided.
Error Correction
Spending time for their kids brings (a)
immediate as well as long-last (b)
gain for a parents. According to a (c)
research, children with (d)
concerned parents are more efficient.
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) for with
(b) last lasting
(c) A the
(d) with of
Q. 5. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow.
Attempt any four. Write the answers in
your answer sheet against the correct
blank numbers.
Karthik has penned (a) ............ book
titled, ‘The Ashes of the Prey’, a thriller
(b) ............ a lawyer (c) ............ runs (d)
............ a lot (e) ............ trouble after an
(a) (i) the (ii) an
(iii) a (iv) one
(b) (i) about (ii) with
(iii) as (iv) or
(c) (i) which (ii) whom
(iii) who (iv) whose
(d) (i) on (ii) into
(iii) under (iv) upon
(e) (i) to (ii) from
(iii) for (iv) of
[CBSE, 2019]
Ans. (e) (iv) of
Q. 6. In the following paragraph, one word
has been omitted in each line. Write
the missing word along with the word
that comes before and the word that
comes after it against the correct blank
number. The first one has been done for
you. Attempt any four.
It is perfectly natural us to use
a dictionary we come across an
unfamiliar word.
Some students use dictionary too
much which may not necessary at
all. Dictionary may be used not too
much. While reading an article in a
newspaper or a magazine we likely
to meet a number of difficult words.
Word Missing Word
before word after
e.g. natural for us
(a) _____ _____ _____
(b) _____ _____ _____
(c) _____ _____ _____
(d) _____ _____ _____
(e) _____ _____ _____
Q. 7. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow.
Attempt any four. Write the answers in
your answer sheet against the correct
blank numbers.
The caves of Ajanta and Ellora (a)
the magnificent works of sculpture.
Whoever (b) there (c) spell bound.
Thousands (d) tourists visit these places
every year. One can stay (e) the guest
(a) (i) is (ii) are
(iii) was (iv) were
(b) (i) go (ii) going
(iii) goes (iv) went
(c) (i) becomes (ii) became
(iii) becoming (iv) has become
(d) (i) for (ii) of
(iii) from (iv) at
(e) (i) on (ii) over
(iii) upon (iv) in
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. (a) (ii) are (b) (iii) goes
(c) (i) becomes (d) (ii) of
(e) (iv) in
Q. 8. In the following paragraph, one word
has been omitted in each line. Write
the missing word along with the word
that comes before and the word that
comes after it against the correct blank
number. The first one has been done for
you. Attempt any four.
The tiny island of Rameswaram
South India is one of the four Dhams.
According to legend it was from here
that Lord Rama the help of Hanuman
and Sugreev and his monkey force
built a stone bridge Lanka just 24
kilometres away. The main attraction
of island is the Ramanathaswamy
Temple is a magnificent example of
Dravidian architecture.
Word Missing Word
before word after
e.g. Rameswaram in south
(a) _____ _____ _____
(b) _____ _____ _____
(c) _____ _____ _____
(d) _____ _____ _____
(e) _____ _____ _____
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. (a) to a legend
(b) Rama with the
(c) bridge to Lanka
(d) of the island
(e) Temple which is
Q. 9. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow.
Attempt any four. Write the answers in
your answer sheet against the correct
blank numbers.
Television (a) become very popular
in our country. People spend a lot (b)
time watching a variety of programmes.
Some of the programmes (c) are telecast
these days are of a very poor quality. We
should remember that television is (d)
effective in educating (e) nation.
(a) (i) is (ii) was
(iii) has (iv) had
(b) (i) of (ii) for
(iii) at (iv) by
(c) (i) those (ii) when
(iii) here (iv) that
(d) (i) so (ii) many
(iii) very (iv) some
(e) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. (a) (iii) has (b) (i) of
(c) (iv) that (d) (iii) very
(e) (i) a
Q. 10. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is one error in each line.
Identify the error and write down its
correction against the correct blank
number. The first one has been done for
you. Attempt any four.
Some days is good and some days are
bad. Today, I got on very late. I ran to
bathe. Then I had to got ready for my
school. I ran by the bus stop to catch my
school bus. It had already left but I came
back home. My mother scolding me.
Error Correction
e.g. is are
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) on up
(b) got get
(c) by to
(d) but so
(e) scolding scolded
Q. 11. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow.
Attempt any four. Write the answers in
your answer sheet against the correct
blank numbers.
Belgium is considered to (a) a country
(b) chocolates. It is a big business (c)
employs nearly 72,000 people. Most
Belgium chocolate makers (d) their
craft at vocational schools. They set up
(e) own business.
(a) (i) been (ii) be
(iii) as (iv) for
(b) (i) of (ii) for
(iii) from (iv) to
(c) (i) also (ii) or
(iii) but (iv) and
(d) (i) are learning (ii) have learnt
(iii) will learn (iv) learn
(e) (i) that (ii) those
(iii) their (iv) our
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. (a) (ii) be (b) (i) of
(c) (iv) and (d) (iv) learn
(e) (iii) their
Q. 12. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is one error in each line.
Identify the error and write down its
correction against the correct blank
number. The first one has been done for
you. Attempt any four.
The modern student understand the
importance for physical exercise.
He spend one or two hours daily on
the open air where he takes part in
exercises when work wonders by his
Error Correction
e.g. understand understands
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
(e) ________ ________
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. (a) for of
(b) spend spends
(c) on in
(d) when which
(e) by for
Q. 13. Fill in any four of the following blanks
choosing the most appropriate options
from the ones given below. Write the
answer in your answer sheet against the
correct blank numbers.
Delhi (a) ______ the capital of India.
People from all parts (b) _____ the
country and world come to visit Delhi.
There (c) ______ many historical
buildings here. Last year I, (d) _______
Delhi. I also watched (e) ________
Commonwealth Games 2010.
(a) (i) was (ii) is
(iii) are (iv) being
(b) (i) of (ii) from
(iii) for (iv) at
(c) (i) being (ii) are
(iii) been (iv) were
(d) (i) visit (ii) visiting
(iii) visited (iv) will visit
(e) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. (a) (ii) is (b) (i) of
(c) (ii) are (d) (iii) visited
(e) (iii) the
Q. 14. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error along with its correction
in the space provided. Do any four.
Sachin Tendulkar is a best cricketer
in India. He has play for more than
20 years on the country. He retired
from the games last year. He is know
for his skill in batting or fielding.
Error Correction
e.g. a the
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) play played
(b) on for
(c) games game
(d) know known
(e) or and
Q. 15. Fill in any four of the following blanks
choosing the most appropriate options
from the ones given below each. Write
the answers in your answer sheet against
the correct blank numbers.
Birds and animals live in the lap (a)
____ nature and can predict the likely
changes accurately. Swallows usually
fly high (b) ___ the sky. But during a
storm, they come down (c) ____ fly close
to the ground. If they fly low you (d) ___
be sure of strong winds. Even a toad can
be (e) ____ reliable weatherman.
(a) (i) in (ii) of
(iii) on (iv) for
(b) (i) in (ii) of
(iii) on (iv) to
(c) (i) not (ii) or
(iii) but (iv) and
(d) (i) would (ii) should
(iii) might (iv) could
(e) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. (a) (ii) of (b) (i) in
(c) (iv) and (d) (iv) could
(e) (i) a
Q. 16. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error along with its correction
in the space provided. Do any four.
The pleasure in being outdoors is
fundamental for human happiness.
There are so much to learn and it
is an constant source of delight to
know more on the flora and fauna
around. One discover how exciting
the world is.
Error Correction
e.g. in of
(i) ________ ________
(ii) ________ ________
(iii) ________ ________
(iv) ________ ________
(v) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. Error Correction
(i) for to
(ii) are is
(iii) an a
(iv) on about
(v) discover discovers
Q. 17. Fill in any four of the following blanks
choosing the most appropriate options
from the ones given below. Write the
answer in your answer sheet against the
correct blank numbers.
He will fly (a) ____ Madras (b)
7th December. The plane (c) ___ reach
Madras (d) _____ 11.00 am. He (e) ___
stay at Hotel Plaza.
(a) (i) in (ii) on
(iii) to (iv) after
(b) (i) on (ii) in
(iii) for (iv) from
(c) (i) may (ii) can
(iii) will (iv) could
(d) (i) for (ii) at
(iii) on (iv) by
(e) (i) could (ii) will
(iii) shall (iv) must
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. (a) (iii) to (b) (i) on
(c) (iii) will (d) (ii) at
(e) (ii) will
Q. 18. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error along with its correction
in the space provided. Do any four.
More than two-thirds in the world’s
large cities are on areas sensitive
over global warming and rising sea
level Millions of people face a risk of
being swamp by floods and storms
according by a study.
Error Correction
e.g. in of
(i) ________ ________
(ii) ________ ________
(iii) ________ ________
(iv) ________ ________
(v) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. Error Correction
(i) on in
(ii) over to
(iii) a the
(iv) swamp swamped
(v) by to
Q. 19. Fill in any four of the blanks in the
paragraph given below with the help of
options that follow:
The modern student __(a)__ the
importance __(b)___ physical exercise.
He spends one to two hours in open
air __(c)____ he takes part in different
sports. However, care should ___(d)__
not to overstrain _(e)__ body.
(a) (i) understood (ii) understand
(iii) have understand
(iv) understands
(b) (i) of (ii) by
(iii) from (iv) with
(c) (i) how (ii) which
(iii) where (iv) why
(d) (i) be taken (ii) took
(iii) takes (iv) has taken
(e) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE, 2018]
Topper’s Answers
Ans. (a) (iv) understands (b) (i) of
(c) (iii) where (d) (i) be taken
(e) (iii) the
Q. 20. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example. Do any four.
In the prisoner’s room a candle is
burning dimly. A prisoner himself
sat by the table. Only him back,
the hair by his head, and his
hands are visible from outside
through any window.
Error Correction
e.g. is was
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
(e) ________ ________
[CBSE, 2018]
Topper’s Answers
Ans. Error Correction
(a) a the
(b) him his
(c) by on
(d) are were
(e) any the
Q. 21. Complete the paragraph given below by
filling in the blanks with the help of the
options that follow:
Very few people (a) ______ loneliness. It
seems to me that most people (b) ______
scared of (c) _____ left on their own.
(a) (i) enjoy (ii) enjoys
(iii) enjoyed (iv) enjoying
(b) (i) is (ii) am
(iii) are (iv) was
(c) (i) be (ii) being
(iii) been (iv) having
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. (a) (i) enjoy
(b) (i) are
(c) (ii) being
Q. 22. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example.
I met her by chance then I went to
getting some medicine Sister Amy
use to give It was amazing for meet
your Mother.
I start loving just her presence.
Error Correction
e.g. then when
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) getting get
(b) use used
(c) for to
(d) start started
Q. 23. Complete the paragraph given below by
filling in the blanks with the help of the
options that follow:
Last year I visited the same spot even if
I was not (a) ______ a cycle. I saw that
many buildings (b) _____ been built on
(c) _______ banks of the Ganga.
(a) (i) ride (ii) rides
(iii) rode (iv) riding
(b) (i) has (ii) have
(iii) had (iv) having
(c) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. (a) (iv) riding (b) (iii) had
(c) (iii) the
Q. 24. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example.
Being with her give one a new
kind on energy. When she put
his hand on your head to blessed
you or you touched her you can feel
her love.
Error Correction
e.g. give gave
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) on of
(b) his her
(c) blessed bless
(d) can could
Q. 25. Complete the paragraph given below by
filling in the blanks with the help of the
options that follow:
A young person (a) ______ a picture (b)
_____ both of us with ‘selfie’. I could (c)
_______ say ‘no’.
(a) (i) want (ii) wants
(iii) wanted (iv) wanting
(b) (i) on (ii) of
(iii) in (iv) for
(c) (i) hard (ii) harder
(iii) hardest (iv) hardly
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. (a) (iii) wanted (b) (ii) of
(c) (iv) hardly
Q. 26. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example.
My meetings of Mother had always
been a finer experience. I would go
to him whenever I was sad, happy
and angry. Sometimes I would told
her what somebody had said to me.
Error Correction
e.g. of with
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) finer fine
(b) him her
(c) and or
(d) told tell
Q. 27. Complete the paragraph given below by
filling in the blanks with the help of the
options that follow:
I met a smart young person (a) ____
wanted a ‘selfie’ (b) ____ me. So we (c)
____ on top of a boundary wall.
(a) (i) which (ii) who
(iii) whose (iv) whom
(b) (i) with (ii) on
(iii) for (iv) to
(c) (i) sit (ii) sits
(iii) sat (iv) sitting
CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. (a) (ii) who (b) (i) with
(c) (iii) sat
Q. 28. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example
A saint walks the streets of Kolkata.
It can happen only at India. It is time
that us realise our strength. We are
greater people. We have so much
religious leaders.
Error Correction
e.g. walks walked
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) at in
(b) us we
(c) greater great
(d) much many
Q. 29. Complete the paragraph given below by
filling in the blanks with the help of the
options that follow:
Everyone is not in a position to (a)
________ the family and start living in a
(b) ______ room on the banks (c) ______
the Ganga.
(a) (i) leave (ii) leaves
(iii) left (iv) leaving
(b) (i) small (ii) smaller
(iii) smallest (iv) little
(c) (i) on (ii) in
(iii) of (iv) off
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. (a) (i) leave (b) (i) small
(c) (iii) of
Q. 30. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example.
We, there in India have so many
religions, we ate so many different
foods, we wear so much different
kinds of dresses. Still we are much
united than any other country on the
Error Correction
e.g. there here
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
(e) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) ate eat
(b) much many
(c) much more
(d) on in
Q. 31. Complete the paragraph by filling in the
blanks with the help of the options that
Most men would have (a) _____ mad
after one or two years (b) _______
loneliness. But he learnt to adjust to (c)
_______ conditions.
(a) (i) go (ii) goes
(iii) we (iv) gone
(b) (i) of (ii) in
(iii) into (iv) on
(c) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. (a) (iv) gone (b) (i) of
(c) (iii) the
Q. 32. The following paragraph has not been
edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as
shown in the example.
We should been proud of ourselves
Each one of us have good qualities.
We can make it better. In this way
we can hoped to succeed in life. And
that given me a great joy.
Error Correction
e.g. been be
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) have has
(b) it them
(c) hoped hope
(d) me us
Q. 33. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
Conversation in indeed (a) ............ most
easily teachable of all arts. All you need
(b) ......... (do) in order to become a good
conversationist (c) .......... (be) to find
a subject that interests you and your
[CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) the
(b) to do
(c) is
Q. 34. In the passage given below one word
has been omitted in each line. Write
the missing word along with the word
that comes before and the word that
comes after it in your answer sheet.
Ensure that the word that forms your
answer in underlined as shown in the
Now a days most the children get an
opportunity go on school trips. They
will jump the idea of being away
home for a week two. Some children
miss their parents very much.
Before Word After
e.g. most of the
(a) _____ _____ _____
(b) _____ _____ _____
(c) _____ _____ _____
(d) _____ _____ _____
[CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) opportunity to go
(b) jump on the
(c) away from home
(d) week or two
Q. 35. Read the paragraph given below. Fill
in the blanks by choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones
that follow. Write the answers in your
answer sheet against the correct blanks
numbers. Do not copy the whole
Kingfisher is (a) _______ beautiful bird
attractive colours. It (b) ______ found
near lakes,
river, canals (c) _______ ponds.
(a) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) such a
(b) (i) are (ii) am
(iii) is (iv) has
(c) (i) and (ii) but
(iii) so (iv) or
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) a
(b) is
(c) and
Q. 36. In the following paragraph one word
has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word along the word before and
the word after against the correct blank
A large part India’s population is
illiterate. Illiteracy is biggest evil
of the Indian society. Removal
illiteracy is necessary an all-round
development of the country.
Before Missing After
(a) _____ _____ _____
(b) _____ _____ _____
(c) _____ _____ _____
(d) _____ _____ _____
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Before Missing word After
(a) part of India’s
(b) is the biggest
(c) removal of illiteracy
(d) necessary for an
Q. 37. Complete the paragraph given below
with the help of options that follow:
Recent heavy rains lashed Chennai city
throwing normal life out of gear. The
city (a) ______ severe water logging and
people wading through knee-deep water.
Many volunteers in their respective
areas (b) ______ out the relief activities.
In Annai Satya Nagar food packets (c)
________ distributed to the victims.
(a) (i) seen (ii) saw
(iii) see (iv) sees
(b) (i) carry (ii) carrying
(iii) carried (iv) had carried
(c) (i) were (ii) was
(iii) did (iv) have
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. (a) (ii) saw
(b) (iii) carried
(c) (ii) were
Q. 38. Complete the paragraph given below
with the help of options that follow:
Most Indian schools fail to ensure
their students adequate playtime and
fitness regime. Two out of every five
school going children (a) _______ have
a healthy body mass index (BMI) and
50% of children (b) _______ adequate
lower body strength. Some schools (c)
________ found to offer three or more
physical education periods per week.
(a) (i) does (ii) does not
(iii) don’t (iv) do
(b) (i) lack (ii) lacked
(iii) have lacked (iv) had lacked
(c) (i) was (ii) are
(iii) is (iv) have
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. (a) (iii) don’t (b) (ii) lack
(c) (ii) are
Q. 39. Read the sentence given below and fill
in the blanks in it by choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones that
He was (a) ______ at the news (b) ______
the success of a poor candidate (c) ______
got the highest number of votes in Bihar
(a) (i) surprising (ii) surprise
(iii) surprised
(iv) having surprised
(b) (i) of (ii) for
(iii) to (iv) by
(c) (i) which (ii) whose
(iii) whom (iv) who
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) (iii) surprised (b) (i) of
(c) (iv) who
Q. 40. In the following paragraph one word
has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word along the word before and
the word after against the correct blank
Research is an detailed study of a
subject undertaking on a systematic
basis in order to increase a stock of
knowledge, including knowlege
for man, culture and society, that
the use of this stock of knowlege to
devise new applications.
Error Correction
e.g. an a
(a) ________ ________
(b) ________ ________
(c) ________ ________
(d) ________ ________
(e) ________ ________
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Error Correction
(a) undertaking undertaken
(b) a the
(c) for of
(d) that and
Q. 41. Complete the paragraph given below
with the help of options that follow:
The Vichitra Venna as (a) _______ name
suggests (b) _____ a rare instrument and
there are not (c) _____ artistes who can
apply this instrument.
(a) (i) a (ii) an
(iii) the (iv) some
(b) (i) is (ii) am
(iii) are (iv) have been
(c) (i) much (ii) many
(iii) more (iv) most
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. (a) (iii) the (b) (i) is
(c) (ii) many
Q. 42. Complete the paragraph given below
with the help of options that follow:
Kanishka, the ruler of the Kushanas
embraced Buddhism. He (a) ____
invited to a Buddhist meeting (b) ______
Kashmir during his reign. It was during
his time that Buddhism (c) ______ to Sri
Lanka, Myanmar and Java.
(a) (i) is (ii) was
(iii) had (iv) has
(b) (i) at (ii) of
(iii) in (iv) on
(c) (i) spread (ii) spreads
(iii) spreading (iv) is spread
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. (a) (ii) was (b) (i) in
(c) (i) spread
Q. 43. Look at the words and phrases given
below. Rearrange them to form
meaningful sentences:
(a) easy/very/it/to open/it/was
(b) to sleep/night/decided/every/they/a
(c) quickly/very/the clothes/they/and
(d) the/problem/bags/heavy/in carrying/
had/they [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. (a) It was very easy to open it.
(b) They decided to sleep in a hotel every
(c) They packed the clothes and food
very quickly.
(d) They had problems in carrying the
heavy bags.
Q. 44. Rearrange the following groups of
word/phrases to make meaningful
(a) is / as / known / Jaipur / Pink City.
(b) in the / are / buildings / city / in pink
colour / painted / most of the
(c) have made / a popular / it / its historical
buildings / destination / tourist.
(d) go there / one / bus / from Delhi / can
easily / by [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
Ans. (a) Jaipur is known as Pink City.
(b) Most of the buildings in the city are
painted in pink colour.
(c) Its historical buildings have made it a
popular tourist destination.
(d) One can easily go there from Delhi by
Q. 45. Rearrange any four of the following
groups of words/phrases to make
meaningful sentences :
(a) the temple architecture / form an /
sculptures and paintings / of / essential
(b) the architecture / is / an artistic / in
some temples / masterpiece
(c) is / situated in / the Konark temple /
corner of Puri / north-eastern / the
(d) people / lakhs of / every year / visit /
the / Konark temple
(e) the Sun God / dedicated / to / this /
temple / beautiful / is
[CBSE, 2019]
Q. 46. Rearrange any four or the following
groups of word/phrases to make
meaningful sentences.
(a) of mankind / reading is / one of /
pleasures / the greatest
(b) we / enjoy / the / much more / borrowed
ones / our own books / reading /
(c) book / care / must be / with / a borrowed
/ treated
(d) book / afraid of / you should /
writing notes on / not be / your own
(e) should begin / one / a private
libarary / one’s youth / building / in
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. (a) Reading is one of the greatest pleasures
of mankind.
(b) We enjoy reading our own books
much more than the borrowed ones.
(c) A borrowed book must be treated
with care.
(d) You should not be afraid of writing
notes on your own book.
(e) One should begin building a private
library in one’s youth.
Q. 47. Rearrange any four of the following
groups of word/phrases to make
meaningful sentences:
(a) have become / part of / developing
city / airports / an essential / a
(b) services / tourism in / air taxi / will /
boost / the state
(c) more runways / for / we / landing /
need / facilities
(d) promote / will surely / our tourism /
this / sector
(e) this / increasing / will help / between
cities / connectivity / in
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. (a) Airports have become an essential
part of a developing city.
(b) Air taxi services will boost the tourism
in the state.
(c) We need more runways for landing
(d) This will surely promote our tourism
(e) This will help in increasing connectivity
between cities.
Q. 48. Rearrange any four or the following
groups of words/phrases to make
meaningful sentences:
(a) are / a storehouse / Indian / Indian art
/ of / temples
(b) these / the architecture / artistic
masterpiece / of / temples / is an
(c) is situated / north-eastern / Konark
temple / side / on the / of Puri
(d) chariot / from of / temple is / the / the
/ a / in
(e) its sculptures / famous / is / for /
temple / the
[CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. (a) Indian temples are a storehouse of Indian
(b) The architecture of these temples is an
artistic masterpiece.
(c) Konark Temple is situated on the
north-eastern side of Puri.
(d) The temple is in the form of a chariot.
(e) The temple is famous for its sculptures.
Q. 49. Rearrange any four the following words/
phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. that life began/ centuries ago/
scientists think/ twenty million/ on
earth/ about
2. endless process/ the plants and animals/
of evolution/ are the products/
of an
3. are/ their/ animals / products of/ all
the/ environment
4. lose/ habitat/ human/ due to/ their/
the animals/ encroachment
5. the/ habitat/ regrowth/ rate of/ is/
very slow / of
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. 1. Scientists think that life began on earth
about twenty million centuries ago.
2. The plants and animals are the products
of an endless process of evolution.
3. All the animals are products of their
4. The animals lose their habitat due to
human encroachment.
5. The rate of regrowth of habitat is very
Q. 50. Rearrange any four of the following
words / phrases to make meaningful
(a) ignore / instinct / my first / the snake
/ was to
(b) I didn’t want / killed one / I had / it /
as / never / to kill.
(c) only dangerous/ duty / to / was / kill
/ my/ ones
(d) back / and returned / farm / I went /
to the / stick / with a
(e) hesitated / it / I / but still / attack / to
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. (a) My first instinct was to ignore the
(b) I didn’t want to kill it as I had never
killed one.
(c) My duty was to kill only dangerous
(d) I went back to the farm and returned
with a stick.
(e) But still I hesitated to attack it.
Q. 51. Rearrange any four of the following
words / phrases to make meaningful
(a) democracy / is very / important / of
press/ in a / freedom
(b) abused / times / is / many / but / it
(c) biased / sometimes / present / is /
opinion/ media / a
(d) to have / necessary / press / therefore
/ a responsible / it is
(e) can be / society / a / only than /
fearless / imagined
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
Ans. (a) Freedom of press is very important in a
(b) But it is abused many times.
(c) Media sometimes presents a biased
(d) Therefore it is necessary to have a
responsible press.
(e) Only then a fearless society can be
Q. 52. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences:
(i) work and play/ things / different/ parents see/ as two
(ii) is a/ of time / they/ waste/ think/ that playing
(iii) important/ games / studies / are as / as
(iv) a student/ to both / proper / should / attention / pay
(v) can / life / only / succeed / he / in then [CBSE, 2018]

Ans. (i) Parents see work and play as two different things.
(ii) They think that playing is a waste of time.
(iii) Studies are as important as games.
(iv) A student should pay proper attention to both.
(v) Only then he can succeed in life.
Q. 53. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:
(a) accept / his pupil/ Swami / Sethu as / did not/
(b) only 14 / very / years old / he was / young /
(c) heart / not / but / did / lose / Sethu/ [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. (a) Swami did not accept Sethu as his pupil.
(b) He was very young only 14 year old.
(c) But Sethu did not lose heart.
Q. 54. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:
(a) standing in / the temple / one day / front of / Sethu was /
(b) coming to / had / the temple / the devotees /started / (c) that day / he saw / people had / that
more / come/ [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. (a) One day Sethu was standing in front of the temple.
(b) The devotees had started coming to the temple.
(c) He saw that more people had come that day.
Q. 55. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:
(a) two hands / the sound / hear / of / you can /
(b) the / now / one hand / show me / sound of /
(c) did / succeed / tried / not / but / Sethu / [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. (a) You can hear the sound of two hands.
(b) Now show me the sound of one hand.
(c) Sethu tried but did not succeed.
Q. 56. Rearrange the following words / phrases given below to form meaningful sentences:
(a) beautiful / Masha / dog / is a / young.
(b) praised / she / be / to / likes.
(c) policeman / group / works / of / with a / she [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. (a) Masha is a young beautiful dog.
(b) She likes to be praised.
(c) She works with a group of policemen.
Q. 57. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:
(a) brains of dogs / US / a university / studied the / in the /.
(b) dogs used / like the humans / showed that / their brains / the study /.
(c) understand words / part of / is used to / their brains / the left /.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Ans. (a) A university in the US studies the brains of dogs.
(b) The study showed that dogs used their brains like the humans.
(c) The left part of their brain is used to understand words.
Q. 58. Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:
(a) Ramaswami / temple / priest / was the / in a /.
(b) young boy / years old / Sethu / only ten / was a/.
(c) disciple / become / he / to / Ramaswami’s / wanted /. [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Ans. (a) Ramaswami was the priest in a temple.
(b) Sethu was a young boy only ten years old.
(c) He wanted to become Ramaswami’s disciple.
Q. 59. Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:
Example: was / on / 21 June / Day / Yoga / of / International / celebrated.
(a) 40,000 / participated / about / volunteers / the/ celebrations / in
(b) taken / measures / safely / strict / event / the/ manage / were / to
(c) the / Yoga / 100 countries / than / celebrated / Day / was / in / more [CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) About 40,000 volunteers participated in the celebrations.
(b) Strict measures were taken to manage the event safely.
(c) The Yoga Day was celebrated in more than 100 countries.
Q. 60. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences as given in the example.
Example: curse / a / illiteracy / is / Illiteracy is a curse.
(a) illiterate / remain / the / and / backward/ poor / people /.
(b) easily / by / they / cheated / are / others /.
(c) our / it is / to help / moral duty / to become /literate / everyone /. [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1,
Ans. (a) The illiterate people remain backward and poor.
(b) They are easily cheated by others.
(c) It is our moral duty to help everyone to become literate
Q. 61. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: One example
is given below:
is / soul of / a / culture / of the / expression
/ nation. Culture is expression of the soul of a nation.
(a) nation / is the / of any / culture / key element.
(b) nation / cultural / every / has its own / identity.
(c) of a / spirituality / soul / nation / is / the. [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
Ans. (a) Culture is the key element of any nation.
(b) Every nation has its own cultural identity.
(c) Spirituality is the soul of a nation.
Q. 62. Rearrange the jumbled words and phares into meaningful sentences. The first one has
been done as an example.
Example: provides/to the homeless/the government night shelters
The government provides night shelters to the homeless.
(a) are/more than/there/in your/two thousand/homeless living town.
(b) only/five/night/but/shelters/four to/ are/available.
(c) great/have/hope/the/homeless/from/ government/the [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
Ans. (a) There are more than two thousand homeless living in your town.
(b) But only four to five shelters are available
(c) The homeless have great hope from the government.

Q. 63. Rearrange the jumbled mords and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has
been done as an example.

in / the cactus / very hot / grows / dry / places
The cactus grows in very hot, dry places.
(a) do not / leaves / they / but / sping needles
(b) flower / and bloom / some of them / cacti / at night / are big
(c) absorb / from fog / water / in the air / cacti can [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. (a) They do not have leaves but sping needles.
(b) Cacti flowers are big and some of them bloom at night.
(c) Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air.
Q. 64. Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. One example is
given below:
in/the highest/India has/population/ livestock/ the world.
India has the highest livestock population in the world.
(a) is/of milk/the country/also/producer /the highest.
(b) is starting/but/at a/ major/it/crisis/ fodder.
(c) due to / pressure / of / it / is / growing/ population/on land. [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]

Ans. (a) The country is also the highest producer of milk.

(b) But it is starting at a major fodder crisis.
(c) It is due to pressure of growing population on land

Q. 65. Rearrange the following jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences. One
example is given below:

refused / beyond / Alexander’s army / to go / the river Beas.

Alexander’s army refused to go beyond the river Beas
(a) to be a / kind / this was / of protest / considered / unique
(b) could not / the soldiers / Alexander / to move /persuade ahead [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3,
Ans. (a) This was considered to be a unique kind of protest.
(b) Alexander could not persuade the soliders to move ahead.
(c) Finally he asked them to retreat.

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