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Within this agreement dated <DATE>, <AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS> shall be the

“Provider” and <CLIENT NAME, ADDRESS> shall be the “Client”.

Through this agreement, the Client agrees to hire the services of the Provider to achieve the
following goals:

 Create awareness of the Client’s services among the target audience.

 Advertise the products and services to the target audience

 Manage social media presence and actively engage with the customer and potential customers

 Improve search engine ranking of the website

The target audience of this digital marketing activity are:

 Residents of UAE

 Residents of Qatar


The Client authorises the Provider to use the following platforms owned by the Client for

marketing purposes during the tenure of this agreement. The Client shall share the access
credentials to the Provider and the Provider shall take utmost care in safe handling of the

Credentials. At the end of the agreement period and settlement of fees, the Provider shall

cease to have any access rights on the below channels.

List of Channels included in the agreement:

 Website <URL>

 Facebook Page <Page URL>

 Twitter Account <URL>

 LinkedIn Page <URL>

 Google Email account <Mail id>

 GSuite account <Account Id>

 Google My Business <URL>


 The Provider states to the Client that the Provider has been into Digital Marketing

Services for more than 15 years and assures that it will use its prior experience and

knowledge to bring the best results to the Client through sincere and dedicated digital

marketing activities.

 A technical expert with a minimum of 3 years working experience on social media platforms

will be assigned by the Provider to handle all social media activities for this project.

 A technical expert with minimum 2 year experience on paid advertising services will be

assigned to the project

 A search engine optimization expert with minimum 2 years experience on SEO will be

assigned to optimise the website of the client

 A platform wise specific campaign and action plan to be prepared and submitted for the

client’s approval.

 Necessary directions and support for the social media promotions from Provider side will be

available over the following channels:

 Phone

 Whatsapp

 Other convenient media, mutually agreed by both the parties.

 Keep all the credentials provided by the client with due care and confidentiality.

 Handover all credentials and accounts created by the Provider to the Client, for which the

Client has made the payments, upon completion of this project and settlement of all


 Feedbacks, reports, analytics, reviews to be generated and presented whenever needed in

addition to scheduled ones.

 A monthly activity report will be prepared and submitted to the Client within 5 days on the

subsequent calendar month.

 Seek review of the Client for all content and creatives published in websites or social



 Provide the Provider with such information and assistance as the Provider may reasonably

request and the Client shall consider reasonably necessary in order to carry out the Project.

 Grant the Provider the necessary rights and permissions on Social Media Platforms and

various other accounts that are needed for the effective performance of the digital marketing

activities throughout the Term of the Agreement.

 Coordinate with other agencies and personnel to facilitate various changes required in the

website and other online channels to support digital marketing activities, when such activities

are not part of the agreement with the Provider.

 Provide all necessary documents, content, creatives, images and other resources required for

the effective performance of digital marketing activities by the Provider.

 Review all the creatives prepared by the Provider in a timely manner and give approvals or

suggestions to change.


The provider assures that it will not share or disclose any confidential information it gains

access to regarding the Client’s business practices, trade secrets or business plans to any

external parties. Such information shall be shared only to the Provider’s staff who are in

absolute need to know this information as part of the digital marketing activities. The

Provider shall be legally responsible for safeguarding the Client’s confidential information.

The Provider shall have a valid legal non-disclosure agreement with its employees assigned

to this project to safeguard and protect the Client’s information they gain access to. This non-

disclosure agreement is to remain valid for a period of 5 years from the date of termination of

this agreement.


The Provider will have no rights of ownership on any of the channels (social media channels,

websites etc) created for the Client for which Client has made the full payment or such

channel creation is part of the fee paid.

The provider may create additional websites at its own expense or using its own fund to

support the digital marketing activities for the Client. Such resources may be retained by the
Provider after the term of this contract. However, after the contract is over, it must be clearly

marked on such channels that they are not associated with the Client.

The Client must review and authorise all content, graphics and creatives prepared by the

Provider before or immediately after publishing. The client will be fully responsible for any

marketing or general content published by the Provider on behalf of the Client.

Provider owns no responsibility for the products, services, claims, promotions, graphics or

creatives used in the websites, social channels, advertising or other marketing activities. The

Client shall ensure all such content adheres to the legal compliances and requirements.


Through this agreement, the Provider agrees to provide the following services to the Client:

1. Search Engine Optimisation

2. Search Engine Advertising

3. Content Marketing

4. Blogging

5. Branding

6. Social Media Management on the following social media platforms:

1. Facebook

2. Instagram

3. Twitter

4. LinkedIn

7. Advertising on the following social media platforms:

1. Google AdWords

2. Facebook

3. Instagram

4. Twitter

5. LinkedIn

6. YouTube

8. YouTube Video Marketing on Demand

9. Influencer Marketing

Social Media Management & Advertising

 Tune and optimise the social media profiles of the Client listed below.

 Profile 1

 Profile 2

 Profile 3

 Develop creative content and graphics and share on social media channels (average 1 post per


 Design creatives and graphics to use for regular posting and advertising on social media


 Monitor, tune and optimise Ads on various channels to ensure maximum reach and brand


 Come up with creative messages and posters for major festivals and important days
 A maximum of 10 creatives will be designed per month for all activities together including

posters and advertisements.

 Respond to user comments and queries on the social media platforms included in this


YouTube Marketing & Video Advertising:

 Develop short videos with a duration of 10 to 20 seconds. 2 short videos per month are


 Develop inspirational videos and meaningful messages on a need basis at an additional cost.

 Upload and Advertise the videos on YouTube to promote services and create brand

awareness among the target audience.

 Upload, optimise and manage videos provided by the client

Search Engine Optimisation

 The following keywords will be the focus of the SEO activities for the website <URL>

1. keyword 1

2. keyword 2

3. keyword 3...N

 The Provider assures the following milestones through SEO activities

Phases Period Goal

Setup the platforms and website ready for
1 month aggressive SEO. Measure the initial traffic and
keyword ranking for future benchmarking

 Atleast 20% increase in organic traffic through

brand keywords

 Atleast 20% increase in organic traffic through

3 months
Phase keyword search
after Phase
1  Overall 20% increase in organic traffic

 Atleast 25% of the primary keywords must be

on the first page of Google

 Atleast 40% increase in organic traffic through

brand keywords

 Atleast 40% increase in organic traffic through

4 months
Phase keyword search
after Phase
2  Overall 40% increase in organic traffic

 Atleast 50% of the primary keywords must be

on the first page of Google

 Atleast 50% increase in organic traffic through

brand keywords

 Atleast 50% increase in organic traffic through

keyword search

 Overall 50% increase in organic traffic

4 months
after Phase  Atleast 50% of the primary keywords must be
3 on the first page of Google

 Atleast 50% of the primary keywords must be

on the top 5 positions of Google

 Atleast 50% of the secondary keywords must

be on the first page of Google

 The provider assures that it will develop and publish a minimum of 2 blog posts month on the

website of the Client

 The provider assures that it will publish a minimum of 2 guest posts per month on third party

guest posting website platforms like

 The Provider assures that it will create a minimum number of backlinks per month to the

Client’s website through the following channels:

1. Guest posting - 2

2. Forum/blog commenting - 3

3. Quora participation - 3

4. Classifieds/directory submission - 5

 The Provider shall send a detailed report of the Advertising campaign Performance to the

Client on a weekly basis

 The Provider shall send a comprehensive activity report to the Client at the end of every

month via email or phone or any other suitable channels

 The Provider shall send weekly reports regarding all major activities done by the Provider for

the Client


The Client agrees to pay the Provider the Charges as per the mutual agreement, which is

stated below. The same may be amended from time to time which will be stated in the

discussion with both parties.

Where any part of the Charges is stated to be due on a monthly basis, they shall be invoiced

monthly in advance by the Provider. The Client agrees to pay all such invoices within 5

business days from the date of sending the invoice.

For the initial month, the billing can be prorated based on the number of days in the first

calendar month, if the work is initiated in the middle of a calendar month. From the second

month onwards, the invoice shall include the full monthly fees.


Initial Setup Fee:

Waived off
(One-time fee)
INR 55,000/- Per Month

This covers the total services charges for social media

Comprehensive marketing, search engine optimisation, paid

Digital Marketing advertising and all other services mentioned in this

document. This covers the service fee only and not

any third-party fees like paid advertising with


Up to 2 short animated videos are included free of

Animation Videos: cost per month. Additional videos will be chargeable

at INR 450 per second.

Up to 10 creatives per month are included. Additional

Graphics/creatives creatives will be chargeable at INR 1,000/- per


SEO Services SEO services are included in the cost.

Advertising on The client can choose the amount to be allocated for

Facebook advertising on Facebook. Such fees shall be paid in

advance to the Provider or paid directly to Facebook

(Actual Cost)
in coordination with the Provider.

Advertising on The client can choose the amount to be allocated for

Google advertising on Facebook. Such fees shall be paid in

advance to the Provider or paid directly to Google in

(Actual Cost) coordination with the Provider.

 Additional 18% GST/VAT will be applicable for all payments made to the Provider by the



Payments shall be made on a monthly basis at the beginning of the calendar month. The

Provider shall submit an invoice to the client on or before the beginning of each calendar

month and the Provider shall make the full payment as per the invoice within 5 days upon the

receipt of the invoice. Provider reserves the rights to pause or stop all the activities for the

client if the payments are delayed more than 10 days from the date of submitting the invoice.

The provider has the rights to withhold any digital assets of the Client until all the pending

invoices are paid in full.

All payments to be made to the following bank account and not through any other channels

unless a separate written authorisation has been agreed between both the parties.

Bank Details for Payment Transfer:

Bank account details>

The following personnel will be the contact points representing the Provider:

Name Role Email Phone

<Name> <Role> <Email> <Phone>

The following personnel will be the contact points representing the Client:

Name Role Email Phone

<Name> <Role> <Email> <Phone>


The initial contract for digital marketing is for a period of 1 year from the date of this

agreement and shall be renewed for a mutually agreed period after the initial period.


The Client may terminate this Agreement in the event that the Provider breaches a material

term or any condition of this Agreement and such breach continues for a period of thirty (30)

calendar days after the Client provides the Provider with a written notice thereof, setting forth

the nature of the alleged breach.

The Provider may terminate this agreement by giving 30 days notice in writing to the Client

along with an explanation on the reason for termination.

If the Client decides to terminate the agreement without any major violation of the agreement

by the Provider, the Client may give 1 month notice in addition to 1 month service charges as

compensation for the loss to the Provider due to the early termination of the agreement. If the

Client is unable to give 1 month notice for termination due to any reason, Client may

terminate this agreement by giving 2 months service charges as early termination


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized

representatives to set their hands the day and year first above written.


for and on behalf of _______________

Client Name:



for and on behalf of _______________

Provider Name:


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