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Class XII Session 2023-24 Subject - English Core Sample Question Paper - 7 Time Allowed ; 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80 General Instructions : i. 2. (1) Q) (3 (4) ) ) The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING and LITERATURE. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part, SECTION-A READING SKILLS (22 MARKS) Read the following text. (12m) Subhas Chandra Bose fulfilled a promise to his father that he would sit for the Indian Civil Service examination in London. He secured the fourth position in 1920 but then went on to fulfil his own wish. He resigned from the coveted service the following year, saying “only on the soil of sacrifice and suffering can we raise our national edifice”, Returning to India, he plunged into the national struggle and by 1923, was secretary of the Bengal State Congress and President of All India Youth Congress. By 1927, he emerged, along with Jawaharlal Nehru, as leader of the new youth movement, which came into its own by playing a major role in the anti-Simon Commission agitation which swept India that year, He was also the chief organizer of the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress (INC) in December 1928, which demanded that the goal of the congress be changed to ‘Purna Swaraj’ or ‘Complete Independence, Imprisonment in the Civil Disobedience movement followed by bad health in 1932 took him to Europe where he observed European politics, particularly Fascism under Mussolini and Communism in the Soviet Union, He was impressed by both and believed that authoritarian rule was essential for achieving radical social goals. In fact, it is in this period that political views of Nehru and Bose began to diverge sharply, especially on the issue of Fascism and Nazism. Nehru was so vehemently opposed to Fascism that he refused to meet Mussolini even when the latter sought him out, whereas Bose not only met Mussolini but was impressed by him. Nehru was sharply critical of the growing danger to the world from the rise of Hitler. Bose, on the other hand, never expressed that kind of aversion to Fascism, and was quite willing to seek the support of Germany and later Japan against Britain, However, he was not happy with the German attack on Soviet Union in 1941, and that was one reason why he left Germany for Japan in 1943. For Bose, Socialism and Fascism were not polar opposites, as they were for Nehru. In 1938, Bose was unanimously elected, with the full support of Gandhiji, as Congress president for the Haripura session. But the next year, he decided to stand again, this time as a representative of militant and radical groups. An election ensued which Bose won by 1,580 to 1,377 votes, but the battle lines were drawn. The challenge he threw by calling Gandhian leaders rightists who were working for a compromise with the British government was answered by 12 members of the working committee resigning and asking Bose to choose his own committee, Nehru did not resign with other members but he was unhappy with Bose's casting of aspersions on senior leaders. He tried his best to mediate and persuade Bose not to resign. (6) The crisis came to a head at Tripuri in March 1939, with Bose refusing to nominate a new working Committee and ultimately resigning. The clash was of policy and tactics. Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. i. What is ironic about the line “Subhas Chandra Bose fulfilled a promise to his father that he would sit for the Indian Civil Service examination in London."? @) ii, Anti-Simon Commission agitation happened in the year - @ A. 1920 B, 1923 Cc. 1927 D. 1928 iii, What is the meaning of ‘Purna Swaraj?" qa iv. The last para states ‘the crisis came to a head...’ What crisis was being talked about? Q) v. Which of these statements is false? a A. Bose went to Europe in 1932. B. Nehru refused to meet Mussolini. C. For Bose, Socialism and Fascism were different things. D. Bose resigned as congress president in 1939. vi. What was the main bone of contention between the two leaders, Nehru and Bose? Q) vii. Subhas Chandra Bose was secretary of the : a) A. All India Youth Congress B. Central India Youth Congress C. Bengal State Congress D. Both A.and C. viii. Congress president for Haripura session was. . a) A. Bose B. Gandhi ji Cc. Nehru D. Mohan singh ix. Which word in para 3 means ‘despotic’? @ A. Essential B. Politics C. Authoritarian D. Rule 2. Read the following text. (0m) 3 (1) This isn’t mountain region of mere subjective beauty. Nor one, which claims its greatness, based on just an overwhelming opinion of a large majority. For Sikkim, it is a treasure that few know about. However, the facts of its remarkable geography bear enough testimony to pitch Sikkim in a slot that no other mountain region anywhere in the world could duplicate or rival. What Everest is to peaks, Sikkim is to the mountains. Tragically, a region so wild and exotic and with such geographic and climatic extremes, that its amazing wilds and not its unremarkable hill stations, ensure its accessibility to the adventurous only. (2) Just delve on these facts a bit. From the plains, in a mere 80 kms as the crow flies, the altitude reaches 28,168 feet at the very top of Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. Such a sharp elevation is unrivalled anywhere else and is the first geographical claim of Sikkim. (3) The second is an offshoot of the first. Nowhere else do so many 7,000 metre plus peaks crowd up such a confined space. And the third is really a consequence of the first and the second with the sharp gradation creating the most variegated flora and fauna possible anywhere in the mountains. The fourth uniqueness is also a consequence of the first and the second and lies in the extremes of the climate which ranges from the tropical to the typical arctic type. And the fifth claim is its thin permanent population and relatively fewer travellers by virtue of its remote far-eastern Himalayan location. The startling facts about Sikkim never seem to end. For starters, all of Sikkim lies in a mere 110 kms by 65 kms of mountains, peaks, glaciers, rivers and forests. A little dot on the map at a latitude 27 degrees North and longitude 88 degrees East. Its 7,000 sq. kms make it about as large as the National Capital Region of India! To the North and extending to the East of Sikkim, is Tibet/China and to the West is Nepal. To the South are the Himalayan and sub Himalayan regions of West Bengal. It is, in fact, these geographical extremes and the resulting ambience, that makes mountaineers trek here, when they are not climbing, besides fuelling mountaineering dreams in the minds of trekkers, what with the closest possible proximity to magnificent peaks while trekking. On the subject of trekking here, it is strange but true that acclimatisation is much tougher in Sikkim than. elsewhere. It may have something to do with being closer in latitude to the Tropic of Cancer, beside the rather sharp stages involved in each day of trekking, The closeness to the Tropic of Cancer has meant that the snowline will always be much higher and therefore human settlements are seen even at altitudes of 16,000 feet! a Answer the following questions based on given passage. i. “This isn’t a mountain region of mere subjective beauty.” What does “this” stand for in the line? ay) ii, Which proverb resonates the idea of “subjective beauty” given in the first line? a) A. Too many cooks spoil the broth B. A rolling stone gathers no moss C. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder D. All that glitters is not gold iii. Why is acclimatisation much tougher in Sikkim than elsewhere? a) Which of these statements is incorrect? qa) A. Sikkim lies in a mere 110 kms by 65 kms of mountains, peaks, glaciers, rivers and forests. B. Sikkim is about 7000 sq. km. C. Sikkim is sparsely populated. D. Sikkim shares its eastern border with Nepal. Choose an appropriate title for the given passage. a) A. Sikkim: A Study of its History B. The Flora and Fauna of Sikkim C. Sikkim: Why it is So Unique D. Trekkers and Sikkim: A Study Synonym of unrivalled is ‘ a) A. riddled B. outstanding C. unfit D. hideous What makes Sikkim such a unique place? Mention two points. (2) The narrator states “in a mere 80 kms as the crow flies, .°. What is significant about this statement? (2) SECTION-B CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS (18 MARKS) Attempt ANY ONE of the two, in 50 words, (4) You are Josely Mathew, the President of the school book club. The club is organising a drive for promoting reuse of study materials and books. Draft a notice, for the school notice board, addressing students of classes X-XI], informing them about this drive and urging them to contribute to the endeavour. Mention how the donated books would benefit a charitable cause. OR An Inter-school Kabaddi competition is organised by your school. Write a notice, requesting the students to be present at the venue to encourage the players. Invent all the necessary details. You are Arjun, the sports captain of your school. Attempt ANY ONE of the two, in about 50 words. (4) You are Navin/Neha, the Secretary of the Youth Club of your locality. You are organising an inter-school group-song competition. Write an invitation to invite a prominent musician to be one of the judges. OR You are Rohan / Rani. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Women; organised by the Rotary Club of your distinct. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the club. Attempt ANY ONE of the two, in about 120-150 words. (5) You are Sam/Sanya of DTCA Apartments, Noida, You have seen an advertisement in “The Hindu’ for the post of Assistant Storekeeper at Hamley’s Children Bookshop. Apply for the job with complete bio-data. OR You are Minu Sen, an intern in a software company in Hyderabad. You feel that the growing relationship of companies with non-profit organisations have made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the buzzword today, Your own involvement in one such project for your company has convinced you that CSR looks beyond the company profits and focuses on benefiting the greater community. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, sharing your opinion about CSR and its advantages and provide suggestions to make it an integral part of every organisation. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. Atypes of CSR efforts :- brand value - environmental initiatives = charity work eee positive public —Cadvantages >— increased - ethical labor practices attention poverty alleviation = volunteer projects Attempt ANY ONE of the two, in about 120-150 words. 5) Write an article on the pressure that students face today. Talk about how parents can play an important role in saving their mental health. OR You are Mansi/Manay of St. George Sr. Secondary School, Nainital. Your school has recently organised a Blood Donation Camp on Gandhi Jayanti. Write a report as an editor for your school magazine on this widely acclaimed activity. SECTION-C LITERATURE TEXTBOOK AND SUPPLEMENTARY READING TEXT (40 MARKS) Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (6) A roadside stand that too pathetically pled, It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread, But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports ‘The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint. Itis unfair to say that these people are begging for a ‘dole of bread’ Why? a) A. Because they are unreasonably begging for money. B. Because they have something to sell. C. Because they are beggars. D. Because they shamelessly begging for bread. ii, ‘Pathetically pled’ means , A. the plea of the owners to stop the passers-by B. to steal some money from the travellers C. they plead to the rich city dwellers to buy something D. to sell breads to the passers-by Why do the poor people look at the city money? Identify the figure of speech used in “pathetically pled” A. Alliteration B. Simile C. Personification D. Metaphor Name the poem from which the given extract is taken, ‘The tone of the poet in the given extract is OR Its loveliness increases, it will never Pass into nothingness: but will keep ‘A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. ‘Whose loveliness will keep on increasing ? Identify the phrase which says that ‘it is immortal’? A. It will never pass into nothingness B. Its loveliness increases ‘C. A bower quiet for us D. Full of sweet dreams Bower means A. shower B. flower C. nice and shady place D. plants ‘What kind of sleep does the poet say we'll get ? A. A dreamless sleep B. Sleep full of sweet dreams C. Restless sleep D. Noisy sleep Who wrote the above given lines of poetry? ‘The rhyme scheme of the given lines of poetry is Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. qa) qa) qa) a) qa) q) qQ) a) a) QQ) () (4) ‘The young American, without a word, shook Sadao’s hand warmly, and then walked quite well across the floor and down the step into the darkness of the garden. Once — twice... Sadao saw his light flash to find his way. But that would not be suspected. He waited until from the shore there was one more flash. Then iii, he closed the partition. That night he slept. Why did the young American shake Sadao’s hand? A. To say goodbye B. To express his gratitude C. To show his dominance D. Both (A) and (B) What did Sadao observe about the American? A. That he used his flashlight to find his way. B, That he was walking straight into the dark. C. That he was rushing to get away from him, D, That he didn't need the flash light. For how long did Sadao watch the American? Which line/phrase implies Sadao was finally relieved? OR Mr. Lamb : If you'd seen me, you'd not have come in. Derry : No. Mr. Lamb : No. Derry : Itd have been trespassing. Mr. Lamb: Ah. That's not why. Derry : I don't like being near people. When they stare....when I see them being afraid of me. Why is Mr. Lamb so sure that Derry wouldn't have entered his garden if he had shown himself? What makes Derry feel so scared to be near people? When Derry revealed “It would have been trespassing.” What does this reveal about his character? A. He is a good boy who knows what is right or wrong, B. He wanted to see if he would be caught. C. He was just trying to make up excuses. D. He was testing Mr. Lamb. Assertion (A) : Mr. Lamb loves questioning people who come to his garden. Reason (R) : He wanted to see who is good or bad. A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. Both A and R are false. D. Ais true but R is false. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (1) q) a) q) qa) q) a) a) (6) iii. Here | sit, she said to herself, wishing Danny would come, wishing he would come and sensing the time passing. I feel the pangs of doubt stirring inside me. I watch for him but still there is no sign of him. 1 remember Geoff saying he would never come, and how none of them believed me when I told them. I wonder what will I do, what can | tell them now if he doesn’t come? But we know how it was, Danny and me-that's the main thing. How can you help what people choose to believe? But all the same, it makes me despondent, this knowing I'll never be able to show them they are wrong to doubt me. How was Sophie feeling waiting for Danny? ) ‘What did Geoff say? a) |. What was Sophie wondering? i) Who all Sophie wants to prove wrong? (i) A. Geoff B. Jansie C. Noone D. Everyone What does ‘pangs of doubt’ mean? a) ‘A. A feeling of sudden happiness B. A sudden brief sharp feeling of doubt C. A feeling of sudden anger D, A feeling of sudden sadness Name the author of the given extract. a) A. AR. Barton B. Asokamitran C. Anees jung D. Alphonse Daudet OR ‘Some might make quite extravagant claims for it as being, in its highest form, a source of truth, and, in its practice, an art, Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person's soul. What is the most likely reason some people consider the practice of interview to be an art? () This could be because it requires ’ A. fluency of words B. sensitive and careful handling C. creativity and imagination D. probing and focusing on details Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with its inference. () Celebrities feel that an interview diminishes them. On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below, a) (1) Celebrities don't consent to be interviewed, (2) Interviews intrude the privacy of celebrities. A. (1) can be inferred from the extract but (2) cannot. B. (1) cannot be inferred from the extract but (2) can. C. (1) is true but (2) is false. D. (2) is the reason for (1). Rationalise, to support the given opinion: (1) ‘To say that an interview, in its highest form, is a source of truth, is an extravagant claim. Replace the underlined word with its antonym from the extract. 1) Some celebrities hate the idea of having to give an interview because it makes them feel like supporters. ‘The author's views on interview, in the extract, can best be described as statements based on , () A. facts B, hypothesis C. beliefs D. superstitions Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in about 40-50 words. (5x 2=10) What made the licutenant-governor drop the case against Gandhiji? Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him? What promise did the author make with Saheb? Why had she to feel small? How does Kamala Das try to put away the thoughts of her ageing mother ? How were the parents and M.Hamel responsible for the children’s neglect of the French language? Give two reasons why, according to Pablo Neruda, is ‘keeping quiet’ essential to attaining a better, more peaceful world. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. (2x2=4) Why did Derry insist that he would go back to Mr. Lamb? What do you infer from Sam's letter to Charley? |. Comment on any one aspect of the writing style of the author, Kalki in The Tiger King. . Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in 120-150 words. (5) Do the poor have the right to dream? Why does the author call Mukesh’s dream ‘a mirage’? OR ‘The poet Kamala Das ends with a painful farewell. Do you agree? Explain giving your opinions based on the poem. . Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in 120-150 words. (5) MEET 7) SOLUTIONS 1. Subhas Chandra Bose appeared for the Indian Civil Services 1920 ashe had promised his father. Not only that, heal secured the ath position, Hat wonically he would ther qui the service and begit his ie fighting for the freedom of © 197 IM Complete Independence {x Though Bose, Gandhi and Nehru, among others, were all working towards the common goal of feeing India from the Britsher, thei policies and tactics differ Bose wanted a more vole way of dealing with while the other Iaders ‘wanted more peaceful approach XG. For Bose, Socialism and Fascism were diferent thing vi. Jawaharlal Nehra had an aversion to Fascism, He disliked the authoritarianism form of government, On the other hand, Bose believed that authoritarianism was cewential for achieving radical social goals, He was also. Lunpressed by Mussolini and was willing to seek the support cof Nazi Germany. vil D. Both (A) and (C) 2k Sikkim Hh © Beauty es in the eyes of the beholder WL, Its because the sharp stages involved in climbing and being clser in latitude to the Tropie of Canc ‘ D. Silckien shares its eastern border with Nepal % © Sikkim: Why its o Unique vB outstanding vik, (1) Sikkim is a region 10 wild and exotic, with geographic and access to adventurous activities. (2) It has the most variegated flora and fauna possible anywhere in the mountains, witha temperature ranging rom ‘topical tothe typical arctic type, til. By using the word ‘mere’ in referring to the distance between the plains of Sikkim and Mr. Kanchenjunga, the harrator presents the contrast, Sikkim s on the plains and Justa short distance from At is the third highest mountain in the world. This shows unique feature of the smull state lmatic extremes that enables oF erates aA HAPPY HEART PUBLIC SCHOOL, DELHI NOTICE 15 August, 20% ‘A School Book Club Drive ‘The School Book Club is organising a drive to promote reuse of study materials and books. All students of classes X-XIl are kindly requested to come and participate i this charitable event ad donate their old books and sty materials so that it can be wed by the students who don't have books oF cast afford to buy them. Please be part of the event and become a book danoe! {Looking forward to your enthusiastic partitpation for a good cause Date :20 Angus, 20%% Time 5:00 = 6:00 PAM Vere: SR. Auditorium, Main Building Joscly Mathew (President, Schoo! Book Club) oR B, XYZ PUBLIC SCHOOL, NEW DELHI NOTICE Interschool Kabaddi Competition ‘An inteschoal kabadd) competition will be held on Fria, Saturday and Sunday, next week, 900 asm. onwards at ‘ou school playground. All students are requested to be present at the venue to cheer and encourage the participants, Contact the undersigned for any query Asjun (Sports Captain) 4A 5A! Youth Club ‘Nainital, $ December, 20XX. Dear Me Khanna | shall fee obliged if you could kindly spare some time from your busy schedule and consent to be one of the judges for an inter-school group-s0ng competition to be held on 24th December, 20XX at 2 pum. in the Community Centre, Dehradun Road. Kindly confirm your acceptance by 10th December. Yours sincerely Neha (Secretary) oR 72/8, Raipuri Mathura 12% February, 200% Respected Secretary, ‘Thank you for your thoughtful invitation. 1 am honoured on being invited to participate in a seminar on “Fundamental Rights of Women’ by your esteemed club. | accept the invitation and consider that it will bea pleasure to be a part of such a thoughtful event. ‘Yours sincerely ani Tha DICA Apartments, Noida, ‘Uttar Pradesh ‘The Managing Director, Hamleys Children’s Book Shop Noida Subject : Application for the post of Assistant storekeeper: Respected si, In response to your advertisement in The Hinds, dated January 4, 20%, I wish to apply forthe post of asistant storekeeper in the mentioned reputed bookstore. I have a total of wo years experience in the said field. Currently, 11am working as an assistant storckeeper, with XYZ Bookstore. | am enclosing my bio-data and! testimonial for yor review. ‘Thank you Yours faithfully Sam Enclosed : Bio-data and testimonial Name Sam Jerald Gender Male Date of Birth 28/10/1984 Father's name ‘Me. Joseph Jerald Postal Address IDTCA Apartments, Noida, UP Coniact No, 986500 Educational Qualification ‘Bsc in Business Management from XYZ University, Delhi Work Experience years with XYZ Booksellers Salary Expected Negotiable References ‘Me. Raju, Bookstore owner, XYZ Booksellers ‘Me Harish, Assistant Stoce Manager, XYZ Bookseller on 14, Town Road, Hyderabad 14 Jan, 200% “The Editor “The Times of India Hyderabad ‘Subject The growing importance of CSR and its advantages in every organisation Respected sir, “Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, | would lke to draw the attention of government and other ‘organisations to the importance of CSR. The growing relationship of companies with non-profit organisations have mide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the buzrword taday. My own involvement in one such project ‘of the company has convinced me that CSR looks beyond the companies. profits and focuses on benefiting the ‘community. CSR can prove beneficial to society by means of environmental initiatives, charity work and creating sthical labour practices in the market and encouraging volunteer projects, “There are several advantages of CSR forthe organisations invove! init, These advantages ince creating a good ‘brand value, creating positive public aitection, increase in sales and alleviation of poverty in woxiety, Sos CSR is ‘ety beneficial to both the company and the society. Therefore it should be an integral part of every organisation. ‘Thank You ‘Yours sincerely ‘Minu Sen A. Mental health of Students by ABC Most of the students and their parents are under constant premure and usually suffer ftom high levels of stress ‘pecially during the time of examinations. This does them no good because itis a parents duty te reduce stress in theis children and help them overcome it. Young students should not be let alone to struggle in the most difficult tnd significant period of their life. They need to-get endless ‘support from their parents. Better interaction between students and parents ean help to settle various “amicably and create 4 relaxed atmosphere daring the time ‘of examination. Moreover, parents have to be practical and realistic in their expectations. ‘They should always remain positive and acknowledge ‘even the minor achtevernents of their children, A healthy and meaningful parent-wand rapport can help a student ‘overcome stress easly, Every parent should encourage their child and support them, especially during academically stressful times. Es your child to aim to do their best and be assured that it is the earnest effort they make and not the reault that matters the most, Students whe live in supportive environments, develop 4 range of coping stratepes and become more resilient OR B. Blood Donation Camp by Mansi October 3: As part of Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations of the school, a Blood Donation Camp was organised in the schoo! hall. 1 was organised by the N.C.C., unit of the school with the help ofthe District Red Cross Society. Four doctors and six nunes offered their services for it, A large number of teachers and students donated blood with beaming faces and proud hearts. Some ofthe guests and visitors were also ‘motivated todonate blood. Two hundred and seventy bottles of blood were collected inthe camp. All the collected blood ‘was sent to the Army Hospital to help save the precious lives of our brave jawans, This noble act of our N.CC- unit was highly appreciated by one and all 7. Ask Bullecause they have something to sll. wc totherich city dwellersto rs fa pe pene oak at the cy a oe survival and betterment, iD. Baths (A) and (B) walking straight into the dak, ‘waited until from the shore there was one more flash. ix That night he slept. on B. i. Hebelieves Derry wants tobe alone ik He doesnt like tobe stared at and being talked to, Iii. A. Hes good boy who knows what i right or wrong. ie C Both Aand Rare false, 9 A. i Sophie was feeling doubtful while waiting for Hh Geoff said that Danny would never come and that 0 tne believed her when she tol them. li, Sophie wondered what she would do if Danny did't show up. maker them feel ordinary D. 2) is the reason for (1). ix, Because an interviewer can make false statements, victims yh As facts 10. L Thousands of peasants came in support of Gandhi. ‘The authorities felt that they could not control them and the condition of law and order could deteriorate, The pressure of the peasants was increasing. On the other hand, Candhijt refused to have any bail. Therefore, the liewtesant-gerieral dropped the case against Gandhi. fi, "Falla did not think it proper on their part to chase away ‘human being whom they had asked to come to their house aoe had him Chaisimas cheer. She understood the reality ofthe peddlers tife and wanted him to enjoy a day of peace with them. Hence, she still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him, ID. Everyone XB. A sudden brief sharp feeling of doubt vi ALAR Barton OR B. LC. creativity and imagination a ii ML Saheb used to roam here and there. The author advised hhim to go to school hut he sai that there was no school in the neighbourhood. At this the author said that she would start school, Bat she had made tis promise half-jokingly and was not at all serious about it After afew days Saheb came to hier to ask if her school was ready. She had to fee! small. She never wanted to start a school. She said that promises like hers are frequently made but heard ever kept. x. When the poet sees her ageing mother, she becomes full ‘of pin and agony, She thinks that her mother might not ive long. To pat away the thoughts of her ageing mother. the poet startslooking out ofthe car She starts looking atthe children rushing out of their homes and the tres that appear to be sprinting, % Not only the children themselves but also their parents and MHamet were to some extot responsible for the children's neglect of the Freach language: The parents would ‘send thei children to work on a farm or at a mill so that they ‘souk get some extra money. M. Hamel would often ask them to water his plants instead of teaching thea. Aad when he vanted to go fishing, he would give them a holiday. ‘vi. Pablo Neruda in his poem "Keeping Quiet” says that “keeping quiet” is exsential to attain a better, more peaceful world. Acconfing to him. keeping quiet and introspecting wll initiate peace and create Brotherhood among men and it will put an end to damaging activities like waging wars which can destroy the environment. Therefore, the poem says that we should keep quiet. HLL. Derty insisted that he would go back to Mr. Lamb because it was for the first time that Derry fet comfortable and happy in someones presence. That someone was Me Lamb, ‘While Derry was jovial with Mr. Lamb, Derry completely forgot about his burnt face. He felt that he too could live an independent life for he had all his faculty intact. Therefoce, even though his mother forbade im feom ‘meeting Me. Lamb, Derry insisted on going: he didnot want 1 lose his new found companion, Sams leter to Charley proves that Sam has found and reached the thir level. He is staying therein Galesburg since last two wecks and watching various actiitics and to Charley. He invites both Charley and his wife Louisa and ‘motivates them to continae thei search ofthe thind level. So, ‘we can say that Sam was also victim of workdly worries and sccking the escapement, like Charley WL In the story “Ihe Tiger King’ by Kalki, the dramatic ‘omy is used as a literary device whereby the words and actions have different meanings for both the characters and itn readers. The author ses this literary device effectively throughout the story. For example, when Tiger King hunts the first tiger and display it to the astrologer and he remarks "be very careful withthe hundredth tiger” This is an example of dramatic irony, 12. A. Yes. the poor taohave the rightto dream, Mukesh, for ‘ngsance, dreams of becoming a motor mechanic and he shows {great defermination and passion for his dream. He is willing to walk the long distance from home to garage every day in ‘order totrain as a mechanic. Yet there are som reasons which snuy create hindrances in his path towards his goal, Mukesh belongs to the marginalised section of the society vehich is ‘The authorities felt that they could not control them and the condition of law and order could deteriorate, The pressure cof the peasants was increasing. On the other hand, Gandhiji refused to have any bail, Therefore, the lieutenant-general dropped the case against Gandhiji. ii, Edla did not think it proper on their part to chase away a buman being whom they had asked to come to their house and had promised him Christmas cheer. She understood the reality of the peddler’s life and wanted him to enjoy a day of peace with them. Hence, she still entertained the peddler ‘even after knowing the truth about him. throughout the story. For example, when Tiger King hunts the first tiger and displays it to the astrologer and he rear "be very cael with the hundredth tiger” This is an example of dramatic irony, mA Yeu the poor toa havetherightte dream. Mukesh, for instance, dreams of becoming a motor mechanic and he shows great determination and passion for his dream. He is willing, Saki lay Mees Re ees pgs oy order totrain as amechanic. Yet there are same reasons which muy create hindrances in his path towards his goal, Mukesh belongs to the marginalised section of the society, which is ‘ways caught in a vicious circle of poverty and exploitation by the sahukars, the middle men, the policemen, the keepers of, law, the bureaucrats and the politicians. His family is content im thetr present living condition, no matter how grim the situation be. On one hand Mukesh dislikes the profession of bangle making on the other, his family thinks it is his (and their) destiny to be born in the family of bangle makers. They have been making bangles generation after generation and have known or seen nothing other than bangles. There is no will oo aspiration, let alone inspiration, lef in the familie living in Firozabad, to break free from theie current situatton. They ‘cannot organise themselves in cooperatives in order to raise their issues because itis them who would have to face the atrocities of the palice. Moreover, there is the stigma related to their caste always lingering most in opportune time. ‘Therefore, Mukesh neither has his family support nor does he have financial backing, Anees Jung calls Mukeshs dream ‘a mirage because the baggage of his incage has already been imposedon him. Although she is hopeful that since Mukesh has dared to dream something different he might achieve it, she also fears that his dream is too good to be true. oR B. The poet smiles as she bids farewell to her mother and assures her that they would meet again. As she looks at her mother, who looks pale and weak duc to old age, her heart is pained to think that her mother might not live long. She saniles, but her smile is only an effort to cover up the hidden fear and pain in her heart. tis a smile put om deliberately to hide her tears, Her situation is quite ironical. Though she tells her mother that she'll see her soon, she doubts if she will ever see her alive again, ‘The repetition of the word ‘smile’ shows that it a long and cheerful ane. The smile is also significant because it must have comforted both the mother and the daughter and {kindled in them the hope that the mother would survive long, enough for the two to meet again. It was indeed a painful farewell forthe pact. 13. A. From the moment the Tiger King heard the prediction that a tiger would be the cause of his death he made it the alm af his life not to lose to the tigers. The Tiger King vowed to kill hundred tigers and nat rest until his vow was completed. While the Maharaja believed that he was fighting to change his destiny. it was the other way round. (One may find it superstitious, but it was his destiny. which pashed him toact the wayhe didland eventually die because of a tiger. ‘The Tiger King took lives of the innocent tigers, one after another, until it became an. obsession of his He was selfish, self-centred and to quite an extent, hot-headed, which influenced each of his actions He banned tiger hunts in Pratibandapuram for others and threatened to confiscate wealth and property of anybody who dared to hurt the tigers. He gave up his royal duties only to fulfil hhis vow, without once thinking about the effects it would ‘have on his kingdom, Me bribed the high ranking British ‘officer, whom be had denied permission to hunt tigers in ‘Pratibandapuram, so that he, the Tiger King, did not lose hhis kingdom. The Maharaja event married into a royal family ‘only on one condition, the forests of that kingdom had to have tigers, ‘After killing ninety-nine tigers, the Tiger King's obsession grew. On his last hunting expedition, when the hundredth ger was nowhere to he seen, the Tiger King became furious and asked Dewan to. doable the land tax of the village where ‘he had gone to hunt. The Dewan feared that the king’s decision would prove to:Ihe catastrophic, if the hundredth tiger was not found and killed quickly; the dewan's job was in jeopardy too, ‘These chain of events paved way for the death of the Tiger ‘King. The Dewan arranged for a senile tiger to be killed by the Maharaja. However, the King’s bullet did not kill the bbeast; the old tiger merely fatnted by the sound of the gun shot. It was one of the king's hunters who finally killed the tiger, leaving the king content with the thought of killing hundred tigers, B, ‘Two experiences of discrimination in childhood Zitkala-Sals experience in “Memories of Childhood" is that of a victim of the racial discrimination. Bama, on the other hand discrimination on the basis of her caste, Zitkala-Saisa native American girl sent toa convent schook, where she is treated badly atthe hands of white people who consider themselves a superior race. Zitkala-Sa has to abide by many rules and regulations, which overwhelm her on the very first day of her school. She, along with others, is made to ‘eat by formula’ and it distresses her. It is the cutting of her Jong hair, which makes her hysterical. In her comrunity, only moiimners and cowards wear thei hair shart So, when it isher turn to get her hair shingled, she decides. she is not joing to submit without 2 struggle. When she is dragged ‘out from under the bed and carried downstairs, she resists by kicking and scratching wildly, She fights getting her hair cut by shaking her head. AA slightly different, but equally disturbing struggle, Bama hashad already seen, felt, experienced and been humiliated by what untouchability is/was. The discrimination, in the beginning. is not quite evident to Bama until she sees an elder member of her community carry a packet of eatables by a string for a man af upper caste. It is from her older brother that she comes to know about the ill-treatment meted out to the Dalits by the members of the upper castes. This information terribly saddened and infuriates Bama as she feels that such discrimination is unfair and unjustified. Even after facing discrimination in their respective lives, Bama and Zitkala-Sa both became powerful writers and used this power to voice their opinion and fight oppression by the so called superior caste of race.

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