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FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.


EXAM DATE;0202 09

Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.

1 D 17 B 33 C

2 A 18 D 34 C

3 D 19 B 35 B

4 B 20 B 36 B

5 B 21 D 37 A

6 D 22 B 38 C

7 A,B,C 23 A 39 A,C,D

8 B,C 24 A,C 40 A,C,D

9 A,D 25 A,B,C 41 A,C,D

10 A 26 B 42 C

11 B 27 B 43 A

12 A 28 B 44 B

13 24120 29 9 45 3000

14 3100 30 333 46 1002

A-q; Aq,r
Ap,s B-p,r; Br
15 B – q,s 31 47
Cp,s C-p, q; Cq,s
D s
D-q,s Dp

16 Aq,r 32 A-prs; 48 Ar,s

B–s B – p,r,s; B – p,q
Cs C-q,s; Cs
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

Ds D-q,s Dp,q

Solutions _ Paper 2
1. [D]
On supplying a constant current of 10 amp in the circuit element, the potential difference across it is
increasing, therefore, it should be a capacitor because on supplying the current, charge on the
capacitor will increase. Hence, the potential difference across it will also increase.
The graph shows that initial potential difference across capacitor is equal to 2 volts and in 3
seconds, it increases through 6 volts. But charge supplied to the capacitor in 3 seconds is equal to 1
 3 = 3 coulombs. Hence, a charge of 3 coulombs increases the potential difference across the
capacitor through (8  2) = 6 volts. Hence its capacitance is

2. [A]
Suppose emf of the battery connected in the circuit is equal to E. Then the current at R = 0 will be

equal to Io = when R increases, current through the circuit decreases.

If R = Ro, then net resistance of the circuit will become equal to 2R.

Hence, current through the circuit will become

To reduce the current to Io/4, the net resistance of the circuit is to be increased to 4 times of its
original value Ro. Hence, R = 3Ro. Similarly, to reduce the current to Io/8, the resistance R must be
equal to 7Ro and to reduce the current to zero, R must be very large. Hence, (A) is correct.

3. [D]

4. [B]

5. [B]

6. [D]

7. [A, B, C]
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

When a stationary hydrogen atom emits a photon then energy of the emitted photon will be equal to
the difference of the energy of two levels involved in the transitions. Hence, energy of emitted
photon will be equal to (Em  En).
If a hydrogen atom is moving and photon is emitted by it along the same direction in which it is
moving to momentum of the emitted photon, the momentum of hydrogen atom will get decreased. It
means velocity of the hydrogen atom will get decreased or its K.E. will decrease. Therefore, energy
of the emitted photon will be equal to (Em  En + loss of K.E. of the hydrogen atom).
Hence, the frequency of the emitted photon will be greater than Fo. Hence, (B) is correct.
But if photon is emitted in a direction normal to the motion of the hydrogen atom then the frequency
of emitted photon will be equal to Fo.
Hence, (A) is correct. Obviously (D) is wrong.
If the photon is emitted by the hydrogen atom in the direction opposite to its motion, then frequency
of the emitted photon will be less than Fo.
Hence, (C) is correct.

8. [B, C]
If an object is at a distance x from a plane refracting surface and is viewed normally then it appears
at a distance x/ from the surface where  is refractive index of that medium (in which it is situated)
with respect to the medium in which observer is situated.
Suppose height of bird from water surface is x and depth of fish from the surface is y, then depth of
fish, observed by the bird, will be equal to

…………(1) ; where  is refractive index of water with respect to air

 r1 = 6.60 m
Hence (B) is correct
Height of bird, observed by fish, will be equal to

………. (2) ; where  is refractive index of air with respect to water.

 ; Hence, r2 = 8.80 m

Hence, (A) is wrong and (C) is correct.

FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

13. Applying momentum conservation along the surface of inclined plane.

mvocos60o + 0 = (m + M)v

Where v is the velocity of bullet block system just after the collision.
Acceleration of block bullet + system along the incline

By v = u + at

 vo = (402)(60) = 24120 m/s

14. If subscript H is for hot side and C for cool side

Rate of heat flow =

Total heat in one day is,

 Quantity of ice melted,

15. A) The plot of power P consumed by variable resistor

of resistance R w.r.t R when connected across
a non-ideal cell is given by

B) At the instant ring has rotated by  = t ( = angular speed) in uniform and constant magnetic
field B, the magnetic flux through the ring is


Hence, for first half cycle, magnitude of emf first decreases and then increases.
C) As the lens is moved up, the projection of length of image on principal axis remains same, but its
slant with principal axis increases. This increase is due to the fact that lateral magnification of each
point of image of rod is different. Hence, as lens moves up the size of image increases and when it
moves down the size of image decreases.
D) As frequency of ac source increases, reactance of capacitor decreases. Therefore the bulb glows
more brighter.
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

16. A) Centre of mass lies in second quadrant.

B), C) and D) centre of mass lies on y-axis and below x-axis.

17. B

Decarboxylation in presence of soda lime proceeds through carbanion mechanism. p - d makes

Cl3C− most stable.

18. D

As the ion in the counter ion part is Fe3+ it gives a reddish brown precipitate of Fe(OH)3

19. B

Let x be the volume of water gas used

Vol of H2 in it = 0.5 x; vo of CO = 0.45 x

CO + H2O  CO2 + H2

0.45 x excess 0.05x 0.5x

0 - 0.05x+0.45x 0.5x+0.45x

Therefore vol of H2 produced is 0.5x + 0.45x = 50 L

x = 52.63 L

20. B

In FCC octahedral voids are at body centre as well as edge centres while octahedral voids are at
the centers of the eight small cubes contained in the unit cell.

P1 contains only octahedral voids

P2 contains both octahedral and tetrahedral voids

P3 contains only tetrahedral voids.

21. D

Ni2+ has d8 configuration.

Cl- does not cause pairing and hence hybridization is sp3 and the shape is tetrahedral.

PPh3 causes pairing and hence the hybridization is dsp2 and the shape is square planar.

22. B

α-hydroxy ketones also give Tollen’s test

Formic acid gives Tollen’s test.

23. A
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

24. A, C

Na2S3 + O2 Na2S2O3 + S

25. A,B,C
26. B
27. B
When pOH decreases by two units concentration of OH- increases by 100 times and hence the
rate increases 100 times.

28. B
As concentration of B is in excess the reaction is just first order with respect to A.
r = 10k[A] = k’[A]

half life time =

29. 9

A is [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3
B is Cr[(H2O)4Cl2]Cl.2H2O
C is Cr[H2O)5Cl]Cl2.H2O
Number of moles of Cl- from A , x = 13 = 3
Number of moles of Cl- from B, y =3  1 = 3
Number of moles of Cl- from C, z = 1.5  2 = 3
xyz = 333
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

31. A-q; B-p,r; C-p, q; D-q,s

Sb3++H2O SbO+ + 2H+

2CrO42- + 2H+ Cr2O72- + H2O

B4O72- + 7H2O 2B(OH)3 + 2[B(OH)4]-

2[B(OH)4]-- + 2H3O + 2B(OH)3 + 4H2O

6XeF4 +12H2O 4Xe + 2XeO3 + 24 HF + 3O2

32. A-prs; B – p,r,s; C-q,s; D-q,s

33. [C]

N = 2000C1 + 2.2000C2 + ……..+ 2000.2000C2000 = 2000.21999 = 22003.53

No.of divisors = (2004)(4) = 8016.

34. [D]

Using characteristic equation  20   + 2 + 21 = 0

 2   + 1 = 0
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

 A2  A + I = 0

 A3 = I

So, = (I)160 (AI) = AI

= I

35. [B]

If it is columnwise orthogonal then take

Prefactor matrix will become inverse of A if 1st row is divided by 3, 2nd by 6, 3rd by 2.

36. [B]

Using multinomial theorem,

The given expansion will have rational term if x1, x2, x3 are multiple of 6 as well as sum is 10.

 possibilities are x1 = 4, x2 = 6, x3 = 0

x1 = 10, x2 = 0, x3 = 0

x1 = 4, x2 = 0, x3 = 6

so three rational terms.

37. [A]

Number of ways to give one fruit to first person = n

“ to second person = n

“ “ “

“ “ “
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

“ rth person = n

Total no.of ways = n2

38. [C]

f(x) = cos2x + cos22x + cos23x

= 1 + cos2x + cos22x +  sin23x
= 1 + cos2x + cos5x.cosx
= 1 + cosx(cosx + cos5x)
= cosx.cos2x.cos3x = 0

 or or

 no.of values of x = 5

39. A, C, D

graph of always increasing

also and has no critical point

40. A, C, D

…….. (1) and ………. (2)

From equation (2), ……..(3)

Substituting the result of (3) in (1)

We get
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

 ……… (4)

From (1) and (4); we get , hence, n = 4

G.P. is

t1 + t2 = 9

41. A, C, D

(B) tanA = 300  A < 90o triangle is always possible

secB = 450  B < 90o “ ”

(D) A, B  90o (as in this case cosecA cosB cannot be equal to 3)

If C = 90o, then B = 90o  A

 cosecA.cos(90oA) = 1

 not possible

42. [C]

No.of sample space =

Number of number divisible by 6

Case-I : when digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 6

0 0 0 0 0

4! 0  24 + 18 + 18 = 60

4!  3! 2

4!  3! 6

Case-II : when digits are 0, 1, 3, 6, 5

0 0 0 0 0

4! 0  24 + 18 = 42

4!  3! 6
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

The total no.of numbers divisible by 6 = 60 + 42 = 102

Required probability =

43. [A]

Number divisible by 5

0 0 0 0 0

0  120 + 96 = 216

Number divisible by 4

0 0 0 0 0

4! 20  24 + 24 = 48

4! 60

Number divisible by 5 but not by 4 = 216  48 = 168

Required probability =

44. [B]

Number divisible by 6 as in Q.42 is = 102

Number divisible by 4 is

Case-I :

0 0 0 0 0

3! 60

3! 20

3!  2! 32  6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 28

3!  2! 16

3!  2! 16

3!  2! 36

Case-II :
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

0 0 0 0 0

3!  2! 56

3! 60

3!  2! 36  4 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 18

3!  2! 16

Total no. divisible by 4 is 46

Required probability = .

45. Dividend = divisor  quotient + remainder

Dividend  Remainder = divisor  quotient

f(x)  (x + a) = x4  6x3 + 16x2  25x + 10  x  a

= x4  6x3 + 16x2  26x + 10  a

This should be divisible by x2  2x + k

x4  6x3 + 16x2  26x + 10  a  x2  2x + k

 x(10 + 2k) + 10  a  8k + k2 = 0

 This should be zero for all x

 10 + 2k = 0  k = 5 and 10  a  8k + k2 = 0  a = 5

So, 500  5  100  (5) = 3000

46. Let
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

Coefficient of is

48. (i)

range of is (two interger)

is also odd and non periodic

is also one  one function

graph of is


contain only two integers 0 and 1.

is periodic with period 1 many – one

range contain only positive value neither odd nor even function

graph of
FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.


graph shows is odd, range contain only two integer which is , non one  one and non periodic


is periodic with period many one

neither odd nor even function

must lie between 0 to 1

range of

Which contain only two integer 0 and 1.

FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) CODE  VSSS.

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