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• Olasehinde Felicia modupe

• SDA/os1651/2022/A
• Anatomy and physiology Assignment.
• Ouestion 1a
• What are the female sex hormones.
• Estrogen
• Progesterone
• Androgen
• Estrogen: Estrogen mainly produce in ovaries, small
amounts are produce d the adrenal gland and fat
cells. Estrogen is produced by the placenta during
• Action of Estrogen
• In ovaries: Estrogen promote the growth of ovarians
follicle by increasing the proliferation of the follicular
cells,it also increases the secretory activity of the
• In puberty: Estrogen levels rise during puberty,it
increases leads to secondary sex characteristics like
breasts and change in overall body composition.
• In menstrual cycle: Estrogen plays an important part
in the mentrual cycle these hormones coexist in a
delicate balance to keep the period regular, it also
play a role in ovulation when the ovaries release an
egg and thickness the lining of the uterus
(endometrium) to prepare it for pregnancy.
• In pregnancy and fertility: Estrogen peaks In the days
leading up to ovulation. This is the most fertile
period. At the same time, estrogen thins the cervical
mucus,a fluid sperm has to swim through to reach
and fertilize an egg. These estrogen induced
changes make it easier to become pregnant after
• Regardness during mentrual cycle, the presence of
estrogen makes it more comfortable to have
intercourse,it keeps the vagina walls thick, elastic
and lubricated, reducing pain associated with
penetrative sex.
• In menopause: Estrogen levels drop during
perimenopause, the time right before menopause.
• Estrogen levels drop and it will no longer ovulate.
The decrease in estrogen may lead to symptoms like
vagina dryness, mood changes, night sweats and hot
• Estrogen also functions in non- reproductive organ,
• organs like
• Bone and muscle mass
• Blood sugar levels
• Cholesterol levell
• Circulation and blood flow
• Collagen production and moisture in the skin
• Brain functions, including the ability to focus.
• Progesterone

• Progesterone is a hormones that plays an important

role in reproductive system. The main functions of
progesterone is to prepare the endometrium for a
fertilize eggs to implant and grow.

• In menstruation, ovulation occurs around the middle

of a person menstrual cycle.progestrrone work’s by
thickening the uterine lining and creating a good
environment for a fertilized eggs to implant.

• Progesterone does several things in the body

including thickness the lining of the uterus for
implantation, it helps the breasts prepare for
o Support a pregnancy once conception occurs
o Support thyroid functions
o Essentials for bone growth
o Improves insomnia and libido
o Help to lower triglyceride.
• Androgen
o Androgen
o Androgen are group of sex hormones, they help
in puberty and play a role in reproductive health
and body development.
o The main role of androgen in woman is to aids
conception and pregnancy, minimize bone
loss,stimulate pubic and under arm hair growth.
o 1b
• What is menstrual cycle? Explain the ovarians
changes take place during mentrual cycle.
• Menstrual cycle is a series of physiological change
that occurs within a woman of child bearing age and
the cycle depends on individual women. It
commence at puberty and end at menopause except
when pregnancy interrupted.
• Ovarians changes take place during mentrual cycle
• Menstrual phase
• Proliferation phase
• Secretory phase.
• The menstrual phase: This phase is characterize by
vagina bleeding, which last for 3-7 days
physiologically, this is the terminal phase of the
menstrual cycle when the endometrium is she’d
down to the basal layer along with blood from the
capillaries and with the unfetilized ovum.
• Proliferation phase: This follow menstrual phase and
Last until ovulation. The first few days while the
endometrium is reforming is described as the
regenerative phase.This phase is under the control
of oestrogen,it consists of the regrowth and
thickening of the endometrium. At the completion of
this phase the endometrium consist of 3 layers
• Basal layer: which never alter during mentrual cycle
and contain all necessary rudimentary structures for
building up new endometrium.
• Functional layer: which contains tubular glands and
change according to the hormonal influence of the
• A layer of cuboidal ciliated epithelium: which covers
the functional layer and dip down to the tubular
o 3 secretary phase: This follows ovulation and is
under the influence of progesterone and
estrogen from the corpus luteum. The
functional layer thicken to 3.5mm and becomes
Spongy in appearance because the glands are
more tortuous.
▪ 1c
o Describe the uterine changes during mentrual
o Luteal phase release hormones, mainly
progesterone and some estrogen. The rise in
hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
keep the uterine lining thick and ready for a
fertilized eggs to implants.
o If a fertilized eggs implant in the lining of the
uterus, it produces the hormones that are
necessary to maintain the corpus luteum.
o If the pregnancy does not occurs, the corpus
luteum withers and dies, usually around day 22
in a 28days cycle resulting in the dropping of
progesterone leading to shedding of the uterine
▪ 2a
o Give an example of menstrual cycle and explain
the hormonal regulation of menstrual cycle.
o The menstrual cycle is a sequence of natural
changes that take place in hormones
production and in the structure of the uterus
and ovaries of the female reproductive system
that makes the woman body ready for
o There are four hormones that control the
menstrual cycle
• Luteinizing hormones
• Follicle-stimulating hormones
• Estrogen and progesterone.
• Ovarians hormones are circulated in the blood and
are then excited in the form s of urine.
• The cyclic events in the ovary depends on
gonadotropic hormones secreted by the anterior
lobe of the pituitary glands.
▪ 2b.
• Comment briefly on the applied anatomy of female
reproductive system.
• The female reproductive system organ involved
• Ovaries: The ovaries are female gonads,the site of
gametogenesis and the secretions of sex hormones.
The outer cortex of each ovary is the site of follicular
development, while the inner medulla of each
contains blood vessels and connective tissue.
• The vulva: The vulva describes the external female
genitalia labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vulvar,
vestibule, urethra, meatus and vagina orifice.
• The vagina: The vagina is flexible, fibromuscular
tubular structure extend from vulva vestibule to the
uterine cervix,it about four inches,7.5m long,the
distal vagina is the introitus the anterior vagina abuts
the posterior bladder wall,while posterior vagina
abuts the anterior rectum.
• The uterus: The uterus consist of the corpus ( body)
and cervix. The superior aspect of the uterine corpus
is the fundus, which the Interior portion adjacent to
the cervix is called the isthmus lower uterine
segment. The uterine wall s contains three district
layers,the endometrium, myometrium, and serosa.
• The uterine cervix: is a tubular structure contiguous
with the uterine cavity and the vagina acting as a
conduits between the two. The inferior cervix opens
into the upper vagina at the cervical is.
• Fallopian tube: This provide a passage way for
oocyte to travel from the ovaries into the uterine
cavity. The part of each tube closet to the ovary
contain fimbria, fingers- like progestion that help
move the expelled oocyte further into the tube.
• Ouestion 3a
• With aid of diagram discuss the process of ovulation

• .

• The process of ovulation begins when the

hypothalamus release gonadotropin releasing
hormones. Gonadotropin release hormones cause
the pituitary glands to secrete follicle stimulating
hormones small sacs of fluids in the ovaries that
contain a developing egg in one ovary to begin to
mature. During days 10 to 14 of cycle, only one of
the developing follicle forms a fully mature egg .
Around day 14 in the menstrual cycle,a sudden surge
in luitinizing hormones cause the ovary to release
this eggs. This is ovulation. After ovulation, the
hormones progesterone rises which helps prepare
the uterus for pregnancy.
• Once ovulation occurs, the egg travel through the
fallopian tube, it’s in the fallopian tube that the egg
meet sperm for fertilization. If conception occurs,
sperm fertilize the egg, the fertilized eggs travel
down to the uterus. After about a week, the
fertilized eggs now a blastocyst attaches to the lining
of the uterus, this is called implantation. Release of
the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause the
endometrium to thicken, which provides the
nutrients the blastocytes need to grow and
eventually develop into a baby. A cell continue to
divide some developing into the festus, other
forming the placenta, hormones signal the body that
a baby is growing inside the uterus to keep its lining,
which prevents to get to the period,not getting a
period is usually the first sign of pregnancypregnant.
• 3b
o Comment briefly of the blood supply to the
• Blood supply to the uterus by branches of the
internal iliac artery called uterine arteries. Branches
called accurate arteries are arranged in a circular
fashion in the myometrium and gives off radical
arteries that penetrate deeply into the myometrium.
• 3c
• Total hysterectomy the only way to survive, discuss?
o A total hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a
woman uterus. The uterus is where a baby
grows when a woman is pregnant. During the
surgery the whole uterus is usually removed.if
there is underlined disease conditions in the
uterus the only solution is to remove the uterus
in other to be survive in life. The woman may
need a hysterectomy if she have the following
• Uterus fibrous
• Heavy or unusual vagina bleeding
• Uterus prolapse
• Endometriosis
• Adenomyosis
• Cancer of the uterus.

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