7. Heat Transfer

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Presented by:
Suman Acharya

Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

Thapathali Campus

■ Heat transfer is the transfer of energy because of temperature difference.

■ Heat always flows from high temperature to low temperature.

■ Heat transfer, in general, is three-dimensional and time dependent i.e., the temperature
in a medium varies with position as well as time.

■ Heat transfer in a medium is said to be steady if the temperature at any particular

point does not vary with time, and unsteady or transient when it varies with time.
Application of Heat Transfer in Several discipline of engineering

■ Mechanical Engineering: Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Turbine systems, Internal

combustion engines etc. Furnaces, Heat treatment of components etc.
■ Electrical Engineering: Cooling systems for electric motors, generators, transformers
■ Chemical Engineering: Process equipment's used in Refineries, Chemical plants etc.
■ Nuclear Engineering: In removal of heat generated by nuclear fission using liquid metal
■ Civil Engineering: In the design of Suspension bridges, railway tracks, Air conditioning
and Insulation of buildings etc.
■ Automobile Engineering: In cooling system of Engines and moveable parts
■ Computer Engineering: In cooling systems of Computers.
Modes of Heat Transfer

According to the physical mechanism and the governing law associated with them,
heat transfer is classified into three modes:

■ Conduction,
■ Convection and
■ Radiation.
• Transfer of Heat due to the vibration or collision of electrons or molecules of a
material even if its parts are not in motion relative to one another.
• Conduction is the transfer of energy from more energetic particles of a substance to
adjacent less energetic ones result of interaction between particles.

Figure: Particles arrangement in a solid, liquid and Gas

• Conduction heat transfer in gases and liquids is due to the collisions and diffusion
of the molecules during their random motion.
• On the other hand, heat transfer in solids is due to the combination of lattice
vibrations of the molecules and the energy transport by free electrons.

Figure: Electronic configuration of Figure: Lattice Structure of metal with free electrons
a metal showing free electron
Magnitude of conduction heat transfer is given by Fourier Equation,
■ Convection heat transfer occurs in fluid medium and heat is transferred by the actual movement
of the molecules.
■ Heat travels with air or liquid that is moving. This sets up currents. Hot air/liquid rises. Cold
air/liquid falls to take its place. Eventually the whole area is heated.
■ Heat convection occurs to the surface of an object where the surrounding fluid of object is
heated and moved energy away from the source of heat. Convective heat transfer occurs when
the surface temperature differs from that of surrounding fluid.

Figure: Flow of molecule during heating


Magnitude of convection heat transfer is given by Newton's law of cooling,

Types of Convection
1. Natural Convection
▪ Natural/free convection is caused by buoyancy forces due to density differences caused by temperature variations in
the fluid.
▪ At heating the density change in the boundary layer will cause the fluid to rise and be replaced by cooler fluid that
also will heat and rise. This continues phenomena is called free or natural convection.
▪ Examples
Natural cooling of a body/material
Water Heating
Cooling in Refrigerator

Figure: Natural Convection Heat Transfer Mechanism

Types of Convection
2. Forced Convection
▪ Forced/assisted convection occurs when a fluid flow is induced by an external force.
▪ Forced convection involves fluid motion as well as conductive heat transfer. Rate of heat
transfer in forced convection depends on the velocity of fluid. Higher the fluid velocity,
higher will be the rate of heat transfer.
▪ Examples:
Cooling of laptop/ Pc processor using fan
Air Conditioner
Hair Dryer
Car Radiator etc

Figure: Forced Convection Heat Transfer Mechanism

Figure: Natural Process of air breeze
• Heat energy is transferred by means of electromagnetic waves.
• Only mode of heat transfer that doesn’t require any material medium for transport.
• can take place through vacuum.
• Electromagnetic waves can propagate through empty space.
• A means of basic life on earth.
• Heat can move by travelling as infrared waves.
• They are electromagnetic waves like light wave but with a longer wavelength.
• The Earth is warmed by heat energy from the sun.

• There are no particles • The heat travels to Earth

between the Sun and the by Infrared Wave. These
Earth. So the heat cannot are similar to light waves
travel by conduction or and are able to travel
by convection. through empty space.

Magnitude of radiation heat exchange between two practical bodies at temperatures

T1 and T2 is given by Stefan-Boltzmann law,
Figure: Modes of Heat Transfer
One dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction
through a Plane Wall

Figure: One Dimensional Heat Conduction through a Plane Wall

Linear One dimensional Steady State Heat
Conduction through a Plane Wall
Consider a plane wall having thermal conductivity k, thickness L, cross sectional area A and is subjected to uniform
temperature of T1 and T2 respectively. Then the amount of heat transfer by conduction is given by Fourier’s law as:

Integrating both side using associated boundary conditions,

Assuming K as a constant and for a plane with uniform cross section, Above equation becomes,

Or, ………………..(1)
Heat Conduction through Composite Plane wall
For steady state heat transfer, heat flowing through each layer should be same, i.e.;

Figure: Composite plane wall having 3 layers

Rearranging the above equations for the temperature differences,

Adding above equations, we get

Rearranging the above Equation, we get an expression for conduction heat transfer
through a composite plane wall as,
Steady State Radial Heat Conduction
through hollow cylinder
Consider a hollow cylinder made up of material having thermal conductivity k, inner and outer radii of r1 and r2 and
length L. Its inside surface is exposed to temperature T1 and outer surface is exposed to temperatureT2.

Figure: Radial Heat Conduction through a Hollow Cylinder

The temperature gradient exists in radial direction. So according to the Fourier’s law rate of heat transfer can
be written as:
Steady State Radial Heat Conduction through
hollow cylinder
Here Heat transfer occurs at radial direction. So the cross sectional area normal to the direction of heat flow is given
by curved surface area of the cylinder. So using Above equation becomes:

Rearranging the above equation

Integrating the above equation with associated boundary condition,


Heat Conduction through a Composite Hollow
For steady state heat transfer, heat flowing through each layer should be same, i.e.;

Figure: Composite hollow cylinder having three layers

Rearranging the above equations for the temperature differences,

Adding above equations we get,

Rearranging above equation, we get an

expression for conduction heat transfer through
a composite cylinder
Electric Analogy for Heat Transfer and Thermal
We can express heat transfer equation as

which shows that heat (Q) flows due to the difference in temperature (T) and
the property of the substance by virtue of which it opposes the flow of heat
through it is called the thermal resistance (Rth).

Thermal Resistance of a Plane Wall

Thermal Resistance of a Hollow Cylinder

Thermal Resistance of a Convective Layer

Heat Transfer through a Composite Plane Wall
Using Electric Analogy Approach
In this case same amount of heat flows through each
layer; hence all thermal resistances are arranged in
series. Whenever heat flows through a thermal
resistance, there will a temperature drop (analogous to
voltage drop in case of electric circuit).

Thermal resistances for each layers of

the plane wall are given as

Equivalent thermal resistance is then given as

Then overall heat transfer for a composite plane wall is given by

Heat Transfer through a Composite Cylinder

Using Electric Analogy Approach
Now using electric analogy of Heat Transfer
Application of Electric Analogy Approach
Combined Heat Transfer and Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Plane Wall Subjected to Convective Medium on both Sides
For steady state heat transfer, heat flowing
through each layer should be same, i.e.;

Rearranging the above equations for the temperature

Plane Wall Subjected to Convective Medium on both Sides
Adding above equations, we get

Rearranging the above Equation, we get an expression for combined heat

transfer through a composite plane wall as,

Above equation can also be expressed in simpler form as

Where is called overall heat transfer coefficient

Using Electric Analogy Approach

Equivalent thermal resistance is given as:

Now, according to Electric Analogy of Heat Transfer, Rate

of Heat Transfer is given by:
Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Convective Medium on both Sides
For steady state heat transfer, heat flowing
through each layer should be same, i.e.;

Rearranging the above equations for the temperature

Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Convective Medium on both Sides
Adding above equations, we get


which can also be expressed as

Above equations can also be expressed in the simpler form as

Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Convective Medium on both Sides
where, and

are called inside overall heat transfer coefficient and outside overall heat transfer coefficient

Substituting A1 = 2r1L and A2 = 2r2L

Using Electric Analogy Approach

Equivalent thermal resistance is given as:

Now, according to Electric Analogy of Heat Transfer, Rate

of Heat Transfer is given by:

For Overall inside and inside Heat transfer coefficient

derive as previous method.
Some Questions

■ Write Short notes on Black Body, White Body and Grey body.
■ Differences between Steady State Heat Transfer and Unsteady State Heat
■ Differences between Free convection and Forced convection.
Example 1

For the given plane wall if K= 0.8 𝑊/𝑚𝐾, T1 and T2 are 100°C and 20°C
respectively, The cross section area of wall= 10m2 thickness of the wall is
0.8m, Then
a) Rate of heat transfer,
b) Distance from inside at which temperature is 80°C
Question 1

Determine the rate of heat loss from a brick wall (𝑘 = 0.7 𝑊/𝑚𝐾) of length 5 𝑚,
height 4 𝑚 and 0.25 𝑚 thick. The temperature of the inner surface is 1200 𝐶 and
that of outer surface is 300 𝐶. Also calculate the temperature at the surface at 0.15 𝑚
from the inner surface.
Example 2
Question 2

A furnace wall 300 𝑚𝑚 thick is made up of an inner layer of fire brick (𝑘 =

1 𝑊/𝑚𝐾) covered with a layer of insulation (𝑘 = 0.2 𝑊/𝑚𝐾). The inner surface of
the wall is at 13000 𝐶 and the outer surface is at 300 𝐶. Under steady state condition,
temperature at the interface is measured to be 11000 𝐶. Determine:
■ heat loss per unit area of the wall, and
■ the thickness of each layer.

Ans: 1380 W/m2, 144.93 mm, 155.07 mm

Example 3

Ans: 139.47 kW/m, 117.450 𝐶

Question 3
A steel pipe (𝑘 = 45.5 W/mK) with outer diameter of 90 mm and thickness 3 mm
is used for flow of brine at −220 𝐶. The pipe may be insulated by any one of the two
types of insulation. Insulation I has 𝑘1 = 0.037 𝑊/𝑚𝐾 and insulation II has 𝑘2 =
0.047 𝑊/𝑚𝐾. If one of these insulations has to be used for pipe insulation so that
maximum heat transfer is to be limited to 11.6 𝑊/𝑚 of pipe and the temperature of
insulation at the outer surface could be maintained not less than 150 𝐶, determine the
required thickness of insulation for each case.

Ans: 49.46 mm, 70.41 mm

Question 4

■ A 2 𝑚 long, 0.35 𝑐𝑚 diameter electrical wire extends across a room at 200 𝐶.

Heat is generated in the wire as a result of resistance heating, and the surface
temperature of the wire is measured to be 1500 𝐶 in steady operation. Also, the
voltage drop and electric current through the wire are measured to be 50 𝑉 and
2 𝐴, respectively. Neglecting the effect heat transfer by radiation, determine the
convection heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer between the outer surface of
the wire and the air in the room.

Ans: 34.965 W/m2K

Example 4

A mild steel tank (k= 45 W/mk) of wall thickness 15 mm contains water at 1000 𝐶
. The heat transfer coefficients for the inside and outside surfaces of the tank wall
are 2500 W/m2k and 20 W/m2k respectively. If the ambient air temperature is
200 𝐶 , determine:
a) The rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall, and
b) The temperature at the inner and outer surfaces of the tank

Ans: 1577.91 W/m2, 99.3690 𝐶 98.8950 𝐶

Question 5

A square plate heater (10 cm x 10 cm) is inserted between two slabs having
the same cross-sectional areas. The left slab is 100 mm thick (k = 50 W /mK)
and the right slab is 50 mm thick (k = 0.25 W/mK). The heat transfer
coefficients for left and right slab outer surfaces are 250 W /m2 K and 50 W
/m2 K respectively. The ambient air temperature is 25°C. If the rating of the heater
is 1 kW, determine:
(a) temperature at the heater surface, and
(b) outer surface temperatures of each slab.

Example 5

Find the heat transfer through the composite wall as shown

in figure. Assume one dimensional flow. The thermal
conductivities of wall materials are kA= 150 W/mk, kB = 30
W/mk, kC = 65 W/mk and kD = 50 W/mK. All dimensions
are in cm.

Ans: 34.31 kW
Example 6

A composite wall consists of 12 cm thick layer of common brick of thermal

conductivity 0.8 W/mK and 4 cm thick plaster of thermal conductivity 0.5 W/mK. An
insulating material of thermal conductivity 0.1 W/mK is to be added to reduce the heat
transfer through wall by 75%. Determine the required thickness of the insulating layer.

Ans: 6.9 cm
Example 7

A 2 m long steel plate (k=50 W/mK) is well insulated on its sides, while its left
section is maintained at 1000 𝐶 and the right section is exposed to ambient air at
200 𝐶. Under steady state conductions, a thermocouple is inserted in at the middle
of the plate gives a temperature of 800 𝐶. Determine the value of convection heat
transfer coefficient for convection heat transfer between the right section of the
plate and air.
Ans:25 W/m2K
Example 8

A lake surface is covered by an 8 cm thick layer of ice (k= 2.23 W/mK) when the
ambient air temperature Is −12.50 𝐶. A thermocouple embedded on the upper surface
of the layer indicates a temperature of −50 𝐶. Assuming steady state conduction in ice
and no liquid subcooling at the bottom surface of the ice layer, find the heat transfer
coefficient at the upper surface. Also work out the heat loss per unit area.

Ans: 18.58 W/m2K, 139.3 W/m2

Example 9

A 140 mm diameter pipe carrying steam is covered by a layer of insulation ( k= 0.5

W/mK) of 30 mm thick. Later, an extra layer of another insulation (k=1 W/mK) having
thickness 20 mm is added. If the surrounding temperature remains constant and heat
transfer coefficient for both insulating layers is 10 W/ m2k, determine the percentage
change in heat transfer rate due to extra insulation.

Ans: 0.9054%
Example 10

A steam pipe (k= 45 W/mk) has inside diameter of 100 mm and outside diameter of
140 mm. It is insulated at the outside with asbestos ( k= 1 W/mK). The steam
temperature is 2000 𝐶 and the air temperature is 250 𝐶. The heat transfer coefficient for
inner and outer surfaces are 120 W/ m2k and 40 W/ m2k respectively. Determine the
required thickness of the asbestos in order to limit the heat losses to 1250 W/m.

Ans: 43.78 mm
Practice Questions
A 100 mm diameter pipe carrying steam is covered by a layer of insulation (k=0.05
W/mk) having a thickness of 40 mm. the heat transfer coefficient between the outer
surface of insulation and the ambient air is 20 W/ m2k. Determine the required
thickness of another insulating layer (k=0.08 W/mK) that must be added to reduce
the heat transfer rate by 40% assuming heat transfer coefficient remains the same.
Ans: 79.834 mm

A pipe (k=20 W/mK) with inner and outer diameter of 2 cm and 4 cm respectively
is covered with 2 cm layer of insulation (k=0.2 W/mK). If the inside and outside
surfaces of the combination are at 5000 𝐶 and 1000 𝐶 respectively, determine the
pipe-insulation interface temperature.
Ans: 717.99 W/m, 498.420 𝐶
Practice Questions

A thin metal plate is insulated on the back and exposed to solar radiation at the
front surface. The exposed surface of the plate has an emissivity of 0.7. If solar
radiation is incident on the plate at a rate of 750 𝑊/𝑚2 and the surrounding air
temperature is 200 𝐶, determine the surface temperature of the plate. Assume the
convection heat transfer coefficient to be 40 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾.
Some Questions
■ Write short notes on Black Body, Grey Body and White Body

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