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Multiple Choice Questions


Departmental Accounts Examination (DAE) for

Section Officer Part-II of HPUs


Director Principal HPTI,
HPTI Complex, Sector-26, Panchkula.
E-mail: ,

Advance, Cost & Management Accounting

(For All HPUs)

A. Advance Accounting

Q.1 Disclosure of which ratio is not required as per new Schedule III of
Companies Act, 2013.

(a) Inventory Turnover Ratio (b) Net Capital Turnover Ratio

(c) Assets Turnover Ratio (d) Trade receivable Turnover ratio

Q.2 Account prepared for calculation of Gross Profit Earned by branch

under Stock & Debtors system is________________.

(a) Branch Stock Account (b) Branch Adjustment Account

(c) Goods sent to branch account (d) Branch Debtors Accounts

Q3. Which Method is used generally for small size branches?

(a) Debtors Method (b) Stock & Debtors Method

(c) Small Branch Method (d) Analytical Method

Q4. Which account is prepared, when branch sell goods on credit?

(a) Branch Adjustment Account (b)Branch Debtors Accounts

(c)Goods Sent to Branch A/c (d) Debtors Reconciliation A/c

Q5. Goods sent by Head office to branch either at cost plus profit or

(a) Cost Price (b) Selling Price

(c) Market Price (d) Invoice Price

Q6. Financial Statement of Companies are prepared as per schedule

______________ of Companies Act, 2013.

(a) III (b) IV

(c)V (d)VI

Q7. Which ratio is used to measure firm’s ability to meet current

(a) Leverage Ratio (b) Activity Ratio
(c) Liquidity Ratio (d) Profitability Ratio

Q8. Acid-Test Ratio is also known as_______________.

(a) Current Ratio (b) Cash Ratio
(c) Acid-Test Ratio (d) working Capital Ratio

Q9. From the following ratios which ratio is covered under Activity Ratio?
(a) Debt-Equity Ratio (b) Working Capital Ratio
(c)Interest Coverage Ratio (d) Inventory Turnover Ratio

Q10. From the following which ratio is not covered under Leverage Ratio?
(a) Debt-Equity (b) Return on Equity
(c) Interest Coverage Ratio (d)Debt to Assets Ratio

Q11Departmental Accounting facilitates

(a)Comparison of trading results
(b)Planning and Control
(c)Evaluate Departmental performance
(d)All of the above

Q12 In departmental accounting, where separate books are kept for each
department, know as:-
a) Independent Accounting
b) Columnar Accounting
c) Consolidated Accounting
d) Advanced Accounting

Q13.Expenses which cannot be reasonably allocated to any particular

department are taken in to:-
a) Debtors Accounts
b) Cash Book
c) Balance Sheet
d) General P&L Account

Q14. Branch which does not maintain its own books of accounts is_______.
a) Independent Branch
b) Local Branch
c) Foreign Branch
d) Dependent Branch

Q15. All expenses such as rent, salary etc are paid by H.O. in case of ____.
a) Independent Branch
b) Dependent Branch
c) Local Branch
d) Foreign Branch

Q16.Goods are supplied by the H.O. to dependent ranches are at:-

Cost Price
a) Cost or Invoice Price
b) Market Price
c) Invoice Price

Q17.Under Debtors system depreciation on fixed assets is______________

a) Credited to Branch Account
b) Debited to Branch Account
c) Not shown in Branch Account
d) Shown in Debtors Account
Q18.In Single Entry System Net Worth Method is also known as_____.
a) Mercantile System
b) Double Entry System
c) Accrual System
d) Statement of Affairs Method

Q19.Positive difference between opening net worth &closing net worth is:
a) Capital Balance
b) Cash Balance
c) Profit
d) Loss
Q20.In single entry system a statement of affairs is just like :-
a) Balance Sheet
b) Profit & Loss Statement
c) Cash Book
d) Trading Account

Q21.Under single entry system in net worth method drawing is added in :

a) Opening Capital
b) Closing Capital
c) Additional Capital
d) Cash

Q22. Credit Sale can be obtained by preparing:-

a) Cash Book
b) Debtors Account
c) Creditors Account
d) Statement of Affairs

Q23.In single entry system generally which accounts are maintained:-

a) Assets Account
b) Personal Accounts
c) Income Account
d) All of the above single entry system profit is calculated:-

(a) Opening Capital + Drawings + Fresh Capital-Closing Capital
(b) Closing Capital-Drawings –Fresh Capital-Opening Capital
(c) Opening Capital - Drawings + Fresh Capital-Closing Capital
(d) Closing Capital + Drawings –Fresh Capital-Opening Capital

Q25.Net Worth of an organisation means excess of Assets over:-

a) Income
b) Liabilities
c) Working Capital
d) Both b & c

Q26.Rs. 2000 paid for installation of Machine Should be debited to:

a) Wages Account
b) Machinery Account
c) Capital Accounts
d) P & L statement

Q27. Old furniture purchased and Rs. 1000 spent on its repair before use,
Rs. 1000 should be debited to:-
a) Repair Account
b) Furniture Account
c) Labour Paid account
d) None of the Above

Q28. Goods of Rs. 500 given as charity should be credited to:-

a) Charity Account
b) Sales Account
c) Purchase Account
d) None of the above

Q29. In cash book favourable balances indicates :-

a) Credit Balance
b) Bank Overdraft
c) Adjusted balances
d) Debit Balance

Q30.In bank statement, cash deposit by company is known as:-

a) Liability
b) Credit
c) Debit
d) Expense

Q31.Deposit in Transit will be ________________while preparing BRS.

a) Subtracted from bank balance
b) Added in bank balance
c) No effect
d) Added to cash book balance

Q32.Unpresented cheques are also refers as:-

a) Bounced Cheque
b) Uncredited cheques
c) Outstanding Cheques
d) Stopped Cheques

Q33. Bank charges Rs. 5000 not recorded, adjustment in cash book by:-
a) Credit in cash book
b) Debit in Cash Book
c) No effect in cash book
d) Add it in cash Balance

Q34. Bank reconciliation is not a:-

a) Reconciliation Record
b) Memorandum Statement
c) Ledger Account
d) Adjustment statement

Q35.Favourable Balance means:

a) Credit balance in cash book
b) Debit balance in bank statement
c) Credit balance in bank statement
d) All of above

Q36.Credit balance in Pass book means:-

a) Bank overdraft
b) Balance as per cash book
c) Assets for the entity
d) None of the above

Q37.Cheque returned by bank showing technical reason is known as:

a) Dishonoured Cheque
b) Stale Cheque
c) Crossed Cheque
d) None of the above

Q38.Outstanding Cheque is the missing entry of:-

a) Cash Book
b) Pass Book
c) Both of Above
d) None of the above

Q39. Unfavourable Bank Balance means:-

a) Debit balance in cash Book
b) Favourable balance in Cash Book
c) Debit Balance in Pass Book
d) None of the above

Q40. Which of the following is a error of Commission?

a) Repair of assets debited to Assets account
b) A sale of Rs. 5000 omitted to record
c) A purchase of 7400 was wrongly posted in ledger
d) None of the above

Q41. Wages paid for machine installation debited in wages accounts, it

a) An error of Commission
b) An error of omission
c) An error of Principal
d) Compensating Error

Q42.If amount of any known liability can’t be determined with substantial

accuracy then:-
a) A provision should be created
b) A contingent liability should be created
c) A definite liability should be created
d) A reserve should be created

Q43. Which of the following statement is not true about provision?

a) It is an appropriation of Profit
b) A charge against profits
c) Shown as liability in Balance Sheet
d) Uncertainty as a matter of financial prudence

Q44.Which one is not a cause of depreciation?

a) Passage of time
b) Price Inflation
c) Obsolescence
d) Natural wear and tear

Q45.Deperciation is calculated from the date of_____

a) Purchase of Assets
b) Receipt of Assets
c) Assets Put to use
d) Assets Installed
Q46.If the amount of any known liability can be determined with
a) A liability should be provided
b) A provision should be provided
c) A reserve be created
d) A contingent liability should be disclosed

Q47.Which of the following is the example of Capital Reserve?

a) Workman’s compensation fund
b) General Reserve
c) Debenture Redemption Reserve
d) Premium on issue of Share

Q48.Loss on sale of Assets is shown in:-

a) Credit side of Trial Balance
b) Profit & Loss Appropriation Account
c) Trading Account
d) None of the above

Q50. Reserve is created by debiting:-

a) Trading Account
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Profit & Loss Appropriation Account
d) Income & Expenditure Account

Q51. Debenture Redemption Reserve can be created out of:-

a) Current year profits
b) In case current year loss then from retained earnings of previous
c) Both a & b above
d) None of the above

Q52.Fixed assets loss its value due to:-

a) Amortisation
b) Deprecation
c) Both a & b above
d) Provisions

Q53.Which of the following best describes the ‘Depreciation’?

a) Value of Fixed Assets at end of the year
b) Verification of Assets
c) Allocation of value of fixed assets over its useful life
d) Decrease in market value of assets

Q54.Deprication is
a) Deferred revenue expenditure
b) Capital Expenditure
c) Revenue Expenditure
d) None of the above

Q55.Working Capital is:-

a) Fixed Assets-Current Assets
b) Current Assets-Current Liability
c) Liquid Assets-Current Liability
d) Cash and cash equivalents

Q56.Which of the following transaction will improve the Current Ratio?

a) Purchase of goods for cash
b) Payment of Trade Payables
c) Credit Purchase of Goods
d) Cash received from Debtors

Q57. Statement of Affairs is prepared to:-

a) Know about Assets
b) Know about Liability
c) Calculate Capital
d) Know Financial Position

Q58.Statement of Affairs is a:-

a) Statement of Income & Expenditure
b) Statement of Assets & Liabilities
c) Summary of Cash Transactions
d) Summary of Credit transactions

Q59. If books of accounts kept under Single Entry System, opening stock
is ascertained by preparing:-
a) Opening Stock Account
b) Stock Register
c) Memorandum Trading Account
d) Opening Statement of Affairs

Q60.What should be added in closing capital to calculate opening capital:

a) Loss & Drawings
b) Profit only
c) Profit & Drawings
d) Loss only

Q61.Current Ratio is:

a) Solvency Ratio
b) Liquidity Ration
c) Activity Ratio
d) Profitability Ratio

Q62.Liquid asset does not include :

a) Bill receivable
b) Debtor
c) Bank Balance
d) Prepaid Expenses

Q63.The __________ of a business firm is measured by its ability to satisfy

its short term obligations as they become due:
a) Activity
b) Liquidity
c) Debt
d) Profitability

Q64.Patent and copy right fall under the category of :

a) Factitious Assets
b) Current Assets
c) Intangible Assets
d) Tangible Assets

Q65.Which of the following transaction will improve quick ratio:

a) Sale of Goods for cash
b) Sale of Goods on credit
c) Issue of new share for cash
d) All above
66.Debit equity ratio is :
a) Operating Ratio
b) Liquidity Ratio
c) Solvency Ratio
d) Activity Ratio

Q67. Ideal Quick Ratio is

a) 1:1
b) 2:1
c) 1:2
d) 1:3

Q68 If Current Ratio is 2:1, after payment of creditors ratio will

a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) No change
d) None of the above

Q69. If Current Ratio is 2:1, after purchase of goods on credit ratio will

a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) No change
d) None of the above

Q70. Debt Equity Ratio is

a) Short Term Debts /Shareholder’s fund

b) Long term debts/ Shareholder’s fund
c) Shareholder’s fund/ Long term debts
d) Long term debts+ Short Term Debts/ Shareholder’s fund

Q71.Debt Equity Ratio is 1:2,which of the following transition will increase


a) Issue of new share for cash

b) Issue of Debenture
c) Redemption of Debenture
d) Credit Purchase

Q72. If Inventory Turnover ratio is divided in to 365, it becomes a measure

a) Average Collection Period
b) Average age of Inventory
c) Sales Turnover
d) Debtors Aging

Q73. What are the results of equipment sales on credit?

a) Assets increase, Income increase

b) Assets Decrease, Liability increase
c) Assets Increase, Liability decrease
d) Assets decrease, Loss Increase

Q74.Which of the following transition will increase the total assets of


a) Purchase Assets on credit

b) Purchase Assets in Cash
c) Received cash from Debtors
d) Investment made in shares

Q75. Which of the following transaction will reduce total assets and

a) Assets Purchase in Cash

b) Purchase goods on credit
c) Repayment of loan
d) Subsidy received from Government

Q76.Call in arrears appears in the company Balance Sheet under

a) Share Capital
b) Current Liability
c) Long term borrowing
d) Reserve & Surplus

Q77. Ratio which reflects managerial efficiency in handling assets is:-

a) Turnover Ratio
b) Solvency Ratio
c) Profitability Ratio
d) Coverage Ratio
Q78. Return on Investment is a __________
a) Turnover Ratio
b) Solvency Ratio
c) Profitability Ratio
d) Coverage Ratio

Q79.Return on equity is also called

a) Return on investment
b) Net profit Ratio
c) Gross Profit Ratio
d) Return on net Worth

Q80. Preliminary expenses are example of

a) Fixed Assets
b) Tangible Assets
c) Intangible Assets
d) Fictitious Assets

Q81. Profit for the objective of calculating a ratio may be taken as

a) Profit before tax but after interest

b) Profit after interest and tax
c) Profit before interest and tax
d) All the above

Q82. When a fixed asset is brought as hire purchase, interest element is

classified under___________ activity and loan element is classified
under__________ activity.
a) Operating, Financing
b) Financing, Investing
c) Investing, operating
d) Investing, Financing

Q83. NPV is a tools used for

a) Financial Statement Analysis
b) Capital Budgeting
c) Cost accounting
d) All of the above
Q84. High Price to earnings ratio shows company

a) High growth prospect

b) Low growth prospect
c) Low dividend payout
d) High dividend payout

Q85. Dividend payout ratio is

a) PAT/Share Capital
c) Pref. Dividend /PAT

Q86. DU PONT analysis deals with

a) Analysis of Current Assets

b) Analysis of Profits
c) Analysis of equity
d) Analysis of capital budgeting

Q87. The term EVA used for

a) Extra value Analysis
b) Economic Value Added
c) Expected Value Analysis
d) Earning value Analysis
Q88. One of the most important tools of cost planning is________-

a) Budget
b) Direct cost
c) Unit cost
d) Cost sheet

Q89. Depreciation rates are provided in which schedule of companies act?

a) Schedule I
b) Schedule III
c) Schedule II
d) Schedule IV

Q90. Interest on loans given by a financial institution is shown in P & L as

a) Revenue from operation

b) Other income
c) Sundry expenses
d) Indirect expenses

Q91. Closing stock is recorded in the_________

a) Balance sheet
b) Trading account
c) Profit & loss account
d) Both a & b

Q92. Mining rights are

a) Tangible assets
b) Intangible Assets
c) Fictitious Assets
d) Nominal Assets

Q93. Which of the following is written off every year from the profit of
a) Preliminary Expenses
b) Goodwill
c) Trademark
d) Intangible Assets

Q94. Which of the following is non free reserve?

a) General reserve
b) Revenue reserve
c) Security premium reserve
d) None of the above

Q95. Decrease in the value of natural assets is ______

d)None of the above
Q96. Depreciation is a process of ________
a) Allocation
b) Valuation
c) Transformation
d) None of the above

Q97. Which of the following account is never reported in Income statement

as Expense:-
a) Interest expense
b) Income tax expense
c) Dividend expense
d) Depreciation expense

Q98. Which of the account will appear in trial balance:-

a) Income tax expense
b) Dividend expense
c) Both will appear
d) Both will not appear

Q99. The account that records expenses, income, loss & profit is called__
a) Personal Account
b) Nominal Account
c) Real Account
d) None of the above

Q100. Higher inventory ratio indicates _________

a) Quick inventory turnover
b) Better inventory management
c) Both a & b are correct
d) None of the above
B. Management Accounting return

Q1. The basic financial statements include

A) Statement of Cash Flows

B) Statement of Retained Earnings

C) Balance Sheet and Income Statement

D) All of the Above

Q2.Cash flow example from a financing activity is

A) Payment of Dividends

B) Receipt of Dividend on Investment

C) Cash Received from Customers

D) Purchase of Fixed Asset

Q3.Cash flow example from an investing activity is

A) Issue of Debenture

B) Repayment of Long-term Loan

C) Purchase of Raw Materials for Cash

D) Sale of Investment by Non-Financial Enterprise

Q4. Cash flow example from an operating activity is

A) Purchase of Own Debenture

B) Sale of Fixed Assets

C) Interest Paid on Term-deposits by a Bank

D) Issue of Equity Share Capital

Q5.Preparation of cash flow statement is:

(a) Mandatory
(b) Recommendatory
(c) Required under the Companies Act
(d) None of these

Q6.Cash from operating activities will decrease due to :

(a) Increase in Current Assets
(b) Decrease in Current Liabilities
(c) Neither of the two
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Q7.While calculating operating profit which will be added to net profit:

(a) Interest received
(b) Profit on sale of Asset
(c) Increase in General Reserve
(d) Refund of Tax
Q8.While calculating cash flow from operating netivities which will be deducted ?
(a) Increase in Creditors
(b) Increase in Debtors
(c) Decrease in Debtors
(d) Decrease in Prepaid Expenses

Q9.While calculating cash flow from operating activities, which will be added ?
(a) Increase in Stock
(b) Increase in Creditors
(c) Decrease in Bills Payable
(d) Increase in Debtors

Q.10. Where will you show purchase of goodwill in Cash Flow Statement:
(a) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(b) Cash Flow from Investing Activities
(c) Cash Flow from Financing Activities
(d) Cash Equivalent

Q11. Interest received by a finance company is classified under which kind of

activity while preparing a Cash Flow Statement ?
(a) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(b) Investing Activities
(c) Financing Activities
(d) Cash Equivalent

Q12. Which of the following item is considered as cash equivalents:

(a) Bank Overdraft
(b) Bills Receivable
(c) Debtors
(d) Short-term Investment

Q13. Which of the following item is not considered as cash equivalents ?

(a) Bank Overdraft
(b) Commercial Papers
(c) Treasury Bills
(d) Investment

Q.14. In cash flow statement, the item of ‘Interest’ is shown in:

(a) Operating Activities
(b) Investing Activities
(c) Financial Activities
(d) In both (d) & (c)

Q.15. Cash Flow Statement in based upon:

(a) Cash basis of accounting
(b) Accrual basis of accounting
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of these

Q16.Cash Flow Statement is related to:

(a) IND AS-3
(b) IND AS-7
(c) IND AS-9
(d) IND AS-12

Q17. Claims received from Insurance Companies are treated as:

(a) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(b) Cash Flow from Investing Activities
(c) Cash Flow from Financing Activities
(d) None of these

Q18.Cash flow statement according to AS-3 is mandatory to:

(a) All enterprises
(b) Companies listed on a stock exchange
(c) Enterprises having turnover expending 50 Rs crore
(d) (b) & (c) both

Q19. In cash flow statement, the item of interest is shown in

A) Operating Activities
B) Financing Activities
C) Investing Activities

a) Both A and B
b) Both A and C
c) Both B and C
d) A, B, C

Q20Which of the following statements are true?

A) Cash flow reveals only the inflow of cash

B) Cash flow reveals only the outflow of cash
C) Cash flow is a substitute for income statement
D) Cash flow statement is not a replacement of funds flow statement.

a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both B and C
d) Only D

Q21. Cash flow statement is based upon _________ while Funds Flow Statement
recognizes _______.

a) Cash basis of accounting, accrual basis of accounting

b) Accrual basis of accounting, cash basis of accounting
c) Both are based on cash basis of accounting
d) None of the above

Q22. Statement of changes in working capital is prepared separately in

a) Cash Flow Statement

b) Funds Flow Statement
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q23. Cash flow from sales is calculated by

a) Cash sales + Cash Collections

b) Sales + Opening debtors+ Opening B/R –Closing Debtors – Closing B/R
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q24. Cash outflow on purchases is calculated by

a) Purchases + Opening Creditors + Opening B/P –Closing Creditors-Closing

b) Purchases + Opening Creditors - Closing Creditors +Closing B/P
c) Purchases - Opening Creditors - Opening B/P + Closing Creditors +Closing B/P
d) None of the above

Q25. Which of the following are added to net profit after tax and extraordinary
items to reach to net profit before tax and extraordinary items?

A) Provision for tax made during the year

B) Proposed dividend made during the year
C) Interim dividend
D) Transfer to General reserves and other reserves

a) Both A and B
b) Both A and C
c) Both B and C
d) A, B, C and D

Q26. Which of the following statements represent example of cash flow from
investing activities?

a) Cash advances and loans made by financial enterprises

b) Cash advances and loans made to third parties
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q27. In case of other enterprises cash flow arising from interest paid should be
classified as cash flow from ________ while dividends and interest received
should be stated as cash flow from ____.

a) Operating activities, financing activities

b) Financing activities, investing activities
c) Investing activities, operating activities
d) None of the above

Q28. When a fixed asset is bought as hire purchase, interest element is classified
under ______ and loan element is classified under________.

a) Operating activities, financing activities

b) Financing activities, investing activities
c) Investing activities, operating activities
d) None of the above

Q29. . Which of the following statements are false?

A) Old Furniture written off doesn’t affect cash flow.

B) Cash flow statement is a substitute for cash account.
C) Appropriation of retained earnings is not shown in Cash flow statement.
D) Net cash flow during a period can never be negative.

a) A, B, C
b) B, C, D
c) C, D, A
d) None of the above

Q30. Funds flow statement is prepared on the basis of _________.

a) Profit and loss account of the current year
b) The balance sheet of the previous and current year
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q31.Which of the following are sources of funds for an organisation?

a) Conversion of debentures into shares
b) Conversion of loans into shares
c) Issue of shares against the purchase of fixed assets
d) None of the above

Q32. Which of the following are sources of funds?

A) Issue of bonus shares

B) Issue of shares against the purchase of fixed assets
C) Conversion of debentures into shares
D) Conversion of loans into shares

a) A and C
b) A and D
c) A, B, C and D
d) None of the above

Q33. Which of the following are applications of funds?

a) Payment of dividend on share capital

b) Payment of tax
c) Increase in working capital
d) All of above

Q34. As per Indian Accounting standard IND AS7, provision for taxation should be
treated as:-

a) As a current liability
b) As an appropriation of profits
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

Q35. Out of the following statements, which statement does not imply the item
that has to be shown under the application of fund flow

a) Purchase of investments as well as fixed assets

b) Payment of tax and dividend
c) Reduction in the working capital
d) Growth in the working capital

Q36. Out of the following options, what can be called the sources of funds

a) Sales of assets, dividends and payment of tax

b) Long term loans, funds from operations and the sale of an asset
c) Repayment of long-term loans and sale of an asset
d) Buying of fixed assets, sale of an asset and repayment of long-term goals

Q37. Which of the following statements help in describing the funds flow analysis
in the most suitable manner

1. Funds flow analysis can be a comparison between the balance sheet’s

varying facets
2. Funds flow analysis can be used for determining the employee engagement
in their work
3. Funds flow analysis can help in understanding the vision and mission of the
4. Funds flow analysis can be useful for understanding the goals of the
Q38. Fund flow statement is based on the concept of…
A. business entity

B. accounting period

C. going concern

D. all of the above

Q39. Which of the following is an application of funds?

A. funds lost in operation

B. income from investment

C. funds from operations

D. all of these

Q40. Working capital requirements depends on the credit policy of …

A. the company

B. the suppliers

C. both

D. none

Q41. Which one of the following statements is not true?

a) Depreciation is source of funds.
b) Major source of working capital in the long run, is profits form operations
c) Any transaction that increases working capital is a source of funds.
d) Profits earned from non-operating activities is added to net profit while
calculating profits from operations.

Q42. A statement of change in financial position typically would NOT disclose the
effect of

a) share capital issued to acquire productive facilities

b) dividends on share declared
c) cash dividend declared but not yet paid
d) purchase and retirement of treasury stock

Q43.Which of the following does not result in an inflow of funds in case of fund
flow statement?
(A) Issue of equity share capital
(B) Premium received on issue of shares/ debentures
(C) Sale of investments
(D) Cash received from debtors
(A) Funds are not related to working capital.
Reason (R):
The flow of funds takes place whenever there is a change in the funds.
Select the correct answer from the following

(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(C) A is true, but R is false
(D) A is false, but R is true

Q45. If provision for taxation is treated as a current liability, then payment of tax is
(A) An application of funds
(B) A source of funds
(C) No flow of funds
(D) None of the above

Q46. Which one of the following is a non-current item

(A) Securities premium
(B) Outstanding wages
(C) Trade payables
(D) Bank balance

Q47. In the fund flow statement, the flow of fund will occur when a transaction is
happened between:

(A) Current Assets & Current Liabilities

(B) Non-current Assets & Non-cur-rent Liabilities
(C) Current Assets & Non-current Assets
(D) All of the above

Q48. Which of the following statement is correct?

(A) A decrease in current liability during the year results in an increase in
working capital.
(B) Only non-cash expenses are added to net profit to find out funds from
(C) Conversion of debentures into equity shares appears in the fund flow
(D) Collection of debtors is a source of funds.

Q49. When current ratio is 2 : 1 and if equal increase in current assets and current
liabilities would result in

No change in current ratio

Increase in current ratio
Decrease in current ratio
Current ratio will double

Q50.Net worth means paid up share capital and reserve & surplus (i.e.
shareholders equity)
Return on equity = profit after tax/net worth
Working capital turnover ratio = sales/net working capital
Total cost of production is more than net sales realisation (NSR) at
breakeven point

Q51.Which of the following is not an objective of Analysis of Financial Statements?

A)To judge the financial health of the firm
b) To judge the short term and long term liquidity position of the firm
c) To judge the reasons for the change in the profitability of the firm
d) To judge the variations in the accounting practices of the business
followed by differententerprises
Q52.Feature of financial analysis is to present the data contained in financial
statement in

a) Easy form
b) Convenient and rational groups
c) Comparable form
d) All of the above

Q53.Analysis of financial statement of an enterprise over a period of time

is known as:

a) Cross-sectional Analysis
b) Time Series Analysis
c) Static Analysis
d) External Analysis

Q54.The area of interest for lenders while analyzing financial statements will be

a) Liquidity alone
b) Profitability and Liquidity
c) Solvency, Profitability, and Liquidity
d) None of these

Q55.Cross-sectional Analysis involves

a) the comparison of financial statements of an enterprise for two or more

accounting periods.
b) the comparison of financial statements of two or more subsidiary of a company
for the same accounting period.
c) the comparison of the actual ratio of one firm with those of other similar
firms belonging to the same industry
d) None of the above

Q56. Comparison of actual ratios of one period with those of earlier periods for the
same enterpriseis known as

a) Cross-sectional analysis
b) Time-series Analysis
c) Inter-firm Analysis
d) None of these

Q57.When assets are subtracted from liabilities it will be equal to?

(a) Share Capital

(b) Networth
(c) Working capital
(d) Goodwill

Q58. Cash receipt received from the sales fixed assets are recorded under the
head of:

(a) Other activities

(b) Investing activities
(c) Financing activities
(d) Operating activities

Q59. Current asset that can be transferred into cash within three months is known

(a) Cash equivalent

(b) Intangible asset
(c) Liquid asset
(d) Cash asset

Q60. Which statement shows the flow of cash and cash equivalents during the
financial period?

(a) Statement of changes in equity

(b) Cash flow statement
(c) Balance sheet
(d) Income statement

Q61.Which statement is not mandatory as per Schedule III of Companies Act


(a) Statement of changes in equity

(b) Cash flow statement
(c) Balance sheet & P& L
(d) Fund flow statement

Q62.Which of the following are techniques, tools or methods of analysis and

interpretation of financial statements?

a) Ratio Analysis
b) Average Analysis
c) Trend Analysis
d) All of the above

Question 63.The most commonly used tools for financial analysis are:
(a) Comparative Statements
(b) Common-size Statement
(c) Accounting Ratios
(d) All the above

Q64. The analysis of financial statement by a shareholder is an example of:

(a) External Analysis
(b) Internal Analysis
(c) Vertical Analysis
(d) Horizontal Analysis

Q65.Payment of Income Tax is considered as :

(a) Direct Expenses
(b) Indirect Expenses
(c) Operating Expenses
(d) None of these

Q66.Which of the following is the purpose or objective of financial analysis ?

(a) To assess the current profitability of the firm
(b) To measure the solvency of the firm
(c) To assess the short-term and long-term liquidity position of the firm
(d) All the above

Q67.An annual report is issued by company to its :

(a) Directors
(b) Auditors
(c) Shareholders
(d) Management

Q68.In which meeting of company directors report is presented ?

(a) Directors Meeting
(b) Annual General Meeting
(c) Manager’s Meeting
(d) All of the above
Q69. Long term solvency is indicated by
a) Current ratio
b) Debit equity ratio
c) Net profit ratio
d) Liquidity ratio

Q70. Liability of Shareholders is limited to________ of the shares allotted

a) Paid up value
b) Called up value
c) Face value
d) Reserved price

Q71. Maximum number of members in a private company is :

a) 50
b) 100
c) 200
d) No limit

Q72. Equity shares cannot be issued for the purpose of:

a) Cash Receipts
b) Purchase of Assets
c) Redemption of debentures
d) Distribution of Dividend

Q73.A Company cannot issue:

a) Redeemable Equity Shares

b) Redeemable Preference Shares
c) Redeemable Debenture
d) Fully Convertible Debentures

Q74. Preference Shareholders have

a) Preferential right as to dividend only.

b) Preferential right in the management.
c) Preferential right as to repayment of capital at the time of
d) Preferential right as to repayment of capital at the time of
liquidation & Preferential right as to dividend

Q75. Which Shareholders have right to receive arrears of dividend from

future profits
a) Convertible preference shareholders
b) Non convertible preference shareholders
c) Cumulative preference shareholders
d) Non Cumulative preference shareholders

Q76. A preference share which have right of sharing in surplus profits is

a) Convertible preference share

b) Non convertible preference share
c) Cumulative preference share
d) Participating preference share

Q77. Unless otherwise stated, a preference share is always deemed to be

a) Cumulative, Participating, Non- convertible

b) Non-Cumulative, Non-Participating, Non-convertible
c) Cumulative, Non-Participating, Non- convertible
d) Non-Cumulative, Participating, Non- convertible

Q78. Nominal Share Capital is

a) That part of authorised capital which is issued by the company

b) That part of authorised capital which is applied by the
c) Issued but not called up
d) Authorised share capital

Q79. Portion of capital which can be called up only the on winding up of

company is called

a) Authorised Capital
b) Called up capital
c) Uncalled Capital
d) Reserve Capital

Q80.Which one of the following technique is not normally used for

inventory control?

a) ABC Analysis
b) FSN Analysis
c) GOLF Analysis
d) FSND Analysis

Q81. Which section of the Companies Act requires that Balance Sheet is to
be prepared in the prescribed form?

a) Sec 129
b) Sec 148
c) Sec 128
d) Sec 198

Q82. Which of the following is prepared on a particular date?

a) Trading Account
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Balance Sheet
d) All of the Above
Q83.Which of the following is not an objective of Financial Statements?
a) To show the company’s financial position
b) To show company’s operating efficiency
c) To the effectiveness of management
d) To determine Income Tax liability

Q84 Dividend usually paid on:

a) Authorised Capital
b) Issued Share Capital
c) Paid up Capital
d) Called up share capital

Q85. Which of the following is not the method of Financial Statements

a) Ratio Analysis
b) Comparative Analysis
c) Trend Analysis
d) Capitalization Method

Q86. Contingent liability is shown in Financial Statements as:-

a) In Long term liability

b) In Short term liability
c) In Miscellaneous Liability
d) In notes to accounts

Q87. Depreciation rates used by HVPNL for preparing Financial


a) As per Companies Act, 2013

b) As per Income Tax Act
c) As per HERC
d) None of the above

Q88. Appointment of Statutory Auditor of a PSU made by:-

a) C&AG India
b) PAG of the state
c) Management of the PSU
d) Central/State Government

Q89. Supplementary Audit of PSU means

a) Audit by a firm of Chartered Accountants

b) Audit by Audit party appointed by PAG of the state
c) Special team nominated by Central Government
d) Vigilance team of the state

Q90. Appropriation of profits is shown in

a) Cash Flow Statement

b) Income statement
c) Balance Sheet

Q91. As per Companies Act, Balance Sheet of a company is required to be

prepared in __________

a) Horizontal form
b) Vertical form
c) Either Horizontal form or Vertical form
d) Neither of above

Q92. Call in advance appears in the company Balance Sheet under

e) Share Capital
f) Current Liability
g) Long term borrowing
h) Reserve & Surplus

Q93. Which of the following is not recorded in the Balance Sheet?

a) Prepaid Rent
b) Outstanding Rent
c) Rent as security
d) Rent Paid

Q94. Which of the following is measured as profit margin?

a) Operating efficiency
b) Assets use efficiency
c) Financial efficiency
d) None of the above

Q95. Which of the following is not an example of Intangible Assets?

a) Trademarks
b) Patents
c) Technical Expertise
d) Preliminary Expenses

Q96. Stock is shown at cost or market prices whichever is less, due to:-

a) Accounting Concept
b) Accounting Principle
c) Accounting Conventions
d) Accounting Standards

Q97. If value of opening Inventory increase then grosses profit:-

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Stay same
d) Get closer to net profit

Q98. Incorrect cash flow planning can leads to___________

a) Solvency
b) Insolvency
c) Bankruptcy
d) Wining up
Q99.Capital Employed is:-
a) Total Assets-Current Liability
b) Non Current Assets+ Working Capital
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

Q100.Cash flow arises from __________ assets, ____________ liabilities and

_________ shareholders’ equity.

a) Increasing, Increasing, Decreasing

b) Increasing, Decreasing, Decreasing
c) Decreasing, Increasing, Increasing,
d) Decreasing, Increasing, Decreasing

C. COST Accounting

Q1.The following cost will remain same whatever the level of activity.
a) Incremental cost
b) Sunk Cost
c) Fixed Cost
d) Both b & C

Q2. The cost of property, plant & equipment at the price paid originally for
them is ___________________
a) Replacement cost
b) Historical Cost
c) Implicit cost
d) Fixed Cost

Q3. Which of the following is(are) fixed cost(s)?

a) Factory Rent
b) Insurance
c) Interest on Capital
d) All of the Above

Q4. Average Fixed Cost (AFC) is

a) Total Fixed Cost/No. Of Output Produced
b) Total Fixed Cost/No. Of units Purchased
c) Total Fixed Cost/Average inventory at store
d) Total Fixed Cost/Cost of Goods Sold

Q5. Marginal Cost is independent from the_________

a) Fixed cost
b) Variable cost
c) Incremental Cost
d) Both a & b above

Q6. Following is(are) advantage(s) of Marginal Cost.

a) Break Even Point analysis
b) Calculate /Unit of Profit
c) To decide whether firm needs to extend or not
d) To decide make or buy decision

Q7.LIFO method of pricing of materials is more suitable when________

a) Material prices are rising
b) Material prices are falling
c) Material prices are constant
d) Material Prices are fluctuating

Q8.Average method of pricing of materials is suitable when________

a) Material prices are rising
b) Material prices are falling
c) Material prices are constant
d) Material Prices are fluctuating

Q9.Scrap is ______________.
a) Residue Material
b) Wastage of Material
c) Surplus Material
d) Abnormal loss of material

Q10.EOQ stands for

a) Economic Output Quantity
b) Essential Order Quantity
c) Economic Order Quantity
d) Essential Output Quantity

Q11. Job Costing used in

a) Paper Miles
b) Chemical Work
c) Textile Works
d) Printing Works

Q12. A document which provides the detailed cost centre and cost units
a) Bill of Quantity
b) Profit & Loss statement
c) Cost Sheet
d) Quantity Purchased register

Q13. Direct Materials is a

a) Variable cost
b) Fixed cost
c) Semi variable cost
d) Semi fixed cost

Q14 According to Which Method of Pricing Issues is close to current

Economic Values?
a) First In First Out
b) Last in First Out
c) Highest in First Out
d) Weighted Average Price
Q15 VED analysis is a technique of ______________
a) Inventory Management Strategy
b) Activity Based Costing Strategy
c) Market research strategy
d) SWOT strategy
Q16.Which of the following Method of stock control aims at concentrating
efforts on selected items of materials?
a) Perpetual Inventory System
b) Annual Stock Taking System
c) Level Setting System
d) ABC analysis System

Q17. Material Requisition is meant for

a) Purchase of material
b) Sale of material
c) Storage of material
d) Supply of Materials from store

Q18.GRN number refers to _____________in Inventory Management.

a) Goods Returned Note
b) Goods Received Note
c) Goods Requisitioned Note
d) GST record Number

Q19. Labour Turnover means

a) Productivity of labour
b) Efficiency of labour
c) Change in Labour Force
d) Total sales/turnover using Labour

Q20.Idle Time is ___________

a) Time spent by workers in factory
b) Time spent by workers in the office
c) Time spent by workers off their job
d) Time spent by workers on their job

Q21. Under which system time spent on job is not considered.

a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) Rowan Plan

Q22.Which System is suitable when quality of work is important?

a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) Rowan Plan

Q23. Halsey Plan paid bonus to workers on the basis of___________.

a) Quantity Produced
b) Time Saved
c) Quality of Work Done
d) Zero Defected production

Q24 Following is a Direct Worker

a) Material Handler
b) Machine Operator
c) Foreman
d) Both a & b
Q25.Materials which can’t be charged directly is called______________
a) Direct Material
b) Indirect Material
c) Overheads
d) None of the above

Q26.Rent of building is
a) Indirect overhead
b) Direct Overhead
c) Fixed overhead
d) Capital Expenditure

Q27.Depriciation on machinery is charged under which overhead?

a) Indirect Overhead
b) Direct Overhead
c) Office Overhead
d) Factory Overhead

Q28.Royalty on Production is a ____________charge.

a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Overhead
d) None of the above

Q29 Costing Department expenses are which kind of overhead?

a) Office Overhead
b) Selling Overhead
c) Production Overhead
d) Administrative Overhead

Q30. Which of the following represent a direct expense?

a) Administration
b) Advertisement
c) Office Rent
d) Wages

Q31. Under absorption costing, profit is ascertained

a) On the basis of difference between sales and total cost.

b) By computation as per desired rate of profit on sales or cost
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above.

Q32. Marginal costs is taken as equal to

a) Prime Cost plus all variable overheads

b) Prime Cost minus all variable overheads
c) Variable overheads
d) None of the above

Q33. Which of the following statements related to Contribution Analysis are ture?

a) If contribution is zero, there is loss equal to fixed costs

b) If contribution is negative, loss is less than fixed costs
c) If contribution is positive and more than fixed cost there will be profit.
d) All of the above

Q34. When contribution is negative but less than fixed cost,

a) There is loss equal to fixed costs

b) There is loss more than fixed costs
c) There will be loss less than fixed costs
d) All of above are false

Q35. When contribution is positive but equal to fixed cost,

a) There is loss equal to fixed costs

b) There is loss more than fixed costs
c) There will be loss less than fixed costs
d) There will be neither profit not loss

Q36. Which of the following statements are true?

a) In absorption costing, cost is divided into three major parts while in marginal
costing cost is divided into two main parts.
b) IN absorption costing period is important and in marginal costing product is
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q37. In context of net operating profit, which of the following statements are true?

a) If all costs are variable, the amount of profit obtained in marginal costing and
absorption costing will be same.
b) If the volume of sales and output is equal in a period, profit will be same in
absorption costing and marginal costing.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q38. If sales is less than production and there is no opening stock, it suggests
there is closing stock. In such a scenario, profit under marginal costing will be less
than the one shown by absorption costing.

a) True
b) False

Q39. If the marginal cost is _________ buying price, additional requirement of the
component should be met by making rather than buying.

a) Equal to
b) More than
c) Less than
d) None of the above.

Q40. Which of the following models is used to calculate the timing of the inventory

A. Economic order quantity model

B. Fixed order quantity model
C. Reorder point model
D. Fixed order inventory model
Hide Answer

Q41In the ABC Analysis system the B category stands for___.

A. Outstanding importance in value
B. Comparatively unimportant in value
C. Comparatively important in value
D. Average importance in value
Q42. Which among the following costs is the expense of storing inventory for a
specified period of time?
A. Purchasing cost
B. Carrying cost
C. Financial cost
D. Storing cost

Q43.The cost of insurance and taxes are included in

a) Cost of ordering
b) Set up cost
c) Inventory carrying cost
d) Cost of shortages

Q44. Buffer stock’ is the level of stock

a) Half of the actual stock

b) At which the ordering process should start
c) Minimum stock level below which actual stock should not fall
d) Maximum stock in inventory

Q45. The minimum stock level is calculated as

a) Reorder level – (Nornal consumption x Normal delivery time)

b) Reorder level + (Nornal consumption x Normal delivery time)
c) (Reorder level + Nornal consumption) x Normal delivery time
d) (Reorder level + Nornal consumption) / Normal delivery time

Q46. Which of the following is true for Inventory control?

a) Economic order quantity has minimum total cost per order

b) Inventory carrying costs increases with quantity per order
c) Ordering cost decreases with lot size
d) All of the above

Q47. The time period between placing an order its receipt in stock is known as

a) Lead time
b) Carrying time
c) Shortage time
d) Over time

Q48. Reorder level is calculated as

a) Maximum consumption rate x Maximum re-order period

b) Minimum consumption rate x Minimum re-order period
c) Maximum consumption rate x Minimum re-order period
d) Minimum consumption rate x Maximum re-order period

Q49. Average stock level can be calculated as

a) Minimum stock level + ½ of Re-order level

b) Maximum stock level + ½ of Re-order level
c) Minimum stock level + 1/3 of Re-order level
d) Maximum stock level + 1/3 of Re-order level

Q50. The internal rate of return (IRR) is the

a) Hurdle rate.
b) Rate of interest for which the net present value is greater than 1.0.
c) Rate of interest for which the net present value is equal to zero.
d) Rate of return generated from the operational cash flows.
Q51.The net present value method of capital budgeting assumes that cash flows
are reinvested at

a) The risk-free rate.

b) The cost of debt.
c) The rate of return of the project.
d) The discount rate used in the analysis.

Q52. The net present value of a proposed investment is negative; therefore, the
discount rate used must be
a) Greater than the project s internal rate of return.
b) Less than the project s internal rate of return.
c) Greater than the firm s cost of equity.
d) Less than the risk-free rate.

Q53.The accounting rate of return

a) Is synonymous with the internal rate of return.
b) Focuses on income as opposed to cash flows.
c) Is inconsistent with the divisional performance measure known as return on
d) Recognizes the time value of money.

Q54. When using the net present value method for capital budgeting analysis, the
required rate of return is called all of the following except the
a) Risk-free rate.
b) Cost of capital.
c) Discount rate.
d) Cutoff rate.

Q55.The internal rate of return for a project can be determined

a) If the internal rate of return is greater than the firm’s cost of capital.
b) Only if the project cash flows are constant.
c) By finding the discount rate that yields a net present value of zero for
the project.
d) By subtracting the firm’s cost of capital from the project’s profitability index.

Q56. A company wants to use discounted cash flow techniques when analyzing its
capital investment projects. The company is aware of the uncertainty involved in
estimating future cash flows. A simple method some companies employ to adjust
for the uncertainty inherent in their estimates is to:-

a) Prepare a direct analysis of the probability of outcomes.

b) Use accelerated depreciation.
c) Adjust the minimum desired rate of return.
d) Increase the estimates of the cash flows.

Q57. The internal rate of return on an investment:-

a) Usually coincides with the company s hurdle rate.

b) Disregards discounted cash flows.
c) May produce different rankings from the net present value method on
mutually exclusive projects.
d) Would tend to be reduced if a company used an accelerated method of
depreciation for tax purposes rather than the straight-line method.

Q58. All of the following are the rates used in net present value analysis except for
a) Cost of capital.
b) Hurdle rate.
c) Discount rate.
d) Accounting rate of return.
Q59. Payback period____________________?

a) And economic life of a project are the same

b) Is the length of time over which the earnings on a project equals the
c) Is affected by the variation in earnings after the recovery of the investment
d) All A, B. and C

Q60. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is calculated as

a) (2D*S/h)^1/2
b) (DS*/h)^1/2
c) (D*S/2h)^1/2
d) (D*S/3h)^1/2

Where, D=Annual demand (units), S=Cost per order, h=Annual carrying

cost per unit
Q61. Profit forgone by capital investment in inventory rather than investment of
capital to somewhere else is classified as

a) relevant purchase order costs

b) relevant inventory carrying costs
c) irrelevant inventory carrying costs
d) relevant opportunity cost of capital

Q62. An example of purchasing costs include

a) incoming freight
b) storage costs
c) insurance
d) spoilage

Q63. Which of the following is not true about Capital Budgeting?

a) Capital Budgeting decisions have an influence on the future stability of an

b) Capital Budgeting decisions include investments to expand the business
c) Capital Budgeting decisions are of an irreversible nature
d) Sunk cost is a part of Capital Budgeting

Q64. Which of the following can be a criterion for the acceptance of a project?

a) The Profitability Index should be greater than unity

b) The Internal Rate of Return should be greater than the cost of capital
c) The Net Present Value should be greater than zero
d) All of the above

Q63. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the payback period?

a) It does not take into account the cost of capital and timing of return
b) When compared to the accounting rate of return method, it is more difficult
to calculate and understand
c) It does not take the initial investment into account
d) All of the above

Q64.Which of the following is an advantage of the Standard Costing System?

a) It helps in promoting and measuring efficiencies within an organisation
b) It helps to control and reduce the overall costing within an organisation
c) It helps to fix the selling price for the products manufactured within an
d) All of the above

Q65 Which of the following activities is true about the cost variance under the
Standard Costing System?
a) Cost variance is the difference between the standard cost and the
actual cost
b) Cost variance is the difference between the standard cost and the budgeted
c) Cost variance is the difference between the standard cost and the marginal
d) Cost variance is the difference between the actual cost and the marginal

Q66.Which of the following is the audit fees a part of under the Standard Costing

a) Audit fees is a part of the administration overhead in an organisation

b) Audit fees is a part of the distribution overhead in an organisation
c) Audit fees is a part of the selling overhead in an organisation
d) Audit fees is a part of the works on cost in an organisation

Q67.Which of the following parties are responsible for material price variances?
a) Production supervisors
b) Purchasing managers
c) Production schedules
d) None of the above

Q68.Which of the following is a part of the Standard Costing process within an

a) Comparison of standard and actual costing process
b) Preparation and usage of the standard costing
c) Analysis of variances
d) All of the above

Q69. It is not possible to measure labour productivity by comparing ______.

a) Standard time with actual time
b) Total output with total wage
c) Total person-hours with the total output
d) None of the above

Q70.A company maintains a _____ to avoid stopping production due to the

shortage of material.
a) Minimum stock level
b) Reorder level
c) Maximum stock level
d) None of the above

Q71.Break-even Analysis shows:

(a) Relationship between cost and sales

(b) Relationship between production and purchases
(c) Relationship between cost and revenue
(d) None of these

Q72.The margin of safety can be calculated using

a) Fixed cost-PV ratio

b) Total sales – Break-even sales
c) Fixed cost- Contribution
d) Total Sales –Fixed Cost

Q73.P-V Ratio can be improved by

a) Increasing selling price per unit
b) Reducing the direct and variable cost
c) Change product mix , production of high profitable products
d) All of the above
Q74. Which of the following formula cannot be used for calculation of PV Ratio?
(a) (Sales value-variable cost)/sales value
(b) (Fixed cost + Profit)/Sales Value
(c) Change in Profits/Change in sales
(d) Profit/Sales Value

Q75.Make or Buy decision is made by comparing cost with the outside purchase
a) Fixed cost
b) Variable cost
c) Sunk Cost
d) Joint Cost

Q 76.Under which of the following method of budgeting, all activities are re-
evaluated each time a budget is set
(A) Materials budget
(B) Zero base budgeting
(C) Sales budget
(D) Overheads budget

Q 77. A budget that gives a summary of all the functional budgets and budgeted
statement of profit and loss is called
(A) Flexible budget
(B) Master budget
(C) Performance budget
(D) Zero base budgets

Q78. While preparing the cash budget, which of the following items would not be
(A) Interest paid to debenture holders
(B) Salaries and wages
(C) Bonus shares issued
(D) Income-tax paid
Q79. When demand forecasting is difficult, the budget which is prepared:
(A) Sales Budget
(B) Production Budget
(C) Financial Budget
(D) Flexible Budget
Q80.The quantity required to have desired profit is …………………
(a) (Fixed cost + desired profit ) / contribution per unit
(b) (Fixed cost – desired profit ) / contribution per unit
(c) (Fixed cost +desired profit ) * contribution per unit
(d) Fixed cost / (desired profit +contribution per unit)

Q81.Which of the following transactions will improve the Current Ratio?

A) Purchase of Goods for Cash.
B) Payment to Trade Payables.
C) Credit purchase of Goods.
D) Cash collected from Trade Receivables.
Q82. Inventory ratio is a relationship between ______.
A) Cost of goods purchased and cost of average inventory.
B) Cost of goods sold and cost of average inventory, and cost of goods
purchased and cost of average inventory.
C) Cost of goods sold and cost of average inventory.
D) None of the options is correct.

Q83.Higher the ratio, the more favourable it is, doesn’t stand true for

a. Debt equity Ratio

b. Liquidity ratio
c. Stock turnover ratio
d. Net Profit ratio
Q84. Business finance addresses which of the following?
a) Capital Budgeting
b) Capital Structure
c) Working Capital Management
d) All of the above
Q85. Difference between sales price & cost of inventory is____
a) Net Loss
b) Net Worth
c) Capital
d) Mark up
Q86.Total of all direct costs is termed as ___________

a) Prime cost
b) Works cost
c) Cost of sales
d) Cost of production

Q87. While evaluating deviation of actual and standard cost, technique used is

a) Regression analysis
b) Variance analysis
c) Linear progression
d) Trend analysis

Q88.Imputed cost is a__________________

a) Notional Cost
b) Real Cost
c) Normal Cost
d) Variable cost

Q89. Operating costing is suitable for __________

a) Job order business
b) Contractors
c) Sugar Industry
d) Service Industry

Q90. Process costing is suitable for __________

a) Hospitals
b) Transport business
c) Oil refining firm
d) Bricks Laying Firm

Q91 Cost accounting was developed because of the limitations of ______

a) Management Accounting
b) Human Resource Management
c) Double entry system
d) Financial Accounting

Q92. The cost which is to be incurred even when business unit is closed is a__
a) Imputed cost
b) Sunk cost
c) Historical cost
d) Shutdown cost

Q93. Direct Expenses are also called_______

a) Major Expense
b) Chargeable expenses
c) Overhead expenses
d) Sundry expenses
Q94. Warehouse rent is a part of__________

a) Office overhead
b) Selling overhead
c) Distribution overhead
d) Production overhead

Q95. Sales of defective is reduced from______________

a) Prime cost
b) Works cost
c) Cost of production
d) Cost of sales

Q96. Factory overhead can be charged on the basis of ___________

a) Material cost
b) Labour cost
c) Prime cost
d) Direct expense

Q97.A large margin of safety indicates_______________

a) Over production
b) Over capitalisation
c) Soundness of the business
d) Under capitalisation

Q98.CVP analysis is most important for determination of_________

a) Sales revenue necessary to equal fixed cost

b) Relationship between revenue & cost at various level of operation
c) Variable revenue necessary to equal fixed cost
d) Volume of operation to gain more profit

Q99. If fixed cost decrease while variable cost per unit remains same, the new
B.E.P will be ___________ than old B.E.P

a) Lower
b) Higher
c) Unchanged
d) Not able to determine

Q100. If fixed cost decrease while variable cost per unit remains same, the new
contribution margin will be ___________ than old contribution margin.

a) Lower
b) Higher
c) Unchanged
d) Not able to determine

D. Additional MCQs
Q1: The art of recording all business transactions in a systematic manner in
a set of books is called-
(a) Accounting
(b) *Book – keeping*
(c) Ledger
(d) None of these.
Q2: Cash, goods or assets invested by the proprietor in the business for
earning profit is called-
(a) Current Assets
(b) *Capital*
(c) Fixed assets
(d) None of these

Q3: The person, firm or institution who does not pay the price in cash for the
goods purchased or the services received is called-
(a) Creditor
(b) Proprietor
(c) *Debtor*
Q4: …………… represents the excess of assets over liabilities.
(a) *Capital*
(b) Bank Balance
(c) Closing stock
(d) Reserve & surplus

Q5: The amount drawn by businessmen for his personal use is-

(a) Capital
(b) *Drawing*
(c) current assets
(d) Loss.

Q6: Cash – book always show-

(a) *Debit balance*
(b) Credit balance
(c) Debit or Credit balance
(d) None of these.

Q7: The entry which affects cash and bank column of a triple column cash –
book is known as –
(a) Compound entry
(b) *Contra entry*
(c) Journal entry
(d) Control entry

Q8: What statement is used while closing a Drawing Account-

(a) Balance c/d
(b) By Trading A/c
(c) By P & L A/c
(d) *By Capital Account*
Q9: The balance of closing stock of good’s Account is transferred to-
(a) Profit and loss Account
(b) Trading Account
(c) *Trading & Balance sheet*
(d) P&L & Balance sheet.

Q10: Contra entry is made in …………… book.

(a) Journal book
(b) Purchase book
(c) *Cash book*
(d) Sales book

Q11: Effect of Credit purchase of assets

(a) Decrease assets & liability
(b) increase assets decrease liability
(c) increase liability decrease assets
(d) *increase assets & liability*
Q12: Effect of Payment of liability
(a) *Decrease assets & liability*
(b) increase assets decrease liability
(c) increase liability decrease assets
(d) increase assets & liability

Q13: Effect of fresh capital introduction in business

(a) Decrease assets & liability
(b) increase capital decrease liability
(c) increase capital decrease assets
(d) *increase assets & capital*

Q14: Drawings’ falls under which account-

(a) *Personal account*
(b) Real account
(c) Nominal account
(d) None of these.

Q15: Income tax is treated as-

(a) Nominal Expense
(b) Direct Expense
(c) Personal Expense
(d) *Indirect Expense*

Q16: Cash purchase of goods is recorded in-

(a) Purchase book
(b) Sales book
(c) *Cash – book*
(d) Journal book

Q17: Credit purchase of goods is recorded in-

(a) *Purchase book*
(b) Sales book
(c) Cash – book
(d) Journal book

Q18: Credit purchase of furniture shall be recorded in-

(a) Purchase book
(b) *Journal book*
(c) Cash – book
(d) Return outward book

Q19: Who prepares a debit note-

(a) Seller
(b) *Purchaser*
(c) Cashier
(d) None of these.

Q20: Who prepares a credit note-

(a) *Seller*
(b) Purchaser
(c) Cashier
(d) None of these.

Q21: Return of goods by a customer is recorded in-

(a) Purchase book
(b) Sales book
(c) *return inward book*
(d) Return outward book

Q22: Such transactions for which no separate subsidiary books are

maintained are recorded in ……………..
(a) Petty cash book
(b) Miscellaneous transaction book
(c) *journal book*
(d) other subsidiary book

Q23: credit note is sent to -

(a) Seller
(b) *Purchaser*
(c) Cashier
(d) None of these.

Q24: Bank account is classified as

(a) Real account
(b) *Personal account*
(c) Nominal account
(d) Permanent account

Q25: Income tax is classified as

(a) *Personal account*
(b) Real account
(c) Nominal account
(d) Indirect account

Q26: When a single journal entry is passed for two transactions of same
nature on same date, such an entry is called?
(a) Contra entry
(b) *Compound entry*
(c) Mixed entry
(d) Combined entry

Q27: Interest on capital is recorded in which subsidiary book?

(a) Cash book
(b) *Journal book*
(c) Return outward book
(d) Return inward book

Q28: Which discount is recorded in purchase and sales book?

(a) *Trade discount*

(b) Cash discount
(c) Both a & b
(d) none of the above

Q29: Bank reconciliation is not a?

(a) Reconcile records
(b) Memorandum statement
(c) *Ledger account*
(d) Procedure to provide cash book adjustments

Q30: The balance on the debit side of the bank column of cash book
(a) The total amount has drawn from the bank
(b) *Cash at bank*
(c) The total amount overdraft in the bank
(d) Cash deposit in to bank

Q31: Favourable balance means?

(a) Credit balance in the cash book
(b) Credit balance in Bank statement
(c) Debit balance in cash book
(d) *both b and c*

Q32: Unfavourable balance means?

(a) *Credit balance in the cash book*
(b) Credit balance in Bank statement
(c) Debit balance in cash book
(d) both b & c

Q33: Which of the following items is not a reason for difference between
bank balance as per cash book and pass book?
(a) Dishonoured check
(b) Cheques deposited but not yet cleared
(c) *Credit sales to customer*
(d) Cheques issued but not yet presented for payment

Q34: Directly collections of bank are to be ___________ in cash book?

(a) *Dr*
(b) Cr
(c) both
(d) None

Q35: Of the two sides of Trial balance does not tally, which Account is
opened –
(a) *Suspense Account*
(b) Personal Account
(c) Real Account
(d) None of the above

Q36: The error which can be disclosed by Trial balance-

(a) Error of omission
(b) Error of principal
(c) Compensatory error
(d) *None of these*.

Q37: Errors are rectified in this book-

(a) Ledger book
(b) *Journal proper*
(c) Trial balance
(d) None of these.
Q38: Asset Disposal A/c is prepared when :
(a) *Provision for Depreciation A/c is prepared*
(b) Asset A/c is prepared
(c) Profit & Loss A/c is prepared
(d) Depreciation A/c is prepared

Q39: Which of the following is the example of Capital Reserve?

(a) Workmen’s Compensation Fund
(b) None of these
(c) *Premium Received on issue of shares or debentures*
(d) General Reserve

Q40: Provision is created by debiting :

(a) *Profit and Loss Account*
(b) None of these
(c) Profit and Loss Appropriation Account
(d) Trading Account

Q41: Reserve is created by debiting :

(a) Profit and Loss Account
(b) None of these
(c) *Profit and Loss Appropriation Account*
(d) Trading Account
Q42: Under Reducing Balance Method, depreciation to be charged :
(a) Scrap Value
(b) *None of these*
(c) Real Value
(d) Original value
Q43: The depreciation charged on an asset will be credited to :
(a) Depreciation A/c
(b) *Asset A/c*
(c) P & L A/c
(d) Cash A/c
Q44: An alternative term used for accumulated depreciation expenses?
(a) *Provision for depreciation*
(b) Cumulative depreciation
(c) Targeted depreciation
(d) Depletion

Q45: Which of the following is reserve

(a) Provision for bad debt
(b) Contingent liability
(c) Workmen compensation paid
(d) *Retained earnings*

Q46: On what basis accounting principles are developed?

(a)Book keeping & recording
(b) *Accounting Conventions & Concepts*
(c) As decided by business
(d) non of the above

Q47: On dishonour of a discounted bill whom does the bank look for
(a) *Drawer*
(b) Drawee
(c) Endorser
(d) Payee

Q48: On whom the trade bill drawn

(a) Seller
(b) Creditor
(c) *Debtor*
(d) Owner

Q49: What are the possible parties to a bill of exchange

(a) *Drawee, Drawer, Payee*
(b) Drawee, Drawer, Debtor
(c) Payer, Drawee, Drawer
(d) Drawee, Drawer, Creditor

Q50: If the drawer is in need of money and cannot wait till due date and
receive the money form bank is called?
(a) Endorsement of bill
(b) *Discounting of bill*
(c) Transfer of bill
(d) Dishonour of bill

Q51: In case if endorsement of bill the endorser debits?

(a) *Creditor account*
(b) Cash account
(c) Bill receivable account
(d) Bill payable account

Q52: Drawing is goods is credited from:

(a) Sales
(b) *Purchase*
(c) Returns outward
(d) Capital
Q53: Balance sheet is a ………………
(a) Account
(b) *Statement*
(c) Analysis
(d) none of the above

Q54: Increase in capital at the end of the year represents ………

(a) Capital introduction
(b) Profit
(c) *both a & b*
(d) none of the above

Q55: Prepaid expenses are shown in-

(a) Liability side
(b) *Asset side*
(c) Assets or Liability side
(d) None of these.

Q56: Receipt and payment account is a summary of-

(a) Income & Expenditure account
(b) Profit & Loss A/c
(c) *Cash – book*
(d) None of these.

Q57: Goods given in charity is credited in …………… Account.

(a) Expenses
(b) *Purchase*
(c) Charity
(d) Sundry charges

Q58: [24/07, 11:58 am] Albatross: Unearned income is shown on the

……………….. side of balance sheet.
(a) Asset
(b) *Liability*
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
Q59: ……………. represents the excess of assets over liabilities.
(a) Profit
(b) Loss
(c) *Capital*
(d) Bank balance

Q60: Reserve share capital means :

(a) Part of authorised capital to be called at the beginning
(b) *Portion of uncalled capital to be called only at liquidation*
(c) Oversubscribed capital
(d) Under subscribed capital

Q61: When full amount is due on any call but it is not received, then the
short fall is debited to :
(a) Calls-in-advance
(b) *Calls-in-arrear*
(c) Share Capital
(d) Suspense Account

Q62: The difference between subscribed capital and called up capital is

called :
(a) Calls-in-arrear
(b) Calls-in-advance
(c) *Uncalled capital*
(d) None of these
Q63: Securities Premium can not be applied :
(a) *For paying dividend to members*
(b) For issuing bonus shares to members
(c) For writing off preliminary expenses of company
(d) For writing off discount on issue of debentures

Q64: Securities Premium is shown under which head in the Balance Sheet
(a) *Reserve and Surplus*
(b) Miscellaneous Expenditure
(c) Current Liabilities
(d) Share Capital

Q65: Capital included in the liabilities of a company is called :

(a) Authorised Capital
(b) Issued Capital
(c) Subscribed Capital
(d) *Paid-up Capital*

Q66: When shares are forfeited, the Share Capital Account is debited with:
(a) Nominal value of Shares
(b) Market value of Shares
(c) *Called-up value of Shares*
(d) Paid-up value of Shares

Q67: If the loss on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the
‘surplus’ or profit is transferred to :
(a) *Capital Reserve*
(b) Revenue Reserve
(c) Profit & Loss A/c
(d) None of these

Q68: Forfeiture of shares results in the reduction of:

(a) *Paid-up Capital*
(b) Authorised Capital
(c) subscribed Capital
(d) Reserve Capital

Q69: Amount of calls in Arrear is :

(a) Added to capital
(b) *Deducted from share capital*
(c) Shown on the assets side
(d) Shown an the equity and liability side

Q70: Discount allowed on reissue of forfeited shares is debited to:

(a) Share Capital A/c
(b) *Share Forfeiture A/c*
(c) Profit & Loss A/c
(d) General Reserve A/c

Q71: A company has…………

(a) Separate Legal Entity
(b) Perpetual Existence
(c) Limited Liability
(d) *All the above

Q72: Right shares are the shares, which :

(a) Are issued to the Direction of the company
(b) *Are issued to existing shareholders of the company*
(c) Are issued to promoters in consideration of their services
(d) Are issued to the vendors for purchasing assets
Q73: The maximum capital beyond which a company is not allowed to
raise funds, by issue of shares is called …………..
(a) Issued capital
(b) Reserve capital
(c) *Authorised capital*
(d) Subscribed capital
Q74: Which one of the following is the registered capital of the company ?
(a) Paid-up capital
(b) Uncalled capital
(c) *Authorised capital*
(d) Issued capital
Q75: Which account should be debited when shows an issued to
(a) Share Capital A/c
(b) Assets A/c
(c) Promoter’s A/c
(d) *Goodwill A/c*

Q76: Which of the following should be deducted from the called-up capital
to find out paid-up capital:
(a) Calls-in-advance
(b) *Calls-in-arrear*
(c) Share forfeiture
(d) Discount on issue of shares

Q77: When all debentures are redeemed, balance in the Debenture

Redemption Fund Account is transferred to:
(a) Capital Reserve
(b) *General Reserve*
(c) Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c
(d) None of these

Q78: According to SEBI guidelines, a Company will have to create

debenture redemption reserve equivalent to the amount of the following
percentage of debenture issued:
(a) 50%
(b) *25%*
(c) 70%
(d) 100%

Q79: [Debentures can be redeemed out of:

(a) Profit
(b) Capital
(c) Provision
(d) *All of the above*

Q80: Debentures cannot be redeemed at:

(a) Par
(b) Premium
(c) *Discount*
(d) More than 10% premium

Q81: If debentures purchased in open market are not immediately

cancelled, they are treated as :
(a) Current Assets
(b) Current Liabilities
(c) *Investment*
(d) Capital

Q82: If redemption of debentures is made by conversion method, the

amount to be transferred to ‘Debenture Redemption Reserve Account’ will
be equal to…….percent of converted amounted.
(a) 25
(b) 50
(c) 75
(d) *Not required*

Q83: Loss on Issue of Debenture Account is shown:

(a) *On Assets side of Balance Sheet*
(b) On Liabilities side of Balance Sheet
(c) On Credit side of P & L Account
(d) on the debit side of P & L

Q84: Profit on sale of Sinking Fund Investment is transferred to:

(a) Profit & Loss Account
(b) General Reserve
(c) *Sinking Fund Account*
(d) Capital Reserve

Q85: Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c is:

(a) Asset
(b) Expenses
(c) *Liability*
(d) Revenue

Q86: Sinking Fund is a part of:

(a) Fixed Liabilities
(b) Current Liabilities
(c) *Reserves and Surplus*
(d) Fixed Assets

Q87: Discount on issue of Debentures is in the nature of:

(a) Revenue Loss
(b) *Capital Loss*
(c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure
(d) None of there

Q88: The balance of discount on debentures is shown in the Balance

Sheet on:
(a) *Assets side*
(b) Liabilities side
(c) None of these
(d) All of these

Q89: Discount on issue of Debentures should be written off:

(a) Out of Securities Premium Account
(b) Out of Capital Profits
(c) Out of Statements of Profit and Loss
(d) *In the above order over the period of debentures*

Q90: Debenture premium can be used to :

(a) Write off the discount on issue of shares or debentures
(b) Write off the premium on redemption of shares or debentures
(c) Write off capital loss
(d) *All of the above*

Q91: Which of the following is false ?

(a) A company can issue redeemable debentures
(b) *A company can issue debentures with voting rights*
(c) A company can buy its own shares
(d) A company can buy its own debentures
Q92: Equity ₹ 90,000 Liabilities ₹ 60,000 Loss of the year ₹ 20,000. Then
total assets will be :
(a) ₹ 1.70,000
(b) ₹ 1,50,000
(c) *₹1,30,000*
(d) ₹ 1,10,000

Q93: The reserve which is created for a particular purpose and which is a
charge against revenue is called:
(a) Capital Reserve
(b) General Reserve
(c) Secret Reserve
(d) *Specific Reserve*

Q94: An Annual Report is issued by a company to its:

(a) Directors
(b) Authors
(c) *Shareholders*
(d) Management

Q95: The profit and loss disclosed by the accounts of a company is:
(a) Transferred to share capital account
(b) Shown under the head of ‘Current liabilities’ and provisions
(c) *Shown under the head ‘Reserves and Surplus*
(d) None of these

Q96: Debit Balance of Profit & Loss Statement will be shown on:
(a) Assets Side of Balance Sheet
(b) Liabilities Side of Balance Sheet
(c) Under the head Reserve & Surplus
(d) *Under the head Reserves and Surplus as a negative item*

Q97: Contingent Liabilities are exhibited under the heading:

(a) Fixed Liabilities
(b) Current Liabilities
(c) *As a footnote*
(d) None of these

Q98: Provision for Provident Funds is shown in the Balance Sheet of a

company under the head :
(a) Reserves and Surplus
(b) *Non-current Liabilities*
(c) Provision
(d) Contingent Liabilities

Q99: According to which part of Schedule III of the Indian Companies Act,
2013, Indian companies have to prepare Balance Sheet:
(a) *Part 1*
(b) Part 2
(c) Part 3
(d) Part 4

Q100: Which of the following assets is not shown under the head ‘Fixed
Asset’ in the Balance Sheet ?
(a) Goodwill
(b) *Investments*
(c) Buildings
(d) Vehicle

Q101: Amount set aside to meet losses due to bad debts is called:
(a) Reserve
(b) *Provision*
(c) Liability
(d) contingent liabilities

Q102: The most commonly used tools for financial analysis are:
(a) Comparative Statements
(b) Common-size Statement
(c) Accounting Ratios
(d) *All the above*

Q103: For calculating trend percentages any year is selected as:

(a) Current year
(b) Previous year
(c) *Base year*
(d) None of these

Q104: Which of these are not the method of financial statement analysis?
(a) Ratio Analysis
(b) Comparative Analysis
(c) Trend Analysis
(d) *Capitalisation Method*

Q105: Break-even Analysis shows:

(a) *Relationship between cost and sales*
(b) Relationship between production and purchases
(c) Relationship between cost and revenue
(d) None of these

Q106: The financial statements of a business enterprise include:

(a) *Statement of change in equity*
(b) Trial Balance
(c)Fund Flow Statement
(d) All the above

Q107: Balance Sheet provides information about financial position of the

enterprise :
(a) *At a Point of Time*
(b) Over a Period of Time
(c) For a Period of Time
(d) None of the above
Q108: In which meeting of company directors report is presented?
(a) Directors Meeting
(b) *Annual General Meeting*
(c) Manager’s Meeting
(d) All of the above
Q109: Proprietary Ratio indicates the relationship between proprietor’s
funds and….
(a) Reserve
(b) Share Capital
(c) *Total Assets*
(d) Debentures

Q110: Profitability Ratios are generally expressed in :

(a) Simple Ratio
(b) *Percentage*
(c) Times
(d) None of these

Q111: Albatross: Operating Ratio is:

(a) *Profitability Ratio*
(b) Activity Ratio
(c) Solvency Ratio
(d) None of these

Q112: Which of the following is an operating’ income ?

(a) *Sale of Merchandise*
(b) Interest Income
(c) Dividend Income
(d) Profit on the sale of old car

Q113: Capital employed we mean:

(a) Net Fixed Assets
(b) Current Asset-Current Liabilities
(c) Gross Block
(d) *Fixed Assets + Current Assets-Current Liabilities*

Q114: Ratio based on figures of profit & loss as well a the Balance sheet
(a) Profitability Ratios
(b) Operation Ratio
(c) Liquidity Ratio
(d) *Composite Ratio*

Q115: What does Creditors Turnover Ratio take into account:

(a) *Total credit purchases*
(b) Total credit sales
(c) Total cash sales
(d) Total cash purchases

Q116: Stock turnover ratio comes under :

(a) Liquidity Ratio
(b) Profitability Ratio
(c) *Activity Ratio*
(d) None of these

Q117: The satisfactory ratio between internal and external equity is. :
(a) 1 : 2
(b) *2 : 1*
(c) 3 : 1
(d) 4 : 1
Q118: Which of the following transactions will improve the current ratio?
(a) Purchase of good for cash
(b) Cash received from customers
(c) *Payment of creditors*
(d) Credit purchase of goods

Q119: Issue of shares in consideration of purchase of plant and machinery

results into :
(a) Inflow of Cash
(b) Outflow of Cash
(c) *Neither Inflow nor Outflow*
(d) None of these

Q120: If net profit is ₹ 35,000 after writing off good will ₹ 6,000 and loss on
sale of furniture ₹ 1,000, cash flow from operating activities will be :
(a) ₹ 35,000
(b) *₹ 42,000*
(c) ₹ 29,000
(d) ₹ 28,000

Q121: Cash from operating activities will decrease due to :

(a) Increase in Current Assets
(b) Decrease in Current Liabilities
(c) Neither of the two
(d) *Both (a) and (b)*

Q122: Which of the following is an example of Cash Flow from Operating

(a) Purchase of Machinery
(b) Issue of Shares
(c) *Purchases of Inventory for Cash*
(d) Purchases of Investment

Q123: While calculating operating profit which will be added to net profit:
(a) Interest received
(b) Profit on sale of Asset
(c) *Increase in General Reserve*
(d) Refund of Tax

Q124: While calculating cash flow from operating nativities which will be
(a) Increase in Creditors
(b) *Increase in Debtors*
(c) Decrease in Debtors
(d) Decrease in Prepaid Expenses

Q125: While calculating cash flow from operating activities, which will be
added ?
(a) Increase in Stock
(b) *Increase in Creditors*
(c) Decrease in Bills Payable
(d) Increase in Debtors

Q126: An example of Cash Flows from Financing Activity is :

(a) Sale of goods
(b) Sale of Investment
(c) *Cash receipts from issue of shares*
(d) Interest received

Q127: How will you treat payment of ‘Interest of Debentures’ while

preparing a Cash Flow Statement ?
(a) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(b) Cash Flow from Investing Activities
(c) *Cash Flow from Financing Activities*
(d) Cash Equivalents

Q128: Where will you show purchase of goodwill in Cash Flow Statement:
(a) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(b) *Cash Flow from Investing Activities*
(c) Cash Flow from Financing Activities
(d) Cash Equivalent
Q129: Interest received by a finance company is classified under which kind
of activity while preparing a Cash Flow Statement?
(a) *Cash Flow from Operating Activities*
(b) Investing Activities
(c) Financing Activities
(d) Cash Equivalent

Q130: In cash flow statement, the item of ‘Interest’ is shown in:

(a) Operating Activities
(b) Investing Activities
(c) Financial Activities
(d) *In both (d) & (c)*

Q131: Which of the following is not a Cash Outflow:

(a) *Increase in Creditors*
(b) Increase in Debtors
(c) Increase in Stock
(d) Increase in prepaid expenses

Q132: Cash Flow Statement is prepared from:

(a) Balance Sheet
(b) Profit & Loss Account
(c) Additional Information
(d) *All of these*

Q133: Claims received from Insurance Companies are treated as:

(a) *Cash Flow from Operating Activities*
(b) Cash Flow from Investing Activities
(c) Cash Flow from Financing Activities
(d) None of these

Q134: Long term assets having no physical existence but, possessing a

value are called

(a) *Intangible assets*

(b) Fixed assets
(c) Current assets
(d) Investments

Q135: Gross profit is

(a) Cost of goods sold + Opening stock
(b) *Excess of sales over cost of goods sold*
(c) Sales - Purchases
(d) Net profit fewer expenses of the period

Q136: Which of these best explains fixed assets?

(a) Are bought to be used in the business
(b) Are expensive items bought for the business
(c) Are items which will not wear out quickly
(d) *Are of long life and are not purchased specifically for
Q137: Suppliers personal a/c are seen in the
(a) Sales Ledger
(b) Nominal ledger
(c) *Purchases Ledger*
(d) General Ledger

Q138: At the balance sheet date, the balance on the Accumulated Provision
for Depreciation Account is
(a) Transferred to Depreciation Account
(b) Transferred to the Asset Account
(c) Transferred to Profit and Loss Account
(d) *Simply deducted from the gross value of asset in the
Balance Sheet*

Q139: If we take goods for own use we should

(a) *Debit Drawings Account, Credit Purchases Account*
(b) Debit Drawings Account: Credit Stock Account
(c) Debit Sales Account: Credit Stock Account
(d) Debit Purchases Account: Credit Drawings Account

Q140: Carriage inwards is shown on:

(a) *Debit side of Trading Account*
(b) Debit side of Profit and Loss Account
(c) Assets side of the Balance Sheet
(d) Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet

Q141: Returns Outward is deducted from:

b.Net Profit
Q142: An example of fictitious asset is:
(a) Patent right
(b) *Preliminary Expenses*
(c) Furniture
(d) Investment
Q143: An example of intangible asset is:
(a) Machinery
(b) Prepaid Insurance
(c) Mine
(d) *Copyrights*

Q144: Outstanding rent is a:

(a) *Representative Personal Account*
(b) Real Account
(c) Nominal Account
(d) Personal Account

Q145: It is necessary to make a distinction between capital and revenue

items because:

(a) It is helpful to assess financial position

(b) It is helpful in calculating true profit or loss
(c) It is required by accounting principles
(d) *All of the above*

Q146: Expenditure of installation of a new machinery, is:

(a) *Capital expenditure*
(b) Revenue expenditure:
(c) Deferred Revenue expenditure
(d) Recurring expenditure

Q147: Heavy advertisement expenditure is an example of:

(a) Revenue Expenditure
(b) Capital Expenditure
(c) *Deferred Revenue Expenditure*
(d) All of the above

Q148: Which of the following is not a revenue receipt?

(a) Discount received
(b) Sales made
(c) *Sale of Plant*
(d) Commission

Q149: Accounting Standards in India are Issued by the …………..

(a) *ICAI*
(b) BMCC
(c) IT
(d) IMA

Q150: Accounting Standards are beneficial not only to the business

enterprises but also to the………….. as well.
A. *accountants & auditor*
B. Customers
C. Family and Country
D. Traders

Q151: Which one of the following is the “Product Cost” ?

a. Salesmen Commission
b. Administrative Staff salary
c. Interest on Bank Loan
d. Indirect materials
Q152: Where several undertakings of the same industry use the same costing
principles, they make use of
a. Absorption Costing
b. Uniform Costing
c. Marginal Costing
d. Historical Costing

Q153: Material with lowest price is issued first” this sentence is suitable to
Q154: When an employee is given wages according to units he produces,
then _________ is given to him.

a. Time Card
b. Piece Work Card
c. Job Card
d. Both Piece Work Card and Job Card

Q155: Which method is also a repeated Distribution method?

a. Graphic Presentation method

b. Average method
c. Indirect method
d. Trial and Error method

Q156: Suppose the total cost of the product is ` 5,000 and profit on Selling
price is 20%, what will be the profit on cost price ?
(a) 1,000
(b) 750
(c) 1,500
(d) 1,250

Q157: Which of the following is NOT necessary for the purpose of regulating
the Profession of Auditing in India ?
(a) The Companies Act, 1956
(b) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 1949
(c) Comptroller and Auditing General of India
(d) Income Tax Act, 1961

Q158: Which one of the following is an error of Principle?

(a) Double Posting
(b) Posting wrong amount to an Account
(c) Debiting Landlord’s account for the payment of rent
(d) Omission to post to an Account

Q159: Which one of the following is NOT a relevant voucher for vouching of
cash received on issue of shares ?
(a) Cash book and Pass book
(b) Share Application and Allotment Shares
(c) Board of Director’s resolution
(d) Agreements with the financial institutions for borrowing loans.

Q160: Which one of the following is NOT a relevant while conducting

verification and valuation of assets?
(a) All items of stock on hand is to be physically checked.
(b) Plant and Machinery needs to be shown in the Balance Sheet at
Cost less depreciation.
(c) Any change on the business assets must be verified.
(d) The Auditor should verify the actual physical existence of assets

Q161: Which one of the following is NOT correct with regards to the “Rights of
An Auditor”?
(a) Right to receive remuneration.
(b) Right to be indemnified.
(c) Right to attend the Board of Director’s meeting
(d) Right to get “Expert advice”.

Q162: Contribution received at the Break Even point is equal to _________

(a) Total fixed cost
(b) (2) Variable cost
(c) (3) Loss
(d) Profit
Q162: If Proprietary Ratio is 100%, then it means that _______.
(a) Business totally depends on outside funds
(b) The proportion between owned and outside funds is 1:1
(c) Business totally depends on owned funds
(d) It is hard to say because of lack of information
Q163: From the following, in calculation of which ratio, Preference Dividend is
deducted from Net Profit ?
(a) Return on Shareholder’s fund
(b) Return on Capital Employed
(c) Net Profit Ratio
(d) Return on Equity Shareholder’s fund
Q. 164 Which of the following describes the format of the Materials Purchase
(a) Required Production + Desired Closing Inventory – Opening Inventory
(b) Required Production – Desired Closing Inventory + Opening Inventory
(c) Sales + Desired Production – Opening Inventory
(d) Desired Production – Desired Closing Inventory + Opening Inventory
Q165. After the end of Financial Year, within how much time, Final Accounts of the
company should be presented in Annual General Meeting ?
(a) Nine Months
(b) Three Months
(c) Any time before the end of Next Financial Year
(d) Six Months

Q166. Which of the following considers the project’s profitability?

(a) Average Rate of Return
(b) Payback Period
(c) Discounted Cash Flow
(d) Profitability Index

Q167 A “Zero” NPV indicates

(a) Rate of Return on Original Investment
(b) Rate of Return on Average Investment
(c) Internal Rate of Return
(d) Average Rate of Return

Q168. Statement-I : Interest & Dividend are received from investments. Naturally,
they should be classified as cash inflows from investing activities. (In case of other
Statement-II : Examples of Non-cash transactions are – (i) Purchase of assets by
issue of shares (ii) Conversion of debentures into shares
(a) Both the statements are correct.
(b) Both the statements are incorrect.
(c) Statement I is correct & Statement II is incorrect.
(d) Statement I is incorrect & Statement II is correct.
Q169. What is the full form of IFRS?
(a) International Fiscal Report Statement
(b) International Financial Reporting Statement
(c) International Financial Reporting Standard
(d) International Fiscal Recording Statement
Q170. What is the correct sequence of following stages in accounting process? 1.
Income statement 2. Trial balance 3. Journalizing 4. Posting 5. Position statement
6. Balancing

(a) 2,5,1,3,6,4
(b) 3,6,4,2,5,1
(c) 3,2,1,6,4,5
(d) 3,4,6,2,1,5
Q171.What is the full form of GAAP ?
(a) Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure
(b) Generally Accepted Accountant Procedure
(c) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(d) Generally Accepted Accountant Principles
Q172.The order in which various assets and liabilities are shown either in order of
liquidity or in the order of permanency in the balance-sheet is termed as
(a) Classification
(b) Grouping
(c) Marshalling
(d) Tabulation
Q173.Which one of the following is not the type of standard ?
(a) Ideal Standard
(b) Basic Standard
(c) High Standard
(d) Current or Expected Actual Standards
Q174. If contractor had to deposit some amount on accepting the contract i.e.
Tender Deposit is shown
(a) Contract account
(b) Balance sheet
(c) P & L account
(d) Contractee account

Q175. What will be the correct formula of Gearing Ratio ?

(a) Fixed charge capital [Long term loans+ Preference shares]/Fictitious assets
(b) Equity share capital / Preference Share Capital + Debentures
(c) Preference Share Capital + Debentures / Equity share capital
(d) Equity share capital + Preference share capital / Debentures

Q176. The account of head office for an Independent branch is like

(a) Nominal Account
(b) Profit and Loss Account
(c) Capital Account
(d) Real Account

Q177. The balance of the goods sent on the Consignment Accounts should be
shown on the _________.
(a) Credit Side of the Trading Account
(b) Debit Side of the Profit and Loss Account
(c) Debit Side of the Trading Account
(d) Credit Side of the Profit and Loss Account
Q178.Depreciation is calculated on machinery purchased by company in
(a) Pre incorporation
(b) Post incorporation
(c) Sales ratio
(d) Time ratio

Q179.Interest on the security is calculated on

(a) Purchase Price
(b) Market Value
(c) Face Value
(d) Nominal Value

Q180.The amount brought in by owner of the business should be credited to?

(a) *Owner Equity*
(b) Drawing
(c) Cash
(d) All of above

Q181. Of the following account types, which would be increased by a debit?

(a) Liabilities and expenses
(b) Assets and equity
(c) *Assets and expenses*
(d) Equity and revenues

Q182. Sales made to customer on credit should be debited to?

(a) *Account Receivable*
(b) Cash
(c) Bank
(d) Sales

Q183. According to the rules of debit and credit for balance sheet accounts?
(a) Increase in assets, liabilities and owner equity recorded by debit
(b) Decrease in asset and liability are recorded by credit
(c) Increase in asset and owner’s equity are recorded by debit
(d) *Decrease in liability and owner’s equity are recorded by debit*

Q184. Bank overdraft account is a :

A.*Personal account*
B. Real account
C. Nominal account
D. Representative personal account

Q185. Outstanding Salary is _ account:

(i) Real Account
(ii) Nominal Account
(iii) *Personal Account*
(iv) None of these

Q186. Every adjusting entry affects?

(a) Income statement account only
(b) Balance sheet account only
(c) *Both A & B*
(d) None

Q187. Outstanding expenses are

(a) *Current Liability*
(b) Fixed Liability
(c) Contingent Liability
(d) None of these

Q188.In case of purchase and sale of securities ex-interest

(1) Interest is payable in addition to market price.
(2) No separate calculation of interest is made.
(3) The seller gets interest on next interest date.
(4) Market price includes the interest also.

Q189. In which of the following method of sales, if the purchaser can’t pay the
amount of instalment, the vender can get the assets as return back ?
a. Cash method
b. Instalment method
c. Hire Purchase method
d. Sale or Sales return method
Q190. When the value of goodwill is not given, the value of goodwill is found out in
the purchase of business by applying the following formula :
a. Goodwill = Purchase price less net assets
b. Goodwill = Net assets less purchase price
c. Goodwill = Total assets less purchase price
d. Goodwill = Purchase price plus net assets

Q191. Total assets of a firm are 6, 60,000. Total liabilities are ` 50,000. Purchase
price is determined at ` 2, 30,000. Then remaining amount would be debited to
(1) Goodwill A/c.
(2) Capital Reserve A/c.
(3) General Reserve A/c.
(4) Both Goodwill and Capital Reserve

Q192. The cost of Inventory includes the following:

(1) Cost of Purchase + Cost of Conversion
(2) Opening Stock + Purchase
(3) Cost of goods sold – Closing Stock
(4) Purchases + Administration Expenses + Selling Expenses

Q193. In case of continuous increase in profits of the company, which profit shall
be taken into consideration for goodwill valuation?
(1) Weighted Average Profit
(2) Super Profit
(3) Revenue
(4) Simple Average

Q194.What is the formula for finding out the Super Profit?

(1) Average Profit + Expected Profit
(2) Expected Profit – Average Profit
(3) Average Profit – Expected Profit
(4) Expected Profit + Average Profit

Q195. IND AS- 16 is

(1) Inventory
(2) Income Tax
(3) Employee Benefit
(4) Property, Plant & Equipment

Q196. IND AS related to Income Tax

1. IND AS 10
2. IND AS 11
3. IND AS 12
4. IND AS 13

Q197. Statement of Cash Flow covered under

1. IND AS 7
2. IND AS 8
3. IND AS 9
4. IND AS 10

Q198. IGST means

1. Incentive Goods & Service Tax

2. Integrated Goods & Service Tax
3. Inter State Goods & Service Tax
4. Interested Goods & Service Tax

Q199. From the following which is not a technique of Capital Budgeting?

1. IRR
2. ARR
3. CRR
4. NPV

Q200. GST implemented in India from

1. 1-07-2016
2. 1-07-2017
3. 1-06-2017
4. 1-07-2018
Account MCQ for SO Part-II

QNo.1 On 13th June, 2015 A draws a bill on B for Rs.50,000 payable after 60 days. What will be the
due date of that bill?

a) 14th August
b) 15th August
c) 16th August
d) 17th August

Ans A

QNo.2 A bill is drawn on 5th February,2017 for one month after sight. Its date of acceptance is 12th
February 2017. What will be the due date of the bill?

a) 12th March,2017
b) 13th March, 2017
c) 14th March, 2017
d) 15th March,2017

Ans D

QNo.3 A bill for 40,000 was discounted by Ganesh with Axis Bank for Rs.38500. At maturity, the
bill was dishonoured and bank notified it for Rs.600. How much amount Axis bank will deduct
from the bank balance of Ganesh at the time of dishonor.

a) 40,000
b) 38500
c) 40600
d) 39100

Ans C

QNo.4 Radha draws a bill on Lalita for Rs.50,000. She want to endorse it to Visakha in settlement
of Rs.62,000 at 4% discount with the help of Lalita’s acceptance and balance in cash. How much
cash Radha will pay to Visakha.?

a) 9520
b) 9620
c) 9720
d) 9820

Ans A

QNo.5 X draws a bill on Y for Rs.60,000 for mutual accommodation. X discounted the bill for
57,000 and remitted 19,000 to What amount will be sent by X to Y on due date.?

a) 60,000
b) 57,000
c) 40,000
d) 41,000

Ans C

QNo.6 Interest account is debited in the books of _______________ because it is an expenses for

a) Drawee
b) Drawer
c) Endorsee
d) Payee

Ans A
QNo.7 A bill for 75000 is discounted with the bank for 72,000. The bill is dishonoured at maturity.
The drawee pays 40% in full settlement. What is the amount of bad debts?

a) 45000
b) 42000
c) 43000
d) 44000

Ans A

QNo.8 Imprest amount Rs.5000. what will be the amount of reimbursement if following expenses
were incurred by the petty cashier during the month –telephone -1450/- . Tiffin -1050/-, small
repair-500/- and General expenses-400/-

a) 1600
b) 3400
c) 3050
d) 3000

Ans B

QNo.9 Salary due for the month of March will appear in __________ side of cash book.

a) Receipt
b) Payment
c) Contra
d) None of the above.

Ans D

QNo.10 The Cash Book debit balance is equivalent to?

A. Credit Balance as per passbook

B. Overdraft as per Cash Book
C. Overdraft as per Pass Book
D. None of the above

Ans: A. Credit Balance as per passbook

QNo.11. How is the Bank Reconciliation Statement prepared?

A. By matching entries in the passbook with entries in the bank and cash column of the cash
B. By matching the entries in the passbook with entries in the bank column of the cash book
C. By matching the entries in the passbook with entries in the cash column of the cash book
D. None of the above

Ans: C. By matching the entries in the passbook with entries in the bank column of the
cash book

QNo.12. When the Cash amount as per the Cash Book is the beginning point, explicit
deposits by the bank holder are known as?

A. Subtracted
B. Added
C. Not need to be adjusted
D. Neither of the two
Ans: B.) Added

QNo.13. The Bank Reconciliation Statement is the Part of?

A. Double-entry system
B. Not a Part of the Double-entry system
C. Bank Statement
D. None of all of these

Ans: B.) Not a Part of the double-entry system

QNo.14 Who is preparing the Bank Reconciliation Statement?

A. Debtor
B. Creditor
C. Account Holder
D. Bank

Ans: C.) Account Holder

QNo.15 Which amount of the following does not need to be adjusted into the cash book

A. Cheques mistakenly credited by the bank

B. Cheques deposited but not cleared
C. cheques issued but not showing
D. All of these

Ans: A.) Cheque mistakenly credited by the bank

QNo.16 If the Account holder deposits the cash in the bank, then it is known as?

A. Expense
B. Liability
C. Credit
D. Debit

Ans: C.) Credit

QNo.17 A Bank Reconciliation Statement is made up using the ……… from following

A. The bank column of the Cashbook and the Bank Statement

B. The Cash column of the Cashbook and Bank statement
C. Bank column of the cash book and cash column of the Cashbook
D. None of all of the above

Ans: A.) The bank column of the Cashbook and the Bank Statement

QNo.18 The customer account is ………….when he withdraws the amount from the

A. Debited
B. No effect
C. Credited
D. None of these

Ans: A.) Debited

QNo.19 What is the “deposit in transit” treatment in a bank reconciliation?

A. Recorded in books
B. Recorded in banks
C. Subtracted from the cash book balance
D. Subtracted from the Passbook balance

Ans: A) Added to the passbook balance

QNo.20 Unpresented cheques are also known as?

A. Uncollected cheques
B. Uncredited cheques
C. Outstanding cheques
D. None of all of the above

Ans: C.) Outstanding cheques

QNo.21 If the Cash amount as per the passbook is the beginning point, then the rate of
the bank interest will be permitted?

A. Deducted
B. Added
C. No effect
D. None of all of these

Ans: A.) Subtracted

QNo.22 what is the most prominent purpose of preparing the Bank Reconciliation

A. To confirm the cash collections have been deposited into the bank suitably and the payments
have been processed
B. To know about the balance of the Pass book
C. To know about the balance of the Cashbook
D. None of all of these

QNo.23 What are the various steps to completing a bank reconciliation?

A. Obtain bank records and Collect your company records

B. Find a place to start, check the income and expenses in your books, and Go over your bank
withdrawals and deposits
C. Adjust the cash balance, Compare the end balances, and Adjust the bank statements
D. All of the above points

Ans: D.) All of the above points

QNo.24 The Balance of the replenished petty cash fund contains a credit to

A. Petty Cash
B. Cash
C. Freight-In
D. Postage Expense

Ans: B.) Cash Account

QNo.25 The Balance of the reconciliation of the cash ledger book reconcile with the
cash in the register is an example of

A. Other rules
B. Separate internal confirmation
C. Establishment of duty
D. Segregation of responsibilities

Ans: B.) Separate internal confirmation

QNo.26 Which of these below-given points is not an internal management method for

A. Cash is deposited daily

B. There should be limited access to cash
C. Keep the amount of cash on hand to a minimum
D. Payments are made with cash

Ans: D.) Payments are made with cash

QNo.27 Which of the below-given items on a bank statement reconciliation would need
an adjusting entry on the company’s books?

A. An error by the bank

B. Outstanding checks
C. A bank service charge
D. A deposit in transit

Ans: C.) A bank service charge

1. Securities premium cannot be applied ________.

(a) For paying dividends to members

(b) For issuing bonus shares to members

(c) For writing off preliminary expenses of the company

(d) For writing off discount on issue of debentures

Answer: (a) For paying dividends to members

2. What does reserve capital mean?

(a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital

(b) Reserve profit

(c) A part of capital reserve

(d) A part of capital redemption reserve

Answer: (a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital

3. An issue of shares that is not a public issue but offered to a selected group of
persons is called _______.

(a) Public offer

(b) Private placement of shares

(c) Initial public offer

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Private placement of shares

4. When shares are forfeited, the share capital account is debited with ______.

(a) Nominal value of shares

(b) Market value of shares

(c) Called-up value of shares

(d) Paid-up value of shares

Answer: (c) Called-up value of shares

5. Forfeiture of shares results in the reduction of______.

(a) Paid-up capital

(b) Authorized capital

(c) Fixed assets

(d) Reserve capital

Answer: (a) Paid-up capital

6. Discount allowed on the reissue of forfeited shares is debited to ______.

(a) Share capital A/c

(b) Share forfeiture A/c

(c) Profit and loss A/c

(d) General reserve A/c

Answer: (b) Share forfeiture A/c

7. Balance of forfeited shares account after the reissue of forfeited shares is

transferred to _______.

(a) Profit and loss A/c

(b) Capital reserve account

(c) General reserve account

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Capital reserve account

8. Under the provisions of the Companies Act, the company can issue_______.

(a) Only equity shares

(b) Only preference shares

(c) Preference shares and equity shares

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Preference shares and equity shares

9. Shares can be forfeited ________.

(a) For failure to attend meetings

(b) For non-payment of call money

(c) For failure to repay the loan to the bank

(d) For which shares are pledged as a security

Answer: (b) For non-payment of call money

10. Premium on the issue of shares is shown on which side of the balance sheet?

(a) Assets

(b) Liabilities

(c) Both assets and liabilities

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Liabilities

Securities premium cannot be applied ________.

(a) For paying dividends to members

(b) For issuing bonus shares to members

(c) For writing off preliminary expenses of the company

(d) For writing off discount on issue of debentures

Answer: (a) For paying dividends to members

2. What does reserve capital mean?

(a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital

(b) Reserve profit

(c) A part of capital reserve

(d) A part of capital redemption reserve

Answer: (a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital

3. An issue of shares that is not a public issue but offered to a selected group of
persons is called _______.

(a) Public offer

(b) Private placement of shares

(c) Initial public offer

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Private placement of shares

4. When shares are forfeited, the share capital account is debited with ______.

(a) Nominal value of shares

(b) Market value of shares

(c) Called-up value of shares

(d) Paid-up value of shares

Answer: (c) Called-up value of shares

5. Forfeiture of shares results in the reduction of______.

(a) Paid-up capital

(b) Authorised capital

(c) Fixed assets

(d) Reserve capital

Answer: (a) Paid-up capital

6. Discount allowed on the reissue of forfeited shares is debited to ______.

(a) Share capital A/c

(b) Share forfeiture A/c

(c) Profit and loss A/c

(d) General reserve A/c

Answer: (b) Share forfeiture A/c

7. Balance of forfeited shares account after the reissue of forfeited shares is

transferred to _______.

(a) Profit and loss A/c

(b) Capital reserve account

(c) General reserve account

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Capital reserve account

8. Under the provisions of the Companies Act, the company can issue_______.

(a) Only equity shares

(b) Only preference shares

(c) Preference shares and equity shares

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Preference shares and equity shares

9. Shares can be forfeited ________.

(a) For failure to attend meetings

(b) For non-payment of call money

(c) For failure to repay the loan to the bank

(d) For which shares are pledged as a security

Answer: (b) For non-payment of call money

10. Premium on the issue of shares is shown on which side of the balance sheet?

(a) Assets

(b) Liabilities

(c) Both assets and liabilities

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Liabilities


GST Law, Company Law & Company Management

(For All HPUs)

1. IGST is payable when the supply is ........

a) Interstate
b) Intra- UT
c) Intra-state
d) All of the above

2. Which of the following taxes have been subsumed in GST?

a) Central sales tax
b) Central excise duty
c) VAT
d) All of the above

3. GST is levied on supply of all goods and service except.....

a) Alcoholic liquor for human consumption
b) Tobacco
c) Health care service
d) All of the above

4. The functions of goods and services network (GSTN) include....

a) Facilitating registration
b) Forwarding the return to central and state authorities
c) Computation and settlement of GST
d) All of the above

5. Aggregate turnover does not include-

(a) Inward supplies on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis
(b) Exempt supplies
(c) Export of goods or services or both
(d) Inter-State supplies of persons having the same PAN number

6. Which of the following is/are included in definition of “Goods” u/s 2(52)

I. Money
II. Actionable claim
III. Security
IV. Growing crops
Select the correct answer from the options given below
a. IV only
b. II & III
c. II & IV
d. I & II

7. A __________ supply comprising of two or more supplies shall be treated as

the supply of that particular supply that attracts highest rate of tax.
a) Composite
b) Mixed
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

8. GST is a comprehensive tax regime covering _________

a) Goods
b) Services
c) Goods, services and imports
d) Goods & services

9. What are the taxes levied on an intra-State supply?

(a) CGST
(b) SGST
(c) CGST and SGST
(d) IGST

10. Who will notify the rate of tax to be levied under CGST Act?
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) GST Council
(d) Central Government as per the recommendations of the GST Council

11. Which of the following taxes will be levied on imports?

(a) CGST
(b) SGST
(c) IGST
(d) CGST and SGST

12. What is time of supply of goods, in case of forward charge?

(a) Date of issue of invoice
(b) Due date of issue of invoice
(c) Date of receipt of consideration by the supplier
(d) Earlier of (a) & (b)

13. What is time of supply of goods, in case of supplier opting for

composition levy under Section 10 of the CGST Act, 2017?
(a) Date of issue of invoice
(b) Date of receipt of consideration by the supplier
(c) Latter of (a) & (b)
(d) Earlier of (a) & (b)

14 . What is the time of supply of vouchers when the supply with respect to
the voucher is identifiable?
(a) Date of issue of voucher
(b) Date of redemption of voucher
(c) Earlier of (a) & (b)
(d) (a) & (b) whichever is later

15. What is the time of supply of vouchers when the supply with respect to
the voucher is not identifiable?
(a) Date of issue of voucher
(b) Date of redemption of voucher
(c) Earlier of (a) & (b)
(d) (a) & (b) whichever is later

16. What is the time of supply of service if the invoice is issued within 30
days from the date of provision of service?
a) Date of issue of invoice
b) Date on which the supplier receives payment
c) Date of provision of service
d) Earlier of (a) & (b)

17. What is the time of supply of service where services are received from
an associated enterprise located outside India?
a) Date of entry of services in the books of account of recipient of service
b) Date of payment
c) Earlier of (a) & (b)
d) Date of entry of services in the books of the supplier of service

18. Time of supply means

a. The point in time when GST is actually paid by the supplier of goods or
b. The point in time when GST is actually paid after taking input credit by the
supplier of goods or services
c. The point in time when goods have been deemed to be supplied or
services have been deemed to be provided
d. The point in time when GST return is filed by the supplier of goods or services

19. What is the time of supply of import of service?

a. Date of entry of services in the books of account of recipient of service
b. Date of payment
c. 61st day from the date of invoice
d. Earlier of (a) & (b)
e. Earlier of (b) & (c)

20. Which of the following shall not be included in value of supply?

a) Discount given after supply
b) Interest
c) Late fee
d) Commission

21. The value of supply should include:

a) Any non-GST taxes, duties, cesses, fees charged separately by supplier
b) Interest, late fee or penalty for delayed payment of any consideration for any
c) Subsidies directly linked to the price except subsidies provided by the Central
and State Governments
d) All of the above

22. Value of supply under section 15(1) is:

a) Wholesale price
b) Market value
c) Transaction value
d) Maximum retail price

23. Which of the following forms part of transaction value?

1) GST compensation cess
2) Payments made to third parties by the recipient on behalf of the supplier in
relation to the supply
3) Entertainment tax levied by local authority
4) Commission paid to an agent and recovered from the recipient
5) Inspection charges at recipient’s site
6) Subsidy from state government
7) Charges for delay in payment waived off by supplier

State the correct answer from the options given below

a. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
b. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

24. When can the transaction value be rejected for computation of value of
(a) When the buyer and seller are related and price is not the sole consideration
(b) When the buyer and seller are related or price is not the sole
(c) It can never be rejected
(d) When the goods are sold at very low margins

25. What deductions are allowed from the transaction value?

(a) Discounts offered to customers, subject to conditions
(b) Packing Charges, subject to conditions
(c) Amount paid by customer on behalf of the supplier, subject to conditions
(d) Freight charges incurred by the supplier for CIF terms of supply, subject to

26. Rule 30 of the CGST Rules inter alia provides value of supply of goods or
services or both based on cost shall be ……………% of cost of production or
manufacture or the cost of acquisition of such goods or the cost of
provision of such services
(a) 100
(b) 10
(c) 110
(d) 120

27. Aggregate turnover includes:

a) Taxable supplies of goods or service or both
b) Exempt supplies of goods
c) Exports
d) All of the above

28. Which of the following persons are not liable for registration?
a) Any person engaged exclusively in supplying services wholly exempt from
b) Casual Taxable Person
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

29. Within how many days a person should apply for registration?
a. Within 60 days from the date he becomes liable for registration.
b. Within 30 days from the date he becomes liable for registration.
c. No Time Limit
d. Within 90 days from the date he becomes liable for registration.

30. A person having _______business verticals in a State ______ obtain a

separate registration for each business vertical.
a. Single, shall
b. Multiple, shall
c. Multiple, May
d. Single, may

31. What is the validity of the registration certificate?

a. One year
b. No validity
c. Valid till it is cancelled.
d. Five years.

32. The registration certificate granted to Non-resident taxable person is

valid for days from the effective date of registration.
a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. 120

33. If an entity has multiple branches within the same state, it requires
a) Registration for each branch separately
b) Single registration for all the branches
c) Multiple registration or single registration at the option of the Assessee
d) Registration for each branch separately if the turnover of each branch exceeds
INR 20 Lakhs

34. An agriculturist is not required to take registration if he supplies

a) Any agricultural produce
b) Any agricultural produce grown by him or other agriculturalist
c) Agricultural produce out of cultivation of land
d) All the above

35. Which of the following forms are used for applicable for registration?
a) Form GSTR-1
b) Form GSTR-2
c) Form GST REG-01
d) Form GST REG-02

36. Which of the following statement are correct?

a) Voluntary registration not possible under GST
b) Voluntarily registered person is not liable to comply with all the provisions of
the GST
c) A person may get himself registered voluntarily and shall comply with all
the provisions of GST
d) None of the above

37. An E-commerce operator should get itself registered

a) Irrespective of the threshold limit
b) If his aggregate turnover exceeds the threshold limit of INR 20,00,000
c) If he is liable to collect tax at source and his aggregate turnover exceeds the
threshold limit
d) If he is liable to collect tax at source

38. There will be deemed approval of registration if no action is taken on

a) Within a period of 3 working days from the date of submission of the
b) Within a period of 7 working days from the date of submission of the
c) Within a period of 10 working days from the date of submission of the
d) Within a period of 14 working days from the date of submission of the

39. A certificate of registration shall be issued by the proper officer in form

a) GST REG-02
b) GST REG-03
c) GST REG-04
d) GST REG-06

40. Which of the following requires amendment in the registration

a) Change of name of the registered person
b) Change in constitution of the registered person
c) Switching over from composition scheme to normal scheme or vice versa
d) All of the above

41. A voluntarily registered person’s registration can be cancelled if the

person does not start business within
a) 3 months from the date of registration
b) 6 months from the date of registration
c) 9 months from the date of registration
d) 1 months from the date of registration

42. Registration can be cancelled by the proper officer if the person

registered under composition scheme has not furnished return for
a) 3 consecutive tax periods
b) 6 consecutive tax periods
c) For a consecutive period of 6 months
d) For a consecutive period of 1 year

43. Any registered person, whose registration is cancelled by the proper

officer on his own motion, may apply to such officer for revocation of
cancellation of the registration in the prescribed manner within____ from
the date of service of the cancellation order.
a. 180 days
b. 120 days
c. 90 days
d. 30 days

44. As per section 25 of CGST Act, 2017, a casual taxable person shall apply
for registration at least _____ prior to the commencement of business.
a. 5 days
b. 10 days
c. 7 days
d. 30 days
45. In case of taxable supply of services, invoice shall be issued within a
period of __________ from the date of supply of service.
a) 30 days
b) 45 days
c) 60 days
d) 90 days
46. Where the goods being sent or taken on approval for sale or return are
removed before the supply takes place, the invoice shall be issued:
a) before/at the time of supply
b) 6 months from the date of removal
c) Earlier of (a) or (b)
d) None of the above

47. Registered person may issue a consolidated tax invoice for such
supplies at the close of each day in respect of all such supplies provided
a) The recipient is not a registered person
b) The recipient does not require such invoice
c) The value of goods and services or both per invoice is less than INR 200
d) All the above conditions are satisfied

48. In case of supply of exempted goods or services or both, the registered

person shall issue
a) A tax invoice
b) A bill of supply
c) Receipt voucher
d) Any of the above

49. In case of supply of goods by a composition dealer the registered person

shall issue
a) A tax invoice
b) A bill of supply
c) Receipt voucher
d) Any of the above

50 . Where advance payment is received, the registered person shall issue

a) A tax invoice
b) A bill of supply
c) Receipt voucher
d) Any of the above

51. The tax invoice in case of supplier of goods is issued in

a. Triplicate
b. Duplicate
c. Either (a) or (b) at the option of Taxpayer
d. Either (a) or (b) at the option of PO

52. What is the nature of supply if the nature of Supply is not

a. Intra-state
b. Inter-state
c. Either (a) or (b) at the option of Taxpayer
d. Either (a) or (b) at the option of PO

53. Which of these electronic ledgers are maintained online?

a) Electronic liability register
b) Electronic credit ledger
c) Electronic cash ledger
d) All of the above

54. Deposits towards tax, penalty, interest, fee or any other amount are
credited into the _________________of a taxable person.
a) Electronic liability register
b) Electronic credit ledger
c) Electronic cash ledger
d) All of the above
55. Input tax credit as self-assessed in the return of the registered person
shall be credited to which of the following ledger?
a) Electronic liability register
b) Electronic credit ledger
c) Electronic cash ledger
d) All of the above

56. Which of the following items are debited to electronic credit ledger?
a) Output tax
b) Interest
c) Penalty
d) All of the above

57. Which input tax credit cannot be claimed against which output tax

58. Interest is payable on:

a) Belated payment of tax
b) Undue/excess claim of input tax credit
c) Undue/ excess reduction in output tax liability
d) All of the above

59. Which of the following liability cannot be adjusted against input tax
credit of CGST?
c) All of the above
d) None of the above

60. Which of the following shall be discharged first, while discharging

liability of a taxable person?
a) All dues related to previous tax period
b) All dues related to current tax period
c) Demand raised under section 73 and 74
d) No such condition is mandatory

61. Which date is considered as date of deposit of the tax dues

a) Date of presentation of cheque or
b) Date of payment or
c) Date of credit of amount in the account of Government
d) None of the above

62. Who is required to furnish details of outward supplies in Form GSTR-1?

a) Person paying tax under composition scheme
b) Non-resident taxable person
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above

63. What does N stand for in HSN?

a) Network
b) Nationalization
c) Nomenclature
d) Nomination

64. Which form is furnished for submission of details of outward supplies

u/s 37?
a) GSTR-1
b) GSTR-2
c) GSTR-3
d) GSTR-5

65. What is the due date for submission of monthly GSTR-1?

a) on or before 10th day of the immediately succeeding month
b) on or before 11th day of the immediately succeeding month
c) on or before 17th day of the immediately succeeding month
d) on or before 20th day of the immediately succeeding month

66. Composition tax payer is required to file return in Form no. ______.
a) GSTR-2
b) GSTR-3
c) GSTR-4
d) GSTR-5

67. The due date for filing GSTR-3B is _______.

a) on 10th day of the next month
b) on 15th day of the next month
c) on 17th day of the next month
d) on or before 20th day of the next month

68. Which of the following are not required to file the Annual Return?
a) Input Service Distributor
b) Casual Taxable Person
c) Non-resident Taxpayer
d) All of the above

69. Who is authorised to conduct audit under section 35(5) of the CGST Act,
1. Chartered accountant
2. Any person having master degree in finance of recognised university
3. Cost accountant
4. Company secretary
Select the correct answers from the options given below
a. 1, 3 and 4
b. 4, 2, 3 and 1
c. 1 only
d. 1 or 3 only
70. A registered person whose aggregate turnover during a FY exceeds INR 2
crores is required to file which of the following documents.
a. Annual Return
b. Audited annual accounts
c. A Reconciliation Statement, duly certified, in prescribed form.
d. All of the above

71. Which of the following is an intra-state supply?

A. supplier of goods located in Nagpur and place of supply SEZ in Mumbai.

B. supplier of goods located in Kolkata and place of supply in Bihar
C. supplier of goods located in Goa and place of supply in Goa
D. all of the above

72. GST council includes

A. Union finance minister

B. Union minister of state in charge of revenue or finance
C. One nominated member from each state appointed by State Government
D. all of the above

73. Composite supply means

A. The supply of two or more goods or services by a taxable person, which

comprises of a combination of goods that can’t be sold individually.
B. supply of two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or any
combination of goods and services,
C. all of the above
D. none of the above

74. GSTR-10 is use for

A. Final Return after cancellation of GST registration
B. Annual Return
C. Return for Output Supply
D. Return for Input Supply

75. GSTR-10 FORM due date is

A. 31st December of next financial

B. Within three months of the date of cancellation or date of cancellation
order whichever is later.
C. 28th of the month following the month.
D. insufficient information

76. When can one request for GST Advance Ruling?

A. Determination of the liability for a proposed transaction

B. For a transaction already undertaken
C. Both A & B
D. none of the above
77. GST Offences related to Fraudulent Intent includes which of the

A. Knowingly supplying, transporting or storing any goods that are liable for GST
B. Not registering under GST even though required to do so under GST Law
C. Falsification of documents/records or providing false information
D. all of the above

78. GST Penalties for High Value Frauds

A. Jail term not exceeding 1 year if tax amount involved is between Rs. 100
lakhs to less than Rs. 200lakhs.
B. Jail term not exceeding 3 years if tax amount involved is between Rs.200lakhs
to less than Rs. 1000lakhs.
C. Jail term not exceeding 5 years if tax amount involved is Rs. 1000lakhs or
D. all of the above

79. When can the refund be claimed?

A. Finalization of provisional assessment

B. ITC accumulation due to output being tax exempt or nil-
C. Exports (including deemed export)
D. all of the above
80. What is the time limit for claiming the refund?

A. The time limit for claiming a refund is 2 years from relevant date.
B. The time limit for claiming a refund is 1 years from relevant date.
C. all of the above
D. none of the above

Q81. Condition to claim ITC

A. The dealer should be in possession of tax invoice

B. The said goods/services have been received
C. Input tax has been paid
D. all of the above

82. What is Exempt Supply?

A. Supplies taxable at a ‘NIL’ rate of tax* (0% tax);

B. Supplies that are wholly exempted from CGST or IGST, by way of a
C. Non-taxable supplies as defined under Section 2(78)
D. all of the above

83. GST is a consumption of goods and services tax based on

A. Development
B. Manufacturing
C. Destination
D. Duration

84. ITC on goods sent for job work, in which of the following case?

A. The principal manufacturer will be allowed to take credit when goods are
return back in the place of principal manufacturer in the prescribed time.
B. The principal manufacturer sells the goods after return back from job work.
C. Manufacture can claim any time after purchase of raw materials.
D. none of the above

85. The normally applicable rate of GST on goods and services are

A. 0%, 5%, 12%, 16%,28%

B. 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%,28%
C. 0%, 5%, 12%,16%, 18%
D. 0%, 15%,12%, 16%,24%

86. In India, the GST dual model was taken from

B. Canada
C. France
D. China

87. How to calculate the GST payment to be made?

A. Usually, the Input Tax Credit should be reduced from Outward Tax Liability.
B. TDS/TCS will be reduced from the total GST to arrive at the net payable.
C. Also, ITC cannot be claimed on interest and late fees, these can only be paid in
cash only.
D. all of the above taken in to consideration.

88. Which of the following is statement is not correct about GST?

A. GST is like a last-point retail tax. GST is going to be collected at point of Sale.
B. GST will abolish all the direct tax levied in India.
C. It will be implemented from 1 July, 2017 in India.
D. It will unified the tax structure in India

89. Which of the following tax will be abolished by the GST?

A. Service Tax
B. Corporation tax
C. Wealth Tax
D. All of the above

90. SAC stand for ____________.

A. Service Accounting Code

B. Software Accounting Code
C. System Accounting Code
D. Service Application Code

91. IGST deals with

A. Composition scheme
B. Time of supply
C. Service tax on imported services
D. All of the above

92. Zero Rated Supplies include:

A. Exports
B. Imports
D. Both A and C

93. GSTN stands for:

A. Goods and Services Tax Number

B. Goods and Service Tax Network
C. Goods and Sales Tax Network
D. Goods and Sales Tax Number

94.What is taxable event under GST?

A. Supply of goods
B. Supply of services
C. Supply of goods and services
D. Sales of goods and services

95. Is reverse charge mechanism applicable to both goods and services?

C. none
D. all

96. Is composition scheme available to people making inter-state supplies?

C. none
D. all

97. Can the taxable person under composition scheme avail the input tax credit?

C. none
D. all

98. Can the composition tax be collected from customers?

C. none
D. all

99. Where the supplier involves a movement of goods, the place of supply
shall be determined by.

A. Movement of goods
B. Location of goods at the time of final delivery
C. Supplier’s location
D. Recipients’ location

100. How will the goods and services be classified under GST regime?

D. None of the above

101. Zero rated supply includes supplies made

A. By SEZ unit in India
B. To SEZ unit in India
C. Both (a & (b) above
D. None of the above

102. Input tax credit on compensation cess paid under GST (Compensation
to States) Act, 2017.
A. is not available
B. is available
C. is available but not fully
D. is available after one year

103. Works contract under GST is goods used in work relating to

A. Immovable property
B. Both movable and immovable property
C. Immovable property treated as supply of service
D. Immovable property treated as supply of goods

104. A supplier is liable to get registered under GST if his aggregate

turnover in a financial year crosses Rs. 20 lakh in a state or UT other than
special category states if he is

A. an interstate supplier
B. an intra-state supplier
C. Electronic commerce operator
D. Person liable to pay GST under reverse charge

105. Registration under GST is not compulsory to

A. Casual taxable person

B. Input service distributor
C. Non-resident taxable person
D. None of the above

106. One of the following states does not fall under special category given
under Art. 279A of the Constitution

A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Uttarakhand
C. Chhattisgarh
D. Jammu & Kashmir

107. Exemption from registration is available to

A. Central & State Govt. Departments

B. Agriculturists
D. None of the above

108. Address for delivery

A. Recipient address mentioned in the tax invoice

B. Recipient address mentioned in the delivery challan
C. Recipient address not necessary
D. Recipient address mentioned in the Gate pass

109. Money means in GST

A. Indian legal tender

B. Foreign currency
C. Cheque/promissory note
D. All the above

110. Powers to declare certain activities/transactions as neither supply of

goods nor of services

A. Schedule I
B. Schedule III
C. Schedule II
D. Schedule IV

111. Agriculturist includes

A. Individual or HUF
B. Individual and HUF
C. Partnership
D. All the above

112. Deemed exports mentioned in which section

A. Section 137
B. Section 147
C. Section 142
D. Section 145

113. Tax levy in case of manufacture under composite scheme

A. Two percent
B. Three per cent
C. One per cent
D. Half per cent

115. Participation of ITC value chain in composite scheme

A. With participation
B. Without participation
C. Either a or b
D. None of the above

116. The incidence of tax on tax is called

a) Tax Cascading b) Tax Pyramiding

c) Tax evasion d) Indirect tax

117. Under GST, ‘value addition’ refers to

a) Expenses ‘plus’ profit b) Cost plus tax
c) Cost plus tax plus ‘profit d) Tax plus profit

118. UTGST is applicable when

a)Goods are purchased by Central government b) Sold goods with in Union

c) Sold from one union territory to another union territory d) There is interstate

119. After introduction of GST import into India is –

a) Zero rated b) Subject to CGST plus SGST plus BCD

c) Subject to IGST plus BCD d) SGST plus CGST plus IGST plus BCD

120. Introduction of GST affects (reduce) the revenue of

a) Consuming states b) Manufacturing states
c) All the states d) Central Government
121. A person who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of goods
or services or both in the course or furtherance of business is

a) Business person b) Casual taxable person

c) composite dealer d) Non resident dealer

122. Supply of two or more taxable supplies naturally bundled and supplied is
a) Mixed supply b) Composite supply
c) Common supply d) Continuous supply

123. Goods are packed and transported with insurance, packing materials,
transport and insurance. This is a case of
a) Mixed supply c) Composite supply
b) Common supply d) Continuous supply

124. --- refers to receipt of goods or services or both whether by purchase,

acquisition or any other means with or without consideration.

a) Outward supply c) Inward supply

b) Taxable supply d) None of these

125. Two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or any combination

thereof, made in conjunction with each other

a) Mixed supply b) Composite supply

c) Common supply d) Continuous supply

126. A supply of a package consisting of canned foods, sweets, chocolates, c

akes, dry fruits, aerated drinks and fruit juices when supplied for a single price is

a) Common supply b) Composite supply

c) Mixed supply d) Continuous supply

127. Any person who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of

goods or services or both, but who has no fixed place of business or residence in
India is

a) Business person b) Casual taxable person

c) composite dealer d) Non resident dealer

128. Output tax of a taxable person,

a) Includes reverse charge b) Excludes reverse charge
c) Includes composite tax d) Includes all the taxes paid

129. Liability to pay tax by the recipient of supply of goods or services is called

a) Output tax b) Forward charge

c) Input tax d) Reverse charge

130. Integrated GST is applicable on goods or services

a) Imports b) Interstate Sale
c) Exported from India d) Imports and interstate sales

131. The rate of IGST is equal to the rate of

c) CGST plus the rate of SGST d) SGST plus UTGST
132. Where an E- commerce operator does not have physical presence in the
taxable territory
a) Tax need not be paid b) Agent of the E- commerce operator shall be liable to
pay tax
c) Tax must be paid in advance d) IGST is not applicable

133. Where the location of the supplier and the place of supply are in two different
States –
a) IGST is applicable b) CGST is applicable
c) SGST plus CGST is applicable d) CGST plus IGST is applicable

134. Where location of the supplier and the place of supply are in two different
Union territories
a) CGST plus UTGST is applicable b) IGST is applicable
c) SGST plus UTGST is applicable d) CGST plus IGST is applicable

135. Supply of goods to or by a Special Economic Zone

a) CGST plus UTGST b) CGST plus IGST

c) IGST d) None of these

136. The place of supply of goods imported into India shall be

a) The location of exporter b) The location of the importer

c) State in which imported goods reaches first d) place of supply not applicable.

137. The managers of ITC Ltd., Kolkata (GST registered) are given one week training
in Munnar, by Infosys Ltd. Bangalore, for a sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs. Payment given at
Mumbai. The place of supply of service is

a) Mumbai b) Kolkata
c) Munnar d) Bangalore

138. The managers of ITC Ltd., Kolkata (not registered under GST) are given one
week training in Munnar, by Infosys Ltd. Bangalore, for a sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs.
Payment given at Mumbai. The place of supply of service is

a) Mumbai b) Kolkata
c) Munnar d)Bangalore

139. In case of mobile connection for telecommunication and internet services

provided on post-paid basis, the location of supply is

a) Place of office of the service provider b) Place of payment

c) Billing address of the recipient of services d) Place of supply not relevant

140.. Export of goods or services or both or Supply of goods or services to SEZ is

a) Subject to IGST b) Subject to SGST plus CGST
c) Zero rated d) Subject to CGST plus IGST

141. A registered person making zero rated supply shall be

a) Eligible to claim refund b) Not eligible for refund

c) Subject to reverse charge d) None of these

142. Gifts (other than emplacement contract) not exceeding --- in a year by an
employer to employee shall not be treated as supply.
a) Rs. 5,000 b) Rs. 10,000
c) Rs. 50,000, d) Rs. 1,00,000
143. Lease, tenancy, easement or licence to occupy land is a supply of

a) Goods b) Services
c) Both goods and services d) None

144. Transfer of the title in goods is a supply of

a) Goods b) Services c) Both goods and services d) None

145. Transfer of right in goods or of undivided share in goods ‘without the transfer
of title’ is

a) supply of Goods b) supply of Services

c) supply of Both goods and services d) None

146. Any treatment or process which is applied to another person’s goods is a

supply of

a) Goods b) Services c) Both goods and services d) None

147. Construction of a complex, building, civil structure intended for sale to a
buyer, wholly or partly is supply of –

a) Goods b) Services c) Both goods and services d) None

148. Works contract is a supply of

a) Goods b) Services c) Both goods and services d) None

149. Services by an employee to the employer in the course of or in relation to his

employment is

a) Supply of Goods b) Supply of Services

c) Supply of Both goods and services d) Not supply

150. Actionable claims, other than lottery, betting and gambling are

a)Supply of Goods b) Supply of Services

c) Supply of Both goods and services d) Not supply

151. In the case of composite supply the rate of tax is

a) Average Rate of tax b) Rate of principal supply

c) Highest rate d) None of these

152. In the case of mixed supply the rate of tax is

a) Average Rate of tax b) Rate of principal supply
c) Highest rate d) None of these

153. The charging section of CGST is

a) Section 9 b) Section 10
c) Section 4 d) Section 2

154. Section 9(4) of the CGST Act deals with

a) GST b) Reverse charge

c) Composite tax d) None of these

155. In the case of reverse charge, tax is paid to the government by

a) Supplier b) Buyer
c) Manufacturer d) None

156. A Composite taxpayer is required to file summarised details of transactions

a) Annually b) Half yearly c) Quarterly d) Monthly
157. A taxpayer under the composition scheme
a) Can collect GST b) Can collect reverse tax
c) Cannot collect GST d) Can collect composite tax

158. A person liable to pay tax under Reverse Charge Mechanism

a) Cannot opt for composition b) Can opt for composition
c) Cannot collect GST d) Can collect composite tax

159. Composition scheme is available only for

a) Inter-state supplies b) B2B supplies

c) Intra-state supplies d) E-commerce operators

160. In order to adopt composition scheme by more than one registered persons
having the same Permanent Account Number, turnover of

a) All must be less than Rs. 1.5 crore b) At least one must be below Rs. 1 crore
c) All must be more than Rs. 20 lakh d) At least one must be less Rs. 20 lakh.

161. Persons eligible for composition levy include

a) A casual taxable person b) A non-resident taxable person
c) Person who has inter-state trade d) Person with turnover of less than Rs.
1.5 crore

162. In respect of the additional payment for value of supply like interest, late fee
etc., the time of supply is

a) Date additional payment b) Date of original payment

c) date on which supply was received d) Any date at the option of the supplier

163. If it is not possible to determine the time of supply, the time of supply shall be
a) decided by the supplier b) decided by the recipient
c) date of entry in the books of recipient d) date of entry in the books of

164. When the supply of goods or services is for a consideration not wholly in
money, the value of the supply shall be

a) Value declared by the supplier b) value declared by the recipient

c) Open market value of such supply d) None of these

165. Tax collected at the time of supply of goods or services is called

a) Output tax b) Input tax c) TCS d) Reverse tax

166. Input tax credit shall be allowed only on the support of

a) Delivery note b) Payment slip c) Credit note d) Tax invoice

167. Input tax credit shall be allowed only against

a) Any tax payable b) Output tax c) Composite tax d) Interest on delay

e) all of the above

168. Where the goods are received in lots or instalments input tax credit can be
a) upon receipt of first lot b) upon receipt of the last lot
c) on receipt of invoice d) after full payment of price

169. Where a recipient fails to pay the price within 180 days from the date of issue
of invoice, he shall be liable to pay input tax credit to the Government with --- %

a) 10% b) 12% c) 18% d) None of these

170. Input tax credit is not available for

a) services b) zero rated supplies c) taxable supplies d) exempt supplies

171. Input tax credit is not available for supplies to

a) SEZ b) Exports c) Provide non taxable services d) Produce taxable

goods (e) All of the above

172. Goods or services or both on which tax has been paid under section 10 belong
a) Exempt category b) Composite tax category c) Blocked credit category d)
None of these

173. Input tax credit is not allowed on the support of

a) Tax invoice issued by the supplier b) A debit note issued by a supplier

c) An Input Service Distributor invoice d) Delivery chalan

174. Reversal of input tax credit happens when

a) Recipient does not pay the amount within 180 days

b) When goods are of inferior quality
c) Supplier refuses to accept payment
d) None of these

175. Input Service Distributor means

a) Any service provider b) Any GST registered service provider

c) Office distributing common service d) Office distributing common input tax

176. Input Service Distributor shall distribute the credit of CGST

a) Either as CGST or IGST b) as CGST only

c) SGST only d) Either as CGST or as SGST

177. When an exempt supply in the hands of registered person becomes a taxable
supply, such person

a) can take credit of input tax b) is not entitled to take credit of input tax
c) liable to pay tax on stock d) liable to pay reverse charge

178. A registered person, after availing input tax credit, opts for composition levy,

a) liable to pay reverse charge

b) shall be liable to pay the input tax on stock or capital goods
c) shall not be liable to pay tax d) None of these
179. In case of transfer of capital goods or plant and machinery the registered
person shall
a) not be liable to pay input tax credit claimed b) be liable to pay the input tax
credit claimed c) liable to pay reverse charge d) None of these

180. Tax credit in respect of goods or inputs sent for job work can be claimed by
a) Job worker b) Principal c) Either by Job worker or Principal d) Not eligible for
input credit

181. A registered person need not issue a tax invoice if the value of supply less
a) 100 b) Rs. 200 c) 500 d) 1000

182. A registered person supplying exempted goods or services or paying

composition tax under section 10 shall issue

a) GST Bill b) Bill of supply c) Delivery chalan d) Debit note

183. A registered person shall, on receipt of advance payment for goods or

services, issue

a) GST Bill b) Bill of supply c) Receipt voucher d) Debit note

184. After issuing a receipt voucher for advance payment, if no supply is made --
- may be issued against such payment.

a) Refund voucher b) Debit note c) Tax invoice d) Bill of supply

185. An unregistered person

a) is allowed to collect GST b) is not allowed to collect GST

c) is allowed to collect composite tax d) is allowed to collect reverse tax

186. The duplicate copy of a tax invoice of goods belongs to

a) Recipient of supply b) Transporter of supply

c) The supplier d) GST department

187. A Debit note is issued to the recipient of goods or services if

1) Taxable value is found to be excess 2) The goods are returned by the recipient;
3) Goods supplied are found to be deficient 4) Tax charged is found to be lesser

188. Mr. P supplied goods of Rs. 1, 00,000, to Mr. Q, who returned goods of
Rs 10,000 due to inferior quality. Mr. P will later issue
a) Credit note b) Debit note c) Tax invoice d) Delivery challan

189. A credit note is issued to the recipient of goods in the following cases

1)When the taxable value of goods found to be less 2)Tax charged found to be less
3) When the recipient refuses to make payment 4) None of these

190. In the case of transportation of goods for job work,

a) Delivery challan is required b) Tax invoice is required

c) Debit note is required d) credit note is required

191. The eligible input tax will be automatically credited to the

a) Electronic Credit Ledger b) Electronic cash ledger

c) Electronic Liability register d) None of these

192. Every deposit made towards tax shall be credited to

a) Electronic credit ledger b) Electronic Cash Ledger

c) Electronic Liability register d) None of these

193. The input tax credit as selfassessed in the return of a registered person
shall be credited to his electronic

a) Cash Ledger c) Liability register c) Credit Ledger d) Debit ledger

194. The balance of IGST credit after set off IGST can be used towards the
payment of


195. The balance of CGST credit after set off of CGST can be used towards the
payment of a) SGST b) UTGST c) either SGST or UTGST d) IGST

196. SGST or UTGST shall not be utilised towards payment of


197. Tax and other dues of a registered person is recorded in

a) Electronic credit ledger b) Electronic Cash Ledger

c) Electronic Liability register d) None of these

198. Every person who fails to pay tax shall be liable to pay interest not exceeding

a) 10% b) 12% c) 18% d) 24%

199. A taxable person who makes an undue or excess claim of input tax credit
shall be liable to pay interest not exceeding

a) 10% b) 12% c) 18% d) 24%

200. TDS provision applicable only when the total value of supply, under a contract,
a) Rs. 1,00,000 b) Rs. 1,50,000 c) Rs. 2,00,000 d) Rs. 2,50,000
MCQs of Company Law (HPTI)
Q1 Power Utilities are governed by
a) Compani b) Electricity Act c) Both d) None
es Act
Q2 Private Ltd. Company require minimum ______ members and Public
Limited Company require _________ members for registration with Registrar
of Companies
a) 7, 2 b) 1, 8 c) 2,7 d) 3, 2

Q3 Company is registered with _________

a) State b) Central c) Registration of d) Co-operative Societies
Governme Governm Companies Registration
nt ent
Q4 In which of the following documents contain objectives of company for
which it is registered
a) Constituti b) Memorand c) Articles of d) State Notifications/
on of um of Association Circulations
India Association
Q5 Government Company in which not less than _____ of paid up share capital
held by State Government/Central Government/Both
a) 26% b) 50.05% c) 51% d) 25%
Q6 Equity share represents, ownership and debenture/Bond represents, debt
a) True b) Untrue c) Partially true d) None
Q7 Authorized capital upto which Company can raise capital from
Government/public is given in
a) State b) Articles of c) Memorandum of d) None
Governm Association Association
Q8 Articles of Association of Company contains
a) Others b) Rules & Regulations c) Both d) None
objects of company
Q9 In which of the following is Key Managerial Person (KMP) of company as
per Companies Act, 2013
a) Managi b) Company c) Chief Financial Officer d) All
ng Secretary
Q10 Wholetime Director is one who is in the whole time employment of
a) True b) Untrue c) Partially true d) None
Q11 In which of the following is ordinary Business
a) Approval b) Declaration c) Appointment of Directors d) All
of of Dividend
Q12 Financial Statements and declaration of dividend can be considered in
Extra Ordinary Meeting of shareholders
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q13 What are the main documents which are filed with Registrar of Companies
at the time of Incorporation of Company
a) PAN of b) Consent of c) Memorandum d) None
proposed proposed of Association
Directions Directions and Article of
Q14 In which of the following is prerequisite to become Director of Company
a) Aadhar b) PAN Card c) Director Identification d) None
Card Number
Q15 Financial Statements/Replies of Management to Comptroller and Audit
General of India (CAG) observations should be recommended by ___________
before its consideration by Board of Directors
a) Commit b) Corporate Social c) Audit Committee d) Chairman
tee of Responsibility of Company
Wholeti Committee
Q16 Director’s Report is prepared pursuant to provisions of Section ___________
of Companies Act
a) Section b) Section 134 c) Section 136 d) Section 77
Q17 The Financial Statements of Company are to be signed by
1. Managi 2. By two Directors one of 3. Chairman 4. Chief
ng which be Managing Accounts
Directo Director if any, Chief Officer
r of Financial Officer and
Compa Company Secretary
Q18 Who appoints Cost Auditors in Government Companies?
a) State b) Central c) Financial Department d) Board of
Governmen Governme of State Directors
t concerned nt Government/Central
Q19 Any proposal passed in circulation by the Board of
Directors/WTDs/Committee must be got noted in the immediate
subsequent meeting
a) True b) False c) Partially false d) None
Q20 To pass Special Resolution in General Meeting ________ of votes must be
cast in favour of Resolution.
a) 51% b) 67% c) 75% d) 26%
Q21 Only Special Business is discussed in the Extra Ordinary Meeting.
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q22 Notice of Annual General Meeting must be given _______ day period to
a) 7 days b) 15 days c) 21 days d) 60 days

Q23 Financial Statements must be placed before shareholders within _______

months from close of Financial Year.
a) 3 b) Upto December c) Upto September d) Within
months six
Q24 There is provision in the Companies Act 2013, to seek extension of Annual
General Meeting for 3 months in which Financial Statements are to be
placed for approval of shareholders, in case Financial Statements are not
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q25 To seek extension of holding of Annual General Meeting Company, is
required to write to __________.
a) State b) AG of State c) Registrar of Companies d) None
Q26 The Notice of Board Meeting must be given to all Directors _____ days prior
to Board meeting.
a) 15 days b) 14 days c) 7 days d) 30 days
Q27 The Agenda of Board Meeting must be given _____ days prior to Board
a) 30 days b) 7 days c) 15 days d) 3 days
Q28 The urgent proposal can be considered by Board of Directors on the day of
meeting with the permission of majority of Directors present in the
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q29 The proceedings of Meeting of Board are to be written in 30 days and
signed by Chairman
a) True b) False c) Partially false d) None
Q30 All Forms & Returns under Companies Act 2013 are filed online with
Registrar of Companies
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q31 The portal on which online filing is done under the Companies Act, 2013
a) b) c) d) None
n in
Q32 Any proposal which is to be considered and approved by shareholders, first
considered and approved by Board of Directors
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q33 Proceedings of General Meeting are to be written and signed by Chairman
within 30 days from conclusion of General Meeting
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q34 To increase the authorized share capital of company which of the following
documents be amended.
a) Memorandu b) Articles of c) Both d) None
m of Association
Q35 To alter Articles of Association which type of resolution shall be passed
and in which type of meeting
a) Ordinary/Bo b) Special/Gener c) Ordinary/Gene d) None
ard Meeting al Meeting ral Meeting
Q36 To pass ordinary resolution the voting cast in favour should be ________
a) 60% b) 50.01 % c) 50% d) None
Q37 A person can from under Companies
a) Public b) Private company c) One man company d) All
Q38 Members & Directors come and go but company keep going on because it
a) perpetua b) Artificial person c) Legal person d) 1 and 3
Q39 X Company has two members and they died in accident. Will the company
also come to end advise
a) Yes b) No as company is legal c) Shall be wound up d) None
person and has
perpetual existence
Q40 In which of the following is Power of Board of Directors
a) To b) To diversify the c) To grant loans & give d) All
Borrow Business of the guarantee
money Company
Q41 In which of the following is not power of shareholders
a) To b) To fix c) To sell, lease or d) To remit or give time
invest borrowin otherwise dispose of for repayment of any
the g limits property of company debt due from a
funds of Director
of company
Q42 Memorandum of Association can be altered by seeking approval from
a) Board of b) Shareholders of c) Both d) None
Director Company
Q43 In Government Company Statutory Auditors are appointed by
a) AG of b) State c) Comptroller and Audit d) Shareholde
State Government General of India rs
Q44 Remuneration of statutory Auditors in a Government company is fixed by
a) Comptrolle b) State c) Board of d) Shareholders in Annual
r and Governme Directors General Meeting
Auditor nt
General of
Q45 In which of the following document will prevail upon in case of conflict of
provisions between Companies Act and Memorandum of Association and
Articles of Association.
a) Compani b) State c) Memorandum of d) Articles
es Act, Government Association of
2013 Instructions Associati
Q46 In which of following documents will prevail upon in case of conflict of
provisions Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
a) Memorand b) Articles of c) Board of Directors d) None
um of Association
Q47 In which of the following is not characteristics of company
a) Artificial b) Legal person c) To borrow money d) Limited
person liability
Q48 In which of the following is characteristics of company
a) To invest b) To give loan c) To borrow d) Perpetual
Q49 In case of vacancy of Key Managerial Personnel. The vacancy shall be filled
in within ___________ from the date of vacancy
a) 3 b) 6 months c) 12 months d) 9
months months
Q50 In which of the following Audit is done in Company as per provisions of
Companies Act, 2013
a) Statuto b) Govt. Audit c) Secretarial Audit d) All
Q51 In which of the following meetings are conducted in a company
a) Board b) Committee c) General Meeting d) All
Meeting Meeting
Q52 Lifting of Corporate veil means
a) Ignoring b) Only Board of c) It relates to d) None
the Directors can Memorandum of
separate punish Association
entity of

Q53 Section 8 Company is formed for the purpose of

a) Charitab b) Profit purpose c) Guaranteed dividend d) None
Q54 When a company enters into contract for a purpose not given in
Memorandum of Association means
a) Doctrine b) Lifting of c) Principle of natural d) All
of ultra Corporate veil justice
Q55 How many Women Director should be on the Board of Company
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 7
Q56 Appointment of Cost Auditors in dealt under section __________of
Companies Act, 2013
a) 148 b) 134 c) 192 d) 179
Q57 In which of the following Audit (s) is not required prescribed under
Companies Act, 2013.
a) Statutor b) Cost Audit c) Secretarial Audit d) Energy
y Audit Audit
Q58 Secretarial Audit is conducted by person having following qualification
a) Member of b) Member of Institute of c) Anyone d) None
Institute of Company Secretaries
Q59 Who conducts Cost Audit as per provisions of Companies Act, 2013.
a) Member of b) Member of c) Auditor General of d) None
Institute of Institute of State
Cost and Chartered
Manageme Accountants

Q60 Executive Director is one who

a) Works b) Execute duties c) Attends only Board d) Helps
for as asked by Meetings and Managing
wholetim Director in
e in a Board of Committee execution of
Compan Directors meetings his duties
Q61 Independent Director is one who is not connected with Company
a) Financia b) Relative of Directors/ c) Both d) None
lly Managing Director/
Q62 General instructions for preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss of
Company is given in Schedule __________ of Companies Act, 2013
a) Schedule b) Schedule IV c) Schedule VII d) Schedule III
Q63 Quorum for Meetings means under the Companies Act, 2013
a) Minimum No. of b) Chairman & c) Managing d) None
persons presence Managing Director &
required to hold Director Wholetime
and conduct Directors
Q64 Quorum for the General Meeting in Public Company and Private Company
a) 2 :1 b) 5: 2 c) 2: 5 d) 3 : 2
Q65 Explanatory Statement under Section 102 of Companies Act, 2013 is
required to be annexed in case of
a) Ordinary b) Special c) Ordinary Business d) Special
Resolutio Resolution Business
Q66 Company can have ______________ number of maximum Directors on its
a) 20 b) 12 c) 10 d) 15
Q67 Only one Director Identification Number (DIN) is required if person holds
Directorship in more than one company
a) True b) False c) DIN required for each d) None
Q68 In which of the following person require DIR-KYC under the Companies
Act, 2013
a) Chairman b) Managing Director c) All Directors d) None
Q69 Who among following can be appointed on the Board of Company
a) Additional b) Alternate Director c) Nominee d) all
Director Director
Q70 Setting fee is generally paid to All Directors
1. True 2. False 3. Partially true 4. None
Q71 Sitting fee is paid to Directors other than Managing Director and
Wholetime Directors
a) True b) False c) Partially false d) None
Q72 Subsidiary of Government Company is also Government Company
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None

Q73 Office of Director stands vacate if he absents himself from all meetings of
Board of Directors held during a period of 12 months with or without
seeking Leave of Absence
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q74 Quorum for Board Meeting is
a) One third of total b) Chairman, c) 2/3rd of total d) None
strength or two Wholetime strength or 3
Directors, Directors Directors whichever
whichever is is higher
Q75 A person who is undischarged insolvent cannot be appointed as Director
on the Board
a) True b) False c) Partially false d) None
Q76 Participation of Directors by video conference or by other audio visual
shall also be counted for the purpose of quorum
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q77 Company should hold _____ Board Meetings in a year and not more than
______ days shall intervene between two consecutive meetings of board
a) 3, b) 4, 150 c) 2, 180 d) 4 , 120
Q78 Who conducts Supplementary Audit of Government Companies
a) Ministry b) Ministry of c) A.G. of d) Comptroller and
of Power, Govt. of State Auditor General of
Corporate India India
Govt. of
Q79 There is urgent proposal which requires approval of Board of Directors.
a) Take b) Take approval c) Get urgent proposal passed d) None
approval of State in circulation under
from Government Section 175 of Companies
Chairman Act, 2013
Q80 Company formed under Companies Act, 2013 may be either:-
a) Company b) Company c) Unlisted d) All
listed by listed by Company
shares guarantee
Q81 In which of the following Company restricts the Right to transfer its
a) Public b) Charitable c) Private d) Governme
Compa Company Company nt
ny Company
Q82 Private Company can have maximum of ______ members
a) 50 b) 100 c) 20 d) 200
Q83 In which of the following company restricts invitation to public to
subscribe for any securities of the company
a) Governme b) Private Company c) Public d) Charitable
nt Company Company
Q84 In which of the following is not Legal person
a) Public b) Limited c) Partnership firm d) None
Compa liability
ny Partnership
Q85 Subsidiary Company cannot holds shares in its holding company except
as Legal representative or as trustee before becoming its subsidiary
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) None
Q86 For which of the following meeting proxy is relevant
a) Committee b) Annual General c) General d) 2 &
Meeting Meeting Meeting 3
Q87 Leave of absence relates to
a) Annual b) Extra Ordinary c) Both d) None
General General Meeting
Q88 OPC (One Person Company) has to be ______
a) Limited b) Private c) Public Company d) Charitable
Liability Company Company
Q89 Statutory Auditor of Company cannot take Internal Audit assignment of
that Company
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) Partia
Q90 In which of the following is the feature of Public Company
a) Artificial b) Limited liability c) Continue Existence d) All of
person above
Q91 Anything which requires approval of shareholders first needs to be
approved by _____
a) Chairm b) Managing c) Wholetime d) Board
an Director Directors of
Q92 Financial Statements are got to be approved form Shareholders within six
months from the end of Financial Year. In case Financial Statements are
not ready what will be your advice.
a) To be b) To be approval c) Take extension for d) None
approval of of Board of holding of Meeting of
Chairman Director Shareholders (AGM) in
which Financial
Statements are to be
Q93 Executive Chairman is one who participates in day to day affairs of the
company & take decisions for the growth & progress of company
a) True b) False c) Partially false d) None
Q94 Non executive Director/Part time Director only attends Board Meeting or
do the work as assigned by Board of Director from time to time
a) True b) False c) Partially true d) Partially
Q95 Subsidiary Company is one in which another Company
a) Controls the b) Exercises or control c) Both d) Non
composition more than one-half of e
of the Board the total Share
of Directors Capital

Q96 X Limited holds 50.05% of Share Capital of Y Limited. What is the status
of Y Limited vis a vis X Limited
a) Holding b) Public c) Subsidiary d) None
Company Company and Company and
and Subsidiary Holding company
Subsidiary Company
Q97 While ascertaining the holding Company status in terms of owning the
share capital in another company, any shares held by subsidiary of
holding company shall be added
a) True b) False c) Partially True d) None
Q98 X Limited is Subsidiary of Y Limited and Z Limited is Subsidiary of X
Limited. What is the relation of Z Limited with Y Limited
a) Associate of b) Subsidiary of Y c) Holding Company d) None
Y Limited Limited
Q99 XY Limited at its discretion can appoint or remove all or a majority of
Directors of another Company. XY Limited is
a) Government b) Subsidiary c) Holding Company d) Associate
Company Company Company
Q10 A Limited owns 90,010 Equity Shares and its Subsidiary Company B
0 Limited holds 10,000 Equity Shares out of the total 2,00,000 Equity
Shares Capital of ABC Limited. What is the relation of ABC Limited with
A Limited
a) ABC Limited b) ABC Limited is c) A Limited is d) 1 & 3
is subsidiary subsidiary of B Holding Company
of A Limited Limited of ABC Limited
Answer Key

Q1 c Q21 a Q41 a Q61 c Q81 c

Q2 c Q22 c Q42 c Q62 d Q82 d

Q3 c Q23 d Q43 c Q63 a Q83 b

Q4 b Q24 a Q44 d Q64 b Q84 c

Q5 c Q25 c Q45 a Q65 d Q85 a

Q6 a Q26 c Q46 a Q66 d Q86 d

Q7 c Q27 b Q47 c Q67 a Q87 d

Q8 b Q28 a Q48 d Q68 c Q88 b

Q9 d Q29 a Q49 b Q69 d Q89 a

Q10 a Q30 a Q50 c Q70 b Q90 d

Q11 d Q31 b Q51 d Q71 a Q91 d

Q12 b Q32 a Q52 a Q72 a Q92 c

Q13 c Q33 a Q53 a Q73 a Q93 a

Q14 c Q34 c Q54 a Q74 a Q94 a

Q15 c Q35 b Q55 c Q75 a Q95 c

Q16 b Q36 b Q56 a Q76 a Q96 c

Q17 c Q37 d Q57 d Q77 d Q97 a

Q18 d Q38 a Q58 b Q78 d Q98 b

Q19 a Q39 b Q59 a Q79 c Q99 c

Q20 c Q40 d Q60 a Q80 d Q100 d

Q1. Companies Act, 1956 repealed by_____

A) Companies Act, 2002

B) Companies Act, 2010

C) Companies Act, 2013

D) Companies Act, 2015

Q2. A critical assumption of the net operating income (NOI) approach to valuation is:

A) That debt and equity levels remain unchanged.

B) That dividends increase at a constant rate.
C) That ko remains constant regardless of changes in leverage.
D) That interest expense and taxes are included in the calculation.

Q3. Which of the following company can held the AGM on public holiday?

A) Public company
B) Private company
C) Government company
D) Association not for profits

Q4. Management is an organ, organs can be described and defined only through their
functions. This definition was given by ____________.

A) Peter F. Drucker
B) Terry
C) Louis Allan
D) Henry Fayol

Q5. Luther Gullik classifies the function of management as ___________.


Q6. Which of the following is the meeting of shareholders?

A) Annual General Meeting

B) Extra-ordinary General meeting
C) Class Meeting
D) All of the above

Q7. Espirit de corps means______________.

A) Union is strength.
B) Service is our motto.
C) Buyer beware.
D) Product is our strength.

Q8. Where the company has three directors maximum remuneration payable to all
of them is





Q9. A person shall not be eligible for appointment as a director of a company , if ______
(A) he is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;

(B) he is an undischarged insolvent;

(C) he has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and his application is pending;

(D) All of above.

Q10. The Company must deliver share certificate within______ if the shares
applied for transfer.

A) 3 months
B) 2 months
C) 5 months
D) none of these

Q11. A person cannot be a managing director of more than___ companies?

A) 10

B) 15

C) 5

D) 12

Q12. Every prospectus issued by a public company should contain reports

related to profits and losses for immediately ________ preceding financial




Q13. There are restrictions on who can act as a director. Which one of
following is not a valid restriction?

A) A person of unsound mind

B) A undischarged insolvent
C) Convicted of any offence
D) Do not have specified academic qualification

Q14. Qualification shares for a director are provided in.

A) Appointment letter

Q15. Section 29 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides.

A)Public offer of securities to be in dematerialized form

B)Alteration of articles
C)Registered office of the company
D)Red herring prospectus

Q16. As per sec 52 of Companies Act, 2013 the balance in security premium
account shall not be utilized for?

A) Payment of dividend
B) Capital losses
C) Writing off discount on issue
D) Issue of fully paid up bonus share

Q17. Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

A) The statutory minimum age of director is 18

B) There is no statutory maximum age for director
C) A public limited company must have two director
D) There is no legal qualification for being a director
Q18. What is a shadow director?

A) A director who does not attend Board meetings

B) A person who is not appointed as a director but whose directions or

instructions the directors of a company follow

C) A person appointed to attend Board meetings and vote in place of a


D) A director who has recently retired from the Board.

Q19. Which of the following would be included in a cash budget?

A) Depreciation charges
B) Dividends
C) Goodwill
D) Patent amortization
Q20. In case of appointment of director, which form is to be filed?

A) Form DIR-11

B) Form DIR-12

C) Form DIR-13

D) Form DIR-03

Q21. In case the Comptroller and Auditor General of India does not appoint
first auditor within the stipulated date who will appoint such auditor within
next 30 days?

(A) Shareholders

(B) Board of Directors

(C) Managing Directors

(D) Company Secretary

Q22. As per Companies Act, 2013, the Board of the Company shall ensure
that the Company spends, in every financial year, at least ________ of the
average net profits of three preceding Financial Year under CSR obligations.

(A) 2 %
(B) 3%
(C) 4 %
(D) 5%
Q23. Memorandum of satisfaction of charge shall be in Form:

A) CHG 5

B) CHG 3

C) CHG 4

D) CHG 2

Q24. In how many days the minutes of proceedings of each meeting shall be
entered in the books maintained for that purpose along with the date of such

A) Within 45 days of the conclusion of the meeting

B) Within 60 days of the conclusion of the meeting

C) Within 15 days of the conclusion of the meeting

D) within 30 days of the conclusion of the meeting

Q25. What is the quorum for annual general meeting for a private limited

A) 5 members personally present

B) 7 members personally present

C) 2 members personally present

D) 3 members personally present

Q26. In which Form a copy of every resolution or any agreement required to

be filed, together with the explanatory statement under section 102, if any,
shall be filed with the Registrar:

A) Form No. MGT. 14

B) Form No. MGT. 12

C) Form No. MGT. 15

D) Form No. MGT. 13

Q27. Who shall sign the Annual Return?

A) It shall be signed by a company secretary in practice, where there is

no company secretary

B) It shall be signed by a director and the company secretary

C) It shall be signed by two directors, where there is no company


D) Any of the persons mentioned at options A and B are correct

Q28. ____________ is the combining of two or more companies into one


(A) Diversification
(B) Acquisition
(C) Merger
(D) Amalgamation
Q29. Debenture holder of a company are company’s ________.

(A) Owner
(B) Creditors
(C) Customer
(D) All of the above

Q30. The financial statements shall be in the form specified in the Companies
Act, 2013 and comply with Accounting Standards or Indian Accounting
Standards as applicable:

A) Schedule III

B) Schedule I

C) Schedule IV

D) Schedule II

Q31. An association not for profit registered under Companies Act, 2013
popularly known as:

(A) Section-8 Companies

(B) Illegal Association
(C) Subsidiary Companies
(D) Holding Companies
Q32. Which one of the following is the CORRECT sequence of stages in the
formation of a company?

A) Promotion, incorporation, capital subscription, the commencement of

B) Incorporation, capital subscription, promotion, the commencement of
C) Promotion, the commencement of business, incorporation, capital
D) Promotion, Incorporation, Certificate of commencement, capital

Q33. Which of the following contract is signed by the promoters with the
third party on behalf of the proposed company?

A) Preliminary contracts
B) Provisional contract
C) Prospectus
D) Memorandum of association

Q34. It is a form of business organization which is owned, managed, and

controlled by an individual who is the recipient of all profits and bearer of all
risks. Identify the concept.

A) Sole Proprietorship
B) Cooperative Society
C) Joint Hindu family business
D) Partnership

Q35. What is the minimum number of persons required to form a public


(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 7
Q36. The leader who excels as a leader because of his superior knowledge
is ___.

A) Autocratic leader
B) Intellectual leader
C) Liberal leader
D) Institutional leader

Q37. An independent director cannot hold office for more than _____
consecutive terms.

(A) Four
(B) Three
(C) Two
(D) One

Q38. Every company should have at least one director who has stayed in
India for a total period of not less than ____ days in the previous calendar

A) 180

B) 90

C) 365

D) 30

Q39. The oldest type of organization__________.

A) Functional organization
B) Line organization
C) Matrix organization
D) Committee organization
Q40. Documents that regulates the internal affairs of a company are: -

A) Articles of Association
B) Memorandum of Association
C) Prospectus
D) Certificate of Incorporation
Q41. Rate of return on capital is exceptionally high in

A) Under – capitalization
B) Over – capitalization
C) Working capital
D) Fixed capital

Q42. _____ refers to the structure of total capital funds raised by the

A) Fixed capital
B) Capital structure
C) Capital requirements
D) Under capitalization

Q43. What are the consideration in designing capital structure of the


A) Trading of equity

B) Profitability

C) Cost of capital

D) All of above

Q44. Capital structure design has nothing to do with.

A) Profitability

B) Solvency

C) Transferability

D) Flexibility

Q45. Cost of capital does not mean.

A) Cut off rate decided by management

B) Rate of interest

C) Expectations of investors for dividend

D) Money paid to SEBI for permission to acquire capital

Q46. Which of the following is not one of the three fundamental methods of
firm valuation?

A) Discounted Cash flow

B) Income or earnings - where the firm is valued on some multiple of

accounting income or earnings

C) Balance sheet - where the firm is valued in terms of its assets

D) market share

Q47. Shareholders wealth increases with the increase in ___.


B) Market value of the firm

C) Dividend & market value of the firm

D) Market price of the equity share

Q48. Corporate wealth maximization is the value maximization for_____.

A) Equity shareholders

B) Stakeholders

C) Employees

D) Debt capital owners

Q49. Internal rate of return is.

A) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is more than discounted cash


B) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is less than discounted cash


C) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is equal to the discounted cash


D) Either a or b

Q50. Which of the following valuation methods is based on “Going concern


A) Market value method

B) Book value method

C) Liquidation method

D) Salvage value method

Q51. Section 177 of the Companies Act 2013 deals with___?

A) Rehabilitation and insolvency fund

B) Declaration of dividend
C) Remuneration of auditors
D) Audit Committee

Q52. The characteristics of a company are:

A) Voluntary association

B) Separate legal entity

C) Company is an artificial person created by law.

D) All of the above.

Q53. Followings are the advantages of Company form of organization except:


A) Diffusion of Risk

B) Expansion Potential

C) Perpetual Existence

D) Lack of Secrecy

Q54. Which of the following is importance of management?

(1) It arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the


(2) It helps the country to keep balanced approached in social order.

(3) It utilizes all the physical & human resources productively.

(4) It helps the employees to get stronger trade union.
(5) It gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning
and by using minimum input.

Select the correct answer from the options given below: –

(A) (4), (2) & (1)

(B) (3), (2) & (5)
(C) (1) & (3)
(D) (3), (1) & (5)

Q55. ‘Government Company’ means a Company of which:

A) More than 50 % of paid up Share Capital is held by Centre or State

B) 50 % of the paid share capital is held by Centre or State Government
C) 25 % of the paid share capital is held by Centre or State Government
D) 10 % of the paid share capital is held by Centre or State Government

Q56. Rule 3 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors)

Rules, 2014 provides that companies shall appoint at least one woman

A) Where paid-up share capital is at least ₹100 crore

B) Turnover of the company is at least ₹300 crore

C) Both the above

D) None of the above

Q57. A company shall have its Registered Office from the date __________ of
its incorporation.

A) 7th day

B) 15th day

C) 30th day

D) one month

Q58. No person shall be appointed as a director of the company, unless he

or she has been allotted the ______





Q59. Management exists at which level of the organization?

A) Top

B) Middle

C) Bottom

D) All of the above

Q60. What order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?

A) organising, planning, controlling, leading

B) organising, leading, planning, controlling

C) planning, organising, leading, controlling

D) planning, organising, controlling, leading

Q61. Organization structure is reflected in the

A) Organization hierarchy

B) Organization chart

C) Departments

D) Span of Control

Q62. What is the due date of AGM: -

A) within six months of closing of Financial year

B) within nine months from the closing of first financial year
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

Q63. Which form is to be filed with ROC for increase in Authorized share

A) PAS-3

B) SH-7

C) SH-4

D) MGT-14

Q64. A person appointed as director is required to give his written consent

in form DIR-2____ to the company.

A) Within 10 days of his appointment as director

B) Within 20 days of his appointment as director

C) On or before his appointment as director

D) None of the above

Q65. Organization Development is aimed at:-

(A) Enhancing congruence between organizational structure, processes,

strategy, people and culture

(B) Developing new and creative organizational solutions

(C) Developing the organization’s self-renewing capacity

(D) All of the above

Q66. As per Section- ______ of the Companies Act, 2013 a certain class of
companies are required to appoint an internal auditor for conducting the
Internal Audit.

A) 138

B) 228

C) 356

D) 192

Q67. According to …………..principle, each group of activities with the same

objective must have one head and one plan.

A) Unity of Direction
B) Unity of command

C) Either of these

D) None

Q68. Board of Directors shall meet atleast ____ times a year as per
Companies Act, 2013.

A) 4

B) 2

C) 1

D) 3

Q69. According to....................approach, management is a logical process

and it can be expressed in terms of mathematical symbols and relationships.

A) Empirical

B) Management science

C) Contingency

D) Operational

Q70. Which new types of Companies were introduced in Companied Act,


A) One person Company (OPC)

B) Associate Company
C) Small Company

D) All of the Above

Q71. As per Companies Act, 2013, registration of Company is ___________.

A) Compulsory

B) Optional

C) Compulsory for private company

D) Compulsory for public company

Q72. Resolution can be passed by circulation under Section-_____.

A) 25

B) 46

C) 175

D) 105

Q73. Which of the following would constitute to be the Key managerial

personnel as per section 2(51) of Companies Act, 2013.

A) The Chief Executive Officer or the managing director or the manager

B) The company secretary

C) The Chief Financial Officer

D) All of above.
Q74. Notice of Adjourned meeting is not required of a meeting, if meeting is

A) for want of quorum

B) since die

C) for more than 30 days

D) none of the above

Q75. Minimum numbers of members necessary for a meeting is called as:

A) Proxy

B) Shareholders

C) Board of Directors

D) Quorum

Q76. What is the period for which books of accounts must be retained by the

A) 8 years

B) 10 years

C) 5 years

D) till the Company exists

Q77. Board of Directors of a Company shall exercise the following powers

only with the consent of the Company by a Special resolution namely:

1) To remit, or give time for the repayment of, any debt due from a director

2) To open a bank account

3) to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the whole or substantially the

whole of the undertaking of the company or where the company owns more
than one undertaking, of the whole or substantially the whole of any of such

(A) Only 1 & 2

(B) All 1, 2 & 3
(C) None of the above
(D) Only 1 & 3

Q78. ………… highly suitable for large organizations having large number
of managerial personnel at different levels.

A) Centralization
B) Decentralization
C) Departmentalization
D) All of these

Q79. The time period for holding AGM can be extended by ROC for how many

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 6
Q80. Management is not ______.

A) A pure science
B) An art
C) Art and science both
D) An applied science

Q81.Authority is the right to give--------.

A) Information
B) Orders
C) Money
D) None of these

Q82. Identify the correct sequence of steps involved in the communication


(A) Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback

(B) Sender, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Message, Encoding, Media
(C) Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback
(D) Sender, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Message, Encoding, Feedback

Q83. ABC, as a Project Manager, is able to assess the true potential of his
subordinates and constantly motivates them to realise their full potential.
Identify the element of directing being described in the above lines.

(A) Leadership
(B) Communication
(C) Supervision
(D) Control

Q84. Separate Meeting of Independent Directors shall be held __________ a


A) Atleast once
B) Atleast twice
C) Atleast four times
D) Once in six months

Q85. The time gap between consecutive AGMs shall not exceed:

A) 15 months
B) 18 months
C) 24 months
D) 12 months

Q86. Which of these is not a part of Capital Structure?

A) Equity Shares

B) Debentures

C) Short-term borrowings

D) Bonds

Q87. Motivation is not ________.

(A) Complex process.

(B) Related to satisfaction
(C) an easy process.
(D) a goal-directed behaviour

Q88. Which of the following is not a feature of leadership?

(A) It shows ability of an individual to influence others.

(B) It leads to achievement of organisational goals.
(C) Leadership is one-time process.
(D) It leads to desired change in the organisation.

Q89. Every listed public company shall have at least _____ of the total
number of directors as independent directors.

A) one third
B) half
C) two third
D) one fourth

Q90.Who appoints the Auditors in a State Government Company?

C) Chief Minister
D) Shareholders

Q91. The memorandum of a company is dealt under?

A) Section -12
B) Section -15
C) Section -6
D) Section-4

Q92. Which of the following resolutions can be passed only in a proper

convened board meeting: -

1. to make calls on shareholders in respect of money unpaid on their

2. to invest the funds of the company
3. to approve amalgamation, merger or reconstruction
4. All of the above

(A) 1,2 and 3

(B) 3 and 4
(C) 1,2,3 and 4
(D) 1 and 3 only

Q 93. Which of the following is long term source.

A) Bank Overdraft
B) Trade Credit
C) Equity Finance
D) All of the above

Q94. Savings Account are ____________, but are not __________________.

A) Negotiable, Liquid
B) Liquid, Marketable
C) liquid, Personal
D) None of these

Q 95. Life Insurance Corporation is an example of.

A) Statutory Companies

B) Registered Companies

C) Private Companies

D) None of the above

Q 96. Company limited by Shares means:

A) Its directors must contribute in share capital

B) Its employees must contribute in share capital

C) Company having the liability of its members limited by the memorandum

to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares respectively held by them.

D) Company having the liability of its members limited by the memorandum

to such amount as the members may respectively undertake to contribute to
the assets of the Company in the event of its being wound up.

Q 97. The word MBO stands for……………..

A) Management by Organisation

B) Management by Operation

C) Management by Objectives
D) None of these

Q 98. The term “capital structure” refers to:

(A) Current assets & current liabilities

(B) Long-term debt, preferred stock, and common stock equity
(C) Total assets minus liabilities
(D) Share holders’ equity

Q 99. Which of the following is the elements of directing?

(A) Supervision
(B) Motivation
(C) Leadership
(D) All of the above

Q 100. For increase in number of Directors more than 15 ……

(A) Approval of Centre Government

(B) Pass a special resolution

(C) Pass an ordinary resolution

(D) All of the above

Q-1. C Q-27. D Q-53. D Q-79. B

Q-2. C Q-28. C Q-54. D Q-80. A

Q-3. D Q-29. D Q-55. A Q-81. B

Q-4. D Q-30. A Q-56. C Q-82. C

Q-5. C Q-31. A Q-57. C Q-83. A

Q-6. D Q-32. A Q-58. B Q-84. A

Q-7. A Q-33. A Q-59. D Q-85. A

Q-8. B Q-34. A Q-60. C Q-86. C

Q-9. D Q-35. D Q-61. B Q-87. C

Q-10. B Q-36. B Q-62. B Q-88. C

Q-11. B Q-37. C Q-63. B Q-89. A

Q-12. B Q-38. A Q-64. C Q-90. A

Q-13. D Q-39. B Q-65. D Q-91. D

Q-14. C Q-40. A Q-66. A Q-92. C

Q-15. A Q-41. A Q-67. A Q-93. C

Q-16. A Q-42. B Q-68. A Q-94. B

Q-17. A Q-43. D Q-69. B Q-95. A

Q-18. B Q-44. C Q-70. D Q-96. C

Q-19. B Q-45. A Q-71. A Q-97. C

Q-20. B Q-46. D Q-72. C Q-98. B

Q-21. B Q-47. C Q-73. D Q-99. D

Q-22. A Q-48. B Q-74. A Q-100. B

Q-23. A Q-49. C Q-75. D

Q-24. D Q-50. B Q-76. B

Q-25. C Q-51. D Q-77. D

Q-26. A Q-52. D Q-78. B

Topic :- Management
QNo.1 Which principle of the effective communication stipulates that Communication should be
able to introduce all the employees in the enterprise with its objectives so that all the employees
move unitedly towards the goal?

a) Principle of consultation
b) Principle of integration
c) Principle of flexibility
d) Principle of economy

Ans B

QNo.2 Which principle of the effective communication stipulates that Communication system
should be able to absorb the changes in the organization?

a) Principle of consultation
b) Principle of integration
c) Principle of flexibility
d) Principle of economy

Ans C

QNo.3 Which principle of the effective communication stipulates that the information sent to the
receiver should be sufficient and complete in every respect?

a) Principle of consultation
b) Principle of integration
c) Principle of flexibility
d) Principle of Adequecy

Ans D

QNo.4 Which principle of the effective communication stipulates that the purpose of
communication is that the receiver of information should clearly understand its meaning?

a) Principle of attention
b) Principle of integration
c) Principle of flexibility
d) Principle of Adequecy

Ans A

QNo.5 Which principle of the effective communication stipulates that the communication system
should be maintained in according to the objectives of the enterprises, its procedure and processes?

a) Principle of attention
b) Principle of integration
c) Principle of consistency
d) Principle of Adequecy

Ans C

QNo.6 which is not the barriers to the effective communication ?

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans D
QNo.7 __________________ Barriers stipulates that there is always a possibility of
misunderstanding the feeling of the sender of the message or getting a wrong meaning of it.

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans A

QNo.8 lack of attention in the communication system is ________________ barrier.

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans B

QNo.8 Premature evaluation in the communication system is ________________ barrier.

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans B

QNO.9 Technical Jargon in the communication system is __________________ barrier.

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans A

QNo.10 lack of proper incentive in the communication system is ______________ barrier.

a) Semantic Barriers
b) Emotional Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Formal Barriers

Ans C

QNO.11 In which form of communication, a person says something to a person of his confidence
who in turn passes on the information to a person of his confidence and in this way a chain starts

a) Gossip chain
b) Probability
c) Cluster
d) Single standard

Ans D

QNo.12 In which form of communication, a person remains indifferent about the fact as to whom
he should pass on the information?

a) Gossip chain
b) Probability
c) Cluster
d) Single standard

Ans B
QNo.13 In which form of communication, a person tells something to selected individuals. Those
who receive the information further pass it on to another set of selected individuals.

a) Gossip chain
b) Probability
c) Cluster
d) Single standard

Ans C

QNo.14 In which form of communication, a person communicate something to a number of persons

during the course of marriage events/birthday party events.

a) Gossip chain
b) Probability
c) Cluster
d) Single standard

Ans A

QNo.15 _______________ communication is born out of form or organizational relations.

a) Formal communication
b) Informal communication
c) Vertical communication
d) Horizontal communication

Ans A

QNO.16 In which form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the

boss of his boss?

a) Chain communication
b) Inverted ‘V’ Communication
c) Wheel communication
d) Circular communication

Ans B

QNO.17 Which form of communication refers to the communication between a superior and a

a) Chain communication
b) Inverted ‘V’ Communication
c) Wheel communication
d) Circular communication

Ans A

QNO.18 In which form of communication, all the subordinates of a superior talk to one another
through his medium?

a) Chain communication
b) Inverted ‘V’ Communication
c) Wheel communication
d) Circular communication

Ans C

QNO.19 _______________________ communication takes place when two individuals of the same
level exchange information.

a) Horizontal communication
b) Vertical communication
c) Downward communication
d) Upward communication
Ans A

QNO.20 The sender can send his ideas briefly in the form of symbols or diagrams. Understanding it
correctly is called ______________.

a) Encoding
b) Decoding
c) Feedback
d) Media transmission

Ans B

QNO.21 Anything thought about by the sender is a mental state, which means that something to
be communicated has been thought of. Communicating this idea or thinking with help of symbols,
words or diagrams has been called____________.

a) Encoding
b) Decoding
c) Feedback
d) Media transmission

Ans A

QNo.22 The word communication has been derived from the Latin word__________________.

a) Communit
b) Communix
c) Communic
d) Communis

Ans D

QNo.23 ________________________ communication is also called grapevine communication

because there is no definite channel of communication for sharing information.

a) Formal communication
b) Informal communication
c) Vertical communication
d) Horizontal communication

Ans B

QNo.24 ____________________________ means Messages are conveyed through body


a) Oral communication
b) Written communication
c) Gestural communication
d) None of the above

Ans C

QNo.25 _____________ is the hindrance in the process of communication.

a) Decoding
b) Encoding
c) Noise
d) Feedback

Ans C

QNo.26 _____________ means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired


a) Organization
b) Communication
c) Motivation
d) Leadership

Ans C

QNo.27 ______________________ means that when a person gives a good work performance,
there is some need lurking in the background which is continuously exerting pressure on him.

a) Organization process
b) Motivation process
c) Communication process
d) Leadership process

Ans B

QNO.28 Fear and Punishment theory is the ________________________ of motivation.

a) Traditional theories
b) Modern theories
c) Big theories
d) None of the above

Ans A

QNo.29 Reward theory is the ______________________________ of motivation.

a) Traditional theories
b) Modern theories
c) Big theories
d) None of the above

Ans A

QNo.30 Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory is the _______________________ of motivation.

a) Traditional theories
b) Modern theories
c) Big theories
d) None of the above

Ans B

QNO.31 Carrot and stick theory is the ______________________ of motivation.

a) Traditional theories
b) Modern theories
c) Big theories
d) None of the above

Ans A

QNo.32 ________________________________ explains the chain or sequence of needs.

a) Herzberg’s Motivation theory

b) X and Y theory
c) Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
d) Quchi’s Z theory

Ans C

QNo.33 which theory of Motivation explains that Man wants to work provided the conditions are

a) Traditonal theory X
b) Modern Theory Y
c) Quchi Z theory
d) Maslow theory
Ans B

QNo.34 which theory of Motivation explains that Man by nature is sluggish and shirker?

a) Traditonal theory X
b) Modern Theory Y
c) Quchi Z theory
d) Maslow theory

Ans A

QNO.35 _________________ theory of the motivation talks of participation of employees in

decision making.

a) Traditonal theory X
b) Modern Theory Y
c) Quchi Z theory
d) Maslow theory

Ans C

QNo.36 __________________ Motivators are those motivators which impress the employees while
working but they get them only afterwards

a) Extrinsic Motivators
b) Intrinsic Motivators
c) Non-Monetary Motivators
d) Group Motivators

Ans A

QNo.37 ________________________ Motivators are those motivators in whose case the time of
their receipt by the employees and effect on their efficiency happens to be the same.

a) Extrinsic Motivators
b) Intrinsic Motivators
c) Non-Monetary Motivators
d) Group Motivators

Ans B

QNO.38 which does not come under the first three steps of the motivation process?

a) Unsatisfied need
b) Search behaviour
c) Tension
d) Drives

Ans B

QNo.39 Which is the last step of motivation process?

a) Unsatisfied need
b) Search behaviour
c) Reduction of Tension
d) Drives

Ans C

QNo.40 which theory says that people move to next higher need only when the lower level needs
are satisfied?

a) Herzberg’s theory
b) X and Y theory
c) Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
d) Quchi’s Z theory
Ans C

QNo.41 which theory divides the motivating factors into two parts?

a) Herzberg’s theory
b) X and Y theory
c) Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
d) Quchi’s Z theory

Ans A

QNo.42 _____________________ means those factors whose presence does not motivate the
employees to work with greater enthusiasm but their absence does discourage them.

a) Maintenance factors
b) Motivators factors
c) Quchi Z theory
d) Satisfiers factors

Ans A

QNo.43 ____________________ means those factors which directly inspire the employees to work.

a) Maintenance factors
b) Motivators factors
c) Quchi Z theory
d) Hygience factors

Ans B

QNo.44 ___________________ does not include under the Maintenance factor

a) Salary
b) Environment
c) Personal life
d) Achievement

Ans D

QNo.45 ___________________ does not include under the Maintenance factor

a) Technical inspection
b) Recognition
c) Working conditions
d) Environment

Ans B

QNo.46 __________________ theory of motivation is based on the Japanese management system.

a) Herzberg’s theory
b) X and Y theory
c) Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
d) Quchi’s Z theory

Ans D

QNo.47 which is not techniques of Motivation?

a) Positive and Negative Motivation

b) Individual and group motivation
c) Quchi Z motivation
d) Financial motivation
Ans C

QNo.48 which does not cover under Non-financial Motivators?

a) Job enrichment
b) Job security
c) Perquisites
d) Employee participation

Ans C

QNO.49 which does not cover under financial motivators?

a) Productivity linked wages

b) Profit sharing
c) Co-partnership
d) Career advancement opportunity

Ans D

QNo.50 ________________ theory of motivation is derived from the old story of a donkey.

a) Herzberg’s theory
b) Carrot and stick theory
c) Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
d) Quchi’s Z theory

Ans B

QNo.51 which theory believes that leadership ability is inborn and it cannot be achieved by making
any efforts?

a) The situation theory

b) The follower Theory
c) The Behavioural theory
d) The trait theory

Ans D

QNo.52 which do not cover under the physical traits as per the leadership theory?

a) Appearance
b) Energy
c) Height
d) Self confidence

Ans D

QNo.53 which do not cover under ability traits as per the leadership theory?

a) Adaptability
b) Preparedness
c) Height
d) Enthusiasm

Ans C

QNo.54 Churchill proved to be a successful leader during the war but after the war when peace
returned people did not accept him as their leader. This is the example of which leadership?

a) The situation theory

b) The follower Theory
c) The Behavioural theory
d) The trait theory

Ans A

QNo.55 Anybody who can make a maximum contribution to the fulfillment of their needs, is
accepted as their leader. This is example of which leadership?

a) The situation theory

b) The follower Theory
c) The Behavioural theory
d) The trait theory

Ans B

QNo.56 Leader should be studied as a group rather than as an individual because a leader is
connected not with one individual but a human group. This is example of which leadership?

a) X and Y theory
b) Group Approach theory
c) Path Goal theory
d) The situation theory

Ans B

QNo.57 According to the ________________ , an individual does not utilize his full capabilities

a) Group Approach theory

b) X theory
c) Path Goal theory
d) The situation theory

Ans B

QNo.58 According to the _____________________, an individual himself wants to work.

a) Group Approach theory

b) X theory
c) Y theory
d) The situation theory

Ans C

QNo.59 which theory stipulates that in order to find out the presence of the leadership ability in an
individual, it has to be found out as to what amount of strength and expectancy be generates among
his employees.?

a) Group Approach theory

b) X theory
c) Path Goal theory
d) The situation theory

Ans C

QNO.60 when a leader satisfies his followers by economic and non-economic incentives to get their
cooperation for the attainment of the objectives of the organization is called__________________.

a) Negative leadership style

b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Free-rein leadership style

Ans B

QNo.61 Under__________________________ , the employees are motivated not by some

economic or non-economic incentives but by some unhelpful behaviour.
a) Negative leadership style
b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Free-rein leadership style

Ans A

QNo.62 Under_____________________________, the leader keeps all the authority centred in his
hands and the employees have to perform the work without changing any of his orders.

a) Negative leadership style

b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Free-rein leadership style

Ans C

QNo.63 Under __________________________, decisions regarding different works are not taken
by the manager alone but they are taken in consultation with the employees.

a) Negative leadership style

b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Democratic leadership style

Ans D

QNo.64 ___________________________ is also described as Laissez-faire or Individual-centred


a) Negative leadership style

b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Free-rein leadership style

Ans D

QNo.65 Under _____________________, the leader takes little interest in managerial functions and
the subordinates are left on their own.

a) Negative leadership style

b) Positive leadership style
c) Autocratic leadership style
d) Free-rein leadership style

Ans D

QNo.66 __________________________________ leadership style means when leader considers

his followers above all the others.

a) Employee oriented
b) Production oriented
c) Autocratic oriented
d) Positive oriented

Ans A

QNo.67 __________________________________ leadership style means when more attention is

paid to the increase in production rather than human welfare. Employee oriented

a) Employee oriented
b) Production oriented
c) Autocratic oriented
d) Positive oriented

Ans B
QNo.68 _______________________ have propounded the trait theory.

a) Mcfarland
b) Bernard and Ordway Teed
c) Ray A Killian
d) Mc Gregor

Ans B

QNo.69 _________________ is the determination of a future course of action to achieve a desired


a) Planning
b) Organization
c) Staffing
d) Controlling

Ans A

QNo.70 ___________________ refer to harmonious adjustment of various parts to achieve

common objectives.

a) Planning
b) Organization
c) Staffing
d) Controlling

Ans B

QNo.71 __________________ refer to bring the actual results closer to the desired results.

a) Planning
b) Organization
c) Staffing
d) Controlling

Ans D

QNo.72 __________________ Management is concerned with the employees engaged at all levels
of an organization.

a) Organization
b) Scientific
c) Personnel
d) Financial

Ans C

QNo.73 F.W. Taylor is a father of _____________________ Management.

a) Traditional
b) Scientific
c) Personnel
d) Financial

Ans B

QNo.74 The scientific Management is based upon the ________________ principles.

a) Seven
b) Ten
c) Five
d) Fourteen

Ans C

QNo.75 which is not the principle of Scientific Management?

a) Principle of use of science for the Rule of thumb
b) Principle of Cooperation between labour and Management
c) Principle of minimum output
d) Principle of division of responsibility

Ans C

QNo.76 ___________________ means an organization in which the responsibilities, authority and

mutual relationships among all the employees working in an enterprise are clearly defined.

a) Informal organization
b) Formal organization
c) Formal Controlling
d) Formal planning.

Ans B

QNo.77 _____________________ is that organization which is not established deliberately but

comes into existence because of common interests, tastes, and religious and communal relations.

a) Informal organization
b) Formal organization
c) Formal Controlling
d) Formal planning.

Ans A

QNo.78 ______________________ organization is the oldest method of organization structure

which is called by many names by management experts like Military organization, ideal

a) Line organization
b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization
d) Committee organization

Ans A

QNo.79 ______________________ is also known as Vertical organization.

a) Line organization
b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization
d) Committee organization

Ans A

QNo.79 ______________________ is also known as Scalar organization.

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Line organization
d) Committee organization

Ans C

QNo.80 it is called ______________________ because in it the authority and responsibility move

from top to bottom in a straight line.

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Line organization
d) Committee organization
Ans C

QNo.81 ___________________ is called military organization simply because of the fact that
organizational structure in the army is done on this basis because an order given by the General
reaches the soldiers through their superiors like Colonel, Major, Captain etc.

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Committee organization
d) Line organization

Ans D

QNO.82 Under this _________________________, the work of thinking and execution is done by
different persons and it can be adopted in case of large business enterprises.

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Committee organization
d) Line organization

Ans A

QNo.83 ____________________ refers to those elements of the organization which provide advice
and service to the line.

a) Line executive
b) Staff executive
c) Self-executive
d) None of the above.

Ans B

QNo.84 __________________ are those incharge of function that contribute directly to the main
objective of the business.

a) Line executive
b) Staff executive
c) Self-executive
d) None of the above.

Ans A

QNo.85 _________________________ is completely based on the principle of specialization and

under it the ability of the experts is fully utilized.

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Committee organization
d) Line organization

Ans B

QNo.86 Fredic. W.Taylor is the father of ________________________ .

a) Line and staff organization

b) Functional organization
c) Committee organization
d) Line organization

Ans B

QNo.87 ____________________ means adequate number of subordinates under a superior.

a) Span of control
b) Span of planning
c) Span of organization
d) Span of staffing

Ans A

QNo.88 which is the first function of the Management.

a) Organziation
b) Staffing
c) Controlling
d) Planning

Ans D

QNo.89 According to _____________________, an employee should get orders only from one
superior at a time.

a) Principle of Efficiency
b) Principle of flexibility
c) Principle of Unity of command
d) Principle of simplicity

Ans C

QNo.90 According to __________________________,all the persons working in an organization

should be bound together from top to bottom in a chain.

a) Principle of Efficiency
b) Principle of scalar
c) Principle of unity of command
d) Principle of simplicity

Ans B

QNO.91 Decentralization is an extended form of __________________.

a) Organization
b) Planning
c) Delegation
d) Department

Ans C

QNo.92Under ________________ ,there is a transfer of accountability alongwith authority.

a) Organization
b) Planning
c) Delegation
d) Decentralization

Ans D

QNo.93 the optimum point is an ______________ size of a firm.

a) Ideal
b) Average
c) Change
d) Pessimum

Ans A

QNo.94 A representative firm works under _______________ conditions.

a) Ideal
b) Average
c) Change
d) Pessimum
Ans B

QNo.95 An equilibrium is a stage from which an entrepreneur does not want to ___________.

a) Ideal
b) Average
c) Change
d) Pessimum

Ans C

QNo.96 The transitional period in the life of an expanding firm is called ______________ firm.

a) Ideal
b) Average
c) Change
d) Pessimum

Ans D

QNo.97 ____________ refer to instructing, guiding communicating and inspiring peoples in the

a) Planning
b) Staffing
c) Directing
d) Supervision

Ans C

QNo.98 _______________refers to bringing the actual results closer to the desired results.

a) Planning
b) Directing
c) Supervision
d) Controlling

Ans D

QNo.99 ________________ refers to establishing harmony among various parts of a system.

a) Planning
b) Coordination
c) Controlling
d) Directing

Ans B

QNo.100 Henry Fayol has defined the ________________ No .principles of the Management.

a) Five
b) Ten
c) Twelve
d) Fourteen

Ans D


(For All HPUs)

Commercial Auditing

Q no. 1 On the basis of the method of examination, audit may be classified as :

a) Continuous audit
b) Periodical / Annual / Final / Completed audit
c) Balance Sheet audit
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 2 A general audit may be further classified as –

a) Independent audit
b) Occasional audit
c) Interim audit
d) Partial audit
Ans. a

Q no. 3 On the basis organizational structure of the enterprise under audit,

independent audit may be classified as:
a) Statutory audit
b) Private audit
c) Cost audit
d) Both a & b
Ans. d

Q no. 4 Fill in the blank:

An audit also safeguards the interests of the __________ who may not possess
adequate knowledge of the trust laws or the principles of book – keeping and
a) Trustees
b) Owner
c) Government
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 5 Which of the following term define “Where audit in the case of an
enterprise is not compulsory by law, though it is opted for by the enterprise in
view of the several benefits resulting from it”?
a) Management audit
b) Private audit
c) Statutory audit
d) None of the above
Ans. b

Q no. 6 In the case of a private audit, the nature and scope of the audit is
determined by the______________?
a) Auditor
b) Owner
c) Client
d) Investor
Ans. c

Q no. 7 Which of the following term define “A exercise in managerial control by

means of an independent appraisal by employees of the organization itself”?
a) Independent audit
b) Interim audit
c) Internal audit
d) Statutory audit
Ans. c

Q no. 8 What is the scope of Internal audit?

a) to study and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of accounting,
financial and operating controls;
b) to ascertain the degree of compliance with pre-determined policies, plans
and procedures;
c) to ascertain the extent to which business assets are accounted for and
from losses;
d) All the above
Ans. d

Q no. 9 An interim audit is conducted in between ___________

a) Two annual audits
b) Four annual audits
c) Six annual audits
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 10 interim audit may be ordered for a ________

a) Quarter
b) six months
c) Both a & b
d) Annually
Ans. c

Q no. 11 Which of the following term define “An occasional audit is meant for
special event, time or purpose, etc. It is not conducted on a regular basis:?
a) Statutory audit
b) Governmental audit
c) Occasional audit
d) Interim audit
Ans. c

Q no. 12 Which of the following term define “a complete check and analysis of
certain items and, contingent upon effective, check, an appropriate test check on
remaining items, the whole of the unqualified opinion.”?
a) Statutory audit
b) Standard audit
c) Occasional audit
d) Interim audit
Ans. b

Q no. 13 A _________ is mainly concerned with ascertaining whether the various

internal activities in the enterprise are being carried out efficiently
a) Statutory audit
b) performance audit
c) Occasional audit
d) Interim audit
Ans. b

Q no. 14 In a Balance Sheet audit, the audit is concerned only with the items
appearing in the
Balance Sheet, such as,
a) capital reserves,
b) other outstanding liabilities
c) Assets of the business.
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no.15 Clerical error include the error of _________?

a) Errors of omission,
b) Errors of commission
c) Error of principal
d) Both a & b
Ans. d

Q no. 16 Which error occurs when a transaction is not recorded in the books of
account, either wholly or partially?
a) Errors of omission,
b) Errors of commission
c) Error of principal
d) Compensating error
Ans. a

Q no. 17 Which error may be committed either at the stage of recording a

transaction in a book of original entry or while posting it to the ledger?
a) Errors of omission,
b) Errors of commission
c) Error of principal
d) Compensating error
Ans. b

Q no.18 Which error occurs when the same transaction is recorded twice in the
books of original entry, and hence also posted twice in the ledger accounts?
a) Errors of omission,
b) Errors of commission
c) Error of duplication
d) Compensating error
Ans. c

Q no. 19 ___________means the practice of arranging the disposition of assets and

liabilities in such a way that affairs of the business as shown in a subsequent
Balance sheet do not truly represent the normal financial position of the
a) Window dressing
b) Errors of commission
c) Error of duplication
d) Compensating error
Ans. a

Q no. 20 Which is not an classification of specific audit?

a) Interim audit
b) Occasional audit
c) Partial audit
d) Internal audit
Ans. d

Q no. 21 __________ is the overall control environment, established by

management of an enterprise for effective and efficient monitoring and control of,
its operations.
a) Internal control
b) External control
c) Environmental control
d) None of these
Ans. a

Q no. 22 Internal control aims to adherence?

a) management policies,
b) safeguarding of assets of the enterprise,
c) proper accounting arid record of the business, transactions
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 23 Which is not used to determine the adequacy of the internal control?
a) Narrative record,
b) Questionnaire
c) Flow chart
d) Evaluation
Ans. d

Q no. 24 Which contains a complete written description of the internal control

system of the enterprise as actually found in operation by the auditor?
a) Narrative record,
b) Questionnaire
c) Flow chart
d) None of these
Ans. a

Q no. 25 Which contains a set of questions the answers to which provide a

valuable insight into the functioning of the' internal control system within the
a) Narrative record,
b) Questionnaire
c) Flow chart
d) None of these
Ans. b

Q no. 26 Which is a graphic presentation of any system?

a) Narrative record,
b) Questionnaire
c) Flow chart
d) None of these
Ans. c

Q no. 27 ________symbol indicates the flow of processing. Generally, it is shown

from left to right though in some cases it can also be from top to bottom. In case
a document takes two or more paths, the symbol may be suitably varied as
a) Horizontal flow
b) Vertical flow
c) Directional flow
d) None of these
Ans. c

Q no. 28 Internal check is a _________ internal control.

a) valuable part of
b) Different from
c) Same as
d) None of these
Ans. a

Q no. 29 Which is not a disadvantage of internal check?

a) Complacency among high officials
b) Costly for small businesses
c) Risky for the auditor
d) Early detection of errors and fraud
Ans. d

Q no. 30 The salesmen authorized to sell goods at the counter should be

specifically named means?
a) Marketing
b) Door to door sales
c) Sales at counter
d) Personal sales
Ans. c

Q no. 31 Daily cash receipts should be deposited in a bank on the ___________

a) Next day
b) Same day
c) Next week
d) Day after tomorrow
Ans. b

Q no. 32 The external auditor is independent of the enterprise which engages

him. The internal auditor is, on the other hand, often _________of the enterprise.
a) Dependent
b) Employee
c) Agent
d) All of the above
Ans. b
Q no. 33 Separate staff is not necessary in ___________ and Separate staff is
necessary on ___________ .
a) Internal check, internal audit
b) Internal audit, internal check
c) Internal audit, external audit
d) External audit, internal audit
Ans. a

Q no. 34 Which of the following may be define as "such an examination of the

ledger entries as will satisfy an auditor not only that the entry is supported by
documentary evidence but that it has been properly made upon the books of
a) Vouching
b) Posting
c) Journal entry
d) None of these
Ans. a

Q no. 35 A ____________may be defined as any document which evidences a

transaction or an entry in a book of account.
a) Invoice
b) Bill
c) Voucher
d) Receipt
Ans. c

Q no. 36 Which is not a type of voucher?

a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Collateral
d) All of the above
Ans. b

Q no. 37 Each voucher should be examined with great care and caution and
while doing so the following points must be given particular attention?
a) Each voucher should be consecutively numbered and carefully preserved.
b) It should be properly dated and correspond to the date of the transaction
to which it relates and the period under audit.
c) It should be authorised by an official properly empowered in this behalf.
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 38 If the amount of a voucher exceeds RS._________, it should be properly

a) 20
b) 50
c) 100
d) 1000
Ans. a

Q no. 39 According to the “Statement of Auditing Practices” issued by the

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), the auditor’s objective in
regard to verification of assets generally is to satisfy himself that –
a) they exist;
b) they belong to the client;
c) they are in possession of the client or any person authorized by him;
d) they are not subject to undisclosed encumbrances or lien;
e) all of the above
Ans. e

Q no. 40 Assets recorded in the accounts include?

a) Scrap
b) Waste
c) Actual
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 41 The first step in process of verification is to see that the assets as
disclosed in the Balance Sheet is to check?
a) Existence of assets as at the date of the balance sheet
b) Ownership of assets
c) Proper valuation of assets
d) Proper presentation
Ans. a

Q no. 42 Which item is not require physical verification by the auditor?

a) Land and building.
b) Plant and machinery.
c) Stock and stores
d) Sundry debtors
Ans. d

Q no. 43 Auditors objective in regard to liabilities is generally to satisfy himself

that –
a) they are properly valued
b) the credit balances appearing in the books are really liabilities
c) they are properly classified and disclosed
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 44 What are the basic characteristics of a liability?

a) it involves a future outlay of money or money’s worth:
b) it arises from a past transaction
c) both a & b
d) None of these
Ans. c

Q no. 45 which asset is not subject to depreciation?

a) Land
b) Plant
c) Machinery
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 46 The rates of depreciation should take into account on the basis of -
a) expected physical wear and tear;
b) obsolescence;
c) legal and other limits on the use of the asset
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 47 Which accounting standard relates “Depreciation accounting”?

a) AS 6
b) AS 7
c) AS 8
d) AS 9
Ans. a

Q no. 48 Which is refer to that group of assets which are in the form of cash and
bank balances, including such other assets or reserves as are expected to be
realized in cash, or sold or consumed within a period of not more than twelve
months in the ordinary course of business?
a) Floating assets
b) Current assets
c) Both a & b
d) Fixed assets
Ans. c

Q no. 49 As asset that diminishes in value by reason of, and in proportion to, the
extraction or removal of a natural product such as ores, oil, and timber, which it
contains, is a _________ .
a) Current assets
b) Fixed assets
c) Wasting assets
d) None of these
Ans. c

Q no. 50 An asset which does not have a concrete from and is not capable of
being perceived especially by the sense of tough, is an__________.
a) Tangible assets
b) Intangible assets
c) Wasting assets
d) Fictitious assets
Ans. b

Q no. 51 An asset which, like an intangible asset, does not have concrete from
but which, unlike it, is not realizable in cash, is a
a) Tangible assets
b) Intangible assets
c) Wasting assets
d) Fictitious assets
Ans. d

Q no. 52 Which accounting standard relates “Accounting for fixed assets”?

a) AS 6
b) AS 10
c) AS 8
d) AS 9
Ans. b

Q no. 53 __________ is historical cost or other amount substituted for historical

cost in the books of account or financial statements.
a) Gross book value
b) Net book value
c) Cost of assets
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 54 Which of the following is not included in inventory?

a) Goods held by own branches, agents
b) Goods sent to customers on “sale or return” basis
c) Goods sold thought not despatched to the buyers
d) All of the above
Ans. c

Q no. 55 What is basis of valuation of inventories?

a) Cost price
b) Market/realizable value
c) Cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower
d) Cost or net realizable value, whichever is higher
Ans. c

Q no. 56 Inventory includes:

a) Raw materials
b) Semi manufactured goods
c) Finished goods
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 57 Which are the methods of depreciation?

1. Straight –line or fixed instalment, 2. Reducing balance method, 3.
Annuity method, 4. Insurance policy system, 5. Sinking or
Depreciation or Amortization Fund method

a) 1,2,3,4
b) 1,3,4,5
c) 1,2,3,4,5
d) 1,2,3,5
Ans. c

Q no. 58 ____________ a fund which is created and maintained for the purpose of
being drawn upon in future.
a) Reserve
b) Provision
c) Surplus
d) All of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 59 Which if following term may be defined as a close examination of the

accounts and records and a search for the relevant data, with a view to
ascertaining any fact for some special purpose?
a) Internal control
b) Internal check
c) Investigation
d) Valuation
Ans. c

Q no. 60 What is the object of an investigation?

a) Collect,
b) Analyse
c) Evaluate facts
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 61 As investigation is __________different from the audit programme.

a) Qualitatively
b) Quantitative
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Ans. a
Q no. 62 Is it necessary for the auditor to express any opinion of his own?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
d) May be
Ans. b

Q no. 63 Investigation is __________ and audit is _____________.

a) Limited, wide
b) Wide, limited
c) Partially, whole
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 64 Is there need a standard audit programme in the Investigation?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
d) May be
Ans. b

Q no. 65 What is the full form of GAAP?

a) Generally accepted auditing procedures
b) Generally accepted auditing principals
c) Generally accepted auditing progress
d) None of the above
Ans. b

Q no. 66 Investigation may be classified as:

a) Evaluations
b) Reviews
c) Surveys
d) Analyses
e) All of the above
Ans. e

Q no. 67 Under which category of investigations are usually undertaken to

determine fraud, though these may also pertain to losses caused by fire or
machinery break down, aimed at filing a claim with the insurers.
a) Evaluations
b) Reviews
c) Surveys
d) Special audit
Ans. d

Q no. 68 When the affairs of the company may be investigated by the Central
Government (Statutory investigation)?
a) On an application by the members;
b) On a report by the Registrar of Companies;
c) On an order by the competent court.
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 69 _________is a systematic and scientific examination of the books of

accounts of a business.
a) Accounting
b) Book-keeping
c) Audit
d) Ledger posting
Ans. c

Q no. 70 ________ usually covers one accounting year _________ cover more than
one accounting year.
a) Auditing, Investigation
b) Investigation, auditing
c) Internal control, Internal check
d) Internal check, internal control
Ans. a

Q no. 71 ________ is voluntary. It is required under certain circumstances.

a) Auditing
b) Investigation
c) Internal control
d) Internal check
Ans. b
Q no. 72 Which of the following is forms of internal which control help in
ensuring correct and reliable records of transactions and operational efficiencies?
a) Accounting control
b) Administrative control
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Ans. c

Q no. 73 What is the purpose of internal audit is a thorough examination of the

accounting transactions?
a) The transactions are properly recorded
b) The accounts are maintained systematically
c) There is no possibility for manipulation of accounts or misappropriation of
property of the business
d) All of the above
Ans. d
Q no. 74 _________helps the statutory audit to a large extent.
a) Internal audit
b) Investigation
c) Internal check
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 75 Which term define “is the examination of the books of accounts of the
business by an external auditor and to report that the profit and loss account
and balance sheet are drawn according to provisions of law and the financial
statements reveal the true and fair view of the results of operations and financial
state of affairs of the business.
a) Internal audit
b) Investigation
c) Internal check
d) Statutory audit
Ans. d

Q no. 76 ___________ refers to a system of book-keeping and arrangement of staff

duties in the organization in such a manner that no one person can completely
carry through a transaction and record every aspect thereof.
a) Internal audit
b) Investigation
c) Internal check
d) Statutory audit
Ans. c

Q no. 77 What are basic principal of establishing internal audit in a business

1. Independence, 2. Definition of Duties, 3. Follow Up and Review, 4. Clarity
in scope,
5. Relationship with statutory auditor

a) 1,2,3
b) 1,3,4,5
c) 1,2,3,4,5
d) 2,3,4
Ans. c

Q no. 78 What is the scope of verification of assets?

1. That the assets were in existence on the date of the balance sheet
2. That the assets had been acquired for the purpose of business only
3. That the assets had been acquired under a proper authority
4. That the right of ownership of the assets vested in the organization
5. That the assets were free from any charge
6. That the assets were properly valued and disclosed in the balance sheet.
a) 1,2,3,6
b) 1,3,4,5
c) 1,2,3,4,5
d) 1,2,3,4,5,6
Ans. d
Q no. 79 What are techniques of verification of assets?
a) Inspection
b) Observation
c) Confirmation
d) All of the above
Ans. d

Q no. 80 Which of the following means determining the fair value of the assets
shown in the Balance Sheet on the basis of generally accepted accounting
a) Valuation of assets
b) Verification of assets
c) Checking of assets
d) None of the above
Ans. a

Q no. 81 According to the accounting principles during the verification and

valuation of assets “auditor is not the valuer”.
a) Statement is not correct
b) Statement is correct
c) Can’t say
d) None of the above
Ans. b

Q no. 82 _________are those liabilities which may or may not arise in the future
for payment.
a) Current liabilities
b) Non-current liabilities
c) Contingent liabilities
d) None of the above
Ans. c

Q no. 83 “Outstanding expenses” is:

a) Current assets
b) Fictitious asset
c) Fixed asset
d) Liability
Ans. d

Q no. 84 Tax audits are required if a taxpayer's sales, turnover, or gross earnings
are more than ₹ _______in a given financial year.
a) 1 Crore
b) 2 Crore
c) 5 Crore
d) 10 Crore
Ans. a

Q no. 85 what is the limit of taxpayer's sales, turnover, or gross earnings if he

taxpayer’s cash receipts and payments are limited to 5% of the gross earnings or

a) 1 Crore
b) 2 Crore
c) 5 Crore
d) 10 Crore
Ans. c
Q no. 86 What is the due date of filing a tax audit report for domestic
a) 30th September
b) 31st October
c) 30th November
d) 31st December
Ans. a
Q no. 87 What penalty is imposed If a taxpayer who fails to comply with tax audit

a) Rs 1,50,000
b) 5% of the total sales, turnover, or gross receipts
c) Rs 1,50,000 & 5% of the total sales, turnover, or gross receipts whichever
is least
d) Both a & b

Ans. c

Q no. 88 What do you mean by term ‘propriety’ in propriety audit?

a) Rightness
b) Property
c) Asset
d) None of the above
Ans. a
Q no. 89 What kind of audit extends beyond scrutinising the mere formality of
expenditure to its wisdom and economy and to bring to light, cases of improper
expenditure or waste of public money?
a) propriety audit
b) Interim audit
c) Internal audit
d) Management audit
Ans. a

Balance Sheet
1.On balance sheet, accruals, notes payable, and account payable are listed
under which category?
A) Current Liabilities
B) Accumulated Liabilities
C) Noncurrent Liabilities
D) Accrued Liabilities

2. Inventories, cash and equivalents, and accounts receivables are listed

A) Earnings on Income Statement
B) Payments on Income Statement
C) Assets on the Balance Sheet
D) Liabilities on the Balance Sheet

3. Which of the following is not a current asset_______

A) Supplies
B) Land
C) Accounts Receivable
D) Prepaid Insurance

4. In the situation of bankruptcy, a stock which is recorded above common stock

and below debt account is_______
A) Preferred Stock
B) Debt Liabilities
C) Common Liabilities
D) Hybrid Stock
5. A firm buys products but does not pay to suppliers instantly. This is recorded
A) Account Receivable
B) Account Payable
C) Accumulated Liabilities
D) Current Liabilities

6. In a balance sheet, the total of common stock and retained earnings are
denoted as______
A) Common Equity
B) Due Equity
C) Preferred Equity
D) Common Perpetuity

7. The process of recording inventory that gives a lower cost of a commodity sold
in an income statement is denoted as________
A) First Out Receivable
B) Last in First Out
C) Last Out Receivable
D) First in First Out

8. Financial securities which can be changed into cash to their book value price
are categorised as___________
A) Short-term Investments
B) Inventories
C) Long-term Investments
D) Cash Equivalents

9. Earnings that have a cumulative amount and are not paid to the stockholder
as a dividend is known as_______
A) Common Earnings
B) Preferred Earnings
C) Non-paid Earnings
D) Retained Earnings

10. Information that is used by investors for expecting future earnings is

recorded in______
A) Annual Report
B) Five Years Report
C) Exchange Report
D) Stock Report

11. Balance sheet audit is also known as …………

A) Continues audit
B) Annual Audit
C) Internal Audit
D) Financial Audit

12. Meaning of verification of assets is –______

(a) Valuation of assets
(b) Checking of ownership of assets
(c) Checking of the title, existence and possession of assets
(d) All above

13, “The verification of Assets implies an enquiry into the value, ownership
and title, existence and possession and the presence of any charge on the
assets”. This is defined by __________
(a) Spicer and Pegler
(b) J.R. Batliboi
(c) Luncaster
(d) None of these

14. Principle of verification is –

(a) Physical inspection
(b) Principle of review
(c) Confirmation
(d) All of these
15. Which of the following is not the object of verification –

(a) Checking of ownership of the institution on the assets

(b) Checking of possession, lien and charge on the assets
(c) Fulfilling statute
(d) Control over frauds

16.Object of verification of assets by an auditor is –

(a) Verifying the existence of assets
(b) Verifying the value on which these are shown in balance sheet
(c) Verifying their ownership
(d) All of above

17. Which of the following does not require physical verification?

(a) Stock
(b) Plant
(c) Goodwill
(d) Loose Tools

18. In verifying liabilities, an auditor see that –

(a) All liabilities are shown clearly in the balance sheet
(b) All liabilities are related with
(c) All liabilities are correct and authorised
(d) All above

19. “The valuation of assets is an attempt to ensure the equitable

distribution of the original outlay over the period of the assets usefulness.”
This is defined by –
(a) Lancaster
(b) J.R. Batliboi
(c) Spicer and
(d) None of these

20. In how many parts generally assets are categorised –

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

21. Which of the following is the object of valuation –

(a) Accurate knowledge of the financial position of the organisation
(b) Knowledge about the value of the assets
(c) Knowledge about the goodwill of the institution
(d) All above

22. Valuation is –
(a) An element of verification
(b) Essential part and element of verification
(c) Alternate of verification
(d) Verification is a part of valuation

23. When auditor has any doubt about the valuation of assets, he must
disclose this fact____
(a) To secretary
(b) To manager
(c) In his report
(d) None of the above

24. Verification and Valuation both are –

(a) The same things
(b) separate things
(c) complementary to each other
(d) None of these.

25.Valuation is a part of –
(a) Vouching
(b) Verification
(c) Internal control
(d) None of these

26. Verification is based on –

(a) Physical inspection
(b) Documentary evidence
(c) Above both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

27. Case of London Oil Storage Co. Ltd. vs. Sear Hasluck Co. (1904) is
related to –
(a) Verification of Assets
(b) Valuation of Assets
(c) Verification of Liabilities
(d) None of these

28.Stock should be valued at –

(a) Cost price
(b) Market price
(c) Cost or market price whichever is lower
(d) Cost price less depreciation

29.Which asset is valued on cost price or market price whichever is less –

(a) Furniture
(b) Building
(c) Machine
(d) Stock

30. Which reserve is useful to strength the financial position of a business?

(a) Specific reserve
(b) Secret reserve
(c) General reserve
(d) Redemption fund

31. Wasting assets means –

(a) Which decreases in value
(b) The value of which is decreases due to constant use
(c) Market price of which is reduced
(d) None of above

32. Which the following is a fixed asset –

(a) Furniture
(b) Book Debts
(c) Bills Receivables
(d) Stock

33. Current assets remain in business for –

(a) Long period
(b) Temporarily
(c) Short period
(d) All above
34. Which of the following is current asset?
(a) Stock-in-trade
(b) Book debts
(c) Raw material
(d) All above

35. Valuation of purchased goodwill is done on the basis of –

(a) Purchase agreement
(b) Market price
(c) Directions of management
(d) None of above

36. Registration from government for a name or mark of the produced

goods is termed as__________
(a) Patent
(b) Trademark
(c) Copyright
(d) Registration

37. Which of the following is wasting asset –

(a) Mines
(b) Quarry
(c) Oil wells
(d) All above

38. Which of the following is intangible asset –

(a) Goodwill
(b) Patent
(c) License
(d) All above

39. Which of the following is fictitious asset –

(a) Preliminary expenses
(b) Deferred Revenue
(c) Discount on issue of
(d) All above

40. Which of the following is an intangible asset?

(a) Patents
(b) Prepaid expenses
(c) Preliminary
(d) None of these

41. Which of the following is fictitious asset –

(a) Goodwill
(b) Copyright
(c) Preliminary expenses
(d) None of these

42. Investments in hand should be verified with the help of –

(a) Schedule of investments
(b) Balance sheet
(c) Inspection of securities
(d) Certificate from the bank

43. Direct confirmation procedure can be applied to –

(a) Debtors only
(b) Creditors only
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of above

44. Preliminary expenses include –

(a) Cost of stamp
(b) Legal expenses
(c) Underwriting
(d) Both (a) and (b)

45.Verification refers to –
(a) Examination of journal and ledger
(b) Examination of vouchers related to
(c) Examination of physical existence and valuation of assets
(d) Computation of value of assets

46. Which of the following statement is correct –

(a) Valuation is a part of verification
(b) Verification is a part of valuation
(c) Valuation is not related with verification
(d) Auditor is a valuer

47. Which of the following statement is valuation of assets by an auditor –

(a) Auditor is not a valuer
(b) Auditor is a valuer
(c) Computing stock is the work of auditor
(d) None of these

48. Floating assets are valued at –

(a) Cost price
(b) Market price
(c) Cost or market price whichever is less
(d) Cost less depreciation

49.In case of unclaimed wages, the auditor should examine whether –

(a) The amount is deposited in a separate bank account
(b) Deposited with the cashier
(c) Held in a safe deposit box
(d) All of these

50. Land is valued at –

(a) Cost Price
(b) Market Price
(c) Cost or market price whichever is more
(d) None of the above

51. Which of the following is an intangible asset –

(a) Trade mark
(b) Preliminary
(c) Development expenses
(d) All above

52. Work of Valuation done by is –

(a) Secretary
(b) Auditor
(c) Manager
(d) Employee
53. Which of the following asset is valued at cost –
(a) Furniture
(b) Cash
(c) Stock
(d) Goodwill

54. “Generally stock is valued at cost price or market price whichever is

less”, this statement is given by –
(a) D. Paul
(b) Hanry Fayol
(c) Pigou
(d) Hanes

55. At which price raw material is valued –

(a) Cost Price
(b) Market Price
(c) Purchase Price
(d) All above

56. On which side Trade mark is shown in the Balance Sheet –

(a) Asset side
(b) Liability side
(c) Foot note
(d) Not Shown

57. Which of the following is wasting asset –

(a) Coal mines
(b) Furniture
(c) Goodwill
(d) Cash

58. Quoted Price is related with –

(a) Stock
(b) Shares
(c) Goodwill
(d) None of these

59. Highest in Price Out’ method of valuation is used –

(a) When the price of material is increasing
(b) When the price of material is decreasing
(c) When the price of material is constant
(d) None of these

60. In valuing livestock, auditor should take certificate of –

(a) Management
(b) Specialists
(c) Secretary
(d) All above

61. Valuation of Livestock should be made by –

(a) Expected age method
(b) Revaluation method
(c) Average age method
(d) None of these

62.Valuation of loose tools is made on the basis of –

(a) Revaluation
(b) Cost price
(c) Market price
(d) None of these

63. In the First in First Out Method’, stock is valued at –

(a) At the rate of latest consignment purchased
(b) At the rate of earliest consignment purchased
(c) On actual cost
(d) None of above

64.In the Balance Sheet contingent liabilities is shown –

(a) Assets side
(b) Liability side
(c) In form of footnote
(d) None of above

65. Which of the following is contingent liability –

(a) Liability on bills
(b) Liability for guarantee
(e) The liability for calls on partly paid shares in other company
(d) All above

66. Main cause of over and under valuation of assets and liabilities iss –
(a) Errors of principles
(b) Clerical errors
(c) Fraudulent manipulation of accounts
(d) None of the above

67.Incorrect valuation of stock affects –

(a) Profit and Loss A/e
(b) Balance Sheet
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

68. In which case decision is that physical verification of stock is the

liability of auditor –
(a) Mackson and Robbins
(b) Kingston cotton mills
(c) Union Bank Ltd. Allahabad
(d) None of these

69. Which of the following is the result of undervaluation of stock –

(a) Decrease in profit
(b) Creation of secret reserve
(c) Decrease in price of shares
(d) All above

70. In which possibilities of fraud and error are more –

(a) Cash
(b) Stock
(c) Debtors
(d) Bills Receivables

71. When profit is inflated by making wrong valuation of stock, then profit
of succeeding year will –
(a) Decrease
(b) Increase
(c) No effect
(d) None of above
72. Material includes –
(a) Raw material
(b) Loose Tools
(e) By-product
(d) All above

73. Average Profit Method is connected with –

(a) The valuation of stock
(b) The valuation of goodwill
(c) The valuation of shares
(d) None of these

74. Instrinsic value method of valuation is concerned with –

(a) Stock
(b) Fixed Assets
(c) Shares
(d) None of these

75. Capitalisation method is concerned with –

(a) The valuation of stock
(b) The valuation of goodwill
(c) The valuation of shares
(d) None of these

76. If average capital of business is Rs. 5,00,000; Average annual income

Rs. 80,000 and normal rate of return 10% then amount of goodwill by
capitalisation method will be –
(a) Rs. 30,000
(b) Rs. 3,00,000
(c) Rs. 50,000
(d) Rs. 8,00,000

77.Method of valuating stock is –

(a) Individual method
(b) Group method
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

78. “Depreciation is gradual and permanent decrease in the value of assets

from any use.” This definition is given by –
(a) Carter
(b) Spicer and Pegler
(c) R.G. Williams
(d) None of these

79. Which fund is created for the replacement of assets?

(a) Reserve Fund
(b) Depreciation Fund
(c) Investment Fund
(d) None of these

80.The main cause of depreciation is –

(a) Use of Asset
(b) Sale of
(c) Theft of Asset
(d) None of these

81. Which is the main base of depreciation?

(a) Life of Asset
(b) Value of Asset
(c) Capacity of Asset
(d) None of these

82. Which of the following is objective of Depreciatio management?

(a) To ascertain the correct cost of production
(b) To ascertain the accurate profit/loss
(c) Replacement of asset
(d) All above

83.Depreciation is charged on –
(a) Fixed assets only
(b) Current assets only
(c) Both fixed and current assets
(d) None of these

84. Provision for depreciation is –

(a) Voluntary
(b) Compulsory
(c) Convention
(d) None of these

85. Arrangement for depreciation on fixed asset is a –

(a) Statutory requirement
(b) Voluntary
(c) Beneficial for business
(d) None of these

86. Cause of depreciation is –

(a) Continuous use of Assets
(b) Depletion
(c) Exffluxion of the time
(d) All above

87. Which section of Companies Act is related with?

(a) Section 205
(b) Section 300
(c) Section 350
(d) All above

88. Depreciation reduced the –

(a) Book value of asset
(b) Market value of asset
(c) Replacement value of asset
(d) None of above

89. Appropriate method of depreciation for –

(a) Fixed instalment method
(b) Written down value method
(c) Annuity method
(d) Sinking fund method

90. Appropriate method of depreciation for replacement of machinery is –

(a) Fixed instalment method
(b) Written down value method
(c) Annuity method
(d) Sinking fund method
91. Appropriate method of depreciation for Livestock is –
(a) Insurance policy method
(b) Revaluation method
(c) Depletion unit method
(d) Sinking fund method

92. Reserve is made for –

(a) General object
(b) Specific object
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

93. Sinking fund is made for –

(a) General object
(b) Specific object
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

94. If cost price of a machine is Rs. 15,000; Scarp value is of Rs 3,000 and
expected life is 4 years, then amount of depreciation will be –
(a) Rs. 3750
(b) Rs. 3,000
(c) Rs. 8,000
(d) None of these

95. Which of the following fund is created for equalisation of dividend rate?
(a) Revenue Reserve
(b) Capital Reserve
(c) Sinking Fund
(d) None of these

96. Which of the following is the object of creating reserve the company –
(a) To make financial position strong of the company
(b) Increase in working capital
(c) Replacement of assets
(d) Both (a) and (b)

97. Which of the following is the object provision?

(a) Arrangement of depreciation on fixed assets
(b) Arrangement for known liability
(c) Arrangement for bad debts
(d) All above

98. Which of the following is created for an unknown?

(a) Reserve
(b) Provision
(c) Secret Reserve
(d) All above

99.Which of the following can be utilised to distribute dividends among

(a) Capital Reserve
(b) Revenue Reserve
(c) Provision
(d) None of these

100. A reserve which is not apparent on the face of the balance sheet is –
(a) Secret reserve
(b) Capital reserve
(c) Revenue reserve
(d) Provision

101. Which of the following is the method of creating secret reserve –

(a) Overvaluation of liabilities
(b) Undervaluation of assets
(c) Treating capital expenses as revenue expenses
(d) All above

102. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(a) Final accounts will become incorrect due to secret reserve
(b) Market price of shares falls down due to secret reserve
(c) Secret reserve might be used by dishonest directors for improper purposes
(d) Due to secret reserve, financial position of a company becomes weak

103. Capital profits can be utilised –

(a) To issue bonus shares
(b) To writing off preliminary expenses
(c) In distributing dividends
(d) Both above (a) and (b)

104. According to Companies Act, creating secret reserve is –

(a) Compulsory
(b) Voluntary
(c) Prohibited
(d) None of these

105. Which company can make secret reserve –

(a) Banking company
(b) Insurance company
(e) Finance company
(d) All above

106. Window dressing implies –

(a) Curtailment of expenses
(b) Checking wastages
(c) Undervaluation of assets
(d) Overvaluation of assets

107. “Secret reserves are also referred as hidden reserve or inner reserve”.
This is defined by –
(a) R.G. Williams
(b) De Paula
(c) Spicer and Peglar list
(d) None of these

108. A secret reserve is a reserve that is not disclosed in the Balance Sheet
so that the Financial position is, in fac better than appears from the
balance sheet.” This is defined by –
(a) R.G. Williams
(b) De Paula
(c) Spicer and Peglar
(d) None of these

1 A) Current Liabilities

2 C) Assets on the Balance Sheet

3 B) Land

4 A) Preferred Stock

5 B) Account Payable

6 A) Common Equity

7 D) First in First Out

8 D) Cash Equivalents

9 D) Retained Earnings

10 A) Annual report

11 D) Financial audit

12 D) All the above

13 A) Spicer and Pegler

14 D) All the above

15 C Fulfilling statute

16 D) All the above

17 C) Goodwill

18 D) All the above

19 A) Lancaster

20 D) 5

21 D) All the above

22 B) Essential part and element of verification

23 C) In his report

24 C) Complementary to each other

25 B) Verification

26 C) Above both (a) & (b)

27 A)Verification of assets

28 C) Cost or market price whichever is lower

29 D)Stock

30 B)Secret reserve

31 B)The value of which is decreases due to constant use

32 A)Furniture

33 B)Temporarily
34 D)All the above

35 A)Purchase agreement

36 B) Trademark

37 D)All the above

38 D)All the above

39 D)All the above

40 A)Patents

41 C)Preliminary expenses

42 C) Inspection of securities

43 B)Both )a) & (b)

44 D)Both )a) & (b)

45 (C) Examination of physical existence and valuation of assets

46 A)Valuation is a part of verification

47 A)Auditor is not a valuer

48 C)Cost or market price whichever is less

49 A)The amount is deposited in a separate bank account

50 A)Cost price

51 A)Trade mark

52 C)Manager

53 D)Goodwill

54 A)D.paul

55 A)Cost price

56 A)Asset side

57 A)Coal mines

58 B)shares

59 B)When the price of material is decreaing

60 B) specialists

61 B)Revaluation method

62 A)Revaluation

63 A)At the rate of latest consignment purchased

64 C)In form of footnote

65 D)All the above

66 C)Fraudulent manipulation of accounts

67 C)Both a & b
68 A)Mackson and Robbins

69 D)All the above

70 B)Stock

71 A)Decrease

72 D)All the above

73 B)The valuation of goodwill

74 C)Shares

75 B)The valuation of goodwill

76 B)Rs. 3,00,000

77 C)Both a & b

78 A)Carter

79 B)Depreciation fund

80 A)Use of asset

81 A)Life of asset

82 D)All the above

83 A)Fixed assets only

84 B)Compulsory

85 A)Statutory requirement

86 D)All the above

87 D)All the above

88 A)Book value of asset

89 A)Fixed instalment method

90 D)Sinking fund method

91 B)Revaluation method

92 A)General object

93 B)Specific object

94 B)Rs. 3,000

95 A)Revenue reserve

96 D)Both a & b

97 D)All the above

98 A)Reserve

99 B)Revenue reserve

100 A)Secret reserve

101 D)All the above

102 (d) Due to secret reserve, financial position of a
company becomes weak
103 D)Both a & b

104 C)prohibited

105 D)All the above

106 D)Overvaluation of assets

107 A)R.G Williams

108 C)Spicer and Peglar

Advancer Accountancy – 2 (Auditing)
1) Audit Note Book contains: ---------------------------------------------------------

(A) Various dates of reference.

(B) Details of work done.

(C) Notes regarding item requiring clarification, explanations, etc.

(D) All of the above.

Ans. : (D) All of the above.

2) Which of the following has a broader scope?

(A) Internal Control.

(B) Internal Audit.

(C) Internal Checking.

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (D) None of the above.

3) An internal auditor is :

(A) Temporary Employee.

(B) Permanent Employee.

(C) Daily Wager.

(D) None of the above.

Ans.: (B) Permanent Employee.

4) The main object of vouching is :

(A) To prepare trial balance.

(B) Conduct routine checking.

(C) Verify authenticity & authority of transactions.

(D) Checking of vouchers

Ans.: (D) Checking of vouchers

5) Valuation is the base of:

(A) Verification.

(B) Marketing.

(C) Internal checking.

(D) Vouching.

Ans. : (A) Verification.

6) The first auditor or auditors are appointed by :

(A) Central Government.

(B) Company Law Board.

(C) Board of Directors.

(D) Shareholders.

Ans. : (C) Board of Directors.

7) A number of checks & controls exercised in a business to ensure its efficient

working is known as :

(A) Internal check.

(B) Internal control.

(C) Internal audit.

(D) Interim check.

Ans. : (A) Internal check

8) Voucher relates to :

(A) Cash receipt.

(B) Cash payment.

(C) Credit transactions.

(D) All the above.

Ans. : (D) All the above.

9) Internal check is meant for :

(A) Prevention of frauds.

(B) Detection of frauds.

(C) Helping audit in depth.

(D) Detection of errors.

Ans. : (C) Helping audit in depth.

10) Internal auditor is appointed by :

(A) The management.

(B) The shareholders.

(C) The government.

(D) The statutory body.

Ans. : (A) The management.

11) Auditing begins where -------- ends.

(A) Selling.

(B) Inventory valuation.

(C) Accounting.

(D) Purchases.

12) A good audit report must at least meet one of the following qualifications:

(A) It should offer constructive and timely suggestions to the management.

(B) It should not point out mistakes.

(C) It should not be based on factual information.

(D) It should not be based on balance sheet.

Ans. : (A) It should offer constructive and timely suggestions to the


13) The work of one clerk is automatically check by another clerk is called :

(A) Internal control.

(B) Internal check.

(C) Internal audit.

(D) None of the above.

Ans.: (B) Internal check.

14) The owners of the company are called:

(A) Debenture holders.

(B) Debtors.

(C) Shareholders.

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (C) Shareholders.

15) Verification is :

(A) The art of recording the business transactions.

(B) An examination of the books of accounts.

(C) The act of establishing the accuracy of entries in the books of accounts.

Ans. : (C) The act of establishing the accuracy of entries in the books of


16) The main object of investigation is :

(A) To discover errors and frauds.

(B) To prevent errors and frauds.

(C) To verify statements.

(D) All the above.

Ans. :(D) All the above.

17) Internal controls and internal check are :

(A) One and the same.

(B) Different.

(C) Internal control includes internal check.

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (C) Internal control includes internal check.

18) An auditor is like a :

(A) Watchman.

(B) Foolish dog.

(C) Mad dog.

(D) Watch dog.

Ans. : . (D) Watch dog.

19) Special audit is necessary for:

(A) Inefficient concern.

(B) Processing concern.

(C) Trading concern.

(D) Manufacturing concern.

Ans.: (A) Inefficient concern.

20) The company’s auditor is expected to give:

(A) His expert opinion about the accounts.

(B) A factual position about the accounts.

(C) A critical review of the accounts.

(D) Financial assistance.

Ans.: (B) A factual position about the accounts.

21) Auditors of a joint stock company are appointed by :

(A) Directors of the company.

(B) Annual general meeting.

(C) Election at the annual general meeting.

(D) Debenture holders.

Ans.: (C) Election at the annual general meeting.

22) A company auditor can be removed by :

(A) Board of directors.

(B) Managing director.

(C) Any director.

(D) General Meeting.

Ans. : (D) General Meeting.

23) A vacancy caused by resignation of an auditor is filled by :

(A) Board of directors.

(B) Managing director.

(C) General meeting.

(D) Central government.

Ans. : (C) General meeting

24) Audit in depth means :

(A) Audit of each and every item.

(B) Intensive audit of each and every item.

(C) Intensive audit of few items.

(D) Audit of a few selected items.

Ans. : (B) Intensive audit of each and every item.

25) Concurrent audit is a part of :

(A) Internal check system.

(B) Continuous audit.

(C) Internal audit system.

(D) Final audit.

Ans. (C) Internal audit system.

26) Audit in depth is synonymous for:

(A) Complete audit.

(B) Completed audit.

(C) Final audit.

(D) Detailed audit.

Ans. : (D) Detailed audit.

27) Balance sheet audit included verification of :

(A) Assets.

(B) Liabilities.

(C) Income & expenditure accounts where appropriate.

(D) All of the above.

Ans. : (D) All of the above.

28) Which of the following statements is not true about continuous audit?

(A) It is conducted at regular interval.

(B) It may be carried out on daily basis.

(C) It is needed when the organization has a good internal control system.

(D) It is expensive.

Ans. : (C) It is needed when the organization has a good internal control system.

29) Which of the following is not a fact of EPA ?

(A) Economic audit.

(B) Efficiency audit.

(C) Expenditure audit.

(D) Effectiveness audit.

Ans.: (C) Expenditure audit.

30) Balance sheet does not include :

(A) Verification of assets & liabilities.

(B) Vouching of income & expense accounts related to assets and liabilities.

(C) Examination of adjusting and auditing & closing entries.

(D) Routine checks.

Ans.: (D) Routine checks.

31) When issuing unqualified opinion the auditor who evaluates the audit

should be satisfied that the :

(A) Amount of known miss-statement is documented in working papers.

(B) Estimates of the total likely misstatement are less than materiality level.

(C) Estimated of the total likely misstatement is more than materiality level.

(D) Estimates of the total likely misstatement cannot be made.

Ans. : (B) Estimates of the total likely misstatement are less than materiality


32) Under check system principle of_________ is followed.

(A) Division of labour

(B) Division of work

(C) Principle of scalar chain

(D) Accountancy

.ANS : (A) Division of labour

33) This kind of audit is generally conducted between two annual audits.

(A) Internal audit

(B) Interim audit

(C) Final audit

(D) Continuous audit

Ans. : (B) Interim audit.

34) Before the work of audit is commenced, the auditor plans out the whole of

audit work is known as –

(A) Audit plan

(B) Audit note

(C) Audit risk

(D) Audit program

Ans. : (D) Audit program.

35) Internal auditor is appointed by –

(A) The management

(B) The shareholders

(C) The government

(D) statutory body

Ans. : (A) The management.

36) The audit that is made compulsory under the statute is called –

(A) Statuary audit

(B) Partial audit

(C) Complete audit

(D) Continues audit

Ans. : (A) Statuary audit.

37) Who among the following can be appointed as the auditor of company?

(A) A partner or the director of the company

(B) A person of unsound mind

(C) Mr. ‘Y’ who owes Rs.500 to company

(D) Mr. ‘Z’ who holds the ‘CA’ Certificate

Ans. : Mr. ‘Z’ who holds the ‘CA’ Certificate.

38) ___ is documentary evidence by which the accuracy in the books of accounts

may be proved.

(A) Cheque

(B) Receipt

(C) Voucher

(D) Statement

Ans. : (C) Voucher.

39) Sale of Rs.50,000 to ‘A’ was entered as a sale to ‘B’. This is an example of –

(A) Error of omission

(B) Error of commission

(C) Compensating error

(D) Error of Principle.

Ans. : (B) Error of commission.

40) In comparison to the independent auditor an internal auditor is more likely to

be concerned with –

(A) Cost accountancy system

(B) Internal control system

(C) Legal compliance

D) Accounting system

Ans. : (B) Internal control system.

41) The audit program is prepared by –

(A) The auditor

(B) The client

(C) The audit assistants

(D) Auditor & his assistants

Ans. : (D) Auditor & his assistants.

42) Interim audit refers to –

(A) Examination of accounts continuously

(B) Examination of accounts intermittently

(C) Audit work to find out & check interim profits of a company

(D) Carrying on audit for bonus purposes at the end of year

Ans. : (C) Audit work to find out & check interim profits of a company .

43) A company auditor should see that the dividend is paid –

(A) After charging depreciation

(B) Without charging depreciation

(C) Out of capital

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (A) After charging depreciation.

44) Errors of omission are –

(A) Technical errors

(B) Error of principle

(C) Compensating error

(D) none of these

Ans.: (A) Technical errors.

45) Vouching implies –

(A) Inspection of receipts

(B) Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records

(C) Surprise checking of accounting records

(D) Examining the various assets

Ans. : (B) Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records.

46) Undervaluation of stock is –

(A) Technical error

(B) Compensatory error

(C) Error of principle

(D) none of these

Ans. : (C) Error of principle.

47) Verification refers to –

(A) Examination of journal & ledger

(B) Examination of vouchers related to assets

(C) Examining the physical existence & valuation of assets

(D) Calculation of valuation of assets

Ans. : (C) Examining the physical existence & valuation of assets.

48) Valuation of fixed assets is based on the concept –

(A) Going concern

(B) Money measurement

(C) Dual aspect

(D) Cost concept.

Ans. : (A) Going concern.

49) “Auditor is not valuer.” This statement was stated in –

(A)Kingston Cotton Mill Case (B) London & General Bank Case

(C) Lee VS Neuchatel Co. LTD Case (D) London Oil Storage Co.LTDCase

Ans. :(A)Kingston Cotton Mill Case.

50) Floating assets are valued at –

(A) Cost

(B) Market price

(C) Cost price or market price whichever is less

(D) Cost less than depreciation

Ans. : (C) Cost price or market price whichever is less.

51) Outstanding expenses should be verified with the help of –

(A) Cashbook

(B) Balance book

(C) Journal proper

(D)None of above.

Ans. : (C) Journal proper

52) First auditor of the company is appointed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Central government

(C) Company law board

(D) Board of directors

Ans. :(D) Board of directors.

53) The vacancy caused by resignation at a auditor is filled by –

(A) Board of directors

(B) At the general meeting of shareholders

(C) By the central government

(D) By the company law board

Ans. : (B) At the general meeting of shareholders

54) A special auditor is appointed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Board of directors

(C) Central government


Ans. : (C) Central government.

55) A remuneration of a company auditor is fixed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Board of directors

(C) Central Government

(D) Appointing authority

Ans. : (D) Appointing authority.

56) Internal auditor has to submit report to –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Government

(C) Company law board

(D) none of above

Ans. : D) none of above.

57) Auditor in general is –

(A) Employee of the company

(B) Agent of the company

(C) Agent of the shareholders

(C) None of the above

Ans. : (C) Agent of the shareholders.

58) Shares issued for consideration other than cash should be vouched with help

of –

(A) Directors minutes book

(B) Shareholders minute’s book

(C) Contract with the party concerned

(D) Cash book

Ans. : (C) Contract with the party concerned.

59) The term Standard Auditing Practices refers –

(A) Auditing techniques adopted by auditor for collecting & vouching evidences

(B) Test checking

(C) Standards of auditing

(D) True & fair view

Ans. : (A) Auditing techniques adopted by auditor for collecting & vouching


60) AAS refers to –

(A) Audit evidence

(B) Audit Planning

(C) Risk assessments &Internal control

(D) Knowledge of business

Ans. :(D) Knowledge of business.

61) The panel of Auditors of cooperative society is maintained by –

(A) Charted Accountant

(B) Central Government

(C) Registrar

(D) Shareholders

Ans. : (C) Registrar.

62) Banking Regulation Act was passed in the year–

(A) 1912

(B) 1949

(C) 1956

(D) 1955.

Ans. : (B) 1949.

63) Which of the following statements is not correct regarding removal of first

auditor before expiry of the term?

(A) He is removed at general meeting

(B) Shareholders are authorized to do so

(C) The approval of central government is required for such removal

(D) The provision for such removal is contained in Section 224 (7)
Ans. : (C) The approval of central government is required for such removal

64) Retiring auditor does not have right to –

(A) Make written representations

(B) Get his representation circulated

(C) Be heard at the meeting

(D) Speak as member of company

Ans. :(A) Make written representations

65) According to Section ___ Special Audit is conducted at the central government

(A) Section 233(A)

(B) Section 233(B)

(C) Section 242(A)

(D) Section 242(B)

Ans. : (C) Section 242(A).

66) Audit of Banks is an example of –

(A) Statutory Audit

(B) Balance Sheet Audit

(C) Concurrent Audit

(D) All of above

Ans. : (D) All of above.

67) Auditor of a _____ company does not have right to visit foreign branches of


(A) Unlimited Company

(B) Manufacturing Company

(C) Banking Company

(D) Non-Profit making company

Ans. : (B) Manufacturing Company.

68) Cost Audit under Section 233(B) of The Company Act is _____

(A) Voluntary

(B) Compulsory

(C) Advisable.

(D) Avoidable

Ans. : (C) Avoidable.

69) Internal Auditing Standards are issued by the –

(A) International Accounting Standard Board

(B) Financial Accounting Standard Board

(C) International Audit & Assurance Standard Board

(D) Auditing Practices Board

Ans. : (C) International Audit & Assurance Standard Board

70) Which of the following is not a duty of an auditor?

(A) Duty to report company’s banker

(B) Duty to report to the members

(C) Duty to sign the audit report

(D) Duty to report on any violation of law

Ans. : (A) Duty to report company’s banker.

71) The main object of vouching is :

(A) To prepare trial balance.

(B) Conduct routine checking.

(C) Verify authenticity & authority of transactions.

(D) Checking of vouchers.

Ans. : (C) Verify authenticity & authority of transactions

72) Valuation is the basis of :

(A) Verification.

(B) Marketing.

(C) Internal checking.

(D) Vouching.

Ans. : (A) Verification

73) The first auditor or auditors are appointed by :

(A) Central Government.

(B) Company Law Board.

(C) Board of Directors.

(D) Shareholders.

Ans.: (C) Board Of Directors

74) Voucher relates to:

(A) Cash receipt.

(B) Cash payment.

(C) Credit transactions.

(D) All the above.

Ans. : All of the above.

75) Internal auditor is appointed by :

(A) The management.

(B) The shareholders.

(C) The government.

(D) The statutory body.

Ans. : (A) The management

76) Auditing begins where -------- ends.

(A) Selling.

(B) Inventory valuation.

(C) Accounting.

(D) Purchases.

Ans. : (C) Accounting

77) The work of one clerk is automatically check by another clerk is called :

(A) Internal control.

(B) Internal check.

(C) Internal audit.

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (B) Internal Check

78) The owners of the company are called:

(A) Debenture holders.

(B) Debtors.

(C) Shareholders.

(D) None of the above.

Ans.: (C) Shareholders

79) An auditor is like a :

(A) Watchman.

(B) Foolish dog.

(C) Mad dog.

(D) Watch dog.

Ans.: (D) Watch dog

80) A company auditor can be removed by :

(A) Board of directors.

(B) Managing director.

(C) Any director.

(D) General Meeting.

Ans. : (D) General Meeting

81) This kind of audit is generally conducted between two annual audits.
(A) Internal audit

(B) Interim audit

(C) Final audit

(D) Continuous audit

Ans.: (B) Interim audit.

82) Before the work of audit is commenced, the auditor plans out the whole of

audit work is known as –

(A) Audit plan

(B) Audit note

(C) Audit risk

(D) Audit program

Ans. : (D) Audit program.

83) Internal auditor is appointed by –

(A) The management

(B) The shareholders

(C) The government

(D) statutory body

Ans. : (A) The management.

84) The audit that is made compulsory under the statute is called –

(A) Statuary audit

(B) Partial audit

(C) Complete audit

(D) Continues audit

Ans. : (A) Statuary audit.

85) Who among the following can be appointed as the auditor of company?

(A) A partner or the director of the company

(B) A person of unsound mind

(C) Mr. ‘Y’ who owes Rs.500 to company

(D) Mr. ‘Z’ who holds the ‘CA’ Certificate

Ans. : Mr. ‘Z’ who holds the ‘CA’ Certificate.

86) ___ is documentary evidence by which the accuracy in the books of accounts

may be proved.

(A) Cheque

(B) Receipt

(C) Voucher
(D) Statement Ans. : (C) Voucher.

87) Sale of Rs.50,000 to ‘A’ was entered as a sale to ‘B’. This is an example of –

(A) Error of omission

(B) Error of commission (

C) Compensating error

(D) Error of Principle.

Ans. : (B) Error of commission.

88) In comparison to the independent auditor an internal auditor is more likely to

be concerned with –

(A) Cost accountancy system

(B) Internal control system

(C) Legal compliance

D) Accounting system

Ans. : (B) Internal control system.

89) The audit program is prepared by –

(A) The auditor (B) The client (C) The audit assistants (D) Auditor & his assistants

Ans. : (D) Auditor & his assistants.

90) Interim audit refers to –

(A) Examination of accounts continuously

(B) Examination of accounts intermittently

(C) Audit work to find out & check interim profits of a company

(D) Carrying on audit for bonus purposes at the end of year

Ans. : (C) Audit work to find out & check interim profits of a company .

91) A company auditor should see that the dividend is paid –

(A) After charging depreciation

(B) Without charging depreciation

(C) Out of capital

(D) None of the above.

Ans. : (A) After charging depreciation.

92) Errors of omission are –

(A) Technical errors

(B) Error of principle

(C) Compensating error

(D) None of these

Ans.: (A) Technical errors.

93) Vouching implies –

(A) Inspection of receipts

(B) Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records

(C) Surprise checking of accounting records

(D) Examining the various assets

Ans. : (B) Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records.

94) Undervaluation of stock is –

(A) Technical error

(B) Compensatory error

(C) Error of principle

(D) none of these

Ans. : (C) Error of principle.

95) Verification refers to –

(A) Examination of journal & ledger

(B) Examination of vouchers related to assets

(C) Examining the physical existence & valuation of assets

(D) Calculation of valuation of assets

Ans. : (C) Examining the physical existence & valuation of assets.

96) Valuation of fixed assets is based on the concept –

(A) Going concern

(B) Money measurement

(C) Dual aspect

(D) Cost concept.

Ans. : (A) Going concern.

97) “Auditor is not valuer.” This statement was stated in –

(A)Kingston Cotton Mill Case

(B) London & General Bank Case

(C) Lee VS Neuchatel Co. LTD Case

(D) London Oil Storage Co.LTD Case

Ans. : (A)Kingston Cotton Mill Case.

98) Floating assets are valued at –

(A) Cost

(B) Market price

(C) Cost price or market price whichever is less

(D) Cost less than depreciation

Ans. : (C) Cost price or market price whichever is less.

99) Outstanding expenses should be verified with the help of –

(A) Cashbook

(B) Balance book

(C) Journal proper

(D) None of above.

Ans. : (C) Journal proper

100) First auditor of the company is appointed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Central government

(C) Company law board

(D) Board of directors

Ans. : (D) Board of directors.

101) Thevacancy caused by resignation of an auditor is filled by –

(A) Board of directors

(B) At the general meeting of shareholders

(C) By the central government

(D) By the company law board

Ans. : (B) At the general meeting of shareholders

102) A special auditor is appointed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Board of directors

(C) Central government


Ans. : (C) Central government.

103) A remuneration of a company auditor is fixed by the –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Board of directors

(C) Central Government

(D) Appointing authority

Ans. : (D) Appointing authority.

104) Internal auditor has to submit report to –

(A) Shareholders

(B) Government

(C) Company law board

(D) None of above

Ans. : D) none of above.

105) Auditor in general is –

(A) Employee of the company

(B) Agent of the company

(C) Agent of the shareholders

(D) None of the above

Ans. : (C) Agent of the shareholders.

106) Shares issued for consideration other than cash should be vouched with

of –

(A) Directors minutes book

(B) Shareholders minute’s book

(C) Contract with the party concerned

(D) Cash book

Ans. : (C) Contract with the party concerned.

107) The term Standard Auditing Practices refers –

(A) Auditing techniques adopted by auditor for collecting & vouching evidences

(B) Test checking

(C) Standards of auditing

(D) True & fair view

Ans. : (A) Auditing techniques adopted by auditor for collecting & vouching


108) AAS refers to –

(A) Audit evidence

(B) Audit Planning

(C) Risk assessments &Internal control

(D) Knowledge of business

Ans. : (D) Knowledge of business .

109) The panel of Auditors of cooperative society is maintained by –

(A) Charted Accountant

(B) Central Government

(C) Registrar

(D) Shareholders

Ans. : (C) Registrar.

Audit and Auditors
QNo.1 which class of Companies shall constitute an Audit Committee of the

a) All Public Companies with a paid up capital of eight crores rupees or more
b) All Public Companies with a paid up capital of seven crores rupees or
c) All Public Companies with a paid up capital of ten crores rupees or more
d) All Public Companies with a paid up capital of nine crores rupees or more
Ans C

QNo.2 which class of Companies shall constitute an Audit Committee of the


a) All Public Companies having turnover of one hundred crore rupees or

b) All Public Companies having turnover of eighty crore rupees or more
c) All Public Companies having turnover of Ninty crore or more
d) All Public Companies having turnover of seventy crore rupees or more
Ans A

QNo.3 The auditor appointed in the AGM meeting shall hold the office from the
conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of the ___________Annual General

a) Third
b) Fourth
c) Fifth
d) Sixth
QNo.4 In how many days, first Auditor of the Company other than Government
Company shall be appointed by the Board of the Directors from the date of its

a) Within thirty days

b) Within forty five day
c) Within sixty days
d) Within ninety days
Ans A

QNo.5 In how many days, first Auditor of the Government Company shall be
appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General from the date of its

a) Within thirty days

b) Within forty-five days
c) Within sixty days
d) Within ninety days
Ans C

QNo.6 In how many days, the subsequent auditor for existing government
companies shall be appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General

a) Within 60 days
b) Within 120 days
c) Within 90 days
d) Within 180 days
Ans D
QNo.7 which section deals with eligibility and qualification of the Auditor?

a) Section 141 (1) and (2)

b) Section 141(3)
c) Section 142
d) Section 141(4)
Ans A

QNo.8 which section deals with disqualification of the Auditor?

a) Section 141 (1) and (2)

b) Section 141(3)
c) Section 142
d) Section 141(4)
Ans B

QNo.9 which section deal with the appointment of the Auditor?

a) Section 139
b) Section 141
c) Section 142
d) None of the above
Ans A

QNo.10 Which section deal with removal of the Auditor ?

a) Section 140 (1)

b) Section 139
c) Section 141
d) Section 142
Ans A

QNo.11 Which section deal with remuneration of the Auditor?

a) Section 140 (1)

b) Section 139
c) Section 141
d) Section 142
Ans D

QNo.12 which is not correct statement in respect of the qualification of the


a) Only a Chartered Accountant (individual) or a firm where the majority of

partners practicing in India are Chartered Accountants can be appointed as
b) Where a firm including a limited liability Partnership (LLP) is appointed as
auditor of a company, only the partners who are chartered accountants
shall be authorized to act and sign on behalf of the firm
c) Both a and b
d) A person whose relative is a director or is in employment of the company as
a director or key managerial personnel,
Ans D

QNo.13 Which authority is empowered to fill up the casual vacancy of the Auditor
of the company whose accounts are subject to audit by an auditor appointed by
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India?

a) By Auditor-General of India
b) By the Board of the Directors
c) By the Whole Time Directors
d) By the Centre Government
Ans A

QNo.14 In which form, Auditor who has resigned from the company is required to
file a statement indicating the reasons and other facts as may be relevant with
regard to his resignation.

a) ADT-1
b) ADT-2
c) ADT-3
d) ADT-4
Ans C

QNo.15 what penalties shall be imposed upon the Auditor in case of failing to file
the statement in the form ADT-3 in cash of the resignation?

a) Monetary fine not less than Rs.50000/- and not more than Rs.500000/-
b) Monetary fine not less than Rs.40000/- and not more than Rs.400000/-
c) Monetary fine not less than Rs.30000/- and not more than Rs.300000/-
d) Monetary fine not less than Rs.20000/- and not more than Rs.200000/-
Ans A

QNo.16 Which authority is empowered to fix the remuneration of the Auditors?

a) By the Board of Directors

b) By the Whole time directors
c) By the Managing Director
d) By the shareholders in the Annual General meeting
Ans D

QNo.17 the CAG shall have a right to the conduct a supplementary audit of
the financial statement of the company and comment upon or supplement such
audit report. In how many days audit report should be submitted by by the CAG?

a) Within thirty days

b) Within sixty days
c) Within ninety days
d) Within forty five days
Ans B

QNo.18 What is the full form of NFRA in respect of the Audit.

a) National Fund reform Act

b) National Financial Reporting Authority
c) National fund Reporting Act
d) National financial reform Authority
Ans B

QNo.19 If the auditor of a company, in the course of the performance of his duties
as Auditor has reason to believe that an offence involving fraud is being or has
been committed against the company by the officers or employees of the company.
In how many days, he shall report the matter to the Central Government

a) Within 30 days
b) Within 45 days
c) Within 60 days
d) Within 90 days
Ans C

QNo.20 In which form, report of the fraud committed by the officers or employees
of the company shall be filed by the Auditor?

a) ADT-1
b) ADT-2
c) ADT-3
d) ADT-4
Ans D

QNo.21 Which section deals with Auditor not to render certain services (prohibited

a) Section 139
b) Section 142
c) Section 144
d) Section 146
Ans C

QNo.22 which section deal with signing of the Audit Report by the Auditor?

a) Section 145
b) Section 144
c) Section 139
d) Section 140
Ans A

QNo.23 Which section deal with cost Record and their Audit?

a) Section 144
b) Section 145
c) Section 146
d) Section 148
Ans D

QNo.24 In how many days, Every cost Auditor who conducts an audit of the cost
records of the company is required to submit the cost audit report along with his
or its reservations or qualifications to the Board of the Directors from the close of
the company’s financial year to which the report relates?

a) 60 days
b) 120 days
c) 180 days
d) 240 days
Ans C

QNo.25 In how many days, a company is required to furnish the cost audit report
to Central Government alongwith full information and explanation on every
reservation or qualification from the date of receipt of a cop of the cost audit report?

a) 30 days
b) 45 days
c) 60 days
d) 90 days
Ans A

QNo.26 how many new clauses have been added in the CARO 2020?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
Ans D

QNo.27 What is the full form of CARO?

a) Cost Audit Report Order

b) Companies Auditor’s Report Order
c) Companies Account’s Report order
d) Cost Accounts report order
Ans B

QNo.28 Clause 20 of the CARO 2020 deals with

a) Cash losses
b) Resignation of Auditor
c) CSR compliance
d) Company ability to meet its current liabilities in Auditor opinion based on
ratios, realizations and ageing
Ans C

QNo.29 Clause17 of the CARO 2020 deals with

a) Cash losses
b) Resignation of Auditor
c) CSR compliance
d) Company ability to meet its current liabilities in Auditor opinion based on
ratios, realizations and ageing
Ans A

QNo.30Clause 18 of the CARO 2020 deals with

a) Cash losses
b) Resignation of Auditor
c) CSR compliance
d) Company ability to meet its current liabilities in Auditor opinion based on
ratios, realizations and ageing
Ans B

QNo.31 Clause 19 of the CARO 2020 deals with

a) Cash losses
b) Resignation of Auditor
c) CSR compliance
d) Company ability to meet its current liabilities in Auditor opinion based on
ratios, realizations and ageing
Ans D

QNo.32 How many clauses are covered in CARO 2020?

a) 16
b) 18
c) 20
d) 21
Ans D

QNo.33 What is the full form of CAS in the cost Accounting

a) Cost Accounting standard
b) Cost Auditing standard
c) Cost Accounting signs
d) Cost Auditing status
Ans A

Cost Audit

1. Part C of the Annexure to the Cost Audit Report in CRA 3 deals with .
(A) Manufacturing Sector
(B) Service Sector
(C) Regulated Sector
(D) Unregulated Sector

2. Cost Accounting Standard 8 is a Cost Accounting Standard on .

(A) Employee Cost
(B) Utilities Cost
(C) Pollution Control Cost
(D) Selling and Distribution Cost

3. Under the Generally Accepted Cost Accounting Principles, the cost

of cane supplied from own farm to the sugar mill is treated as .
(A) Direct Materials Cost
(B) Indirect Materials Cost
(C) Production Overhead
(D) Administrative Overhead

4. Constitution of Audit Committee by the Board of Directors is

mandatory for_____.
(A) All companies
(B) All listed companies only
(C) All listed companies and those prescribed under the
Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules only
(D) All public companies having turnover of ₹100crore or more only

5. Cost Auditing Standard 102 deals with .

(A) planning an Audit of Cost Statements
(B) Cost Audit Documentation
(C) knowledge of process and business
(D) overall objectives of the Independent Cost Auditor

6. As per the Central Excise Valuation Rule s 2000, the assessable value
of goods used for captive consumption is .
(A) at actual cost of production of such goods
(B) at marginal cost of production of such goods
(C) at 110% of cost of production of such goods
(D) at market price of such goods

7. A shoe manufacturing company has a plant capacity of producing

700 shoes per shift. During the year of 300 working days, 3 shifts of
8 hours with half-hour recess per shift, it produces 35.91 lakh shoes.
The Normal Capacity Utilization percentage is .
(A) 82%
(B) 76%
(C) 74%
(D) 78%
8. Propriety Audit in the context of Government Audit seeks to ensure
(A) public money are not spent for the benefit of a particular person
(B) public officer should exercise same vigilance as in respect of
expenditure of his/her own money
(C) no authority should pass an order which will be directly or
indirectly to its own advantage
(D) All the above

9. The Cost Accounting Standard 15 is a Cost Accounting Standard on .

(A) Employee Cost
(B) Utilities Cost
(C) Pollution Control Cost
(D) Selling and Distribution Overheads Cost

10. Overall Objectives of the independent Cost Auditor and conduct of

an Audit in accordance with Cost Auditing Standard is dealt in
(A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
(B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
(C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
(D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

11. A company, engaged in construction business, is covered under

the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 but does not
(A) outsourcing by a sub-contracting company
(B) a company working on BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) mode
(C) a company working in a Special Economic Zone
(D) a project undertaken as EPC (Eng., Procurement, Constn.) contract

12. A manufacturing unit showed, during the Financial Year 2016-17,

the following financial data (in ₹lakh): Net Sales 1,250, Export
Incentives 85, Other income 106, Adj. of Finished Stock (+) 95,
Materials 634, Salaries 425, Overheads 101.8, and Tax 52.6. The
Value Added as per Rules is (in ₹lakh)____.
(A) 946
(B) 796
(C) 755
(D) 688

13. Royalty paid on production ₹35,000, Job Charges ₹20,000, Special

Design Charges ₹ 20,000, Software Development Charges related to
Production ₹27,000, and Travelling abroad for Training ₹25,000 The
Direct Expenses as per CAS 10 is ₹_____.
(A) 92,000
(B) 1,00,000
(C) 1,02,000
(D) 1,27,000

14. Operational Audit can lead to better management with the focus on .
(A) Transaction-based analysis for Fraud Prevention
(B) Compliance of Rules
(C) Risk Identification, Process Improvement
(D) Budget Monitoring

15. Penalty paid to PF authorities is in Employee Cost.

(A) included
(B) excluded
(C) based on individual case
(D) partly included

16. Item appearing only in Cost Records is .

(A) Profit on Sale of Assets
(B) Interest ReceivedLoss on Sale of Assets
(C) Notional Interest on Capital

17. Analysis is evaluation of every resources declared in the

(A) Capacity
(B) Energy
(C) Productivity
(D) Efficiency

18. Which one of the following is not a professional misconduct in

relation to Cost Accountants in Practice as per the Second
Schedule of The CWA Act, 1959?
(A) He / she fails to invite attention to any material departure from
the generally accepted procedure of costing and pricing
applicable to the circumstances
(B) He / she does not exercise due diligence or is grossly negligent
in the conduct of his/her professional duties
(C) He/ she fails to report a material misstatement known to him
/her to appear in a cost or pricing statement with which he / she
is concerned in a professional capacity
(D) In the opinion of the Council, he /she brings disrepute to the
profession or the Institute as a result of his/her action whet her or
not related to his/her professional work

19. In which CRA Form, is the Cost Audit Report of a company filed
with the Central Government?
(A) CRA-4
(B) CRA-3
(C) CRA-1
(D) CRA-2

20. CAS 23 deals with _____.

(A) Quality Control
(B) Manufacturing Cost
(C) Overburden Removal Cost
(D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements

21. As per the Cost Auditing Standard 101, the risk of Material
Misstatements has two components, viz______.
A) Inherent Risk and Control Risk
B) Detection Risk and Audit Risk
C) Material Risk and Implicit Risk
D) Financial Risk and Explicit Risk

22. As per Part D, Para 4 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules,
2014, Value Addition and Distribution of Earnings are to be
computed based on
A) Audited Financial Data
B) Cost Record Data
C) Unaudited Financial Data
D) Both (A) and (B)

23. The audit of data or information, depicting social performance

of a business in contrast to its normal economic performance as
measured in financial audit, is
A) Energy Audit
B) Efficiency Audit
C) Social Audit
D) Propriety Audit

24. Which of the following is not a Professional Misconduct as per the First
Schedule of The CWA Act, 1959, in relation to the Cost Accountants
in Practice?
A) Pays or allows or agrees to pay or allow, directly or indirectly,
any share, commission or brokerage in the fees or profits of his/her
professional work, to any person other than a member of the
Institute or a partner or a retired partner or the legal
representative of a deceased partner
B) Enters into a partnership, in or outside India, with any person
other than a Cost Accountant in Practice or such other person
who is a member of any other professional body having such
qualifications as may be prescribed
C) Advertises his/her professional attainments or services or uses any
designation or expression other than Cost Accountant on
professional documents, visiting cards, letter heads or sign boards,
unless it is a degree of a University established by law in India or
recognised by the Central Government or a title indicating
membership of The ICAI or any other institution that has been
recognised by the Central Government or may be recognised by
the Council
D) Expresses his/ her opinion on cost or pricing statements of any
business or enterprise in which, he / she, his/her firm or a partner
in his / her firm has substantial interest

25. Remuneration of the Non-Executive Di rectors is treated as________.

A) Employee Costs
B) Administrative Overheads
C) Salaries and Wages
D) Management Expenses

26. As per the CAS 23, the activity of Overburden Removal that benefits
the identified component of an ore to be mined by the entity is
called as______.
A) Mining Activity
B) Overburden Removal
C) Stripping Activity
D) Advance Stripping

27. Cost Information the organization to structure the cost, understand

it and use it for communicating with the stakeholders.

A) Enables
B) Disables
C) Useful
D) None of these

28. Costing is an important tool in shareholder and stakeholder value.

A) Determining
B) Calculating
C) Assessing
D) None of these

29. Costing includes product, process, and resource-related information

covering_______ of the organization and its value chain.
A) Performance
B) Ability
C) Consistency

30. Functions Cost Records re maintained on______

A) Accrual
B) Cash
C) Actual
D) None of these

31. Cost Audit represents true and fair view of the_______

A) Cost of sale
B) Cost of raw material consumption
C) Cost of production
D) None of these

32. Cost Audit conducted by a Chartered Accountant.

A) May be
B) Can be
C) Cannot be
D) May not be

33. The Cost Auditor appointed has to render the cost audit report
to the board of directors of the Company, as per the specified time
limit, in Form .
A) CRA-3
B) CRA – 1
D) CRA – 2

34. The cost records are to be maintained as specified in:

C) CRA 4
D) CRA 2

35. ‘Sugar and Industrial Alcohol’ belong to sector for the

purpose of Application of Cost Records.
A) Regulated
B) Non-Regulated
C) Both depending on circumstances
D) None of above

36. Cost Audit was initially introduced in the year

(A) 1959
(B) 1965
(C) 1949
(D) 1975

37. The Central Govt. released the CCRA – Rules, 2014 in pursuance to
the powers vested with it U/ s_________ of the Companies Act,
A) Section 469
B) Section 148
C) Section 465
D) Section 469 and 148
38. The CCRA – Rules, 2014 supersedes
A) Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011
B) Companies (Cost Audit Report) Rules, 2011
C) Cost Accounting Records (Telecommunication Industry) Rules, 2011
D) All the above
39. The provisions related to maintenance of cost records were introduced
in the year _________by amendment to the companies act, 1956.
(A) 1960

(B) 1965
(C) 1966
(D) 1970

40. The CCRA – Rules, 2014 is not applicable to

B) Export oriented units
C) Private limited companies
D) Units operating from SEZ

41. The cost audit report under CCRA – Rules, 2014 is to be submitted in
A) Form – 3
B) Form – 4
C) Form – 1
D) Form – 2

42. The cost audit report under CCRA – Rules, 2014 is to be filed as an
attachment to ------
A) Form – 3
B) Form – 4
C) Form – 2
D) None of the above

43. Which one of the below is not a regulated industry

A) Fertilizers
B) Aluminium
C) Sugar
D) Petroleum products

44. The turnover criteria for applicability of CCRA – Rules, 2014 is

A) At the end of immediately preceding financial year
B) At the end of the financial year
C) Average of 3 preceding financial year
D) When the company achieves the turnover during the current
financial year

45. The cost auditor to be appointed within days of the beginning of

the financial Year.
A) 90 days
B) 180 days
C) 6 months
D) 270 days

46. CCRA – Rules, 2014 is applicable from the financial year

commencing on or after (A) 01.01.2014
(B) 01.04.2014
(C) 01.07.2014
(D) 01.04.2015
47. Which Para in covered in Part D to the Annexures to Cost audit report.
A) Profit Reconciliation
B) Value addition and distribution of profit
C) Reconciliation of Indirect taxes
D) Abridge Cost Statement
48. CAS 11 deals with:
A) Administrative Overhead
B) Factory Overhead
C) Selling & Distribution Overhead
D) Financial Cost

49. CAS 5 deals with

A) Equalized cost of transportation
B) Captive consumption
C) Capacity determination
D) Cost classification

50. The foreign exchange component of imported material is converted at

the rate on –
A) Date of Payment
B) Date of Delivery
C) Date of Transaction
D) Date of Use

51. Variances due to abnormal reasons form part of cost as per GACAP.
A) Will Not
B) Is
C) Are
D) Will

52. As per CAS 2 Actual Capacity utilization shall be presented as a

percentage of capacity.
A) Installed Capacity
B) Practical Capacity
C) Abnormal Loss (%)
D) Actual Production

53. CAS-20 deals with

A) Royalty and Technic al Knowhow fee
B) Material Cost
C) Research & Development Cost
D) Financial Cost

54. The objective of CAS – 101 is to .

A) Prepare cost records
B) Prepare cost audit documentation
C) Guide the members to make planning for the audit of cost
D) Enable the cost auditor to have knowledge of the clients business

55. The procedures followed by the cost auditor to reduce the audit risk
to an acceptable level will not detect a misstatement that exists
and that could be material is .
A) Inherent risk
B) Detection risk
C) Control risk
D) None o f t hese

56. Cost auditing standard deals with .

A) Auditors responsibility
B) Auditors power Auditors right
C) Auditors flexibility

57. Cost auditing standards preface to the standards on .

A) Quality control
B) Planning
C) Development
D) None of these

58. Cost auditing standards preface to the standards on auditing,

quality control review and related services rendered by the cost
accountant has been issued by________.

59. CAS ensures the achievement of audit objectives with

available resources and securing coordination with the auditee on
audit work.
A) CAS – 102
B) CAS –104
C) CAS – 103
D) CAS- 101

60. CAS 104 enables the cost auditor .

A) To have knowledge of the clients business
B) Overall objectives of the cost auditor and the conduct of an audit
C) Guide the members to prepare cost audit documentation
D) Making plan for audit of cost statement

61. Requirements of CAS – 104, the cost auditor shall .

A) Comply with the relevant ethical requirements
B) Have adequate level of understanding of the knowledge of business
C) Prepare audit documentation
D) None of these

62. The cost auditing standards deal with the of the cost auditor.
A) Efficiency
B) Effectiveness
C) Qualifications
D) Responsibility
63. The cost auditor is E) for forming and expressing an opinion on
the cost statements.
A) Responsible
B) Reasonable
C) Irresponsible
D) Assessing
64. Which one of the following KPI is used to measure productivity &
efficiency a machinery
A) % of Idle time to total available time
B) Machine downtime ratio
C) Cost per of Break-Down Hour
D) Contribution per unit of material used

65. KPI can be classified in following Category.

A) Quantitative & Qualitative
B) Actionable
C) Trending
D) All of the above

66. Which one of the following is covered under performance analysis report
A) Cost per unit of material used
B) Cost of utilities
C) Impact of IFRS on the Cost Structure
D) Impact of CAS and GACAP

67. The basic objective to prepare report on performance analysis is/are as

A) to improve profits and profitability
B) to optimize resource allocation
C) to optimize the product and services portfolio
D) All of the above

68. Performance Prism is basic ally used for the purpose of

A) Cost Reduction
B) Cost Control
C) Total performance management
D) None of the above

69. Kaizen Costing & Lean Manufacturing (Management Accounting Tool)

are used as

A) Cost Reduction Tool

B) Cost Computation Tool
C) Performance Measure Tool
D) Control Tool

70. Management Audit is the unique process of ______Managers or the

performance of Management

A) Appraising
B) Calculating

C) Auditing

D) Planning

71. Management audit is normally presumed to be a _______ performance of

a manager or group of managers.
A) Routine investigation
B) Non-routine investigation
C) Auditing
D) None of these

72. The main objectives of management audit is to .

A) Suggest improvement in methods of operations
B) Framing basic policies for the organization
C) Setting up an organizational framework
D) None of these

73. Management audit on financial matters.

A) Involves
B) Only concentrate
C) Does not concentrate
D) None of these

74. The main emphasis of Management Audit is:

A) Problem solving
B) Problem identification
C) Problem definition
D) Problem avoidance

75. Efficiency Audit ensures return on Capital Employed

A) optimum
B) maximum
C) minimum
D) average

76. There are no fixed items of evidence to be checked by Management

A) The statement is true
B) The statement is false
C) The statement is partly true
D) The statement is partly false

77. Consumer Service Audit is part of

A) Business Activity Audit
B) Social Audit
C) Service Audit
D) None of Above

78. Management Audit Report Submitted to:

A) Cost Audit Branch
B) Audit Committee
C) Central Government
D) Management of Concern

79. There areno fixed items of evidence to be checked by

Management Auditor. A management Auditor has to rely more on

A) his experience and acumen

B) Auditors Working Paper
C) Physic al Verification Sheet
D) Information Provided by Management

80. Assurance engagements involve

A) Only Individual Parties
B) Three separate parties
C) Contractor and Contractee
D) None of them

81. Zero base budget (ZBB) system was modeled by

A) Peter A Woodcock
B) Peter A Phyrr
C) P F Ducker
D) None of them

82. Important point in Corporate planning is

A) Time and Work Study
B) Imposing Control System
C) Forecasting and goal setting
D) SWOT analysis.

83. Who is the developer of Management Audit

A) T. G. Rose
B) T. G. Tailors
C) M. C. Shukla
D) None of them

84. Internal control system can be comprised of

A) Preventive Control
B) Detective Control
C) Corrective Control
D) All of the above

85. Who can be appointed as Internal Auditor as per the Companies Act,
A) A Chartered Accountant
B) A Cost Accountant
C) Such other professional
D) All of the above

86. Which section of Companies Act deals with Internal Audit

A) Section 138
B) Section 148
C) Section 139
D) Section 192

87. One of the major components of government audit is/ are

A) Government Revenue
B) Union Budget and Control
C) Government Expenditure
D) Taxation and Fiscal Policies

88. Internal Audit can be performed by______.

A) Employee of the Organization
B) External Agencies
C) Management itself
D) Both (A) and (B)

89. NGO(s) are incorporated under__

A) Societies Registration Act, 1860
B) India Trust Act, 1882
C) As Section 8 Company
D) All of the above

90. The management auditor shall consider in the evaluation of capacity

utilization –
A) Method of measuring base machine capacity
B) Capacity measurement is based on “capital output ratio” or sundry
other factors
C) Technical terminology like licensed capacity, installed capacity,
rated capacity etc should be properly defined
D) All of the above
91. Qualities of good Internal Auditor are/is_____
A) Right Attitude
B) Technic al Expertise
C) Communication and other soft skills
D) All of the above

92. An audit of or for a government agency is composed______

A) Financial compliance
B) Economy and efficiency
C) Program results
D) All of the above

93. Aspects may be taken into consideration for proper inventory control
A) Maximum, minimum and reorder level fixation
B) Fixed order quantity system and different replenishment systems
C) Fast moving, slow moving and non-moving analysis etc
D) All of the above

94. Internal Audit is

A) One time activity
B) A continuous activity
C) Half yearly
D) None of above

95. There is no requirement of Audit Working Papers while conducting

audit and they only result in loss of time.
A) The Statement is Correct
B) The Statement is Incorrect
C) The Statement is Incomplete
D) None

96. Co-operative Auditor has to conduct an examination of the overdue

debts, if any, and a valuation of the assets and liabilities of the
society while conducting internal audit as per_____
A) Section 17(3) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
B) Section 17(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
C) Section 17(5) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
D) Section 37(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912

97. Field Balance Sheet Approach to audit can be applied in case of audit
of the__
A) Co-Operative societies
B) Local Body Corporate
C) Self-Help Group
D) Club

98. Under ‘propriety audit’, the auditors try to bring out what type of
A) Improper
B) Avoidable
C) In fructuous
D) All of the above

99. States about the audit of accounts of Municipalities.

A) Article 243Z of the Constitution
B) Article 243J of the Constitution
C) Both (A) and (B)
D) None of the above

100. What is the first step to conduct Hospital Audit?

A) Check the letter of appointment
B) Study Trust Deed
C) Examine Records
D) Physical Verification

101. Who appoint the auditor for Government Company?

A) Board of Directors
B) Audit Committee

102. C&AG has right to direct the manner in which the company’s
accounts shall be audited by the auditor and to give such auditor
instructions in regard to any matter relating to the performance of his
functions as per section
A) 44AB of income Tax
B) 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
C) 173 of the Companies Act, 2013
D) 134 of the Companies Act, 2013

103. Financial Administration of Local Bodies includes

A) Budgetary Procedure
B) Expenditure Control
C) Accounting System
D) All of the above

104. Non-Governmental Organizations can be incorporated as a company

A) Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956
B) Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
C) Section 28 of the Companies Act, 2013
D) None of the above

105. The government also engages in commercial activities and for the
purpose it may incorporate type of entities.
A) Five
B) Three
C) Many
D) Various

106. Which one of the followings in an example of “Profitability Ratio”

A) Inventory Turnover Ratio
B) Proprietary Ratio
C) Expenses Ratio
D) Capital Gearing Ratio

107. Which one of the followings in an example of “Solvency Ratio”

A) Capital turnover Ratio
B) Debt Equity ratio
C) Debtors Turnover Ratio
D) None of above

108. Which one of the following is not an utilities.

A) Steam
B) Water
C) Compressed Air
D) Broadband internet services

109. Cost of Inventory does not include

A) Costs of Purchase
B) Costs of Conversion
C) Other Direct Cost
D) Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing
inventories to their present location and condition

110. Which one of the following costs appeared only in Cost Accounts?
A) Interest on mortgage and loans
B) Notional Interest on Capital
C) Dividend equalization fund, sinking, fund etc.
D) Loss due to scrapping of plan and machinery

111. Royalty paid on sales ₹30,000; Royalty paid on units produced

₹20,000, Hire Charges of equipment used for production ₹2,000,
Design charges ₹15,000, Software development charges related to
production ₹22,000. The Direct Expenses amount is:
A) ₹88000

(D) ₹98000

112. The Balance Sheet of X Ltd As on 31st Marc h 2017 showed the following
Capital - ₹1500 lacs, Reserves - ₹696 lacs, Loans - ₹600 lacs, Sundry
Creditors ₹774 lacs, Total assets - ₹3570 lacs. For the year 16-17, PBT
- ₹900 lacs, Provision for tax is ₹ 360 lacs and proposed dividend is
₹300 lacs. Return on Networth is:
(A) 30.41 %
(B) 29.41 %
(C) 28.41 %
(D) 27.41%

113. Royalty paid on units produced ₹20,000, Hire Charges of equipment

used for production ₹2,000, Design charges ₹15,000, Software
development charges related to production ₹22,000. The Direct
Expenses is:

114. A cotton textile mill had cumulative waste percentage of 8% in

Blow Room, 6% in Carding, 4% in Drawing, 4% in Simplex and 9%
in Ring Frame. For an input of 1000 kg. of cotton in Blow Room, the
output at Ring Frame is .
(A) 735.27 Kg
(B) 725.27 Kg
(C) 745.27 Kg
(D) 755.27 Kg

115. Gross Sales ₹16500 lacs, Excise Duty ₹1240 lacs, Increase in stock ₹42
lacs,Cost of raw materials ₹6250 lacs, Power ₹2220 lacs, other overhe
ads ₹215 lacs, Value Added is:
(A) ₹15260 Lac
(B) ₹6617 Lac
(C) ₹6533 Lac
(D) ₹15302 lac

116. Rule 4 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 deals
A) Application of Cost Records
B) Application of Cost Audit
(C)Appointment of Cost Auditor
(D) Cost Audit Report

117. Abnormal Loss due to flood or earthquake is charged to:

A) Administrative Overhead Cost
B) Material Cost
C) Costing Profit and Loss Account
(C) Selling and Distribution Cost

118. XBRL is a language based on:

A) XBL family of languages
B) XRL family of languages
C) XML family of languages
D) XGL family of languages

119. Part B of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report deals:

A) Service Sector
B) Manufacturing Sector
C) Both manufacturing and service sector
D) None of the above

120. CAS 14 deals with:

A) Repair and Maintenance Cost
B) Pollution Control Cost
C) Direct Expenses
D) Packing material cost

121. Operating Expense does not include:

A) Rent
B) Equipment
C) Interest
D) Payroll

122. Outward transportation cost shall form part of :

A) Cost of material
B) Cost of Sale
C) Packing material

123. Rule 6 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 deals
A) Application of Cost Records
B) Application of Cost Audit
C) Appointment of Cost Auditor
D) Cost Audit Report

124. Product and Profitability Statement (For audited products/services) is

shown under ________ of Annexure to Cost Audit Report.
A) Part A
B) Part B
C) Part C
D) Part D

125. Any casual vacancy in the office of a cost auditor, shall be filled
by the Board of Directors within days of occurrence of such
(A) 180
(B) 90
(C) 30
(D) 60

126. The Companies are required to maintain Cost Records if turnover

exceeds crores or more during immediately preceding Financial Year
in respect of the products and services specified
(A) ₹25
(B) ₹30
(C) ₹35
(D) ₹10

127. Which one of the following is not a professional misconduct in

relation to Cost Accountants in Practice as per the First Schedule of
The CWA Act, 1959?
A) discloses information acquired in the course of his professional
engagement to any person other than his client so en gaging him,
without the consent of his client, or otherwise than as required
by any law for the time being in force
B) allows any person to practice in his name as a cost accountant
unless such person is also a cost accountant in practice and is
in partnership with or employed by himself
C) accepts or agrees to accept any part of the profits of the
professional work of a person who is not a member of the
D) secures, either through the services of a person who is not an
employee of such cost accountant or who is not his partner or
by means which are not open to a cost accountant, any
professional business

128. CAS 9 deals with ________.

A) Direct Material Cost
B) Indirect Material Cost
C) Packing Material Cost
D) Imported Material Cost

129. Operational Audit is a Level Management Audit.

A) Macro
B) Micro
C) Depends on situation
D) None of the above

130. Exemptions from application of the Rules are provided to Companies

whose revenue from exports, in foreign exchange, exceeds of total
revenue and companies operating from Special Economic Zones.
(A) 45%
(B) 50%
(C) 75%
(D) 80%

131. In XBRL Format process of determining the elements that

correspond to lines and columns in a financial statement and which
elements must be created by extension is:
A) Mapping
B) Label
C) Hierarchy
D) Scaling

132. Before submission to the Auditor for Report, the Form CRA 3 should
be signed by________ .
A) The Secretary and the Chief Finance Officer of the company
B) The Secretary and the Cost Accounts Officer of the company
C) The Secretary and one Director of the company
D) The Chief Finance Officer and the Managing Director of the company

133. Cost of self-generation utilities for own consumption shall comprise .

A) Administrative overheads
B) Distribution cost
C) Factory overheads
D) None of the above

134. The useful life of an intangible asset, like amount paid on technic
al knowhow, shall not exceed from the date it is available for use.
A) 5 years
B) 8 years
C) 10 years
D) 12 years

135. Cost Audit Documentation is dealt in the

A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

136. A member of The ICAI shall be deemed to be guilty of other

misconduct, if he/she is held guilty by any civil or criminal court
of an offence which is punishable with imprisonment .
A) For a term exceeding 3 years
B) For a term exceeding 3 months
C) For a term exceeding 6 months
D) For a term exceeding 2 years

137. Costing Taxonomy is best defined as a .

A) Dictionary
B) Made Easy
C) Tax Ready Reckoner
D) Referencer

138. Which of the following ratios appears as Profit ability Ratio in Part D
of Annexure to the Cost Audit Report ?
A) Net Profit to Net Sale
B) Value added to Net Sales
C) Profit before Tax to Value Added
D) Net Profit to Share Capital

139. CAS 24 deals with .

A) Overburden Removal Cost
B) Interest and Financing Charges
C) Royalty and Technic al Knowhow Fee
D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements

140. ORS Ltd is a multi-product company having annual turnover of ₹103

crore, Table A items under CARO being ₹26 crore, Table B items ₹8
crore and the rest are not covered in either of the Tables. Cost Audit
will be .
A) not applicable to the company
B) applicable for Table A products only
C) applicable for all products
D) applicable for Table A and Table B products only

141. The wages of employees of contractor engaged in the organization

for the past period is Employee Cost.
A) included in
B) excluded from

C) included to the extent of statutory contribution of employer

D) partly included

142. The figures below are available for Reliable Ltd Budgeted
production - 800 units, Standard hours per unit 25, Actual
production 576 units and actual working— 12000 hours. What is the
Efficiency Ratio?
(A) 110%
(B) 120%
(C) 100%
(D) 125%
143. Machinery used in defense, space and atomic energy sector and
fulfilling turnover criteria is under
A) regulated sector
B) unregulated sector
C) exempted by different statute
D) not applicable category

144. Cost Auditing Standard 102 deals with .

A) knowledge in performing of audit of cost statements, records etc
B) ensuring conduct of audit of cost statements
C) planning on audit of cost statements, records etc
D) documentation of audit of cost statements, records etc

145. The abridged cost statement (CRA 3) need not be separate for
A) each product with separate (CTA) CETA heading
B) each product having separate industry specific expenses
C) each product having different unit of measure
D) self/captive consumption of each product

146. The Management Auditor should evaluate MIS of an organization after

A) studying content, quality and source of information
B) studying flow of information
C) studying correlation of information in decision areas
D) studying all the above

147. The first step in audit of Educational Institutions —

A) Read through the minutes of the meetings of the Managing
Committee or Governing Body
B) Check admission fees with admission slips signed by the head of
the institution and confirm that the amount had been credited to
a Capital Fund
C) Verify the annual statement of accounts
D) To examine the Trust Deed or Regulations

148. SHYAN LTD. has a machine of productive capacity of 1500 unit per
hour. It runs 3 shifts with 1 weekly off and 12 holidays per year, each
shift has one hour stoppage due to lunch, change shift etc
Maintenance is done in running time. The Normal Capacity of the
plant as per CAS-2 will be
A) 131.40 lakh units
B) 94.815 lakh units
C) 108.36 lakh units
D) None of the above

149. BORS & Co., a firm of Cost Accountants was appointed as Cost Auditor
of PANTEX LTD on 31.07.2018 for auditing the cost records for the
FY 2018-19. The Auditor appointed as such shall continue in such
capacity upto______
A) 31.07.2019, on expiry of one year of appointment
B) 30.09.2019, on expiry of six months from close of accounts
C) 30.08.2019, date of submission date of Cost Audit Report
D) 15.09.2019, date of holding of Annual General Meeting of PANTEX

150. Which one of the following KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is

used to measure efficiency of manufacturing performance?
A) Production per Machine Hour
B) Operating Cycle of Materials turnover
C) Material as % of Total Cost
D) % of idle time to total available time

151. The consumer service audit critically examines:

A) Outstanding payment of consumers
B) Price consumers are ready to pay for particular product/ service
C) An appraise management of business enterprise of
responsibility towards consumers
D) Demand of a product by consumers

152. “Related Party” with relation to a party means

A) a Director or his relative
B) a Key Managerial Person or his relative
C) a firm, in which a Director, Manager or his relative is a partner
D) Either or all of the above

153. Once the instance document is successfully validated from the tool, the
next step is to_____
A) download XBRL validation tool
B) pre-scrutinize the validated instance document
C) convert to human readable format and verify correctness of the
instance document
D) attach instance document to the Form CRA-4

154. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency is formed under

A) The Electricity Act, 2003
B) The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
C) The Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
D) The Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998

155. The knowledge of Entity’s Internal Control is to be understood by the

Cost Auditor as required by_______
A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

156. Profit Reconciliation of the company as a whole is dealt in_____

A) Part D para 2 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report
B) Part C para 1 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report
C) Form of the Cost Audit Report
D) Part A para 1 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report

157. The following details relating to MENG LTD are given:

Royalty paid on Units produced 25,000
Hire charges on Equipment 20,000
Design Charges 18,000
Software Development Charges for 22,000

What will be the Direct Expenses of the Company (as per

(A) 60,000
(B) 63,000
(C) 65,000
(D) 85,000

(1) (B) Service Sector

(2) (B) Utilities Cost

(3) (A) Direct Material Cost

(4) (C) All listed companies and those prescribed under the Companies (Meetings of
Board and its Powers) Rules only

(5) (B) Cost Audit Documentation

(6) (C) at 110% of cost of production of such goods

(7) (B) 76%

(8) (D) All the above

(9) D) Selling and Distribution Overheads Cost

(10) (C) Cost Auditing Standard 103

(11) (C) a company working in a Special Economic Zone

(12) (B) 796

(13) (D) 1,27,000

(14) (C) Risk Identification, Process Improvement

(15) (B) Excluded

(16) (D) Notional interest on capital

(17) (C) Productivity

(18) (D) In the opinion of the Council, he / she brings disrepute to the
Profession or the

(19) (A) CRA-4

(20) (C) Overburden Removal Cost

(21) (A) Inherent Risk and Control Risk

(22) (A) Audited Financial Data

(23) (C) Social Audit

(24) (D) Expresses his/ her opinion on cost or pricing statements of any
business or enterprise in which, he /she, his/her firm or a partner in his/her firm
has substantial interest.

(25) (B) Administrative Overheads

(26) (C) Stripping Activity

(27) (A) Enables

(28) (C) Assessing

(29) (D) Functions

(30) (A) Accrual

(31) (C) Cost of production

(32) (C) Cannot be

(33) (A) CRA-3

(34) (B) CRA1

(35) (A) Regulated

(36) (B) 1965

(37) (D) Section 469 and 148

(38) (D) All the above (39) (B) 1965

(40) (A) MSME

(41) (A) Form – 3

(42) (B) Form – 4

(43) (B) Aluminium

(44) (A) At the end of immediately preceding financial year

(45) (B) 180 days (46) (B) 01.04.2014

(47) (D) Abridge Cost Statement

(48) (A) Administrative Overhead

(49) (A) Equalized cost of transportation

(50) (C) Date of Transaction

(51) (A) Will Not

(52) (A) Installed Capacity

(53) (A) Royalty and Technic al Knowhow fee

(54) (C) Guide the members to make planning for the audit of cost statement

(55) (B) Detection risk

(56) (A) Auditors responsibility

(57) (A) Quality control

(58) (C) CAASB

(59) (D) CAS- 101

(60) (A) To have knowledge of the clients business

(61) (B) Have adequate level of understanding of the knowledge of business

62 (D) Responsibility

(63) (A) Responsible

(64) (B) Machine downtime ratio

(65) (D) All of the above

(66) (C) Impact of IFRS on the Cost Structure

(67) (D) All of the above

(68) (C) Total performance management

(69) (A) Cost Reduction Tool

(71) (B) Non-routine investigation

(72) (A) Suggest improvement in methods of operations

(73) (C) Does not concentrate

(74) (B) Problem identification

(75) (A) optimum

(76) (A) The statement is true

(77) (B) Social Audit

(78) (D) Management of Concern

(79) (A) his experience and acumen

(80) (B) Three separate parties

(81) (B) Peter (A) Phyrr

(82) (D) SWOT analysis

(83) (A) T. G. Rose

(84) (D) All of the above

(85) (D) All of the above

(86) (A) Section 138

(87) (C) Government Expenditure

(88) (D) Both (A) and (B)

(89) (D) All of the above

(90) (D) All of the above

(91) (D) All of the above

(93) (D) All of the above

(94) (B) A continuous activity

(95) (B) The Statement is Incorrect

(96) (B) Section 17(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912

(97) (C) Self-Help Group

(98) (D) All of the above

(99) (A) Article 243Z of the Constitution

(100) (A) Check the letter of appointment

(101) (C) C&AG

(102) (B) 143 of the Companies Act, 2013

(103) (D) All of the above

(104) (B) Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013

(105) (B) Three

(106) (C) Expenses Ratio

(107) (B) Debt Equity ratio

(108) (D) Broadband internet services

(109) (D) Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing

inventories to their present location and condition

(110) (B) Notional Interest on Capital

(111) (B) ₹89000

(112) (B) 29.41 %

(113) (B) ₹59000

(114) (B) 725.27 Kg

(115) (B) ₹6617 Lac

(116) (B) Application of Cost Audit

(117) (C) Costing Profit and Loss Account

(118) (C) XML family of languages

(119) (B) Manufa cturing Sector

(120) (B) Pollution Control Cost

(121) (C) Interest

(122) (B) Cost of Sale

(123) (C) Appointment of Cost Auditor

(124) (D) Part D

(125) (C) 30

(126) (C) ₹35

(127) (A) discloses information acquired in the course of his professional

engagement to any person other than his client so engaging him, without the
consent of his client, or otherwise than as required by any law for the time
being in force

(128) (C) Packing Material Cost

(129) (B) Micro

(130) (C) 75%

(131) (A) Mapping

(132) (C) The Secretary and one Director of the company

(133) (C) Factory overheads

(134) (C) 10 years

(135) (B) Cost Auditing Standard 102

(136) (C) For a term exceeding 6 months

(137) (A) Dictionary

(138) (C) Profit before Tax to Value Added

(139) (D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements

(140) (B) applicable for Table A products only

(141) (B) excluded from

(142) (B) 120%

(143) (B) unregulated sector

(144) (D) documentation of audit of cost statements, records etc

(145) (D) self/ captive consumption of each product

(146) (D) studying all the above

(147) (D) To examine the Trust Deed or Regulations

(148) (B) 94.815 lakh units

(149) (B) 30.09.2019, on expiry of six months from close of accounts

(150) (B) Operating Cycle of Materials turnover

(151) (C) An appraise management of business enterprise of responsibility
towards consumers

(152) (D) Either or all of the above

(153) (B) pre-scrutinize the validated instance document

(154) (B) The Energy Conservation Act, 2001

(155) (D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

(156) (A) Part D para 2 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report

(157) (D) ₹85,000

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