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Word Definition

aback aback means having the wind against the forward side of the sails

abalone means an edible mollusc of warm seas that have an ear-

shaped shell with pearly interior

abandon means give up completely, relinquish, renounce or leave

abandon behind. Due to the plague break the whole village was

abscond means to flee, elude, shun, go away or run away

suddenly. The deserter abscond with guns from the army camp.

abattoir is a building where animals are butchered, slaughter or

killed for meat

abbey is a building or church where nuns or monks live. Other

abbey associated words are monastery, convent, priory, cloister or friary.
We walked through the ruins of the abbey in the Himalaya ranges.

abdicate means give up, or renounce such as power, as of

monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations. Other
associated words are resign, quit, disown or relinquish. Jenny
abdicated her managerial responsibilities after her resignation.

abdomen is the region of the body of a vertebrate between the

thorax and the pelvis

abduct take away to an undisclosed location against their will and

usually in order to extract a ransom

aberration aberration a state or condition markedly different from the norm

abeyance abeyance temporary cessation or suspension

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abhor abhor find repugnant

abhorrent abhorrent offensive to the mind

abide abide put up with something or somebody unpleasant

abiding abiding unceasing

ablaze ablaze keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement

able able coarsely ground grain in the form of pellets (as for pet food)

abolish abolish do away with

abominable abominable unequivocally detestable

abound abound be abundant or plentiful

abrogate abrogate revoke formally

abrupt abrupt exceedingly sudden and unexpected

abruptly abruptly quickly and without warning

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abscond abscond run away

abscond abscond run away

absent absent not being in a specified place

absolute absolute complete and without restriction or qualification

absolution the condition of being formally forgiven by a priest in

the sacrament of penance

abstain abstain refrain from voting

abstain abstain refrain from voting

abstain abstain refrain from voting

abstain abstain refrain from voting

absurd absurd inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense

absurd absurd inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense

abundance the property of a more than adequate quantity or


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abysmal abysmal to the lowest or worst degree

abyss abyss a bottomless gulf or pit

acacia acacia any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia

academy academy a secondary school (usually private)

accede accede yield to another's wish or opinion

accelerate accelerate move faster

accelerator accelerator a pedal that controls the throttle valve

accent accent distinctive manner of oral expression

accentuate accentuate to stress, single out as important

access access the right to enter

accessible accessible capable of being reached

accessory accessory a supplementary component that improves capability

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accident anything that happens suddenly or by chance without
an apparent cause

acclaim acclaim enthusiastic approval

accommodate accommodate make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

accommodation the act of providing something (lodging or seat

or food) to meet a need

accompany accompany go or travel along with

accost accost speak to someone

accumulate accumulate collect or gather

accumulation accumulation an increase by natural growth or addition

accuracy accuracy the quality of being near to the true value

accurate conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a

standard or performing with total accuracy

accustomed accustomed (often followed by 'to') in the habit of or adapted to

ache ache feel physical pain

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acid acid being sour to the taste

acquaintance personal knowledge or information about someone

or something

acquiesce acquiesce to agree or express agreement

acquit acquit pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

acquittal acquittal a judgment of not guilty

acquitted acquitted declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime

acre a unit of area (484o square yards) used in English-speaking


activating activating the activity of causing to have energy and be active

active active chemical agent capable of activity

acute acute extremely sharp or intense

adamant adamant impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason

adapt adapt make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

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addict addict someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance

adept adept having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

adequate adequate sufficient for the purpose

adhere adhere stick to firmly

adhesive adhesive a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together

adieu adieu a farewell remark

adjacent adjacent nearest in space or position

adjourn adjourn close at the end of a session

adjudicate put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the
trial of

admiral admiral the supreme commander of a fleet

admonish admonish take to task

adolescent adolescent a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity

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adopt adopt take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

adorn adorn make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

adversary adversary someone who offers opposition

adverse adverse contrary to your interests or welfare

adversity adversity a state of misfortune or affliction

advise advise give advice to

advocacy advocacy active support of an idea or cause etc.

aerator aerator an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage)

aerial aerial existing or living or growing or operating in the air

aerobatics aerobatics the performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft

aerodrome an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars

as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo

aesthetic concerning or characterized by an appreciation of

beauty or good taste

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aesthetically aesthetically in a tasteful way

affable affable diffusing warmth and friendliness

affecting affecting arousing affect

affection affection a positive feeling of liking

affectionate affectionate having or displaying warmth or affection

affiliation affiliation a social or business relationship

afflict afflict cause great unhappiness for

afflicted afflicted grievously affected especially by disease

affliction affliction a state of great suffering and distress due to adversity

afford have the financial means to do something or buy


affront a deliberately offensive act or something producing the

effect of deliberate disrespect

aft aft at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane

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agape agape with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe

agenda agenda a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to

agent agent an active and efficient cause

aggravate aggravate make worse

aggregate aggregate the whole amount

aghast aghast struck with fear, dread, or consternation

agile agile moving quickly and lightly

agilely agilely in a nimble or agile manner

agitate agitate cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

agitation agitation a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

agog agog highly excited

agonising agonising extremely painful

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agony agony intense feelings of suffering

ague ague a fit of shivering or shaking

ailing ailing somewhat ill or prone to illness

aisle passageway between sealing areas as in an auditorium or

passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores

alabaster a compact fine-textured, usually white gypsum used for


alchemist one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who
alchemist sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the

alcove alcove a small recess opening off a larger room

alert alert engaged in or accustomed to close observation

alertness alertness the process of paying close and continuous attention

algae primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic

organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves

alibi (law) a defence by an accused person purporting to show

that he or she could not have committed the crime in question

alienate arouse hostility or indifference in where there had

formerly been love, affection, or friendliness

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alight alight to come to rest, settle

aligned brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a

faction, party, or cause

alignment an organization of people (or countries) involved in a

pact or treaty

alkali any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning

litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water

allegiance the act of binding yourself (intellectually or

emotionally) to a course of action

allegory allegory a short moral story (often with animal characters)

alleviate alleviate provide physical relief, as from pain

alley alley a narrow street with walls on both sides

alliance alliance the state of being allied or confederated

allotment allotment a share set aside for a specific purpose

alloy a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or

alloy metallic and non-metallic elements usually fused together or
dissolving into

allude allude make a more or less disguised reference to

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allure allure the power to entice or attract through personal charm

ally ally an associate who provides cooperation or assistance

almanac an annual publication including weather forecasts and

almanac other miscellaneous information arranged according to the
calendar of a given

aloft aloft at or to great height

aloof aloof remote in manner

alternative alternative serving or used in place of another

altruistic altruistic showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

amalgamate amalgamate to bring or combine together or with something else

amass amass collect or gather

ambient ambient completely enveloping

ambiguous ambiguous having more than one possible meaning

ambition ambition a cherished desire

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ambivalent uncertain or unable to decide about what course to

amble amble walk leisurely

ambrosia ambrosia (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods

ambush the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack

by surprise

amendment a statement that is added to or revises or improves a

proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)

amends amends a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

amenity something that is provided or available to be useful or


ament ament a cylindrical spikelike inflorescence

amiable amiable disposed to please

amicable amicable characterized by friendship and good will

amid amid surrounded by, in the middle of

amiss amiss not functioning properly

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amity amity a state of friendship and cordiality

ammunition ammunition projectiles to be fired from a gun

amnesty a warrant granting release from punishment for an


amorous amorous inclined toward or displaying love

amorphous amorphous having no definite form or distinct shape

amphibious amphibious operating or living on land and in water

amphitheatre a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an

operating room or theatre)

ample ample more than enough in size or scope or capacity

amplify amplify increase in size, volume or significance

amplitude amplitude greatness of magnitude

anaemic anaemic relating to anaemia or suffering from anaemia

anarchy a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from

a failure of government)

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anatomist anatomist an expert in anatomy

anatomy the branch of morphology that deals with the structure

of animals

ancestor someone from whom you are descended (but usually

more remote than a grandparent)

ancient belonging to limes long past especially of the historical

period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire

angelic angelic marked by utter benignity

angst angst an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety

anguish anguish extreme mental distress

angular angular having angles or an angular shape

animosity animosity a feeling of al will arousing active hostility

annihilate annihilate kill in large numbers

annoy annoy cause annoyance in

annual annual occurring or payable every year

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annul annul declare invalid

anomaly deviation from the normal or common order or form or


anonymity anonymity the state of being anonymous

anonymous anonymous having no known name or identity or known source

antenna an electrical device that sends or receives radio or

television signals

anthology anthology a collection of selected literary passages

anticipate anticipate be excited or anxious about

anticipation anticipation an expectation

anticlimax anticlimax a disappointing decline after a previous rise

antique antique made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age

anxiety a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in

anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune

anxious anxious causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

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aorta the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left
ventricle of the heart to branch arteries

apache any member of Athapaskan tribes that migrated to the

southwestern desert (from Arizona to Texas and south into Mexico)

apathetic apathetic showing little or no emotion or animation

apathy apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm

ape ape any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all

aphid aphid any of various small plant-sucking insects

apiarist apiarist a farmer who keeps bees for their honey

apish apish being or given to servile imitation

apologise defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by


appalled appalled struck with fear, dread, or consternation

appalling appalling causing consternation

apparel apparel clothing in general

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apparent apparent clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

apparition apparition a ghostly appearing figure

appease appease cause to be more favourably inclined

append append add to the very end

appendage appendage an external body part that projects from the body

appetising appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in

appearance or aroma

appetite appetite a feeling of craving something

applaud clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate


appliance appliance a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

application application the act of bringing something to bear

applique a decorative design made of one material sewn over


appraise evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or

significance of

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appreciate appreciate recognize with gratitude

appreciation understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or

magnitude of something

apprehend apprehend take into custody

apprehension apprehension fearful expectation or anticipation

apprehensive apprehensive in fear or dread of possible evil or harm

apprentice apprentice someone who works for an expert to learn a trade

apprenticeship apprenticeship the position of apprentice

approachable approachable capable of being read with comprehension

approbation approbation official approval

appropriate suitable for a particular person or place or condition


approve approve give sanction to

apt apt being of striking appropriateness and pertinence

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aptitude aptitude inherent ability

aquatic aquatic operating or living or growing in water

aqueduct a conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over

a valley

aquifer underground bed or layer yielding ground water for wells

and springs etc.

arboreal arboreal of or relating to or formed by trees

arch arch form an arch or curve

archaeologist an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people

and their culture

archaeology the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric

people and their cultures

architect someone who creates plans to be used in making

something (such as buildings)

ardent ardent characterized by intense emotion

arduous arduous characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

arena arena a particular environment or walk of life

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argument a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and
against some proposition or proposal

arid arid lacking sufficient water or rainfall

aristocracy aristocracy a privileged class holding hereditary titles

Armada Armada (154o-1596)

armour armour a military unit consisting of armoured fighting vehicles

armoury armoury a collection of resources

aroma aroma a distinctive odour that is pleasant

aromatic aromatic having a strong pleasant odour

aroused aroused to action

array array an orderly arrangement

arrogant having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance

out of overbearing pride

artefact artefact a man-made object taken as a whole

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artery artery a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body

artful marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with

cunning or craft

articulate articulate express or state clearly

artefact artefact a man-made object taken as a whole

artifice artifice a deceptive manoeuvre (especially to avoid capture)

artificial artificial contrived by art rather than nature

artless artless simple and natural

asbestos asbestos a fibrous amphibole

ascend ascend travel up, "We ascended the mountain"

ashore ashore towards the shore from the water

asparagus plant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and

eaten as a vegetable

aspect aspect a distinct feature or element in a problem

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aspire aspire have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

assail assail attack someone physically or emotionally

assassinated assassinated murdered by surprise attack for political reasons

assassination assassination an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation

assault assault attack someone physically or emotionally

assemble assemble create by putting components or members together

assembly a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-

contained unit

assent assent agreement with a statement or proposal to do something

assert assert state categorically

assertive assertive aggressively self-assured

assess evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or

significance of

assimilate assimilate become similar to one's environment

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assist assist give help or assistance

associate associate make a logical or causal connection

assorted assorted consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds

assuage assuage satisfy (thirst)

assume assume take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

assumption a statement that is assumed to be true and from

which a conclusion can be drawn

assure assure inform positively and with certainty and confidence

assured assured characterized by certainty or security

astonishing astonishing surprising greatly

astonishment the feeling that accompanies something extremely


astounded filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming

surprise or shock

astray astray away from the right path or direction

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astronaut astronaut a person trained to travel in a spacecraft

astute astute marked by practical hard-headed intelligence

asunder asunder into parts or pieces

asylum asylum a shelter from danger or hardship

atlas (Greek mythology) a Titan who was forced by Zeus to bear

the sky on his shoulders

atmosphere atmosphere a particular environment or surrounding influence

atoll an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a


atonement atonement compensation for a wrong

atrocious atrocious exceptionally bad or displeasing

attain attain to gain with effort

attempt earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or

accomplish something

attention attention the faculty or power of mental concentration

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attest attest provide evidence for

attic floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just

below roof

attire attire clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion

attitude a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and

values and dispositions to act in certain ways

attractive pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or


attribute attribute an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity

aubergine hairy upright herb native to south-eastern Asia but

aubergine widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as
a vegetable

auburn auburn (of hair) coloured a moderate reddish-brown

audacious audacious unrestrained by convention or propriety

audacity audacity aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery

audible audible heard or perceptible by the ear

audience a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public)


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audition audition perform in order to get a role

auditor a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting

records and practices of a business or other organization

auditorium the area of a theatre or concert hall where the

audience sits

augmented added to or made greater in amount or number or


auspicious auspicious auguring favourable circumstances and good luck

austere austere severely simple

authority authority the power or right to give orders or make decisions

autocratic offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually

unwarranted power

autopsy an examination and dissection of a dead body to

determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease

auxiliary auxiliary functioning in a supporting capacity

avail avail use to ones advantage

avant-garde avant-garde radically new or original

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avenge avenge take revenge for a perceived wrong

avenue avenue a wide street or thoroughfare

averse averse (usually followed by 'to') strongly opposed

aversion aversion a feeling of intense dislike

avert avert prevent the occurrence of

aviary aviary a building where birds are kept

aviator aviator someone who operates an aircraft

avid avid marked by active interest and enthusiasm

avidly avidly in an avid manner

awaken awaken cause to become awake or conscious

awakened awakened aroused or activated

awe awe an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration

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awkward awkward causing inconvenience

awning a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from

rain or sun

axle axle a shaft on which a wheel rotates

azure azure a deep shade of blue

backgammon backgammon a board game for two players

bacteria (microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or

bacteria spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce
by fission

badger badger annoy persistently

badgering badgering the act of harassing someone

baffle baffle be a mystery or bewildering to

bail (criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman

if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial

bait bait anything that serves as an enticement

balk balk refuse to comply

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ballast ballast any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship

balmy balmy mild and pleasant

baloney baloney pretentious or silly talk or writing

bamboo bamboo the hard woody stems of bamboo plants

banal banal repeated too often

bandage a piece of soft material that covers and protects an

injured part of the body

bandit bandit an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band

banish banish expel from a community or group

banker banker a financier who owns or is an executive in a bank

bankrupt bankrupt reduce to bankruptcy

banter banter light teasing repartee

baptise baptise administer baptism to

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barbarian barbarian a member of an uncivilized people

barbarous (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict

pain or suffering

barbeque meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly

seasoned sauce

bargain bargain negotiate the terms of an exchange

barge a flat bottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on


barker someone who stands in front of a show (as at a carnival)

and gives a loud colourful sales talk to potential customers

barley barley a grain of barley

barn an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed

and housing farm animals

barometer barometer an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure

barramundi a species of large perch noted for its sporting and

eating qualities

barrel barrel a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired

barren barren providing no shelter or sustenance

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barricade a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street or
road in order to catch a fugitive or inspect traffic etc.

barrister a British or Canadian lawyer who speaks in the higher

courts of law on behalf of either the defence or prosecution

barter barter an equal exchange

basalt basalt the commonest type of solidified lava

basement the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly

below ground level

bashful bashful self-consciously timid

bashfully bashfully in a shy or timid or bashful manner

basilica basilica an early Christian church designed like a Roman basilica

bask bask derive or receive pleasure from

bassinet bassinet a basket (usually hooded) used as a baby's bed

bassoon bassoon a double-reed instrument

baster baster a cook who bastes roasting meat with melted fat or gravy

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bastion bastion a group that defends a principle

bated bated diminished or moderated

battered battered damaged by blows or hard usage

battering battering the act of subjecting to strong attack

bauble bauble cheap showy jewellery or ornament on clothing

baulk baulk the area on a billiard table behind the backline

bauxite bauxite a clay-like mineral

beacon a fire (usually on a hill or tower) that can be seen from a


beastly beastly very unpleasant

beau beau a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman

beaver beaver the soft brown fur of the beaver

beckon beckon signal with the hands or nod

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bedeck bedeck decorate

bedew bedew cover with drops of dew or as with dew

bedraggled bedraggled limp and soiled as if dragged in the mud

bedridden bedridden confined to bed (by illness)

beefy beefy muscular and heavily built

beggarly beggarly marked by poverty befitting a beggar

begrimed begrimed thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot

begrudge begrudge be envious of

beguile beguile attract

behave behave in a certain manner

behold behold see with attention

believe believe accept as true

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belittle belittle cause to seem less serious

belle a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of

several rivals

belligerent belligerent characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

bellows bellows a mechanical device that blows a strong current of air

belongings belongings something owned

beneficent beneficent doing or producing good

beneficial beneficial promoting or enhancing well-being

benevolent showing or motivated by sympathy and

understanding and generosity

benign benign pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence

bequest bequest (law) a gift of personal property by will

berate berate censure severely or angrily

bereave bereave deprive through death

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bereavement state of sorrow over the death or departure of a
loved one

bereft bereft sorrowful through loss or deprivation

beret beret a cap with no brim or bill

berretta berretta a stiff cap with ridges across the crown

berserk berserk frenzied as if possessed by a demon

beseech beseech ask for or request earnestly

besiege besiege surround so as to force to give up

bestow bestow present

bestrew bestrew cover by strewing

betray betray reveal unintentionally

beverage beverage any liquid suitable for drinking

bewilder bewilder be a mystery or bewildering to

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bewildered perplexed by many conflicting situations or

bewilderment bewilderment confusion resulting from failure to understand

biannually biannually twice a year

bibliography a list of writings with time and place of publication

bibliography (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in
preparing a

bicker bicker argue over petty things

biennial biennial occurring every second year

bight bight a loop in a rope

bight bight a loop in a rope

bigot a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions

differing from his own

bigoted blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or

opinion and intolerant toward others

bile a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the


bilingual bilingual using or knowing two languages

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bill an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or
services rendered

billabong a stagnant pool of water in the bed of a stream that

flows intermittently

billowing billowing characterized by great swelling waves or surges

biography an account of the series of events making up a person's


biological biological pertaining to biology or to life and living things

biped biped an animal with two feet

birch birch hard close-grained wood of any of various birch trees

bishop a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual

and administrative authority

bivalve marine or freshwater molluscs having a soft body with

platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together

bizarre bizarre conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

blacksmith a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer

and anvil

blameable deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or


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blanched blanched anaemic looking from illness or emotion

bland bland lacking taste or flavour or tang

blare blare a loud harsh or strident noise

blaspheme blaspheme utter obscenities or profanities

blasphemy blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God

or for something sacred)

blast blast shatter as if by explosion

blatant blatant without any attempt at concealment

bleak bleak offering little or no hope

bleary bleary tired to the point of exhaustion

bleat bleat the sound of sheep or goats (or any sound resembling this)

blemish a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something

(especially on a person's body)

blend blend combine into one

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blight blight a state or condition being blighted

blind blind unable to see

bliss bliss a state of extreme happiness

blissful blissful completely happy and contented

blister blister get blistered

blithe blithe carefree and happy and light-hearted

blithely blithely in a joyous manner

bloat swelling of the rumen or intestinal tract of domestic animals

caused by excessive gas

blossom reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one

having showy or colourful parts

blossoming the time and process of budding and unfolding of


blotchy blotchy marked with irregularly shaped spots or blots

bluebottle an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America

having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers

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blueprint something intended as a guide for making something

blunder blunder an embarrassing mistake

blunt blunt characterized by directness in manner or speech

blurb a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of


blurry blurry indistinct or hazy in outline

boast boast show off

bodice bodice part of a dress above the waist

bog bog wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation

bogus bogus fraudulent

boisterous boisterous noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

bolster bolster support and strengthen

bolt bolt a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder

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bombastic bombastic ostentatiously lofty in style

bonnet bonnet a hat tied under the chin

boomer boomer a member of the baby boom generation in the 19,505

boost boost the act of giving hope or support to someone

booty booty goods or money obtained illegally

bore bore cause to be bored

boredom boredom the feeling of being bored by something tedious

boring boring so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness

borough borough one of the administrative divisions of a large city

bosun a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls the work of

other seamen

botanist botanist a biologist specializing in the study of plants

bough bough any of the larger branches of a tree

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boulder a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of

boulevard boulevard a wide street or thoroughfare

bouncy bouncy elastic

boundary the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of


boundless seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or

especially extent

bountiful bountiful producing in abundance

bourgeois conforming to the standards and conventions of the

middle class

boutique boutique a shop that sells women's clothes and jewellery

bowerbird any of various birds of the Australian region whose

bowerbird males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to
attract females

box box a (usually rectangular) container

boycott a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some

organization in protest against its policies

brackish brackish distasteful and unpleasant

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braggart braggart a very boastful and talkative person

braid braid a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair

brainwashed subjected to intensive forced indoctrination

brainwashed resulting in the rejection of old beliefs and acceptance of new

braise braise cook in liquid

brandish brandish exhibit aggressively

brash brash offensively bold

brassy brassy resembling the sound of a brass instrument

bravado bravado a swaggering show of courage

brawl brawl an uproarious party

brawny brawny (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight

breadth breadth the capacity to understand a broad range of topics

breeches breeches trousers ending above the knee

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breed breed a special type

breeder breeder a person who breeds animals

brew drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather

than distilling

bribery the practice of offering something (usually money) in order

to gain an illicit advantage

bridle bridle the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

brilliant brilliant having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence

brim brim the top edge of a vessel or other container

brimming brimming filled to capacity

brindle having a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy


brink brink a region marking a boundary

brisk brisk quick and energetic

bristle bristle a stiff fibre (coarse hair or filament)

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brittle brittle having little elasticity

broach broach bring up a topic for discussion

bronco bronco an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang

bronze bronze an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements

brooch brooch a decorative pin worn by women

brooding brooding deeply or seriously thoughtful

brow brow the part of the face above the eyes

browse vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is

suitable for animals to eat

bruise bruise injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of

brusquely brusquely in a blunt direct manner

brutal (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain

or suffering

buccaneer someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from

the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation

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buck buck jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched

budge budge move very slightly

budgerigar small Australian parakeet usually light green with

black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colours

buffoon buffoon a rude or vulgar fool

bugle bugle a brass instrument without valves

bulbous bulbous shaped like a bulb

bulge bulge swell or protrude outwards

bulk bulk the property possessed by a large mass

bumbling lacking physical movement skills, especially with the


bundle bundle a collection of things wrapped or boxed together

bungalow bungalow a small house with a single story

bungle bungle spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly

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buoy buoy keep afloat

burden burden impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to

bureau bureau an administrative unit of government

burglar burglar a thief who enters a building with intent to steal

burial burial concealing something under the ground

burly burly muscular and heavily built

burnish burnish polish and make shiny

burp a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the

burred having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines

or thorns or setae etc.

bursar bursar the treasurer at a college or university

burst come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal


burying burying its head in the sand)

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busboy a restaurant attendant who sets tables and assists waiters
and clears away dirty dishes

busker a person who entertains people for money in public places

(as by singing or dancing), usually while asking for money

bustle bustle a rapid active commotion

butcher butcher kill (animals) usually for food consumption

bygone bygone well in the past

bypass bypass avoid something unpleasant or laborious

byre byre a barn for cows

bystander bystander a nonparticipant spectator

cabbage any of various cultivars of the genus Brassica oleracea

grown for their edible leaves or flowers

caboose caboose the area for food preparation on a ship

cabriolet cabriolet small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage

cache a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or


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cacophony cacophony loud confusing disagreeable sounds

cadaverous cadaverous very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

caddie caddie an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player

cafeteria cafeteria a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier

cajole cajole influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

calamity calamity an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

calculate calculate make a mathematical calculation or computation

calibre calibre a degree or grade of excellence or worth

calico calico coarse cloth with a bright print

callous callous emotionally hardened

camaraderie camaraderie the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability

camber camber a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)

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camouflage the act of concealing the identity of something by
modifying its appearance

campaign campaign a race between candidates for elective office

camphor camphor a resin obtained from the camphor tree

canal long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for

canary canary someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police

canasta canasta a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers

candid candid characterized by directness in manner or speech

canine one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw)
located between the incisors and the premolars

cankerous cankerous having an ulcer or canker

canoe canoe small and light boat

canonized canonized accorded sacrosanct or authoritative standing

canopy canopy the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit

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canter canter a smooth three-beat gait

canyon canyon a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall

capacious capacious large in capacity

capacity capacity capability to perform or produce

caper caper jump about playfully

capitulate capitulate surrender under agreed conditions

capsize capsize overturn accidentally

capsule capsule a small container

caption caption brief description accompanying an illustration

captious captious tending to find and call attention to faults

capture succeed in representing or expressing something


caravan a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling

together in single file

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cardiac cardiac of or relating to the heart

cardigan knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons

or a zipper

caress caress touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner

cargo cargo goods carried by a large vehicle

carnivore carnivore a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal

carnivorous carnivorous (used of plants as well as animals) feeding on animals

carrier carrier someone whose employment involves carrying something

carry carry off be successful

cartographer cartographer a person who makes maps

cartridge a module designed to be inserted into a larger piece of


carve carve form by carving

carve carve form by carving

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cascade a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc.) likened to a
rain shower

casement casement a window sash that is hinged (usually on one side)

cast cast put or send forth

castanets a percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow

castanets pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and
fingers) that are

cataclysmic cataclysmic severely destructive

catalogue catalogue a complete list of things

catalyst catalyst something that causes an important event to happen

catapult catapult shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult

cataract an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification

of the natural lens of the eye

catastrophe catastrophe an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

catharsis catharsis (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions

cathedral cathedral any large and important church

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cauldron cauldron a very large pot that is used for boiling

caustic caustic harsh or corrosive in tone

cautious cautious showing careful forethought

cautiously cautiously as if with kid gloves

cavalier cavalier a gallant or courtly gentleman

cavalry cavalry troops trained to fight on horseback

cavern cavern any large dark enclosed space

cavernous cavernous being or suggesting a cavern

cavity cavity space that is surrounded by something

cavort cavort play boisterously

caw caw utter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens

cease cease put an end to a state or an activity

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celebrity celebrity a widely known person

celestial celestial of or relating to the sky

cello cello a large stringed instrument

cemetery cemetery a tract of land used for burials

censor censor someone who censures or condemns

censure censure harsh criticism or disapproval

centrifugal centrifugal tending to move away from a centre

centurion centurion (ancient Rome) the leader of loci soldiers

certainty certainty the state of being certain

cessation cessation a stopping

chafe chafe become or make sore by or as if by rubbing

chaff chaff be silly or tease one another

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chair chair a seat for one person, with a support for the back

chalet a Swiss house with a sloping roof and wide eaves or a

house built in this style

champ champ someone who has won first place in a competition

chandelier chandelier branched lighting fixture

channel channel direct the flow of

chant chant recite with musical intonation

chaos chaos a state of extreme confusion and disorder

chaotic chaotic lacking a visible order or organization

chaperone one who accompanies and supervises a young woman

or gatherings of young people

char char a charred substance

charismatic charismatic possessing an extraordinary ability to attract

charitable charitable relating to or characterized by charity

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charwoman charwoman a human female employed to do housework

chastise chastise censure severely

chat chat talk socially without exchanging too much information

chateau chateau an impressive country house (or castle) in France

chatty chatty full of trivial conversation

chauffeur chauffeur a man paid to drive a privately owned car

chauvinist a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of

his or her own kind

cheeky cheeky offensively bold

cheerful cheerful being full of or promoting cheer

chic chic elegant and stylish

chide chide censure severely or angrily

chiffonier chiffonier a tall elegant chest of drawers

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chime a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells
that are struck with a hammer

chimerical chimerical being or relating to or like a chimera

chiropodist chiropodist a specialist in care for the feet

chisel chisel an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge

chivalrous chivalrous being attentive to women like an ideal knight

chives perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for


chomp chomp the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws

chore a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for

a specific fee

choreography choreography a show involving artistic dancing

chortle chortle laugh quietly or with restraint

christen christen administer baptism to

chronic being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long


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chronological chronological relating to or arranged according to temporal order

chronology chronology an arrangement of events in time

chronometer chronometer an accurate clock (especially used in navigation)

chubby chubby sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure

chuckle chuckle laugh quietly or with restraint

churning moving with or producing or produced by vigorous


cider cider a beverage made from juice pressed from apples

cinematic cinematic of or pertaining to or characteristic of the cinema

cipher cipher a message written in a secret code

circuit a journey or route all the way around a particular place or


circumnavigate circumnavigate travel around, either by plane or ship

circumstance a condition that accompanies or influences some

event or activity

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circumstances your overall circumstances or condition in life
(including everything that happens to you)

cistern a sac or cavity containing fluid especially lymph or

cerebrospinal fluid

civilisation the social process whereby societies achieve an

advanced stage of development and organization

civilization a society in an advanced state of social development

(e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations)

civilly civilly in a civil manner

clamber clamber climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

clammy clammy unpleasantly cool and humid

clamorous clamorous conspicuously and offensively loud

clamour clamour loud and persistent outcry from many people

clan clan group of people related by blood or marriage

clandestine conducted with or marked by hidden aims or


clang clang make a loud noise

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clank clank make a clank

clarinet clarinet a single-reed instrument with a straight tube

clarity clarity free from obscurity and easy to understand

clasp clasp hold firmly and tightly

classify classify arrange or order by classes or categories

claymore claymore a large double-edged broadsword

clearance clearance the distance by which one thing clears another

cleaver cleaver a butcher's knife having a large square blade

clemency leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a

person or agency charged with administering justice

clench clench hold in a tight grasp

clenched clenched closed or squeezed together tightly

clerical clerical of or relating to clerks

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client client a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer

climax the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or

developing or unfolding

cloak cloak anything that covers or conceals

cloth or the margin of a shell or a shrivelled red blood cell

observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)

cloven-hoofed of or relating to the cloven feet of ruminants or


clover clover a plant of the genus Trifolium

clown clown a person who amuses others by ridiculous behaviour

clump clump a grouping of a number of similar things

clumsily clumsily in a clumsy manner

clumsy clumsy lacking grace in movement or posture

cluster cluster a grouping of a number of similar things

clutch clutch take hold of

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cluttered filled or scattered with a disorderly accumulation of
objects or rubbish

coagulated transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid


coalesce coalesce fuse or cause to grow together

coalition an organization of people (or countries) involved in a

pact or treaty

coast coast move effortlessly

coastal coastal of or relating to a coast

coax coax influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

coaxing coaxing pleasingly persuasive or intended to persuade

cocoon silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to

protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs

coerce to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical,

coerce moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the

coffer coffer a chest especially for storing valuables

cognate cognate related in nature

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cognitive cognitive of or being or relating to or involving cognition

coherent capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear

and consistent manner

cohort cohort a company of companions or supporters

coincide coincide happen simultaneously

coincidence an event that might have been arranged although it

was really accidental

coleslaw coleslaw basically shredded cabbage

collaborate collaborate work together on a common enterprise of project

collaborator collaborator someone who assists in a plot

collapse collapse break down, literally or metaphorically

collateral collateral a security pledged for the repayment of a loan

colleague colleague an associate that one works with

collide collide be incompatible

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collie a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow
head developed in Scotland

collision (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come


colloquial characteristic of informal spoken language or


colony a group of organisms of the same type living or growing


colossal colossal so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe

colt colt a young male horse under the age of four

coma coma a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness

combat combat an engagement fought between two military forces

combine combine have or possess in combination

combust combust cause to burn or combust

combustion a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to

give heat and light

comfort comfort give moral or emotional strength to

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commanding commanding used of a height or viewpoint

commemorate commemorate mark by some ceremony or observation

commence commence take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

commend commend express approval of

commendable commendable worthy of high praise

commentary a written explanation or criticism or illustration that

is added to a book or other textual material

commercial connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or

used in commerce or commercial enterprises

commiseration a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the

misfortunes of others

commodity commodity articles of commerce

commotion commotion a disorderly outburst or tumult

communicate communicate transmit information

community community a group of people living in a particular local area

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companion companion a friend who is frequently in the company of another

companionable companionable suggestive of companionship

companionship companionship the state of being with someone

companionway a stairway or ladder that leads from one deck to

another on a ship

comparison comparison the act of examining resemblances

compassion a deep awareness of and sympathy for mother's


compassionate compassionate share the suffering of

compatible able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable


compel compel force somebody to do something

compelling compelling driving or forcing

compensate compensate adjust for

compensation something (such as money) given or received as

payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury)

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compere British term for someone who introduces television acts
or cabarets etc.

competence the quality of being adequately or well qualified

physically and intellectually

competent competent properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient

complacent complacent contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions

complement either of two parts that mutually complete each


complementary either one of two chromatic colours that when

complementary mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the
case of pigments)

completion (American football) a successful forward pass in


complex complex complicated in structure

complication complication the act or process of complicating

complicity complicity guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense

compliment compliment a remark (or act) expressing praise and admiration

complimentary complimentary conveying or resembling a compliment

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comply act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or

component something determined in relation to something that

includes it

composed serenely self-possessed and free from agitation

especially in times of stress

composite a conceptual whole made up of complicated and

related parts

composition something that is created by arranging several things

to form a unified whole

composure composure steadiness of mind under stress

comprehensive comprehensive including all or everything

comprise comprise be composed of

compromise compromise a middle way between two extremes

compromise compromise a middle way between two extremes

compulsion an urge to do or say something that might be better

left undone or unsaid

compute compute make a mathematical calculation or computation

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comrade comrade a friend who is frequently in the company of another

concave concave curving inward

conceal conceal prevent from being seen or discovered

concealed concealed not accessible to view

concede concede acknowledge defeat

conceit conceit feelings of excessive pride

conceivable conceivable capable of being imagined

conceive conceive have the idea for

concentrate concentrate direct one's attention on something

concentration concentration complete attention

concentric concentric having a common centre

concept an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from

specific instances

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concert a performance of music by players or singers not involving
theatrical staging

concertina concertina coiled barbed wire used as an obstacle

concise concise expressing much in few words

conclave conclave a confidential or secret meeting

conclude conclude decide by reasoning

conclusive conclusive forming an end or termination

concoct concoct devise or invent

Concourse Concourse a large gathering of people

concrete concrete capable of being perceived by the senses

concurrent concurrent occurring or operating at the same tune

concussion concussion injury to the brain caused by a blow

condemn condemn express strong disapproval of

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condemnation condemnation an expression of strong disapproval

condensation (psychoanalysis) an unconscious process whereby

two ideas or images combine into a single symbol

condense condense become more compact or concentrated

condescend do something that one considers to be below ones


condition condition a state at a particular time

condolence condolence an expression of sympathy with another's grief

condone condone excuse, overlook, or make allowances for

conductor conductor the person who leads a musical group

confabulation confabulation an informal conversation

confectioner confectioner someone who makes candies and other sweets

confectionery confectionery candy and other sweets considered collectively

confederate of or having to do with the southern Confederacy

during the American Civil War

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confer confer have a conference in order to talk something over

conference a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of

information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda)

confide confide reveal in private

confidential entrusted with private information and the

confidence of another

confine confine place limits on (extent or access)

confined confined not invading healthy tissue

confirmation additional proof that something that was believed

(some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct

confiscate take temporary possession of as a security, by legal


conflict an open clash between two opposing groups (or


confluence a place where things merge or flow together

(especially rivers)

conform conform be similar, be in line with

conformist someone who conforms to established standards of

conduct (especially in religious matters)

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confound confound be confusing or perplexing to

confront confront deal with (something unpleasant) head on

congestion congestion excessive crowding

congregate congregate come together, usually for a purpose

conjecture reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions

from incomplete evidence

conjure summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by


conjurer someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an


conniving acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal


conquer conquer to put down by force or authority

conquest conquest the act of conquering

conscience motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral

principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions

conscientious conscientious characterized by extreme care and great effort

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conscientiously conscientiously with extreme conscientiousness

conscious (followed by ' of) showing realization or recognition of


consciously consciously with awareness

conscription conscription compulsory military service

consecrate consecrate give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

consent consent permission to do something

consequence the outcome of an event especially as relative to an


consequent consequent following or accompanying as a consequence

conservation the preservation and careful management of the

environment and of natural resources

conservative conservative resistant to change

consign consign give over to another for care or safekeeping

consistent consistent the same throughout in structure or composition

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consolation the comfort you feel when consoled in times of

console console give moral or emotional strength to

consort consort keep company with

consortium an association of companies for some definite


conspicuous conspicuous obvious to the eye or mind

conspicuously conspicuously in a manner tending to attract attention

conspiracy a secret agreement between two or more people to

perform an unlawful act

constantly constantly without variation or change, in every case

constellation constellation an arrangement of parts or elements

consternation consternation fear resulting from the awareness of danger

constitution constitution the act of forming or establishing something

constrain constrain hold back

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constructive constructing or tending to construct or improve or
promote development

consult consult get or ask advice from

consume consume use up (resources or materials)

consumer consumer a person who uses goods or services

consumption the process of taking food into the body through

the mouth (as by eating)

contact contact close interaction

contagious easily diffused or spread as from one person to


contain contain include or contain

contaminant contaminant a substance that contaminates

contaminate contaminate make impure

contemn contemn look down on with disdain

contemplate contemplate look at thoughtfully

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contemporary contemporary characteristic of the present

contempt lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense


contemptuous contemptuous expressing extreme contempt

contend contend maintain or assert

contender contender the contestant you hope to defeat

content content satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are

contentment contentment happiness with ones situation in life

continent continent one of the large landmasses of the earth

contingent determined by conditions or circumstances that


continuously continuously at every point

contour contour a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height

contract a binding agreement between two or more persons that

is enforceable by law

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contradict contradict be in contradiction with

contradiction contradiction opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas

contraption a device or control that is very useful for a particular


contrasting contrasting strikingly different

contribute contribute bestow a quality on

contribution contribution the part played by a person in bringing about a result

contributor someone who contributes (or promises to contribute)

a sum of money

contrite contrite feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

contrive come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or

principle) after a mental effort

controversy controversy a contentious speech act

conundrum conundrum a difficult problem

convene convene meet formally

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convenient convenient suited to your comfort or purpose or needs

convent convent a religious residence especially for nuns

conventional conventional following accepted customs and proprieties

converge converge be adjacent or come together

converse converse carry on a conversation

conversely conversely with the terms of the relation reversed

convert change from one system to another or to a new plan or


converted converted spiritually reborn or converted

convertible convertible a car that has top that can be folded or removed

conveyor conveyor a person who conveys (carries or transmits)

convict convict find or declare guilty

convince make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth

or validity of something

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convivial convivial occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company

convoluted convoluted highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious

convulse convulse make someone convulse with laughter

coo coo the sound made by a pigeon

cooper United States industrialist who built the first American


cooperate cooperate work together on a common enterprise of project

coordinate coordinate bring order and organization to

copyright a document granting exclusive right to publish and sell

literary or musical or artistic work

cord cord a line made of twisted fibres or threads

cordage cordage the amount of wood in an area as measured in cords

cordial cordial diffusing warmth and friendliness

cordially cordially in a hearty manner

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cords cords cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth

core the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea
or experience

cornea the transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer

covering of the eye

cornet cornet a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone

coroner a public official who investigates by inquest any death not

due to natural causes

coronet coronet a small crown

corpse corpse the dead body of a human being

corpulent corpulent excessively fat

correspondence correspondence communication by the exchange of letters

corridor corridor an enclosed passageway

corroborate corroborate establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

corrode cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an


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corrugate corrugate fold into ridges

corrugated corrugated shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges

corrupt corrupt touched by rot or decay

corruption lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to


corvette corvette a highly manoeuvrable escort warship

cosh cosh a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle

cosmologist an astronomer who studies the evolution and space-

time relations of the universe

cosmopolitan composed of people from or at home in many parts

of the world

cottage cottage a small house with a single story

cougar cougar large American feline resembling a lion

counsel counsel give advice to

countenance countenance the appearance conveyed by a person's face

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counterfeit counterfeit not genuine

counterpart a person or thing having the same function or

characteristics as another

countless countless too numerous to be counted

coupling a connection (like a clamp or vice) between two things

so they move together

courage a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain

without showing fear

courgette courgette marrow squash plant whose fruit are eaten when small

courier courier a person who carries a message

courteous courteous exhibiting courtesy and politeness

courtier courtier an attendant at the court of a sovereign

courtship courtship a man's courting of a woman

covenant a signed written agreement between two or more

parties (nations) to perform some action

covert covert secret or hidden

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covet wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of
another person)

cowardice cowardice the trait of lacking courage

cower cower show submission or fear

coxswain coxswain the helmsman of a ship's boat or a racing crew

coyote coyote small wolf native to western North America

crabby crabby annoyed and irritable

crack crack break partially but keep its integrity

crackle crackle the sharp sound of snapping noises

crackling the residue that remains after animal fat has been

cradle cradle hold gently and carefully

crater crater a bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano

cravat neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping

vertically in front

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crawl crawl move slowly

creak creak make a high-pitched, screeching noise

creaky creaky worn and broken down by hard use

creation creation the act of starling something for the first time

credible credible appearing to merit belief or acceptance

credulous credulous disposed to believe on little evidence

creed creed any system of principles or beliefs

creek a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a

tributary of a river)

creel creel a wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish

cremate cremate reduce to ashes

crescendo crescendo (music) a gradual increase in loudness

crescent any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in

its first or last quarters

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crest crest the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave

crestfallen crestfallen brought low in spirit

crevasse crevasse a deep fissure

crevice crevice a long narrow depression in a surface

cribbage a card game (usually for two players) in which each

player is dealt six cards and discards one or two

cringe cringe draw back, as with fear or pain

crinkle crinkle a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

cripple cripple deprive of strength or efficiency

crisis crisis an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty

critic critic anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something

critical marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors

and flaws

criticism disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or


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croak pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and
functions necessary to sustain life

crock a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally

of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink

crone crone an ugly evil-looking old woman

crouch crouch sit on one's heels

crucial crucial of extreme importance

crucible crucible a vessel made of material that does not melt easily

crude crude not carefully or expertly made

cruelty cruelty a cruel act

crumb crumb a very small quantity of something

crumble crumble fall apart

crunch crunch the sound of something crunching

crusade a series of actions advancing a principle or tending

toward a particular end

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crustacean any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a
segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton

cryptography the science of analysing and deciphering codes and

ciphers and cryptograms

cucumber cucumber a melon vine of the genus Cucumis

cuisine the practice or manner of preparing food or the food so


culminate culminate end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage

culpable deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or


culprit someone who is guilty of wrongdoing, or who is the

motivating force behind such wrongdoing

cultivar a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and

maintained under cultivation

cultivate cultivate foster the growth of

cumbersome difficult to handle or use especially because of size

or weight

cumulative cumulative increasing by successive addition

cunning cunning marked by skill in deception

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cur cur an inferior dog or one of mixed breed

curate curate a person authorized to conduct religious worship

curator curator the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)

curb curb place restrictions on

curd curd a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd

curdling curdling the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid

curiosity curiosity a state in which you want to learn more about something

currency the metal or paper medium of exchange that is

presently used

current current occurring in or belonging to the present time

curse curse utter obscenities or profanities

curtly curtly in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner

curtsy curtsy bending the knees

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curvature curvature (medicine) a curving or bending

cusp point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados
of a Gothic arch)

custody custody a state of being confined (usually for a short lime)

customary customary commonly used or practiced

customize customize make to specifications

cuticle cuticle the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail

cutlass cutlass a short heavy curved sword with one edge

cutler cutler a dealer in cutlery

cutlery cutlery a cutting implement

cygnet cygnet a young swan

cymbal cymbal a percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk

cynic cynic someone who is critical of the motives of others

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cynical cynical believing the worst of human nature and motives

daft daft informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

daily daily consider not very seriously

dainty dainty excessively fastidious and easily disgusted

dampen dampen smother or suppress

damsel damsel a young unmarried woman

dangerous dangerous involving or causing danger or risk

dangle dangle hang freely

dappled dappled having spots or patches of colour

dashboard protective covering consisting of a panel to protect

people from the splashing water or mud etc.

dastardly dastardly despicably cowardly

daub daub material used to daub walls

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daunt daunt cause to lose courage

dauntless dauntless invulnerable to fear or intimidation

dawdle dawdle waste lime

dawn dawn the first light of day

dazzle to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from

intense light

debris the remains of something that has been destroyed or

broken up

debt debt the state of owing something (especially money)

debtor debtor a person who owes a creditor

debut debut the act of beginning something new

decade decade a period of 1.0 years

decapod crustaceans characteristically having five pairs of

locomotor appendages each joined to a segment of the thorax

decay decay undergo decay or decomposition

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deceased deceased dead

deceitful marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by

deceitful pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of

deceive deceive cause someone to believe an untruth

decency the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and


decent decent socially or conventionally correct

deception deception a misleading falsehood

decidedly decidedly without question and beyond doubt

decision a position or opinion or judgment reached after


deckhand a member of a ship's crew who performs manual


declare declare state emphatically and authoritatively

decompose separate (substances) into constituent elements or


decor decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a

liveable interior

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decorate decorate make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

decoration decoration something used to beautify

decorum decorum propriety in manners and conduct

decrepit decrepit worn and broken down by hard use

deed a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect

a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it

deem deem keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view

deface deface mar or spoil the appearance of

defame defame charge falsely or with malicious intent

defect defect a failing or deficiency

defection withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or


defendant a person or institution against whom an action is

brought in a court of law

defensive intended or appropriate for defending against or

deterring aggression or attack

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defer defer hold back to a later lime

defiance defiance intentionally contemptuous behaviour or attitude

defiant defiant boldly resisting authority or an opposing force

deficient deficient inadequate in amount or degree

deficit the property of being an amount by which something is

less than expected or required

define define determine the essential quality of

definite definite precise

definition a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or

phrase or symbol

deflate deflate collapse by releasing contained air or gas

deflect turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of


deform deform make formless

deformation deformation a change for the worse

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deformity an affliction in which some part of the body is
misshapen or malformed

defunct defunct no longer in force or use

defy defy resist or confront with resistance

degeneracy the state of being degenerate in mental or moral


degrade degrade reduce the level of land, as by erosion

degraded degraded unrestrained by convention or morality

deify deify consider as a god or godlike

deity any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part

of the world or some aspect of life or who is the

deity any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part

deity of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of
a force

dejected dejected affected or marked by low spirits

dejection dejection a state of melancholy depression

delectable delectable extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

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deliberate deliberate unhurried and with care and dignity

deliberately deliberately with intention

delicate delicate easily broken or damaged or destroyed

delicately delicately in a delicate manner

delicious delicious extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

delightful delightful greatly pleasing or entertaining

delinquent delinquent failing in what duty requires

delirious delirious experiencing delirium

delta a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides

before entering a larger body of water

delude delude be false to

deluge deluge an overwhelming number or amount

delusion delusion a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea

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delve delve turn up, loosen, or remove earth

demeanour (behavioural attributes) the way a person behaves

toward other people

demented demented affected with madness or insanity

demolish demolish destroy completely

demonstrate establish the validity of something, as by an example,

explanation or experiment

demur demur take exception to

demure affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or

provocative way

denounce denounce speak out against

dense permitting little if any light to pass through because of

denseness of matter

density density the amount per unit size

denture denture a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth

depart depart move away from a place into another direction

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departure departure the act of departing

dependable dependable worthy of reliance or trust

dependency the state of relying on or being controlled by

someone or something else

depict depict give a description of

depleted depleted no longer sufficient

depot station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers

or goods

depravity depravity moral perversion

deprecate deprecate belittle

deprecating deprecating tending to diminish or disparage

depreciate depreciate lose in value

depression a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of

inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity

deprivation deprivation a state of extreme poverty

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deprive deprive keep from having, keeping, or obtaining

derail derail cause to run off the tracks

derby derby a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim

derelict derelict in deplorable condition

derisive derisive abusing vocally

derisively derisively in a disrespectful and mocking manner

dermatologist a doctor who specializes in the physiology and

pathology of the skin

derogatory derogatory expressive of low opinion

descant a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised)

added above a basic melody

descend move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the

descendant a person considered as descended from some

ancestor or race

descent descent a movement downward

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desecrate desecrate violate the sacred character of a place or language

deserve deserve be worthy or deserving

designate designate assign a name or title to

desist desist choose not to consume

desolate desolate providing no shelter or sustenance

despair despair a state in which all hope is lost or absent

desperate desperate arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope

desperation desperation a state in which all hope is lost or absent

despicable despicable morally reprehensible

despise despise look down on with disdain

despite despite lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

despondent despondent without or almost without hope

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despondently despondently with desperation

despotic despotic belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot

destination the place designated as the end (as of a race or


destitute destitute completely wanting or lacking

destroyer destroyer a small fast lightly armoured but heavily armed warship

desultory desultory marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose

detain detain stop or halt

detect detect discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of

detention detention a state of being confined (usually for a short time)

deter deter try to prevent

detergent a surface-active chemical widely used in industry and


deteriorate deteriorate become worse or disintegrate

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determination a position or opinion or judgment reached after

determined determined strongly motivated to succeed

deterrent something immaterial that interferes with or delays

action or progress

detest detest dislike intensely

dethrone dethrone remove a monarch from the throne

detour a roundabout road (especially one that is used temporarily

while a main route is blocked)

detrimental detrimental (sometimes followed by 'to') causing harm or injury

detritus the remains of something that has been destroyed or

broken up

devastate devastate cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

devastating devastating making light of

deviate deviate turn aside

devices devices an inclination or desire

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devious devious characterized by insincerity or deceit

deviousness deviousness the quality of being deceitful and underhanded

devise come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or

principle) after a mental effort

devoid devoid completely wanting or lacking

devote devote give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

devoted devoted zealous in devotion or affection

devotedly devotedly with devotion

devour devour enjoy avidly

devout devout deeply religious

dexterous dexterous skilful in physical movements

diagnose determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an

illness through a diagnostic analysis

dictator a speaker who dictates to a secretary or a recording


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diehard diehard one who adheres to traditional views

diesel German engineer (born in France) who invented the diesel

engine (1858-1913)

differentiate differentiate mark as different

difficulty a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or

tending to produce a negative result

digest digest convert food into absorbable substances

dignify dignify confer dignity or honour upon

dignity dignity the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect

digress lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject
digress of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or

dike a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep

out the sea

dilapidate bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect

or misuse

dilapidated dilapidated in deplorable condition

dilate dilate become wider

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dilemma state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring
a choice between equally unfavourable options

diligent characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out


dilute dilute lessen the strength or flavour of a solution or mixture

dilute dilute lessen the strength or flavour of a solution or mixture

dimension the magnitude of something in a particular direction

(especially length or width or height)

diminish diminish decrease in size, extent, or range

diminuendo diminuendo (music) a gradual decrease in loudness

diminutive diminutive very small

dimity dimity a strong cotton fabric with a raised pattern

dimple a chad that has been punched or dimpled but all four
corners are still attached

din din a loud harsh or strident noise

dinghy a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats
and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled

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diplomatic using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive
matters or people

direction a general course along which something has a tendency

to develop

dirge a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a

memorial to a dead person

dirk dirk a relatively long dagger with a straight blade

disarray disarray untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)

disaster a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and


disbelief disbelief doubt about the truth of something

disbelieve disbelieve reject as false

discard discard throw or cast away

discarded discarded thrown away

discern discern detect with the senses

discharge discharge the sudden giving off of energy

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disciple someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine
of another

discipline discipline a system of rules of conduct or method of practice

discomfit discomfit cause to lose ones composure

disconnected (music) marked by or composed of disconnected

parts or sounds

disconsolate disconsolate sad beyond comforting

discontinue discontinue put an end to a state or an activity

discord discord lack of agreement or harmony

discouraging depriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm and

hence often deterring action

discourteous discourteous showing no courtesy

discover discover get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

discredit discredit cause to be distrusted or disbelieved

discreet discreet marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint

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discriminate discriminate recognize or perceive the difference

disdain disdain lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

disembark disembark go ashore

disfigure disfigure mar or spoil the appearance of

disgruntled disgruntled in a state of sulky dissatisfaction

disgust disgust strong feelings of dislike

disheartened disheartened made less hopeful or enthusiastic

dishevelled dishevelled in disarray

disillusionment disillusionment freeing from false belief or illusions

disinfectant an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that

destroys microorganisms that might carry disease

disjoint disjoint part

disjointed disjointed lacking orderly continuity

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dislodge dislodge remove or force out from a position

dismal dismal causing dejection

dismantle dismantle tear down so as to make flat with the ground

dismay dismay the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles

disobedient not obeying or complying with commands of those in


disparage disparage express a negative opinion of

disparaging disparaging expressive of low opinion

disparity disparity inequality or difference in some respect

dispassionate dispassionate unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice

dispatch dispatch dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently

dispel dispel to cause to separate and go in different directions

dispensary clinic where medicine and medical supplies are


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dispense dispense administer or bestow, as in small portions

disperse disperse distribute loosely

dispersed dispersed distributed or spread over a considerable extent

dispirit dispirit lower someone's spirits

displace displace cause to move, usually with force or pressure

disposed disposed having made preparations

disposition disposition your usual mood

disregard disregard give little or no attention to

disrepair disrepair in need of repairs

dissect dissect cut open or cut apart

dissected having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the


dissension dissension disagreement among those expected to cooperate

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dissimulation dissimulation the act of deceiving

dissipate dissipate to cause to separate and go in different directions

dissipation dissipation breaking up and scattering by dispersion

dissolute dissolute unrestrained by convention or morality

dissolve dissolve become weaker

dissonance dissonance disagreeable sounds

dissuade dissuade turn away from by persuasion

distance distance size of the gap between two places

distasteful distasteful not pleasing in odour or taste

distil distil undergo condensation

distiller distiller someone who distils alcoholic liquors

distinct distinct easy to perceive

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distinctive distinctive of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing

distort distort make false by mutilation or addition

distorted distorted so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly

distortion distortion a change for the worse

distraught distraught deeply agitated especially from emotion

distress distress a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need)

distressed distressed facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty

distributed distributed spread out or scattered about or divided up

distribution the spatial or geographic property of being scattered

about over a range, area, or volume

disuse the state of something that has been unused and


diverse diverse many and different

diversify diversify make (more) diverse

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diversion diversion a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

diversity diversity noticeable heterogeneity

divert divert turn aside

dividend that part of the earnings of a corporation that is

distributed to its shareholders

divine being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest

inspiration by the gods

divinity any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some

part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the

divinity any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some

divinity part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the
personification of a force

divulge make known to the public information that was previously

known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

docile docile willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed

dock landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and
unloaded or repaired

document document etc.)

dodge avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing

(duties, questions, or issues)

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doe the federal department responsible for maintaining a
national energy policy of the United States

dogmatic characterized by assertion of unproved or improvable


doleful doleful filled with or evoking sadness

dolefully dolefully with sadness

dome a concave shape whose distinguishing characteristic is that

the concavity faces downward

domestic of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a


domesticated domesticated converted or adapted to domestic use

dominant dominant most frequent or common

dominate be larger in number, quantity, power, status or


domination domination power to dominate or defeat

domineering domineering tending to domineer

dominion dominion dominance or power through legal authority

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don don put clothing on one's body

doomed doomed marked for certain death

dormant dormant inactive but capable of becoming active

dormitory a college or university building containing living

quarters for students

dose dose a measured portion of medicine taken at any one lime

doubt doubt the state of being unsure of something

douse douse put out, as of a candle or a light

dover dover the capital of the state of Delaware

downpour downpour a heavy rain

downright downright thoroughgoing

downy downy like down or as soft as down

dowry money or property brought by a woman to her husband at


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dozen dozen denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units

drab drab lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

drachma a unit of apothecary weight equal to an eighth of an

ounce or to 6o grains

drake English explorer and admiral who was the first Englishman
drake to circumnavigate the globe and who helped to defeat the

dramatic dramatic sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect

drastically drastically in a drastic manner

draught draught a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg

draughty draughty not airtight

drawback drawback the quality of being a hindrance

drawers drawers underpants worn by men

drawl drawl a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels

dray dray a low heavy horse cart without sides

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dread dread fearful expectation or anticipation

dreaded dreaded causing fear or dread or terror

dreadlock one of many long thin braids of hair radiating from the

dreary dreary lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

drenched drenched abundantly covered or supplied with

dressage manoeuvres of a horse in response to body signals by the


drift drift be in motion due to some air or water current

drone drone make a monotonous low dull sound

drooping drooping sepals

drover drover someone who drives a herd

drowsy drowsy half asleep

drudge drudge one who works hard at boring tasks

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drudgery drudgery hard monotonous routine work

dub dub give a nickname to

dubious dubious fraught with uncertainty or doubt

duel a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people

duel (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point
of honour

dullard dullard a person who is not very bright

duly duly at the proper lime

dumbfounded dumbfounded as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise

dummy dummy a person who does not talk

dump dump sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly

dungeon a dark cell (usually underground) where prisoners can be


durable durable capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay

dusk dusk the lime of day immediately following sunset

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dusty dusty covered with a layer of dust

dwarf dwarf make appear small by comparison

dwarfism dwarfism a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature

dwindle dwindle become smaller or lose substance

dyadic dyadic of or relating to a dyad or based on two

dynamic characterized by action or forcefulness or force of


dynasty dynasty a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family

each each other when molten

eager having or showing keen interest or intense desire or

impatient expectancy

eaglet eaglet a young eagle

earnest earnest not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal

easel an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's


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eaves eaves the overhang at the lower edge of a roof

ebb ebb flow back or recede

ebony ebony a very dark black

eccentric eccentric conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

echelon echelon a body of troops arranged in a line

éclat éclat enthusiastic approval

eclipse eclipse be greater in significance than

economic using the minimum of time or resources necessary for


ecstasy ecstasy a state of elated bliss

ecstatic ecstatic feeling great rapture or delight

eddy eddy flow in a circular current, of liquids

edible edible suitable for use as food

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edifice a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or
less permanently in one place

editorial editorial an article giving opinions or perspectives

eel eel the fatty flesh of eel

eerie eerie suggestive of the supernatural

efface efface remove completely from recognition or memory

effect a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous


efficiency efficiency skilfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort

efficient efficient being effective without wasting tune or effort or expense

effluent effluent water mixed with waste matter

egocentric limited to or caring only about yourself and your own


elaborate elaborate marked by complexity and richness of detail

elapse elapse pass by

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elapsed elapsed (of tune) having passed or slipped by

elate elate fill with high spirits

elated elated exultantly proud and joyful

elation elation a feeling of joy and pride

elegant elegant refined and tasteful in appearance or behaviour or style

element element of another set (the range of the function)

elephantine elephantine of great mass

elevate elevate give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

elevated elevated raised above the ground

elevator lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is

elevator raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to
move people from

eligible eligible qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen

eliminate eliminate terminate, end, or take out

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elite a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or
social or economic status

elocution an expert manner of speaking involving control of voice

and gesture

elongate elongate make long or longer by pulling and stretching

elope elope run away secretly with one's beloved

eloquence eloquence the use of powerful and effective language

eloquent eloquent expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

elucidate elucidate make clear and (more) comprehensible

elude elude escape, either physically or mentally

elusive elusive difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse

emaciate emaciate cause to grow thin or weak

emanate emanate proceed or issue forth, as from a source

emancipate emancipate free from slavery or servitude

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embalm embalm preserve a dead body

embankment embankment a long artificial mound of stone or earth

embarrass embarrass cause to be embarrassed

embellish embellish add details to

ember a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is
glowing or smouldering

embezzle appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care)

fraudulently to one's own use

embroider embroider decorate with needlework

emerge emerge come out into view, as from concealment

emergence emergence the gradual beginning or coining forth

emigrate emigrate leave one's country of residence for a new one

eminent eminent standing above others in quality or position

emission emission the act of emitting

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emit emit give off, send forth, or discharge

emphasise emphasise give extra weight to (a communication)

emphasize emphasize to stress, single out as important

employ employ put into service

emu any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and


emulate emulate strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

enact enact order by virtue of superior authority

encamp encamp live in or as if in a tent

enchanted enchanted influenced as by charms or incantations

enchanting enchanting capturing interest as if by a spell

enchantment a feeling of great liking for something wonderful

and unusual

encircle encircle form a circle around

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enclose enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering

encompass encompass include in scope

encore encore an extra or repeated performance

encounter encounter come upon, as if by accident

encourage encourage contribute to the progress or growth of

encroach encroach advance beyond the usual limit

encumbrance encumbrance any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome

endanger endanger pose a threat to

endeavour a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one

that requires effort or boldness)

endemic endemic originating where it is found

endorse endorse be behind

endowment endowment natural abilities or qualities

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endurance endurance the power to withstand hardship or stress

endure endure put up with something or somebody unpleasant

enduring enduring unceasing

endwise endwise on end or upright

engage engage carry out or participate in an activity

engineer a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical


engross engross consume all of ones attention or time

engrossed engrossed giving or marked by complete attention to

engulf engulf flow over or cover completely

enhance enhance make better or more attractive

enhanced enhanced increased or intensified in value or beauty or quality

enigma something that baffles understanding and cannot be


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enigmatic enigmatic not clear to the understanding

enjoyable enjoyable affording satisfaction or pleasure

enlighten enlighten make free from confusion or ambiguity

enlightenment education that results in understanding and the

spread of knowledge

enmeshed enmeshed caught as if in a mesh

enmity enmity a state of deep-seated ill-will

enormity enormity vastness of size or extent

enormous extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or

power or degree

enrage enrage put into a rage

enraptured enraptured feeling great rapture or delight

ensconce ensconce fix firmly

ensemble ensemble a group of musicians playing or singing together

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enshrine enshrine enclose in a shrine

ensign ensign an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality

ensuing following immediately and as a result of what went


entangle entangle twist together or entwine into a confusing mass

entangled entangled deeply involved especially in something complicated

enthral enthral hold spellbound

enthralled enthralled filled with wonder and delight

enthralling enthralling capturing interest as if by a spell

enthuse enthuse cause to feel enthusiasm

enthusiastic enthusiastic having or showing great excitement and interest

entice provoke someone to do something through (often false or

exaggerated) promises or persuasion

enticing enticing highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire

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entire entire constituting the full quantity or extent

entomb entomb place in a grave or tomb

entreat entreat ask for or request earnestly

entrench entrench fix firmly or securely

entrenched entrenched dug in

entropy (communication theory) a numerical measure of the

uncertainty of an outcome

enunciate enunciate express or state clearly

enviable enviable causing envy

envious envious showing extreme cupidity

enviously enviously with jealousy

envy envy feel envious towards

epic epic very imposing or impressive

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epidemic epidemic a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease

epidemics epidemics of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula

epilogue epilogue a short passage added at the end of a literary work

episode episode a happening that is distinctive in a series of related events

epithet epithet a defamatory or abusive word or phrase

epitome epitome a standard or typical example

epoch a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from

a fixed point or event

eponymous being or relating to or bearing the name of an


equator an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great

circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles

equestrian equestrian a man skilled in equitation

equivalent equivalent being essentially equal to something

equivocal equivocal uncertain as a sign or indication

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era a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a
fixed point or event

eradicate eradicate destroy completely, as if down to the roots

eroded eroded worn away as by water or ice or wind

errant errant straying from the right course or from accepted standards

erratic erratic liable to sudden unpredictable change

erroneous erroneous containing or characterized by error

erstwhile erstwhile belonging to some prior time

erupt erupt start abruptly

escalate escalate increase in extent or intensity

escarpment a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or


escort escort accompany as an escort

escutcheon a flat protective covering (on a door or wall etc.) to

prevent soiling by dirty fingers

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esoteric confined to and understandable by only an enlightened
inner circle

espionage the systematic use of spies to get military or political


estate estate everything you own

esteemed esteemed having an illustrious reputation

estimate an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or


estuary estuary the wide part of a river where it nears the sea

etching etching an impression made from an etched plate

eternal eternal continuing forever or indefinitely

eternally eternally for a limitless time

eternity eternity time without end

ethereal ethereal characterized by lightness and insubstantiality

ethnically ethnically with respect to ethnicity

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etiquette etiquette rules governing socially acceptable behaviour

euphoria euphoria a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation

evacuate evacuate move out of an unsafe location into safety

evacuee a person who has been evacuated from a dangerous


evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or

significance of

evangelist evangelist a preacher of the Christian gospel

evaporate lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a

more concentrated residue

evasive evasive deliberately vague or ambiguous

everlasting everlasting continuing forever or indefinitely

evidence evidence your basis for belief or disbelief

evident evident clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

evidently evidently unmistakably (' plain' is often used informally for 'plainly)

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evoke evoke call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

evolution a process in which something passes by degrees to a

different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)

evolve evolve undergo development or evolution

ewe ewe female sheep

exacerbate exacerbate make worse

exactitude exactitude the quality of being exact

exalt exalt fill with sublime emotion

exasperate exasperate make furious

exasperated exasperated greatly annoyed

exasperation exasperation an exasperated feeling of annoyance

excavate excavate recover through digging

excavator a workman who excavates for foundations of buildings

or for quarrying

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excel excel distinguish oneself

exceptional exceptional far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree

exclusive exclusive not divided or shared with others

excogitate come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or

principle) after a mental effort

excommunicate excommunicate exclude from a church or a religious community

excuse excuse serve as a reason or cause or justification of

executed executed put to death as punishment

exercise exercise give a workout to

exertion exertion use of physical or mental energy

exfoliate exfoliate spread by opening the leaves of

exhale exhale give out (breath or an odour)

exhaust exhaust wear out completely

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exhaustion exhaustion extreme fatigue

exhibit exhibit show an attribute, property, knowledge, or skill

exhibitionist someone with a compulsive desire to expose the


exhilarated exhilarated made joyful

exhilaration exhilaration the feeling of lively and cheerful joy

exhort exhort spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

exhume exhume dig up for reburial or for medical investigation

exodus a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile


exonerate exonerate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

exonerated exonerated freed from any question of guilt

exorbitant exorbitant greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

exoteric exoteric suitable for the general public

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expand expand extend in one or more directions

expanse expanse a wide scope

expectant expectant marked by eager anticipation

expedition a military campaign designed to achieve a specific

objective in a foreign country

expeditious expeditious marked by speed and efficiency

expeditiously expeditiously with efficiency

expel expel force to leave or move out

experiment experiment the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation

expert expert having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

expire expire lose validity

expiry expiry a coming to an end of a contract period

explicable explicable capable of being explicated or accounted for

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explicit explicit precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable

explode explode increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner

exploit exploit use or manipulate to ones advantage

exposed exposed with no protection or shield

exposure exposure presentation to view in an open or public manner

expression a word or phrase that particular people use in

particular situations

exquisite exquisite intense or sharp

extensive extensive broad in scope or content

exterminate exterminate kill en masse

extinct extinct no longer in existence

extinguish extinguish put an end to

extortion extortion an exorbitant charge

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extract extract remove, usually with some force or effort

extradition the surrender of an accused or convicted person by

extradition one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a
statute or

extraneous extraneous not essential

extravagant extravagant unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings

extremity extremity the outermost or farthest region or point

extricate extricate release from entanglement of difficulty

extrovert a person who is outgoing, engaged in society, expressive,

and communicative

extrude extrude form or shape by forcing through an opening

exuberant exuberant joyously unrestrained

exultant exultant joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

fable fable a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events

fabled fabled celebrated in fable or legend

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fabrication fabrication a deliberately false or improbable account

facial facial of or concerning the face

facilitate facilitate make easier

fact fact a concept whose truth can be proved

fade fade become less clearly visible or distinguishable

Fahrenheit German physicist who invented the mercury

Fahrenheit thermometer and developed the scale of temperature that bears
his name (1686-1736)

faint faint lacking clarity or distinctness

fake fake fraudulent

fallacious based on an incorrect or misleading notion or


fallacy fallacy a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning

falter falter move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

familiar familiar well known or easily recognized

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famine a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting
in violent hunger and starvation and death

famished famished extremely hungry

fanatic a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a


fanciful fanciful indulging in or influenced by fancy

fantasy fantasy imagination unrestricted by reality

fare fare proceed or get along

farrier farrier a person who shoes horses

fascinating fascinating capable of arousing and holding the attention

fastidious fastidious giving careful attention to detail

fatal (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire


fatality fatality a death resulting from an accident or a disaster

fate an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in

the future

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fathom fathom come to understand

fatigue temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard

physical or mental work

faucet a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a


fault a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or


fauna fauna all the animal life in a particular region or period

fawn fawn try to gain favour by cringing or flattering

feasible capable of being done with means at hand and

circumstances as they are

feast feast a ceremonial dinner party for many people

feat feat a notable achievement

fecund fecund capable of producing offspring or vegetation

fedora fedora a hat made of felt with a creased crown

feeble feeble pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness

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feign feign make a pretence of

feline feline of or relating to cats

felon someone who has committed a crime or has been legally

convicted of a clime

feminine feminine associated with women and not with men

fend fend try to manage without help

fenestration fenestration the arrangement of windows in a building

feral feral wild and menacing

ferment ferment go sour or spoil

fern any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants

having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward

ferocious ferocious marked by extreme and violent energy

ferocity ferocity the property of being wild or turbulent

ferret ferret search and discover through persistent investigation

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ferrous ferrous of or relating to or containing iron

fertile fertile marked by great fruitfulness

fertility the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that


fervour fervour the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up

festive festive offering fun and gaiety

festoon a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form

graceful curves

fetid fetid offensively malodorous

fetid fetid offensively malodorous

fetlock fetlock the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern

fettered fettered bound by chains fastened around the ankles

feud feud a bitter quarrel between two parties

fiasco fiasco a sudden and violent collapse

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fib fib a trivial lie

fickle marked by erratic changeableness in affections or


fictitious fictitious adopted in order to deceive

fiddle bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of

the violin family

fidget fidget move restlessly

fiend fiend a cruel wicked and inhuman person

fierce fierce marked by extreme and violent energy

fiery fiery characterized by intense emotion

figurative figurative (used of the meanings of words or text) not literal

filament filament a very slender natural or synthetic fibre

filling filling any material that fills a space or container

fin organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other

aquatic animals

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finale finale the concluding part of any performance

finance finance obtain or provide money for

financial financial involving financial matters

fine fine thin in thickness or diameter

finesse finesse subtly skilful handling of a situation

finicky finicky exacting especially about details

fiord fiord a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs

firmament the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which

celestial bodies appear to be projected

fishy fishy of or relating to or resembling fish

fitful fitful intermittently stopping and starting

fitfully fitfully in a fitful manner

fixative a compound (such as ethanol or formaldehyde) that fixes

tissues and cells for microscopic study

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flabbergasted flabbergasted as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise

flabby flabby out of condition

flagrant flagrant conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

flair flair a natural talent

flamboyant flamboyant elaborately or excessively ornamented

flamingo large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-

bent bill

flammable flammable easily ignited

flank flank be located at the sides of something or somebody

flap flap any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge

flare flare a shape that spreads outward

flatter flatter praise somewhat dishonestly

flaunt flaunt display proudly

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flaw flaw an imperfection in an object or machine

flawed flawed having a blemish or flaw

fledge fledge feed, care for, and rear young birds for flight

fledgling fledgling young and inexperienced

flee flee run away quickly

fleet group of motor vehicles operating together under the same


fleeting fleeting lasting for a markedly brief time

flexible flexible able to adjust readily to different conditions

flick flick a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible)

flimsy flimsy lacking solidity or strength

flinch flinch drawback, as with fear or pain

flint flint a hard kind of stone

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flippant flippant showing inappropriate levity

flipper flipper a shoe for swimming

flirt flirt talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions

flit flit move along rapidly and lightly

floe floe a flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) floating at sea

flog flog beat severely with a whip or rod

florid florid elaborately or excessively ornamented

florist florist someone who grows and deals in flowers

flounce flounce walk emphatically

flounder flounder walk with great difficulty

flourish flourish grow vigorously

flourishing flourishing very lively and profitable

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fluctuate fluctuate be unstable

fluctuation fluctuation a wave motion

fluent fluent expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

flush flush turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame

flustered flustered thrown into a state of agitated confusion

flutter flutter the act of moving back and forth

foal foal a young horse

focus focus the concentration of attention or energy on something

fodder soldiers who are regarded as expendable in the face of

artillery fire

foe an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing

military force)

foil foil hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

foliage the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in

higher plants

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folio folio the system of numbering pages

folly folly the trait of acting stupidly or rashly

foment foment try to stir up public opinion

fondle fondle touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner

foolproof foolproof not liable to failure

forage forage collect or look around for (food)

forbid forbid command against

ford ford cross a river where it's shallow

forebode forebode make a prediction about

forecast forecast predict in advance

foremost foremost ranking above all others

foretaste foretaste an early limited awareness of something yet to occur

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forfeit lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or

forfeited forfeited surrendered as a penalty

forge forge make something, usually for a specific function

forged forged reproduced fraudulently

forging forging shaping metal by heating and hammering

forlorn forlorn marked by or showing hopelessness

formation formation an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit

former referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or

the earlier one or ones of several)

formidable formidable extremely impressive in strength or excellence

formulate formulate elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses

forte forte an asset of special worth or utility

forthcoming forthcoming at ease in talking to others

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fortify fortify make strong or stronger

fortitude strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

with courage

fortress fortress a fortified defensive structure

fortuitous fortuitous occurring by happy chance

fortunate fortunate having unexpected good fortune

forum forum a public meeting or assembly for open discussion

fossil the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that

fossil existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from
the soil

foul foul make unclean

founder founder a person who founds or establishes some institution

fragile fragile easily broken or damaged or destroyed

fragment fragment a piece broken off or cut off of something else

fragrant fragrant pleasant-smelling

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frail frail physically weak

frame a framework that supports and protects a picture or a


frankness the quality of being honest and straightforward in

attitude and speech

frantic frantic excessively agitated

frantically frantically in an uncontrolled manner

fraternal fraternal of or relating to a fraternity or society of usually men

fraternise be on friendly terms with someone, as if with a brother,

especially with an enemy

fraudulent fraudulent intended to deceive

fray fray wear away by rubbing

freak freak a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed

freight freight goods carried by a large vehicle

frenzy frenzy state of violent mental agitation

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frequent frequent coming at short intervals or habitually

frequently frequently many limes at short intervals

fresco fresco a mural done with watercolours on wet plaster

friction friction a state of conflict between persons

frieze an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal

sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice

frigate a medium size square-rigged warship of the 18th and 19th


frightened frightened made afraid

frilled frilled having decorative ruffles or frills

fringe an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of

hanging threads or tassels

frisky frisky playful like a lively kitten

frisson frisson an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

frivolity frivolity acting like a clown or buffoon

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frivolous frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behaviour

frock frock a habit worn by clerics

frolic gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or


frond frond compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad

frontier frontier a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country

frosty frosty devoid of warmth and cordiality

frown look angry or sullen, wrinkle ones forehead, as if to signal


frowsty frowsty stale and unclean smelling

frugal frugal avoiding waste

frustrate frustrate hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

fudge fudge soft creamy candy

fuel fuel a substance that can be consumed to produce energy

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fug fug (British informal) an airless smoky smelly atmosphere

fugitive fugitive someone who flees from an uncongenial situation

fugue dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who they are

and leaves home to creates a new life

fumble fumble feel about uncertainly or blindly

fume fume be mad, angry, or furious

function (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each

function element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated
with an

fundamental fundamental serving as an essential component

funeral funeral a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated

funerary funerary of or for or relating to a funeral

funereal funereal suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial

funk funk a state of nervous depression

furbish furbish polish and make shiny

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furious furious marked by extreme anger

furnace an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat

buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.

furnish furnish give something useful or necessary to

furrier someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur


furrow a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made

by a plough)

furry furry covered with a dense coat of fine silky hairs

furthermore furthermore in addition

furthest (comparatives of 'far') most remote in space or time or


furtive furtive marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

furtively furtively in a furtive manner

fury fury a feeling of intense anger

fuse fuse mix together different elements

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fused fused joined together into a whole

fuselage the central body of an airplane that is designed to

accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)

fussy fussy annoyed and irritable

fusty fusty stale and unclean smelling

futile futile producing no result or effect

futility futility uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result

future future the time yet to come

fuzzy fuzzy covering with fine light hairs

gab gab light informal conversation for social occasions

gabble gabble speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

gadget gadget a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

gag a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke


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gaiety gaiety a gay feeling

gallant a man who is much concerned with his dress and


gallantry gallantry the qualities of a hero or heroine

galleon a large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more


galley galley the area for food preparation on a ship

gallivant gallivant wander aimlessly in search of pleasure

gallop gallop ride at a galloping pace

gallows an instrument of execution consisting of a wooden frame

from which a condemned person is executed by hanging

galosh a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or


galvanise galvanise to stimulate to action

gamble gamble take a risk in the hope of a favourable outcome

gambol gambol play boisterously

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gannet large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for
its plunging dives for fish

gaol a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in

gaol the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons

gaoler gaoler someone who guards prisoners

gape gape look with amazement

garage an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing


garb garb clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion

garble garble make false by mutilation or addition

gargantuan gargantuan of great mass

garish garish tastelessly showy

garland garland adorn with bands of flowers or leaves

garment garment an article of clothing

garnish something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavour or


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garrison garrison a fortified military post where troops are stationed

garter a band (usually elastic) worn around the leg to hold up a

stocking (or around the arm to hold up a sleeve)

gash gash cut open

gasoline a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane

and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum

gasp gasp breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted

gastronomy the art and practice of choosing and preparing and

eating good food

gaudy gaudy tastelessly showy

gauge determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by

measurement and calculation

gaunt gaunt very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

gauntlet gauntlet to offer or accept a challenge

gawky gawky lacking grace in movement or posture

gaze gaze look at with fixed eyes

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gazelle small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having
lustrous eyes

gazette gazette a newspaper or official journal

gear gear set the level or character of

generally generally usually

generate generate bring into existence

generation all the people living at the same time or of

approximately the same age

generosity generosity the trait of being willing to give your money or lime

generous generous willing to give and share unstintingly

genial genial diffusing warmth and friendliness

gentility gentility elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression

gentry gentry the most powerful members of a society

genuine genuine not fake or counterfeit

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genus genus a general kind of something

geographic geographic of or relating to the science of geography

germane germane relevant and appropriate

germinate germinate cause to grow or sprout

gestation the period during which an embryo develops (about 266

days in humans)

gesture motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express

a thought or feeling

geyser geyser to overflow like a geyser

ghastly ghastly shockingly repellent

ghostly ghostly resembling or characteristic of a phantom

gibber gibber unintelligible talking

gibe an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and

intended to have a telling effect

gigantic so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or


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giggle giggle a foolish or nervous laugh

gimmick gimmick a drawback or difficulty that is not readily evident

gingerly gingerly with extreme care or delicacy

girth girth the distance around a person's body

gist gist the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work

glacial glacial extremely cold

glacier glacier a slowly moving mass of ice

glance glance a quick look

glare glare look at with a fixed gaze

glaring glaring shining intensely

gleaming gleaming bright with a steady but subdued shining

glean glean gather, as of natural products

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glee glee great merriment

gleefully gleefully in a joyous and gleeful manner

glimmer glimmer a slight suggestion or vague understanding

glimpse glimpse a quick look

glisten glisten be shiny, as if wet

glittery glittery having brief brilliant points or flashes of light

gloat gloat malicious satisfaction

globular globular having the shape of a sphere or ball

globule globule a small globe or ball

gloomily gloomily with gloom

gloominess gloominess an atmosphere of depression and melancholy

gloomy gloomy depressingly dark

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glut glut supply with an excess of

glutton glutton a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess

gluttonous given to excess in consumption of especially food or


gluttony gluttony habitual eating to excess

gnarled gnarled twisted, bent (often used of old persons or old trees)

gnat gnat any of various small biting flies: midges

gnaw gnaw bite or chew on with the teeth

gnome gnome a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man

goad goad stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick

goaded goaded compelled forcibly by an outside agency

gobble gobble eat hastily without proper chewing

goblet goblet a drinking glass with a base and stem

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goblin (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
makes trouble for human beings

gooseberry spiny Eurasian shrub having greenish purple-tinged

flowers and ovoid yellow-green or red-purple berries

gorge gorge overeat or eat immodestly

gorgeous gorgeous dazzlingly beautiful

gossamer gossamer characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy

gossip gossip light informal conversation for social occasions

gothic gothic extinct East Germanic language of the ancient Goths

gouge gouge make a groove in

goulash goulash a rich meat stew highly seasoned with paprika

gourmet a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment

(especially good food and drink)

graceful characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or


gracious gracious exhibiting courtesy and politeness

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grader grader a judge who assigns grades to something

gradually gradually in a gradual manner

graffiti graffiti a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls

gramophone gramophone an antique record player

granary granary a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed

grandeur grandeur the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand

grange grange an outlying farm

granule granule a tiny grain

graphical graphical user interface

grapple grapple come to terms with

grasp grasp get the meaning of something

gratification gratification state of being gratified or satisfied

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gratified gratified having received what was desired

gratify gratify make happy or satisfied

gratifying gratifying pleasing to the mind or feeling

grating a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a

passage but admitting air

gratitude gratitude a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation

grave dignified and sombre in manner or character and

committed to keeping promises

gravel gravel rock fragments and pebbles

gravitas gravitas formality in bearing and appearance

gravitate gravitate move toward

gravity gravity a manner that is serious and solemn

graze graze feed as in a meadow or pasture

grazier grazier a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market

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gregarious instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying
the company of others

grief grief something that causes great unhappiness

grievance a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that

causes resentment and is grounds for action

grieve grieve feel grief

grim grim harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance

grimace contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional


grit grit fortitude and determination

groan groan indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure

grocer a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (and some

household supplies)

groom groom a man participant in his own marriage ceremony

grope grope feel about uncertainly or blindly

grotesque grotesque distorted and unnatural in shape or size

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grouch grouch a bad-tempered person

groundling in Elizabethan theatre: a playgoer in the cheap

standing section

grove grove a small growth of trees without underbrush

grovel grovel show submission or fear

growl growl to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds

growling a gruff or angry utterance (suggestive of the growling of

an animal)

grudge grudge a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

grudgingly grudgingly in a grudging manner

gruel gruel a thin porridge (usually oatmeal or cornmeal)

gruesome gruesome shockingly repellent

gruff gruff brusque and surly and forbidding

grumble grumble show one's unhappiness or critical attitude

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grumpy grumpy annoyed and irritable

guarantee guarantee give surety or assume responsibility

guardian guardian a person who cares for persons or property

guava guava small tropical shrubby tree bearing small yellowish fruit

guerrilla guerrilla a member of a small, irregular armed force or army

guerrilla a member of an irregular armed force that fights a

stronger force by sabotage and harassment

guile guile shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception

guinea guinea a former British gold coin worth 21 shillings

guise guise an artful or simulated semblance

gullible gullible naive and easily deceived or tricked

gush gush a sudden rapid flow (as of water)

gymkhana a meet at which riders and horses display a range of

skills and aptitudes

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gymnasium athletic facility equipped for sports or physical

gyrate gyrate to wind or move in a spiral course

haberdasher haberdasher a merchant who sells men's clothing

habit habit an established custom

haemoglobin a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that

gives red blood cells their characteristic colour

haemorrhage haemorrhage the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

haggle haggle wrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.)

half-hearted half-hearted feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm

halibut halibut lean flesh of very large flatfish of Atlantic or Pacific

hallmark hallmark a distinctive characteristic or attribute

hallowed hallowed worthy of religious veneration

hallucination hallucination illusory perception

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hamstring hamstring one of the tendons at the back of the knee

handbook a concise reference book providing specific information

about a subject or location

handiwork handiwork a work produced by hand labour

hangar a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored

and maintained

hanger hanger a worker who hangs something

hanker hanker desire strongly or persistently

haphazard haphazard marked by great carelessness

hapless hapless deserving or inciting pity

harass harass annoy continually or chronically

harassed harassed troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances

harbinger something that precedes and indicates the approach of

something or someone

harbour a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge


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hardware hardware major items of military weaponry (as tanks or missile)

hardy hardy having rugged physical strength

harmonica a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row

harmonica of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the
desired hole

harmony harmony compatibility in opinion and action

harness harness control and direct with or as if by reins

harp a chordophone that has a triangular frame consisting of a

sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck

harpoon harpoon a spear with a shaft and barbed point for throwing

harrow harrow a cultivator that pulverizes or smooths the soil

harvest harvest gather, as of natural products

hassle hassle an angry disturbance

haste haste overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)

hasty hasty excessively quick

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hatched hatched emerged from an egg

hatchery a place where eggs are hatched under artificial

conditions (especially fish eggs)

hatchet hatchet weapon consisting of a fighting axe

haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of

those one views as unworthy

haulier haulier a haulage contractor

haunch haunch the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings

havoc havoc violent and needless disturbance

hawker someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the
streets or at carnivals)

hazard hazard a source of danger

hazy hazy filled or abounding with fog or mist

headstrong headstrong habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

headway vertical space available to allow easy passage under


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hearsay gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed
around by word of mouth

hearth an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a

fire can be built

heartily heartily with gusto and without reservation

heathen heathen a person who does not acknowledge your god

heave heave utter a sound, as with obvious effort

heavily heavily slowly as if burdened by much weight

heaviness heaviness the property of being comparatively great in weight

hectic hectic marked by intense agitation or emotion

hedge a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or


heed heed pay close attention to

heedless heedless characterized by careless unconcern

hefty hefty (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight

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heifer heifer young cow

heighten heighten become more extreme

heir a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to

inherit the estate of another

heiress heiress a female heir

hence (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or

reason or as a result

henpecked henpecked harassed by persistent nagging

herald herald foreshadow or presage

herd herd keep, move, or drive animals

heredity the biological process whereby genetic factors are

transmitted from one generation to the next

hereinafter in a subsequent part of this document or statement or

matter etc.

heritage practices that are handed down from the past by


hermit hermit one retired from society for religious reasons

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heroine heroine the main good female character in a work of fiction

hesitant hesitant lacking decisiveness of character

hesitate hesitate pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

heterogeneous consisting of elements that are not of the same

kind or nature

hew hew make or shape as with an axe

hiatus hiatus an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

hibernate hibernate sleep during winter

hideous hideous so extremely ugly as to be terrifying

hierarchy a series of ordered groupings of people or things within

a system

hilarious marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive


hilarity hilarity great merriment

hind hind any of several mostly spotted fishes that resemble groupers

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hinder hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

hindquarters hindquarters the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

hindrance something immaterial that interferes with or delays

action or progress

hindsight understanding the nature of an event after it has


hinge a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing
relative to the other

hinge hinge make a thrusting forward movement

hirsute hirsute having or covered with hair

hiss hiss make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval

hive hive a teeming multitude

hoard hoard save up as for future use

hoarder a person who accumulates things and hides them away

for future use

hoarse deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or


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hoarsely hoarsely in a hoarse or husky voice

hoary showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or

white hair

hoax hoax something intended to deceive

hobble hobble walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury

hog hog take greedily

hoist hoist raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help

homage homage respectful deference

homely homely lacking in physical beauty or proportion

homestead homestead the home and adjacent grounds occupied by a family

homogeneous homogeneous all of the same or similar kind or nature

honour honour the state of being honoured

hooky hooky failure to attend (especially school)

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hooligan hooligan a cruel and brutal fellow

hoot hoot to utter a loud clamorous shout

horde horde a vast multitude

horizontal horizontal parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line

horned having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a

particular kind

hornet hornet large stinging paper wasp

horoscope a prediction of someone's future based on the relative

positions of the planets

horrendous horrendous causing fear or dread or terror

horrible horrible provoking horror

horrified horrified stricken with horror

horselaugh horselaugh a loud laugh that sounds like a horse neighing

horseshoe game equipment consisting of an open ring of iron

used in playing horseshoes

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hose socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British
include underwear)

hosiery socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British

include underwear)

hospitable disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality

and generosity

hostile hostile characterized by enmity or ill will

hostility hostility a state of deep-seated ill-will

hound any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically

having large drooping ears

hover hover be undecided about something

hovercraft a craft capable of moving over water or land on a

cushion of air created by jet engines

howl howl the long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf

howler howler a joke that seems extremely funny

hub hub a centre of activity or interest or commerce or transportation

huddle huddle crowd or draw together

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hue the quality of a colour as determined by its dominant

hull hull dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut

hullabaloo hullabaloo disturbance usually in protest

humanitarian marked by humanistic values and devotion to

human welfare

humanity humanity the quality of being humane

humble humble low or inferior in station or quality

humdrum the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack

of variety

humiliate humiliate cause to feel shame

humiliation humiliation state of disgrace or loss of self-respect

humility humility a disposition to be humble

humongous humongous (used informally) very large

Humpy Humpy A small temporary shelter built by an Aboriginal person

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hunched hunched having the back and shoulders rounded

hurl hurl throw forcefully

hurricane a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and

winds moving a 73-136 knots (12 on the Beaufort scale)

hustle hustle cause to move furtively and hurriedly

hydrofoil a device consisting of a flat or curved piece (as a metal

plate) so that its surface reacts to the water it is passing through

hygienic hygienic tending to promote or preserve health

hymn hymn a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation)

hypnotise hypnotise induce hypnosis in

hypocrite a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or

hypocrite she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or

hypothesis a proposal intended to explain certain facts or


hysteria hysteria state of violent mental agitation

hysterical hysterical characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria

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icebreaker a ship with a reinforced bow to break up ice and keep
channels open for navigation

icon (computer science) a graphic symbol (usually a simple

icon picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a
concept in a

ideal conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or


identify identify recognize as being

identity the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a

persisting entity

idle idle not in action or at work

idler idler person who does no work

idly idly in an idle manner

idol idol a material effigy that is worshipped

idolise idolise love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess

idyll an episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify

as the subject of a poetic idyll

igloo igloo an Eskimo hut

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ignite ignite cause to start burning

ignition ignition the process of initiating combustion or catching fire

ignoble completely lacking nobility in character or quality or


ignominious (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing

disgrace or shame

ignorance ignorance the lack of knowledge or education

ignorant ignorant uneducated in general

ignore ignore give little or no attention to

illicit contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or


illuminate illuminate make lighter or brighter

illuminated illuminated provided with artificial light

illuminating illuminating tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance

illumination illumination a condition of spiritual awareness

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illusion illusion something many people believe that is false

illusionist illusionist a person with unusual powers of foresight

illustration a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is

used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand

illustrious illustrious widely known and esteemed

imagery imagery the ability to form mental images of things or events

imaginary imaginary not based on fact

imbecile imbecile a person of subnormal intelligence

imbue imbue spread or diffuse through

imitate imitate reproduce someone's behaviour or looks

imitator someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of


immaculate immaculate completely neat and clean

immediate immediate very close or connected in space or time

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immediately immediately without delay or hesitation

immemorial immemorial long past

immense unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially

extent or scope

immerse immerse devote (oneself) fully to

immersion immersion sinking until covered completely with water

immigrant a person who comes to a country where they were not

born in order to settle there

imminent imminent close in time

immobile immobile not capable of movement or of being moved

immobilisation fixation (as by a plaster cast) of a body part in order

to promote proper healing

immobility immobility remaining in place

immortality immortality the quality or state of being immortal

immune immune (usually followed by 'to') not affected by a given influence

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impair impair make worse or less effective

impartial impartial showing lack of favouritism

impatience impatience a dislike of anything that causes delay

impatient impatient restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition

impeachment a formal document charging a public official with

misconduct in office

impeccable impeccable without fault or error

impede impede be a hindrance or obstacle to

impediment something immaterial that interferes with or delays

action or progress

impending impending close in time

impenetrable impenetrable mass and are important in land building

imperative imperative requiring attention or action

imperceptible impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or


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imperfection imperfection the state or an instance of being imperfect

imperial imperial relating to or associated with an empire

imperious having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain

of those one views as unworthy

impersonate impersonate assume or act the character of

impertinent impertinent characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality

impetuous characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or


impetuously impetuously in an impulsive or impetuous way

impetus impetus a force that moves something along

impish impish naughtily or annoyingly playful

implement apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or


implicated implicated culpably involved

implicit implicit implied though not directly expressed

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implicitly implicitly without doubting or questioning

implode implode burst inward

implore implore call upon in supplication

imploring imploring begging

imply imply express or state indirectly

impose impose compel to behave in a certain way

imposing imposing impressive in appearance

imposture imposture pretending to be another person

impoverishment the state of having little or no money and few or

no material possessions

impresario a sponsor who books and stages public


impress impress have an emotional or cognitive impact upon

impressive impressive making a strong or vivid impression

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improbable improbable not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred

impromptu impromptu with little or no preparation or forethought

improvisation a creation spoken or written or composed

extemporaneously (without prior preparation)

improvise improvise perform without preparation

impudence impudence the trait of being rude and impertinent

impudent impudent marked by casual disrespect

impulsive proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without

external stimulus

impulsively impulsively in an impulsive or impetuous way

inaccessible capable of being reached only with great difficulty or

not at all

inaccurate inaccurate not exact

inadequacy inadequacy lack of an adequate quantity or number

inane inane devoid of intelligence

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inanimate inanimate not endowed with life

inappropriate inappropriate not suitable for a particular occasion etc.

inarticulate inarticulate without or deprived of the use of speech or words

inaudible inaudible impossible to hear

inaugural inaugural serving to set in motion

inaugurate inaugurate commence officially

incandescent characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or


incantation a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have

a magical effect

incarcerate incarcerate lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

incense incense a substance that produces a fragrant odour when burned

incentive incentive a positive motivational influence

inception inception an event that is a beginning

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incessant incessant uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing

incessantly incessantly with unflagging resolve

incidental (sometimes followed by 'to') minor or casual or

incidental subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance
concomitant or

incinerate incinerate cause to undergo combustion

incineration incineration the act of burning something completely

incinerator a furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of


incise incise make an incision into by carving or cutting

incisive having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine


incite incite provoke or stir up

inclination an attitude of mind especially one that favours one

alternative over others

incline incline have a tendency or disposition to do or be something

inclined (often followed by 'to') having a preference, disposition, or


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incognito incognito without revealing one's identity

incoherent incoherent without logical or meaningful connection

incongruous lacking in harmony or compatibility or


inconsistent inconsistent displaying a lack of consistency

inconspicuous inconspicuous not prominent or readily noticeable

incredible incredible beyond belief or understanding

incredulous incredulous not disposed or willing to believe

incriminating incriminating charging or suggestive of guilt or blame

incubate incubate grow under conditions that promote development

incubator apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a

constant temperature by the use of a thermostat

incumbent incumbent the official who holds an office

incur incur make oneself subject to

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incursion the act of entering some territory or domain (often in
large numbers)

indecision doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or

courses of action

indecisive indecisive characterized by lack of decision and firmness

indefinite indefinite vague or not clearly defined or stated

indelible indelible cannot be removed or erased

indeterminate indeterminate not precisely determined or established

indicate indicate give evidence of

indicative a mood (grammatically unmarked) that represents the

act or state as an objective fact

indifference indifference unbiased impartial unconcern

indifferent indifferent marked by a lack of interest

indigenous indigenous originating where it is found

indigestible indigestible digested with difficulty

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indignant indignant angered at something unjust or wrong

indignantly indignantly in an indignant manner

indignation indignation a feeling of righteous anger

indignity indignity an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem

indiscernible indiscernible difficult or impossible to perceive or discern

indoctrinate indoctrinate teach doctrines to

indolence indolence inactivity resulting from a dislike of work

indolent indolent disinclined to work or exertion

indulge indulge yield (to)

indulgent indulgent tolerant or lenient

indulgently indulgently in an indulgent manner

industrious industrious characterized by hard work and perseverance

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industry the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of
commercial enterprise

inebriated stupefied or excited by a chemical substance

(especially alcohol)

inedible inedible not suitable for food

ineffective ineffective not producing an intended effect

ineffectual ineffectual producing no result or effect

inept inept generally incompetent and ineffectual

inert inert unable to move or resist motion

inevitable inevitable incapable of being avoided or prevented

inexcusable inexcusable without excuse or justification

inexplicable inexplicable incapable of being explained or accounted for

infallible infallible incapable of failure or error

infancy infancy the early stage of growth or development

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infantry infantry an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot

infectious infectious caused by infection or capable of causing infection

infer infer reason by deduction

inferior inferior falling short of some prescribed norm

inferiority inferiority the state of being inferior

inferno inferno a very intense and uncontrolled fire

infest infest invade in great numbers

infiltrate enter a group or organization in order to spy on the


infinite having no limits or boundaries in tune or space or extent

or magnitude

infirm infirm lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

inflamed inflamed resulting from inflammation

inflammable inflammable easily ignited

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inflatable inflatable designed to be filled with air or gas

inflated inflated enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness

inflexible inflexible incapable of change

influence a power to affect persons or events especially power

based on prestige etc.

influential influential having or exercising influence or power

influx influx the process of flowing in

informal informal not formal

informative informative tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance

informer one who reveals confidential information in return for


infringement infringement an act that disregards an agreement or a right

infuriate infuriate make furious

infuriated infuriated marked by extreme anger

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infuse infuse fill, as with a certain quality

ingenious ingenious showing inventiveness and skill

ingenuity ingenuity the power of creative imagination

ingredient ingredient a component of a mixture or compound

ingress (astronomy) the disappearance of a celestial body prior to

an eclipse

inhabit inhabit or live in

inherit inherit obtain from someone after their death

inheritance any attribute or immaterial possession that is

inherited from ancestors

inhibit inhibit limit, block, or decrease the action or function of

inhospitable inhospitable unfavourable to life or growth

inimical inimical not friendly

initial initial occurring at the beginning

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initiate initiate set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for

initiative initiative readiness to embark on bold new ventures

inkling inkling a slight suggestion or vague understanding

inlaid inlaid adorned by inlays

inlay inlay decorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metal

innate innate not established by conditioning or learning

innocent innocent free from evil or guilt

innocuous innocuous not injurious to physical or mental health

innovation a creation (a new device or process) resulting from

study and experimentation

inquest inquest an inquiry into the cause of an unexpected death

inquire inquire have a wish or desire to know something

inquisitive inquisitive showing curiosity

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insatiable insatiable impossible to satisfy

insecure insecure lacking self-confidence or assurance

insensible insensible unaware of or indifferent to

inseparable inseparable not capable of being separated

insert insert put or introduce into something

insidious working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious


insight insight clear or deep perception of a situation

insignia insignia a badge worn to show official position

insignificance insignificance the quality of having little or no significance

insignificant insignificant not worthy of notice

insinuate insinuate give to understand

insipid insipid lacking taste or flavour or tang

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insistence insistence continual and persistent demands

insistent insistent demanding attention

insolent insolent marked by casual disrespect

insolently insolently in an insolent manner

inspiration arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or


inspirational inspirational imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul

inspire inspire serve as the inciting cause of

inspired being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest

inspiration by the gods

instability instability an unstable order

instantaneous instantaneous occurring with no delay

instinct inborn pattern of behaviour often responsive to specific


instinctively instinctively as a matter of instinct

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insufficient insufficient of a quantity not able to fulfil a need or requirement

insular insular narrowly restricted in outlook or scope

insulate protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with

insulating material

insulation insulation the state of being isolated or detached

insult insult treat, mention, or speak to rudely

insurrection insurrection organized opposition to authority

intact intact undamaged in any way

integral integral existing as an essential constituent or characteristic

integrate integrate make into a whole or make part of a whole

integration the action of incorporating a racial or religious group

into a community

integrity an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with

nothing wanting

intelligentsia intelligentsia an educated and intellectual elite

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intend intend have in mind as a purpose

intended intended resulting from one's intentions

intense possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a

heightened degree

intensify intensify increase in extent or intensity

intent intent giving or marked by complete attention to

intently intently with strained or eager attention

interact interact act together or towards others or with others

interaction interaction a mutual or reciprocal action

intercede act between parties with a view to reconciling


intercept intercept seize on its way

interesting interesting arousing or holding the attention

interfere interfere come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle

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interference interference a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries

interim interim serving during an intermediate interval of time

interior interior the inner or enclosed surface of something

interlace interlace spin, wind, or twist together

interlude interlude an intervening period or episode

interminable interminable tiresomely long

intermingle intermingle combine into one

intermission a time interval during which there is a temporary

cessation of something

intermittent intermittent stopping and starling at irregular intervals

internal happening or arising or located within some limits or

especially surface

interpret interpret make sense of

interrogate interrogate pose a series of questions to

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interrupt interrupt make a break in

intersect intersect meet at a point

interstice a small structural space between tissues or parts of an


intertwine intertwine spin, wind, or twist together

interval interval a definite length of time marked off by two instants

intervene get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or

through force or threat of force

intervening intervening occurring or falling between events or points in time

intimacy intimacy close or warm friendship

intimate having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal


intimidate intimidate to compel or deter by or as if by threats

intimidating intimidating discouraging through fear

intolerable intolerable incapable of being put up with

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intolerant intolerant unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion

intoxicate intoxicate fill with high spirits

intricate intricate having many complexly arranged elements

intrigue intrigue cause to be interested or curious

intriguing intriguing disturbingly provocative

intrinsic intrinsic belonging to a thing by its very nature

introvert (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social

contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts

introverted given to examining own sensory and perceptual


intrude intrude enter uninvited

intruder someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of

another without permission

intrusive intrusive tending to intrude (especially upon privacy)

intuition instinctive knowing (without the use of rational


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intuitive spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural

inundate inundate fill quickly beyond capacity

invade march aggressively into another's territory by military force

for the purposes of conquest and occupation

invaluable having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual


invariable invariable not liable to or capable of change

invariably invariably without variation or change, in every case

invasion invasion any entry into an area not previously occupied

invent come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or

principle) after a mental effort

inventive (used of persons or artefacts) marked by independence

and creativity in thought or action

inventory inventory make or include in an itemized record or report

invertebrate invertebrate any animal lacking a backbone or notochord

invigorating invigorating imparting strength and vitality

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invincible invincible incapable of being overcome or subdued

invisible invisible impossible or nearly impossible to see

ionosphere ionosphere the outer region of the Earth's atmosphere

irascible irascible quickly aroused to anger

ire ire a strong emotion of anger or irritation

iris plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing

bright-coloured flowers composed of three petals and three

iris plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing

iris bright-coloured flowers composed of three petals and three
drooping sepals

ironic characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity

between what is expected and what actually is

ironical characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity

between what is expected and what actually is

irradiate irradiate give spiritual insight to

irrelevant having no bearing on or connection with the subject at


irreplaceable irreplaceable impossible to replace

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irrepressible irrepressible impossible to repress or control

irresolutely irresolutely lacking determination or decisiveness

irreverent irreverent showing lack of due respect or veneration

irrevocable irrevocable incapable of being retracted or revoked

irrigation irrigation supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc.

irritable irritable easily irritated or annoyed

irritate irritate cause annoyance in

irritated irritated aroused to impatience or anger

irruption irruption a sudden violent entrance

isle isle a small island

itinerary itinerary a proposed route of travel

janitor janitor someone employed to clean and maintain a building

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jargon a characteristic language of a particular group (as among

jasmine any of several shrubs and vines of the genus Jasmines

chiefly native to Asia

jaunt jaunt a journey taken for pleasure

jeer jeer laugh at with contempt and derision

jeopardise jeopardise pose a threat to

jeopardize jeopardize put at risk

jeopardy jeopardy a source of danger

jerk jerk pull, or move with a sudden movement

jetty jetty a protective structure of stone or concrete

jockey jockey someone employed to ride horses in horse races

jocular jocular characterized by jokes and good humour

jocund jocund full of or showing high-spirited merriment

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jodhpur jodhpur a short riding boot that fastens with a buckle at the side

jodhpurs jodhpurs flared trousers ending at the calves

joinery joinery fine woodwork done by a joiner

jolt jolt a sudden jarring impact

jolted jolted bumped or shaken jerkily

jostle jostle come into rough contact with while moving

journalism journalism newspapers and magazines collectively

journeyman a skilled worker who practices some trade or


jovial jovial full of or showing high-spirited merriment

jubilant jubilant joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

judicial judicial decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice

judicious marked by the exercise of good judgment or common

sense in practical matters

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julep julep bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice

junction junction the place where two or more things come together

juncture a crisis situation or point in lime when a critical decision

must be made

jurisdiction (law) the right and power to interpret and apply the

jury a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the

evidence presented in a court of law

justifiably justifiably with good reason

justify justify show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for

juvenile juvenile displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity

juxtapose juxtapose place side by side

kaleidoscope a complex pattern of constantly changing colours

and shapes

kappa kappa the loth letter of the Greek alphabet

karabiner karabiner an oblong metal ring with a spring clip

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keel keel a projection or ridge that suggests a keel

keen keen intense or sharp

kernel the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some

idea or experience

kerosene a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and


khaki khaki of a yellowish brown colour

kiln a furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as

porcelain or bricks

kilt a knee-length pleated tartan skirt worn by men as part of the

traditional dress in the Highlands of northern Scotland

kimono kimono a loose robe

kin kin related by blood

kindle kindle catch fire

kindle kindle catch fire

kinetic kinetic characterized by motion

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kink a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back Crick
and swrick. are British)

kiosk kiosk small area set off by walls for special use

kipper kipper salted and smoked herring

knave knave a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

knavish knavish marked by skill in deception

knot any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope

(or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object

knuckle knuckle a joint of a finger when the fist is closed

kudos kudos an expression of approval and commendation

laboratory laboratory a workplace for the conduct of scientific research

laborious laborious characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

labourer labourer someone who works with their hands

lacerate lacerate cut or tear irregularly

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lachrymose lachrymose showing sorrow

lad lad a boy or man

laden laden filled with a great quantity

ladle ladle a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle

lag hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress,

development, etc.

laggard laggard someone who takes more time than necessary

lagoon a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand
or coral

lament lament express grief verbally

lamentable lamentable bad

landscape landscape an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view

languid languid lacking spirit or liveliness

languish languish lose vigour, health, or flesh, as through grief

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languor languor a relaxed comfortable feeling

lanky lanky tall and thin and having long slender limbs

lantern lantern light in a transparent protective case

lapse lapse a break or intermission in the occurrence of something

larceny larceny the act of taking something from someone unlawfully

lark lark North American songbirds having a yellow breast

latent latent potentially existing but not presently evident or realized

lathe lathe machine tool for shaping metal or wood

lather lather the froth produced by soaps or detergents

latitude latitude an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator

lattice an arrangement of points or particles or objects in a regular

periodic pattern in 2 or 3 dimensions

laudable laudable worthy of high praise

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launch launch set up or found

laundromat a self-service laundry (service mark Laundromat)

laundromat where coin-operated washing machines are available to individual

laundry garments or white goods that can be cleaned by


laureate laureate someone honoured for great achievements

lavender lavender of a pale purple colour

lavish lavish characterized by extravagance and profusion

lax lax lacking in rigor or strictness

lazily lazily in a slow and lazy manner

leaden leaden darkened with overcast

league an association of sports teams that organizes matches for

its members

lease lease engage for service under a term of contract

leather an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the

hair and then tanning

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lectern desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the
proper height for a lecturer

ledge a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under


legacy legacy (law) a gift of personal property by will

legate legate a member of a legation

legend legend a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events

legendary so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a


legible (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or


legitimate in accordance with recognized or accepted standards

or principles

leisure leisure time available for ease and relaxation

leisurely leisurely in an unhurried way or at ones convenience

lenient lenient tolerant or lenient

lentil lentil round flat seed of the lentil plant used for food

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lest lest for fear that

lethargic lethargic deficient in alertness or activity

lethargy lethargy weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy

leverage the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position

to use a lever

leveret leveret a young hare especially one in its first year

levy levy impose and collect

lewd lewd suggestive of or tending to moral looseness

liable at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually


liaise liaise act between parties with a view to reconciling differences

liberal liberal showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

liberate liberate give equal rights to

liberated liberated (of a gas e.g.) released from chemical combination

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liberty liberty freedom of choice

licence licence excessive freedom

licence licence excessive freedom

lichen any of several eruptive skin diseases characterized by hard

lichen thick lesions grouped together and resembling lichens growing
on rocks

lie lie have a place in relation to something else

ligament a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting

bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs

lightning abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from

cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light

likeable (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or

sympathetic feelings

likely likely has a good chance of being the case or of coining about

limbo limbo the state of being disregarded or forgotten

limerick limerick port city in southwestern Ireland

limitless limitless without limits in extent or size or quantity

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limousine limousine large luxurious car

limp the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured


limply limply without rigidity

lineage lineage the descendants of one individual

linen linen a fabric woven with fibres from the flax plant

ling ling water chestnut whose spiny fruit has two rather than 4 prongs

linger linger remain present although waning or gradually dying

lingering lingering the act of tarrying

lingo a characteristic language of a particular group (as among


linguist linguist a specialist in linguistics

lintel horizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door or


liquorice deep-rooted coarse-textured plant native to the

liquorice Mediterranean region having blue flowers and pinnately
compound leaves

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listless listless lacking zest or vivacity

literate literate able to read and write

literature literature creative writing of recognized artistic value

litter litter the offspring at one birth of a multiparous mammal

livelihood livelihood the financial means whereby one lives

livery livery uniform worn by some menservants and chauffeurs

livid livid furiously angry

loathe loathe find repugnant

loathing loathing hate coupled with disgust

lob lob propel in a high arc

loch a long narrow inlet of the sea in Scotland (especially when it

is nearly landlocked)

locomotive a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine

that is used to draw trains along railway tracks

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locust migratory grasshoppers of warm regions having short

lode a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite

boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks

lodge lodge be a lodger

lofty lofty of imposing height

logging logging the work of cutting down trees for timber

logic logic the branch of philosophy that analyses inference

loiter loiter be about

longevity longevity duration of service

longing longing prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

longingly longingly in a yearning manner

longitude the angular distance between a point on any meridian

and the prime meridian at Greenwich

loom loom come into view indistinctly, often threateningly

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loophole an ambiguity (especially one in the text of a law or
contract) that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or obligation

loot loot goods or money obtained illegally

loquacious loquacious full of trivial conversation

lorry lorry a large low horse-drawn wagon without sides

lout lout an awkward stupid person

lowly lowly low or inferior in station or quality

lozenge lozenge a small aromatic or medicated candy

lubricate lubricate have lubricating properties

lucid capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and

consistent manner

lucrative lucrative producing a sizeable profit

ludicrous ludicrous broadly or extravagantly humorous

lukewarm lukewarm moderately warm

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lull a pause during which things are calm or activities are

lumber the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building

lumbering lumbering the trade of cutting or preparing or selling timber

luminous luminous softly bright or radiant

lunar lunar of or relating to or associated with the moon

lunge lunge make a thrusting forward movement

lurch lurch walk as if unable to control ones movements

lure provoke someone to do something through (often false or

exaggerated) promises or persuasion

lurk lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive


luscious luscious extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

lush lush produced or growing in extreme abundance

lustrous lustrous brilliant

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lute a substance for packing a joint or coaling a porous surface to
make it impervious to gas or liquid


luxury luxury something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity

lynx lynx a text browser

lyre lyre a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment

macabre macabre shockingly repellent

Mach Austrian physicist and philosopher who introduced the

Mach number and who founded logical positivism (1838-1916)

machete a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as

a weapon or for cutting vegetation


macho macho a male exhibiting or characterized by machismo

made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the


madrigal madrigal sing madrigals

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magazine a periodic publication containing pictures and stories
and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it

magenta magenta a primary subtractive colour for light

magistrate a lay judge or civil authority who administers the law

(especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses)

magnificence magnificence splendid or imposing in size or appearance

magnificent magnificent characterized by grandeur

magnify magnify increase in size, volume or significance

magnitude the property of relative size or extent (whether large or


mahogany mahogany wood of any of various mahogany trees

maim injure or wound seriously and leave permanent

disfiguration or mutilation

maimed maimed people who are wounded

maintenance activity involved in maintaining something in good

working order

majority majority (elections) more than half of the votes

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maladroit maladroit not adroit

malady malady any unwholesome or desperate condition

malapropos malapropos of an inappropriate or incorrectly applied nature

malaria an infective disease caused by protozoan parasites that

malaria are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles

malcontent malcontent a person who is discontented or disgusted

malevolent malevolent wishing or appearing to wish evil to others

malice malice feeling a need to see others suffer

malicious malicious having the nature of or resulting from malice

malignant malignant dangerous to health

malingerer someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or


malleable malleable easily influenced

Mallee Mallee any of several low-growing Australian eucalypts

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mallet a tool resembling a hammer but with a large head (usually

mammal any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or

less covered with hair

manacle shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked

around the wrist

manage manage be in charge of, act on, or dispose of

mandate mandate a document giving an official instruction or command

mandatory mandatory required by rule

mane mane long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck

mangrove a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates

mangrove while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that
eventually form an

mania mania an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

manifest manifest clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

manipulate control (others or oneself) or influence skilfully, usually

to one's advantage

manna manna hardened sugary exudation of various trees

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manoeuvre manoeuvre a plan for attaining a particular goal

manor manor the mansion of a lord or wealthy person

mansion mansion a large and imposing house

mantle mantle shelf that projects from wall above fireplace

manual manual a small handbook

manufacture put together out of artificial or natural components

or parts

manufacturing the act of making something (a product) from raw


mar mar make imperfect

marathon marathon any long and arduous undertaking

marauder marauder someone who attacks in search of booty

marine marine of or relating to the sea

maritime bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the


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maroon maroon leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue

marooned marooned cut off or left behind

marquee marquee large and often sumptuous tent

marsh marsh low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation

marsupial mammals of which the females have a pouch (the

marsupial marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and

martyr martyr one who suffers for the sake of principle

marvel marvel be amazed at

marvellously marvellously (used as an intensifier) extremely well

masculine masculine of grammatical gender

mason American Revolutionary leader from Virginia whose

objections led to the drafting of the Bill of Rights (1725-1792)

masonry masonry structure built of stone or brick by a mason

masquerade masquerade take part in a masquerade

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massacre massacre kill a large number of people indiscriminately

masseur masseur a male massager

massive massive imposing in size or bulk or solidity

masterful masterful having or revealing supreme mastery or skill

matador the principal bullfighter who is appointed to make the

final passes and kill the bull

materially materially with respect to material aspects

maternal maternal characteristic of a mother

matriarch matriarch a female head of a family or tribe

matrimony the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined

for life (or until divorce)

matron a married woman (usually middle-aged with children)

who is staid and dignified

maudlin maudlin effusively or insincerely emotional

mauve mauve of a pale to moderate greyish violet colour

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maximum maximum the greatest or most complete or best possible

mayday an internationally recognized distress signal via

radiotelephone (from the French maiden)

mayonnaise mayonnaise egg yolks and oil and vinegar

mayor mayor the head of a city government

maze complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get


meadow a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into


meagre meagre deficient in amount or quality or extent

meander to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular


measles an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by

distinct red spots followed by a rash

measure evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or

significance of

mecca mecca joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia

mechanism the atomic process that occurs during a chemical


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medallist medallist someone who has won a medal

meddle meddle intrude in other peoples affairs or business

mediate act between parties with a view to reconciling


medicinal medicinal having the properties of medicine

medieval medieval relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages

mediocre mediocre moderate to inferior in quality

meditate meditate reflect deeply on a subject

medium an intervening substance through which something is


meek meek humble in spirit or manner

melancholy melancholy grave or even gloomy in character

melanoma any of several malignant neoplasms (usually of the

skin) consisting of melanocytes

mellow mellow soften, make mellow

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melodious melodious having a musical sound

melodiously melodiously in a melodious manner

membrane membrane a thin pliable sheet of material

memoir memoir an account of the author's personal experiences

memorable memorable worth remembering

memorial memorial a recognition of meritorious service

menace menace something that is a source of danger

menacing threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic


menagerie menagerie a collection of live animals for study or display

mend restore by replacing a part or puffing together what is torn

or broken

mending mending garments that must be repaired

menial menial used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)

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mentor mentor a wise and trusted guide and advisor

mercenary mercenary profit oriented

merchant merchant a businessperson engaged in retail trade

merciful merciful showing or giving mercy

mere mere being nothing more than specified

merely merely and nothing more

mesmerise mesmerise attract strongly, as if with a magnet

metabolism the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are

necessary for life

metaphor a figure of speech in which an expression is used to

metaphor refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to
suggest a similarity

metaphorical expressing one thing in terms normally denoting


meteor (astronomy) any of the small solid extra-terrestrial bodies

that hits the earth's atmosphere

methodical methodical characterized by method and orderliness

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meticulous meticulous marked by extreme care in treatment of details

metropolis metropolis a large and densely populated urban area

metropolitan metropolitan relating to or characteristic of a metropolis

microbe a minute life form (especially a disease-causing


midden (archaeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing

midden shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric

midwife midwife a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies

migrate move from one country or region to another and settle


migratory migratory used of animals that move seasonally

mildew mildew the process of becoming mildewed

militant militant disposed to warfare or hard-line policies

militiaman militiaman a member of the militia

milliner milliner someone who makes and sells hats

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millionaire a person whose material wealth is valued at more than
a million dollars

mimic mimic someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress)

mimicker mimicker someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress)

minaret minaret slender tower with balconies

mince mince cut into small pieces

mingle mingle to bring or combine together or with something else

minimal minimal the least possible

minimise minimise represent as less significant or important

minimum minimum the least possible

minion minion a servile or fawning dependant

miniscule miniscule very small

minstrel minstrel a singer of folk songs

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minute minute infinitely or immeasurably small

miraculous miraculous being or having the character of a miracle

mirage mirage something illusory and unattainable

mire mire a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

misanthrope misanthrope someone who dislikes people in general

miscalculate miscalculate judge incorrectly

miscellany miscellany a collection containing a variety of sorts of things

mischief reckless or malicious behaviour that causes discomfort or

annoyance in others

mischievous mischievous naughtily or annoyingly playful

miscreant miscreant a person without moral scruples

misdemeanour misdemeanour a crime less serious than a felony

miser a stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living


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misery misery a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune

misfit misfit someone unable to adapt to their circumstances

misgiving misgiving uneasiness about the fitness of an action

mishap mishap an instance of misfortune

mislay mislay place (something) where one cannot find it again

missionary someone who attempts to convert others to a

particular doctrine or program

moan moan indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure

mobility mobility the quality of moving freely

mobilization act of assembling and putting into readiness for war

or other emergency: "mobilization of the troops"

moccasin moccasin soft leather shoe

mock mock treat with contempt

mocking mocking abusing vocally

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moderate moderate marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes

modern characteristic of present-day art and music and literature

and architecture

modest modest free from pomp or affectation

modesty modesty freedom from vanity or conceit

modification the act of making something different (as e.g. the

size of a garment)

modify modify cause to change

moist moist slightly wet

moisture moisture wetness caused by water

molar molar grinding tooth with a broad crown

molasses thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from

sugar cane

mole mole the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams

molecular molecular relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules

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mollify mollify cause to be more favourably inclined

mollusc invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually

enclosed in a shell

momentous momentous of very great significance

momentum momentum an impelling force or strength

monarch a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary


monarchy an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually

inherits the authority

monastery monastery the residence of a religious community

monitor monitor keep tabs on

monolith a single great stone (often in the form of a column or


monologue a long utterance by one person (especially one that

prevents others from participating in the conversation)

monopolise monopolise have and control fully and exclusively

monorail monorail a railway having a single track

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monotonous monotonous tediously repetitious or lacking in variety

monotony the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack

of variety

monstrous monstrous abnormally large

moody United States tennis player who dominated women's

tennis in the 192os and 193os (1905-1998)

mope mope someone who wastes time

moral concerned with principles of right and wrong or

moral conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on
those principles

morale the spirit of a group that makes the members want the
group to succeed

morgue a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before
burial or cremation

moronic moronic having a mental age of between eight and twelve years

morose morose showing a brooding ill humour

morph morph cause to change shape in a computer animation

morsel morsel a small quantity of anything

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mortal mortal subject to death

mortar a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that

fires shells at high elevations for a short range

mortgage mortgage put up as security or collateral

mortify mortify cause to feel shame

mosaic art consisting of a design made of small pieces of coloured

stone or glass

mosquito two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis

to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals

motion motion show, express or direct through movement

motionless motionless not in physical motion

motley motley consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds

mottled mottled having spots or patches of colour

mould mould form in clay, wax, etc.

moult periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer

skin in reptiles

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mound mound (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands

mournful mournful expressing sorrow

moustache moustache an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip

muck muck remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine

muddle muddle mix up or confuse

muffle muffle deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

muffler a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic,

mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations

mulberry any of several trees of the genus Moms having edible

fruit that resembles the blackberry

mule mule hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse

mullet mullet highly valued lean flesh of marine or freshwater mullet

multicultural multicultural of or relating to or including several cultures

multiplicative tending or having the power to multiply or increase

in number or quantity or degree

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mumble mumble talk indistinctly

mundane mundane found in the ordinary course of events

munition munition weapons considered collectively

murky murky (of liquids) clouded as with sediment

murmur murmur speak softly or indistinctly

muscat any of several cultivated grapevines that produce sweet

white grapes

muslin muslin plain-woven cotton fabric

muster muster gather or bring together

musty musty covered with or smelling of mould

mutilate mutilate destroy or injure severely

mutilated mutilated having a part of the body crippled or disabled

mutinous mutinous disposed to or in a state of mutiny

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mutiny open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by
seamen or soldiers against their officers)

mutton mutton meat from a mature domestic sheep

mutually mutually in a mutual or shared manner

muzzle muzzle the open circular discharging end of a gun

myriad myriad too numerous to be counted

mysterious mysterious of an obscure nature

mystery something that baffles understanding and cannot be


mystic someone who believes in the existence of realities beyond

human comprehension

mystified mystified totally perplexed and mixed up

myth myth a traditional story accepted as history

mythical mythical based on or told of in traditional stories

mythology mythology myths collectively

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naive marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of
guile or worldly experience

narcissistic characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their

own importance

natter natter talk socially without exchanging too much information

naught naught a quantity of no importance

naughty naughty badly behaved

nausea nausea disgust so strong it makes you feel sick

nautical relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or


naval naval connected with or belonging to or used in a navy

navigate navigate travel on water propelled by wind or by other means

neaten neaten put (things or places) in order

nebulous nebulous lacking definite form or limits

nebulously nebulously in a nebulous and indefinite manner

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nectar nectar a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators

negligent negligent characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern

negligible negligible so small as to be meaningless

negotiate negotiate discuss the terms of an arrangement

negotiation negotiation a discussion intended to produce an agreement

neigh neigh the characteristic sounds made by a horse

nemesis nemesis something causing misery or death

nester someone who settles lawfully on government land with the

intent to acquire title to it

nestling nestling young bird not yet fledged

nettled nettled aroused to impatience or anger

neurologist a medical specialist in the nervous system and the

disorders affecting it

neutral neutral lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics

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newsworthy newsworthy sufficiently interesting to be reported in a newspaper

nibble nibble bite off very small pieces

nickname a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version

of a person's given name)

niggardly niggardly petty or reluctant in giving or spending

niggle niggle worry unnecessarily or excessively

nightmare nightmare a situation resembling a terrifying dream

nimble nimble moving quickly and lightly

nobility nobility a privileged class holding hereditary titles

nocturnal nocturnal belonging to or active during the night

nocturne nocturne a pensive lyrical piece of music (especially for the piano)

nomad a member of a people who have no permanent home but

move about according to the seasons

nomadic nomadic migratory

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nonchalant nonchalant marked by blithe unconcern

nonchalantly nonchalantly in a composed and unconcerned manner

nondescript nondescript lacking distinct or individual characteristics

nonplussed nonplussed filled with bewilderment

nook nook a sheltered and secluded place

normality being within certain limits that define the range of

normal functioning

nostalgia nostalgia longing for something past

nostalgic unhappy about being away and longing for familiar

things or persons

nostril either one of the two external openings to the nasal cavity
in the nose

notable notable widely known and esteemed

notify notify inform (somebody) of something

notion notion a vague idea in which some confidence is placed

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notoriety the state of being known for some unfavourable act or

notorious notorious known widely and usually unfavourably

nourish nourish provide with nourishment

nourishment nourishment a source of materials to nourish the body

nova a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud
and become more luminous in the process

novelist novelist one who writes novels

novelty novelty originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel

novice novice someone new to a field or activity

noxious noxious injurious to physical or mental health

nuance nuance a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

nucleus nucleus a small group of indispensable persons or things

nuisance nuisance a bothersome annoying person

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numb numb lacking sensation

numbly numbly in a numb manner

numerically numerically in number

numerous numerous amounting to a large indefinite number

numismatist a collector and student of money (and coins in


nuptial nuptial of or relating to a wedding

nutritious nutritious of or providing nourishment

nuzzle nuzzle move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cosy position

nymph (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually

depicted as a beautiful maiden

oaf oaf an awkward stupid person

oasis a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches

the surface)

oath oath profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger

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obdurate obdurate stubbornly persistent

obedience obedience the act of obeying

obese obese excessively fat

obituary obituary a notice of someone's death

objective the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed

to be attainable)

obligation the social force that binds you to the courses of action
demanded by that force

obligatory obligatory required by obligation or compulsion or convention

obliging obliging showing a cheerful willingness to do favours for others

oblique slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--

neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled

obliquely obliquely to, toward or at one side

obliterate obliterate do away with completely, without leaving a trace

obliterated obliterated reduced to nothingness

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oblivion oblivion total forgetfulness

oblivion oblivion total forgetfulness

oblivious oblivious (followed by 'to' or ' of) lacking conscious awareness of

oblong a plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to


obnoxious obnoxious causing disapproval or protest

oboe oboe a slender double-reed instrument

obscure obscure make unclear, indistinct, or blurred

obsequious attempting to win favour from influential people by


observed observed discovered or determined by scientific observation

obsessive obsessive a person who has obsessions

obsolete obsolete no longer in use

obstacle an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be

removed or surmounted or circumvented)

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obstinate tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious
unwillingness to yield

obstinately obstinately in a stubborn unregenerate manner

obstruct obstruct hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

obstruction obstruction any structure that makes progress difficult

obstructive obstructive preventing movement

obtrusive obtrusive undesirably noticeable

obtuse obtuse lacking in insight or discernment

obvious obvious easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind

occasionally occasionally now and then or here and there

occupant someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged

period or who was born there

occupy occupy keep busy with

occurrence occurrence an event that happens

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octagonal octagonal of or relating to or shaped like an octagon

oddity oddity eccentricity that is not easily explained

odious odious unequivocally detestable

odometer odometer a meter that shows mileage traversed

odour the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the

nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form

odyssey odyssey a long wandering and eventful journey

offbeat offbeat informal terms

offender offender a person who transgresses moral or civil law

offensive offensive unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses

officiate act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual,

such as a wedding

offspring offspring the immediate descendants of a person

ointment semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine)

applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

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ombudsman a government appointee who investigates
complaints by private persons against the government

omen omen a sign of something about to happen

ominous threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic


ominously ominously in an ominous manner

omit omit leave undone or leave out

omnivorous omnivorous feeding on both plants and animals

one one floor to another in a building

onerous onerous not easily borne

onset onset the beginning or early stages

onus onus an onerous or difficult concern

opaque opaque not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy

operate operate direct or control

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opinion a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on
proof or certainty

opinionated opinionated obstinate in your opinions

opportune suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous

especially for a particular purpose

opportunist taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any

circumstance of possible benefit

opposition the action of opposing something that you disapprove

or disagree with

oppression oppression the act of subjugating by cruelty

optical illusion an optical phenomenon that results in a false or

deceptive visual impression

optician a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of


optimal most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or


optimism optimism a general disposition to expect the best in all things

optimistic optimistic expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds

option one of a number of things from which only one can be


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optional optional possible but not necessary

opulent opulent rich and superior in quality

orbit the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in

its revolution about another

orchard garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without


orchestrate orchestrate write an orchestra score for

orchestrated orchestrated arranged for performance by an orchestra

ordeal ordeal a severe or trying experience

orderly orderly devoid of violence or disruption

oregano oregano aromatic Eurasian perennial

organic relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds

having a carbon basis

organist organist a person who plays an organ

orientation orientation the act of orienting

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orifice orifice an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity

origami the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes

representing objects (e.g., flowers or birds)

originate originate come into existence

ornament ornament something used to beautify

ornamentation ornamentation the state of being ornamented

ornate marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with

decorative details

ornithologist ornithologist a zoologist who studies birds

orphan orphan a child who has lost both parents

orphanage orphanage the condition of being a child without living parents

orthodontist a dentist specializing in the prevention or correction

of irregularities of the teeth

orthodox orthodox adhering to what is commonly accepted

oscillate oscillate move or swing from side to side regularly

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ostensibly ostensibly from appearances alone

ostensibly ostensibly from appearances alone

ostentatious ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others

ostracise ostracise expel from a community or group

ostrich a person who refuses to face reality or recognize the truth

ostrich (a reference to the popular notion that the ostrich hides from
danger by

oust oust remove from a position or office

outbreak a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of

some undesirable condition)

outcast outcast a person who is rejected (from society or home)

outflank outflank go around the flank of (an opposing army)

outhouse a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through

which a user can defecate

outlandish outlandish conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

outlet outlet an opening that permits escape or release

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outlying outlying relatively far from a centre or middle

outpatient a patient who does not reside in the hospital where he

is being treated

outrage outrage a feeling of righteous anger

outrageous outrageous greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

outset outset the time at which something is supposed to begin

ovation enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by

loud applause)

overcast overcast the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds

overhaul overhaul make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to

overhead overhead located or originating from above

overhear overhear hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

overshadow overshadow be greater in significance than

overt overt open and observable

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overture a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of

overwhelm overwhelm overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli

overwrought overwrought deeply agitated especially from emotion

oyster oyster marine molluscs having a rough irregular shell

pacifist someone opposed to violence as a means of settling


packhorse packhorse a workhorse used as a pack animal

paddle paddle propel with a paddle

paediatrician paediatrician a specialist in the care of babies

pageant pageant a rich and spectacular ceremony

pagoda pagoda an Asian temple

painstaking painstaking characterized by extreme care and great effort

palace palace a large and stately mansion

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palatable palatable acceptable to the taste or mind

Pall Pall become less interesting or attractive

pallid abnormally deficient in colour as suggesting physical or

emotional distress

palpitate palpitate beat rapidly

paltry paltry not worth considering

pamper pamper treat with excessive indulgence

pamphlet pamphlet a brief treatise on a subject of interest

panache panache distinctive and stylish elegance

pandemic pandemic an epidemic that is geographically widespread

pandemonium pandemonium a state of extreme confusion and disorder

pane pane sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors

panel sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat and rectangular)

section or component of something

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pang pang a sudden sharp feeling

panic panic an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety

panoramic panoramic as from an altitude or distance

pansy large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild

pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colours

pantry pantry a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

papaya tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply

palmate cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit

parable parable a short moral story (often with animal characters)

paradise paradise any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

paralyse paralyse make powerless and unable to function

paramount paramount having the most importance, power, or influence

parapet parapet a low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony

paraphernalia equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles

needed for a particular operation or sport etc.

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parasite an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another
animal or plant)

parasol parasol a handheld collapsible source of shade

parch parch cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat

parched parched dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight

pardon pardon the act of excusing a mistake or offense

parole parole a promise

parse analyse syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to

(a sentence)

parsley parsley annual or perennial herb with aromatic leaves

parson parson a person authorized to conduct religious worship

parsonage an official residence provided by a church for its parson

or vicar or rector

partial partial being or affecting only a part

partially partially in part

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particle particle (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything

passion passion a strong feeling or emotion

passionate passionate having or expressing strong emotions

passive passive lacking in energy or will

passiveness passiveness submission to others or to outside influences

pastor pastor a person authorized to conduct religious worship

pastoral (used with regard to ideali7ed country life) idyllically


pasture a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for

grazing by livestock

patented patented (of devices and processes) protected by patent

pathetic pathetic deserving or inciting pity

pathogen any disease-producing agent (especially a virus or

bacterium or other microorganism)

pathology pathology any deviation from a healthy or normal condition

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patience patience good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence

patriarch patriarch the male head of family or tribe

patriot patriot one who loves and defends his or her country

patriotic patriotic inspired by love for your country

patrol patrol a detachment used for security or reconnaissance

patron patron a regular customer

patronisingly patronisingly with condescension

patter patter plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)

pauper pauper a person who is very poor

pavement pavement the paved surface of a thoroughfare

pavilion pavilion large and often sumptuous tent

peacock European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each

marked with a purple eyespot

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peal peal a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)

peasant peasant one of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural labourers

peculiar peculiar beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

pedantic marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning

especially its trivial aspects

pedestal pedestal a support or foundation

pedestrian pedestrian lacking wit or imagination

pedigree pedigree ancestry of a purebred animal

pedlar someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the
streets or at carnivals)

peel peel strip the skin off

peerless peerless eminent beyond or above comparison

pelican large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill

with a distensible pouch for fish

pelt pelt cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile

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penal penal of or relating to punishment

penchant penchant a strong liking

penetrate penetrate pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance

penitence penitence remorse for your past conduct

penmanship penmanship beautiful handwriting

pennant pennant the award given to the champion

pensive pensive deeply or seriously thoughtful

pent pent closely confined

perceptive perceptive of or relating to perception

perch perch sit, as on a branch

perchance perchance through chance, "To sleep, perchance to dream.."

perennial perennial recurring again and again

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perfidious perfidious tending to betray

perforated perforated having a hole cut through

perforation perforation a line of small holes for tearing at a particular place

peril peril a source of danger

perilous perilous fraught with danger

periphery periphery the outside boundary or surface of something

periscope an optical instrument that provides a view of an

otherwise obstructed field

perish pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and
functions necessary to sustain life

perishable perishable food that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated

perjury perjury criminal offense of making false statements under oath

permanent not capable of being reversed or returned to the

original condition

permission the act of giving a formal (usually written)


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perpetual perpetual uninterrupted in lime and indefinitely long continuing

perplex perplex be a mystery or bewildering to

perplexed perplexed full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

perseverance perseverance persistent determination

persevere persevere be persistent, refuse to stop

persist persist continue to exist

persistence the property of a continuous and connected period of


persistent persistent never-ceasing

personable personable (of persons) pleasant in appearance and personality

personage personage another word for person

personalise personalise make personal or more personal

personification personification of a force

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personnel personnel group of people willing to obey orders

perspective perspective a way of regarding situations or topics etc.

perspire perspire excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin

persuade cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or

course of action

persuasion persuasion the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade)

pertain pertain be relevant to

pertinent pertinent having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand

perturbed perturbed thrown into a state of agitated confusion

peruse peruse examine or consider with attention and in detail

pessimist pessimist a person who expects the worst

pessimistic pessimistic expecting the worst possible outcome

petite petite very small

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petrify petrify cause to become stone like or stiff or dazed and stunned

petty larceny of property having a value less than some amount

(the amount varies by locale)

petulant petulant easily irritated or annoyed

pharaoh pharaoh the title of the ancient Egyptian kings

pharmacy pharmacy a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold

pharynx pharynx the passage to the stomach and lungs

phase phase any distinct lime period in a sequence of events

phenomenal phenomenal exceedingly or unbelievably great

phenomenon any state or process known through the senses

rather than by intuition or reasoning

phial a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile

container for injection by needle)

philanthropic philanthropic generous in assistance to the poor

philatelist philatelist a collector and student of postage stamps

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philosopher philosopher a wise person who is calm and rational

phlegm apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional


phlegmatic phlegmatic showing little emotion

phobia an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and

irrational fear of simple things or social situations

phoenix the state capital and largest city located in south central

phylogeny (biology) the sequence of events involved in the

phylogeny evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of

physicist physicist a scientist trained in physics

physiological physiological response

physiology physiology processes and functions of an organism

physiotherapist therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with

exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder

picket a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated


pickle vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or


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pictorial pictorial pertaining to or consisting of pictures

picturesque picturesque suggesting or suitable for a picture

piebald having sections or patches coloured differently and

usually brightly

pierce pierce cut or make a way through

piercing having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine


pigment dry colouring material (especially a powder to be mixed

with a liquid to produce paint, etc.)

pile pile a collection of objects laid on top of each other

pilfer pilfer make off with belongings of others

pilgrim pilgrim someone who journeys in foreign lands

pilgrimage pilgrimage a journey to a sacred place

pillage pillage steal goods

pillion pillion a seat behind the rider of a horse or motorbike etc.

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pincer a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for

pinch pinch a slight but appreciable amount

pinioned pinioned (of birds) especially having the flight feathers

pinnace pinnace a boat for communication between ship and shore

pinnacle pinnacle the highest level or degree attainable

pioneer pioneer open up an area or prepare a way

pious pious having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity

piquant piquant engagingly stimulating or provocative

piratical piratical characteristic of pirates

pit pit a sizeable hole (usually in the ground)

pitcher pitcher (baseball) the person who does the pitching

piteous piteous deserving or inciting pity

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pithy pithy concise and full of meaning

pitiable pitiable inspiring mixed contempt and pity

pitiful pitiful inspiring mixed contempt and pity

pitted pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb)

pixie pixie (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous

placard placard a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement

placebo placebo an innocuous or inert medication

placental placental mammals having a placenta

placid placid not easily irritated

plaice plaice flesh of large European flatfish

plaintive plaintive expressing sorrow

plaintively plaintively in a plaintive manner

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plank plank a stout length of sawn timber

plankton the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that

float or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt water

plantation an estate where cash crops are grown on a large scale

(especially in tropical areas)

plaque plaque a memorial made of brass

plateau plateau a relatively flat highland

platitude platitude a trite or obvious remark

plausible plausible apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful

plea plea a humble request for help from someone in authority

plead plead appeal or request earnestly

pleasant pleasant affording pleasure

pledged pledged bound by or as if by an oath

plentiful plentiful existing in great number or quantity

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plenty plenty a full supply

plethora plethora extreme excess

pliable pliable able to adjust readily to different conditions

pliant pliant capable of being influenced or formed

pliers a gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually)
serrated jaws

plight a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an

unpleasant or trying one

plod plod walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

plodding plodding hard monotonous routine work

plough a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the
soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing

plover any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact

build having straight bills and large pointed wings

plough plough to break and turn over earth especially with a plough

plumage the light horny waterproof structure forming the

external covering of birds

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plume plume anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness

plummet plummet drop sharply

plump plump sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure

plunder plunder goods or money obtained illegally

plunge plunge thrust or throw into

ply give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or


poacher someone who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of


pod the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds

podgy podgy short and plump

podiatrist podiatrist a specialist in care for the feet

poignant poignant arousing affect

poke poke or thrust abruptly

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poky a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in
poky the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons

polarise polarise cause to vibrate in a definite pattern

policy policy a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

polka polka music performed for dancing the polka

polyurethane any of various polymers containing the urethane


pomp pomp cheap or pretentious or vain display

pompous pompous puffed up with vanity

poncho poncho a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the centre for the head

ponder ponder reflect deeply on a subject

ponderous ponderous slow and laborious because of weight

poodle an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-coloured coat

that is usually clipped

population the number of inhabitants (either the total number or

population the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country
or city etc.)

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porcupine relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles
mingled with the fur

pore pore any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas)

porous porous able to absorb fluids

portable portable easily or conveniently transported

porter porter a person employed to carry luggage and supplies

portion something determined in relation to something that

includes it

portly portly euphemisms for 'fat'

portmanteau a new word formed by joining two others and

combining their meanings

portrait portrait a word picture of a person's appearance and character

portray portray in words

possession possession the act of having and controlling property

possessor possessor a person who owns something

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postpone postpone hold back to a later time

posy posy an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present

potent potent having a strong physiological or chemical effect

potential potential the inherent capacity for coming into being

potion potion a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage

pouch a small or medium size container for holding or carrying


poultry flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for


poverty the state of having little or no money and few or no

material possessions

practical practical concerned with actual use or practice

practise practise engage in a rehearsal (of)

pragmatic pragmatic concerned with practical matters

prairie prairie a treeless grassy plain

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prattle prattle speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

precarious precarious affording no ease or reassurance

precariously precariously in a precarious manner

precautionary taken in advance to protect against possible danger

or failure

precede precede move ahead (of others) in tune or space

precedent an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at

a later time

precious precious of high worth or cost

precipice precipice a very steep cliff

precipitation the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow

or hail or sleet or mist)

precipitous done with very great haste and without due


precise precise sharply exact or accurate or delimited

precision the quality of being reproducible in amount or


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preclude preclude keep from happening or arising

precocious characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early

development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)

preconception an opinion formed beforehand without adequate


precursor something that precedes and indicates the approach of

something or someone

predacious predacious hunting and killing other animals for food

predate predate be earlier in time

predator predator any animal that lives by preying on other animals

predecessor one who precedes you in time (as in holding a

position or office)

predicament a situation from which extrication is difficult

especially an unpleasant or trying one

predict predict indicate by signs

prediction prediction the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)

predilection predilection a predisposition in favour of something

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predominant predominant most frequent or common

prefatory prefatory serving as an introduction or preface

prefer prefer like better

prehensile adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an


prehistoric belonging to or existing in times before recorded


prejudice a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an

issue or situation

prejudiced prejudiced emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices

prelate prelate a senior clergyman and dignitary

prelude something that serves as a preceding event or introduces

what follows

premature premature too soon or too hasty

premises premises land and the buildings on it

premium premium payment for insurance

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premonition premonition an early warning about a future event

preoccupied preoccupied deeply absorbed in thought

preparation the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of

some act or purpose

preposterous preposterous incongruous

presage presage indicate by signs

prescient prescient perceiving the significance of events before they occur

prescription written instructions from a physician or dentist to a

prescription druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to
a given patient

preservation the activity of protecting something from loss or


preserve keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or


preserved prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for

future use

preside preside act as president

pressure pressure a force that compels

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prestige a high standing achieved through success or influence or
wealth etc.

presume presume take to be the case or to be true

pretence pretence a false or unsupportable quality

pretentious making claim to or creating an appearance of (often

undeserved) importance or distinction

prevail prevail be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

prevalent prevalent most frequent or common

prevent prevent keep from happening or arising

prevention prevention the act of preventing

preventive preventive preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease

preview an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a

motion picture that will appear in the near future

prey a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of

ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence

primarily primarily for the most part

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prime prime the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

primitive little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral


print the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed


priority priority status established in order of importance or urgency

prism a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the

bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms

pristine pristine immaculately clean and unused

privation privation a state of extreme poverty

privilege a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed

by all

privileged privileged not subject to usual rules or penalties

probably probably with considerable certainty

procedure a particular course of action intended to achieve a


proceed proceed continue a certain state, condition, or activity

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procession the group action of a collection of people or animals or
vehicles moving ahead in more or less regular formation

procrastinate procrastinate postpone doing what one should be doing

procumbent having stems that trail along the ground without

putting down roots

procure procure get by special effort

prodigal prodigal recklessly wasteful

prodigious prodigious so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe

prodigy prodigy an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person

produce produce bring forth or yield

producer producer someone who manufactures something

profane profane grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred

profanity profanity vulgar or irreverent speech or action

profession profession the body of people in a learned occupation

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proffer proffer present for acceptance or rejection

proficient proficient having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

profit the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time

(including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)

profound profound showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth

profuse profuse produced or growing in extreme abundance

profusion profusion the property of being extremely abundant

progenitor progenitor an ancestor in the direct line

prognosis a prediction about how something (as the weather) will


prohibit prohibit command against

prohibition prohibition a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages

project project any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

projectile a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a

targets but is not self-propelled

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prolific prolific intellectually productive

prolix tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great


prologue prologue an introduction to a play, story, or tale

prolong prolong lengthen in time

prominent prominent conspicuous in position or importance

prompt prompt performed with little or no delay

promptly promptly with little or no delay

prone prone having a tendency (to)

pronged pronged having prongs or tines

pronounce pronounce speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way

propagate propagate transmit or cause to broaden or spread

proper appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a

person's character, needs

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property a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a

prophesy predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine


prophet prophet an authoritative person who divines the future

proportion the relation between things (or parts of things) with

respect to their comparative quantity, magnitude, or degree

propose propose make a proposal, declare a plan for something

proprietor (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a


propriety propriety correct or appropriate behaviour

propulsion propulsion a propelling force

prorogue prorogue hold back to a later time

prosecute prosecute conduct a prosecution in a court of law

prosecute prosecute conduct a prosecution in a court of law

prosper prosper make steady progress

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prosperity an economic state of growth with rising profits and full

prosperous prosperous in fortunate circumstances financially

prostrate prostrate stretched out and lying at full length along the ground

protractor protractor drafting instrument used to draw or measure angles

protrude protrude extend out or project in space

protruding protruding extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary

proverbial proverbial of or relating to or resembling or expressed in a proverb

provocative provocative serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate

provoke provoke call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

provoked provoked incited, especially deliberately, to anger

provoking provoking causing or tending to cause anger or resentment

prow prow front part of a vessel or aircraft

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prowl prowl move about in or as if in a predatory manner

proximity proximity the property of being close together

prudent prudent careful and sensible

prune prune cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

pry pry to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open

pry pry to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open

pseudo (often used in combination) not genuine but having the

appearance of

psychiatric relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of


psychological mental or emotional as opposed to physical in


psychology psychology the science of mental life

publicly publicly in a manner accessible to or observable by the public

publish publish put into print

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pucker pucker become wrinkled or drawn together

puffy puffy being puffed out

pugnacious pugnacious ready and able to resort to force or violence

pullet pullet flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying

pulp pulp any soft or soggy mass

pulse (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical

state (or a series of such transients)

pulverise pulverise destroy completely

pulverize make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become


punctuality punctuality the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time

puncture puncture pierce with a pointed object

pungent pungent strong and sharp

punnet punnet a small light basket used as a measure for fruits

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punt punt kick the ball

punt punt kick the ball

puny puny inferior in strength or significance

pupa an insect in the inactive stage of development (when it is

not feeding) intermediate between larva and adult

pupil pupil a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution

purchase purchase the acquisition of something for payment

purgatory purgatory a temporary condition of torment or suffering

purification purification the act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities

purloin purloin make off with belongings of others

purport have the often specious appearance of being, intending,

or claiming

purpose an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides

your planned actions

purse a container used for carrying money and small personal

items or accessories (especially by women)

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purser an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends
to the passengers' welfare

pursue pursue go in search of or hunt for

pursuer a person who is pursuing and trying to overtake or


pursuit pursuit the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture

pusillanimous lacking in courage and manly strength and


putrid putrid of or relating to or attended by putrefaction

pygmy pygmy an unusually small individual

quadruplet quadruplet the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one

quaint quaint strange in an interesting or pleasing way

quarantine quarantine place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons

quarrel quarrel have a disagreement over something

quarry a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of

ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence

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quartz quartz colourless glass made of almost pure silica

quay quay wharf usually built parallel to the shoreline

queasy queasy causing or able to cause nausea

queer queer beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

quell quell suppress or crush completely

quench quench satisfy (thirst)

quest quest the act of searching for something

queue queue a line of people or vehicles waiting for something

quibble quibble argue over petty things

quince quince small Asian tree with pinkish flowers and pear-shaped fruit

quintet quintet a musical composition for five performers

quintuplet quintuplet the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one

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quiver quiver shake with fast, tremulous movements

quivering quivering a shaky motion

quota quota a prescribed number

quote quote repeat a passage from

quotient quotient the number obtained by division

rabbi rabbi spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation

rabble rabble disparaging terms for the common people

racquet a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an

racquet oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to
strike a ball

radiant radiant radiating or as if radiating light

radiate extend or spread outward from a centre or focus or inward

towards a centre

radical radical (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm

radical radical (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm

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radically radically in a radical manner

radiologist a medical specialist who uses radioactive substances

and X-rays in the treatment of disease

rage rage a feeling of intense anger

raid raid search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on

raisin raisin dried grape

rake rake a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head

rally rally gather

rambunctious rambunctious noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

ramp ramp up bolster or strengthen

rampant rampant unrestrained and violent

rampart an embankment built around a space for defensive


ranch farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities

needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)

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rancher rancher a person who owns or operates a ranch

rancour rancour a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will

random random lacking any definite plan or order or purpose

ranger ranger a member of the Texas state highway patrol

rankle rankle gnaw into

ransack ransack search thoroughly

rant a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong


rapid rapid done or occurring in a brief period of time

rapier rapier a straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges

rapture rapture a state of being carried away by overweening emotion

rascal rascal a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

rash rash marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

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rasp rasp uttering in an irritated tone

ratify ratify approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation

ration restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity,

as during war

rational rational consistent with or based on or using reason

raucous raucous unpleasantly loud and harsh

ravage ravage cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

rave rave praise enthusiastically

ravel ravel French composer and exponent of Impressionism (1875-1937)

raven large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped

ravenous ravenous extremely hungry

ravine a deep narrow steep-sided valley (especially one formed by

running water)

ravioli ravioli small circular or square cases of dough with savoury fillings

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ravishing ravishing stunningly beautiful

razor razor edge tool used in shaving

readily readily without much difficulty

realistic realistic aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are

reality all of your experiences that determine how things appear

to you

rear rear the back of a military formation or procession

reassign transfer somebody to a different position or location of


reassure reassure cause to feel sure

reassuringly reassuringly in a reassuring manner

rebate rebate a refund of some fraction of the amount paid

rebel rebel break with established customs

rebellion rebellion refusal to accept some authority or code or convention

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rebellious rebellious resisting control or authority

rebuild rebuild build again

rebuke rebuke censure severely or angrily

recalcitrant recalcitrant stubbornly resistant to authority or control

recall recall knowledge from memory

recede recede pull back or move away or backward

recently recently in the recent past

receptor a cellular structure that is postulated to exist in order to

receptor mediate between a chemical agent that acts on nervous tissue
and the

reciprocate reciprocate act, feel, or give mutually or in return

recite recite repeat aloud from memory

reckless reckless marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

reclaim reclaim claim back

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reclusive reclusive withdrawn from society

recognise recognise show approval or appreciation of

recollect recollect recall knowledge from memory

recommend recommend push for something

reconcile reconcile make (one thing) compatible with (another)

reconciliation reconciliation the re-establishing of cordial relations

reconvene reconvene meet again

recreation recreation an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

recruit recruit register formally as a participant or member

rectify rectify make right or correct

recumbent recumbent lying down

recuperate recuperate regain or make up for

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recurrent recurrent recurring again and again

recycle recycle use again after processing

redemptive redemptive of or relating to or resulting in redemption

redundancy redundancy the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded

redundant redundant more than is needed, desired, or required

reel a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be

projected by a movie projector

referee (sports) the chief official (as in boxing or American football)

who is expected to ensure fair play

refinement refinement a highly developed state of perfection

refinery refinery an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance

reflect reflect manifest or bring back

reflection reflection a calm, lengthy, intent consideration

reflective reflective deeply or seriously thoughtful

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reflector reflector device that reflects radiation

reform reform change for the better

refract refract subject to refraction

refraction the change in direction of a propagating wave (light or

sound) when passing from one medium to another

refrain the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of


refrigerate refrigerate preserve by chilling

refuge refuge a safe place

refurbish refurbish make brighter and prettier

refuse refuse show unwillingness towards

refute refute overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof

regain regain get or find back

regal regal belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler

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regalia regalia paraphernalia indicative of royalty (or other high office)

regenerate re-establish on a new, usually improved, basis or make

new or like new

regicide regicide the act of killing a king

regime the organization that is the governing authority of a

political unit

regiment regiment subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization

regnant regnant exercising power or authority

regret sadness associated with some wrong done or some


regular regular in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle

regulatory regulatory restricting according to rules or principles

reign reign be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

reimburse reimburse payback for some expense incurred

rein one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the
headpiece) used to control a horse

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reinforce reinforce make stronger

reiterate reiterate to say, state, or perform again

reject reject refuse to accept or acknowledge

rejected rejected rebuffed (by a lover) without warning

rejoice rejoice feel happiness or joy

relapse relapse a failure to maintain a higher state

relation relation a person related by blood or marriage

relationship relationship a relation between people

relatively relatively in a relative manner

relay relay pass along

relent relent give in, as to influence or pressure

relentless relentless not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

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relevant having a bearing on or connection with the subject at

reliable reliable worthy of reliance or trust

relic relic an antiquity that has survived from the distant past

relief the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or


relieved relieved (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear

relinquish relinquish part with a possession or right

relish relish vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

reluctant reluctant unwilling to do something

rely rely have confidence or faith in

remain remain continue in a place, position, or situation

remand refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or

authority or court for decision

remedial remedial tending or intended to rectify or improve

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remediate remediate set straight or right

remedy remedy provide relief for

remember remember recall knowledge from memory

reminiscent reminiscent serving to bring to mind

remission an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the

manifestations of a disease)

remnant a small part or portion that remains after the main part
no longer exists

remorse remorse a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)

remorseful remorseful feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

remote remote located far away spatially

remunerate remunerate make payment to

remuneration the act of paying for goods or services or to

recompense for losses

render render give or supply

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rendering a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic
role etc.

rendezvous rendezvous a meeting planned at a certain time and place

renegade renegade someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw

renewable renewable that can be renewed or extended

renewed renewed restored to a new condition

renounce renounce turn away from

renovate renovate restore to a previous or better condition

renowned renowned widely known and esteemed

rent a payment or series of payments made by the lessee to an

owner for use of some property, facility, equipment, or service

repair restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn

or broken

repeal repeal cancel officially

repel repel cause to move back by force or influence

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repellent repellent highly offensive

repercussion repercussion a remote or indirect consequence of some action

replace substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or

replace inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is

replenish replenish fill something that had previously been emptied

replete replete (followed by 'with')deeply filled or permeated

replica replica copy that is not the original

repose repose freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

reprehensible reprehensible bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure

repress repress put down by force or intimidation

repressed characterized by or showing the suppression of

impulses or emotions

reprimand reprimand rebuke formally

reprise reprise repeat an earlier theme of a composition

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reproduction reproduction the process of generating offspring

reprove reprove take to task

republic a political system in which the supreme power lies in a

body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

repudiate repudiate cast off

repugnant repugnant offensive to the mind

repulse repulse force or drive back

repulsive repulsive offensive to the mind

reputable reputable having a good reputation

reputation reputation the state of being held in high esteem and honour

require require have need of

requisite requisite necessary for relief or supply

requite requite make repayment for or return something

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resemble resemble appear like

resent resent feel bitter or indignant about

resentment resentment a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will

reservoir reservoir a large or extra supply of something

reside reside make ones home in a particular place or community

residence residence any address at which you dwell more than temporarily

resident resident living in a particular place

residue residue matter that remains after something has been removed

resign resign leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily

resignation resignation acceptance of despair

resignedly resignedly with resignation and acceptance

resilient resilient recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like

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resist resist withstand the force of something

resistance the action of opposing something that you disapprove

or disagree with

resistant relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or


resolute resolute firm in purpose or belief

resolution a decision to do something or to behave in a certain


resolve resolve reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation

resonate resonate sound with resonance

resounding resounding characterized by resonance

resource resource available source of wealth

respectable characterized by socially or conventionally acceptable


respiration the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms

obtain energy from organic molecules

respire respire breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety

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resplendent resplendent having great beauty and splendour

respond respond show a response or a reaction to something

respondent the co-defendant (especially in a divorce proceeding)

who is accused of adultery with the correspondent

response response a result

responsibility the social force that binds you to the courses of

action demanded by that force

responsible responsible worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust

responsive responsive containing or using responses

restore restore return to its original or usable and functioning condition

restrain restrain keep under control

restraint the act of controlling by restraining someone or


restricted restricted subject to restriction or subjected to restriction

restriction restriction a principle that limits the extent of something

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resume resume take up or begin anew

resurrect resurrect cause to become alive again

resurrection resurrection a revival from inactivity and disuse

resuscitate resuscitate cause to regain consciousness

retain allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property

or feature

retaliate retaliate take revenge for a perceived wrong

retard retard slow the growth or development of

reticent reticent reluctant to draw attention to yourself

retina the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back

wall of the eyeball

retinue the group following and attending to some important


retort retort answer back

retreat retreat pull back or move away or backward

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retrieve retrieve get back or find

retrospect retrospect contemplation of things past

reunite reunite have a reunion

reveal reveal make visible

revel revel take delight in

revelation revelation an enlightening or astonishing disclosure

revenge revenge action taken in return for an injury or offense

revengeful revengeful disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

revenue the entire amount of income before any deductions are


reverberate reverberate ring or echo with sound

revere revere love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess

revered revered profoundly honoured

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reverence reverence regard with feelings of respect and reverence

reverent reverent feeling or showing profound respect or veneration

reverse reverse change to the contrary

revert revert go back to a previous state

review review look at again

revise revise make revisions in

revitalise revitalise give new life or vigour to

revive revive give new life or energy to

revoke revoke cancel officially

rhapsody rhapsody an epic poem adapted for recitation

rhetorically rhetorically in a rhetorical manner

rhubarb long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and


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rich rich and superior in quality

rickety rickety inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

rickshaw rickshaw a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger

ricochet ricochet spring back

ridge ridge a long narrow natural elevation or striation

ridged having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel

of a ship

ridiculous ridiculous incongruous

rifle rifle go through in search of something

rigging gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and


righteous characterized by or proceeding from accepted

standards of morality or justice

rigorous rigorous demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

rigour rigour the quality of being valid and rigorous

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rinse rinse wash off soap or remaining dirt

riposte a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or

critical one)

ripping resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something

ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree

ripple ripple a small wave on the surface of a liquid

rite rite any customary observance or practice

ritual ritual any customary observance or practice

rivet rivet hold (someone's attention)

riveting riveting capable of arousing and holding the attention

roam move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in

search of food or employment

robust robust sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction

rodeo rodeo an exhibition of cowboy skills

rogue rogue a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

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romanticise romanticise interpret romantically

romp romp play boisterously

roofed roofed covered with a roof

rosary a string of beads used in counting prayers (especially by


rotation rotation the act of rotating as if on an axis

rouse rouse become active

rousing rousing capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement

rout rout cause to flee

rout rout cause to flee

routine routine an unvarying or habitual method or procedure

routinely routinely according to routine or established practice

rowdy rowdy a cruel and brutal fellow

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rudder a hinged vertical air foil mounted at the tail of an aircraft
and used to make horizontal course changes

rudimentary rudimentary being in the earliest stages of development

ruffled ruffled shaken into waves or undulations as by wind

rugged rugged sturdy and strong in constitution or construction

ruin ruin destroy completely

ruination ruination an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction

rumble rumble a loud low dull continuous noise

rumbling rumbling a loud low dull continuous noise

ruminate ruminate reflect deeply on a subject

rumour gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed

around by word of mouth

rumpus rumpus the act of making a noisy disturbance

rung rung a crosspiece between the legs of a chair

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runnel runnel a small stream

runway a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the

railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll

rupture rupture separate or cause to separate abruptly

ruse ruse a deceptive manoeuvre (especially to avoid capture)

rust rust cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid

rustic rustic characteristic of rural life

rustle rustle make a dry crackling sound

rusty rusty covered with or consisting of rust

ruthless ruthless without mercy or pity

sable sable a very dark black

sack a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's


sacred sacred concerned with religion or religious purposes

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sacrifice sacrifice endure the loss of

sadden sadden make unhappy

safari safari an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa)

safeguard a precautionary measure warding off impending

danger or damage or injury etc.

saffron Old World crocus having purple or white flowers with

aromatic pungent orange stigmas used in flavouring food

sagacious sagacious acutely insightful and wise

sage sage having wisdom that comes with age and experience

sago sago powdery starch from certain sago palms

sake sake a reason for wanting something done

salinity the taste experience when common salt is taken into the

saliva a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands
and mucous glands of the mouth

sallow sallow unhealthy looking

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salmon salmon a pale pinkish orange colour

salubrious salubrious promoting health

salvage salvage save from ruin, destruction, or harm

sanction sanction give authority or permission to

sanctuary sanctuary a shelter from danger or hardship

sanguine sanguine confidently optimistic and cheerful

sanitary sanitary free from filth and pathogens

sanitise sanitise make sanitary by cleaning or sterilizing

sanity sanity normal or sound powers of mind

sapling sapling young tree

sapphire sapphire of something having the colour of a blue sapphire

Sarcasm Sarcasm witty language used to convey insults or scorn

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sarcastic sarcastic expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds

sardine sardine small fatty fish usually canned

satchel luggage consisting of a small case with a flat bottom and

(usually) a shoulder strap

sate sate fill to satisfaction

satellite satellite any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star

satisfaction the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a

desire, need, or expectation

satyr satyr one of a class of woodland deities

saucepan saucepan a deep pan with a handle

saunter saunter walk leisurely and with no apparent aim

savage (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain

or suffering

savagery savagery the property of being untamed and ferocious

savant someone who has been admitted to membership in a

scholarly field

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savour the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken
into the mouth

savouring savouring taking a small amount into the mouth to test its quality

savoury savoury either of two aromatic herbs of the mint family

sawyer sawyer one who is employed to saw wood

scabbard scabbard a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet

scaffold a platform from which criminals are executed (hanged or


scald scald a burn cause by hot liquid or steam

scallop one of a series of rounded projections (or the notches

scallop between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a
leaf or piece of

scalpel scalpel a thin straight surgical knife used in dissection and surgery

scamper scamper to move about or proceed hurriedly

scan scan make a wide, sweeping search of

scandal scandal a disgraceful event

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scandalous giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to

scant less than the correct or legal or full amount often

deliberately so

scanty scanty lacking in amplitude or quantity

scapegoat scapegoat someone who is punished for the errors of others

scar a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured


scarce deficient in quantity or number compared with the


scarcely scarcely only a very short time before

scarcity scarcity a small and inadequate amount

scared scared made afraid

scarlet a variable colour that is vivid red but sometimes with an

orange tinge

scatter scatter to cause to separate and go in different directions

scavenge scavenge clean refuse from

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sceptical sceptical marked by or given to doubt

scheme scheme an elaborate and systematic plan of action

schooner schooner sailing vessel used in former times

scintilla scintilla a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

scoff scoff laugh at with contempt and derision

scold scold censure severely or angrily

scone small biscuit (rich with cream and eggs) cut into diamonds
or slicks and baked in an oven or (especially originally) on a griddle

scope an area in which something acts or operates or has power

or control

scorching scorching hot and dry enough to bum or parch a surface

scornful scornful expressing extreme contempt

scornfully scornfully without respect

scoundrel scoundrel a wicked or evil person

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scourge a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for
pedantic humour)

scouring scouring moving over territory to search for something

SCOUT SCOUT examine minutely

scout explore, often with the goal of finding something or


scow scow any of various flat-bottomed boats with sloping ends

scowl scowl frown with displeasure

scramble scramble to move hurriedly

scrap a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has
been used

scrape scrape cut the surface of

scrappy scrappy full of fighting spirit

scrawny scrawny being very thin

screech screech make a high-pitched, screeching noise

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screeching screeching a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry

script script a written version of a play or other dramatic composition

scruffy scruffy shabby and untidy

scrumptious scrumptious extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

scrutinise scrutinise to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail

scrutiny scrutiny the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

scud scud run or move very quickly or hastily

scuffle scuffle disorderly fighting

sculptor sculptor an artist who creates sculptures

sculpture sculpture a three-dimensional work of plastic art

scurry scurry to move about or proceed hurriedly

scurvy scurvy of the most contemptible kind

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scuttle scuttle to move about or proceed hurriedly

scythe scythe an edge tool for cutting grass

sear sear become superficially burned

seasonal seasonal occurring at or dependent on a particular season

secateurs small pruning shears with a spring that holds the

handles open and a single blade that closes against a flat surface

secluded secluded hidden from general view or use

secrete secrete generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids

secular characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as

opposed to the spiritual world

sedan a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and
two or four doors

sedan sedan chair a closed litter for one passenger

sedate dignified and sombre in manner or character and

committed to keeping promises

sedentary sedentary requiring sitting or little activity

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sedge glasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having
sedge solid stems, narrow glasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous

sediment matter that has been deposited by some natural


seductive seductive tending to entice into a desired action or state

seemingly seemingly from appearances alone

segregate segregate separate by race or religion

segregation (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during

segregation meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different

seismology seismology the branch of geology that studies earthquakes

seize seize take hold of

selfish concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage

to the exclusion of others

selfless selfless showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

selvage border consisting of an ornamental fringe at either end of

an oriental carpet

semblance an outward or token appearance or form that is

deliberately misleading

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seminary a theological school for training ministers or priests or

sensible sensible showing reason or sound judgment

sensitive sensitive responsive to physical stimuli

sensory sensory involving or derived from the senses

sensuous sensuous taking delight in beauty

sentimental sentimental given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality

sentinel a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated


sepia sepia a shade of brown with a tinge of red

sequel sequel something that follows something else

sequence serial arrangement in which things follow in logical

order or a recurrent pattern

serenade serenade a musical composition in several movements

serendipity good luck in making unexpected and fortunate


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serene serene not agitated

serenity serenity a disposition free from stress or emotion

serge serge a twilled woollen fabric

sergeant sergeant a lawman with the rank of sergeant

sermon an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a

church service)

serrated serrated notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex

settle settle become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet

settlement a body of people who settle far from home but

maintain ties with their homeland

sever sever cut off from a whole

severe intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or


sew sew fasten by sewing

sewage sewage waste matter carried away in sewers or drains

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sextuplet sextuplet the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one

shabby shabby showing signs of wear and tear

shadowy shadowy filled with shade

shaggy shaggy used of hair

shale a sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive

layers of clay

shallot shallot aggregate bulb of the multiplier onion

shallow shallow lacking physical depth

shamble shamble walk by dragging ones feet

shameless shameless feeling no shame

shank a cut of meat (beef or veal or mutton or lamb) from the

upper part of the leg

shanty shanty small crude shelter used as a dwelling

sharpen sharpen give a point to

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shatter shatter break into many pieces

shattered shattered ruined or disrupted

shattering shattering seemingly loud enough to break something

sheaf a package of several things tied together for carrying or


shear a large edge tool that cuts sheet metal by passing a blade
through it

shearer shearer Scottish ballet dancer and actress (born in 1926)

sheen the visual property of something that shines with reflected


sheepish like or suggestive of a sheep in docility or stupidity or

meekness or timidity

sheer sheer straight up or down without a break

shepherd shepherd a clergyman who watches over a group of people

sheriff sheriff the principal law-enforcement officer in a county

sherry dry to sweet amber wine from the Jerez region of southern
Spain or similar wines produced elsewhere

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shifty shifty characterized by insincerity or deceit

shimmer shimmer a weak and tremulous light

shiny shiny reflecting light

shipwright a carpenter who helps build and launch wooden


shirk shirk avoid (ones assigned duties)

shiver shiver shake, as from cold

shoal shoal a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide

shortage the property of being an amount by which something is

less than expected or required

shovel shovel a hand tool for lifting loose material

shrapnel shrapnel shell containing lead pellets that explodes in flight

shred shred a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

shrewd shrewd marked by practical hard-headed intelligence

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shriek shriek utter a shrill cry

shrieked shrieked uttered in a shrill scream as of pain or terror

shrill shrill having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones

shrine a place of worship hallowed by association with some

sacred thing or person

shrink shrink decrease in size, range, or extent

shrivel shrivel wither, as with a loss of moisture

shrivelled shrivelled (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture

shrub a low woody perennial plant usually having several major


shrubbery shrubbery an area where a number of shrubs are planted

shudder shudder shake, as from cold

shuddering shuddering shaking convulsively or violently

shuffle shuffle mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

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shuffling walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your

shun shun avoid and stay away from deliberately

shy shy lacking self-confidence

Siamese Siamese a branch of the Tai languages

sibling sibling a person's brother or sister

sickle sickle an edge tool for cutting grass or crops

siding a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or

enable trains on the same line to pass

sidle sidle move unobtrusively or furtively

siege the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place

and isolates it while continuing to attack

sieve a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or

grading particles

sigh sigh an utterance made by exhaling audibly

sighting sighting the act of observing

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signature signature your name written in your own handwriting

significant significant important in effect or meaning

silent silent marked by absence of sound

silhouette silhouette an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow)

silky silky having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light

silo silo a cylindrical tower used for storing silage

silt silt mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake

simmer simmer boil slowly at low temperature

simmering simmering cooking in a liquid that has been brought to a boil

simplicity simplicity freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

simultaneous simultaneous occurring or operating at the same time

simultaneously simultaneously at the same instant

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sincere sincere open and genuine

sincerely sincerely with sincerity

sinew a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with

its bony attachment

singe singe burn superficially or lightly

singular singular unusual or striking

sinister sinister threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

sinker sinker a small ring-shaped fried cake

sinking sinking a descent as through liquid (especially through water)

Sirach an Apocryphal book mainly of maxims (resembling

Proverbs in that respect)

sitcom a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in

day-to-day life

sizeable sizeable fairly large

skedaddle skedaddle run away, as if in a panic

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skein skein coils of worsted yarn

skeleton skeleton something reduced to its minimal form

skimpy skimpy containing little excess

skirmish skirmish a minor short-term fight

skive skive remove the surface of

slacks slacks (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear

slander words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of


slanderous slanderous (used of statements) harmful and often untrue

slang informal language consisting of words and expressions that

are not considered appropriate for formal occasions

slant slant degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

slaughter slaughter the killing of animals (as for food)

sleek sleek having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light

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sleet sleet partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)

sleight sleight adroitness in using the hands

slender slender having little width in proportion to the length or height

sleuth sleuth watch, observe, or inquire secretly

slide slide move smoothly along a surface

slimy slimy covered with or resembling slime

slither slither to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly

sliver sliver a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal

slog slog work doggedly or persistently

sloop a sailing vessel with a single mast set about one third of the
boat's length aft of the bow

sloppy sloppy lacking neatness or order

sloth sloth a disinclination to work or exert yourself

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slouch slouch an incompetent person

slovenly slovenly negligent of neatness especially in dress and person

sluggish sluggish moving slowly

sluggishness a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping


slumber slumber be asleep

slur slur become vague or indistinct

smear smear slanderous defamation

smirk smirk smile affectedly or derisively

smooth having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges

or irregularities

smother smother envelop completely

smoulder smoulder a fire that burns with thick smoke but no flame

smouldering smouldering showing scarcely suppressed anger

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smudge smudge a smoky fire to drive away insects

smug smug marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction

smuggle smuggle import or export without paying customs duties

snag snag catch on a snag

snap snap break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension

snapper (football) the person who plays centre on the line of

scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback

snare something (often something deceptively attractive) that

catches you unawares

sneak sneak to go stealthily or furtively

sneer sneer a facial expression of contempt or scorn

snide snide expressive of contempt

sniff sniff perceive by inhaling through the nose

snigger snigger laugh quietly

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snitch snitch someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police

snobby befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social

snobby exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered

snort indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully

through the nose

snorting snorting an act of forcible exhalation

snub snub refuse to acknowledge

snug snug fitting closely but comfortably

snuggle move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cosy


soaked soaked very drunk

soaring soaring ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual

sod surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass


sodden sodden wet through and through

sodium a silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal


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soggy soggy (of soil) soft and watery

soiled soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime

solace the comfort you feel when consoled in tunes of


sole sole being the only one

solely solely without any others being included or involved

solemn dignified and sombre in manner or character and

committed to keeping promises

solemnity solemnity a trait of dignified seriousness

solemnly solemnly in a grave and sedate manner

solicit solicit make a solicitation or entreaty for something

solicitor solicitor a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes

solidify solidify make solid or more solid

solitary solitary being the only one

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solitude solitude a state of social isolation

solo solo any activity that is performed alone without assistance

solution solution a method for solving a problem

sombre sombre lacking brightness or colour

somersault an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head
(either forward or backward) and return

sonnet a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme


sonorous sonorous full and loud and deep

soothe soothe give moral or emotional strength to

soothing soothing affording physical relief

sophisticated having or appealing to those having worldly

knowledge and refinement and savoir-faire

sordid sordid morally degraded

sorority sorority a social club for female undergraduates

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sought sought being searched for

sourly sourly in a sour manner

souvenir souvenir something of sentimental value

sovereign sovereign greatest in status or authority or power

sow sow place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth

spacious spacious very large in expanse or scope

spade a sturdy hand shovel that can be pushed into the earth
with the foot

spaghetti spaghetti served with a tomato sauce

spaniel any of several breeds of small to medium-sized gun dogs

with a long silky coat and long frilled ears

spank spank a slap with the fiat of the hand

sparkling sparkling shining with brilliant points of light like stars

sparse sparse not dense

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spasm spasm a painful and involuntary muscular contraction

spasmodic spasmodic affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions

spasmodically spasmodically with spasms

spatter spatter the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively

spatula spatula a turner with a narrow flexible blade

spawn the mass of eggs deposited by fish or amphibians or


specific specific stated explicitly or in detail

specimen specimen an example regarded as typical of its class

speckle speckle a small contrasting part of something

spectacular spectacular sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect

spectator spectator a close observer

spectral spectral of or relating to a spectrum

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spectrum a broad range of related objects or values or qualities or
ideas or activities

speculate speculate to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

speedometer a meter fixed to a vehicle that measures and

displays its speed

spendthrift spendthrift someone who spends money prodigally

spindle spindle (biology) tiny fibres that are seen in cell division

spindly spindly long and lean

spinnaker spinnaker a large and usually triangular headsail

spinster spinster an elderly unmarried woman

spiral a plane curve traced by a point circling about the centre but
at increasing distances from the centre

spit spit expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth

spite spite feeling a need to see others suffer

spiteful spiteful showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt

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spitefulness spitefulness feeling a need to see others suffer

spittle a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary

glands and mucous glands of the mouth

splash splash cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force

splendid splendid characterized by grandeur

splendour splendour a quality that outshines the usual

splinter splinter a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal

spoke support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining

the hub to the rim

sponsor sponsor someone who supports or champions something

spontaneous happening or arising without apparent external


spool a winder around which thread or tape or film or other

flexible materials can be wound

spoor spoor the trail left by a person or an animal

sporadic recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable


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spouse spouse a person's partner in marriage

sprawl sprawl sit or lie with one's limbs spread out

spread-eagle spread-eagle stretch out completely

spree spree a brief indulgence of your impulses

sprightly sprightly full of spirit and vitality

sprint sprint run very fast, usually for a short distance

sprout sprout produce buds, branches, or germinate

spur spur incite or stimulate

spurious spurious intended to deceive

spy spy watch, observe, or inquire secretly

squabble squabble a quarrel about petty points

squall squall make high-pitched, whiney noises

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squander squander spend thoughtlessly

squashed squashed that has been violently compressed

squat squat sit on one's heels

squeaking having or making a high-pitched sound such as that

made by a mouse or a rusty hinge

squeal squeal utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs

squealing having or making a high-pitched sound such as that

made by a mouse or a rusty hinge

squelch squelch suppress or crush completely

squid squid (Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food

squint squint cross ones eyes as if in strabismus

squirm to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially

when struggling)

squirt squirt cause to come out in a squirt

stable stable resistant to change of position or condition

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stadium stadium a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments

stag stag a male deer, especially an adult male red deer

staggers a disease of the central nervous system affecting

especially horses and cattle

stagnant stagnant not circulating or flowing

stake stake (law) a right or legal share of something

stalagmite a cylinder of calcium carbonate projecting upward

from the floor of a limestone cave

stale lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from


stalk stalk walk stiffly

stalking a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or

waiting in ambush

stall stall deliberately delay an event or action

stamina stamina enduring strength and energy

stampede stampede cause to run in panic

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stance stance standing posture

stark stark severely simple

startled excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick

involuntary movement

startling so remarkably different or sudden as to cause

momentary shock or alarm

starve starve be hungry

stately stately impressive in appearance

station the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands

or is assigned to stand

stationary stationary standing still

stationary stationary standing still

stationery stationery paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters

stature high level of respect gained by impressive development or


staunch staunch firm and dependable especially in loyalty

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steadfast steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution

steadfastly steadfastly with resolute determination

steadily steadily at a steady rate or pace

steady steady not subject to change or variation especially in behaviour

stealthily stealthily in a stealthy manner

stealthy stealthy marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

steam steam water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere

steed steed (literary) a spirited horse for state or war

steeple a tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building

(usually a church or temple) and that tapers to a point at the top

stench stench a distinctive door that is offensively unpleasant

stentorian stentorian used of the voice

stepmother stepmother the wife of your father by a subsequent marriage

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sterile sterile incapable of reproducing

stern stern severe and unremitting in making demands

stethoscope a medical instrument for listening to the sounds

generated inside the body

stiff stiff not moving or operating freely

stifle stifle smother or suppress

stigma stigma a symbol of disgrace or infamy

stimulate stimulate stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

stimulated stimulated emotionally aroused

stingy stingy unwilling to spend

stirrup stirrup support consisting of metal loops into which rider's feet go

stitch stitch fasten by sewing

stockade fortification consisting of a fence made of a line of stout

posts set firmly for defence

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stockpile something kept back or saved for future use or a special

stomp stomp walk heavily

stork large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-
and-black plumage

storm a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (u on

the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning

stout stout dependable

stowaway a person who hides aboard a ship or plane in the hope

of getting free passage

straddle straddle sit or stand astride of

strafe attack with machine guns or cannon fire from a low-flying


straggle straggle wander from a direct or straight course

strain strain remove by passing through a filter

straining straining an intense or violent exertion

stratagem stratagem a manoeuvre in a game or conversation

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strategic highly important to or an integral part of a strategy or
plan of action especially in war

strategy strategy an elaborate and systematic plan of action

strenuous characterized by or performed with much energy or


strenuously strenuously in a strenuous manner

stretcher a wooden framework on which canvas is stretched and

fixed for oil painting

stricken stricken grievously affected especially by disease

strident strident unpleasantly loud and harsh

strife strife lack of agreement or harmony

striking striking having a quality that thrusts itself into attention

stringent stringent demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

stroll stroll a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)

strut to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to

impress others

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strychnine an alkaloid plant toxin extracted chiefly from nux

stubble material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of

stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds

stubborn tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious

unwillingness to yield

stubby stubby short and blunt

stumble stumble walk unsteadily

stumpy stumpy short and thick

stun stun make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow

stunned filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming

surprise or shock

stunning stunning commanding attention

stunted stunted inferior in size or quality

stupendous stupendous so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe

sturdy sturdy substantially made or constructed

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sty sty an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid

suave suave having a sophisticated charm

subduction a geological process in which one edge of a crustal

subduction plate is forced sideways and downward into the mantle below
another plate

subdue subdue to put down by force or authority

subdued subdued in a softened tone

sublime sublime inspiring awe

submerged submerged beneath the surface of the water

submersible submersible an apparatus intended for use under water

submit submit yield to the control of another

submit submit yield to the control of another

subordinate subordinate lower in rank or importance

subordination subordination the state of being subordinate to something

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subpoena a writ issued by court authority to compel the
attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding

subsequently subsequently happening at a time subsequent to a reference time

subside subside wear off or die down

subsidy a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that

benefits the public

substantial substantial fairly large

substitute substitute put in the place of another

subtle subtle difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse

suburb suburb a residential district located on the outskirts of a city

suburban suburban relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs

succeed succeed attain success or reach a desired goal

succession succession a following of one thing after another in time

successive successive in regular succession without gaps

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succinct succinct briefly giving the gist of something

succulent succulent full of juice

succumb succumb consent reluctantly

suckle suckle suck milk from the mother's breasts

suction suction a force over an area produced by a pressure difference

sufficient of a quantity that can fulfil a need or requirement but

without being abundant

suffocate suffocate deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

suffrage a legal right guaranteed by the 1.5th amendment to the

US Constitution

suffuse suffuse cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across

suitable suitable meant or adapted for an occasion or use

suite a musical composition of several movements only loosely


suitor suitor a man who courts a woman

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sulk sulk a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal

sulky sulky a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person

sullen sullen showing a brooding ill humour

sullenly sullenly in a sullen manner

sultan the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former

Ottoman Empire)

sultry sultry sexually exciting or gratifying

summit summit the highest level or degree attainable

summon summon call in an official matter, such as to attend court

sumptuous sumptuous rich and superior in quality

superficial concerned with or comprehending only what is

apparent or obvious

superfluity superfluity extreme excess

superfluous superfluous more than is needed, desired, or required

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superior superior having a higher rank

supernatural not existing in nature or subject to explanation

according to natural laws

supersede supersede take the place or move into the position of

superstition superstition an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear

superstitious showing ignorance of the laws of nature and faith in

magic or chance

supervene take place as an additional or unexpected


supine supine lying face upward

supple supple make pliant and flexible

supplicate supplicate ask humbly (for something)

supplication a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious


suppress suppress to put down by force or authority

suppressant suppressant a drug that suppresses appetite

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supreme supreme final or last in your life or progress

surge surge rise and move, as in waves or billows

surly surly inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace

surmise surmise infer from incomplete evidence

surpass surpass distinguish oneself

surreptitiously surreptitiously in a surreptitious manner

surround surround extend on all sides of simultaneously

surveillance close observation of a person or group (usually by the


survey survey look over carefully or inspect

survive survive continue to live through hardship or adversity

susceptible (often followed by ' of or 'to') yielding readily to or

capable of

suspect suspect imagine to be the case or true or probable

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suspended (of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept
suspended from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent

suspense suspense apprehension about what is going to happen

suspicious suspicious openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

sustain sustain lengthen or extend in duration or space

sustainable sustainable capable of being sustained

sustenance sustenance a source of materials to nourish the body

swagger act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited


swamp swamp low land that is seasonally flooded

swarm swarm be teeming, be abuzz

sway sway move back and forth or sideways

swede swede a native or inhabitant of Sweden

swell swell increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity

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swelter swelter be uncomfortably hot

swerve swerve turn sharply

swindle swindle deprive of by deceit

swing swing move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting

swirl swirl turn in a twisting or spinning motion

swish move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing


swivel swivel turn on a pivot

swollen swollen characteristic of false pride

symbolise symbolise represent or identify by using a symbol

symmetrical having similarity in size, shape, and relative position

of corresponding parts

sympathy an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with

an opinion

synchronise synchronise happen at the same time

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syndicate a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized
criminal activities

synopsis a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or


systematic systematic characterized by order and planning

taboo taboo excluded from use or mention

tacit tacit implied by or inferred from actions or statements

taciturn taciturn habitually reserved and uncommunicative

tack tack a short nail with a sharp point and a large head

tactic tactic a plan for attaining a particular goal

tactile tactile of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch

tadpole tadpole a larval frog or toad

taffeta taffeta a crisp smooth lustrous fabric

talkative talkative full of trivial conversation

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tallow obtained from suet and used in making soap, candles and

talon talon a sharp hooked claw especially on a bird of prey

tame tame correct by punishment or discipline

tamed tamed brought from wildness into a domesticated state

tangible tangible perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch

tangled tangled in a confused mass

tangy tangy tasting sour like a lemon

tanner tanner a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies

tannery tannery workplace where skins and hides are tanned

tantalise tantalise harass with persistent criticism or carping

tantalising arousing desire or expectation for something

unattainable or mockingly out of reach

tantalize to tease, tempt, and torment by showing something that

tantalize is desired but out of reach or otherwise unobtainable at the

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tantamount tantamount being essentially equal to something

tantrum tantrum a display of bad temper

tapestry something that resembles a tapestry in its complex

pictorial designs

tardy tardy after the expected or usual time

tarnish tarnish make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air

tarpaulin tarpaulin waterproofed canvas

tart tart tasting sour like a lemon

tartly tartly in a tart manner

tattered tattered worn to shreds

tattoo a drumbeat or bugle ran that signals the military to return

to their quarters

tatty tatty showing signs of wear and tear

taunt taunt harass with persistent criticism or carping

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taunting taunting abusing vocally

taut taut pulled or drawn tight

tavern tavern a building with a bar that is licensed to sell alcoholic drinks

tawdry tawdry tastelessly showy

tawny tawny of a light brown to brownish orange colour

tearaway tearaway a reckless and impetuous person

technique a practical method or art applied to some particular


tedious tedious so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness

telepathy apparent communication from one mind to another

without using sensory perceptions

telescope telescope crush together or collapse

teller United States physicist (born in Hungary) who worked on the

first atom bomb and the first hydrogen bomb (1908-2003)

temerity temerity fearless daring

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temperate temperate (of weather or climate) free from extremes

tempest tempest a violent commotion or disturbance

temporary temporary not permanent

temptation temptation something that seduces or has the quality to seduce

tempting tempting highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire

tenacious tenacious stubbornly unyielding

tenacity tenacity persistent determination

tenant someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car

that is owned by someone else

tender tender having or displaying warmth or affection

tenderness tenderness a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling

tendril slender stem-like structure by which some twining plants

attach themselves to an object for support

tenor tenor the general meaning or substance of an utterance

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tense tense taut or rigid

tentacle something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp

and hold

tentatively tentatively in a tentative manner

tenuous tenuous lacking substance or significance

tepid tepid feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm

terminal station where transport vehicles load or unload

passengers or goods

terminology a system of words used to name things in a particular


termite whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on


terrain a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military


terrestrial of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the

sea or air

terrier any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally

trained to hunt animals living underground

terrified terrified thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation

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territory territory a region marked off for administrative or other purposes

testify testify give testimony in a court of law

testimony testimony a solemn statement made under oath

thatch thatch hair resembling thatched roofing material

thaw thaw become or cause to become soft or liquid

theology the rational and systematic study of religion and its

influences and of the nature of religious truth

theory theory a belief that can guide behaviour

therapy (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by

medication or remedial training etc.)

thermal thermal relating to or associated with heat

thermometer thermometer measuring instrument for measuring temperature

thimble thimble as much as a thimble will hold

thorn thorn something that causes irritation and annoyance

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thrash thrash give a thrashing to

threshold threshold the starting point for a new state or experience

thrifty thrifty careful and diligent in the use of resources

thrill something that causes you to experience a sudden intense

feeling or sensation

thrilled thrilled feeling intense pleasurable excitement

thrive thrive grow vigorously

throb throb expand and contract rhythmically

throbbing throbbing an instance of rapid strong pulsation (of the heart)

thudding thudding not clear and resonant

thunderous thunderous loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss

thwart thwart hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

thwarted thwarted disappointingly unsuccessful

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thyme thyme any of various mints of the genus Thymus

tiara tiara a jewelled headdress worn by women on formal occasions

tibia the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg
between the knee and ankle

tidiness tidiness the habit of being tidy

tiff tiff a quarrel about petty points

tilt tilt to incline or bend from a vertical position

timid timid showing fear and lack of confidence

timpani a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion

timpani instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the
tension on it

tinge tinge a slight but appreciable amount

tipsy tipsy slightly intoxicated

tiresome tiresome so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness

titter titter laugh nervously

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toboggan toboggan a long narrow sled without runners

toddle toddle walk unsteadily

toil toil work hard

toke toke a puff of a marijuana or hashish cigarette

tolerance the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate

unfavourable environmental conditions

tolerant showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of


tomb a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the

ground and marked by a tombstone)

tome tome a (usually) large and scholarly book

tone tone the quality of a person's voice

tongs tongs any of various devices for taking hold of objects

tonsil either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of

the oral pharynx

topaz topaz flowers

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torment torment treat cruelly

torque torque a twisting force

torrent torrent an overwhelming number or amount

torrential torrential relating to or resulting from the action of a torrent

torrid torrid characterized by intense emotion

torture torture torment emotionally or mentally

totem a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common

totemic object

totter totter move without being stable, as if threatening to fall

toupee toupee a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness

tournament a sporting competition in which contestants play a

series of games to decide the winner

tousle tousle disarrange or rumple

toxin a poisonous substance produced during the metabolism

toxin and growth of certain microorganisms and some higher plant and

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tracked tracked having tracks

traction the friction between a body and the surface on which it

moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)

tragedy tragedy an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

trailing the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or

marks they left behind

trait trait a distinguishing feature of your personal nature

traitor traitor someone who betrays his country by committing treason

trajectory trajectory the path followed by an object moving through space

tramp tramp walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

trample trample walk on and flatten

tranquil tranquil not agitated

tranquillity tranquillity an untroubled state

transcend transcend be superior or better than some standard

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transfixed transfixed having your attention fixated as though by a spell

transgression the action of going beyond or overstepping some

boundary or limit

transient transient lasting a very short time

translate restate (words) from one language into another


transmission transmission the act of sending a message

transmit transmit transfer to another

transmitted occurring among members of a family usually by


transmitter transmitter someone who transmits a message

transpire transpire come about, happen, or occur

trapeze trapeze a swing used by circus acrobats

trash trash worthless material that is to be disposed of

trauma any physical damage to the body caused by violence or

accident or fracture etc.

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traumatic traumatic of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body

traverse traverse travel across or pass over

trawler trawler a fisherman who use a trawl net

treacherous treacherous dangerously unstable and unpredictable

treacle treacle a pale cane syrup

treason treason a crime that undermines the offender's government

trebuchet an engine that provided medieval artillery used during


trek a journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a

group of settlers)

tremble move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or


tremendous extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or

power or degree

tremor tremor an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)

tremulous tremulous (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear

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trespass trespass enter unlawfully on someone's property

trespasser someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of

another without permission

tress tress a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair

trial trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

tribulation tribulation an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event

tribune (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to

protect their interests

tribute tribute something given or done as an expression of esteem

trident trident a spear with three prongs

trifle a cold pudding made of layers of sponge cake spread with

fruit or jelly

trifling trifling not worth considering

trigger trigger put in motion or move to act

trinket trinket cheap showy jewellery or ornament on clothing

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trite trite repeated too often

triumph triumph a successful ending of a struggle or contest

triumphant joyful and proud especially because of triumph or


triumphantly triumphantly in a triumphant manner

trivial trivial (informal) small and of little importance

triviality triviality the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous

trombone a brass instrument consisting of a long tube whose

length can be varied by a U-shaped slide

trooper trooper a soldier in a motorized army unit

trot trot run at a moderately swift pace

trough a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean

waves or in the ocean bed)

trounce trounce beat severely with a whip or rod

troupe organization of performers and associated personnel

(especially theatrical)

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trout flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food

trowel trowel a small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade

trumpet trumpet a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone

tsunami a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused

by an earthquake or volcanic eruption

tuba tuba the lowest brass wind instrument

tuft tuft a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grass

tumble tumble fall down, as if collapsing

tumult tumult a state of commotion and noise and confusion

tumultuous tumultuous characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

tunny important warm-water fatty fish of the genus Thymus of the

family Scombridae

turbine rotary engine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid

turbine is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to

turbulence a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in

politics or social conditions generally)

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turbulent turbulent characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

turgid turgid abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas

turmoil turmoil a violent disturbance

turquoise turquoise a shade of blue tinged with green

turret turret a small tower extending above a building

tussle tussle disorderly fighting

tussock tussock a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grass

twilight twilight the time of day immediately following sunset

twine twine spin, wind, or twist together

twist twist cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form

typescript typewritten matter especially a typewritten copy of a


typify embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical

example of

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tyranny tyranny dominance through threat of punishment and violence

tyrant tyrant a cruel and oppressive dictator

tyro tyro someone new to a field or activity

ubiquitous ubiquitous being present everywhere at once

ulterior bung beyond what is openly revealed or avowed

ulterior (especially being kept in the background or deliberately

ultimate ultimate furthest or highest in degree or order

ultimately ultimately as the end result of a succession or process

ultrasound using the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to

construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram)

ultraviolet ultraviolet radiation lying in the ultraviolet range

unaided unaided carried out without aid or assistance

unanimous unanimous acting together as a single undiversified whole

unavailing unavailing producing no result or effect

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unawares unawares without forethought or plan

unblushing unblushing feeling no shame

uncanny uncanny suggesting the operation of supernatural influences

uncertain uncertain lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance

uncharted uncharted (of unknown regions) not yet surveyed or investigated

uncluttered uncluttered having nothing extraneous

uncomfortable uncomfortable conducive to or feeling mental discomfort

uncomprehending lacking understanding

uncompromisinguncompromising not making concessions

unconscious unconscious not conscious

uncorrupted (of language) not having its purity or excellence


uncover uncover make visible

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unctuous unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in
manner or speech

underlying underlying being or involving basic facts or principles

undermine undermine destroy property or hinder normal operations

understand understand know and comprehend the nature or meaning of

undertaker undertaker one whose business is the management of funerals

undertone undertone a quiet or hushed tone of voice

undignified undignified lacking dignity

undoubtedly undoubtedly without doubt

undulate move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling


unearth unearth bring to light

uneducated uneducated not having a good education

unemployment unemployment the state of being unemployed or not having a job

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unflattering unflattering showing or representing unfavourably

unfurl unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or

spread out from a furled state

ungenerous ungenerous lacking in magnanimity

uninhabitable uninhabitable not fit for habitation

uninitiated uninitiated not initiated

unintentionally unintentionally without intention

unique unique the single one of its kind

universally universally everywhere

universe universe everything that exists anywhere

university university the body of faculty and students at a university

unjustified unjustified lacking justification or authorization

unmistakable unmistakable clearly evident to the mind

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unnerved unnerved deprived of courage and strength

unprovoked unprovoked occurring without motivation or provocation

unravel become or cause to become undone by separating the

fibres or threads of

unreliable unreliable liable to be erroneous or misleading

unrest unrest a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

unspeakable unspeakable defying expression or description

untangle untangle release from entanglement of difficulty

unwieldy difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or

weight or shape

unwitting unwitting not done with purpose or intent

unyielding unyielding stubbornly unyielding

upended upended turned up on end

upheaval a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics

or social conditions generally)

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upholsterer upholsterer a craftsman who upholsters furniture

upshot a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some

previous phenomenon

urban relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated


urbanise urbanise impart urban habits, ways of life, or responsibilities upon

urbanised urbanised made urban in nature

urge urge spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

urgent urgent compelling immediate action

usher usher take (someone) to their seats, as in theatres or auditoriums

usurp seize and take control without authority and possibly with

utensil utensil an implement for practical use (especially in a household)

utilise utilise put into service

utility utility the quality of being of practical use

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utmost utmost of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity

utter utter express in speech

vacant vacant without an occupant or incumbent

vacation vacation leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure

vaccine immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or

vaccine dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimulate the
production of

vacillating vacillating uncertain in purpose or action

vacuous vacuous devoid of matter

vacuum vacuum the absence of matter

vagabond a wanderer who has no established residence or visible

means of support

vague vague lacking clarity or distinctness

vaguely vaguely in a vague way

vain vain characteristic of false pride

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vainly vainly to no avail

valet a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his


Valhalla (Norse mythology) the hall in which the souls of hero's

slain in battle were received by Odin

valiant valiant having or showing valour

valise valise a small overnight bag for short trips

valorous valorous having or showing great courage

valour valour the qualities of a hero or heroine

valuable having great material or monetary value especially for

use or exchange

vandal vandal someone who wilfully destroys or defaces property

vanguard vanguard the position of greatest importance or advancement

vanilla any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla

vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant
white or green or

vanish vanish become invisible or unnoticeable

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vanished vanished having passed out of existence

vanity vanity feelings of excessive pride

vantage vantage point a place from which something can be viewed

vapid vapid lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest

vaporise vaporise cause to change into a vapour

vapour a visible suspension in the air of particles of some


varicose varicose abnormally swollen or knotty

variety variety noticeable heterogeneity

vary become different in some particular way, without

permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence

veal veal meat from a calf

veer veer turn sharply

vehemence vehemence intensity or forcefulness of expression

2018 NotesEdu
vehemently in a vehement manner, with intense emotion,
expressed strongly

vehicle vehicle a conveyance that transports people or objects

vein a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward
the heart

vendetta a feud in which members of the opposing parties

murder each other

vendor someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services

for money

venerable venerable impressive by reason of age

venerate venerate regard with feelings of respect and reverence

vengeance the act of taking revenge (harming someone in

vengeance retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially
in the next life

vengeful vengeful disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

venom venom toxin secreted by animals

ventilate ventilate expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen

ventriloquist a performer who projects the voice into a wooden


2018 NotesEdu
venture venture proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers

veracity veracity unwillingness to tell lies

veranda a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly


verbal verbal communicated in the form of words

verbose verbose using or containing too many words

verdant verdant characterized by abundance of verdure (greenery, foliage)

verdict (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it

for decision

vermillion vermillion of a vivid red to reddish-orange colour

vermin vermin an irritating or obnoxious person

versatile competent in many areas and able to turn with ease

from one thing to another

version version an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint

vestige vestige an indication that something has been present

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veteran veteran rendered competent through trial and experience

veto veto command against

vex vex cause annoyance in

via via by way of

viable capable of being done with means at hand and

circumstances as they are

vibrate vibrate shake, quiver, or throb

vibration vibration the act of vibrating

vicar a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking


vicarious vicarious experienced at second-hand

vicinity vicinity a surrounding or nearby region

vicious (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain

or suffering

vigil vigil a period of sleeplessness

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vigilance vigilance the process of paying close and continuous attention

vigilant vigilant carefully observant or attentive

vigorous vigorous characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity

vigorously vigorously with vigour

vigour vigour forceful exertion

vile vile morally reprehensible

vilify vilify spread negative information about

villain villain a wicked or evil person

vindicate vindicate show to be right by providing justification or proof

vindication the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or

censure etc.

vindictive vindictive disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

vintage vintage a season's yield of wine from a vineyard

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violate violate fail to agree with

violent acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or

energy or emotional intensity

violet violet any of numerous low-growing violas with small flowers

virtue virtue any admirable quality or attribute

virtuous virtuous morally excellent

virulent virulent extremely poisonous or injurious

visible visible capable of being seen

vision vision a vivid mental image

visual visual relating to or using sight

vital vital urgently needed

vitality vitality a healthy capacity for vigorous activity

vivacious vivacious vigorous and animated

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vivid vivid having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience

vixen vixen a malicious woman with a fierce temper

volatile marked by erratic changeableness in affections or


voluble voluble marked by a ready flow of speech

voluminous voluminous large in volume or bulk

voluntary voluntary of your own free will or design

voracious voracious devouring or craving food in great quantities

vortex a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of

conflicting tides)

voucher someone who vouches for another or for the correctness

of a statement

vow a solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do

something or to behave in a certain manner

vowel vowel a speech sound made with the vocal tract open

voyage voyage a journey to some distant place

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vulgar vulgar conspicuously and tastelessly indecent

vulgarity vulgarity the quality of lacking taste and refinement

vulnerable vulnerable capable of being wounded or hurt

waddle walking with short steps and the weight lilting from one
foot to the other

wade wade walk (through relatively shallow water)

wading wading walking with your feet in shallow water

waft waft blow gently

wage wage carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)

wager wager the act of gambling

wail wail emit long loud cries

waist waist the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips

waive waive do without or cease to hold or adhere to

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wallow wallow devote oneself entirely to something

wan wan lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness

wander move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in

search of food or employment

wane wane grow smaller

warder a person who works in a prison and is in charge of


warlock warlock a male witch or demon

warp warp bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat

warped warped used especially of timbers or boards

warrant stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or

condition of

wary wary marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

waste waste use inefficiently or inappropriately

wastrel wastrel someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently

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watery watery filled with water

wax wax go up or advance

wealthy having an abundant supply of money or possessions of


weary weary physically and mentally fatigued

weathered weathered worn by exposure to the weather

webbing webbing something forming a web (as between the toes of birds)

wedge wedge any shape that is triangular in cross section

weed weed any plant that crowds out cultivated plants

weeds a black garment (dress) worn by a widow as a sign of


weird weird strikingly odd or unusual

weld weld join together by healing

welfare governmental provision of economic assistance to persons

in need

2018 NotesEdu
wheal a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a

wheat annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and

light brown grains

wheedle wheedle influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

wheel a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes

wheel (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or

wheeze wheeze breathe with difficulty

whelp whelp young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf

wherry wherry sailing barge used especially in East Anglia

whimsical determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than

by necessity or reason

whine whine talk in a tearful manner

whinstone any of various hard coloured rocks (especially rocks

consisting of chart or basalt)

whirl whirl turn in a twisting or spinning motion

whistle acoustic device that forces air or steam against an edge or

into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound

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whiz whiz make a soft swishing sound

whizz whizz someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

wick wick any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action

wicked wicked morally bad in principle or practice

wicker slender flexible branches or twigs (especially of willow or

some canes)

widower a man whose wife is dead especially one who has not

wield wield have and exercise

wigwam a Native American lodge frequently having an oval shape

and covered with bark or hides

willow any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus


wilt wilt lose strength

wilting wilting causing to become limp or drooping

wily wily marked by skill in deception

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winking winking a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly

winnings winnings something won (especially money)

wiry wiry lean and sinewy

wisdom wisdom accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment

wistfulness wistfulness a sadly pensive longing

wither wither , as with a loss of moisture

withered withered lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness

withstand withstand resist or confront with resistance

witness witness someone who sees an event and reports what happened

witty witty combining clever conception and facetious expression

wobble wobble move unsteadily

woe woe misery resulting from affliction

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woebegone woebegone worn and broken down by hard use

wondrous wondrous extraordinarily good or great

woodpecker bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for
climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects

word word a unit of language that native speakers can identify

worry worry a strong feeling of anxiety

worship worship the activity of worshipping

worthless worthless lacking in usefulness or value

worthwhile sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time

or interest

worthy worthy having worth or merit or value

wound wound cause injuries or bodily harm to

wraith wraith a mental representation of some haunting experience

wrath wrath intense anger (usually on an epic scale)

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wrathful wrathful vehemently incensed and condemnatory

wreath flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage

or flowers for ornamental purposes

wreck wreck smash or break forcefully

wrench twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to

wrench remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from
where it originates

wrest wrest obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically

wretched wretched deserving or inciting pity

wriggle to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially

when struggling)

wring wring twist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid

wrinkle wrinkle a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

writhe to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when


wrought shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a

pliable mass (as by work or effort)

yacht an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for

cruising or racing

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yam yam edible tuber of any of several yams

yearling yearling a young child

yearn yearn desire strongly or persistently

yearning yearning prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

yelp yelp bark in a high-pitched tone

yield yield be the cause or source of

yoghurt yoghurt a custard-like food made from curdled milk

yolk the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the


zeal a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favour of a person or


zealous zealous marked by active interest and enthusiasm

zenith the point above the observer that is directly opposite the
zenith nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies
appear to be

zing zing a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound

2018 NotesEdu
zucchini zucchini marrow squash plant whose fruit are eaten when small

2018 NotesEdu

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