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‘st EIOV Digital Marketing * Digital marketing refers to the practice of promoting products or services using digital channels, such as search engines, social media, email, mobile apps, and websites. * Itinvolves the use of various digital technologies and platforms to reach and engage with customers, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and ultimately, increase sales and revenue. * Some of the key strategies used in digital marketing include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and affiliate marketing. a i it EIOV Advantages of Digital Marketing © Greater reach * Targeted marketing * Cost-effective Measurable results * Real-time feedback ef E1ov Disadvantages of Digital Marketing £4Kills and training * Dependence on technology * High competition * Complain and Feedback * Security issues Types of Digital Marketing _ySearch Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing a website's content and structure to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. + Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising * Social Media Marketing + Content Marketing Email Marketing Affiliate Marketing Influencer Marketing Mobile Marketing (ew EIOV Strategy for effective marketing using internet * Search Engine Optimization (SEO) etc. before content..... * Facebook * Instagram * Linkedin * YouTube Mi jet EIOV Traditional Marketing "Includes methods like TV ads, print ads, billboards, and direct mail * Generally relies on interrupting consumers with marketing messages Offers less targeting and personalization Can be expensive and less measurable than modern marketing Is less flexible and takes longer to execute Often focuses on pushing products rather than building relationships with customers EIOV Digital Marketing business model _2Service-based model: This model involves offering digital marketing services such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing to clients for a fee. ‘+ Performance-based model: This model involves charging clients based on the results achieved from digital marketing campaigns. + Performance-based model: This model involves charging clients based on the results achieved from digital marketing campaigns. + Subscription-based model: This model involves charging clients a monthly or annual fee for ongoing digital marketing services. * Affiliate marketing model: This model involves promoting and selling other businesses’ products or services and earning a commission on each sale jm! EIOV Phases of Digital Marketing Plarfning Phase: * This phase involves defining the digital marketing goals and objectives, identifying the target audience, and conducting market research to understand the campetition and \dustry trends. _tn this phase, a digital marketing strategy is developed that outlines the tactics, channels, and resources required to achieve the desired outcomes. Implementation Phase: * This phase involves executing the digital marketing plan by creating content, launching campaigns, and setting up advertising channels. * In this phase, website optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) are implemented, Phases of Digital Marketing Evaluation Phase: This phase involves monitoring and analyzing the performance of the digital marketing campaigns. 7 Data analytics tools are used to track key performance indicators (KPls), such as website fic, engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. The results are then used to make data-driven decisions and refine the digital marketing strategy. Optimization Phase: _~* Based on the insights and data gathered during the evaluation phase, the digital marketing campaigns are optimized to improve performance and achieve better results. * This may involve making changes to the messaging, targeting, and channels used to reach the target audience. * Testing and experimentation are also conducted to identify the most effective digital marketing strategies and tactics. = EIOV E-Business vs E-Commerce business refers to the overall strategy of using digital technology to run a business. It ‘encompasses all aspects of the business, including marketing, sales, customer service, supply chain management, and more. E-business can include both online and offline activities, such as setting up a website, using social media for marketing, and implementing digital tools for internal operations. commerce refers specifically to the buying and selling of products or services online. It involves online transactions between businesses and consumers, or between businesses themselves. E-commerce can be conducted through various channels, including online marketplaces, social media platforms, and e-commerce websites. = Elov E-Business vs E-Commerce jet EIov Push and Pull Marketing Push and pull marketing are two different approaches to marketing that companies can use to promote their products or services to potential customers. _p Push marketing involves pushing or promoting a product directly to the customer. * This approach involves using tactics such as advertising, sales. promotions, personal selling, and direct mail to reach out to potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase. + The goal of push marketing is to generate quick sales by directly promoting a product or service to customers. jet EIov Push and Pull Marketing + Pull marketing is a strategy where companies create content or experiences that draw customers towards their products or services. + This approach involves creating a strong brand image, creating useful content, and providing valuable information to customers to attract them to the product or service. t-Examples of pull marketing include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, and influencer marketing, +The goal of pull marketing is to attract customers to the product or service through an 7 engaging brand experience, thereby building long-term relationships with customers. _s-f summary, push marketing is a more aggressive approach that focuses on direct promotion and sales, while pull marketing is a more customer-centric approach that seeks to attract customers through engaging content and a strong brand image. EIOV Brand Equity * Brand equity is the value and reputation that a brand has built up over time. It is the perception that consumers have of a brand and the value that they attach to it. Brand equity is a measure of the brand's strength and the degree to which it can command a premium price or customer loyalty Customer-based brand equity (CBBE) is a model that focuses on how customers perceive and respond to a brand. Itis a measure of the strength of a brand in the mind of the customer, which is based on the customer's experiences and associations with the brand. * The CBBE model emphasizes that the ultimate value of a brand is in the minds of the customers who use it or interact with it. Brand Equity The CBBE model has four main components: and Salience: This refers to the customer's awareness of the brand and how easily it comes to mind when the customer thinks about a particular product category. + Brand Meaning: This refers to the customer's perceptions of the brand's functional and emotional benefits. It includes the attributes, benefits, and values that customers associate with the brand. * Brand Response: This refers to the customer's overall evaluation of the brand and the reactions that the brand elicits from them. It includes attitudes, judgments, and feelings towards the brand. * Brand Resonance: This refers to the customer's level of engagement with the brand and the degree to which the brand creates a strong, loyal relationship with them. It includes behaviors such as repeat purchases, positive word-of-mouth, and brand advocacy. jm! EIOV Brand Equity * In summary, customer-based brand equity is a model that measures the strength of a brand in the mind of the customer. ws * By understanding the components of CBBE, companies can develop strategies to build a strong brand and create customer loyalty. ‘=! EIOV Digital Marketing strategy * Define your goals * Identify your target audience * Conduct a competitive analysis * Choose your digital channels * Develop your messaging * Create a content marketing plan + Measure and analyze results + Continuously optimize i= EIOV 6 Stages of Digital Marketing _2 Planning Stage * Research Stage * Execution Stage * Testing Stage * Optimization Stage + Evaluation Stage

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