V5 Baali Apostates

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Baali Apostates
For V5


W R ITTEN BY: Sebastian Black

A RT DIR ECTOR: Sebastian Black
COV ER A RT: Sebastian Black

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf:
The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:
The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon:
The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and
Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trade- marks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB.
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This is not official WOD Content

Mature Content Warning
For the past several decades, Vampire: The Masquerade has addressed the
darkness in the real world through horror stories: it has talked about AIDS,
capitalist exploitation, sexual predation, the resurgence of far-right political
extremism, religious fanaticism, state and private surveillance, and many other
issues. This version of the game does not shy away from any of the above, and
we believe exploration of subjects like these is as valid in roleplaying games as it
is in other media. Including a problematic subject in a Storytelling game is not
the same as glorifying it, and if you take the chance to explore it critically, it
can be the exact opposite. If we understand the problems facing us, we are
better armed to fight them.
V5 includes in-world references and expressions of the following: sexual
violence, political extremism, physical violence and gore, mind control, torture,
abuse, imprisonment and kidnapping, racism, sexism, and homophobia, to
name a few. It’s a game about monsters.
“Why are you telling me this?” you might be saying.
Someone at your table is not familiar with this game. Someone at your table has
dealt with some of these issues in real life. Someone at your table wants to
know that you read this warning and know you will be considerate to them as
players, while putting their character through the wringer.
In the Appendix, you will find concrete techniques on how to handle difficult
subjects in your game in a manner that is respectful to your players and their
experiences. Calibrate beforehand which techniques your group wants to use.
People have different needs and not every method works for every person.
This is a game about monsters. But it is only a game.
Don’t use it as an excuse to be a monster yourself.


The Lost Clan,

Black Sheep,
The Unholy

Demons in the Dark
It would not be unfair to refer to the Baali as the “Lost Clan”, and yet in the same
measure, it would not be entirely accurate either. The Baali were once regarded as an
aberrant bloodline unfit to bear the title “Clan”, and yet also filled the role of ancient foe
to the Banu Haqim and Salubri respectively. They waged wars of such ferocity and
violence that every victory against them was made pyrrhic. The losses were unimaginable
and if not for the uniting of clans, the Baali might have succeeded in their unknown goals.
Centuries would pass, and many would believe the Demons to be dead, but then,
as sure as the night itself, they would return. In their return they would bring plague and
ruin to all. All up until they were “destroyed” once more. Hunted down and set alight in
the flames of the first Inquisition.
It is no wonder then, that from the ashes of a Second Inquisition the Baali once
more resurface. A threat unknown and not understood by those who have not heeded the
Beckoning. All who were once familiar with their ways following the call to the Gehenna
The Baali in modern nights are a new breed. A Lost Clan, surviving through
infiltration, subterfuge and conversion. The Baali are few in number, but when one settles
in a city, it does not take long before it begins to build its coven anew. Unlike other
Kindred, the Baali cannot simply choose a mortal and Embrace them into the blood. No.
In the case of the Baali, a far more involved and dangerous process is involved. A process
known as the “Re-Embrace”.

The Re-Embrace
How would one begin to describe the Re-Embrace to one unfamiliar? What would
it be to sufficiently recount the horrors of a practice capable of ripping away one’s Clan
itself? What could be told to a newly Embraced Neonate or Shovelhead that can

adequately express what it is to be All Apostates learn that in the
stripped of that last sliver of soul within firmament of creation there were trickles
you through an act of defilement that of life that escaped, this life could not
even the Sabbat in its purest form could perish, nor could it be defined. This life
not tolerate? would enter the imagination of humanity
across time and many would think of
The Re-Embrace is, for lack of a
them as eldritch demons, and no Baali
better term, an act of transubstantiation.
who begins to understands this truth
An act that converts the vitae of Kindred
returns to their former Clan unless with
into the ichor of the Baali’s long-gone
the intent of infiltration and “corruption”,
benefactors. Gone, being the operative
though many perceive their act of
word, as the Children can never truly die.
corruption to be one of “purification” and
The Baali “vitae” is that of the enlightenment.
Children, the same substance that the
Baali progenitors once drank in order to
gain power to match the other Clans. This
vitae can overwrite the memetic legacy of
A Lost Clan
the Antediluvians through the Rite of Many modern Kindred will have
Apostasy, and in doing so the old Clan is never have heard of the Baali, in fact,
shed and a new Baali arises; Re- with the Beckoning and its consequences,
Embraced into the night. there are few old enough to remember
them, or even the stories of them. The
Baali virtually disappeared following the
Witch Hunts War of Princes and the first Inquisition,
most being assumed dead and hunted as
One may wonder why an Apostate would perfect scapegoats to mark a “mission
turn against their former Clan, even if complete” for the hunters of the
they have long been a member of it. The Inquisition. However, with the return of
truth is two-fold: One, those who become the holy crusade, the disappearance of
Apostates are deemed a great threat to the Elders, and a society on the cusp of
clan, often knowing secrets only true Gehenna, it is almost fitting that the Baali
members of the clan can be aware of. would once again surface.
Two, as an Apostate, one hears the voice
And so it is that the Baali are
of those who sleep in the deeper layers of
found anew, no longer a Clan lost in the
darker realities, deeper than the
echoes of time, and no longer are there
Shadowlands and separate to the Abyss
Elders who can tell of their history. So
there are whispers that the Baali cannot
instead, the Baali find infiltration at an
ignore. The simple truth is that becoming
eased resistance, and their enemies
an Apostate is to face enlightenment of
unknowing of their true capabilities until
the greater threats outside our world, and
they are already entrenched within the
that the Clans are merely distractions for
city itself. The Baali are a clan re-
the reality that there are greater concerns
discovering themselves in this modern
than the long-gone grudges of ancestors
world, and the fresh Re-Embraces taken
no longer walking in the world.
from other clans only solidify their
pursuit of newfound freedom and identity

beyond that of their original Embrace.
The uncertainty, discovery and re-
emergence of the Baali is what makes
them “The Lost Clan”.

Heretics in Society
The Baali, like all clans, are
attracted to particular mortals more than
others. The Heretics find the allure of
mortals steeped in corruption, taboo,
exceptional craving and appetites, and the
ability to survive to be almost insatiable.
Whether aware of it or not, they are
drawn to mortals steeped in what they
interpret to be “Sin” and alternative
morality that tests the bounds of social
Their attraction to rebellion of
social norms has led to many Baali
cultivating prospective Brujah Embraces;
and contrarily, their attraction to
corruption can lead them to a Ventrue or
Lasombra prospective who revels in the
power they inflict on others through their
entrenched means. Each prospect has a
purpose and through poaching Embracees
in the moment of their siring they all but
assure that they can take the best of all
clans to make into their own.
The Baali tend to categorise
mortals as either food, fools or fledglings,
and as much as this may deviate, the
general sentiment is never too far away
from their minds. Mortals may fascinate a
Demon, but they will always be larval
until their Embrace, and “incomplete”
until the Re-Embrace touches them.
Ultimately however, as a
consequence of their Sleepers, most Baali
are true nihilists and engage with reality
with little respect for its tenuous rules.

Baali Archetypes
Relic Hunter:
Not all Baali wretch helplessly against the voices of the Sleepers, some seek
answers to the whispers and the visions they experienced as the Rite of Apostasy takes
hold, these Devils seek these answers in forgotten tombs of the world and in black market
auctions trading in only the most esoteric and arcane of artefacts. The relic hunter’s blood
calls them to seek these artefacts of ages before written history, guided by the will of the
Sleepers to unshackle themselves from the age of Caine.

Pagan Devotee:
More than a few Baali have developed access to “True Faith” in a twist of irony,
because the truth is that once you accept the existence of the great Sleepers, then almost
anything can seem possible. The “Pagan” is one whose belief derives from sources older
than Christianity, sources that may pass on their gifts if possessed by one of significant
wisdom. Whatever it is that the whispers speak of, their essence is true and followers
fervent, the devotee is one who has heard their voices and is committed. Mind. Body.

Guiltless Redeemer:
Not all Apostates have given in to the pull of their blood, some fight their urges
and try to overcome the temptations laid before them. Those who do resist and can hold
out often find their purpose in guiding the newly Re-Embraced into developing a resolve
to fight against the most seductive and arcane of instincts. It is in the redeemer that the
Demons find mercy, for if there can be one who holds strong, then why shouldn’t there be

Unholy Crusader:
This Apostate is one committed and faithful, but not in the image of a martyr. The
crusader acts in accordance to their namesake, they assume a cause, hold faith in their
actions, and single-handedly lead the charge to true atrocity the likes of which have not
been seen since the First Baali Wars. The crusader is a combatant and leader, one who
embraces their new nature and indulges in the vices that feed the Sleepers, whether
through intent to keep them resting or if only to have an excuse in indulgence.

Clan Sleeper:
This Baali received the Re-Embrace, and none were any the wiser, not even the
sleeper themselves. Whether as a consequence of Dominate, prolonged conditioning, or
any other means, the Clan sleeper returns to their usual unlives, their original clan
unaware of their new lineage. In time, the sleeper will be needed to enact a conditioned
response and fulfill their role in the schemes of the one that made them. What comes after
is to be determined, but one thing that is certain is that the Lost Clan rarely leave their
own behind.

Orphans Finding Family
If there is any singular truth of the
Baali, it is that they start as few. There is
no Board, no Pyramid, no grand Parlours
where the great Apostates meet and
discuss how their respective plans towards
apocalypse are faring. No, instead as they
reach into this new age and resurface, they
have become something new. Their first
return heralded the spread of the Black
Plague, and this time the Baali have
become a plague within themselves,
infecting others with their tainted blood
until they grow powerful enough to create
more to join them in their Covens.
Coven, that is the term used to
describe a group of Baali, as well as the
term best used to describe their havens.
Covens will be host to infestations and
gore, and yet be secure, warded, with
plenty of escape routes, and an arcane
well. Always a well. Few know why.
The leaders of the Covens, usually
one who has the power and ability to grant
the Re-Embrace, often assume titles that
reflect their goal and aim as a Baali. Some
title themselves Mother or Father,
revelling in the prospect of “creating” a
family of those they corrupt. Those who
wholeheartedly embrace Infernalism may
take the title of “Solomon”, or Saint. A
new title that has begun to circulate in light
of their changes has been “Vector”,
presenting themselves as the “patient zero”
and means of transmission for some
greater plague.
No matter their titles, the Baali do
not remain singular for long, all are driven
to build a Coven and without
knowledgeable Elders to recognise the
taint, we are besieged by Demons.

Disciplines becomes unable to Embrace without
learning the Rite of Apostasy.
As all Baali are taken from other The second effect is that all
clans, each individual will have the Apostates are forever marked with the
original three in-clan Discplines from taint of Infernalism. A Devil is unable to
their first Embrace. Following the Re- hide their aura and will have sinister
Embrace, the newly awoken Apostate green flames lick at its edges, a sight
will gain either Blood Sorcery or strong enough to result in deep distrust
Oblivion as an in-clan Discpline on top of from all who see it, even those who do
their original three. not understand its significance.
Blood Sorcery has a long history
within the Baali, and in truth, many have Clan Compulsion: Tainted
survived for as long as they have through
infiltration among the Tremere’s ranks. A
fact unknown to all others however is that Baali blood calls for the
the fall of Vienna marked the rise of corruption and enlightenment. When
these new Baali. experiencing a clan compulsion, the Baali
Oblivion for the Heretics acts as is overcome by a need to make a
communion between themselves and the Touchstone (their own or someone else’s)
blood that connects them to the Sleepers vividly aware of the supernatural in any
or the Children. Creatures of form. The Baali will suffer a -2 to all
unimaginable power whose very rolls until either the scene ends, or the
existence sits outside of the physical Baali “shatters the illusion” and reveals
realms, and yet their essence is something about their supernatural nature
profoundly felt by the Baali. Through to one otherwise blissfully unaware.
Oblivion, the Unholy tap directly into the
blood of the Sleepers to fuel their infernal
disciplines. Baali Corruption
Bane Above all else, the Baali represent
a breaking down of what is thought of as
The Rite of Apostasy has truth for Kindred society and leaving it
unpredictable effects upon Kindred, most with the taint of something eldritch and
notable of which is the erasure of their unknowable. All Baali develop
original Clan Bane, at least in most cases. manifestations of disciplines that deviate
In exchange however, they develop new due to their nature, and upon their Re-
weaknesses. In the moment of Re- Embrace, many find access to corruptions
Embrace, the Baali develops a Folkloric of ordinary Disciplines afforded to other
Bane or Block, one whose severity Kindred. This newfound power often
increases alongside Blood Potency (at a comes at great cost.
minimum of 1).
In addition, there are two more
after-effects, the first is that the Apostate

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Baali Disciplines
Bond Famulus special condition: All Baali are able to create a famulus out of a swarm
without the need for Unliving Hive. This swarm will consist of insects and other small
pests such as mosquitoes, mites, fleas, etc.

Level 2
Command the Swarm
Amalgam: Oblivion 1
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animalism; Wits + Oblivion
A corruption of Feral Whispers, the essence of the Baali invites rot, decay and
creatures that feast upon such things. This power calls insects, vermin and pests of all
varieties to them and allow for two-way communication. Insects in particular will find
themselves compelled to listen to the Kindred. In addition, whilst using this power the
Baali will be able to determine the direction and distance of any creatures that have fed
from their vitae whilst using this power.
Cost: One rouse check; Free for Bond Famulus swarm.
System: Simple communication needs no roll, but convincing creatures to act on the
Kindred’s behalf will require a Difficulty 3 roll. The creatures summoned by Foul Swarm
will not distract or fight others, and are unwilling to put their lives on the line. Tracking
one of the creatures that partook in your vitae requires a Wits + Oblivion roll at difficulty
Duration: A single scene; or sequence if tracking is involved.

Vectorial Parasitism
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 1
Pre-Requisite: Bond Famulus
Dice Pool: Resolve + Animalism
To the Baali there is no greater danger than detection and in order to survive they
must maintain a Masquerade of deeper degrees than most other Kindred, especially when
it comes to feeding. Some Baali have developed the means to sustain themselves of the
blood collected by their bound swarm at the cost of the swarm itself.
Cost: Free
System: The Baali’s swarm will progressively collect blood throughout their nights and

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retain it within them as they ordinarily would. When they are summoned for Vectorial
Parasitism, the swarm will go to the Baali calling them, collecting as much blood as
possible. The Baali makes a Resolve + Animalism roll at difficulty 3 and on a success, the
insects will rush to be consumed as the user opens their mouth. Upon successful
consumption, the Bond Famulus swarm will perish and the Kindred will satiate 1 hunger
on a regular success and 2 hunger on a critical success. This blood will not be counted as
animal blood for the sake of potency.
Upon completion of the Vectorial Parasitism, the Kindred can expel the remains of their
swarm – these remains, if given vitae, will create a spawning pool for a new Bond
Famulus swarm. However, the new swarm will take at least one to two weeks to hatch
after granted vitae.
Optionally: The user of Vectorial Parasitism may sate additional hunger at a rate of 1
hunger to every 3 successes. A critical win resulting in either double the blood received,
or enough of the swarm surviving the ordeal to not be lost at its end.
Duration: A single scene; or night (depending on the distribution of the swarm).

Level 5
Plaguebearer’s Curse
Amalgam: Oblivion 3
Dice Pool: Stamina + Oblivion vs Stamina + Occult/Fortitude
A vengeful power brought about through desperation and a desire to punish the
Kindred of a city. The Plaguebearer’s Curse calls upon the potent vitae of the Baali still
within all creatures that have supped upon it, and triggers a chain reaction of bile and
corruption to overflow wherever they may be. All animals, insects and mortals who have
consumed the vitae of the user of this Discipline become deathly ill. Kindred who feed
from, or have fed from these vessels and still have remnants of the vitae within their
system will also suffer from the illness it creates as black veins mark the flesh of all
Cost: Two Rouse Checks.
System: The Baali makes their rouse checks and calls upon their potent vitae within all
who have consumed it, directly and indirectly. Upon activation the user rolls Stamina +
Oblivion as they make their call at a base difficulty of 6. If successful all the afflicted roll
Stamina + Occult (or Fortitude if it is higher) against the user’s original successes. If
failing, all mortal and animal targets take an immediate two points of Aggravated Health
Damage in addition to Aggravated Willpower damage equal to the margin between the
user’s successes and their own.
If this difference results in the complete depletion of a target’s willpower, that target will
attack others around them until death attempting to infect them with the plague

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that now courses throughout them. Those attacked by victims of this power then make a
resisted roll of Stamina + Occult at difficulty 3 or must make a contested roll against the
user’s initial successes and then suffer its effects.
A Kindred or other supernatural who has the Baali’s vitae within them also makes a
contested roll. A failure on this roll results in the individual expending hunger/rage/etc at
twice the ordinary rate until they reach their maximum. The effect of this will not leave
until the individual reaches their maximum.
If an attempted victim either succeeds in resisting the effects of the Plaguebearer’s Curse
or endures its effects but survives, they are rendered immune to all further attempts of its
use and receive a + 2 to all future dice pools to resist the effects of Disciplines and
Bonding properties related to the user’s vitae for the remaining Chronicle.
Duration: Activation takes one scene; the plague is ongoing until resolved.

Level 1
Sense the Sin
Amalgam: Oblivion 1
Dice Pool: Wits + Auspex vs Resolve + Subterfuge
One of the keenest edges of the Baali, Sense the Sin taps into and identifies
another’s greatest motivations, drives and temptations, laying all to bare. Whilst this
power does not compel an individual to act upon anything, it does give its user the
opportunity to pinpoint potential weakness.
Cost: Free
System: The user rolls Wits + Auspex vs the target’s Resolve + Subterfuge, on a success,
the user can sense details surrounding one of the target’s convictions and a temptation
they hold that would involve breaking that conviction. The user does not get the details of
the conviction word-for-word, but instead senses an impression of the sentiment of said
A critical win will provide the conviction the target is most likely to break, word-for-
word. A failure will result in no information being able to be scoured.
Duration: One scene

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Level 2
Confessional Bliss
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dominate vs Resolve + Subterfuge
A power thought to be derived from the Malkavian lines of the Apostates,
Confessional Bliss acts in the form of simple conversation, and throughout the
conversation a target will become more and more inclined to speak personally of
themselves until eventually reaching a pinnacle point of making an unintended disclosure
of one of their closest secrets. This secret may be an embarrassing memory, or a truly
damning confession of guilt to crime. The difference lies in how many secrets the target
in question holds.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user must speak to a target, uninterrupted for over the period of a scene,
during which they make a rouse check and roll their Manipulation + Dominate against the
target’s Resolve + Subterfuge. On a success, the target will be unaware of undue
influence and unintendedly disclose a personal secret; on a critical win, the target will
disclose a personal secret that they feel dangerous for others to know.
On a failure, or if the target successfully resists, they become suspicious of undue
influence on your part and will not disclose anything that they do not intend to.
Duration: One Scene

Level 4
Diabolic Lure
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2; Presence 1
Dice Pool: Resolve + Dominate vs Intelligence + Resolve
A spiteful power employed by Baali intent on causing great personal suffering to
another Kindred and to test their ability to retain their humanity. Through the Diabolic
Lure, an Apostate will direct paranoia and mistrust within the target towards those closest
to them, namely, their own Touchstones. The consequences to this action can result in
either the harm or death of Touchstones at the hand of the target in question as they are
overcome with irrational rage, jealousy, or other feelings that lead to the harm of the
Touchstone in question.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user must lock eyes with the target, make the rouse check and roll Resolve +
Dominate vs the target’s Intelligence + Resolve. Over a period of a scene the user fills the

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target’s mind with doubts and prods at insecurities until the target is worked up. The
target will then interact with their Touchstone(s) from a place of mistrust and hostility,
leading to a confrontation that will result in Stains taken – however that may look.
On a critical win, the user may convince the target that they have no other choice but to
end the life of their Touchstone, or even Embrace them. Such an action will result in
Stains for the target, or a presumed loss of humanity for the target unless intervention
On a failure, or successful resistance by the target, the target becomes aware of the
attempt and influence.
Duration: One scene

Level 3
Sin-Eater’s Torment
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2
Pre-Requisite: Folkloric Bane that inflicts damage
Dice Pool: Composure + Fortitude vs Composure + Occult
As with all clans, the Baali have many traditions and habits that they engage in
that not all recognise or understand in the moment that that is what they are doing, the
Sin-Eater’s Torment however is a power derived from a tradition of self-flagellation, and
the wilful engagement of one’s Folkloric Bane as a means of transcendent pain. The Sin-
Eater’s Torment specifically provides a means of enacting that pain onto others to an
equal capacity as they themselves have experienced.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user of this power either harms themselves, or is harmed by another, in the
specific method related to the Folkloric Bane they have assumed as part of their new
“Clan Bane”. The user can then target an individual within unassisted eyeline and roll
their Composure + Fortitude against the target’s Composure + Occult, on a success the
target immediately takes damage equal to the unhealed damage currently inflicted upon
the user from their Bane. In addition, the target will experience the same Folkloric Bane at
the same level for the period of a scene.
On a critical win, the target will experience the user’s Folkloric Bane for the remainder of
the story.
Duration: Single scene; Story (on a critical win)

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Level 2
Conceal the Sin
Amalgam: Oblivion 1
Dice Pool: Composure + Obfuscate
One of the more basic arts of the Apostate that wishes to survive detection is the
art of concealing aspects of one’s aura from “would-be psychic investigators”, overly
inquisitive Toreador, and all too savvy Malkavians. This power develops a means of
protection against having one’s aura read, however it is not done through a hiding of aura
as much as it is granting its user the ability to “flood” others’ extrasensory perceptions.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user rolls only when their aura is being targeted/read by another. The user
rolls Composure + Obfuscate at a difficulty equal to the Auspex rating of the one
targeting them. On a success, the user can add either their Obfuscate or Oblivion rating
(whichever is highest) to the roll to resist having their aura read. If successfully resisted,
the user can then choose to have their aura project a number of overwhelming emotions,
states or conditions to the reader.
On a critical win to resist, the one attempting to sense the user’s aura will become
overwhelmed by what they see, and thus reveal themselves and their intent to the user
through their reaction to the overwhelming of their senses.

Level 4
Hive of Hidden Sin
Amalgam: Oblivion 2
Dice Pool: Wits + Obfuscate
It is no secret to Elders of times past that the only haven full of horrors enough to
rival the those of the Tremere or Tzimisce are that of the Apostates. Their connection to
the Sleepers necessitates this, it requires gore and a brand of pestilence to such a great
capacity as to appease their appetites. Whether the Sleepers exist or not matters far less to
those exploring a Baali’s haven however, and through the Hive of Hidden Sin, many
never do learn the truth of these havens. This power creates a sensory filter for those
entering the Apostate’s haven to conceal the horrors within.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user makes a roll of Wits + Obfuscate at a Difficulty of 3 + dots in their
Haven. On a success, the power creates a mental filter that results in observers being

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unable to see the reality of the horrors of the haven unless they can pass a Wits +
Awareness roll equal to the user’s total successes (only if Sense the Unseen is activated).
The Hive of Hidden Sin can conceal individual rooms, and even entire sections of a house
from the perception of others.
On a critical win, the concealment within the haven will last for a period of week equal to
the user’s Obfuscate rating.
Duration: One scene.

Level 4
Cambion’s Strike
Amalgam: Oblivion 2
Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl
Said to be a gift handed down from the Infernalists of Carthage, the Cambion’s
Strike is an attack not on the body, but on the soul, and grants the more martially inclined
Demons to find means of attacking their enemies in ways that make their capture for Re-
Embrace go through smoothly.
Cost: One Rouse Check and One Superficial Willpower
System: When the user pays the cost and activates Cambion’s Strike, it will remain active
for the remainder of a scene. Following activation, this power renders the user’s Strength
+ Brawl rolls as something that do not cause physical damage to others, instead, they
cause Willpower damage equal to total successes over the target’s defensive rolls, divided
by 2 (to a minimum of 1). This damage is inflicted as superficial Willpower damage;
however, this power does allow for that to roll over into Aggravated once trackers fill.
Duration: One scene.

Level 3
Amalgam: Oblivion 2
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence vs target’s unused Willpower
This discipline reaches into the Demon’s innate connection to the sins of others in

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order to assault their conscience and humanity. A power designed to wear down
their targets in ways that challenge their sense of self and invite weakness into the
convictions of those they seek to corrupt.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The user makes a rouse check and rolls their Manipulation + Presence against
the target’s unused Willpower, on a success, if the target currently has Stains to their
Humanity, they are compelled to make their Humanity roll immediately to determine
whether their conscience is kept.
On a critical win, the difficulty of this roll is set equal to the margin of successes of the
user of Psychomachia (i, e., the user rolls a critical success of 5 vs their target’s 3 – the
Humanity/Conscience roll is thus made at a difficulty of 2).
If used against a mortal, the mortal will receive a penalty equal to the user’s Oblivion
rating to all Mental and Social tests for the remainder of the scene.
Duration: One scene.

Blood Sorcery
Level 5
Balefire Blood
Amalgam: Oblivion 3
Dice Pool: Stamina + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Occult/Fortitude
Calling upon the vilest of blood, this power was developed by a Banu Haqim
Apostate in pursuit of creating an ends to the famed Al-Ashrad. While he did not succeed,
the Balefire Blood persists in the most powerful sorcerers who follow in his legacy. The
Balefire Blood transmogrifies the vitae within a Kindred’s own body into a thick, waxy
substance that burns with the heat of irradiated flame and poison.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The caster makes a Stamina + Blood Sorcery roll (difficulty 6) on a success, the
caster’s body will take one point of superficial damage as their skin begins to split and the
sap-like ooze of balefire begins to drip and continue to take superficial damage per round
that Balefire Blood is active. Any who damage the caster in either Brawl or Melee range
must make a resisted roll of Stamina + Occult (or Fortitude) against the caster’s intial roll
and take immediate Aggravated damage equal to the margin of difference at the end of
their attack. Alternatively, the user can roll Dexterity + Athletics to throw the substance at
others within closer range which will deal Aggravated damage equal to the margin of
successes on a Stamina + Blood Sorcery (initial roll) vs Stamina Occult (or Fortitude) roll.
A critical success in casting Balefire Blood results in the flames of the substance

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triggering immediate Rötschreck tests amongst Kindred exposed, equal to a difficulty 5

Blood Sorcery Rituals

Level 5
Infernal Concordance
Amalgam: Protean 3
Dice Pool: Resolve + Blood Sorcery
A ritual of origins as infernal as the beings that it calls upon. This ritual was the
work of Baali during the Baali Wars to grant them an edge against the Clans through
circumventing their vampiric limitations by calling upon the blood of the Sleepers within
their bodies and activating its latent potential. Few forget the image of the Infernal
Concordance once seeing it – few forget the night they see a Demon in their truest skin.
Cost: Two Rouse Checks
System: The caster makes the ritual roll at difficulty 6, upon a success, for the remainder
of the night the Baali takes a form imbued by “gifts” from their demonic masters. The
caster can only take on one of these gifts upon a success, or two upon a critical success.
Examples of these gifts may include:
• An immunity to fire which further prevents fire-based Rötschreck tests.
• A demonic form that causes all Brawl rolls to be unhalved superficial damage and
increasing physical stats by +2
• Infernal wings, allowing for flight using Dexterity + Blood Sorcery rolls for
• A servant of the Sleepers that inhabits the caster’s shadow (stats comparable to a
Spectre or Werewolf from the V5 Corebook).
Or, in extreme cases:
• To sacrifice their unlife and in exchange create a swarm of parasites from their
body that will enact the Re-Embrace of any Kindred that fail a contested roll of
Resolve + Occult vs Humanity or Willpower (whichever is higher) minus the
caster’s Blood Potency.

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Level 3
Black Conflagration
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Oblivion
One of the more physically devastating powers developed by the Baali, utilising
unholy black flame for the destruction of others. The Black Conflagration is an art that
calls forth a cold, black flame within one’s hand to be flung at another; the essence of
which is pure corruption and using this discipline in itself wears as much upon its users as
their enemies.
Cost: One rouse check (a failure on a rouse check results in an immediate Stain) and one
superficial willpower.
System: The user pays the cost to create the flame in their hand and may then throw the
flame as if it were a ranged object at a target that they can see. The target must make a roll
to dodge. If the caster is successful, the target immediately takes one Aggravated damage
and one superficial Willpower damage. The flame may then either be maintained each
turn by the caster to continue to damage the target through a rouse check, or the target
may attempt to snuff out the flame with a successful Stamina + Occult roll (difficulty =
caster Oblivion rating).
On a critical success, the caster recovers Willpower equal to the cost used in creating the
flame, and the target takes an additional superficial Willpower damage to the ordinary
In addition, if a Kindred is cast into Torpor as a result of the Black Conflagration, they
immediate lose one Humanity, as something else creeps into their being.

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The Rite of Apostasy
The Rite of Apostasy
The Re-Embrace is what defines the modern Baali, the process, or undertaking,
that results in the Re-Embrace however, is referred to as the Rite of Apostasy and all who
survive the ordeal become Apostates in new blood.
The process itself does not alter the personality of the Apostates, however the it
does result in the connection to creatures that whisper and bargain within their own mind,
showing them truths that become impossible to deny, and whether a product of madness
or enlightenment, the voices cannot be quelled.
The Rite of Apostasy requires a Well of Sacrifice – a well crafted through masters
of Blood Sorcery and Oblivion (often the Coven leader), and taps into planes of reality
connected directly to “The First Children”, the “Sleepers”, the “Demons” and any other
epithet assigned to the creatures that all Baali vitae can be traced back to. The Well of
Sacrifice requires blood, innocent blood, to function, and within a Devil’s Hive it will
provide the Baali with a +2 bonus to all interactions with demonic and otherworldly
entities that they entreat with. It must be treated with the sacrifice of an innocent human
once every six months to be maintained, and the provision of vitae from its caretaker
The Rite of Apostasy will differ between Baali Hives, and some will involve more
ritual than others, however there are some consistencies:
• The Embracee must be bound, conscious and not within Torpor.
• The Baali committing the Re-Embrace must engulf the Embracee in a bath of
their own vitae whilst communing with creatures from deep within the well.
• The life of a loved one to the Embracee must be taken and their remains
thrown down the well as the Embracee watches.
• The Embracee must be thrown into the Well of Sacrifice after their loved one.
• The newly born Apostate will emerge from the Well after one week of time if
successful. If unsuccessful, none shall emerge from the Well.
• The only two possible outcomes for a victim of the Rite of Apostasy are Re-
Embrace or Final Death.
For the process of the Rite of Apostasy, the lead Vector/Solomon/etc must make a
roll of their total Resolve + Occult rating against the target’s total Humanity or Willpower
(whichever is higher) minus the caster’s Blood Potency. If the Rite is a success, the
following options occur based on the margin of success of the caster:
• One Success: The Kindred becomes a Baali, and have an aura forever tainted
with the obvious marks of Diablerie.
• Two Successes: The process was successful, though the Kindred develops an
unexpected Folkloric Block in addition to the usual Folkloric Bane.
• Three Successes: The process was successful and the Apostate can redistribute
their Discipline powers and dots as their new powers settle.

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• Four Successes: The process was successful and the Apostate can not only
redistribute their Discipline dots and powers but gains an additional dot to place in
their new In-Clan Discipline.
• Five or more Successes: The new Apostate is not only able to gain the benefit
from four successes, but in addition, the Baali increases their Blood Potency by 1
as their Generation is also lowered by 1.

In the case of PC Apostates, the pre-requisite for performing the Rite of Apostasy
is a minimum of Occult 3 or Blood Sorcery 3 or Oblivion 3 and a five-dot Merit titled
“Rite of Apostasy”. The nature of the Re-Embrace means that there is a great deal of
investment involved. Regardless of the chosen methods, the Re-Embrace takes at least a
week to perform and limitations on how often the process can be performed are up to ST
discretion. It is recommended that the process only be possible for one Apostate to
perform once every three months as the communion with creatures of the Outer Dark is a
spiritually taxing process and may even inflict Aggravated Willpower damage on the
caster to reflect this.

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Baali Apostates
For V5
This supplement contains:
• Re-imagining of the Baali for V5
focusing on the “Re-Embrace”
• The place of the Baali in V5 and
modernising their role
• Baali archetypes for the modern world
• New Bane and Discipline spread for the
• Baali Amalgam Discipline Powers
• Rules for Re-Embrace

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