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“Thomas where are you!? You worthless brown noser!” detonation did damage a good portion of the tomb, but
Katarina called out. She knew he would be skulking the sanctum was his.
about her haven somewhere, but the family tomb she
“Cold hearted bitch, am I? Ohh Thomas, you have no
had decided to call home was large and contained
idea.” A chill went down his spine as he turned to see
several generations of an all but extinct dynasty of
his former master walk out of the dust and flames, one
arm missing and eyes blazing with ethereal energy as
Her latest ritual had failed, and the Beast was clawing Katarina began to chant.
at the back of her mind. None of this was Thomas’s
The tomb rumbled and cracks started to form on the
fault of course but that did not matter. He was a poor
remaining marble graves. Grasping hands burst through
disciple at best, and she could always find another if
the ground and walls. Clawing, dragging, and ripping
rage or hunger got the better of her.
the last few thralls Thomas possessed. There was
“THOMAS! You better make yourself known or nothing now between him and the raging Kindred.
I’ll….” The words trailed off as she came across several
Dropping to his knees Thomas took out a skull he
marble graves cracked open; their denizens gone. This
prepared earlier. “No, you wouldn’t dare!” Katarina
made her blood boil, the corpses interred were meant to
called out as she advanced upon her former student.
be used as a last line of defense were the haven ever
Reciting an ancient mantra Thomas cracked the skull,
letting its pieces tumble to the ground.
“Welcome home mistress.” Thomas appeared from
An ethereal wind began to howl and grave ash
around the corner. “I am sorry for my impudence, but I
obscured sight. Thomas, and a good portion of the
was indisposed preparing the sanctum for your return.”
tomb, was sucked into the realm beyond with a
he said with a smirk. A smirk? Katarina thought. That
resounding crack, leaving the bewildered Katarina to
was unlike him. Her errant student was a competent
be buried under the rubble of her own haven.
bookworm at best, but a confident practitioner he was
not. As she awoke the following evening and clawed her
way out from underneath the rubble Katarina
“Please embrace the mistress and show her our
pondered the previous night’s events. Thomas had been
hospitality.” With those words dozens of shambling
an adept study of the Path of Bones, so his creative use
corpses came into view and advanced upon Katarina.
of undead minions was to be expected, but to have been
“Ohh, you ungrateful little shit! I’ll drain you dry for able to tear a rent to the Shadowlands… That was
your insolence!” Nails elongated into vicious claws, something else entirely. She had been outplayed and
and she struck out, ripping the head off the first needed to know how. Was he always this talented but
reanimated corpse that came into range. How long has somehow hid it from her? Did he have a secret
it been since she truly let her bestial side out? Too long, benefactor? Did he make a pact with a Wraith? No, all
she decided and in a display of grotesque violence of those she would have uncovered by now, what then?
ripped through the horde of corpses, cutting a gore-
Mortality! That was the answer! It was his mortality
soaked path towards her former student.
that gave him an edge. Katarina was a daughter of
As a claw slammed into the chest of one of the last Caine. She was blessed with powers, beyond mortal
thralls between her and Thomas, she struck something grasp, and immortality. The Necromantic arts came
metallic and paused. Seeing her former pupil smirk, she easy to her, and she had all of eternity to master them.
realized the trap too late. An explosion billowed out of But Thomas? He was a mortal. He might have been
the corpse, immolating its surroundings, and knocking under her tutelage for only a decade or two, but his
her back, with enough force that she cracked the stone time was running out. He needed to succeed or die
wall behind her. trying. That made him desperate, that made him
dangerous and that allowed him to succeed. Mortal
“You always were a cold-hearted bitch. I am glad I
desperation breeds results.
was able to warm your soul before sending you to hell.”
Thomas celebrated in his victory. It had taken him “Interesting. I’m almost proud.” She whispered into the
months of planning and lies to prepare the trap. The night.

Credits Special Thanks
Written By: Peter Vulic Kirra-lee Huber (original playtest team and
Developed By: Peter Vulic supportive partner, without who, none of this
Edited By: Peter Vulic would have been possible)
Stephen Leckie (editorial assistance)
Mike Minford (editorial assistance)
Riot Of The Blood Cast (critical feedback)


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How to Use the Document 5

Necromancy 7
Path Of Spirits 11
Path Of Bones 19
Path Of Ashes 26
Path Of Death 34
Path Of Twilight 39
Path Of Skulls 42
Wraiths 45
Undead Constructs 48
The Shadowlands 52

How to use this Document? Tag: All abilities are given a tag. A tag
describes what sort of medium the power uses.
The document should be read just like any other Only those capable of perceiving reality under that
World of Darkness book. You will need the core V5 tag can pick up on its use and even then, it might be
rulebook to understand most of its rules. On the beyond their scope to do so. If a creature is resilient,
following pages you will find rules for Necromancy. to a single tag the power possesses, but not the
This includes a re-write of its old powers as well as other then it can still be affected as per normal. A
special and optional rules to improve your gameplay single power usually will have more than one tag:
experience. ▪ Physical: uses and functions through sound,
The powers have been written in a way that is sight, smell, taste, and/or touch.
hopefully clearer than what the main rulebook ▪ Mental: uses and functions through the use of
provides. telepathy or simply in the mind of the creature.
▪ Spiritual: uses the connection through the
Please read the segments on the current and Umbra (or spiritual energy) to function.
following page for a better understanding of how to
use the document. Range & Targets: Describes the range of the
power and how many individuals it impacts. This
The Breakdown will not always be a physically determined range but
can be categorized as Vocal, Visual or Scent range,
Each power is broken up into the following meaning the range extends to how far a character
segments: can see, smell or how many people can hear him.
Description: a quick summary of the power, Conditions: Describes what conditions must be
including some additional information for how it met for the power to work.
functions, impacts the user and what its
effects actually are. The description is generally Risk: Advises primarily how easily another
broken down into italicized text and normal text. individual can perceive the use of this power and
The italicized text is meant more as an how likely it is. This is primarily meant to give the
in-story description of the power or its origins while player an understanding of the risks involved when
the normal text actually advises you on its effects. using this power in public.

Type: All powers have a type attributed to them. Cost: Tells the player what cost must be paid for
These are: the power’s activation.

▪ Abilities: requires the user to actively Test: Advises what test a player must pass for the
deviate that they are using this power. power to activate. The test difficulty will always be a
▪ Reflexive: the ability only becomes number in a bracket ( ). As long as the result is
available if the right circumstance presents equalled or exceeded the power activates. In
themselves during which point a player may circumstances where no test or value is provided the
declare that they are activating the power. power activates automatically.
▪ Upgrade: these powers augment or
permanently enhance the user. They have no Resistance Roll: Describes what values the target
cost and are always active. uses in order to attempt to resist the powers effects
▪ Ritual: these powers require a character's (if any). The difficulty for the Resistance Roll is
attention, ingredients and, usually, a either a pre-determined value ( ) or is simply made
prolonged period of time to perform properly
against the users test result.
but their effects are generally, long lasting and
powerful. Duration: Advises how long the power
remains active for or rather how long its effects
remain active.

Values The last two will be new for most players as these
additions do not feature in the main rulebook.
Many of the powers written here will provide you A discipline Bonus is granted to any user of the
with a distance and duration which is slightly ability and generally grows more powerful the more
different from the main book which uses a more dots the player invests in that discipline. The Bonus
open system of play. Treat these more as guidelines is generally a passive one or it augments the powers
to give you a better understanding of the extent of in the Discipline further.
each power and its effects.
A discipline Bane is the inherent danger which
Distance and weight will always be provided in comes from using the discipline. These can vary but
metric followed by imperial measurements in the one rule they all share is that a discipline Bane
brackets. Both are rounded up or down to the only affects those users and clans who do not
closest round number for ease of gameplay. naturally have access to the Discipline to begin with
Duration is always provided in normal time and as part of their Clan (or bloodline) inherent abilities.
game time. Normal time being hours, days, weeks For example, Dominate is a discipline which several
etc. and game time being provided in Actions, clans have access to. So Ventrue and Tremere
Rounds, Scenes and Sessions. Normal time will characters will outright ignore the discipline bane
always be provided in brackets next to Game time. for Dominate. However, a Gangrel who gained
Just like distances these are meant to provide a access to Dominate (by either being taught or as
guideline more than an actual hard rule and are part of their Predator Type) will always be impacted
meant for ease of gameplay. by the discipline Bane as it is not a power his Clan is
naturally accustomed to.
Enhanced Mortals
In either event discipline Banes & Bonuses are
You might often encounter the phrase Enhanced optional rules and most powers work just as easily
Mortal. This is simply a tag given to all creatures without their implementation. So, if you feel like
who are mostly human (or a normal animal) but had they would slow your game feel free to disregard
been altered by scientific or supernatural means to them.
be stronger, faster or more resilient than general
mortals. Ghouls, Flesh Creations, Zombies, Thin- Cainite Sorcery
Bloods, Kinfolk etc. can all be considered Enhanced
Mortals. In the current version of the V5 rule set there is
only a single form of Sorcery, referred to as Blood
LARP Friendly Sorcery. In the remastered books all forms of
Kindred sorcery are referred to as Cainite Sorcery
Some abilities can be somewhat difficult to instead and these are split into several variations.
represent in a Live Action Role Play The rules provided are meant to keep each form of
(LARP) setting. Due to this the author had Cainite Sorcery separate from the others, but you
added a symbol of an ankh (such as the can still use the umbrella term of Blood Sorcery for
one on the right) to all powers which he your games and include them all under the single
personally considers to NOT be LARP friendly. category if you wish.
This is simply the authors personal preference and if
you feel like a power can enrich your gaming
experience than by all means use it.
Clans With Access to
Banes & Bonuses Necromancy:
Before you get into the full explanation of each
power there will be a page which explains the nature
of the discipline at length, how it works, its bonuses
and its banes.

Necromancy is the art of communing, manipulating, Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path Rating
and dominating the dead through the powers of the
blood. Its rituals often take place on sites rich with Necromancy Explained
deathly energies, such as graveyards, burial mounds,
basilicas, tombs, old battlefields and so on. Necromancy is the art of manipulating the dead. It’s
font of power springs from the Shadowlands (the
Necromancers seek to understand and gain World Of Darkness equivalent to the Underworld)
dominion over the dead. They are not all and grants its user unrivalled dominion over its
megalomaniacs, although the powers they gain, denizens.
through necromantic rituals, can become
intoxicating. Most practitioners adopt one of the Necromancy, even more so than other forms of
many paths of Necromancy for practicality, at least Cainite Sorcery, is incredibly reliant on the spiritual
at the start. energies of the world around them. Its rituals often
need to be undertaken in areas where the barrier
Kindred do not age, so they inevitably see their between the Shadowlands and the physical world is
mortal family, friends and lovers grow old and die. weak.
As years come and go the vampire might be
tempted to speak to the departed spirit of their The effects of Necromancy vary from path to path.
loved one, if only to bask in their presence one Most of its rituals deal directly with spirits and are
more time. Necromancy offers this possibility. completely hidden from mortal eyes. Others can
raise corpses to do the necromancers bidding and
As the new student progresses through his can quickly cause widescale panic.
experimentation, he starts to interact and barter
with undead entities and might even take his first Necromancy is a sorcery that generally targets
careful steps into the Shadowlands themselves. undead spirits, corpses, or the user himself. Due to
this there are few Resistance Rolls against its effects.
As he gains access to more occult knowledge and
his powers over the deathly energies grows, his
Beast soon takes note. The Necromancers outlook
begins to change. No longer is he interested in Each necromantic ritual is categorized into its own
reconnecting with a loved one, now he seeks to path. The user generally has 6 slots on his character
summon servants to his side. No longer is he sheet for the different Disciplines that will become
interested in the mewling of lost Wraiths, only the available to them, each with the ability to choose up
occult knowledge he can extract from them. No to 5 powers from the chosen discipline.
longer does he use his powers to bring balance
between the living and the dead, instead he only Each Necromantic Path behaves like its own
seeks to dominate both. Discipline and so takes up a single slot. Unless
stated differently a character can only dedicate one
Not every Necromancer will follow such a dark slot to Necromancy so they will generally be stuck
path, but the involvement of their Beast certainly with the path they initially choose.
makes it a likely outcome.

True Necromancy
Necromancy often gets a bad reputation due to its prevalence as an “evil” sorcery in modern media. In
reality, Necromancy is simply the belief and practice of communing with the dead for various spiritual
reasons. This book does not seek to vilify it further and the version of Necromancy presented here is
considered perverted by the power of the Beast in terms of lore.

Path Rating Obtaining Necromancy
The test roll for successfully manifesting a Rituals in necromancy can be obtained, story wise,
Necromantic ritual is somewhat unique. Its value is in one of three ways.
the users highest path rating + the ritual path rating.
Let’s break this down to make it easier. Either the Necromancer is already pre-established
during character creation and his progression is
Path Rating: Your Path Rating is equal to the simply down to trial and error.
highest-level ritual you posseses in a given path.
A user is taught Necromancy by someone else with
Highest Path Rating: If a user has access to prior knowledge on its secrets.
several different Necromantic paths, then the
Highest Path rating is always equal to the highest- Or the user has access to the Oblivion discipline
level ritual the user possesses in any of their chosen and naturally develops it as a side effect of its
Necromantic paths. powers (usually when he takes the 3rd dot in that
Ritual Path Rating: Is equal to the highest-level
ritual a user has in a path to which the ritual, he is Unlike other disciplines, characters cannot gain
attempting to manifest, falls under. Note that when access to Necromancy through diablery.
it comes to users who only have access to a single When purchasing Necromantic rituals, the rules are
path their test can be simplified as Path Rating x 2 slightly modified again. The value of the ritual is
as the Highest Path Rating and Ritual Path Rating always based on its level and not the number of
will always be the same in those circumstances. rituals the character already possesses. This means
Examples: Let’s take user A, B and C. its value is usually X times 3 xp, with X being equal
to the level of the ritual the character wishes to
User A knows 5 rituals and has access to a single purchase. However, to purchase a ritual the
path. Three of the rituals are level 1, and two are character still needs to have as many dots in the
level 2. As he has access to a single path his Highest path, the ritual originated from, as is the ritual level
Path Rating and Ritual Path Rating will be the same (just like any other discipline).
and equal 2 as his highest-level ritual is 2.

User B knows 3 rituals and has access to a single

Occult Knowledge
path. He knows one ritual at level 1, one ritual at Necromancy must be studied and taught if the user
level 2 and one ritual at level 3. As he has access to a has any hope of success. Due to this a Necromancer
single path his Highest Path Rating and Ritual Path can only use those necromantic rituals whose Level
Rating will be the same, but as his highest-level is equal to, or lower, than his occult rating. This will
ritual is 3, his Path rating will be 3 as well. be represented on every ritual as part of that Rituals
User C has access to 3 paths and knows several conditions.
rituals from each. He knows three level 1 rituals
from the first path. Two rituals from the second
path, one at Level 1 and one at Level 2 respectfully.
Finally, he knows four rituals from the third path,
with one ritual for each level, his highest being 4.
He is attempting to manifest a ritual from the first
path. In this instance his Highest Path Rating would
be 4 (his highest overall ritual level) and his Ritual
Path Rating would be 1 (his highest ritual level from
the first path, the one the ritual belongs to).

Unlike other Cainite sorceries, Necromancy is not In game terms a single vial of plasm can be used to
overly reliant on Kindred vitae. Blood is often a substitute a single Rouse Check in a necromantic
component but it need not be Kindred vitae. This ritual.
means that certain mortals, with an affinity for the Crystalized plasm is even rarer and can only be
dead, can also use Necromancy. Sadly, they will found in the Shadowlands as a light blue crystal. It
inevitably struggle as the Shadowlands are deadly to can be brough over to the physical world where it
the living and mortal frailty will limit their studies. remains stable with its only quirk being that it
interfers with the normal function of technology
However their relationship with the Necromantic (this interpertation is left to the Storyteller).
arts will also differ greatly. Mortal Necromancers In game terms a single crystal of solidified plasm
still have a spark of life which the spirits of the dead can be used in a ritual to automatically pass its
envy. They can barter away their memories and requiered test roll (by its minimum value).
experiences or even offer their body up for
possession, which is something Kindred find hard
to do. In some rare instances some Mortals might
even surpass their Cainite counterparts. Unlike
Kindred, Mortal Necromancers know their time is
limited and their subcoincous fear of their own Quick Fact Sheet
death drives them to master the arts of Necromancy
Key Test = Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
more fully than any Vampire.
Rule wise, mortals do not have the benfit of being If the user follows a single Path then his Key
able to Rouse their vitae as Cainites do, and must Test = 2 x Path Rating
instead sacrifice some of their own blood. This is Path Rating = Highest Ritual level in a given
represented by Mortal Necromancers suffering two Path.
points of Superficial Health Damage, for each
Highest Path Rating = The highest ritual level
Rouse check requiered.
across all your Paths.
Additionally, mortal necromancers can only use
powers that have the Ritual type. They cannot make Ritual Path Rating = The Path Rating of the
use of powers categorized as Abilities or Upgrades. Path that the ritual belongs to.

Otherwise, there are no hard and fast rules when it Obtaining Necromancy: You can start with it,
comes to Mortals using Necromancy, what is be taught, obtain it naturally through Oblivion
but NEVER gain it through diablery.
written is merely meant to help you craft an
interesting narative. Common Requirements: Time, Rouse Checks
and Occult rating.
Plasm Can Mortals use Necromancy? Yes, provided
they have some spiritual connection to the dead.
Plasm is a unique resource, sough out by many They are, however, limited to Rituals.
necromancers. It manifests itself when an undead
spirit (specter, wraith etc) is either destroyed or 1 Rouse Check = 2 Points of Superficial
banished from the physical world. It materilizes Damage (Mortal Necromancers).
itself as a clear gelatinous liquid that is prone to 1 Vial of Plasm = 1 Rouse Check
evaporating into nothing unless properly contained.
1 Crystal of Plasm = Allows you to
automatically pass a Necromancy Test.

Fetters Mortis Zone
A spiritual fetter is a physical item, place or, in rare Over the course of the book, you will hear the
instances, a person that the spirit had imbued with a expression Mortis Zone frequently. This phrase is
portion of its being. Such fetters have a slightly used to refer to all areas where the barrier between
ghostly emanation in their spiritual aura but the world of the living and the dead thins naturally.
otherwise remain unchanged. They are usually not Such areas are saturated with the energies of death
created willingly by a spirit but instead occur itself as the influence of the Shadowlands leaks
“naturally” when a being passes away under through.
complicated circumstances.
Mortis Zones are, inevitably, frequented by Wraiths
The spirits of the dead cannot exist in the real world and other deathly spirits, as they find it easier to
for prolonged periods of time without some form maintain their incorporeal forms in such areas.
of spiritual anchor, which is what fetters are. A spirit
Without overly complicating it, it is enough to
with a fetter will not have to worry about fading
simply remember that Mortis Zones includes, but
away back into the Shadowlands and will be able to
are not limited to, morgues, graveyards, old
remain in the physical world indefinitely. If all the
battlefields, burial mounds, hospitals (terminal ward
spirit’s fetters are destroyed, they are immediately
specifically), extermination camps etc.
banished to the Shadowlands. Due to this, and their
emotional relevancy, fetters are incredibly important Mortis zones are created naturally near areas where
to such spirits, who will react violently to anyone death is constant. Burial sites are the most stable
tampering with them. form of Mortis Zones, as the constant influx of the
dead and the spiritual resonance, of those grieving
A fetter does not always need to be destroyed to
for their loved ones, creates a stable link to the
banish a spirit. Not all spirits remain in the physical
world willingly and many actually want to pass on,
Battlefields and sites of mass murder are the least
but their fetters prevent them from doing so. Yet
reliable types of Mortis Zones, as the single atrocity
the fetter is important to them and cannot be simply
that brought it into being slowly loses its
destroyed. In such instances the spirit can
significance causing the zone to fade overtime.
potentially be convinced to relinquish a fetter
willingly in order to pass on peacefully.
Some spirits also possess fetters which they lost or
forgot about. Such beings are the most common
form of ghost one will encounter, as they are truly
cursed. Unable to move on, whether they want to or
not. Such spirits can only be banished forcefully to
the Shadowlands. A process which is incredibly
uncomfortable, as separating a spirit from their
fetter in this way is akin to lopping of a limb.
Additionally, such a process never guarantees that
the spirit will remain banished.

Path Of Spirits
The Path of Spirits is the most common form of
Necromancy most new practitioners will adopt. Its
rituals deal with the spirits of the dead, Wraiths in
particular. Necromancers who follow this path are
generally the most amicable of their kind, as they
have a unique perspective on unlife via their
interaction with Wraiths. This makes them,
ironically, value life more than their counterparts
and they take great joy in mortal pleasures. Many
of its practitioners willingly adopt roles as ghost
whispers and séance experts, finding a strange sense
of peace, by allowing loved ones their final goodbye.
Some go even further than this and dedicate their
lives to helping Wraiths move on by resolving their
Of course, there is no small number of necromancers
who abuse the path of spirits. These individuals use
their unique gifts to enslave Wraiths to their will or
even create new ones via their forbidden arts.

The Path of Spirits

Level 1
Insight Deadman’s Tale
The Necromancer places their hand on a corpse, closes their Downing a chalice of corpse blood, the user’s
eyes and gently whispers a prayer to the spirit of the departed, tongue turns black while ashen veins appear across
to share their final moments. their face. While unsightly they find they are able
to speak to any spirit with ease.
The Kindred witnesses the final moments of the
corpse while it was still alive. The user concocts a potion made from stale corpse
blood. Whoever ingests the potion finds that they
❖ Type: Ritual develop some rather unsightly features (grey veins
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual across their face and a black tongue) that do
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single corpse eventually dissipate. In exchange they discover that
within Touch Range they can communicate with the dead, regardless of
❖ Cost: 1 Scene their origin or language without fault.
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The corpse must not
be so badly decayed that it is visibly rotting. ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Risk: Low. Aside from the obvious morbid ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
physical aspect, the user might react with fear ❖ Range & Targets: Anyone who drinks the
when witnessing the targets final moments. potion.
❖ Test: None ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. A pint of blood from a
❖ Duration: The user witnesses the final body in which rigor mortis had begun to set.
moments of the corpse, which extends to the ❖ Risk: Moderate. The power leaves the user
length of 1 Scene (10 minutes). The user with a temporary horrific appearance that
remains in their trance as long as it takes for appears obviously supernatural.
the memory to play out or until the trance is ❖ Test: None
broken by other means. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
potion. After it is consumed the potion will
generate unsightly features on the user’s face,
True Weight that dissipate after 1 Scene (10 minutes).
Clutching the object tightly the Necromancer can determine Otherwise, the benefits of the potion last for
whether it has some form of significance to the spirits around 24 hours, while the potion itself remains
potent for up to a week.
By focusing the user can determine whether an
object is a fetter and how important it is to a spirit.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: A single object within
Touch Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Must be holding the
object they are targeting.
❖ Risk: None. You simply seem to be clutching
an item.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the user
to determine whether the object is a fetter and
its importance to a spirit.

Lift The Fog Repel The Incorporial
The perspective of the world around the user Crafting a mystical rune, the Necromancer ensures that no
changes as they finish the last drop of this elixir. unwelcomed spirit will pass its threshold.
The user creates a potion. When consumed The user can ward a small property from the
the potion initially causes the user to go blind, as incursion of Wraiths or other undead spirits. The
their eyes turn milky white. Eventually, as the eyes rune is limited however and while causing
return to normal, they find that they are capable of discomfort, a determined Wraith, or other undead
seeing the spirits of the dead. spirits, will still be able to move past it, although
they will exhaust considerable power to do so.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual In game terms the spirit will suffer 1 point of
❖ Range & Targets: Anyone who drinks the Aggravated Health and Willpower Damage when
potion. near the rune.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Eyes from a corpse are ❖ Type: Ritual
crushed and mixed with water during the ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
potion’s creation. ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single small
❖ Risk: Moderate. The power leaves the user property within Touch Range (a small house,
temporarily blinded and their eyes appear car or crypt).
unnatural. ❖ Cost: None
❖ Test: None ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Will only repel weaker
❖ Resistance Roll: None undead spirits.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the ❖ Risk: Low. The only physical aspect of this
potion. After it is consumed the potion will ritual is a crudely drawn occult sigil.
blind the user and given them milky white ❖ Test: None
eyes. These initial effects dissipate after 1 ❖ Resistance Roll: None
Scene (10 minutes). Otherwise, the benefits of ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the ward,
the potion last for 24 hours. The potion itself after which the effects of the ward last for
remains potent for up to a week. roughly 24 hours before needing to be
renewed. The effects do not dissipate if the
ward is destroyed or moved.

Level 2 Banshee Mark
With the symbol completed the Necromancer makes a note to
Summon The Departed return to the spot in 3 nights time to see if their lure worked.
As the summoner finishes reciting the last verse of If successful, the Kindred marks an item or piece of
their ritual, the symbols they drew on the ground terrain with an occult symbol. The symbol will draw
begin to glow with a faint blue light. undead spirits to it as fly to honey.
If successful, the Kindred will summon a Wraith ❖ Type: Ritual
from the Shadowlands. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
The ritual requires the Kindred to draw a mystical ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single item or
circle on the ground (chalk, salt, coal, ink etc. can be terrain piece within Touch Range and affects
used). The Wraith summoned can only maintain all spirits within 1 kilometer (half a mile).
their form while in the circle and will quickly begin ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
to deteriorate (at the speed of 1 point of Aggravated ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The lure won’t outright
Damage per Round or every few seconds) when force spirits to come investigate but it will
they move outside of it. spark their interest.
The ritual is generally performed with some sort of ❖ Risk: Minor. Aside from the occult symbol
item that used to belong to the Wraiths mortal life. and potential poltergeist activity, there is
It can be done without such an object as well but at nothing overtly supernatural about this ability.
that point the user is summoning a random Wraith ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
from the Shadowlands.
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ritual. After which the lure will remain
❖ Range & Targets: The ritual circle should be empowered for a month or until the user re-
between 3-5 meters (10-15 feet) in diameter at casts it on a new target.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check Life’s Bitter Sweet Echo
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. An item that belonged
The necromancer helps a spirit remember its mortal life.
to the Wraith in their mortal life is helpful.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The spirit you are If successful, the user utters the spirits mortal name
summoning will remain invisible to those and rings a small bell. If the holder of the name is
without supernatural sight (including the within Vocal range of the bell, they will re-live their
summoner). The summoned spirit is also only mortal memory and remember their past life. The
maintained by the circle not contained by it, Necromancer can decide whether he wishes the
so a good level of diplomacy is needed to
memories to be bad or good, granting them
prevent a violent reaction.
temporary peace or reminding them of trauma.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3 – if the summoner is using an item ❖ Type: Ritual
that used to belong to the wraith than no test ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
is required) ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single undead
❖ Resistance Roll: None spirit within Vocal Range.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
ritual. After which the circle will maintain the ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The spirit must hear
spirit for 1 Scene (1 hour). both the bell and its name.
❖ Risk: None. The ritual does not appear
overtly supernatural.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for both the
ritual to work and the spirit to relive their

Guiding Hand Level 3
The necromancer imbues the chopped of hand of a
corpse with necromantic energies to find its former
owners’ current whereabouts. By reciting the spirits true name and channelling the energies
If successful, the user will create a grotesque of the Shadowlands into an item the user creates a new fetter.
talisman that will point them to its former owner. If successful, the user creates a new fetter for the
The talisman in question are the physical remains of chosen spirit.
the targets hand. Once properly imbued through the
ritual the hand will point in the direction of their ❖ Type: Ritual
former owner. This ability will work both if the ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
owner had become a Wraith or is still alive. ❖ Range & Targets: A single small item
(capable of being carried around) within
❖ Type: Ritual Touch Range.
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single chopped ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. The user must use the
off hand within Touch Range. spirits former mortal name during the ritual.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check ❖ Risk: None. Besides the strangeness of the
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The hand needs to be ritual itself there are no supernatural effects.
somewhat intact so that it can point. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Risk: High. The grotesque talisman is an Rating (4, if the necromancer uses an item that
obvious Masquerade breach. has significant emotional value to the spirit,
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path then the difficulty of the test is reduced to 3)
Rating (3) ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to manifest ritual after which the effects are permanent.
the ritual, after which the “talisman” will
remain active until its owner is either found or
Banish The Dead
it rots away to the point that it is no longer The user creates an elixir capable of banishing the dead to the
useful. shadowlands.
If successful, the user creates a liquid that they apply
to their hands. The liquid allows them to physically
touch spirits. If they successfully make a Touch
attack while the liquid is on their hands, they will
instantly banish a spirit to the Shadowlands.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Any spirit within Touch
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Must make physical contact for
the liquid to work. Only works on undead
❖ Risk: Minor. The liquid is made using blood
and thus looks suspicious.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
liquid. Once applied the liquid remains potent
for 1 Scene (10 minutes). If unused the vial
remains potent for years.

Mortis Motel
The necromancer allows himself to become a willing
host for the spirits of the dead.
If successful, the necromancer invites a
Wraith into its own body. The user remains
mostly in control, while the spirit finds itself
as little more than an observer and adviser to
the necromancer.
As long as the user and spirit remain mostly
in harmony the user benefits from the spirits
natural connection to the Shadowlands. This
allows them to reduce the difficulty of all
Necromantic rituals by 1. If the relationship is
particularly good the spirit will even offer
continuous helpful guidance to the
However, if the relationship had soured then
the spirit can become an annoyance at best
and a dangerous distraction at worse. In such
circumstances the user suffers a 1 dice penalty
to all their rolls. They can suffer a voluntary
point of Superficial Willpower damage to
silence the spirit for a time. They still
maintain the difficulty reduction bonus in
either instance, however.
In the rarest of cases the spirit might be able
to completely overpower the necromancer
and take over their body fully. Such
occurrences are rare and are left to the
Storytellers discretion.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any Wraith
within Vocal Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: The user cannot force the
Wraith to inhabit their bodies and must
attempt to convince or manipulate them
into doing so.
❖ Risk: Minor. The only signs of this
ritual having taken place might be the
occasional conversation a necromancer
will seemingly have with themselves.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to execute
the ritual, after which the effects last
until the necromancer uses this ritual
again to either take on a new spirit or
expunge the old one.

Level 4 Draught Of Midnight
The Necromancer creates a potion that is equal
Haunting parts deadly and liberating.
With the ritual complete the Wraith finds itself a prisoner of If successful, the user creates a potion out
a much smaller kingdom than they ever imagined. The of Kindred vitae. The potion has several unique
isolation this brings can turn many a ghost unhinged. properties and greatly depends on who partakes of
If successful, the Necromancer creates a fetter that it.
binds a Wraith to the location of where the ritual is Mortals: If it is drunk by a mortal the potion is
taking place. At the same time the effects of the deadly and will result in the victim’s body quickly
ritual twist the spirits psyche and turn them hostile decaying to nothing. Upon their death a new Wraith
to any who enter their new haunt, with the will be born.
exception of the Necromancer themselves. Ghouls: If drunk by a Ghoul they fall into a deep
coma from which there may be no return. While in
❖ Type: Ritual this state their spirit is free to wander the physical
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual world, however, should the spirit be damaged or
❖ Range & Targets: A single Wraith within away from their body for too long (more than 3
100 kilometers (50 miles). days) the victim will suffer the same fate as a mortal
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check (as written above).
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. The user must use the
Kindred: If drunk by a Vampire their body will turn
spirits former mortal name during the ritual
and have an object prepared as a fetter. ethereal and they will temporarily become a Wraith
❖ Risk: Moderate. Although the ritual itself is themselves. Create a spirit using the rules for
occult in nature it does not appear Wraiths (page 45).
supernatural. Instead, the real danger to the Wraiths: If drunk by a body possessed by a Wraith
Masquerade comes from the unwanted or poured on an item inhabited by one it will cause
attention the effects of the haunting might the spirit to be banished to the Shadowlands with
bring. the host body or item remaining unscathed.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (5) ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to successfully ❖ Range & Targets: Anyone who takes the
manifest the ritual, after which the effects last potion.
until the newly created fetter is destroyed. ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. The potion remains
potent for roughly 12 hours. This ritual can
only be used once per Session. Kindred vitae
is needed for the ritual to work. Mortal
Necromancers can still use the ritual provided
they acquired a vial’s worth of it.
❖ Risk: High. The effects of the potion can be
dramatic depending on who drinks.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (5)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
potion through the ritual, after which the
effects of the potion vary. Some are
permanent. If taken by a Kindred, the effects
last for 1 Scene (roughly 1 hour).

Level 5 Memento Mori
Soul Prison Here is a list of pre-written items inhabited by
Wraiths. Feel free to use these or come up with
With the ritual completed the unfortunate Wraith your own.
finds themselves bound to a small item. In this
state they are unable to move on, unable to Spirit Weapon: The spirit is imprisoned within
influence the world around them and are little more a weapon. While seemingly unchanged the
than a prisoner. As years and centuries pass the Wraith goes weapon can harm spirits and its attacks gain the
insane, yet their suffering is not for nothing as the items they Spirit tag for all intense and purposes.
inhabit exhibit incredible properties. Chalice Of The Dammed: This, seemingly
If successful, the user imprisons a Wraith inside an unassuming, chalice is often left standing in
item. To do this the user needs to have an item Mortis Zones. Overtime it will capture plasm for
ready and must know the Wraiths true mortal name. the user, generating a single vial of plasm every
The Wraith itself is then bound to the item which week.
also becomes a fetter, meaning they are unable to be Banshee’s Lamentations: The spirit is
banished or move on until the item is destroyed. imprisoned in an old record. When normally
Unlike other fetters this one can never be willingly played the record plays whatever song it has.
relinquished. When played backwards the song takes on a
The item itself becomes imbued with spiritual sombre and melancholic tone. If played during a
energy and the player may give it a supernatural ritual it allows the user to re-roll up to 3 black
effect or chose one from the Memento Mori list on dice without needing to sacrifice Willpower to
the right. do so. Each dice can only be re-rolled once. The
item does not prevent the user from making use
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual of Willpower as well.
❖ Range & Targets: A single Wraith within 10 Ring Of The Spirit Seer: When worn the ring
meters (30 feet). allows the user to be able to communicate with
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check spirits regardless of any linguistic barrier due to
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. The user must use the age or origin.
spirits former mortal name during the ritual
and have an object prepared to imprison the Death’s Vigil: This item usually takes the form
spirit into. of a necklace, amulet, pin, or other unassuming
❖ Risk: Moderate. The ritual appears occult in accessory. The item possesses the same
nature however the items created pose a far properties as the effects of Repel The
greater risk to the Masquerade as they defy Incorporeal ritual, with the exception that it
prevents Wraiths from taking any direct physical
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
actions against the wearer.
Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None Deadman’s Tale: Often coming in the form of
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to successfully a small diary, book or letter the user finds that it
manifest the ritual, after which the newly acts as a portable Ouija board. Any spirit willing
created item is permanently empowered until to communicate will have its response appear as
it is destroyed, or the spirit banished by other text on the item which will quickly fade once the
message is read.
Oculus Of The Departed: Appearing as a pair
of glasses, a monocle or even a pair of
binoculars this unique item grants its user the
ability to see the spirits of the dead even if they
possess no supernatural eyesight.

Path Of Bones
There are those who chose Necromancy for no form
of spiritual enlightenment. They seek no wisdom or
guidance the dead can provide, instead they are
interested only in material gain. The path of bones
offers such individuals a quick road to power. Its
ritual deal with the resurrection, animation, and
control of corpses. It is a dark and dehumanizing
path whose practitioners rarely keep their morality
intact. Even the lowest of students can summon
forth large groups of rotting corpses to do their
bidding, while masters of the art can create true
abominations, that are an affront to life itself.

Level 1 Tremens
The Necromancer curses an area, making sure the
Grotesque Fermentation dead do not rest easy.
Through a process of boiling the corpse, the user manages to The ritual curses an area upon its
extract pure blood that is no longer marred by decay and rot. completion. All corpses within the area will
The user leaves a corpse to boil in a container. To occasionally twitch and move of their own accord,
the container, he adds a single drop of Kindred causing fear and discomfort to any passer-by.
vitae. Over the course of a week, every single drop ❖ Type: Ritual
of blood will be extracted from the corpse. While ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
the blood produced will have no resonance and a ❖ Range & Targets: Curses the entire area
slight taste to it, which the necromancer can alter by within 30 meters (100 feet) of the ritual as it
adding their preferred herbs to the fermentation comes to fruition. Any corpses that leave the
process. A normal human body will produce cursed area are no longer affected and any
roughly seven vials of blood throughout the corpses which enter it suffer from its effects.
process, one for each day of the week-long process. Kindred are not affected.
Unfortunately, since the blood had already been ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
altered, through mystical means, it cannot be used in ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The ritual must be
further rituals. performed in a Mortis Zone.
❖ Risk: High. The behavior of the corpses
❖ Type: Ritual violates natural law, and the area can quickly
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual become a media sensation.
❖ Range & Targets: A single corpse the ❖ Test: None
necromancer can get and stuff in an ❖ Resistance Roll: None
appropriately sized container. ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
❖ Cost: 1 Scene (to prepare the body). ritual, after which the effects of the ritual
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. A corpse, a large remain present for a week.
enough container to house the corpse, a
source of heat, to boil the body, and a single
drop of Kindred vitae. Clear The Graves
❖ Risk: High. The process initially produces a
foul stench that can quickly attract law As the ritual ends the bodies of the departed begin
enforcement if not properly accounted for. to rapidly decay to nothing.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None Upon completion of the ritual all corpses
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to prepare the within 10 meters (30 feet) of the user immediately
body, after which the body will be boiled for rot away to nothing.
an entire week, providing 1 vial of “purified”
❖ Type: Ritual
blood per day.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: All corpses within 10
meters (30 feet). Kindred are not affected but
other animated dead creatures are (including
Undead Constructs).
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1.
❖ Risk: Low. The power itself is supernatural
but its outcome usually maintains the
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes)

Carrion Lord Rattle
Necromancers spend an ample amount of time amongst the The user enchants the corpses in his haunt to alert
dead, so it is only natural that some have found ways to him to intruders.
subsist off their new flock.
The necromancer enchants an area within
The user creates a potion that when drunk alters 100 meters (300 feet) of the ritual. Corpses in the
their bodies. Drinking the potion once will make the area will whisper to one another through half
user undergoes an internal metamorphosis. gasped breaths and teeth-rattling whenever
Drinking it a second time will reverse the changes. intruders are nearby. If the necromancer is present,
If drank by a Kindred, they will find that they are no then they will deliver the warning directly to him
longer capable of using Blush Of Life and their bite through such whispers alerting him to potential
will be inherently painful to mortals. However, as a danger, even rousing him from his daytime sleep if
trade-off, they will now be able to drink stagnant needed.
and old blood from corpses to recover from their Additionally, the area becomes unpopular with
Hunger. Corpse blood lacks any resonance and mortals causing them to avoid it due to the strange
counts as normal mortal blood for the purposes of sounds and whispers.
combating Hunger.
❖ Type: Ritual
If drunk by a mortal it will cause their hair to fall
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
out, their skin to look unhealthy, and eyes to appear
❖ Range & Targets: Affects all corpses
sunken. They will be able to subsist on corpse flesh
(excluding Kindred) within 100 meters (300
and have no need for normal food or water. feet) of the ritual.
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The ritual must be
❖ Range & Targets: Targets whoever drinks performed at the user’s haven and in a Mortis
the potion. Zone.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene ❖ Risk: Moderate. The whispers the corpses
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The potion requires a produce are unsettling, but not overtly
human liver to make. supernatural, without further investigation.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The process changes the user ❖ Test: None
and makes it more difficult for them to mask ❖ Resistance Roll: None
their true nature. ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
❖ Test: None ritual after which the effects last for a year or
❖ Resistance Roll: None until the user performs the ritual on a new
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create two vials haven or to reverse the current effects.
worth of potion. When drunk the potion will
transform/revert the user in 1 Scene (10
minutes). The effects of the potion last for a
month, unless reversed by a second vial.

Level 2 Corpse Familiar
The Necromancer uses his abilities to reanimate a
Apprentice Robes creature of his own sadistic design.
Good help can be hard to find, luckily the dead If successful, the user creates an Undead
work for free. Homunculi. Check Undead Constructs (page 49).
If successful, the user creates a single ❖ Type: Ritual
Husk. Check Undead Constructs (page 49). ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Range & Targets: A single pre-designed
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual “specimen” within Touch Range.
❖ Range & Targets: A single corpse within ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
Touch range. ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Craft 1. The
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check specimen’s corpse must be somewhat intact.
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. A corpse that is at least ❖ Risk: Very High. You are bringing life to an
somewhat intact. unnatural creature.
❖ Risk: High. You are creating a reanimated ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
corpse. Rating (3)
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Resistance Roll: None
Rating (3) ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
❖ Resistance Roll: None ritual after which the being remains active as
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the long as its physical form allows it to be.
ritual after which the corpse remains active as Drag Down
long as its physical form allows it.
A truly horrific curse, bestowed upon those who
Unliving Mouthpiece anger the Necromancer.
To everyone’s surprise the severed head began to If successful, the user curses his target to
speak but the voice that ushered from its cracked be sought by the dead. This will cause corpses near
lips was not its own. them to turn hostile. Severed hands will try and
If successful, the user can send a message to a strangle the target, bodies will gain momentary
target. The message will be spoken out loud by the motor function and fling themselves at the victim
nearest corpse the target is either currently near or and so on. In game terms the target must pass a
one that the target eventually approaches. Stamina + Brawl test (3) every time they are near a
cadaver. If they fail, they will receive 1 point of
❖ Type: Ritual Superficial Health Damage.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: A single individual within ❖ Type: Ritual
100 kilometers (50 miles) of the user. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check ❖ Range & Targets: A single individual within
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The target must be 100 kilometers (50 miles) of the user.
near a corpse or approach one within the next ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
12 hours. ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The ritual requires a
❖ Risk: Moderate. The manifestation of this vial of the victim’s blood. A victim can only
ability is obviously supernatural but as the be targeted once per Chronicle.
message is only spoken once and only to its ❖ Risk: Very High. The power manifests itself
intended recipient it can easily remain hidden. as a series of supernatural events and is a
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path blatant Masquerade breach.
Rating (3) ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Resistance Roll: None Rating (3)
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to manifest ❖ Resistance Roll: Stamina + Brawl (3)
after which the power remains active until the ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
message is delivered or 12 hours have passed. ritual, after which the power remains active
for the next 24 hours.

Level 3
Shambling Hordes Hungering Mob
The dead rise to serve the Necromancer. The Necromancer imparts his own curse upon the
newly risen.
If successful, the user creates 1 Zombie per
success. Check Undead Constructs (page The effects of this ritual are the same as
50). Shambling Hordes with the following exceptions.
Firstly, the ritual can only be attempted by a
❖ Type: Ritual Kindred. Secondly, the zombies created immediately
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual enter frenzy upon their resurrection. This grants
❖ Range & Targets: Any number of corpses them a 1 dice bonus to all physical rolls; however,
within 10 meters (30 feet) of the user up to, the creatures are completely out of control and will
but not exceeding, the number of successes act as though commanded to seek and destroy
made on their test roll. anyone other the Necromancer themselves.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. An ample number of ❖ Type: Ritual
corpses to resurrect. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Risk: Very High. You are animating a small ❖ Range & Targets: Any number of corpses
group of corpses; panic is sure to follow. within 10 meters (30 feet) of the user up to,
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path but not exceeding, the number of successes
Rating (4) made on their test roll.
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. An ample number of
ritual, after which the corpses remain active as corpses to resurrect.
long as their physical forms allow them to be. ❖ Risk: Very High. You are animating a small
group of feral undead.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
Servants Of The Crypt ❖ Resistance Roll: None
The Necromancer transforms his most loyal ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
servants into an undead weapon of destruction. ritual after which the corpses remain active as
long as their physical forms allow them to be.
If successful, the user creates a Crypt
Ghoul. Check Undead Constructs (page 50).
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: A single, recently killed
Ghoul within Touch Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. A single recently killed
❖ Risk: Very High. The Ghoul is a creature of
undead horror.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to prepare the
body of the former Ghoul.

Level 4
Rigor Mortis Steward Of The Necropolis
Kindred, albeit very powerful, are just a complex form of Some servants are simply too valuable to allow
undead construct and so their bodies can be dominated by a them to fall into an eternal slumber.
skilled practitioner of the path of bones. This ritual can only be attempted by
If successful, the user creates a small charm, amulet Kindred. If successful, the user creates a Crypt
or similarly compact item using the bones of the King. Check Undead Constructs (page 50).
recently deceased. ❖ Type: Ritual
The item will only work for the user. Upon its ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
activation the user can control the physical ❖ Range & Targets: A single recently killed
movements of a single Kindred within Visual Ghoul belonging to the Necromancer within
Range. The movements are clumsy and out of sync Touch Range.
with the rest of the owner’s body. The body cannot ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
be compelled to injure itself in an obvious manner ❖ Conditions: Occult 4. A single recently killed
but otherwise anything is fair game. The commands Ghoul that used to belong to the
themselves are telepathic so no vocal component is necromancer.
needed. ❖ Risk: Moderate. While the Ghoul is unnatural
it does possess enough wits to keep its
❖ Type: Ritual distance from mortals.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual (for the item’s ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
creation)/ Mental, Spiritual and Physical (for Rating (5)
the items effect) ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Range & Targets: A single item that can be ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour). The Crypt King
worn as a charm withing Touch Range. / A remains active indefinitely as a constant
single Kindred within Visual Range (for the companion until destroyed.
items effect).
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check (to create the
item, there is no cost to activate its abilities.)
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Craft 2. Human bones
are needed to craft the item. The item itself
can only influence Kindred (Thin Bloods are
not affected). The Necromancer can only
possess one such charm at any one time. Only
the body’s motor functions can be affected,
the user cannot force the victim to speak or
use their abilities (aside from upgrades).
❖ Risk: Low. While a targets movement might
become erratic, there is little to link them to
the user.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (5)
❖ Resistance Roll: Willpower test (5)
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
charm, after which the charm itself remains
empowered until destroyed or used.
When the charm is used its effects are
instantaneous and it can even be used
reflexively. Once activated the charm allows
the user to control the target for 2 Rounds
(roughly 1 minute). After the charm is used it
cracks and turns to dust.

Level 5
The necromancer had sewn, stappled, hammered, fused, and
bashed together innumerable corpses to create a true
If successful, the user creates a Burial Horror. Check
Undead Constructs (page 51).
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: A single mass of bodies
sown into a single horrific being within Touch
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Craft 3. At least 10
bodies the size of an adult male or their
❖ Risk: Very High. You are creating an
abomination whose size and ferocity makes it
impossible to control.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 3 to nights of constant toil to
physically “craft” the specimen. 1 Scene (10
minutes) to complete the ritual and bring the
creature to unlife. The Crypt Horror remains
active until it is destroyed.

Level 5
Path Of Ashes
Amongst the varied practitioners of Necromancy
none have a better grasp on the nature of death
than the disciples of the path of ashes.
Neither students nor warlocks, practitioners of this
path are better equated to explorers. Its rituals
focus on the very essence of the Shadowlands
themselves. Its students are able to find entrances
to the Shadowlands and plunge fearlessly into its
deepest, darkest depths to uncover forbidden secrets.
Amongst Necromancers, adept students of the path
of ashes are often sought out as useful allies, guides,
and brokers. This unique position allows them to
maintain power amongst the living and the dead.

Path Of Ashes
Level 1 Ethereal Tether
The depths of the Shadowlands are treacherous
Shroud Incense and endless. A prudent traveller always has a
When burned the herbs produce a vivid blue-grey smoke lifeline ready.
which moves in unnatural ways. The user creates a charm, that when worn generates
Upon completion of this ritual the user creates a a spiritual link between the charm’s holder and the
single incense stick. When lit the smoke it produces physical world. Upon the user’s entry into the
is thick and easily visible. The smoke is not shadowlands, they will see a thin silver line running
disturbed by wind or physical movement as its from their chest to the portal through which they
normal counterpart would be. It is instead drawn to entered the Shadowlands. Only the user can see this
the Shadowlands and will quickly move towards the link. If the charm is not worn, as the user enters the
nearest breach as if caught in a current. Once it Shadowlands, the link never materializes to begin
reaches the breach it will be sucked into the with and if the user removes the charm, while in the
Shadowlands themselves and disappear, clearly Shadowlands, it will immediately sever the link.
marking a location where the barrier is either thin or ❖ Type: Ritual
non-existent. ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
In situations where there are several breaches it will ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single charm.
always be drawn to the strongest and closest breach Within Touch Range.
(in that order). ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Bones must be used to
❖ Type: Ritual
craft the item (animal or otherwise).
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Risk: Low. The power is completely subtle
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single collection
and only impacts the user.
of ingredients in Touch Range.
❖ Test: None
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. A collection of herbs
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
(storytellers’ choice) and grave dirt is used to
charm, after which the charm remains potent
create the incense stick.
until used. After its use the charm will
❖ Risk: Low. The behavior of the smoke is seen
crumble to dust.
as unnatural, but it is usually treated more as a
curiosity than an outright supernatural event. Ashen Step
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None The necromancer creates a breach into the
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to create a Shadowlands and enters the domain of the dead.
single stick of incense. The stick remains
If successful, the user enters the
permanently potent until it is destroyed or
ignited. When lit the smoke will linger for 1 Shadowlands alone. They cannot bring allies with
Scene (10 minutes) unless drawn into the them, and they will need to find an exit once in the
Shadowlands. Shadowlands if they wish to leave them.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Must be performed in
a Mortis Zone.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The user simply disappears
from the physical plane.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the ritual
to reach its climax and the user to disappear.

Memory Glass Fruit Of Hades
Through a well-guarded method, the Necromancer can craft The Necromancer has no qualms about how to gain ethereal
glass containers which perfectly capture and maintain plasm energy and rips it from the Shadowlands or Wraiths with
within. equal ease.
If successful, the user creates a vial which can store Upon the rituals completion the user generates
plasm without any risk of the valuable substance plasm. He will extract:
deteriorating overtime, as it would in a lesser
container. • 1 vial worth of plasm if the ritual is performed on
a Mortis Zone
Additionally, the glass vials themselves are
extremely efficient during rituals. Roll a D10 • 2 vials worth of plasm if the ritual is used on an
object with a link to the Shadowlands (Memento
whenever using plasm from a container made of
Mori, a Fetter, etc.). The item itself is destroyed
memory glass. On a roll of a 10 the vial leaked a after the ritual and crumbles to dust.
miniscule amount of the valued substance. Just
• 3 vials worth of plasm if the ritual is performed
enough to aid with the ritual but not enough to on an imprisoned Wraith. After the ritual the
exhaust the container. This allows the user to Wraiths form will dissipate, and they will re-
benefit from the point of plasm without actually materialize near the ritual site one month later.
using it up. • 3 vials worth of plasm if the ritual is performed
❖ Type: Ritual in the Shadowlands. Additionally, the user rolls a
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual single D10 when performing the ritual. If a 10 is
rolled, they will generate a single shard of
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a glass container
(the size of a vial) within Touch Range. crystalized plasm instead of the normal plasm.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene It is worth noting that extracting plasm does attract
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Wraiths and other deathly spirits to the location as
❖ Risk: None. The ritual might look occult but the ritual produces a spiritual side-effect which
produces no visible side effects. nourishes such creatures. Wise Necromancers
❖ Test: None quickly move on once the ritual is completed and
❖ Resistance Roll: None avoid performing it near their own havens.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to enchant a
single vial, after which the vial remains ❖ Type: Ritual
enchanted until broken. ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Varies
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The user must either
be in the correct location (Mortis Zone, the
Shadowlands) or be within Touch Range of
the target (Wraith, spiritual object).
❖ Risk: Low. Besides the user’s trance like state
nothing seems out of the ordinary.
❖ Test: A D10 roll if the ritual is performed in
the Shadowlands.
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour). The plasm itself
remains potent indefinitely as long as it is
stored correctly.

Level 2
Ferryman’s Passage Reaping Scythe
Focusing on their connection to the Shadowlands The blade sings through the air. It can cut flesh
the user manages to create a portal for them and with ease but its nature hungers for the incorporeal.
their allies. If successful, the user enchants a melee
If successful, the user can create a portal to the weapon. The weapon only remains enchanted while
Shadowlands through which he himself and all in the Necromancers possession. Anytime the
other individuals nearby can enter. The portal weapon kills or banishes a target it becomes stained
remains open for a few seconds at best. with plasm, allowing the user to collect the residue
later one. Each kill will leave enough plasm on the
❖ Type: Ritual blade for 1 vial. The blade itself can only hold 1
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual plasm at a time in this manner.
❖ Range & Targets: The user and any
individual within 5 meters (15 feet) of the user ❖ Type: Ritual
as the ritual reaches its climax. Other ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
individuals outside of this range can also ❖ Range & Targets: A single melee weapon
attempt to follow the user through the portal, within Touch Range.
but their window of opportunity is a few ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
seconds at most as the portal immediately ❖ Conditions: Occult 2.
begins to close. ❖ Risk: Low. The weapon is dangerous but not
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check obviously supernatural.
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. 2 coins (preferably ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
made from gold, silver, or copper) should be Rating (3)
held by anyone wishing to enter the portal. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Risk: High. While the portal remains open for ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the ritual
a few seconds, at most, it is an obvious to reach its climax. The weapon remains
supernatural event. “empowered” for the rest of the Session (12
Additionally, while those who possess the hours).
advised 2 coins at the ritual’s climax will enter
the Shadowlands in a somewhat organized
fashion, those without will be deposited in a
random part of the Shadowlands, as their
entrance is uncontrolled.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3 – if the user also possesses Ashen
Step then the difficulty is reduced to 2)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the ritual
to reach its climax and open a portal.

Grave’s Icy Grip Lightless Sanctum
Upon completion the Necromancer enchants the The user saturates his haven in the energies of the
plasm he possesses, turning it into a deadly Shadowlands, submerging it into its dark depths
weapon. at a moment’s notice.
If successful, the user turns any extra plasm he The Necromancer can use this ritual on their haven.
might possess flammable. When lit the flames burn The effects of this ritual strengthen the more times
with a cold blue light and feel cold, rather than hot, the necromancer repeats the ritual on their haven
to the touch. They cause only Superficial Damage at and gradually dissipates if the necromancer does not
most to objects and creatures of flesh and blood. repeat the ritual. Each time a Necromancer
They also do not trigger the vampiric bane of fire performs this ritual on their haven, consecutively
(the flames are mystical in nature), although they apply the following effects:
can still cause Superficial Damage.
The flames are however deadly to any spiritual • 1st time: The haven is considered a Mortis
entity causing Aggravated Damage to any spirit-
based beings hit by the blue flames. • 2nd time: The haven emanates an aura of
foreboding. Animals and mortals
❖ Type: Ritual subconsciously avoid it.
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual • 3rd time: The haven interferes with all complex
❖ Range & Targets: Any amount of liquid technological devices (storyteller choice), these
plasm not being used in the ritual; crystalized cease to function when entering the haven.
plasm cannot be used. • 4th time: The haven grows unnaturally dark
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check and gloomy, if threatened, it prevents sunlight
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Any number of from penetrating its bounds. Inside the haven
preexisting vials filled with plasm. A lighter, or all light sources cease to function except for
similar, to ignite the plasm. fire.
❖ Risk: High. The flames can only burn spirits • 5th time: The haven exists in part within the
and will quickly flicker out and die if they miss Shadowlands. If threatened with complete
their mark. However, while they do last the destruction, the haven, and anyone in it, will
flames behave in a strange and unnerving sink into the Shadowlands.
Note: all effects are culminative and the ritual must
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
be repeated once a week to both maintain and
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None strengthen it. If no ritual is performed for an entire
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the week the haven returns to normal.
ritual after which the vials remain permanently ❖ Type: Ritual
altered and cannot be used for their original ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
purpose anymore. ❖ Range & Targets: The ritual must be
performed in the Necromancers’ haven.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The Rituals strength
depends on how frequently it is performed.
The ritual can only be performed successfully
once a week but can be attempted as often as
the user wishes.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The property itself is
considered haunted.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 hour to complete the ritual.
Varies on a week-to-week basis.

Level 3
Dead Hand’s Shroud Night Cry
By interweaving strands of corpse hair through a fabric in The Necromancer curses a spirit to be hunted by
specific patterns the Necromancer creates a special funeral one of the Shadowlands most malignant forces.
shroud. The user curses an area, drawing the Abyss
If successful, the Necromancer creates a fabric, itself to leak into the physical world. The effects of
roughly 1 square meter (3 square feet) in size. They the ritual linger for five nights and grow
find that any item in the Shadowlands which is progressively worse.
wrapped in the fabric can be brought back to the On the first night shadows grow darker, and the
physical world. area has a strange eerie sense of unease about it.
❖ Type: Ritual On the second night technological devices,
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual especially cameras, begin to malfunction.
❖ Range & Targets: Roughly a 1 square meter On the third night strange shapes can be seen in
(3 square feet) size of fabric which had been reflective surfaces. These only appear when a
prepared by the Necromancer. person is alone, causing paranoia and fear to
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check become commonplace.
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. The fabric is created On the fourth night all forms of light grow faint.
using naturally sourced materials and human Only sunlight itself remains unaffected.
remains. It can be pre-made by someone other On the fifth night Abyssal creatures materialize in
than the Necromancer himself but only he can the shadows and begin to hunt. Any individual in
enchant it. Only items which can be the affected area who walks into a shadow can be a
completely wrapped up in the fabric can be potential target. The storyteller can represent this by
brought back to the real world. using the Shadow Constructs from Obtenebration
❖ Risk: Low. The fabric itself might appear a bit
Remastered or by making possible victims roll a
outlandish or even grotesque but it does not
Wits + Survival test (3), if the roll is failed the victim
appear supernatural.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path will suffer a point of Aggravated Damage.
Rating (4) The effects of each night are culminative.
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to enchant ❖ Type: Ritual
the fabric. The fabric itself might take an ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
entire day to make on its own. Once it had ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the entire area
been used to bring back items across to the within 50 meters (150 feet) of the ritual site.
real world the fabric will need to be enchanted ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. A terrified animal or
through the ritual again or be considered human sacrifice is needed. Once killed the
mundane. body must remain in the area, unburied.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Risk: Very High. You are allowing a
Shadowland Artefacts malignant Shadowlands force entry into the
physical world.
Items from the Shadowlands are not real, not in ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
the traditional sense. They are memories given Rating (4)
form through plasm. Were they to pass through ❖ Resistance Roll: None
the barrier, unsupported, they would turn into ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) for the ritual to be
dust immediately upon reaching the physical completed. After its completion the only way
world. Items carried across with Dead Hand’s to stop its effects is either by spiritually
Shroud will still eventually crumble, but the cleansing the area (in whatever fashion the
Storyteller feels appropriate) or laying the
Necromancer can at least make use of such
body and spirit, of the sacrificial victim, to
artefacts for a about a week, before these too rest.
turn to dust.

Level 4
Ex Nihilo
The user can manipulate the very barrier between the
Shadowlands and the real world and is a master at his craft.
If successful, the Necromancer treats all locations as
Mortis Zones and adds two dice to any Test they
perform when trying to manifest a Necromantic
Ritual (any ritual).
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
Bone Harvest ❖ Conditions: Occult 4. The dice bonus applies
The Necromancer has a green thumb, of sorts. to any Necromantic Path. It does not apply to
Koldunic or Blood Sorcery paths. The ritual
For the ritual to work the user must scattered the must be performed in a Mortis Zone.
ashes of the recently deceased over an agricultural ❖ Risk: None. The ritual simply demands that
field. The ashes must be scattered before the the user meditates in a Mortis Zone.
planting season (for their relevant area), after which ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
the user may attempt the ritual. Rating (5)
If the ritual is successful the produce that grows ❖ Resistance Roll: None
above the ritual site, during the following harvest ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
season, will contain plasm within it. The user can ritual. The effects of the ritual last for 1 week.
gather this produce and extract D10 (roll a D10, the
result equals the number of vials worth of plasm
points) plasm from it.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Roughly a 5 square meter
(15 square feet) plot of land meant for
agriculture use within Touch Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. The user will also need
access to the ashes of the recently cremated
and a suitable plot of land to use for the ritual
❖ Risk: Low. The altered produce does not
appear nor taste differently. It possesses no
risk to mortals and is only really of any use to
the Necromancer.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to perform
the ritual. The produce then needs time to
grow. Afterwards, extracting plasm from the
produce takes roughly an hour. This is done
via boiling (or other means left to the
Storytellers discretion).

Oblivion’s Mask Level 5
The Necromancer captures a tiny portion of Oblivion’s
essence in an unassuming mask.
Death Pact
If successful, the Necromancer creates a death mask The Kindred strikes a bargain with the Shadowlands itself.
(the mask does have eye slits). When worn the mask If the user is ever about to be destroyed their body
allows the user to see and communicate with will instantly turn to dust and re-materialize
undead spirits (regardless of linguistic barriers). somewhere in the Shadowlands.
Additionally, if the user makes a successful Touch
attack while wearing the mask it causes the spirit to The character pays for his resurrection with his own
take 2 points of Aggravated Damage, in addition to memories and soul. Upon their resurrection, they
any other damage. will suffer from holes in their memory (a form of
selective amnesia). This is not outright amnesia,
❖ Type: Ritual instead the process seems to target predominantly
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual happy memories (their first kiss, a childhood friend,
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single death their last sunrise etc.).
mask within Touch Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check Such memories keep the Beast at bay and as a result
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. A death mask is the user halves their Humanity, rounding down,
needed as the focus of the ritual. The mask after their resurrection.
only functions for the user.
❖ Risk: None. The ritual simply empowers the ❖ Type: Ritual
user’s existing abilities. ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
Rating (5) ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Conditions: Occult 5.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to complete ❖ Risk: Low. The only supernatural effect is
the ritual. The effects of the ritual last 1 that the users body disintegrating when they
Session (24 hours). are apparently killed.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
ritual. Once the pact is used the ritual must be
manifested again, if the player wishes to re-
establish the pact.

Path Of Death
The path of death is the modern nights successors to
the path of Vitreous. An ancient collection of
teachings, belonging to the now mainly extinct
Nagaraja bloodline.
Its users possess a more refined control over
necromantic energies and its powers are not
exclusively rituals, instead they act more like a
traditional discipline. This makes its practitioners
dangerously direct, able to call upon their powers at
a moment’s notice.

Path Of Death
Level 1
Eyes Of The Dead Entropic Ward
The user closes their eyes and witnesses the world through the The energies of the Shadowlands wax strong around the user
lens of the spirits. allowing them to disrupt mechanical devices.

The user closes their eyes and focuses while holding Through a prolonged meditation the user enhances
a Fetter. While in their trance the user can see and the energies of the Shadowlands around them. This
hear everything from the perspective of the Fetters causes them to become disruptive to technological
owner. devices. Their forms cannot be properly picked up
on surveillance devices, their voices cannot be
❖ Type: Ability understood over phones and so on.
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single fetter ❖ Type: Ritual
within Touch Range and its owner (whose ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
location does not matter). ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The user must possess ❖ Conditions: Occult 1.
the targets Fetter and the target must still ❖ Risk: Moderate. The user becomes disruptive
exist, in Wraith form or otherwise. to everyday life by their very presence.
❖ Risk: None. The ability is subtle and well ❖ Test: None
hidden. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Test: None ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to complete
❖ Resistance Roll: None the ritual, after which the effects last for the
rest of the Session (12 hours).
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the user
to activate this ability. The ability can remain
active for as long as the user wishes to
maintain their trance.

Soul’s Judgment
There are few secrets that the dead can hide from this
The user is able to instinctively tell when a Wraith is
lying to them. They benefit from a dice bonus
against any social Manipulation attempt made by
Wraiths. This bonus is equal to their Highest Path
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Tag: Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
❖ Cost: None
❖ Conditions: Occult 1.
❖ Risk: None. This ability is based on spiritual
intuition and is impossible to pick up on by
normal means.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: Permanent.

Level 2
Mortis Foci Death’s Final Hour
The Necromancer is a focal point for the undead and he Those on death door deserve one final moment to give their
empowers his allies accordingly. lives meaning.

Any allied Wraith or Undead Construct within 10 If successful, the user creates an elixir. When drank
meters (30 feet) of the Necromancer benefits from a by a Mortal or Enhanced mortal the potion will
1 dice bonus to all their rolls. automatically heal all forms of Superficial Health
Damage. It will also invigorate them and
❖ Type: Upgrade temporarily stem the effects of any debilitating
❖ Tag: Spiritual disease or poison. It has no effect against
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer supernatural curses or poisons.
themselves. After 1 hour those who drink the potion will fall
❖ Cost: None asleep, their previous wounds or diseases returning,
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. and they will pass away in their sleep.
❖ Risk: None. The power is empowering
undead entities but is otherwise unnoticeable. ❖ Type: Ritual
Only those with supernatural eyesight can see ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
the user’s aura flare with ethereal light. ❖ Range & Targets: Any Mortal or Enhanced
❖ Test: None Mortal who drinks the potion.
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Duration: Permanent. ❖ Conditions: Occult 2.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The effects of the potion are
Harmonious Decay clearly supernatural; however, they only last 1
The Necromancer smears their hands with blood hour.
and brings the fear of mortality back to the ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
The user smears his hands in blood (it does not ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to create the
matter who’s). At this point any Kindred he potion. The potion remains potent until
manages to grapple, will start to rapidly age. Any drunk. After it is drunk the effects of the
target impacted will suffer a 1 dice penalty for each potion last for 1 Scene (1 hour).
round they remain grappled (if the target is grappled
for multiple rounds, it will cause the penalty to
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Any Kindred within
Touch Range (other than the user).
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Can only target beings
whose natural aging had been suppressed
(generally Kindred).
❖ Risk: High. The act of smearing your hands in
blood is unnerving, in its own right. The
effects themselves are outright supernatural.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: The ability remains active for 1
Scene (10 minutes). The effects of the aging,
and its penalty, are reversed after 1 hour.

Level 3 Level 4
Shroud Eater Oblivion’s Bolt
The Necromancer uses Plasm to empower their natural Plasm changes into a mystical mist which begins to levitate
abilities. and flow around the Necromancer before striking their
enemies with horrible results.
The user can now devour plasm before making a
Rouse Check, in order to automatically pass it. The If successful, the Necromancer can sacrifice the
Necromancer can use this ability for any of her contents of up to 3 vials worth of plasm. The plasm
powers from other Disciplines as well now. changes into a fine blue mist before striking out at a
target (chosen by the user) in a ghostly arrow shape.
❖ Type: Upgrade
When the mist makes contact with an individual or
❖ Tag: Spiritual
object it causes rapid decay. It inflicts 1 point of
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
Aggravated Damage. The bolt moves incredibly fast
❖ Cost: None and only those with supernatural speed can hope to
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. The plasm must be dodge it. The damage itself cannot be reduced by
consumed no earlier than 1 minute before an armour or supernatural means, such as those from
activation of an ability. Fortitude.
❖ Risk: Low. You are consuming a strange
❖ Type: Ritual
gelatinous liquid.
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Test: None
❖ Range & Targets: Targets 1 individual per
❖ Resistance Roll: None
vial of plasm being used. A single individual
❖ Duration: Permanent. can be targeted multiple times.
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Must have at least 1
Ethereal Flicker unused vial of plasm.
❖ Risk: High. The power seems like magic, at
The users body begins to flicker in and out of least until the smoke makes contact.
reality. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (5)
If successful, the users body flickers ❖ Resistance Roll: None
between a corporeal and incorporeal form. This ❖ Duration: 1 Action (a few seconds) for the
makes them incredibly difficult to hit. The user bolts to materialize and strike their targets.
gains a 2 dice bonus whenever they attempt to
dodge an incoming attack.
Lesser Paths
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual Amongst Necromancers the paths of Spirits,
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself. Bones and Ashes are known as greater paths.
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check These hold the most rituals and can be practiced
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. by Kindred and Mortals equally, for the most
❖ Risk: High. Your form flickers in and out of part.
existence in a ghostly fashion.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path The paths of Death, Twilight and Skulls are
Rating (4) lesser paths. These had been developed by
❖ Resistance Roll: None vampire clans (many of them now extinct) for a
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes). variety of specific uses. The lesser paths are
generally not meant for mortal necromancers as
they are written with their original practitioners
in mind. Mortals can still use them; you will just
need a good storyline reason as to why they
posses such rituals.

Level 5
Wraith Form
The body becomes incorporeal and starts to quickly dissipate before a cocoon of plasm captures its form and gives it solidity. The
newly transformed Wraith advances upon its prey with renewed vigour.
If successful, the user will temporarily become a Wraith. They do not enter torpor, instead their body simply
becomes ethereal. They lose access to all abilities they had, but still benefit from any upgrades. Upon their
metamorphosis they may select up to 7 points of Wraith Arcanoi. The user keeps any existing banes they
had. So, fire, sunlight, clan banes and compulsion all remain unchanged.
Should the user somehow be destroyed while in their Wraith form then the character is killed as well.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 5.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The users’ body simply changes into mist before disappearing fully from the mortal
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to complete the ritual. The effects of the ritual can last for 1 Session
(12 hour) or until the user voluntarily ends the ability.

Level 5
Path Of Twilight
The moments before one’s death are some of the
most powerful spiritual points in a being’s
existence. Will they pass away peacefully, will they
become a Wraith, will they come to a final
realization, will they keep to their morals… the
possibilities are endless.
Some Necromancers, especially those who had a
near death experience, tend to become obsessed with
the change from life to death. They create potions
from a victim’s final tears, capture their dying
breath to barter with spirits and religiously note
down the last words of the departed, hoping for
some sliver of ethereal wisdom.
Tha Lamia Bloodline made extensive use of this
path during the Dark Ages.

Path Of Twilight
Level 1 Level 3
Soul Whispers Final Humours
The user meditates to hear the last thoughts of the departed. The last drop of blood is made all the sweeter through the
Necromancer’s machinations.
The user enters a trance and can hear the last words
and thoughts of those whose mortal remains are The user drains a mortal dry through the ritual. If
close by. A test only needs to be made if there are successful they may choose what Resonance of
multiple whispers occurring at the same time and blood the mortal had, as they devoured them, and
they wish to focus on a particular one. the Kindred manages to remove all points of
Hunger. This ritual can only be attempted by
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets all mortal remains ❖ Type: Ritual
within 10 meters (30 feet). ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Cost: 1 Scene ❖ Range & Targets: Targets any mortal that is
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. The ritual must be about to be fed upon.
performed on a Mortis Zone. ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Risk: None. The ability does not appear ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. The ritual must be
supernatural. performed in a Mortis Zone.
❖ Test: None ❖ Risk: High. You are draining a human dry
❖ Resistance Roll: None through a ritualistic murder.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the user ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
to enter their trance like state. Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
Level 2 ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the
Mortal to be drained dry.
Kiss Of The Corpse Mother
Level 4
The embrace can be daunting and all too often an individual
can die during the process. Clutching The Shroud
Any Mortal Embraced through this ritual will always The users’ wounds heal incredibly fast, even for one of their
survive the Embrace and begin their new existence kind.
with no points in Hunger. Hunger will still
accumulate naturally but it gives the newly created The user is now able to downgrade 1 point of
Kindred the best start they could hope for. This Aggravated Health Damage to Superficial each time
ritual can only be attempted by Kindred. he drinks a vials worth of plasm.

❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Type: Upgrade

❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any mortal that is ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
about to be embraced. themselves.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check ❖ Cost: None
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. The ritual must be ❖ Conditions: Occult 4. 1 vial of plasm will
performed in a Mortis Zone. instantly reduce a point of Aggravated
❖ Risk: High. You are creating a new Kindred Damage to Superficial.
by draining a mortal dry via a ritualistic ❖ Risk: Low. You are consuming a strange
approach. gelatinous liquid.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Test: None
Rating (3) ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Duration: Permanent.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) for the Mortal to
be embraced.

Level 5
Last Breath’s Essence
The Necromancer is sustained by the passing of a mortal.
During the course of this Ritual the user must
ritualistically murder a Mortal. If they successfully
pass their test the Necromancer recovers all Health
points, they might have lost earlier. If performed by
a Kindred, they also increase their Blood Potency by
1 until the end of the Session, multiple attempts of
the same ritual do not increase one’s Blood Potency
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. You must sacrifice a
Mortal during the course of the ritual.
❖ Risk: High. You are ritualistically killing
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
ritual and gain its benefits. The Blood Potency
bonus only lasts for 1 Session (12 hours).

Level 5
Path Of Skulls
The old Cappadocian bloodline developed this,
rather unique, path of Necromancy. Unlike other
teachings, that focus on a particular aspect of
death, the path of skulls seems to instead centre
around a particular body part, in this case the skull.
Practitioners of this path can interact with skulls
in a variety of creative ways. From creating remote
viewing devices, to attack minions, to a gruesome
form of memory extraction. The rituals of the path
of skulls are as unique as they are unnerving.

Path Of Skulls
Level 1 Level 2
Calvaria Emissius Consilium Mortuss
The user carves occult markings into a human skull, allowing The mind holds all secrets.
them to observe events through its eyes.
The Necromancer must ritualistically devour the
The user ritualistically prepares a skull. At any point brain of a victim. If the test is successful, they are
they may decide to enter a trance to be able to able to gain information from the mind of their
perceive events through the skull’s eye sockets. victim. This can be specific (passwords, phone
They cannot hear through the skull or use any other numbers, bank accounts etc) or general (overall
senses beyond sight. names of the people they knew, where they worked,
their favourite musician etc).
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single human ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
skull within Touch Range. ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single human
❖ Cost: 1 Scene skull within Touch Range.
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. A human skull is ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
needed for the ritual (the state of ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. A human skull must be
decomposition doesn’t usually matter as long cracked open, and its brains devoured by the
as the skull is intact). The user can have as Necromancer. Decaying bodies can be used
many such skulls active at any one time, as is but the memory quality will be impacted.
their Highest Path Rating, but can only make a ❖ Risk: High. You are performing ritualistic
remote viewing through one at a time. cannibalism.
❖ Risk: Low. You seem to have a very strange ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
hobby. Rating (3)
❖ Test: None ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the ritual
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) for the skull to be completed.
to be enchanted. After which the effects
remain until the user, or the skull is destroyed. Level 3
Ammorsus Vicarius
The user enchants the skull making it a
nightmarish creature.
The user creates a Skull Fiend. Check
Undead Constructs (page 51).
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single human
skull within Touch Range.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. A bleached human
skull must be used in the ritual.
❖ Risk: High. You are creating an undead
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to properly
enchant a skull.

Level 4 Level 5
Exedo Animus Degulo
Necromancers tend to live a very long time, far longer than The necromancer opens himself to the mental possibilities of
human memory can be relied upon. another.
The user ritualistically prepares a skull. If successful, The Necromancer must ritualistically devour the
the user may meditate with the skull at any time. brain of a victim. If the test is successful, they can
During these meditations he can deposit any permanently redistribute their Mental dots amongst
amount of memory into the skull. He may also Intelligence, Wits and Resolve, as they see fit. They
retrieve any memories (his own or others) that had must, however, still have at least 1 dot in each
been previously stored into the skull. attribute after redistributing them.
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual ❖ Tag: Physical + Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single human ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Necromancer
skull within Touch Range. himself.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check (to enchant ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
the skull) ❖ Conditions: Occult 5. A human skull must be
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. A bleached human cracked open, and its brains devoured by the
skull is needed for the ritual. Only followers of Necromancer. Decaying bodies can be used
the Path of Skulls can extract information but a penalty should be applied to the test.
from the enchanted skull. You must have at least 1 dot in each attribute
❖ Risk: Low. You seem to have a very strange after redistributing your Mental dots.
skull fetish. ❖ Risk: High. You are performing ritualistic
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path cannibalism.
Rating (5) ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Resistance Roll: None Rating (7)
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to enchant the ❖ Resistance Roll: None
skull. After which the user can extract or ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) for the ritual to be
deposit memories into the skull through completed. The effects are permanent.
meditation. The skull remains enchanted until
destroyed and can outlive its creator.

A Wraith is a common term used to define the
spirits of the dead. Wraiths do not have to have a
Creating a Wraith
human origin (although generally they do) and they Wraiths come in many shapes and sizes. To simplify
can come in a variety of forms. Regardless of their it, for the Storyteller and players, follow these steps
origin all Wraiths have the following points in to create a Wraith:
1. Attributes: Assign a Wraith’s attributes just like
❖ Creation: Wraiths are created when the spirits you would those of any NPC (after all Wraiths
of the dead are prevented their eternal rest. This were all once living creatures).
can occur due to the spirit having unresolved 2. Death: Establish how the Wraith originally died
business in the real world, suffering a and why they became a Wraith.
particularly traumatic death, dying in a cursed 3. Fetters: Each Wraith should be assigned
place, being purposefully created by those who between 1-3 fetters. This should be objects that
can manipulate the energies of the Shadowlands held significant meaning to them in life.
or by some other random quirk of fate. 4. Arcanoi: If you don’t feel like symbolizing their
❖ Visibility: Wraiths are invisible to mundane abilities with existing Disciplines than use the
sight and technological devices. They can only Arcanoi options provided on the following page.
be seen by those who possesses supernatural 5. Breath Of Unlife: When coming up with the
eyesight and can see spirits. character of the Wraith remember that they are
❖ Durability: Wraiths are spirits. This means ghosts and their mental state had been impacted
purely physical attacks can never hurt them and by this reality.
only those abilities with the Spiritual Tag have
any hope of influencing them. Otherwise,
Wraiths have their own Health and Willpower Pre-built Wraiths
value just like any other NPC.
❖ Powers: Wraiths can possess their own unique Banshee:
abilities. You can imitate them using the All Mental and Physical Attributes = 1.
disciplines currently available or you can choose All Social Attributes = 3
from the list of Arcanoi powers. Health: 4
❖ Plasm: When the spirits of the dead are Willpower: 6
banished back to the Shadowlands, or Arcanoi: Ghost Sounds, Levitation, Whisp, Coll
destroyed, they can sometimes leave behind a
Down and Apparition.
substance referred to as Plasm. Plasm is a highly
sought commodity by necromancers and is rich Gasp:
in the energies of the Shadowlands. It usually All Attributes = 1
looks like a clear gelatinous liquid which is cold Health: 3
to the touch and smells like grave dirt. Unless Willpower: 2
properly contained it has a habit of evaporating
Arcanoi: Whispers, Levitation, Phase and Dark
into nothing rather quickly.
❖ Communication: Wraiths normally cannot
communicate with the living unless they possess Ghost:
unique Arcanoi (powers), that can bridge this All Attributes = 2
gap. Otherwise only those who have some form Health: 6
of connection to the spiritual planes (Auspex,
Willpower: 6
Obtenebration, Oblivion, Thaumarugy and
Arcanoi: Ghost Sounds, Phase, Whispers and
Necromancy users) can communicate with
them. Be also mindful that linguistic barriers Poltergeist.
remain present even in death, making Ferryman:
communication with older spirits extremely All Social and Physical Attributes = 2.
difficult. All Mental Attributes = 4
❖ Solidity: Wraiths lack a real body, in the
Health: 3
traditional sense, and cannot physically impact
the world around them unless they possess Willpower: 7
certain powers. Arcanoi: Plasmatic Tears, Guide, Possession and

Arcanoi are Wraith specific abilities. They are graded from 1-3 points each and a Wraith can select any
number of them up to a pre-established value.
As a guide:
Spend between 4-6 points on weak Wraiths and avoid powers which cost 2 or more points.
Spend 7-9 on average Wraiths and avoid powers which cost 3 or more points.
Spend 10-12 on powerful Wraiths, feel free to take any combination of powers from the list provided.
❖ Levitation - Cost: 1
The Wraith can levitate while moving. While this is not true flight, it does allow the entity to hover above
ground and even reach heights of up to 10 meters (30 feet).
❖ Whispers - Cost: 1
The Wraith can whisper to those near them. They can only usher a single sentence at a time per Scene.
❖ Dark Reflection - Cost: 1
The Wraith can appear in mirrors and other reflective surfaces for a few seconds at a time. They may use
this ability once per Scene.
❖ Phase - Cost: 1
The Wraith can phase through walls.
❖ Guide - Cost: 1
The Wraith has intrinsic knowledge of the Shadowlands and can act as a guide to its allies. It will not
know how to get to particularly difficult or secret locations, but it should be able to point travelers in the
right direction.
❖ Cool Down - Cost: 2
Once per Session the Wraith can cause the temperature to plumet to near freezing and extinguish all fires
within a 10-meter (30 feet) radius.
❖ Poltergeist - Cost: 2
The Wraith can move, or even throw, objects around. They may use this power multiple time however
they may only influence one object per Scene at a time.
❖ Apparition - Cost: 2
The Wraith can appear in a solid physical form once per Session for 1 Scene.
❖ Plasmatic Tears - Cost: 2
The Wraith produces an abundant amount of plasm. It can produce one vials worth of plasm once per
❖ Ghost Sounds – Cost: 2
The Wraith can issue a scream, laugh, or cry that can be heard by mundane means, once per Scene.
❖ Techno Goblin - Cost: 2
The Wraith can voluntarily disrupt technological devices. They can activate this ability once per Session to
temporarily (a few hours) knock out all technological devices within 10 meters (30 feet).
❖ Possession - Cost: 3
The Wraith can temporarily possess Mortals and Enhanced Mortals. To successfully possess a target the
Wraith must win an opposing Willpower roll. The possession only lasts for 1 Scene and the power can be
attempted once per Session.
❖ Whisp - Cost: 3
The Wraith can move with incredible speed (similar to Celerity users) and even attain flight.
❖ Ignition - Cost: 3
The Wraith can ignite dry material, potentially sparking a small fire. They may attempt such an action
once per Session but must make a successful Rouse Check for the power to work. They can never target
individuals with this ability directly, only mundane objects.


An undead construct is a general term for all
physical creatures which had been brough back
Types of Undead Constructs
from the dead by the power of Necromancy.
Undead constructs rarely have any will of their own
and can be considered mindless automatons for the Husks are brittle and desiccated corpses. The
most part. Regardless of their origin all undead process of their creation drains most of the moister
constructs have the following points in common: from their bodies. Their weak frames make them
poor combatants, yet due to the process of their
❖ Brain Dead: Such creatures have no higher
cognitive ability. They cannot perform complex creation they tend to last a lot longer than other
tasks and have no personal will. What little undead constructs, the absence of water in their
motivation they do have is either an echo of bodies delaying natural decay.
their mortal existence or one which had been Husks have a rudimentary form of muscle memory
imposed upon them by their Necromantic and can perform simple and repetitive tasks
overlord. indefinitely.
❖ Rotting: All undead constructs are slowly
rotting away. While this decay is slowed down ❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 1,
significantly due to the Necromantic rituals used Health 2.
to bring them into existence, it is never stopped. ❖ Slow Rot: Husks can remain active for up to a
Most will only last a week or two before natural year given the right conditions.
decay overcomes the Necromantic energies ❖ Servants: These creatures are usually employed
holding them together. as simple servants that perform extremely basic
This also means that undead constructs cannot menial tasks for their master. They have no real
heal as their bodies had long since expired. intellect so complex actions such as driving,
❖ Horrific: The walking dead are a terrifying sight crafting or even labeling items are beyond them.
to mortals and will cause a panic if seen in Undead Homunculi
❖ Tough: Undead constructs do not need to eat, Homunculi are small, diminutive creatures that are
drink or breath. They do not feel pain or fear. created by stitching together several body parts,
Undead constructs are in essence Supernatural both human and animal. They can perform a variety
Creatures. They have the same resilience as of tasks and are often seen as pets by
Kindred with the exception that if all of their Necromancers. They have a form of simple instinct,
health boxes are filled with Aggravated Damage depending on what creatures were used in their
they simply die.
construction, and prefer to stay close to their
❖ Control: As they are mostly brain-dead undead
master. Their “lifespans” are varied but it seems that
constructs cannot be mentally manipulated by
other powers. They are purely obedient to their their proximity to their creator somehow sustains
creator. The only exception to this rule is if they them, either by the necromancer repairing the
encounter another being with access to creature, as parts eventually decay, or by their mere
Necromancy and Dominate. Such individuals presence.
can exert their Dominate abilities over undead
constructs and turn them against their former ❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 1,
masters. Health 2.
❖ Weaknesses: Undead constructs are extremely ❖ Resource Guarding: A necromancer can only
tough and resilient. They do possess a few key possess one undead homunculus at any one
weaknesses however. time. The creatures are incredibly jealous and
Fire: Causes aggravated damage to undead tear each other apart for their master’s attention.
constructs. ❖ Varied: Select one option below for your
Silver: If an undead construct is damaged by a homunculi.
silver weapon once all of its health boxes are o Buzzard: The creature possesses wings
filled with Superficial damage it will be killed and can fly, albeit clumsily.
automatically. o Cerberus: Increase the creatures
❖ Master’s Demise: If its creator is killed or Physical attributes to 3.
incapacitated the undead construct is destroyed. o Igor: Increase the creatures Mental and
Social attributes to 1.

Zombie Crypt Ghoul
A zombie is the reanimated corpse of the recently Crypt ghouls are the reanimated remains of a
deceased. The necromancer uses such creatures as a ritualistically slain vampiric ghoul. They can be
disposable form of cannon fodder that he can created by both mortal and vampiric necromancers,
throw at the enemy with abandonment. Zombies although the ritual is generally avoided by mortals
have no higher cognitive function, although some due to the creature’s uncontrollable fury.
do retain a vague memory of their former lives. The vitae, which flows through the ghoul’s body,
Such individuals can open doors and use simple corrupts their form and spirit. As the ghoul is slain,
weapons. The most unique of their kind can even the necromancer marks the corpse with occult runes
work out alternative routes to targets and handle and lays it to rest. During the next 24 hours the
firearms (albeit in a very rudimentary fashion). ghoul undergoes a transformation.
Unless directed by their master, zombies react The tips of their fingers grow long and bladed,
violently to any other creature near them and will bursting through skin in the form of wicked talons.
seek to kill it. The mouths distend and teeth break away into fine
points. Their spines become bent, and their muscle
❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 3,
structure reforms so that the creature moves on all
Health 4.
fours like a beast. All the while flesh, fat, and skin
❖ Wear & Tear: Zombies tend to not have the best
sense of self-preservation instinct and their decay at an accelerated rate.
bursts of activity usually end with them quickly The ghoul remains in this new form indefinitely
expiring. Zombies can remain active for an hour until exhumed. Once unburied they will be afflicted
at most before natural decay, and their own by a raging hunger for the flesh of the living, which
actions, break down their bodies. they can never satiate, and will attack any nearby
❖ Inaction: These creatures need a guiding hand. individual in a vicious display of ferocity.
Unless they have a target nearby, or are directed The only person the ghouls will refrain from
by the necromancer, a zombie will simply remain attacking are their former masters. For even in
standing where it is until it falls apart. death the bond between master and servant
Crypt King continues to echo.
❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 5,
Not all servants can be as easily replaced. Through a
Health 5.
ritual the necromancer reanimates a recently slain
❖ Crypt Weapons: All physical attacks made by
Ghoul. The newly created Crypt King remains the Crypt Ghouls cause Aggravated Damage to
vampire’s loyal servant even in their new form. Mortals and cannot be halved by Kindred.
❖ Attributes: The same as they were when they ❖ Final Rest: Crypt ghouls will become inactive
were alive. and decay into nothing when hit by sunlight.
❖ A New Existence: Physically a Crypt King is
just a recently killed corpse brought back to life.
A Crypt King only needs their masters’ vitae to
remain active, no different from the time they
were alive. They do not suffer or benefit from
the following points common to other Undead
Constructs: Brain Dead and Control.
They lose all vampiric disciplines and bonuses
they might have possessed when they were
❖ Enduring: Upon their creation Crypt Kings
recover their entire health and willpower track.
They do not rot, the vitae sustain them,
however they do not heal as they normally
would be able to if they were alive. So, each
point of physical damage, they take, is

Burial Horror o Departed Faces: The necromancer took
care when selecting its victims and made sure
Some Necromancers take their experimentations familiar faces can be seen sewn to the creature.
too far. Part accidental abomination, part cruel All enemies suffer a 1 dice penalty when
design, a burial horror is a monstrosity rivalled only targeting the creature with any of their
by Tzimisce flesh constructs. actions.
The creature isn’t so much created as it is built, o Undead Juggernaut: The creature
bashed, and sewn together using up to a dozen possesses layers upon layers of blubber, making
it difficult to bring down.
corpses in its design. Such creatures take a few days
Increase the burial horrors Health score
to build and require a steady supply of corpses. to 8.
Once built the Necromancer may enact a ritual to o Meat Hooks: Cruel hooks, usually used to
awaken the creature. A burial horror is driven store meat, protrude from the creature at
completely and utterly insane by its pained awkward angles.
existence. It possesses enough instinct to listen to Add 2 dice to any of the creature’s brawl
simple commands from its master but is otherwise a actions.
being of vicious demeanour. Once brought to unlife
it will remain active for roughly 1 hour before its
body tears itself apart in a final gory release. Skull Fiend
❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 7, A skull fiend is a special type of undead construct.
Health 6. One whose creation had all but been lost to time.
❖ Abominations: Any Mortal or Enhanced A skull fiend is little more than a human skull that
Mortal who witnesses the horror must pass a possesses a vicious spirit and the power of
Willpower test (3) or flee in terror. levitation. It can hover above ground and fly
❖ Mad Design: Pick any 2 upgrades for the
towards its target at frightening speed. Upon impact
Burial Horror (you may not repeat a selection):
o Shock Prongs: Finding it difficult to it generally shatters or, if the victim is incredibly
animate the beast with their necromantic unfortunate, latches on with its teeth and bites
abilities alone, the necromancer rammed half a down. Alone it is not a serious danger, but the
dozen electrically charged shock prongs into the creature often acts in swarms.
beast. Luckily for the world, few necromancers possess
Roll a D10 whenever the creature is hit the knowledge to create such a creature. Rumours
in close combat. On a roll of a 10 an do persist however that a few ancient elders, within
electrical discharge occurs, temporarily the catacombs of Paris, still use them as silent
stunning all combatants within 2 meters sentries.
(5 feet) of the burial horror. Affected
characters cannot act and are considered ❖ Attributes: Mental and Social 0, Physical 3,
impaired until the following round. Health 1.
o Animal Components: The necromancer ❖ Patient Hunter: A Skull Fiend generally remains
sadly did not limit themselves to human inert, unless order differently by its master, or if
specimens. an intruder trespasses on its domain. As it is a
The creatures close combat attacks simple human skull it can remain dormant and
cause Aggravated Health Damage to able to pounce for decades on end, before natural
Mortals and Enhanced Mortals. decay finally makes it permanently inert.
Additionally, Kindred cannot halve the ❖ Unnerving Missile: Skull Fiends do not last
damage against such attacks. long when activated. Once they decide to attack
o Corpse Bloat: Foul gases billow and gather an enemy, they fly towards them at incredible
inside the creatures’ multiple bellies. speed. The enemy will find them impossible to
Upon its death the Burial Horror dodge unless they possess Celerity. If hit an
detonates, dealing 1 point of Aggravated opposing Strength + Brawl test needs to be
Damage to all individuals within 5 made. If the target wins it takes 1 point of
meters (15 feet) of it. Superficial damage and the skull is destroyed. If
it loses it takes 1 point of Aggravated Damages
as the skull latches onto its victim and bites


The Shadowlands, or the lands of the dead, is a layer Nature Of The Shadowlands
of the underworld. It is most commonly associated
with Wraith: The Oblivion and Geist: The Sin The make-up of spiritual realms in World Of
Eaters line of books. In this section we will discuss Darkness is as intricate as it is complex. It would be
the nature of the Shadowlands, its mechanics and best to describe the Shadowlands as the upper tier
clarify the concept of Oblivion and the Abyss. What of the lands of the dead that wraps the physical
follows will be an adaptation of the main rule set world. This is where the restless dead keep their
which is meant to make Obtenebration, Oblivion, kingdoms and this is where most spirits of those
Abyssal Mysticism and Necromancy more who were unwilling, or unable, to move on reside.
applicable to the V5 rule set. It is by no means
The Shadowlands are a dark and foreboding place.
meant a complete picture of the true nature of the
In many ways they are a bleak copy of our world
Shadowlands, merely a rough guide for Storytellers
although one that can be just as twisted and
to use.
maddening as it can be appealing and curious. It is
Death governed by its own laws and its own nature.
Memories form the foundation in the Shadowlands
Dying in the World Of Darkness can be
and are the only form of solidity in it. The spirits
complicated to say the least. When most creatures
that dwell here only really have memories of their
draw their last breath, they sink into the cold
lives to take with them and so the world is shaped
embrace of death never to be seen or heard from
by such laws.
again. This is what one can consider natural. You
are born, you live your life, as fully as you can, and Structures, ideas, knowledge and items that no
then you die. Yet sadly things are not always this longer exist in the physical world can still be found
straight forward. Some people die only to be re- in the Shadowlands. This alone makes the
animated as Kindred, others like Garou or Mages Shadowlands appealing to many who can travel its
have spirits which are part of an eternal cycle and dark paths and return to the land of the living.
are reincarnated time and time again and some
people die with so many unresolved issues that they The Shadowlands can also be used as a form of
simply refuse to pass on. travel. The barrier between the physical world and
It would be more accurate to say that everyone in the Shadowlands can sometimes thin. Theoretically
the world of darkness has two forms of death. Their a skilled traveler could enter through one of these
first death and their final death. For most these two points, only to re-emerge at another weak point,
happen simultaneously and the spirit moves on somewhere else in the physical world. Sadly, both
while the body rots away in the dirt, yet there are practices are fraught with danger.
exceptions to this this rule. Entering the Shadowland is much like entering the
For Kindred it is speculated that the human spirit depths of a bottomless frozen lake.
had moved on and what Vampires are is nothing Spend too long in the lake and you will freeze to
more than a human shell clinging to its past life, death. Lose your way and you may never find your
trying desperately to maintain its sense of identity way out. Swim to deep and who knows just what
while hosting the Beast. type of predators lurk in the lakes murky depts.
For ghost, spirits of the dead and wraiths, it is the
reverse. The body had long since rotted away to To further complicate matters travel is not always
nothing yet the spirit is unwilling or incapable of linear or easy to anticipate. Sometimes far off places
moving on. The list of possibilities goes on so it is can be reached with a brisk walk, while a caffe just
probably easier to simplify it into a few brief lines. around the corner in the real world can take days of
difficult navigation to reach. The landscape itself
All natural creatures will, inevitably die. For most can also be dotted with hidden dangers, landmarks
their first death will also be their last. that no longer existing and shifting geographic
Kindred & Ghosts had suffered their first death features.
already and as a result lost something that made
them human. While oimmortal such creatures can In other words, travel through the Shadowlands is
still be destroyed and so fear their final death just as extremely dangerous and difficult for the
much as they did their first one, if not more so. uninitiated.

Denizens Of The Shadowlands ❖ Spirits: As the Shadowlands are a place of
spirits the veil between the spiritual and physical
The Shadowlands are primarily inhabited by spirits plane is not present. This means all spirits are
of the dead. These spirits often form intricate fully visible even to normal mortals.
civilizations of their own and there exist a myriad of ❖ Woe to the living: Beings of flesh and blood
kingdom in the Shadowlands. Some of these spirits are considered a high commodity in the
are welcoming, many closely guard their domains Shadowlands and the dead crave their bodies
but are willing to barter with a traveler, most are and souls. The more civilized spirits might be
less inclined to outright hurt the traveler, while
outright hostile. Civilization is common enough in
older and more bestial entities will not hesitate
the Shadowlands just like in the real world but it is
to devour their prey whole.
far from the norm. The further one strays into the
depths of the Shadowlands, the more likely it is that
they will encounter more bestial, older and far
deadlier entities. Oblivion & The Abyss
Exactly what form or nature such entities have is There are some concepts that remain relevant even
left to the discretion of the storyteller. after death. Some ideas which even the dead cannot
shake. Some terrors even those who seemingly lost
everything fear.

Traveling Through The One of these concepts is Oblivion, the other is the
When traveling through the Shadowlands always
apply the following points: Oblivion – The end of all things

❖ Entry: The Shadowlands can only be entered In the centre of the Shadowlands, in its deepest
through a Ritual (such as Into The Chasm) twisted paths, one will find a great cosmic
which creates or exploits a breach between the whirlpool. This is the physical manifestation of
physical world and the Shadowlands. Oblivion and it is the end of creation.
❖ Exit: One can only exit the Shadowlands Oblivion devours all; souls, matter, memories,
through a breach into the physical world. thoughts. It is the cosmic point of non-existence
❖ Linked: Two points can be mystically linked and the embodiment of the end. None can say what
through the Shadowlands allowing the user happens to those who enter its depths for none are
almost instantaneous travel between the two
ever seen again. Due to this there had been many
locations. This type of travel still exposes the
theories put forward by the living and the dead on
traveler to the Shadowlands and its denizens, if
for only a few seconds. its true nature.
❖ Visibility: The Shadowlands have no natural Some believe it is a cosmic destroyer and will one
sunlight; they instead range from gloomy low-lit day devour the universe. Others see it as a curious
areas to regions where light is but a memory. and dangerous feature of the Shadowlands, perhaps
Generally supernatural sight is needed to a natural response to prevent an overpopulation of
successfully navigate its depths. spirits. Many see Oblivion as the final step before
❖ Survival: The Shadowlands are not kind to true rebirth and many more see it as an entrance to
living things. The air is thin, making breathing another universe. Each theory always adding more
hard, the cold is always present and there is no questions than answers to its enigmatic nature.
sustenance for the living. Mortals will quickly In its purest form Oblivion is merely the
expire due to these effects, Enhanced Mortals embodiment of the end. It is neither evil, nor
(Ghouls) can generally remain active for up to malignant, nor does it have an agenda. It simply
an hour and Kindred are usually able to operate
exists as an inevitability of the end of everything.
for prolonged periods but struggle to satisfy
their hunger.

Oblivion Users - Necromancers more intensely humans experience fear or some
other unknowable reason is a mystery but it explains
Those who make use of Oblivion hold a powerful
why the Abyss prefers to target creatures with a
bargaining chip over the denizens of the
higher thought capacity.
Shadowlands. Regardless of the age or might of a
spirit all of them shudder at the mere mention of Of course, all of these might simply be the
Oblivion and the thought of its bottomless depts unfounded theories of those trying to rationalize
consuming what little is left of their existence. their fears. For its part the nature of the Abyss
remains purposefully elusive.
Necromancers use their connection to Oblivion to
channel the energies of the Shadowlands towards
their own means. Many of them becoming arrogant
Obtenebration Users – Abyssal Mystics
and cruel in the process as their abilities allow them
to manipulate spirits to do their bidding, whether it Those who use the Abyss take a portion of it into
is manifesting in the physical world, animating the their very soul, in essence becoming part of the
bodies of the dead or imparting ancient secrets. Abyss. This is why its users are viewed with
Necromancers do need to maintain a high level of suspicion or fear by spirits, for such entities
composure when using their powers. Oblivion can subconsciously recognize the user’s familiarity with
only be directed and its destructive force cares not a formidable predator from Shadowlands. Using the
for who it devours, be it its intended target or its Abyss as a weapon does, without a doubt, make its
supposed master. users more formidable in the Shadowlands for its
abilities have the power to equally impact the
physical and the spiritual world.
Abyss – The living darkness
Unlike the relationship Oblivion users have with
The Abyss is a malignant force in the Shadowlands their source of power, those who make use of the
and grows strong wherever fear holds sway. It Abyss have at best a symbiotic or at worse a
becomes particularly common when one nears parasitic relationship with their font of power. The
Oblivion itself, for the subconscious terror of one’s Abyss is always willing to do what it takes to bask in
demises empower it. fear. Sometimes it can extract such fear from its
supposed master, but that generally leads to the
If one were to say Oblivion is a physical
hosts destruction and the fragment of the Abyss
representation of true death than the Abyss is the
being banished back to the Shadowlands. So
embodiment of fear itself.
instead, the Abyss will generally grant its user a
At first the idea seems hard to grasp unless one portion of its power, while motivating them to use
looks at the Abyss through a wider lens. their newfound abilities more frequently. This
inevitably changes the user, draining their humanity
The oldest fear humans have is that of the dark. It is and causing them to become more reliant on their
not a taught behaviour, rather it is instinctual. shadow manipulating capabilities. Due to this its
So, it makes sense why, to most intelligent beings, practitioners need to show a high level of resolve to
the Abyss manifests itself as a living shadow. maintain control over their shadowy abilities.
The most enduring fear humans have is a fear of
dying, or more precisely the fear of the unknown The Shadowlands
that happens after death.
This would explain why the Abyss exists primarily Veteran players of V5 and Wraith, will notice
in the Shadowlands and why it seems to be so that I left the Shadowlands and its denizens
closely tied to Oblivion, one of the greatest purposefully vague. This is done so not to
mysteries of the universe. tamper with too many established story elements
of World of Darkness, while providing the
Finally, unlike Oblivion, which is indifferent of its player with a rough guide they can easily make
victims, the Abyss seems to prefer intelligent use of. Feel free to use your own interpretation
creatures as its prey and possesses a sadistic nature. of the idea discussed in this segment.
Whether this has something to do with how much

This Document is part of the Shadowfall expanded universe.


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