Vecna Nest of the Eldritch Eye

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Vecna: Nest of the

Eldritch Eye
Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye
Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye is a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure for four to six char-
acters of level 3. This adventure takes place in the city of Neverwinter on the Sword Coast. A sinister
cult has crept into the city’s bowels, and the characters must infiltrate the cult’s hideout and root out
its members before harm befalls the city.

Lead Designer: Christopher Perkins Game Architects: Jeremy Crawford, Christo-
Art Director: Fury Galuzzi pher Perkins
Designer: Makenzie De Armas Studio Art Director: Josh Herman
Rules Developer: Ron Lundeen Senior Producer: Dan Tovar
Editors: Christopher Perkins, Patrick Renie Producer: Siera Bruggeman
Graphic Designer: Bowen Welles Product Manager: Brian Perry
Cover Illustrator: Greg Staples
Cartographer: Marco Bernardini D&D Beyond
Illustrator: Greg Staples Product Manager: Jeff Turriff
Consultants: Rico Corazon, James Mendez, Digital Designers: Jay Jani, Adam Walton
Pam Punzalan

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Handbook, Monster Manual,
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Running the Beginning the
Adventure Adventure
This adventure is designed to be playable in Begin the adventure by reading aloud the fol-
two or three hours. The characters are con- lowing:
tracted by Lord Protector Dagult Neverember
of Neverwinter to patrol the city. When a dead The city of Neverwinter stands proudly on
man is found clutching a withered eyeball, the the Sword Coast, west and north of
characters are tasked with uncovering the Dessarin Valley. Fifty years ago, the city was
cause of the man’s death. This leads the char- nearly destroyed by the eruption of Mount
acters to investigate the city’s old catacombs Hotenow. Today, the city stands mostly
and confront cultists of the lich-god Vecna. rebuilt. It bustles with skilled tradespeople,
intrepid adventurers, and hardy townsfolk.
Text that appears in a box like this is meant Leadership in Neverwinter falls to Dagult
to be read aloud or paraphrased for the play- Neverember, lord protector of the city—and
ers when their characters first arrive at a your employer. The city lacks a formal mili-
location or under a specific circumstance, as tia, so Lord Neverember often hires merce-
described in the text. naries and adventurers such as yourselves
to keep the city secure.
When a creature’s name appears in bold
type, that’s a visual clue pointing you to its stat Regardless of whether the characters know
block as a way of saying, “Hey, DM, get this each other prior to their arrival in Neverwinter,
creature’s stat block ready. You’re going to they are assigned to patrol the city together.
need it.” All monster stat blocks referenced in The first few days of the patrol are uneventful
this adventure can be found in the Monster (unless you decide otherwise), allowing the
Manual. characters to familiarize themselves with the
You can make the adventure easier or harder, city.

Dead Man’s Message

or adjust it for smaller or larger groups of
player characters, by adjusting the number of
monsters or by adding or removing encounters.
After the characters’ first few days patrolling
the city, tragedy strikes. Read or paraphrase
the following:

An anguished scream erupts from a nearby

alley. The sound comes from a slender
human woman clad in the light leather
armor of a scout or investigator. Clutched in
her arms is the dead body of a human man
clad in a tattered gray robe. The man and
woman bear a striking resemblance to each
With a dull thump, a desiccated eyeball
rolls out of the dead man’s palm.

The dead man is Delvin Fearnehart, an inves-
tigator in Lord Neverember’s employ; the Into Neverwinter’s
woman holding his body is Kevori Fearnehart,
Delvin’s sister. A character who succeeds on a Catacombs
DC 8 Intelligence (History) check recognizes Several months ago, cultists dedicated to
both Delvin and Kevori as mercenaries Vecna commandeered sections of Neverwin-
employed by Lord Neverember to patrol the ter’s catacombs for their nefarious purposes.
city. The sect the characters are pursuing is in the
If the characters question Kevori (neutral western ruins of the city.
good, human scout), she shares the following Unless you decide otherwise, the characters
information: encounter no difficulties following the eyeball’s
Investigators for Hire. Kevori and her directions to a dilapidated entrance into the
brother were tasked by Lord Neverember to city’s western catacombs. Read or paraphrase
investigate suspicious cult activity in the city. the following:
Rendezvous Gone Wrong. Kevori came here
to rendezvous with Delvin after he’d infiltrated The withered eyeball aims its empty gaze
a potential cult hideout. down an alley strewn with rubble. Rats
What She Knows. The only clue Kevori has scurry between chunks of old stone and
is the desiccated eyeball that dropped from dusty crates. At the back of the alley is a set
Delvin’s hand. of moldering wood boards, propped up just
Kevori requests the characters’ aid in uncov- enough to block a dark tunnel leading below
ering who or what killed her brother while she the surface.
returns to the Hall of Justice to inform Lord
Neverember of these developments. She
The boards blocking the entrance to the cata-
implores the characters to avenge her brother’s
combs can be moved easily, revealing a sloping
death, but she also reminds the characters that
tunnel (area N1).
Lord Neverember values information and will
pay more for capturing cultists alive. Area Features
Investigating the Eyeball This adventure explores only a small section of
Neverwinter’s sprawling catacombs. Unless
The eyeball serves as both a map and a key to
otherwise stated, areas of the catacombs
the cult’s hideout. When a creature holding the
shown in this adventure have the following fea-
eyeball speaks the key phrase, “Hail the Undy-
ing,” the eyeball glows with green light before
spinning to look in the direction of the cult’s Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the cata-
hideout (acting like a compass). combs are 10 feet high and made of roughly
A detect magic spell or similar effect reveals hewn stone.
an aura of divination magic around the eyeball. Eyeball Compass. The activated eyeball con-
Casting identify while targeting the eyeball tinuously points in the direction of the cult
reveals its function and its key phrase. Alterna- hideout’s entrance (area N11). The eyeball is
tively, a character can rifle through Delvin’s also needed to unlock the door in area N11.
pockets and find a slip of parchment with the Light. Rusted wall sconces hold lit torches. The
key phrase scribbled on it. area is dimly lit.
Following the activated eyeball’s directions Walls and Floors. Walls are constructed of
leads the characters to a catacomb entrance in stone blocks and are slick with moisture,
one of the still-ruined sections of Neverwinter making climbing impossible without magic or
(see “Into Neverwinter’s Catacombs”). gear. Floors are made from a mix of stone
slabs and packed earth.

Area Locations
The following locations are keyed to the Nest of
the Eldritch Eye map.

N1: Entrance Tunnel N4: Cinerary Rotunda
The tunnel proceeds at a downward slope,
bringing the characters 20 feet beneath street Glossy urns and cinerary boxes line the
level. walls of this vaulted rotunda. Drifting in the
center of the room above a drain is a
N2: Half-Collapsed Chamber ghostly, transparent, humanoid figure. The
figure is clad in plate armor, and where a
The soft lapping of water echoes through head should be, there is instead a feature-
this wide chamber. Wood and stone debris less, luminescent orb.
from collapsed buildings litter the area.
Brackish water floods nearly half of the The neutral ghost haunting this area has no
chamber, getting deeper toward a dark tun- memory of its name or existence in life—a fact
nel to the west. which pains it greatly. Upon noticing the char-
acters enter, the ghost beseeches them for help
Characters who have a passive Wisdom (Per- in recovering its previous identity. If the charac-
ception) score of 12 or higher notice the ters refuse, the ghost sulks but isn’t hostile.
entrance to a cramped tunnel hidden behind Discovering the Ghost’s Identity. The ghost
some collapsed rubble to the south. A character is the spirit of the knight entombed in area N6.
who spends 1 minute clearing the rubble opens Clues regarding the ghost’s identity can be
the entrance to a crawlspace (area N7). found in areas N5 and N6. A character who
Making a Skiff. Characters have the option searches the rotunda for 10 minutes finds no
of assembling a makeshift skiff from the debris clues related to the ghost in this room.
here to make traversing the flooded area eas- To regain its identity, the ghost must hear its
ier. A character attempting to assemble a skiff full name: Chanelle Hallwinter. If a character
must make a DC 11 Wisdom (Survival) check. speaks this name aloud within 20 feet of the
On a successful check, the character makes a ghost, the featureless orb of the ghost’s head
skiff sturdy enough to support up to two coalesces into the face of a middle-aged human
Medium or smaller creatures. woman with braided hair, and the ghost’s mem-
While riding a skiff, a creature can use its ories return. The ghost is grateful to the charac-
movement to propel the skiff up to 20 feet in a ters and resolves to aid them.
direction of its choice. What the Ghost Knows. At first, the ghost
remembers nothing about Delvin, the cult, or
N3: Flooded Tunnel
the catacombs. Once the ghost’s identity has
The water filling this tunnel is 3 feet deep; been restored, it remembers not only its life as
without the use of a skiff or other water vehicle, Chanelle Hallwinter but also what it has wit-
the water counts as difficult terrain for Medium nessed while haunting these catacombs. The
or larger creatures that lack a swimming speed, ghost can share the following information with
while Small and smaller creatures must swim the characters:
to traverse the tunnel. Catacomb Invaders. A small group of
Water Weird. A neutral evil water weird Humanoids descended into the catacombs sev-
lurks here. It tries to ambush and kill any crea- eral months ago, whispering about strange ritu-
ture that enters the tunnel. als and secrets.
Upon entering the tunnel for the first time, a Delvin. Chanelle saw a man matching Delvin’s
character who has a passive Wisdom (Percep- description flee through the rotunda from
tion) score of 15 or higher notices odd waves deeper within the catacombs, pursued by an
and currents that suggest the presence of a individual in a hooded gray robe.
creature in the water. If a character’s passive Zombie Infestation. The crypt to the south of
Wisdom (Perception) score is lower than 15, the rotunda was desecrated and now swarms
the character has disadvantage on their initia- with zombies.
tive roll when the water weird attacks.

N5: Tomb of the Mage Discovering the Ghost’s Identity. Charac-
ters who search this tomb for clues find the fol-
The smell of old parchment fills this tomb. lowing pieces of information:
Bookshelves carrying various tomes and Family Crest. Engraved on the lid of the sar-
scholarly implements stand against the cophagus is a coat of arms depicting a
walls. At the center is a stone, gold-painted blunted six-point crown. A character who suc-
sarcophagus, the sides of which bear a ceeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check
beautiful relief carving of two humanoid recognizes this symbol as the crest of the
women exploring a forest together. Hallwinter family, whose lineage produced
renowned knights throughout the Sword
This is the tomb of Makalia Siannodel, a Coast.
female elf mage and the partner of the knight Relief Details. One of the figures depicted in
entombed in area N6. the sarcophagus’s relief carving wears armor
Discovering the Ghost’s Identity. Charac- that matches the armor of the ghost in area
ters who search this tomb find treasure (see N4.
“Treasure” below) and the following clues: Treasure. Most items stored in this tomb
Golden Locket. A heart-shaped golden locket have rusted, but one shield remains intact. This
sits on one of the bookshelves. The locket is shield is a cursed shield of missile attraction;
locked but can be either pried open with a suc- however, if the characters restore the ghost’s
cessful DC 11 Strength (Athletics) check or identity, Chanelle Hallwinter gratefully gives
picked open with a successful DC 10 Dexterity the shield to the characters and removes the
(Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools. curse, transforming the shield into a +1 shield.
Inside is a small portrait of a human woman, Secret Passage. A character who searches
next to which is the inscription, “My dearest the tomb for secret doors and succeeds on a
Chanelle.” DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check sees the
Relief Details. One of the figures depicted in faint outline of a doorway at the back of the
the sarcophagus’s relief carving wears armor tomb. The door is unlocked, swings open with a
that matches the armor of the ghost in area N4. gentle push, and leads to area N8.
Treasure. Nestled among the bookshelves
are five incense sticks (worth 10 gp each) and a N7: Crawlspace
component pouch. A character who inspects The cramped passage is large enough to
the area and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence accommodate Small and smaller creatures;
(Investigation) check also finds a hidden com- Medium creatures must squeeze to move
partment in one of the shelved books. Inside is through it.
a spell scroll of protection from evil and good. Disturbed Rubble. When a creature enters
N6: Tomb of the Knight the crawlspace for the first time, its movement
disturbs some of the rubble above. The crea-
ture must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
A stone, gold-painted sarcophagus rests in
throw to reach the other side of the crawlspace
the center of this tomb. The sides of the sar-
unscathed. On a failed save, the creature takes
cophagus bear a relief depicting two women
7 (3d4) bludgeoning damage from the falling
gazing lovingly over a field and a city, and
the lid has a faintly distinguishable family
crest carved into it. Old weapons and deco- N8: Forked Tunnel
rated armor line the walls of this room.
The tunnel splits three ways: north toward a
This is the tomb of Chanelle Hallwinter, a tight crawlspace, west toward a stone door,
female human knight and the partner of the and south toward a foul-smelling chamber.
mage entombed in area N5. This is also the
tomb of the ghost found in area N4. At the end of the west tunnel is a secret door
to area N6. From this side, the door is clearly
visible and pulls open easily.

N9: Sewerage Chamber Once one of the two options has been done
successfully, the shrine glows with white light,
A foul stench rises from the murky sewage and all zombies in the area immediately col-
that fills most of this large chamber. Three lapse with the unconscious condition for 24
four-foot-tall burbling masses slink through hours. The condition ends early for a zombie if
the muck. it takes damage.
N11: Door of the Eldritch Eye
The sewage is 1 foot deep and difficult terrain.
The three burbling masses are awakened A double door made of green-tinged stone
piles of undead sludge, sloughed from the cult’s seals off further progression into the cata-
twisted experiments (each uses the gray ooze combs. Facing the double door is a large
stat block but is an Undead instead of Ooze). carving of a grinning skull; one eye socket
The masses ignore the room’s difficult terrain bears a wide eyeball with a jeweled iris,
and attack if approached. while the other is an empty divot.
N10: Crypt of the Silenced Singers
The double door is locked and has no key-
What was once a serene crypt now lies in holes. To open the door from the north side, a
ruin. Two chipped stone pillars brace the desiccated eyeball (such as the one obtained
vaulted ceiling. Tombs are cracked open, from Delvin) must be placed in the divot of the
and reanimated corpses prowl the room. At grinning skull. Once placed there, the eyeball
the center of the room’s back wall is a dirt- pulses with sickly green light, and the double
ied and desecrated shrine bearing the image door swings open to reveal a staircase leading
of a blank scroll. further down. If the eyeball is removed from the
divot, the door remains open for 1 minute
before closing and locking on its own. A knock
Eight zombies shamble around this crypt.
spell or similar magic also opens the door.
The zombies are hungry and immediately
Neither magic nor an eyeball is needed to
attack upon seeing a creature unless that crea-
open the double door from the south. On the
ture succeeds on a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth)
door’s south side is a stone pedal; stepping on
it causes the double door to swing open.
Shrine to Oghma. A character who exam-
ines the shrine and succeeds on a DC 10 Intel- N12: Hall of the Whispered One
ligence (Religion) check recognizes the image
The bottom of the stairway opens into a wide
on the shrine as the holy symbol of Oghma, god
sanctuary with a vaulted ceiling. Stone pews
of knowledge and patron to bards and wizards.
are arranged in orderly rows. Black candles
If the check succeeds by 3 or more, the charac-
burning green flames occupy niches along the
ter intuits that rededicating the shrine to
walls. Atop a pulpit at the far end of the hall
Oghma could help against the zombies in the
stands a jagged sculpture of an emaciated hand
with one eyeball in its palm.
To rededicate the shrine, a creature must
A character who succeeds on a DC 11 Intelli-
first use an action to clean it. Once the filth is
gence (Religion) check recognizes the sculp-
cleaned off, a creature can use an action to do
ture as the symbol of Vecna, a powerful lich
one of the following:
and god of secrets known and feared on many
 Make a DC 14 Charisma (Performance) worlds.
check using an instrument within 5 feet of Any loud noises here awaken the cultists in
the shrine, performing a song dedicated to area N13, who investigate at once.
 Touch the shrine and expend a spell slot of
1st level or higher.

N13: Cultist Quarters N14: Eldritch Library
If the occupants of this room were lured to area
N12 by noise there, omit the last sentence of Crooked shelves filled with books and
the following boxed text: scrolls stand against the walls. In the center
of the room is a square table covered in
Makeshift cots are strewn about two adjoin- scribbled notes and ink-stained parchment.
ing caverns separated by an open doorway.
Several individuals in gray robes slumber The notes spread across the table detail the
here peacefully despite the flickering torch- cult’s experiments and history. A character who
light. spends at least 10 minutes studying the notes
learns the following:
Seven cultists sleep in these two chambers. Cult Experiments. The cult’s leader, Zalryr, is
Each cultist wears a hooded gray robe that has experimenting with ways to magically siphon
a desiccated eyeball (like the one obtained from secrets from an individual’s soul. Early exper-
Delvin) tucked in one pocket. iments reduced volunteers to piles of necrotic
Being Sneaky. To move through these rooms sludge, which were disposed of in the sewer-
without waking the cultists, a creature must age (area N9).
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Others? The cultists here are but one sect of
On a failed check, 1d4 of the cultists wake up. many that have infiltrated Neverwinter. The
Awake cultists are hostile but easily cowed. A other sects have chosen different areas of the
character can use an action to make a DC 12 city’s catacombs as their respective hideouts.
Charisma (Intimidation) check. On a successful Trapped Lockbox. A character who inspects
check, all awake cultists that can see or hear the shelves and succeeds on a DC 10 Intelli-
the character surrender. gence (Investigation) check finds a small ebony
Interrogating the Cultists. Characters can box. The box is locked; Zalryr in area N15 has
attempt to glean more information from cap- the key. The box can be picked open by a crea-
tured cultists by making a DC 10 Charisma ture that makes a successful DC 13 Dexterity
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check. On a suc- (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools, or
cessful check, a character learns one of the fol- it can be forced open with a successful DC 15
lowing pieces of information: Strength (Athletics) check.
Cult Leader. The cult’s leader is Zalryr, who is The box is trapped. A creature that opens the
conducting a profane experiment in the ritual box by any means other than using the proper
chamber (area N15). Zalryr aims to “draw key must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
secrets from the depths of the mortal soul.” throw, taking 7 (2d6) necrotic damage on a
Cult Worship. The cultists all serve Vecna, failed saved or half as much damage on a suc-
whom they refer to as the Whispered One. cessful one. This trap can’t be detected or dis-
Delvin’s Fate. Zalryr uncovered the presence armed.
of a spy recently. That spy was chased from Inside the box are two potions of healing
the catacombs and assassinated for his trans- (greater).
gression. The cultists’ description of the spy
N15: Ritual Chamber
confirms it was Delvin Fearnehart.
Treasure. A character who searches these Cacophonous whispers echo through this
rooms and makes a successful DC 12 Intelli- expansive cave. An imposing human cultist
gence (Investigation) check finds two gray in a sweeping robe stands against the wall,
cultist robes and three gaudy jeweled rings chanting. His oily hair is slicked back, and
worth 10 gp each. If the check succeeds by 3 or his skin is gaunt and gray.
more, the character also finds a hat of disguise
tucked beneath one of the unused cots.

Vecna bestows one of two supernatural gifts
Carved into the floor before him is a runic on each character. Have each player roll a die,
circle that pulses with sickly green light. with the result determining which charm their
Two cultists—one human, one elf—stand character receives: the charm of the creeping
inside the circle, heads thrown back and hand if the die roll is an odd number or the
mouths agape. Their leader commands, charm of the eldritch eye if the die roll is an
“Now! Release your secrets unto me! Let the even number. While in possession of either
truths hidden in your soul come forth and charm, the character has the unshakeable feel-
become stronger!” As if in response, the ing that they are being watched. See the next
cultists’ silhouettes warp into two lanky section for descriptions of these charms.
shadowy entities.

Zalryr (neutral evil, human cult fanatic)

Vecna’s Supernatural
stands at the north end of the room, conducting
an experiment on the two cultists standing
inside the runic circle. Zalryr’s experiment has Vecna is known to bestow supernatural gifts on
magically siphoned the secrets from the mortals who impress him, regardless of their
cultists’ souls to create the two shadowy enti- affiliations. The following charms are two of his
ties (each uses the shadow stat block). favorites.
Each cultist, including Zalryr, wears a
hooded gray robe that has a desiccated eyeball Charm of the Creeping
(like the one obtained from Delvin) tucked in
one pocket.
Upon noticing the characters, Zalryr com- Supernatural Gift (Charm)
mands the cultists and the shadowy entities to Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an
attack. The cultists and entities fight to their attack roll using a weapon or an unarmed
deaths, but Zalryr surrenders when he is strike, you can infuse your strike with life-steal-
reduced to 10 hit points or fewer. ing energy. Your attack then deals an extra
Vecna Appears! When Zalryr either surren- 1d10 necrotic damage, and you gain 5 tempo-
ders or is slain, read or paraphrase the follow- rary hit points. Once used five times, the charm
ing: vanishes.

The runic circle suddenly hisses and flashes Charm of the Eldritch Eye
with lurid light. As if being extinguished, the Supernatural Gift (Charm)
glow of the runes dims as shadowy smoke You can cast clairvoyance as an action, without
rises from the carvings. The smoke gathers using a spell slot and requiring no material
in the center of the chamber, where it coa- components. Once used three times, the charm
lesces into an apparition of an emaciated vanishes.
skull with one glowing green eye.
The apparition speaks in a hissing bari- Concluding the
tone. “Good news, Zalryr. Though your
efforts have been disappointing, you have Adventure
brought me new... points of interest.” The
apparition swivels to look at each of you in The characters can take any captives, leave the
turn. “Yes, there is great potential here. May catacombs, and report to Lord Neverember
we meet again—but until then, I have my eye without further incident. Lord Neverember is
on you.” The apparition then explodes into grateful for the characters’ efforts and pays
streaks of shadow, passing through each of each character a base sum of 100 gp for the
you with a whispered scream before vanish- job, plus an additional 10 gp each for each
ing. cultist captured alive (25 gp each for Zalryr).

Continuing the
Though this sect of cultists has been neutral-
ized, others still lurk in the shadows of Never-
winter, with even more nefarious schemes in
service of Vecna. Lord Neverember might call
on the characters to continue rooting out these
cultists, culminating in an adventure through
the sprawling catacombs beneath Neverwin-
ter’s Neverdeath Graveyard. If you need help
planning further, Vecna: Eve of Ruin contains
more information about cult activities in
Neverdeath Graveyard and provides an excel-
lent campaign that follows Vecna’s machina-


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