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CARD 1: Discuss the information a company you know

Company: Viettel Card A Card B

Foundation year 1989

-When was its founded? Viettel was established in 1989

Products Mobile phone, telephone line,

-What products does the company digital telecommunication
specialize in? -It specializes in...
-What does Viettel business -Viettel is a corporation
activities? specializing in...
Head office Hanoi, Vietnam
-Do u know where Viettel -As far as I know, V is based in...
headquarter is?
Number of employees 50,000(2019)
-How many employees did it have -It had... employees in ...
in 2019?
Annual revenue VND 30 trillion
-What was its annual revenue? -In..., the V brand achieved the
- What was turnover in 2019? ideal revenue of $
Target customers Customers of all ages
What does the company target - With a moderate price, not too
customers? high, V toward... customers.
The products are quite trendy,
simple and easy to coordinate
Group of customers middle-income
and low budget. They don't need to
spend a lot of money to own a car.
Competitors Vinaphone, mobiphone
- Do u know who Mazda's -Yeah, currently, there're 2 big
opponent are? competitors are....
Major market Nationwide
-Where is Mazda's major market? - Viettel mainly distributes to the
- Its major market is in Nationwide
A: Good morning, can I ask you some questions about viettel company?
B: yes, of course.
A: thank you for your information. I really know a lot of useful information /
valuable details.
B: Not at all. I am glad to provide you with helpful information
Card 2: Work in pairs. Discuss the information of Iphone XS
Size 143.6 mm x 70.9 mm x 7.7 mm
Weight 177 grams
Shape Rectangular with curved corners
Materials Body: aluminium, Display: glass
Color options Space Gray, Silver, Gold
Special features Face ID; fast battery charging;
document editor
Price $ 1000
Country of origin The USA
Launch year 2018

A: Good afternoon.
B: Hello
A: I don't know Iphone XS. Do you know about it?
B: Yes, I know some informations about it
A: What is the size of the Iphone XS?
B: It is 143.6 mm by 70.9 mm by 7.7 mm
A: What is its weight?
B: It is 177 grams
A: What shape is the Iphone XS?
B: It is Rectangular with curved corners
A: What is it made of?
B: The body is aluminium and the display is glass
A: How many colors of Iphone XS are available?
B: It's available in three colors include: Space Gray, Silver and Gold
A: What special features does it have?
B: It has Face ID; fast battery charging and document editor
A: How much does it cost?
B: It costs $ 1000
A: What is Iphone XS's country of origin?
B: Its country of origin is the USA
A: When was it launched?
B: It was launched in 2018
A: Thanks for your information
B: No problem.
Card 3:
Viettel Post
Headquarters No.1 Giang Van Minh, Ba Dinh
district, Hanoi
Working days Monday-Sunday
Working hours 7 a.m-9 p.m
Special service Track domestic and international
package easily
Domestic shipping fee 70.000 VND/kg
Reputation Offer different delivery packages
suitable to each type of customer.
1. Where is Viettel Post's headquarters?
➡Its headquarter is No.1 Giang Van Minh, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi
2. What are their working days?
➡It works from Monday to Sunday
3. What are their working hours?
➡They are working from 7 a.m to 9 p.m
4. What special service do they offer?
➡The special service tracks domestic and international package easily
5. How much is the domestic shipping fee?
➡It is 70.000 VND/kg.
6. What is the company famous for?
➡They are famous for offering different delivery packages suitable to each type
of customer.
Card 4: Dịch vụ
Service provider catering service
Service required food and beverages, cleaning up after
the meeting
Location Room 202A, 16th floor of Vincom
building, Ba
Trieu street
Office size 100 square meter
Time 11.30 am to 3 p.m on Sunday
Price VND 200,000/ person

Catering Service officer Customer

Greet and give the company's name Greet. Identify yourself
Offer help Respond and ask about catering service
Respond and ask for more information Say the service required in details: food
and beverages, cleaning up after the
Ask for location Respond: Room 202A, 16th floor of
Vincom building, Ba Trieu street
Ask for room size Respond: 100 square meter
Ask for the time Respond: 11.30 am to 3 p.m on Sunday
and ask for the price
VND 200,000/ person and ask if the Decline and thanks
customers need any further help
End the conversation End the convetsations

1. What is the name of the service provider?

2. Who are its customers?
3. What service does it provide?
4. Where will it be held?
5. What's size of your office?
6. What is its working time?
7. How much will it cost?
8. What are customers' opinions on its quality?
A: Good morning, this is Catering Service speaking
B: Hello, I'm an administrative officer
A: oh, what can I do for you?
B: My company is going to hold a meeting with business partners. Can I order the
catering service?
A: Sure. Can you tell me more information?
B: I want some foods and beverages. I also need cleaning up after the meeting
A: What is the location you need cleaning?
B: Our company in room 202A, 16th floor of Vincom building, Ba Trieu street
A: What is the size of the room?
B: 100 square meter
A: What time can we come?
B: You can come at 11.30 am to 3 p.m on Sunday. How much does it cost?
A: It costs VND 200,000 per person. Is there anything else I can do for you?
B: No, thanks. That's all for now. I will send that money in advance.
A: Thank you very much. Goodbye

Card 5:
Shop assistant Customer
Greet and offer help Greet and respond: buy laptops for
Ask about quantity Respond: 10 laptops (5 black and 5
Respond and ask about brand Respond: Dell laptop
Ask about model Ask for suggestions
Give suggestions (Dell Vostro, Dell Ask about price
XPS, Dell Precision, stc.)
Respond: Say the kind you want (Dell Precision)
+ Dell Vostro: $620 Ask about special offer
+ Dell XPS: $1950
+ Dell Precision: $950
Respond: 5% discount for next order Accept
Ask about date and place of delivery Respond
Ask about payment method (cash or Respond
credit card)
End the conversation End the conversation

Shop assistant Customer

Hello, Our store is very pleased to Hello. I want to know about some kind
serve you. how can I help you? of laptops to buy for my company. Do
you have any laptops?
Yes, how many laptops do you need? I need 10 laptops for my company
including 5 black laptops and 5 gray
Maybe our store has enough stock Oh, I need Dell laptops
for you. Which brand would you like
to have?/ What brand do you want?
Which type of models are you I'm still quite confused between
looking for? products. Do you have any
We have some models such as Dell Can you tell me the price of these
Vostro, Dell XPS, Dell Precision models respectively?
That's no problem Oh, I think I will choose Dell Precision
+ Dell Vostro costs $620 Do you have any special offers for Dell
+ Dell XPS is $1,950 Precision
+ The price of Dell Precision is $950
Yes, certainly. I will give a 5% That sounds great. Let's make a deal
discount for next order. now.
When and where can we deliver the I can receive my products on Friday at
products? my company. My company is located
in 22 Truong Chinh street.
Would you like to pay in cash or by I will pay in cash. Thanks for your help
credit card
Goodbye. See you next time Goodbye

Card 6: thay đổi đơn hang

Before After
Product - Computer Photocopier
Model number HP465
Quantity 5 4
Place of delivery Office in da nang
Delivery date Monday morning, May Monday morning, May
11th, 2020 13th, 2020

1. What is the name of the product?

2. Could you please tell me the order number?
3. What do you need to change?
4. How many items would you like?
5. Could I have your address?
6. What is the delivery date?
A: Hello, what can I do for you?
B: Well, I need to change the order
A: Yes, Of course. I will make a note of the change. Would that be ok?
B: OK, Absolutely.
A: So, Could you tell me the name of the product?
B: Yes, It's computer
A: Ok, one moment. Here it is. So What do you need to change?
B: first, I have 3 corrections. The first one is the product. It ought to be
Photocopier, not computer.
A: Photocopier, Ok. I have got that. And the second change?
B: The second corrections is the quantity. It ought to be 4, not 5.
A: Ok, right. So the third change?
B: The third corrections is the delivery date. It should be on Monday morning,
May 13th, 2020; not Monday morning, May 11th, 2020.
A: Oh, I'll note the change.
B: Great. Thanks you very much.
Card 7:
Student A: You are an agent for KH Catening Supples John Richardson, a regular
customer. Calls you to complain. Ask for chotails to solve the problem.
Student B: You are John Richardson. You call RFH Catering Suppties and invoice
Make a conversation for the following situation with your partner.
Contents Model no Unit Price Total
100 beer glassees VG3982 .62 62.00
100 wine glassees WG7632 .75 75.00
100 wine glassees WG6723 .81 81.00
200 beer glassees FIS6781 .55 110.00
Subtotal 328.00
Shipping 44.00
Total 372.00

Greet, identify yourself and offer Greet, identify yourself and

help complain
Respond: the quantity of broken
Apologize and ask for more details

Respond: urgent
Promise to send replacement
Reason: have a party tomorrow

Thank the agent

Promise to send by 5 p.m. Make another complaint: invoice/
double charged (€44 instead of €22)

Apologize for inconvenience

Promise to check and correct Decline and thank the agent

End the conversation End the conversation

Agent: Hello. It's RFH Catering Supplies. Jerry speaking. Can I help you?
Customer: Hi, I'm John Richardson. I'm afraid I have a complaint to make.
Agent: I'm sorry to hear that. Could you tell me exactly what happened?
Customer: I received your glasses this morning, but there were 62 broken wine
Agent: I'm sorry to hear that. It must be caused by carelessly handling. I'll send
you new glasses straight away.
Customer: Yes, it's quite urgent because I'm having a party tomorrow.
Agent: I'll dispatch them to you by 5p.m today. Is that ok?
Customer: Ok, thank you. I have one more problem. The invoice is incorrect. It
was double charged. The shipping fee should be €22 instead of €44.
Customer: I'm sorry for the mistake. I'll check and correct it right away. Do you
need any further help?
Customer: No, that's all.
Agent: I apologize for the inconvenience again. I'll fix them as soon as possible.
Customer: Thank you. Goodbye.
Card 8:
Student A: You are a customer who has been charged your credit card twice for
one purchase in a clothing store. Making a complaint to ask for a refund in cash.
Student B: You are a customer service officer in a clothing store. A customer
(Student A) claims that the sale staff has charged his/her credit card twice for one
purchase and wants a refund in cash. Handling the customer's complaint.
A: Hello, customer service. May I help you?
B: Hello. I'm a customer who buys clothes at shop. Excuse me, I would like to
make a complaint.
A: I'm so sorry about that. Could you tell me exactly what happened?
B: Yes, my invoice is incorrect. I have been charged your credit card twice for one
purchase in a clothing store.
A: Let me just apologize for the poor service. It seems that the problem caused you
a lot
of inconvenience. May I have your name and invoices for the product you paid
B: My name is ABC and my invoice runs out of 5 million instead of 10 million.
A: I'll check it straight away and correct it. Then, I'll give you a refund. Can I help
you with anything else?
B: No, that's all. Thanks for your help.
A: Never mind. It's my pleasure. Goodbye.
B: Thanks. Goodbye.
Card 9: Chọn 1 địa điểm
Student A: You are the CEO of Jackson Company. Your company is going to
have a meeting to select a location for a new store. Make a conversation with the
Sales Manager to dicuss the location for this store.
Student B: You are the Sales Manager of Jackson Company. Your company is
going to have a meeting to select a location for a new store. Make a conversation
with the CEO to dicuss the location for this store.
Student A Student B
Welcome attendees, state the objective Respond: two available locations -
and start the meeting Thanh Xuan district, Hoan Kiem
Ask for A's opinion
Respond: prefer store in Thanh Xuan Disagree
Give a reason: price Give a reason: store size
Give opinions on target customers in
Hoan Kiem district
Disagree and provide evidence about Apologize for interruption
average purchases from the second Agree partly
report Add idea: number of competitors Give a reason: bigger market share
in Thanh Xuan
Agree completely Agree partly
Give a reason: distance to supplier Offer to discuss more after break
Agree and end the conversation End the conversation
A: Hello. I'm the CEO of Jackson Company. Today, we are going to have a
meeting a select a location for a new store. Can we get started?
B: I'm belong to the Sales Manager of Jackson Company. I think we have two
locations -Thanh Xuan district, Hoan Kiem district. What do you think?
A: I prefer store in Thanh Xuan because rental price is much cheaper than to Hoan
Kiem, which is 20 billion VND per month.
B: No, I think you're wrong there. The Thanh Xuan store is smaller than to Hoan
Kiem store. There are also more
A: I'm afraid of I can't agree with you. The student makes more average purchases
in a month than an office worker and there are more students near the Thanh Xuan
location. Besides, there are only one main competitor here.
B: Hold on, can I make a point here? The main competitor in Thanh Xuan has
more competitors' market share than in Hoan Kiem District.
A: Yes. That's definitely true. The distance to supplier from Hoan Kiem district is
faster than Thanh Xuan district but the time to transport from supplier to Thanh
Xuan store in rush hours saves the time than Hoan Kiem store.
B: To a certain extent, I agree. Shall we return to this discussion after a break?
A: Ok. Thanks very much for the discussion
B: Thank you. See you later. Goodbye.
Card 10: Kế hoạch cho buổi gặp mặt
Student A:
Topic Promotion program
Venue Conference room 1
Attendees Board of directors and sales staff
Minutes taker
Agenda item 1 Discuss kinds of products in the
Agenda item 2
Student B:
Time Thurday, april 30th, 2020
Chairperson Mr. johnson-the sales manager
Minutes taker Ms.laura- the secretary
Agenda item 1
Agenda item 2 (che)

1. What is the topic of the meeting?

2. What time is the meeting going to start?
3. Where is the meeting going to take place?
4. Who is going to chair the meeting?
5. Who is going to attend the meeting?
6. Who is going to write the minutes?
7. What is going to the first agenda item 1?
A: hello, can we exchange some information about the plans of the meeting?
B: yes, of course.
B: what is the topic of the meeting?
A: It's about Promotion program.
A: when is the meeting going to take place?
B: The meeting is going to take place on (Thurday, april 30th, 2020)
B: Where is the meeting going to take place?
A: The meeting is going to take place at (Conference room 1)
A: Who is going to chair the meeting?
B: (Mr. johnson-the sales manager) is going to chair the meeting.
B: who are going to attend the meeting?
A: (Board of directors and sales staff) are going to attend the meeting
A: who is going to write the minutes?
B: (Ms.laura- the secretary) is going to write the minutes.
B: What is going to be the first agenda item of the meeting?
A: It is going to be discuss kinds of products in the program
A: What is going to be the second agenda item of the meeting?
B: it is going to be
A: thank you very much for your information
B: that is no problem. Goodbye.
Card 11: Phương tiện truyền thông
Student A: You are the manager of the IT department in FPT company. You
are responsible for setting up an internal meeting for the sales conference next
week. Make a conversation with your staff (Student B) to choose the most suitable
means of communication for the meeting.
Student B: You are working as a technician in FPT company. You are assigned to
choose the most useful means of communication for the sales conference next
week. Discuss with your manager (Student A) about that.
A: Good morning, it's great to see you. Thanks for being here today. We'll discuss
choosing the most suitable means of communication for the sales conference next
week. Can we get started?
B: There are 2 options such as video conference and face-to-face. What do you
think about that?
A: In my opinion, we should choose face-to-face communication because it allows
for easier persuasion and boosts active participation
B: Well, I partly agree, but video conference helps reduced travel costs and saves
time than the other.
A: Yes, that's definitely true. However, face-to-face can also save time during the
workday, moreover, it creates more motivation than video conference. B: Hold on,
can I make a point here? As you know, one of the most advantages of the video
conference is recording and playback options, that's something that can't be done
face to face.
A: Sorry to interrupt, but when meeting online, there may be many technical
problems that cause the meeting to be interrupted. It can't bring efficiency to work.
Besides, if you choose the face-to-face, it will never happen.
B: Oh, I think you're right. Let's choose face-to-face communication to be the
means of communication for the sales conference next week.
A: Great! I think that's everything. Thanks for your participation.
B: OK. Thanks for the discussion. Goodbye.
Peter Parker
Favorite means of Text message
Daily usage time 4 hours
Purposes Sending messages to colleagues
Attaching images, voice records
Devices Cell phone, computer
Advantages Cheap, easy to express specific information
Disadvantages Time-consuming
Getting slower responses

1. What is your favorite means of communication?

2. How often do you use it?
3. What do you use it for?
4. What devices do you often use?
5. What are its advatages?
6. What are its disvantages

Card 12: Candidate profile

Name William Thompson
Position applied Salesperson
Qualifications University degree (Standford
University); Major: Business
Skills Teamwork, presentation,
Strength Ability to work under presure
Weakness Time management skill

1. What is this candidate's name?

2. Which position did he apply for?
3. What qualifications does he have?
4. What skills does he have to deal with works?
5. What are his strengths/weakness?
A: Let's go through our candidates for the next interview. What is this candidate's
B: He is William Thompson
A: Which position did he apply for?
B: He applied for the salesperson positon.
A: What qualifications does he have?
B: He has university degree at Standford University and his major is business
A: What skills does he have to deal with works?
B: He must have teamwork, presentation and communication
A: What are his strengths?
B: His strength is ability to work under presure
A: What are his weakness?
B: His management skills isn't good at.
A: Thanks for your information. Goodbye
B: Goodbye.

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