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We already mentioned how modern science is based on 2

metaphisical assumptions
about the universe. 1st That the universe is ordered, because it can
be rationaly understood. and 2- That this order comes from a set of
natural laws controling those universal forces. Laws that can be

According to science, Humans show inteligence because we use

reasoning to concieve ideas, and then use logic as a method to solve
problems and manifest our ideas correctly.

Those two metaphisical assumptions about our universe clearly show

a universal inteligence as its cause. An ordered univers shows
reasoning at work. And a universe controled by natuaral laws show
the use of logic to resolve problems and corectly manifest the resoned
idea. .

This situation clearly affirms what is being said in the citation above..

But there is one major point that should also be considered. That
citation was from the 1860s , and according to the laws of physics
today, the universe has not always been ordered, nor always
governed by fixed natural laws.

According to theoretical physics, in the very begining of the universe

all matter, space, and energy were tightly packed in a the smallest
possible area (zero volume) with emence (infinite) density. The
universe was something called a singularity. In this state of being ,
the laws of the universe were not yet present.. at that time the tiniest
'random' changes in that singularity, would cause huge effects on the
formation of the universe. Science afirms that this was, for the
primative universe, a state of disorder.

But the singularity theory is not a definate answer. Theoretical

physics use mathematical equations to present diffreent possible
theories to those kinds of questions. But we can never confirm any of
those theories because it is beyond human inteligence to directly
study that far back into the past. So was there definately a time when
the universe had no laws and no order? Material Science suposes, but
is not going to answer that question.

Lets be clear, the validity of the idea of an inteligent cause to the

universe does not depend in any way on the limitations of human
inteligence. Even modern science assumes that other inteligent
beings must exist in the universe. If these 'other' inteligences exist, are
they physically and intelectualy superior to humans? And if 'God'
itself exisits, as the inteligent cause to the universe, couldn't 'God"
somehow make its own existance known?

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