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(T) - Slightly elevated stone tiles.

Stepping on them triggers

the Ice Pillar trap (2)
(1) - A Skeleton lies on the floor with an old small shield by its
(2) - Ice Pillar Trap. A Languages skill of 10+ or a successful
language roll reveals the markings as a series of esoteric
words from an ancient tongue. They do not form a cohesive
sentence but rolling an appropriate INT skill roll reveals that
these words are magical wards that keep the temperature
cool. Using Elementalism for the skill roll adds a boon.
These stone pillars are hollow on the inside, containing a
hidden stone statue. When the trap is triggered, the pillars
open up to reveal the statues that depict a mage holding a
staff. Ice bolts fire from their staves.
(3) - A Blue Orb is attached on the ceiling. This is the Ice
Pillars’ Sensing orb.

The Ice Pillars

Simultaneous volley: All Ice Pillars in the room attack in the

same initiative
Sensing Orb: Somewhere in the room is a blue orb that
detects sources of warmth (like body temperature).
Destroying or disrupting this orb causes the pillars to go
blind and therefore cannot make attacks.
Middle Initiative: When drawing initiative, Ice Pillars do not
draw a card. Instead, they go in between 5 and 6. Treat their
initiative as 5.5.
Ice Magic: Frost and ice begins to form around the ice bolt’s
point of contact. Affected Creatures makes a CON roll to
break the ice forming in their bodies, on a failure affected
creature loses D6 WP. If the creature is hit again and fails a
second time, the creature also becomes Cold, if they aren’t
already, and must roll a Bushcraft roll at the start of each
stretch to avoid its effects (p 54)
Parry: Creatures may parry Ice bolts as if they’re ranged

1. The Ice Pillar Room (6 x 17 Ferocity: 1

Movement: 0
Armor Rating: 6
squares) HP: 10 per pillar

Trap Attacks
Description - Piles of mossy stone rubble lie scattered around
the long room, sitting on puddles of still water. A cold air 1 - Remaining Ice Pillars fire at no one
exhales out, the smell of moisture meets with your senses.
Tall stone pillars stand on the west and east wall, each are 2-3 - Remaining Ice Pillars in the west wall each fire ice bolts
adorned by bands of intricately carved markings at the nearest warm target within 10 meters, they take D6
(Spot Hidden) - Spending 1 stretch to make a Spot Hidden Cold damage and is subjected to Ice Magic
roll reveals the slightly elevated stone tiles (T) and a Blue Orb
attached to the ceiling (3) if they are within their light’s 4-5 - Remaining Ice Pillars in the East wall each fire ice bolts
distance. They also risk triggering the trap if they walk to at the nearest warm target within 10 meters, they take D6
search the entire room. Cold damage and is subjected to Ice Magic
6 - All Remaining Ice Pillars each fire ice bolts at the nearest
warm target within 10 meters, they take D6 Cold damage and
is subjected to Ice Magic
ll Ice Pillars in the room attack in the same initiative
Sensing Orb: Somewhere in the room is a blue orb that
detects sources of warmth (like body temperature).
Destroying or disrupting this orb causes the pillars to go
blind and therefore cannjpy initiative, Ice Pillars do not draw
a card. Instead, they go in betwe

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