Quantam Computing

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Quantum Computing

Depesh Banik
Adjunct Faculty
Canadian University of Bangladesh
Definition and Overview
•Quantum computing is a revolutionary approach
to computation that utilizes the principles of
quantum mechanics to process information.
Unlike classical computers, which use bits as
units of information, quantum computers use
quantum bits, or qubits, which leverage
phenomena like superposition and
entanglement to perform complex calculations.
Key Concepts in Quantum Computing
• Qubits:
• Description: The fundamental units of quantum
information. Qubits can exist in multiple states
simultaneously, known as superposition, and can be
entangled, creating a link where the state of one qubit
affects the state of another.
• Example: A qubit can represent both 0 and 1
simultaneously, whereas a classical bit is either 0 or 1.
• Superposition:
• Description: The principle that allows a qubit to exist
in multiple states at once, enabling quantum
computers to process vast amounts of information in
• Example: A quantum computer with n qubits can
represent 2^n states simultaneously, significantly
increasing its computational power.
• Entanglement:
• Description: A quantum phenomenon where qubits
become interconnected, so the state of one instantly
affects the state of the other, even if they are far
• Example: If two qubits are entangled, measuring the
state of one will immediately reveal the state of the
other, demonstrating non-local interaction.
• Quantum Gates:
• Description: The building blocks of quantum circuits,
quantum gates manipulate qubits and perform
operations on quantum data, similar to classical logic
• Example: The Hadamard gate puts a qubit into a
superposition state, while the CNOT gate entangles
two qubits.
Potential Applications of Quantum Computing
• Cryptography:
• Description: Quantum computing poses a threat to classical
encryption schemes while also offering new forms of secure
communication through quantum key distribution (QKD).
• Example: Shor’s algorithm, when run on a quantum
computer, can factor large numbers exponentially faster than
classical algorithms, compromising RSA encryption.
Conversely, QKD enables secure communication by detecting
eavesdropping attempts.
• Optimization:
• Description: Quantum computing excels at solving
complex optimization problems, which are prevalent
in various industries such as logistics, finance, and
• Example: Quantum computers can optimize supply
chain logistics, enhance portfolio management
strategies, and improve manufacturing processes by
solving large-scale optimization problems efficiently.
• Machine Learning:
• Description: Quantum machine learning combines
quantum computing with classical machine learning
to enhance data processing and pattern recognition,
offering potential speedups and improvements in
areas like classification and clustering.
• Example: Quantum algorithms like the Quantum
Support Vector Machine can classify data points more
efficiently than classical algorithms, especially in high-
dimensional spaces.
Advantages and Challenges of Quantum Computing
• Advantages:
• Massive Parallelism: Quantum computers can process multiple
possibilities simultaneously due to superposition, offering
significant speedups for certain computational problems.
• Enhanced Security: Quantum encryption, such as quantum key
distribution, provides theoretically unbreakable security, which is
crucial for sensitive communications and data protection.
• Example: Quantum computers could dramatically accelerate drug
discovery by simulating molecular interactions at an
unprecedented scale and accuracy.
• Technical Limitations: Quantum computers are currently
limited by qubit coherence times and error rates, requiring
significant advancements in quantum error correction for
practical use.
• Scalability: Scaling quantum systems to practical sizes is a
major challenge, given the need for large numbers of qubits
and error-correcting codes.
• Example: Current quantum computers have limited qubits
and are prone to decoherence, limiting their real-world
applications to niche problems or experimental use.
Case Study: Quantum Computing in Drug Discovery
• Scenario:
• A pharmaceutical company aims to accelerate drug discovery by
simulating complex molecular interactions, which is computationally
expensive for classical computers.
• Solution:
• The company uses quantum computers to model molecular structures
and interactions, leveraging quantum parallelism to explore vast chemical
spaces efficiently.
• Outcome:
• The drug discovery process is expedited, leading to faster identification of
promising drug candidates, reducing the time to market, and enhancing
competitive advantage.
Key Takeaways
• Summary: Quantum computing represents a groundbreaking
shift in computation, leveraging quantum mechanics principles
to solve complex problems beyond the capabilities of classical
• The technology holds significant promise in areas like
cryptography, optimization, and machine learning, although it
faces challenges related to technical limitations and scalability.
• Quantum computing offers transformative potential for various
industries, as demonstrated in applications like drug discovery,
where it accelerates innovation and opens new frontiers

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