CUB_PML_Quiz01_26th April 2024

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BDA 603 Principles of Machine Learning

Quiz- 01 Date: 25th April 2024

Student Name: Time: 20 Minutes

Student ID: Marks: 20


1. Identify the right answers and mark the answer with ✓ (tick sign)

Wish You good luck.


1. What best describes Modified Regression?

A. A regression method that strictly adheres to the assumptions of classical linear regression,
including linearity, homoscedasticity, and normality.
B. A regression technique that incorporates modifications such as transformation of variables,
inclusion of interaction terms, or adjustments for non-linearity to better fit the data.
C. A type of regression that is used only for classifying categorical outcomes.
D. A regression approach that removes all outliers from the data before analysis.

2. What are neural networks?

A. Multiple stage regression model, typically represented by a network diagram.
B. Represented by Arc Diagram, two stage regression models.
C. Typically represented by graphical diagram and multistage regression or classification model
D. Two-stage regression or classification model, typically represented by a network diagram.
3. What is a network diagram?
A. A computer network diagram is a schematic depicting the nodes and connections amongst
nodes in a computer network.
B. A network diagram is a visual representation of network architecture.
C. A network diagram is a visual representation of a computer or telecommunications network.
D. All of the above
4. What is multi-dimensional scaling?
A. Represents low-dimensional data in a low-dimensional coordinate system.
B. Represents high-dimensional data in a high-dimensional coordinate system.
C. Represents high-dimensional data in a low-dimensional coordinate system.
D. Represents low-dimensional data in a high-dimensional coordinate system.
5. What is the monte Carlo method?
A. A The Monte Carlo simulation is a graphical technique that predicts possible outcomes of an
uncertain event.
B. The Monte Carlo simulation is a mathematical technique that predicts possible outcomes of
an uncertain event.
C. The Monte Carlo simulation is a mathematical technique that predicts possible outcomes of
a certain event.
D. None of the above

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BDA 603 Principles of Machine Learning
Quiz- 01 Date: 25th April 2024

6. What is logistics regression?

A. Logistic regression estimates the probability of an event occurring.
B. Logistic regression is a data analysis technique that uses mathematics to find the
relationships between two data factors.
C. Logistic regression, also known as a logit model, is a statistical analysis method to predict a
binary outcome, such as yes or no, based on prior observations of a data set.
D. All the above

7. What is an independent variable?

A. A variable whose value depends on other variables in a study.
B. A variable that is manipulated to observe its effects on a dependent variable.
C. A variable that remains constant throughout an experiment.
D. A variable used to measure the outcome of a study.

8. What is gap statistics?

A. The Gap statistic standardizes the graph of log (Wk.), where Wk. is the within-cluster
dispersion, by comparing it to its expectation under an appropriate null reference
distribution of the data.
B. The gap statistic compares the total intra cluster variation for different values of k with their
expected values under null reference distribution of the data (i.e. a distribution with no
obvious clustering).
C. Gap statistics is a standard method for determining the number of clusters in a set of data.
D. All the above

9. What is supervised learning?

A. Supervised learning is a category of machine learning that uses labeled datasets to train
algorithms to predict outcomes and recognize patterns.
B. Supervised learning, also known as supervised machine learning, is a subcategory
of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
C. Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in machine learning where input objects and a
desired output value train a model.
D. All of the above

10. What is unsupervised learning?

A. Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that is used to draw
inferences from datasets containing input data without labeled responses.
B. B. Unsupervised learning refers to a set of algorithms that require human intervention to
provide feedback on the accuracy of predictions during the training phase.
C. C. Unsupervised learning algorithms are primarily used to predict the future values of a
dataset based on historical data.
D. D. Unsupervised learning is the process through which an algorithm develops human-like

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BDA 603 Principles of Machine Learning
Quiz- 01 Date: 25th April 2024

11. What is reinforcement learning?

A. A type of machine learning where the model is trained ahead of time using a labeled
dataset, which includes both the inputs and the expected outputs.
B. A type of machine learning that focuses on building models that improve their predictions
over time by continuously learning from data in a self-supervised manner.
C. A type of machine learning in which an agent learns to make decisions by performing
actions and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties.
D. A type of machine learning that relies solely on a neural network to make decisions without
any feedback or interaction from the environment.

12. What is discrete variable?

A. A variable that can take on any value within a given range, including fractions and decimals.
B. A variable that can only take on a finite or countably infinite number of distinct values,
often representing categories or counts.
C. A variable that continuously changes over time and can take on any value within a range.
D. A variable that can only be measured at certain times or intervals.

13. What is a statistical model?

A. A mathematical representation, or equation, that is used to analyze and predict real-world
phenomena based on data.
B. A type of machine learning algorithm designed to operate without any data input.
C. A software tool used exclusively for visualizing complex data.
D. A device that collects data from its environment.

14. What is the purpose of a Validation Set in Machine Learning?

A. To train the model initially and update the weights of the algorithm.
B. To provide a testbed for fine-tuning model parameters and prevent overfitting before final
C. To assess the final performance of the model after training and parameter tuning.
D. To collect new data that will be used to train the model.

15. What is the primary purpose of a Training Set in Machine Learning?

A. A. To provide data that is exclusively used for fine-tuning the parameters of a model.
B. B. To assess the final performance of the model after it has been fully developed.
C. C. To enable the model to learn and identify patterns, relationships, and ultimately, make
D. D. To test the model under new, unseen scenarios to ensure its robustness.

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BDA 603 Principles of Machine Learning
Quiz- 01 Date: 25th April 2024
16. What is the risk factor?
A. A variable that can predict the exact time an event will occur.
B. A variable that is associated with an increased likelihood of a specified outcome, but does
not necessarily cause it.
C. A method used to evaluate the effectiveness of a medical treatment.
D. A statistical model that predicts economic trends.

17. What is the primary purpose of Regression Analysis?

A. To classify data into distinct categories based on predefined labels.
B. To predict the value of a dependent variable based on one or more independent variables.
C. To determine the strength of association between two variables without predicting values.
D. To cluster data into similar groups based on shared characteristics.

18. What best describes a Decision Tree?

A. A decision tree is a linear model that is used primarily for predicting continuous numerical
B. A decision tree is a graphical representation of possible solutions to a decision based on
certain conditions.
C. A decision tree is an algorithm that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible
consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility.
D. A decision tree is an unsupervised algorithm that groups similar data points into clusters
based on their features.

19. What is machine learning?

A. A branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to perform tasks that typically require
human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and
translation between languages.
B. A process where computer algorithms are used to autonomously learn from data and
information without being explicitly programmed and improve their accuracy over time.
C. A method of data analysis that automates analytical model building, using algorithms that
iteratively learn from data, allowing computers to find hidden insights without being told where
to look.
D. All of the above.

20. What characterizes Linear Regression?

A. A statistical method used to cluster data into groups based on similarity.

B. A machine learning algorithm that classifies data into predetermined categories.
C. A statistical technique that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data.
D. A technique used to determine the non-linear interactions between variables in a dataset.

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