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Foreign Travel in Astrology

Table of Contents

 Important Houses to check Foreign Travel in Astrology

 Purpose of Foreign Travel in Astrology
o As a Tourist
o For Higher Studies
o For Business or Job
o Medical Treatment
o Permanent Settlement

Foreign Travel in Astrology: Do you like to travel? Do you want to study abroad? and most
importantly do you want to settle permanently in a foreign country? Well, I will explain simple
astrological steps to check Foreign travel in a horoscope. Firstly, let’s understand important
combinations that make us travel out of the country.

Today the world has become a global village and people really want to spend money on
traveling and see the world rather than saving for the future. So while analyzing a chart what are
the planetary combinations that actually make a person travel? The most important steps to
check foreign travel are as follows:

Important Houses to check Foreign Travel in Astrology

 The Lagna
 The 3rd house
 The 4th house
 The 9th house
 The 11th house
 The 12th house

The Lagna and Lagna Lord: The Lagna Lord should make relations with the 3rd, 9th, and 12th
houses. In case of permanent settlement, it should make some relation with the 4th house.

The 3rd house: The 3rd house tells about the short distance travel.

The 9th house: The 9th house tells about the long distance journey.

The 4th house: The 4th house tells about home and its comfort so if this house is afflicted or
malefic planets posited here then it means the native will be deprived from mother’s love and
care and also comfort from home. So this will make him stay in a foreign land.

The 11th house: The 11th house tells about the fulfillment of desires and gains in life so if this
house makes relation with the 3rd house, 9th house, and 12th house then it will surely give an
opportunity to travel.

The 12th house: The 12th house tells about the foreign country, expenses, and away from

Purpose of Foreign Travel in Astrology

Another important thing I would like to share is the purpose of traveling. So if a person wants to
travel as:

As a Tourist

In this case, the 5th house plays an important role. As 5th house also tells about creativity,
enjoyment, and happiness.So 5th house, 3rd house, 9th house, 11th house, and 12th house if
related the person will definitely get the opportunity to travel.

For Higher Studies

If a person has to study abroad for under graduation course then the houses important will be the
4th house, 5th house 11th house. If it’s for post-graduation then consider 9th house, 11th house,
and 12th house. For Ph.D. important houses will be the 9th house, 6th house, 10th house, 11th
house, and 12th house.

For Business or Job

In this case, the person travels for a short time regarding his business or job so here we need to
see the 3rd house, 6th house, 9th house,10th house, 11th house, and 12th house. Here we need to
check the 2nd house, 4th house, and 11th house. Now the reason is here the person travels and
then comes back to his homeland.

Medical Treatment

In this case, the important houses will be the 6th house for disease, 8th house for surgery, 5th
house for recovery 11th house for gains 12 house for expenses and a foreign country, and then
the 9th house for long-distance.

Permanent Settlement

If a person wants to settle permanently then the important houses will be the 4th house, 6th
house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house, and 12th house.

Let”s understand with the help of an example:


The above chart is of a person who has currently settled abroad and also purchased his house.
Also, this person keeps traveling as a tourist. First of all, check the 4th house, it is in the 3rd
house which is 12th from the 4th house. Then check 9th house, Rahu is there which means
connection with a foreign land, then 9th lord in 12th house, 3rd lord in 11th house, 6th lord in
2nd house which is again 9th house so native’s job will be in a distant land.

This way I have explained best combinations to check foreign travel in a horoscope, so if you
have any queries please let me know or go to Contact

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