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Research Project Report On

“A study on the various employee welfare schemes at

Hindustan unilever”


I got an opportunity to undergo this Welfare in an esteemed Public Sector

Enterprise like Oil and Natural Gas Corporate Limited under able guidance of Ms. Akla

Mittal, DGM (HR) I/C HR-ER of HUL and Ms. Sushma S. Purty, Sr. HR Executive of


The research project entitled ‘Review on Techniques adopted by HR Management to

Improve the Effectiveness of Welfare Scheme’ is an attempt to understand the opinion and

attitudes of the various categories of employees of the oil and natural gas corporate limited

towards the maintenance of effectiveness of Welfare services provided by the Company.

It also aims to know and study obstacles in the proper utilization and increase the

effectiveness of Welfare programs and try to suggest remedial measures wherever possible.

The data was collected through well structured questionnaires. About 100 employees

were considered for the sample size out of 300 employees, since the researchers are given

very limited time. This survey was carried out in various departments of the Company.

In the course of study, it was found that the Welfare programmes analyzed were provided to

all the employees of oil and natural gas corporate limited and was not specific to particular

category of employees. The in depth study of the welfare measures adopted by the company

revealed that majority of the employees were fairly satisfied with the Welfare Scheme



The objective of the project was to enhance the sales & distribution of HUL

Personal Care products in the territory of Ghaziabad.

To achieve the objective, market visits were arranged on daily basis. In first

stage of the Welfare the market visits were done with the Dealers Salesman

(DS) in various markets in order to gain an understanding of how to capture

orders and delivery processes to the various outlets which come under the

respective beat plan of Wholesale Distributor (W.D).

The second stage involved the visits to the Premium Grocery and Chemist

(PG&C) Outlets with the Territory Sales Incharge (TSI) in order to know the

merchandising solutions adopted by HUL. With the help of these visits the

problems faced by the Retailers and the Wholesalers were find out. The various

features of HUL products and their Unique Selling Proposition vis-à-vis

competitor’s products were gained and used these for effective sell-in. The

report contains the findings based on the market study and the

recommendations given to enhance the sales and penetration of the HUL

Personal Care Products.


 Section :- 1 Student Declaration

 Acknowledgement
 Preface
 Executive Summary
Section :- 2

1. Introduction 6-7
2. Welfare 8-15
 Definition
 Meaning
 Comparison
 Importance
 Principle
 Need of Welfare
 Objective & Goals
3. HRM & Welfare 16-31
4. Methods of Welfare 32-39
5. Evaluation 40-45
6. HUL & Its Welfare Activity 46-55
7. Objective of the study 56
8. Research Methodology 57-60
9. Data Collection Method 61
10. Data Analysis 68-96
11. Finding 97
12. Suggestion/ Recommendation 98-99
13. Limitations 100
14. Conclusion 101
15. Bibligraphy 102


The success of any organization in the long run depends very much on the quality of human

resources. Human resources comprise the aggregate of employee attributes including

knowledge, skill and health which are potentially available to an organization for the

achievement of it’s goals. In other words, human resources consist of the value of the

productive capacity and considered to the most vital and valuable amongst the

resources namely men machine, money and material. It is the quality of manpower that

determines the success of an organization. The importance also stems from the fact that all

other resources depreciate in value with the passage of time and use, the human resource

appreciate in value through acquisition of greater knowledge through experience and Welfare

that reflects an inherent dynamism and the development potential.

There has been an increasing realization that the organization success is dependent on

the synergy created by its human resources. Growth can only be ensured through appropriate

collaboration and amalgamation of various personnel around organization goals or tasks.

Tremendous changes in the social science and technology, spheres have brought many

complexities to industrial system. The limitation of a machine is restricted to its specification

but that of a human being is unlimited provided it is tapped in the right way, hence

organization of all kinds seem to be growing increasingly aware of its economic importance

as a resource. In a competitive business world the success of an organization depends to a

great extent upon the leadership of the manager. If he can lead people effectively and attain

organizational objectives the organization will flourish.

The development of personnel at all levels is one of the primary responsibilities of the

manager as “it is the people in the organization which provide them competitive edge over

others”. Hence for the success of organization, management has to identify the potential and

innate abilities of the people to effectiveness of the organization in the economic growth of



Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced persons to perform the

activity that have to be done. In a rapidly changing business environment Welfare Scheme is

not only an activity but also an independent function or sub system within the organization

which it must commit its resources if it has to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work


Welfare is defined as learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the

present job. A person's performance is improved by showing her how to master a new or

established technology. The technology may be a piece of heavy machinery, a computer, a

procedure for creating a product, or a method of providing a service.

Oliver Sheldon says ‘No industry can rendered efficient so long as the fact remains

unrecognized that the in principally human – not a mass of machines and technical process

but a body of men. If manpower is properly utilized it causes the industry to run at its

maximum optimization getting results and also works for as an climax for industrial and

group satisfaction in the relation to the work formed. Competitive advantage is therefore

depending on the knowledge and skill possessed by employee more than the finance or

market structure by organization.

Meaning and Definition:

After an employee is selected, placed and introduced, he or she needs to be provided with

Welfare facilities. The Welfare is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an

employee for doing the particular job. Welfare is a short term educational process and

utilizing systematic and organized procedure by which an employee is learned the technical



‘Welfare is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which

non-managerial personnel to learn technical knowledge and skill”

“Development covers not only the activities which improve job performance, but also those

which b ring about growth of personality, helps individual in the process towards maturity

and actualization of this potential capacities so that they become not only good employees

but also both good men and women.

According to S. P. Robbins: Defines “Welfare is a learning process which seeks a relatively

permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

According to Dale Yoder: Defines “It is that deals with the effective control and use of

manpower as a distinguished from other source of man power”


Welfare is part of Human Resource Development. It is concerned with concerned with

Welfare, development, and education. Welfare has been defined as an organized learning

experience, conducted in a definite time period, to increase the possibility of improving job

performance and growth. Organized means that it is conducted in a systematic way.

Although learning can be incidental, Welfare is concerned with the worker learning clear and

concise standards of performance or objectives.

Welfare is the acquisition of technology which permits employees to perform their present

job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the employee is presently doing

or is being hired to do. Also, it is given when new technology in introduced into the


Development is Welfare people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It

enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather

than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more

competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a

specific present or future job. Unlike Welfare, which can be completely evaluated,

development cannot always be fully evaluated. This does not mean that we should abandon

development programs, as helping people to grow and develop is what keeps an organization

in the cutting edge of competitive environments. Development can be considered the

forefront of what many now call the Learning Organization.

Development involves changes in an organism that are systematic, organized, and

successive…and are thought to serve an adaptive function. Welfare could be compared this

metaphor - if I miss one meal in a day, then I will not be able to work as effectively due to a

lack of nutrition. While development would be compared to this metaphor - if I do not eat,

then I will starve to death. The survival of the organization requires development throughout

the ranks in order to survive, while Welfare makes the organization more effective and

efficient in its day-to-day operations.

Table 1 comparison between Welfare Scheme

Points of comparison Welfare Development

1. Definition Welfare is a short term process Development is a long term

utilizing a systematic and educational process utilizing a

organized procedure which non systematic and organized

managerial personnel learn procedure by which managerial

technical knowledge and skills personnel learn conceptual and

for a definite purpose. theoretical knowledge for general


2. Contents Technical and mechanical Conceptual and philosophical

operations. concept.

3. Participants Non-Managerial personnel. Managerial personnel.

4.Time period Short term one short affair. Long term continuous process.

5. Purpose Specific job related. Total personality.

6. Scope Narrow. Wider.

7. Nature of process Reactive process to meet current Proactive process to meet future

need. needs.

8. Methods used It makes use of on the job It makes use of job Welfare such

Welfare methods, as as job rotation, lecture, brains

apprenticeship, vestibule storming etc.

Welfare etc.

9. Personality It seeks to assist person for It seeks to develop hidden talent

efficiency and effectiveness in and qualities of personnel.

improving and updating his

profession knowledge.

10. Utilization It seeks to make workers It seeks to prepare employees for

proficient in their existing job. handling responsible and

challenging job.


A well planned and well executed Welfare programme can provide the following


1. Higher productivity:- The Welfare helps to improve the level of performance.

Trained employees perform better thus more efficiently by using better method of

work. Improvement in manpower productivity in developed nations can be attributed

in no small measure to there educational and industrial Welfare programmes.

2. Better quality of work in formal Welfare:- The best methods are standardized and

taught to employees. Uniformity of work methods and procedures helps to improve

the quality of product or service; trained employees are less likely to make

operational mistakes

3. Less learning period:- A systematic Welfare programme helps to reduce the time

and cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level

of performance. They need not waste their time and efforts in learning through trial

and error.

4. Cost reduction:- Welfare employees make more economical use of materials and

machinery. Reduction in wastage and spoilage together with increase din productivity

help to minimize cost of operations per unit. Maintenance cost in also reduced due to

fewer machine breakdowns and better handling of equipment. Plant capacity can be

put to the optimum use.

5. Low accident rate:- Trained personnel adopt the right work methods are make use of

the prescribed safety devices. Therefore the frequency of accidents is reduced. Health

and safety of employees can be improved.

6. High morale:- Proper Welfare can develop positive attitude among the employees.

Job satisfaction and morale are improved because of rise in earning and job security

of the employees Welfare reduces the employees grievances because opportunities for

internal promotions are available to well trained employees.

7. Fulfilling manpower needs:- it is believed by many organizations that the best way

to overcome recruiting problems is to establish apprenticeship Welfare programmes.

Thus Welfare helps in identifying talented people for different jobs without any

unwanted costs.

8. Personal growth:- Welfare enlarges the knowledge and skill of the participants.

Therefore, well trained personnel can grow faster in their jobs. Welfare prevents the

obsolescence of their skills and knowledge. Trained employees are more valuable

asset to the organization. Welfare helps to develop people for promotion to higher

posts and to develop future managers.

9. Increases organizational stability and flexibility:- Organizational stability means

ability of an organization to sustain its effectiveness despite of the loss its key

personnel and flexibility refers to the ability to adjust itself to the short run variations

of its of work with the availability of trained personnel it can have both stability and

flexibility the former because there is a reservoir of trained replacement and letter

because trained possessing multiple skills can transferred to other jobs as the situation


10. Organizational climate: A sound Welfare programme helps to improve the climate

of the organization. Industrial relation and discipline improves therefore

decentralization of authority and participative management can be introduced.

Resistance to change is reduced. Organizations having regular Welfare programmes

fulfill their needs for personnel from internal resources. Organizational stability is

enhanced because Welfare helps to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism. Welfare

is an investment in people and therefore is sound business investment. Intact no

business can chose whether or not to train the employees, the only is whether this

Welfare shall be haphazard or casual, misdirected or whether it shall be made

carefully planned, part of an integrated programme of personnel administration.

Principle of Welfare:

1. Welfare Plan: This must be well planned, prescribed and ably executed effective
implementation depends to great extend on planning.

2. Organizational objectives: T & D program must meet objectives of the organization

3. Equity and fairness: T and D program must enjoy equal opportunity to drive benefit out
of such Welfare and must have equal chance to undergo such Welfare.

4. Application specification: Welfare content is balanced between theory and practical. It

must be ‘Application specification’.

5. Upgrading information: T and D program is continuous reviewed at periodic interval as

order to make them updated in terms of knowledge and skill.

6. Top Management support: Top management support is essential to make Welfare

Scheme effective.

7. Centralization: For economy of effective uniformity and efficiency, centralization of

Welfare department is found more common and useful.

8. Motivation – Welfare Scheme have motivation aspects like better career opportunity,
individuals & skill development etc.,

Need for Welfare:

Welfare must be tailored to fit the organization’s strategy and structure. It is seen as pivotal

in implementing organization-wide culture-change efforts, such as developing a commitment

to customer service, adopting total quality management, or making a transition to self-

directed work teams. Pace-setting Human Resource Development departments have moved

from simply providing Welfare on demand to solving organizational problems.

Trainers see themselves as internal consultants or performance improvement specialists

rather than just instructional designers or classroom presenters. Welfare is only one of the

remedies that may be applied by the new breed of Human Resource Development


In an age of network organizations, alliances, and long-term relationships with just-in-time

suppliers, leading companies are finding that they need to train people other than their own

employees. Some organization offer quality Welfare to their suppliers to ensure the quality of

critical inputs. Organizations with a strong focus on customer service may provide Welfare

for purchasers to their product.

1. Shortage of skill: Skilled and knowledge people are always on short supply, alternatively

they are too expensive to hire from outside. The best way is to improve the skill and

knowledge of the existing employees through Welfare Scheme.

2. Technological Obsolesce: Growth of technology takes place very fast. This will render

current technological obsolesces in the near future.

3. Personal Obsolesce: At the time of recruitment employees posses a certain amount of

knowledge and skill. As the time passes their knowledge becomes obsolesce unless it is

uploaded by proper Welfare. This happens because of changes take place in product methods

procurement of better machines.

4. Organization Obsolesce: Modern management has introduced a number of innovative

steps in functioning of management like play organizing, controlling to such change are

bound to fail and become obsolete, to prevent obsolesce organization. Employees must be

exposed to modern Technology through T & D

5. Increased Productivity: Instruction can help employees increase their level of

performance. Increase human performance often directly leads to operational productivity

and increase company profits.

6. Coercive Welfare by Government: In order to provide better employability changes of

unemployed youth, certain governments have taken initiatives to mobilize resource available

at public/government and private to provide Welfare to outside candidates. One such

arrangement is called at “Apprenticeship Welfare’ conducted by Government of India. A part

of expenditure incurred for this by the private sectors is reimbursed by government.

7. Human Capital: The latest thinking is to treat employees as ‘Human Capital’. The

expenditure involved in Welfare Scheme are now being considered as an investment. This is

cause in globalization it is the knowledge and skill of employees which determine complete

advantages of firm.


Welfare Scheme can help an organization in a number of ways. Ultimately, it is employee

knowledge and skill that produce the organization’s product or service. Welfare facilitates

the implementation of strategy by providing employees with the capability to perform their

jobs in the manner dictated by the strategy. Welfare also assists in solving immediate

business problems, such as when a team of Manager in an action learning program studies a

real problem and recommends a solution. Finally to keep ahead in a highly competitive the

turbulent environment, it has been suggested that the Welfare function must foster a

continuous learning culture and stimulate managers to reinvent their corporation.

Welfare enables employees to develop and train within the organization and increase the

market value, earning power and job security. It moulds the employee’s attitude and also

helps them to achieve better co-operation with the company and greater loyalty to it. The

management is benefited in the sense that higher standard of quality are achieved, a

satisfactory organization structure is built up, authority can be delegated and stimulus for

progress applied to employees.

 To increase productivity of employees or workers

 To improve quality of work and product

 To enhance and update knowledge and skill level of employee in the organization

 To promote better opportunity for the growth and promotion chances of employees

and thereby the employability.

 To secure better health and safety standard

 To improve quality of life of employees

 To sustain competitive advantage

 To impart new entrants of knowledge and skill

 To build up a sound line of competent efficiency and prepare them as a part of

their career progress to occupy more responsible positions

 To impart customer education; help grading skills and knowledge and employees

estimate career planning of the company.



The company was incorporated on 17th October, 1933 under the name of Lever Brothers
(India) Pvt. Ltd. (LBIL). It set up its manufacturing units in Bombay and Calcutta an
associated company viz., Hindustan Vanaspati Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (HVM), was earlier
incorporated on 27th November 1931 which set up a vanaspati factory in Bombay. Both
LBILK and HVM were wholly owned subsidiaries of Unilever Ltd., London, U.K. HVM
later acquired three more vanaspati factories at Shamnagar (West Bengal), Tirchirapalli
(Tamil Nadu) and Ghaziabad (U.P) In order to market the toilet preparations manufactured
by LBIL or imported from Unilever companies, a marketing company under the name United
Traders Pvt. Ltd. (UTL) was incorporated on 11th may, 1935 as a wholly owned subsidiary
of LBIL. In 1944, the management of LBIL and HVM was integrated. In November 1956,
HVM and two small associated companies viz. William Gossage & Sons (India) Pvt. Ltd and
Joseph Crossfield & Sons (India) Pvt. Ltd., which were wholly owned subsidiaries of
Unilever Ltd., were amalgamated with LBIL and the name was changed to Hindustan Lever
Ltd. From 23rd October, 1956 activities of UTL were taken over by its holding Company
LBIL. With the amalgamation of business under one company, Indian capital was introduced
in this integrated business in 1956. HUL has been growing very rapidly, especially in 1996
the growth was 88.6% HUL became the second private company in India after Reliance
Industries to cross the Rs 10000 crore mark in 1998. At present it’s valued at Rs. 11764.31
crore.1 Its rapid growth has given HUL place in the top 5companies regularly in annual BT-
500 survey. This huge success has come due to:-

 Merger with Ponds India Limited

 Launch of 40 new products
 Doubling of rural distribution network from 50,000 to one lakh villages



Corporate communications and public relations for building image can truly be
looked upon in the context of global business and marketing as a subject about which many
professionals hold firm views, but know surprisingly little about. Some see it as a menace, as
an expensive flag waving exercise which their company can easily do without. Others regard
it as a myth, arguing that publicity by of virtue its obvious nature, cannot hope to change
perceived images in people’s minds. At the other extreme are those who view corporate
communications (particularly advertising as a magic formula and an instant panacea for
every corporate ill. In reality it is none of these things. it is in fact, a management tool to
influence the outside world-the target group. So, the real significance of building corporate
image lies in preparing and consolidating a sound global consumer base.

Every company wants to have a favorable image in the global market. In case of HUL also,
image-building plays the most important part in determining its marketing strategy. Building
corporate image is concerned with building confidence and credibility by helping your target
group understand you better. Familiarity in this case normally improves acceptability of who
you are and what you are doing. Ignorance, on the other hand, can lead to mistrust, or even
contempt in some situations. Corporate image is built through more than one strategic
means, and often a combination of activities. For instance-

1. Advertising —corporate and even product

2. Public Relations—external and internal

3. Media Relations —especially the Press

4. Customer and Supplier Relations

5. Community Relations — good corporate citizenship

As India transits from a shod age-driven economy to a one propelled by competition the
reputation and image of a company like HUL will make difference between whether it rules
the market or merely rues it. Corporate image is what enables HUL to hold its own against
rivals like IPCL and Haldia

Good corporate image can be built if you treat it like one of the Ps’ of marketing— the fifth
‘P’ stands for Performance’ —professional corporate performance, doing it the right way the
first time. It’s in this regard that creativity in PR comes to have a lion’s share in the entire
process of corporate image building.

Creativity in PR means more than just pretty pictures and good copy. It is building image
with activities, which generate all-round impact and visibility for the company. ‘What’ and
‘How’ is the task here. Creative corporate advertising is one route.

With respect to positioning similarly, the image communication and image building activity
must to able to find a right niche in the minds of the target group. The ‘quality of the
message, and activity, is vital for this.

Companies which benefit most from corporate image are those who take a long-term view
and commitment towards communication and the image of their organization through it.
HUL can be presented as a striking instance of it.

Image and Identity

There may be nothing new in saying that the corporate image is in the eye and the mind of
the receiver. Yet it is worth saying again and again. An organization transmits, on a
sustained basis, messages to publics. It is the reception of the message, which goes to create
the intended image. In other words, corporate communication is the process that translates an
identity into an image. Again, in brief, corporate image primarily refers to the image that a
company has acquired with the public whereas corporate identity refers to the image a
company strives to achieve, in order to build to build a reputation with its publics.

In this context, decidedly, every company like HUL needs a mission. The mission is, in fact,
a framework for business and all its activities, the value that drive the company to achieve
the corporate goals. No less important is the belief the company has in it. The mission is the
glue that holds the company together. Here, the PR and its communication strategies come
into distinct focus. If the mission and the objectives of the organization have to succeed, the
corporate body must communicate short-term goals, long-range objectives and even the total
mission of the organization. Inadequate communications result in an ambiguous corporate
image within as well as outside and lead to breakdown in the co-ordination of all contributing
elements in an organization.

Dare To Think Beyond Advertising….

In present situation to address the "The soprano problem", advertisers resort to shadow
advertisement where the products become endemic to the setting of the show. Where the
products are shown being consumed or brand name is exhibited in the background.

In India, the first shadow advertisement was used in movie "Bobby" where motorcycle
"Rajdoot" was advertised. Recently, there was shadow advertisement of Coca-Cola in Hindi
blockbuster "Kaho Na pyar hai". But the problem with shadow advertisement is that
positioning message of the product can't be conveyed to consumers. Hence, the concept of
shadow advertisement can be extended further so that the theme of the advertising would
become endemic to entertaining show. This would be no more exclusive advertising. Rather,
advertising will be a part of the entertainment. But this has to be done in a delicate manner so
that the information about the product is passed on to the viewers without disturbing the
entertaining element of the show. If this succeeds, that would be a great break-through for
advertisement. Even this should not be called advertising anymore, as that has become an
irritating word in the mind of the audience. Even though advertainment seems quite close to
it, but it would be more evolved. Since in advertainment we try to advertise and
entertainment comes with it. But in the recommended solution HUL wants to entertain the
audience only and advertisement is an integral part of the show. The major question would
be, whether the audience would be able to comprehend the hidden positioning message? Here
are few examples on how to make the positioning message integral part of the show. HUL

have programmes like "Antakshari" in which participants take part in groups. The groups
can be named after some brands and the participants would be projected as such that they
would be personification of brands. Suppose one group is named Lux, the participants are
expected to be beautiful women who stand for Lux. So this can be done for many
programmes, which has format like this.

Suppose HUL produced a soap opera and the dialogue of the characters at some point would
be focussed on the products of HUL. Of course the context has to be right and should be very
much along the script not that it would destroy the element of entertainment. Hence the major
challenge would lie before scriptwriter and director. Even a particular character of an opera
becomes very popular as the opera becomes very popular. Hence building such character,
which would personify the brand and both the character as well as the brand would grow in
due course of time. However even if time constraint is removed, course content constraint
comes in. But the scope of story telling is far greater. Attention grabbing will be replaced
with attract attention and no zipping/zapping problem. Audience will be more receptive and
comprehension of course would be dependent upon how it is executed. Practicability of the
idea would be tested when it will be implemented. Hence unless it is tried and tested it can be
concluded that whether it will click or not. Let's take the example of Coca-Cola, the
scriptwriter would be creating situation in each episode of a family soap where there would
be opportunity to celebrate and drink coke! To give another example, a multi utility vehicle
with safe driving positioning plank could have exploited the plot of the recent movie "Road".

If this concept clicks, there would be nothing like it for advertisers. If it happens, in future
big advertisers like HUL would be diversifying to entertainment business! Of course the ad
budget of HUL is far bigger than the total budget of many entertainment houses.

Irrespective of whatever positive points or negative points it has, this concept can be tried for
programmes aired in pay channels simply because there is no other alternative to advertise
during the programme. Besides it is expected to solve the other problems those are discussed
above. Advertisement would be no more the troublemaker and irritating. Hence catching
attention would be much easier. Only testing of this idea could help us to conclude whether

to roll out from the concept from programmes of pay channels to programmes of free


It may be useful to begin by first getting out of the way certain popular notions which, as
with many popular beliefs are either without any basis in reality or at best express only half
truths. For instance, PR men are regarded by some to be fixers, a breed of people who will
wangle things for you by the most questionable methods. There is also a popular idea that
PR men spend most of their time winning and dining, using for the purpose fabulous expense
accounts they are supposed to have access to. While no one can prevent a charlatan from
posing as a PR man or styling himself as a PR consultant he is no more a tine practitioner of
PR than a quack selling magic remedies by the wayside is a physician. How deep-seated
such popular misconceptions about PR can be reflected by the fact the even now one comes
across articles published in well-known papers and journals airing such naive ideas about PR

Again, PR is sometimes confused with publicity. Publicity is certainly one of the instruments
of PR but is would be as wrong to equate publicity with PR just as it would be to equate the
stethoscope with the practice of modern medicine. To continue the analogy, PR seeks to
diagnose the ills of an organisation in its relations with the public or any segment of the
public, it prescribes remedies and proceeds to administer them. It then keeps a watch on the
patient to see whether the remedies prescribed are producing the desired effect so that the
medicine can be changed if necessary after evaluating the results. Again, as in medicine
prevention is considered more important than the cure, PR believes in maintaining the good
health of the corporate body -so that drastic remedies and bitter pills may not have to be
swallowed later.

Analogies may be useful in giving a general idea but can never be as precise as a definition.
PR which is now a well-established discipline therefore needs to be defined so that we may
be clear about what we are discussing when we talk about PR. It is ‘the attempt by
information, persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause
movement or institution. ‘Public relations as and applied social and behavioral science is

that function which - measures, evaluates and interprets the attitudes objectives for increasing
public understanding and acceptance of the organization’s products, plans, policies and
personnel; equates these objectives with the interests, needs and goals of the various relevant
publics; and develops, executes and evaluates a programme to earn public understanding and


Public relations today are still a very underdeveloped field. It is growing in prominence and
has started showing results in various sectors of corporate India. More and more companies
are making use of PR to solve their problems and increase their overall corporate equity. The
entire process needs a closer look.

To gauge the effectiveness of PR in HUL over the last decade it is necessary to examine its
function and overall areas of applicability.

Social Responsibility of Business and Introduction

The need for PR arises also from the responsibility that an organisation owes to the society,
which nurtures it and enables it to function and operate. No organisation, leave aside a
modern business organisation, can function in a vacuum. It flourishes only because a
particular kind of social environment exists. This environment is often taken for granted but
in times of social turmoil when normal conditions are disrupted the dependence of the
organisation on the social environment is brought home sharply. How often have we not
seen during periods of national strife or serious political instability leading to a break down
of law and order that business comes to a standstill? While these may be extreme examples
they illustrate the fact that without the right social environment no business can exist. Thus
every business organisation has a stake in the social environment and must contribute its mite
towards its continued existence and improvement.

A business organisation’s responsibilities to society cover a wide area. They range from its
responsibility to supply quality products at a reasonable price and to ensure that it reaches the
consumer at the right time and place to its responsibility to contribute to the development of

the ‘Infrastructure, to the realization of national objectives and to the identification of its
interest with the vast population of the country in which it operates. The world over business
organisation which are forward looking and farsighted are trying to make a contribution to
social causes apart from achieving their immediate and ultimate ends of producing goods for
sale and marketing them at a profit. Such contributions can range from grants to universities,
scholarships of various kinds, aid to hospitals and charitable institutions to actual
involvement in projects of social significance. An organisation in the USA sponsored a
research fellowship to discuss the causes of student unrest and to find solutions to the
problems of tension in the campuses. In India too there are business organizations, which are
aware of their social responsibility and have made an effort to discharge it in accordance with
their resources and the needs of the situation. Studies on the extent of industrial pollution
and ways and means of combating it, Involvement in family planning programmes,
development of low cost nutritious food for the poorer sections of the people, studies on the
causes of a State’s decline and the steps needed to restore it to health are some examples of
social responsibility in corporate behaviour as practiced in India in recent years. But there is
little doubt that instances of such conduct are few indeed in relation to the enormity of the
problems facing a country as vast as India with a burgeoning population a large part of it
living below the poverty line.

PR and Environmental Path of HUL

The present generation has, quite understandably, made the environment a focus of attention.
With growing environmental awareness, there is now a clear perception that our activities
affect not only the air we breathe, but even the air which regulates our climate. More
importantly, uncontrolled activities cannot be sustained without loss of plant and species,
natural habitats, coast and hinterland and the decay of buildings, places of natural beauty or
historic interest. Hence, the need for a genuine commitment to sustainable development
which is integrated with the national policy on industry, energy, transport, trading and

In the above context, public relations professionals are well placed to direct attention to
environmental issues and can make a unique contribution to public and professional debate,

and to environmental education. In fact PR has to live up to its environment education. In
fact PR has to live up to its environmental responsibilities even when clear, universally
agreed targets are still lacking in many issues. The responsible PR person must ensure that
his organisation is greener than green on all the major issues according to current opinion,
demonstrate to the world at large that this is so, and, for the future, help form opinions and
set the standards for the organisation’s own as well as the common good.

In a nutshell, environment is now a corporate concern and today’s PR persons have to build
up comprehensive communication programmes, internal as well as external, which involve
listening just as much as talking.

Now, environment is no more just a slogan, it is a key consumer issue.

PR today must:

* Understand ‘green’ issues and recognize the social responsibility of business.

* Make environment matters a priority.

* Consider the environmental impact of the company’s actions.

* Avoid pollution of any kind.

* Encourage environment audits to determine what the organisation has done and is
doing in relation to the environment.

* Ensure recycling of wastes.

Social Responsibility as Public Relations at HUL

A citizen’s role extends beyond his or her call of duty. A responsible corporate citizen needs
to look beyond the financial numbers of sales and profit growth, from year to year.

HUL is committed to the development of the community around its manufacturing

complexes. Over the years, HUL has not just supported communities financially, but has

worked towards providing people with skills to earn a sustainable livelihood. HUL’s long-
term aim is to raise economic standards of these communities, through self-sustainable

PR Role in Image and Identity

It is true that corporate image concerns the industrial marketer directly as brand image is
crucial for the consumer market. The ordinary consumers, while oblivious of the name of the
manufacturer, can easily identify the brands of consumer products. Repeat this test for
industrial goods : the same respondents are aware of the name of the manufacturers but many
won’t be able to name the industrial products. Interestingly, a third set of organisation would
be known both for their industrial or consumer products as well as for their distinct corporate
image. Where does corporate PR stand in these diverse settings? Although easier desired than
achieved, PR attempts to create the desired image by its involvement in all the factors of
corporate identification programmes.


A government relation has two facets to it. Firstly, the PR for the government (as an
organisation) and Secondly, PR with the governments as the target group. Both are
important and very needed by corporations.

Public relations for the government involves mobilising public support for government’s
activity, for instance, family planning, control, environmental protection, beautification of
cites, etc. the company generally sponsors some of these activities by providing monetary
help or other resources. The basic objective of the company is to build relations with the
governments, and also help for the good of the community of society.

Public relations with the government involves keeping the government—politicians and
bureaucrats—on your side. It envisages maintaining good links with the government, which
will be of benefit to the company in its overall business plans and operations. Public
relations with the government in some ways are quite difficult and demanding. It requires
special planning and efforts for the organisation to be successful. A government, local or
national, comprises many ministries, departments, individuals and personalities. Public
relations people have to acquaint themselves with the working of the government, and the
intricacies and people involved at various levels, and then handle things accordingly to be
able to achieve what they have set out to achieve.

The government should not be looked at as an adversary. In fact, you should make all efforts
to help the government and support its activities and policies as far as possible. Government
leaders must be kept informed from your side about the organisation’s activities and
policies—especially those which are contributing to the Welfare Scheme of the state or the
nation. Such relations will be mutually beneficial in the short-term and the long-term.
Corporations should, however avoid getting involved with politics and political issues.


Media relations Is a vital tool in PR. A large amount of communications and PR are
conducted through the media—especially the Press. When a company gets media coverage,
it is not always flattering. Business is always vulnerable to attacks by the media. Media can
often aggravate problems—especially crises. As in the case of Union Carbide and HUL a
few years ago. Hence, media, particularly the Press has to be handled very carefully. The
media must be kept on your side. All efforts must be made to ensure this strategically. It
takes years to build a good image, but to destroy it you need just a few bad reports in the

It is important to build a working ‘rapport’ with the media. You cannot afford unnecessary
reactions and distortions. If you do go to the media then always go with a strategy—be
selective in the choice of media, use only influential media (especially publications in the
Press), do not spread your communication too thin, go for quality rather than quantity.
Selective and in-depth coverage is what you must aim at, as it is more effective and produces
the desired results. let your communication be complete honest, and backed with hard facts.
The organisation must be able to live up to its claims and promises in media, otherwise you
can be in for further problems. The efforts made by HUL in this respect have been
orchestrated well to build image as well as to counter negative publicity.


With the growth of the Indian economy and the business sector, management of financial
promotions and PR has taken on a new dimension. HUL is making special efforts to ensure
the goodwill of their shareholders, investors, financial institutions, and the rest of the
financial community. This is being done in the mass media and specialised media ranging
from annual reports to special brochures to audio-visuals, video films, and even corporate
advertising in the Press and television.

The main target group of a company in financial PR is its shareholders and potential
investors. They have to be given information they are entitled to have, and they have to be

kept interested in the company. Public relations must establish, maintain, and improve the
company’s image and reputation so that it can obtain funds from the public and the financial
institutions on the most favorable terms when it desires so The financial and business Press,
today, is very important in achieving this objective,

The importance of financial PR and the need for it is seen from the number and growth of PR
agencies specialising in financial promotion, advertising and PR management in India.
These include well-known names like Pressman, Clea, and Sobhagya, now a host of others.
They provide their clients a wide range of services and expertise in PR and advertising.


In the past PR and marketing were considered separate and unconnected activities of
business in a company. Today, PR has a role to play in marketing not only to build image,
but to also help solve problems concerning a company’s products

Or services among consumers or other special groups, and generally protecting the
company’s reputation at the marketplace. Public relations with customers, and with
suppliers, in industrial products/services marketing at the institutional level is gaining more
and more importance today.

In today’s competitive market customers opt for products that are known and have an image,
and are backed by quality and good after sales service. Marketing people cannot ignore
public opinion on such aspects. In the long run, unfavorable opinions certainly affect sales.
Public relations can help in controlling and setting right some of these opinions; it is
therefore essential for companies to assign some of their attention and resources to develop
PR in marketing.


Today, the relationship between corporations and the community is a vital issue in
management of business organisations. It is acknowledged that business is no longer done
for the sake of profits alone. Because a company functions within a community, its
responsibility extends to giving back to the community something for what it makes from it.
This has been the philosophy of the Tata’s in India for years, today it is accepted and is being
followed by a number of other companies. This belief is now also considered important and
crucial by the government, consumerists and opinion leaders.

Company relations at an organisation can vary from local community welfare activities, to
large-scale sustainable development programmes for the betterment of lives of people.
Companies have to consider the community as one of its prime target groups. The objective
of PR is to help build image of the company: as a good corporate Citizen, a good company to
do business with, and a good company to work for.


In employee relations, communicators are vital at every level. From top to bottom, also from
lower level to the top management level, and even the horizontal communications among
colleagues at the same level and between functions. The basic function of communications
and PR in the organisation is not just better functioning, but a fostering of goodwill, trust,
and togetherness among employees.

Employee in HUL one in a large number and they include both blue collar to white collar.
Internal PR must reach out to all of them. This makes the task tough and critical, requiring
much thinking and planning. Before planning PR programmes, therefore, it is important to
first assess the needs and requirements of employees. One of the major goals of PR is to
foster the participation of employees in decision-making, for this PR programmes must be
evolved around their motivations, job enrichment, Welfare Scheme, working environment,
productivity, and overall growth in the company. This, in other words, means PR for better

employees, better employee morale, and better relationships, resulting in success and growth
of the organisation; and therefore, a better image and reputation for it.

In the case of PR with employee, the function may seen to overlap with the working of the
company’s personnel department. In practice, however, it is necessary that the two
departments work closely together. They can mutually reinforce each other, especially in
areas like HRD. It is worth trying to integrate HRD with PR, if possible, in a company.
More so when with the growth of organisations in size, the individual employee is becoming
smaller and less significant, and thus losing his or her identity. Public relations with HRD
can play a crucial role in building and motivating the employees on their jobs and in their
contributing towards achieving the company goals.


This is another important area of work for PR executives. Its importance is growing, with
staff and workers getting to be united, more enlightened and demanding. Whether they are
unionized or not does not make a difference in the PR work, in either case, good relations
have to be maintained. In the case of unions, it is important to realize that unions have their
own goals. This makes it more difficult to deal with them in many respects. Understanding
these goals, and how they will affect Industrial relations and PR efforts, is the first priority in
dealing with unions.

Industrial relations concern the staff and workers in their relationship, as individuals and as a
group, with the management. Industrial relations are most often concerned with problems
related to wages, other monetary benefits, conditions of work, and so on. But through timely
PR and proper communication many of these problems can be avoided or overcome


An effective use of materials, money, machines and human resource is essential for

achieving a high level of productivity in the industry. Whereas other resource have

limitation, the human resource has unlimited potential. Moreover this is the only activity

resource, other being passive. Its quality of human resource through Welfare input is of vital


 Improves communication between group and individual

 Aids in orientation for new employees and taking new jobs through transfer or


 Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmation action

 Improves interpersonal skill

 Builders cohesiveness in groups

 Provides a good environment for learning, growth and co-ordination.

 Improves labor management relation

 Helps to create better corporate image

 Provides information for further needs in all areas of organization

 Moves a person towards personal goals while improve Human Resource and

Organization goals.

Welfare Methods and Techniques

Because of the objective of Human Resource Development is to contribute to the

organization’s overall goals, Welfare programs should be developed systematically and with

the organization’s true needs in mind. Successful Welfare begins with a thorough need

assessment to determine which employees need to be trained and what they need to be

trained to do.

Allison Rossett and Joseph W. Arwady states “The question is not whether you will solicit

this kind of information through needs assessment”. It is how much of it you will do and

using which tools. The culmination for the assessment phase is a set of objectives specifying

the purpose of the Welfare and the competencies required in trainees after they complete the


This section considers the choice of methods for employees Welfare. With Welfare

objectives defined and learning principles in mind, the trainer must be choose appropriate

Welfare methods and design the sequence of events in the Welfare program. Perhaps the first

decision to be made is whether to conduct the Welfare on the job or away from the job. In

many cases, the decision is to do some of both.

1. On the Job Welfare: On the job Welfare is conducted at the work site and in the

context of the actual job. The vast majority of all industrial Welfare is conducted on the job,

often by the trainee’s immediate superior or a nominated peer trainer. On-the job Welfare has

several advantages:

b. Because of Welfare setting is also the performance setting, the transfer of Welfare to the

job is maximized

c. The cost of a separate Welfare facility and a full-time trainer are avoided or reduced.

d. Trainee motivation remains high because it is obvious to trainees that what they are

learning is relevant to the job

e. Trainees generally find on-the-job Welfare more valuable than classroom Welfare.

2. Apprenticeship Welfare: This Welfare is combination of on and off the job Welfare. The

department of Labor regulates apprenticeship programs, and often management and a union

jointly sponsor apprenticeship Welfare. This Welfare is normally given to artisans,

electricians, plumbers, bricklayers etc., The duration is normally vary from 2 to 6 years.

Apprenticeship Welfare is carried out under the guidance and intimate supervision of master

craftsman or expert worker/supervisor. During apprenticeship Welfare period, the trainees

are paid less than that of a qualified worker.

3. Job Rotation: In the job rotation, management trainee/employee is made to move from

one function to another at planned intervals. Job rotation is widely used as a management

executive development program which makes the employee or management trainee, a multi-

tasking individual. It can be done either vertical or horizontal.

4. Coaching and Understanding method: Welfare under experienced worker they

are coached and instructed by skilled co-worker by supervisor by special trainee instructor.

5. Outbound Welfare: The outbound Welfare is conducted in a location specifically

designated for Welfare. It may be near the workplace or away from work, at a customized

Welfare center or a resort. The purposes of conducting this kind of Welfare away from the

work place is to minimized or avoid distractions of the employee from their daily work

routine and allows them to devote their full attention the specific subject. Some of the

outbound Welfare methods and activities are:

i. Action planning: Often a closing activity asking participants to specify or set

goals about exactly what they will do differently back on the job

ii. Behaviour-modelling Welfare: use a videotape to demonstrate the steps in a

supervisory activity such as conducting a disciplinary interview, followed by role

played skill practice and feedback

iii. Behavioral Simulation: Large-scale multi person role-lay, non-computerized

business game.

iv. Brainstorming: Creative idea-generation exercise in which no criticism is


v. Business Game: Computerised business simulation that requires participants to

make decisions about strategy and investments and then provides financial results

based on the decisions.

vi. Buzz Group: Small-group discussion of several minutes, duration on an assigned


vii. Case Study: From a one-HULraph vignette to a fifty-page Harvard-style case.

viii. Guided teaching: Drawing from the group the points the lecturer otherwise

would make him or herself

ix. Information search: Asking trainees to locate the answers to question in the

Welfare materials or manuals provided

x. Intergroup exchange: small groups share their ideas of findings with

another group

xi. Learning game: competition between teams in a quiz show format

xii. Mental imagery: Asking participants to close their eyes and visualize or

recall something or engage in mental rehearsal of physical or interpersonal


xiii. Outdoor leadership Welfare: Team activities that may include hiking, rope

courses, or other physical challenges along with problem.-solving activities.

xiv. Self-assessment instrument or quiz. An example is a conflict resolution –

style inventory.

xv. Team Building: A series of group activities and sometimes surveys used to

develop team skills and role clarify in a team of people who must work together

closely on the job

xvi. Videotapes: can be used alone but are most effective in discussion and practice.

There are various other instructional methods used in Welfare program:

1. Classroom-programs – live

2. Workbooks / Manuals

3. Videotapes

4. Public Seminars

5. Self-assessment instruments

6. Role plays

7. Case Studies

8. Games/simulations (not computer-based)

9. Outdoor experiential programs

Out of the above off job Welfare techniques, the following are used in general:

1. Classroom Lectures

2. Conference and seminars

3. Group discussions and case study analysis

4. Audio-visual and film shows

5. Simulation and computer modeling

6. Vestibule Welfare

7. Programmed organizations

8. Games and Role playing

9. T-group Welfare

10. ReWelfare

1. Classroom lectures: This is the simplest and from the off the job Welfare. This is a

best form of instruction when the instruction is to convey information on rules, regulation,

policies and procedures.

2. Conference and Seminars and Workshops: This is a formal method of

arranging meeting in which individuals confer to discuss points of common interest for

enriching their knowledge and skill. This is group activity. It encourages group’s discussion

and participation of individuals for seeking clarification and offering explanation and own

experience. It is a planned activity with a leader or moderator to guide the proceedings,

which is focused on agreed agendas points prefixed during planning stage of such


There are three variables:

 Directed conference

 Welfare conference

 Seminars and workshops

3. Group discussions and study analysis: case study method was initially introduced

by Christopher Lang Dell at Harvard Law School in 1880’s. The principle used is

‘experiences are the best teacher’. Here several empirical structures are examined in detail to

find out commonalities to derive general discussion. Based on such studies and group

discussion are initiated to derive common lesson. This method has, however limited use of

worker but both use for supervisors. In case of workers, areas of importance in this method

are that the quality control.

4. Audio-visuals and Film Shows: In order to improve understanding very usual and

sometimes is escapable to ‘Demonstrate’ operation of a machine or explain or process.

Audio-visual film shows can supplement the efforts lecturing and improve its effectiveness.

5. Simulation Computer Modeling: A Welfare activity in which actual working

environment is artificially created as near and realistic and possible is called simulation

Welfare. Case study, analysis, experiment exercise game playing computer model and

vestibule Welfare etc come under this category. When the work environment is artificially

created by using computer-programming method well call it ‘computer method’

6. Vestibule Welfare: In this Welfare, employees are trained of the equipment they are

employed, but the Welfare is conducted away from the place of work. In which all necessary

equipment and machines required as actual machined ship are duplicated

7. Programme Instruction: Programmed instruction is a stu5rctured method of

instruction aided through texts, handouts, book and computer aided instruction. In this case

the instruction materials and information is broken down in meaning full unit and arranged in

a proper sequenced from logical method of learning packages, the learning ability is tested

and evaluated in real time basis

8. T. group Welfare: ‘T’ stand for Welfare or laboratory Welfare. T group Welfare was

originated on 1940’s but only 1960’s it has opened to the industries. This Welfare has both

supporters and opponents. Unlike any other programmers discussed. T group Welfare is

concerned with really problem existing within the other group itself.

9. ReWelfare: technology is advancing at rapid pace. Here obsolesce is a major problem

faced by the worker are the introduction of automation for such reWelfare programme to

update their knowledge, which will further make them productivity useful of the organization

and restore this confidence.

Evaluation phase:

Majority of employees were in agreement with the statement and said that Welfare does

helps in imparting a sense of belongingness for their organization as very few employees

think otherwise.

Evaluation is the systematic collection and assessment of information for the deciding how

best to utilize available Welfare resources in order to achieve organizational objectives.

One of the most common ways of evaluating management Welfare is named kirkpatrick’s

model. This has 4 steps as described below:

Step1. Reaction : How well did the trainees like the programme?

Step2. Learning : What principles, facts & techniques were learned?

Step3. Behaviour : What changes in job Behaviour resulted?

Step4. Results : What were the tangible results?

For the evaluation exercises to be effective, it is very important that Welfare objectives are

carefully though and framed.

Why Evaluation?

Welfare is done with specific objective. Hence, evaluation of Welfare is a must. It is

necessary in order to determine:

If the development objectives were achieved.

The effectiveness of the methods of instructions.

If the best and most economical Welfare activities were conducted

Evaluation also helps to tell us about the quality of the Welfare on the one hand and the

effect that it has created on the learners, on the other. Systematic evaluation can point out the

weaknesses in the programmes so that they could be corrected in future programmes. It can

also indicate the extent to which the learners have learned what is taught in the class, the

extent to which they have transferred this learning to the work situation and the results

yielded thereafter.

When to evaluate:

The evaluation process normally starts right from the stage when the inauguration stage

of Welfare or when the trainees reach the campus: during Welfare: and after Welfare, say,

form three months to one year. Evaluation at the inauguration stage will help to compare the

laid down objective and contents of the programme with the expectations of the participants.

This process will thus help the programme designers to change content of the programme to

match the participant’s expectations and objectives. This evaluation is known as the pre-

Welfare evaluation.

Intermediate is done when Welfare is in progress. This can be done either on a day-to-

day basis or at the Welfare. Day-to-day evaluation is convenient when the programme

duration is long, say exceeding 3 days.

 Reaction: The first level involves reaction measures, or the participant’s feelings

about the program. Reaction information is usually gathered by questionnaire during

or immediately after the program. At least two aspects of reaction should be assessed:

Did the trainee enjoy the program, and do they think the program will be useful to


 Learning: The second level of evaluation has to do with learning. Learning measures

assess the degree to which trainees have mastered the concepts, information, and

skills that the Welfare tried to impart. Learning is assessed during and or at the end of

the Welfare program with paper and pencil tests, performance tests and graded

simulation exercises.

 Behavior: On-the-job Behavior is the third level of evaluation. Behavior measures

ask whether employees are doing things differently on the job after Welfare, whether

they are visibly using what they have been taught. In essence, this is transfer of


 Results: The final level of evaluation involves results measures. At this level, the

impact of the Welfare program on the work group or organization as a whole is

assessed objectively. The appropriate objective measures to use depend on the content

and objectives of the Welfare. Samples measures of results include cost savings,

profit, productivity, quality, accidents, turnover, and employee attitude.


These are the objective I had taken for my study:-

1. To find out personal as well as organizational growth and development.

2. To find out contribution of organization as well as senior to make Welfare programs


3. To find out Welfare Needs Analysis.

4. To know learning outcomes of Welfare program.


Research can be defined as “a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information in

any branch of knowledge’. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation,

comparison and experiment. Research is , thus, an original contribution to the existing stock

of knowledge making for its advancement.


Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of

logical habits of thinking and organization. The purpose of research is to discover answer to

question through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find

out the hidden truth, which has not been discovered yet. Though each research study has its

own specific purpose, we may think of research objectives as falling not a number of

following broad groupings:

 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (Exploratory

or formularize research studies)

 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a

group (Descriptive research studies)

 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is

associated with something else. (Diagnostic Research Studies)

 To test a hypotheses of a casual relationship between variables (hypothesis testing

research studies)

 This research is an amalgamation of both formularize as well as descriptive research,

as it reflects on the present satisfaction level of the employees at HUL regarding the

various Welfare Scheme programmes being conducted here. In the process, it also

aims to collect more detailed information on the subject of Welfare Scheme itself.


There are two basic approached to research, quantitative approach and the qualitative

approach. The former involves the generation of data in quantitative form, which can be

subjected to rigorous quantitative analysis in a formal and rigid manner. This approach is

further sub-divided into inferential approach is to form a database form which to infer

characteristics or relationship of a population. This usually means survey research where a

sample of population is studied to determine it’s characteristics and it is then inferred that the

population has the same characteristics.

Qualitative approach to research is concerned with subjective assessment of attitudes,

opinions and behavior. Research in such a situation is a function of researcher’s insight and

impressions. Such an approach to research generates results either in non-quantitative form

or in the form, which are no subjected to rigorous quantitative analysis.

This research follows both the inferential quantitative and qualitative approach. The

questionnaires circulated to collect the relevant information have been analyzed ion the basis

of rating is based on 5 scales and then, aggregate of the rating of all the questions of a group

has been taken to find out the percentage of each response to that group.


Research process consists of a series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carryout

research and the desired sequencing of these steps. The various steps involved in a research

process are not mutually exclusive, not are they separate or distinct. However, the following

order concerning various steps provides a useful procedural guideline regarding the research

process and has been used to carry out this research:


At the very beginning the researcher, singles out the problem, he / she wants to study in

specific terms. Here, for this purpose and extensive study of available literature was done.

The Welfare Scheme policies were studies from the personal manual as well as some

information brochures made available by the Welfare department at HUL.

No literature was available of any study conducted earlier on a similar topic. The subject

matter related to the topic. “Welfare Scheme” was also examined from the available literature

i.e. books, manuals etc. by this review the extent of available of the data of other materials

was known and this led to a specification of the problem in a more meaningful context. After

specifying the problem, a synopsis was submitted to the company for approval.


The function of research design is to provide for the collecting of the relevant information

and data with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. But the way of achieving all

this depends mainly on the purpose of the research. Here, the purpose of the study is both

exploration and description


In this research case, a structure red questionnaire was used with close-ended questions with

the exception of three questions that required descriptive answers.

The time available for research 1month and for the completion of this research, the time limit

was 2month.Explanation of the way in which selected means of obtaining information will be

organized and the reasoning for the selection.

Simple Size – 100 Customer

Data collection methods

Primary data: Data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience. And I was

go through as interviews and questionnaire.

There are many methods of collecting primary data and the main methods include:

 Questionnaire

 Interviews

 Focus group interviews

 Observation

 Case studies

 Diaries

 portfolios

Secondary data: Publish data and the data collected in the past or other parties is called

secondary data.

 Magazine

 HR Manual

 Internet

 Newspaper

Welfare & Development

An integral part of HUL’s employee-centered policies is it’s thrust on their knowledge up

gradation and development. HUL Academy, previously known as Institute of Management

Development (IMD), which has an ISO 9001 certification, along with 7 other Welfare

institutes, play a key role in keeping our workforce at pace with global standards.

HUL Academy is the premier nodal agency responsible for developing the human resource

of HUL. It also focuses on marketing its HRD expertise in the field of Exploration &

Production of Hydrocarbons. HUL’s Sports Promotion Board, the Apex body, has a

Comprehensive Sports Policy through which top honors in sports at national and

international levels have been achieved

Transforming the Organization

HUL has undertaken an organization transformation exercise in which HR has taken a lead

role as a change agent by evolving a communication strategy to ensure involvement and

participation among employees in various work centers. Exclusive workshops and

interactions/brainstorming sessions are organized to facilitate involvement of employees in

this project.

Participative Culture

Policies and policy makers at HUL have always had the interests of the large and multi-

disciplined workforce at heart and have been aware of the nuances and significance of cordial

Industrial Relations. By enabling workers to participate in management, they are provided

with an Informative, Consultative, Associative and Administrative forum for interactive

participation and for fostering an innovative culture.

In fact, HUL has been one of the few organizations where this method has been

implemented. It has had a positive impact on the overall operations since it has led to

enhanced efficiency and productivity and reduced wastages and costs.

A Model Corporate Citizen

Respect and dignity are the key values that underline the relationship HUL has with its

human assets. Conscious about its responsibility to society HUL has evolved guidelines for

Socio-Economic Development programmes in areas around its operations all over the


 Education

 Health Care and Family Welfare

 Community Development

 Promotion of Sports and Culture

 Calamity Relief

 Development of Infrastructural Facilities

 Development of the Socially & Economically Weaker Sections of Society Benefit

and Welfare


Around 150 sportspersons including 95 international level performers are on the rolls of

HUL representing your Company in 15 different games.

HUL hosted the HUL Nehru Cup International Invitational Tournament during 2007-08.

Chess Queen Koneru Humpy was conferred with Padmashri and Badminton ace Chetan

Anand received the Arjuna Award.

Reigning World Billiards Champion Pankaj Advani retained his title after an 'all HUL Final'

in which Dhruv Sitwala was the Runner-up

Arjuna Awardee Virender Sehwag became the first Indian and third cricketer to score two

triple Test centuries.

HUL won the Petroleum Minister's PSPB Trophy for Overall Best Performance in 2007-08

for the fifth year in succession

Corporate Social Responsibility

HUL is spearheading the United Nations Global Compact - World's biggest corporate

citizenship initiative to bring Industry, UN bodies, NGOs, Civil societies and corporate on

the same platform.

During the year, your Company has undertaken various CSR projects at its work centers and

corporate level.

Women Empowerment

Women employees constitute about 5% of HUL's workforce. Various programmes for

empowerment and development, including programme on gender sensitization are organized


Welfare Scheme in HUL

The objectives of Welfare Scheme are as follows:

 To develop entrepreneurship and expertise par excellence through Welfare and


 To prepare executives to meet the strategic business goals in the fast changing


 To create a learning environment in order to achieve a competitive edge through

leveraging human resource

 To develop Welfare tools and techniques to facilitate effective learning.

 To organize interactive workshops in upstream industry area.

 To strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of E&P activities through

Welfare in the emerging technologies.

 To inculcate quality consciousness

 To promote IT as an instrument of organizational transformation

 To cultivate creative and innovative thinking

 Reducing gap between current and expected level of performance through systematic

enrichment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

 Developing multi-craft skills.

 Preparing executives for career advancement

 To impart Welfare to all employees to motivate then towards actualization of


Induction Welfare

The fresh incumbents of the organization are exposed to wide gamut of technology of

petroleum industry synergic approach covering multi – disciplinary theoretical and practical

aspects with emphasis upon on the job Welfare.

Thus, a newly recruited executive undergoes an intensive classroom Welfare interspersed

with field exposure to effectively specialize him in the organization. The specialized modules

of Welfare on the advanced hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation technology are

inculcated in the newly recruited officer before he is put on the job Welfare for hands-on-


HUL Welfare

Management Welfare

One of the most important aspects of executive development is “Man-Management”, suitable

programs are being organized with special emphasis on appreciation of roles played by

various disciplines in the company. Environment and public enterprises, principles of

management, corporate planning, project management, management of change, Management

of Technology, Man-Management, Team building and conflict Resolution, Management of

R& D , Personal Effectiveness including Oral and Written communication, Presentation

skills, listening skills, Management Stress etc. are wider areas covered through various

Welfare modules.

For the personnel already engaged in different disciplines, a career linked Welfare plan is

drawn to impart advance Welfare in management.

The executives of E-4 and above levels are exposed to General Management Welfare at

reputed Institutions in India including ASCI & IIM’s to achieve the perfection in

development. Thus the Welfare system in HUL ensures overall development of the officers.

Besides this, specialized programs are also developed for the executives of E-7 and above

levels based on the requirement.



To encourage employee for higher studies within the sphere of their respective duties within

India/abroad, in subjects relevant to the activities of the existing conditions for grant of study

Levels/HPL/EOL laid down in the HUL (leave) Rules, the following GUDILINES are

followed in the case of sponsoring of employees for the higher studies within India/abroad:-

i. The executives/employees, who have complete 3 years of service on the date of

submission of application, are consider for sponsoring for a particular study in

India/abroad, subject to the following condition:-

(a) The executive/employee holds the first class Q1. qualification in the subject


(b) The team of fellowship/scholarship study does not exceed 12 months.

(c) The decision of the management to who should be sponsored for such studies

would be final and will be taken in consultation with functional Director,

director (HR) and chairman and Managing Director.

(d) During this period, the executive/employee would be treated as on duty and

would draw full pay and allowances in India, in addition to the stipend of

fellowship/scholarship etc., if any.

(e) The executive/employee would also be entitled to both ways air fare, if the

same is not payable to him, in accordance with the awarded of


(f) Sponsoring can also be done in those cases where admission rules insist that

such sponsorship is necessary by the employee. However, sponsoring does

not automatically mean that he would be entitled for the benefits as

mentioned above, unless he satisfied the above conditions.

ii. The above guidelines are in relaxation of the conditions laid down in HUL

(Leave) Rules. Therefore it has been decided that the concerned

executive/employee, before proceeding on leave for pursuing higher studies, will

be required to submit a bond as under, till the amendment, as above, are made in

HUL (Leave) Rules:-

(a) In cases where the employee is granted leave including EOL and study leave

for pursuing higher studies, in accordance with the existing provisions of the

HUL (Leave) Rules, the bond money will be as per the exiting amount

mentioned in the rules ibid.

(b) In cases where leave for pursuing higher studies including HPL, EOL and

study Leave in sanctioned, in relaxation of any specified conditions of the

existing provisions of the Leave Rules, i.e., either possessing less length of

service than prescribed on the duration of leave is longer than prescribed or

any other reason, the executive concerned will be asked to give the bond for

pay, DA, Adhoc relief/interim relief that he would draw for a period of three

years on return from leave.


While deputing officers for Welfare or attending seminars, conferences etc., preference

should be given to scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers as per existing rule and

regulations of Govt. of India.


In certain disciplines, officers are deputed for long term Welfare courses in India, including

courses leading to award of degree/diplomas.


The terms and conditions in respect of deputation of company’s employees on Welfare courses

within the country, exceeding 3 months in duration, will be:-

i. Tuition fee: Expenditure towards tuition fees and course material, if any, will be

born by the company and shall be paid directly to the institute concerned either in

installments or as a lumpsum.

ii. Pay and Allowances:- The officer will be treated as on duty for the period of the

course and will be paid his/her normal pay plus dearness allowance and housing

facility only. No other allowances will be payable.

iii. TA/DA:- The place of Welfare shall be headquarters of the all purposes during the

entire period of Welfare but this will not be treated as a case of transfer and transfer

TA shall not be payable for self and family TA as on tour, excluding Daily

Allowance, will be allowed from the place of his/her duty to the Institute and back.A

lumpsum of Rs.500/- per month is paid for meeting expenditure towards boarding,

lodging and other incidental expenses during the period of course of study at the

Institute and payment of the same will be made directly to the officer by the

respective Region/Institute/Project/Office.Where the course fee includes expenses on

boarding and lodging, the aforesaid lumpsum of Rs.500/- p.m. will not be admissible.

In case of officer is allowed any stipend by the Institute concerned, the amount of

lumpsum paid shall be so regulated that the sum of stipend paid and lumpsum does

not exceed Rs.500/- If the amount of stipend exceed Rs.500/-, the officer would be

allowed to obtain the whole amount of the stipend, but in that case he/she will not be

entitled to the lumpsum amount of Rs.500/- per month. Before releasing the

lumpsum, every month, it will have to be ascertained whether the employee received

any stipend from the Institute concerned and a certificate to this effect that he/she is

not receipt of any stipend, duly countersigned by the authority concerned of the

Institute, will have to furnish by the employee concerned.

iv. Reimbursement of conveyance Expenditure: During the period of conveyance

expenditure restricted to 30% of his/her normal entitlement, subject to fulfillment of

other conditions.

House Rent Allowance: The officer shall be allowed to retain the residential

accommodation at the last place of his/her posting on payment of usual rent if so desires.

Alternatively, he/she, however, may be allowed to keep his/her establishment/family at any

place of his/her choice during the Welfare period and may draw HRD limited to the amount

admissible for the last place of his/her posting subject to fulfillment of other prescribed


Medical Facilities: The officer will be entitled to medical facilities for self and family,

as per company’s Rule during the period of Welfare.

Bond: Before the officer actually leaves for Welfare programme, he/she is required to

execute a surety-cum-personal Bond, on non-judicial stamp paper to serve the company for a

period of five years on completion of his/her course. Value of the bond will be twice the

amount of expenditure estimated to be incurred/expended on this by company.

Expenditure of Text Books: A maximum sum of Rs.1000/- to meet the expenditure of

text books and expenditure incurred up to Rs.2000/- for the dissertation work will be

reimbursed to the officer subject to the production of receipts/vouchers by him/her for the

entire Welfare. The text books etc. purchased should be those prescribed by the Institute and

the receipts/vouchers shall be got verified and certified by the Institute concerned.


The period of Welfare shall be treated as on duty for earning leave, increment etc.


The general guidelines for sponsoring the employees for Welfare course, exceeding 3

months in company’s interest are as follows:-

(i) The employee must have put a minimum 3 years service in the company and

must not be more than 50 years of age on completion of the course.

(ii) The course for which the employee is sponsored, is related to his/her

discipline/profession/function/basic degree or diploma already held by him/her,

and the same will be beneficial to him/her in the discharge of official duties.


For acquiring the degree/diploma, as referred above, for the assistance of the company, the

employee will not be eligible for any additional increments/incentive for attaining higher

professional qualification.


The executives/employees who are sponsored for any course/programme exceeding three

months within India would also be entitled to the following allowance.

(i) Hill Allowance: This would be admissible only if the families of the employee

stay in Dehradun.

(ii) City Compensatory Allowance: He would be admissible only if his family stays

at a place where the employee is entitled for such allowance and that he is not in

receipt of Drilling Allowance.

(iii) Drilling Allowance: He would be entitled, for payment of Drilling Allowance,

provided he is not in receipt of City Compensatory Allowance.

(iv) Remote Locality Allowance: In those cases, where the family continues to

remain at the station, where the employee was posted before proceeding for

Welfare and Remote Locality Allowance is admissible for that station.

(v) House Rent Allowance: As applicable to the locality where the family of the

individual resides during the period of Welfare of the employee.

(vi) In no case, Hard Duty Allowance, Operational Allowance and other similar

allowances, which are required to be paid for performance of the specific duties

would be payable during the period of Welfare.


Q:- 1 Your organization considers Welfare as a part of organizational strategy for


S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

respondents (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 28 28

(b) Agree (4) 54 54

(c ) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 11 11

(d) Disagree (2) 6 6

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 2 2

Total 100 100

Graph No.1

Strongly Agree (5)

6% 2% Agree (4)
11% 28%
Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
53% Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree


From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents agree that Welfare is

an important factor for growth of organization is most important factor and it plays a major

role in growth of both employees as well as organization.

Q:- 2 Your organization conducts Welfare Scheme programs as a regular activity for

the growth of employees as well as organization.?

S. No. Response Category No. of response Percentage


(a) Strongly Agree (5) 28 28

(b) Agree (4) 54 54

(c ) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 11 11

(d) Disagree (2) 7 7

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 0 0

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

Agree (4)
11% 7% 0%
Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
54% Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree


Form the above graph it may be concluded that Welfare Scheme program is

conducted as regular activity at HUL. They believe that regular Welfare program keeps the

employees updated and upgraded about the knowledge of various hurdles arising during the

job process.

Q:- 3 Welfare helps you to acquire technical knowledge and skill for

effectively performing your job?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 32 32

(b) Agree (4) 62 62

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 3 3

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 1 1

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

2% Agree (4)
3% 1%
Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
62% Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree


From the above graph it is clear that majority of respondents accept that Welfare

helps in improving their skill and knowledge to execute their job efficiently. Higher level

employees gave maximum response and they feel that Welfare has updated them with new

skills and knowledge.

Q:- 4. Vision and mission of HUL is clearly specified by your mentor when

nominating for a Welfare program?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 9 9

(b) Agree (4) 40 40

(c ) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 37 37

(d) Disagree (2) 9 9

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 5 5

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

Agree (4)
9% 5% 9%

Neither agree nor

40% disagree (3)
Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree


A trainee has to know the vision and mission of the organization before attending a

Welfare program. Thus it is clear from graph that approx 50% of respondents actually know

vision and mission of HUL. However, lower level employee feel that vision and mission of

the organization is not clearly specified by their mentor. Moreover, approx. 50% of top level

employees gave neutral response which indicates that they also expect more clarity about the


Q:- 5 Your seniors motivate you to undergo relevant Welfare programs?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage (%)


(a) Strongly Agree (5) 13 13

(b) Agree (4) 47 47

(c ) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 25 25

(d) Disagree (2) 10 10

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 5 5

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

10% 5% 13% Agree (4)

Neither agree nor

disagree (3)
Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)


Mostly top level employees agreed that they are motivated by their seniors to undergo

relevant Welfare programs. But lower level employees feel lack of support and motivation by

their seniors even they didn’t get that much opportunity to undergo relevant Welfare

programs because of work pressure.

Q:- 6 You are given adequate time and opportunity to plan and implement

improvement in your work?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 12 12

(b) Agree (4) 62 62

(c ) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 17 17

(d) Disagree (2) 8 8

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 1 1

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

8% 1% 12% Agree (4)

Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


From the graph, majority of the respondents agree that they had been given adequate

time and opportunity to implement in their work whatever they learn in Welfare. But lower

level totally do not agree stating that they are uploaded by pending works and do not get

opportunities to implement their learning in Welfares.

Q:- 7 Welfare has increased your commitment towards the organization?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 25 25

(b) Agree (4) 55 55

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 16 16

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 2 2

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

2%2% Agree (4)

16% 25%

Neither agree nor

disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


Satisfaction of learning is most important factor in Welfare programme. It plays a

major role in employees’ growth and development and commitment towards the job. In my

study most of the employees agreed that Welfare Scheme programs make them more loyal

and committed towards the organization.

Q:- 8 Employees are sponsored for Welfare programmes on the basis of

carefully identified Developmental needs?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 8 8

(b) Agree (4) 31 31

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 37 37

(d) Disagree (2) 18 18

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 6 6

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

6% 8% Agree (4)
Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


From the above graph, it is clear that 1/3rd of the respondents feel that employees are

not carefully identified for developmental needs and most of the respondents didn’t have any

view regarding it. But top level employees agree that employees are carefully identified

developmental needs.

Q:- 9 Your feedback is considered for further improvement of the Welfare

program you attended?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 10 10

(b) Agree (4) 31 31

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 45 45

(d) Disagree (2) 12 12

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 2 2

Total 100 100

Strongly Agree (5)

12% 2% 10% Agree (4)

Neither agree nor

31% disagree (3)
Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)


From the above graph, it is found that feedback is not taken so much seriously. Higher

level employees had given strong reaction on it and were in complete disagreement with the

above statement and didn’t know much about feedback is implemented for improvement in

Welfare programs.

Q:- 10. Welfare actually boosts up your morale?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 25 25

(b) Agree (4) 59 59

© Neither agree nor disagree (3) 14 14

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 0 0

Total 100 100


Strongly Agree (5)

14% 2% 0% Agree (4)


Neither agree nor

disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


From the above graph, it is clear that majority of respondents feel that Welfare

actually boosts up their morale. And they become more confident and ready to handle any

higher responsibility.

Q:- 11 Welfare helps in increasing your productivity and performance?.

S. No. Response Category No. of Percentage

response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 31 31

(b) Agree (4) 57 57

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 10 10

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 0 0

Total 100 100

Graph No. 11

Strongly Agree (5)

10% 2% 0% Agree (4)


Neither agree nor

disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


As the result shows majority of employee agree to fact that Welfare helps them to

work effectively and hence increase the productivity. Based on this we can say that, Welfare

program helps the employee to work effectively and hence helps to increase in better

performance of their company.

Q:- 12 You feel the investment made on your Welfare, gains more than the

expected return to you and your organization?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 20 20

(b) Agree (4) 51 51

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 20 20

(d) Disagree (2) 9 9

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 0 0

Total 100 100

Graph No. 12

Strongly Agree (5)

9% 0% 20% Agree (4)

Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


The ROI – The return on investment made towards Welfare Scheme activity is difficult

to measure. Employees are made to be aware about the cost invested by Company indirectly

and they must be motivated to get the desired result output.

In HUL, majority of the respondents feel that the return on investment made on Welfare is

more than the actual investment made to impart Welfare and employees do gain a lot from

every Welfare program.

Q:- 13 Your organization has taken initiatives to equip and enhance

qualification of employees through UNNATI PRAYAS and SUPER

UNNATI PRAYAS programs?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 36 36

(b) Agree (4) 49 49

© Neither agree nor disagree (3) 11 11

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 2 2

Total 100 100

Graph No.13

Strongly Agree (5)

11% 2%2% Agree (4)

Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


UNNATI PRAYAS and SUPER UNNATI PRAYAS programs is conducted in

HUL to provide degree to diploma holder employees. Majority of respondents agree that

HUL has taken good initiatives to enhance the technical & professional qualification of


Q:- 14 Welfare imparts a sense of belongingness in you for your


S.No Response Category No. of Percentage

. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 27 27

(b) Agree (4) 57 57

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 14 14

(d) Disagree (2) 2 2

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 0 0

Total 100 100

Graph No. 14

Strongly Agree (5)

14% 2% 0% Agree (4)


Neither agree nor

disagree (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly disagree (1)


Majority of employees were in agreement with the statement and said that Welfare

does help in imparting a sense of belongingness for their organization.

Q:- 15 Safety Welfare helps in reducing the number of accidents?.

S. Response Category No. of Percentage

No. response (%)

(a) Strongly Agree (5) 45 45

(b) Agree (4) 47 47

(c) Neither agree nor disagree (3) 4 4

(d) Disagree (2) 3 3

(e) Strongly disagree (1) 1 1

Total 100 100


Strongly Agree (5)

Agree (4)
4% 3% 1%
45% Neither agree nor
disagree (3)
Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree


All most respondents feel that Welfare helps in reducing the number of accidents. It

means HUL always care for the safety and security of employee as well as organization and

conduct Welfare on the need base of both with safety.


While collecting data, many of the respondents share their views on many of the questions
raised and related matters.
It was observed that the top management at the head quarters is motivated to improve
company’s performance to achieve the organizational effectiveness and in particular to make
work culture more open.
The employees hold positive attitude towards Welfare. Many of those sampled feel:

1. Welfare is imparting of skills to an employee to increase the proficiency in a

particular job.
2. Welfare seeks to modify employees’ behaviour and attitude, induces a sense of
belongingness in the employees which benefits the organization at large and improves
organizational effectiveness.
3. Welfare boosts up an employee’s morale which leads to better performance and
4. It enhances the commitment of an employee to the organization and thus decreases
attrition rate.
5. Welfare is a must and should be according to one’s job.
6. The trainee has to know vision and mission of the organization. Only 50% of
employees are aware about the vision and mission of HUL when being selected for
7. Welfare is given to employees by recognizing their area of deficiency. No Welfare is
imparted to the employees on the basis of giving promotion upon completion.
8. The Return of investment made on the Welfare and activity are not measured
properly. Employees are feeling that the return on investment made for Welfare is
more than the expected gain.
During the interaction a few sources of dissatisfaction amongst the employee was discovered
which is reflected in the light of their suggestions.


 The major and foremost problem is that there seems to be a missing communication

link between the top management and the employees. Hence there is a strong need for

creating a conducive work culture characterized by two way communication


 Welfare should be need based. Also after Welfare new skills acquired by the

employee should be put to appropriate use.

 There should be a proper feel of all types of Welfare imparted.

 The Welfare should be given on the basis of the job requirement be it behavioral or

job specific.

 Welfare should be job oriented and should be at regular intervals.

 Welfare should be compulsory and should be on a yearly pattern.

 Welfare should be more technical and more work related.

 Welfare must be link to individual career development plan.

 Welfare evaluation and effectiveness monitoring.

 Welfare should be more structured. Feedback should be taken from the trainee. The

benefit of the Welfare to the organization to be measured/evaluated.

 More Welfares on personality development and coping with work pressure should be

conducted rather than Welfares on theoretical subjects/topics.

 The identification of Welfare needs and placing right man at right place after Welfare

is very much importance.

 After the Welfare, there should be a test to evaluate the involvement of the trainee

during course of the Welfare.

 75% Welfare by planned intervention of management required, 25% Welfare by

individual choice should be more.

 Long duration Welfare should be divided into smaller modules of one week each

with enough time for practical/labs and implementation.

 Employees consider maintaining the people trained in specialized field in relevant


 Senior employees give their regards to UNNATI PRAYAS and SUPPER UNNATI

PRAYAS programs about the career development.

 Welfare related to new change of policies should be given time to time as and when

new things come.

 Suitable Welfare to persons performing specific tasks and not just for namesake.

 Implement online T& D module for maximizing returns on investment made through


 In place of class room Welfare programmes practical Welfare in field is more



 Best possible efforts have been made to make this study as comprehensive and

representative as possible.

 Actually, this project is not done in headquarter of HUL which is in Dehradun from

where all Welfare programs developed and conducted so I could not take feedback

from the top management who are involves in making Welfare programs in HUL.

Since attitudes are influenced by social background as well, the results may not be

reflective of the opinion of the entire organization.

 The availability of these products to common people does not only depend on
marketing network, but also on the advertising strategies adopted by HUL. On this
count culinary products don’t seem to offer much to create any stir and betray
manifest upward trends in terms of widening consumer base.
 The pricing strategy adopted by HUL shows considerable fluctuation, which has led
the consumer base to remain almost stagnant in many segments. Usually, the prices of
these products are too high to make these affordable to the common masses and
particularly those belonging to low-income groups. This phenomenon seems to be
most evident in culinary goods segment, which constitutes the backbone of HUL’s
industrial base.
Agricultural pursuits have not yet attained the status of industrial activities to a considerable

degree. So, the supply mechanism adopted by HUL for the raw materials tends more often to

suffer from a kind of unpredictability syndrome in terms of communication and planning. On

certain occasions, the readily available agricultural input is too low to cater to the needs of

manufacturers because ‘cultivation for industrial production’ or ‘industry-oriented farming’

is not popular concepts even today in many countries of the world including India.


The detailed analysis of the data in light of findings observations leads us to the following


 The human resource executives should be exposed to lot of management programs

 More experienced and senior executive should be involved in Welfare sessions and

for experience sharing sessions

 Support and motivation should be taken by senior for the juniors.

 Employee feels the lack of adequate upward communication system. Means

communication barrier that seems to exist between top level executives and lower

level employees.

 The employees should aware about the criteria for selection and they should aware

about the vision and mission of the organization when being selected for Welfare


 Welfare should be more relevant to the job and need contribute to trainee’s

knowledge to the fullest extent.

 Welfare also to impart to the employee based on giving promotion, not just only for

the employees who are found inefficient. This helps in motivating the employees and

maintains the effectiveness of Welfare.

 The ROI – The return on investment made towards Welfare Scheme activity need to

be measured. Employee has to be aware about the cost invested by Company

indirectly and they will be motivated to get the desired result output.



 V.S.P. Rao - Human resource management –Excel Book

 Tata McGraw-Hill- Human Resource Management –

 C.B. Memoria - Principal and practices if personnel management.

 Aswathappa K.- Human resource and personal management

 Robbins P. Stephens, Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition,

Chapter 16, pages 636-641.

 Koontz Harold & Weihrich Heinz, Essentials of Management, Mc Graw

Hill, 5th Edition, Chapter 11, pages 217-245.

 Decenzo A. David & Robbins P. Stephen, Personnel/HR Management,

Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, Chapters 6,7 & 8, pages 117-209.


 Ms. Akla Mittal DGM – House Journal of HUL Group

Web sites

 www.hindustanprducts.com

 www.hul.ac.in

 www.google.com

 www.indianews.com


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