Commercial Law - RCC Dr. Lim 7:10:24

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Corpo -Dr.

Lim 07/10/24 But Participation should be no more than

40% of the capital of the business
RCC – added more sections on Penalties (New
section included 17 sections on One Person Source of Capital
Corporation, Visitorial powers, Implementation of -iInvestments/Selling shares/ inviting
Electronic filing, Mandatory creation of arbitration investors
tribunal intra-corporate dispute) between corp and -Profit
BOD and Officers and Corp and stockholders if not, -Loans
RTC Commerisl wourt Incorporators will declare in SEC how much
money they are gonna get from the investing
Criminal cases ]] public (called CAPITAL STOCK)

Position is in the by-laws, u were dismissed – Ex: 5 Incorporators

If not, arbigfstion Business: Import/Export
250k to 1.25m
More than 15 trustees in Non-stock Capital stock 500m (maximum amount the
How many BOD in Stock? corporation can get from the pubic (divide
into units
(Capital) money u intend to get from the
SEC doesn’t have jurisdiction over party-list public divide by money flow
application or registration, now COMELEC
ACS = 500,000,000
RCC will apply and cover all existing (given 2 years #s = 50,000,000
to comply) and to be created corporations PV = 10.00/pv

Profit belongs to the Corporation Par value – fixed price

Dividends to the stockholders Watered stocks – below par value
Premium shares – higher than par value
GR: Corporations are not allowed to acquire their IF shares bought not from corporation
own shares. (purchaser) paid in full
If Stockholder wants a way out, he can’t go to IF shares bought directly from corporation at
Corporation and return his shares. par value (subscriber) can be on
WHAT HE CAN DO: Sell shares to other installments

One-Person Corporation Stock Transfer Book – possession of a

- His personal properties are certificate is not a stockholder. Bring those
separate/segregated and cannot be attached certificates to the Corporate secretary for her
to satisfy debts from creditors to cancel the prev names and list your name
to the STB (no need of DOAS and Deed of
Corporators ( any 1 of the 4) Transfer/Deed of Assignment)
Incorporators maximum of 15– founders of the
Corp Perfection of Transfer as required by the
BOD law: Endorsement and delivery ONLY
Officers(employees with titles), employees
Stockholders What if Dividends were issued but was
issued to name that previously owned, he is
Non-stock and merged bank a mere Trustee, the dividends are still yours.
- Can have more than 15 members
- Board of Investors – Stock Corporation AI – Articles of Incorporation
- Board of Trustees – Non-Stock Corporation From the issuance of Certificate of
Incorporation (haha birth certificate of start
Can Foreigners as Incorporators/Directors
DISSOLVE (Doctrine of _____ Corporation that has no by-laws is a De Facto
25% subscribe & 25% paid up requirement Corporation (can be dissolved by the SolGen via
(still used in increasing capital stock) Quo Warranto
Original agreement of the Incorporators (ung
nagtatag) – should put out money not Board decision is a corporate decision
services (legwork/efforts) Annual Stockholders Meeting – mandatory election
Non-resident can be incorporators 1 Year term of President
Powers are from By-Laws
Treasurer- should be a resident of the Phils
3 Modes of Increasing Capital Stock
Subscribers – buying shares of original and directly 1. Increase Par Value - maintain #S
bought stocks from the Corporation 2. Maintain PV – Increase #S
3. Increase PV – Increase #S
Consent from Stockholders (subscribers) even if
majority decided by BOD Pro Life
Once incorporated automatic lifetime (perpetual)
OCS – Outstanding Capital Stock (subscribers only existence (applied retroactively ex: incorporated in
not ALL, just those who hold big shares) 2001, 30 years term, can now be extended despite
2/3 = 67% only those with big term)
Ex: What if despite RCC, and perpetual existence, but
A has 20% still wanted 30 years and in the future actually
B has 40% realized want to extend, how to extend:
C has 1% Extension: Last work on it in 3 years of your
D has 1% corporate life
. What if Corporation wants a term (example: 20
. years) some want a limited term corporation so that
. by the end they can dissolve and liquidate
Just talk to A & B to reach majority of 51% What to do (apply Double Majority): BOD decide
and forward to (OCS) SH aka the subscribers for
Subscription Balance (implied by the law) always them to approve then submit that they only want 20
interest bearing years

Corporate Names If you don’t want, use Right of Appraisal (tell the
- Cannot use international corporation BOD) Sec. 80 – you want to demand the return of
registered-names your investment (when you don’t want the instance
- Lawyer name when dead cannot use it again your corporation is doing)
- Business name if owner died and the heirs EXAMPLE:
want to continue, put ‘New’ before the name BOD wants perpetual existence – approve
Notify ALL for special meeting but in calculation
AI vs By-Laws 51% majority OCS – approved also
AI: original agreements, stipulations etc Dr. Lim SH who attended the meeting– doesn’t
By-laws: can come after AI. These are self-imposed want perpetual existence “dissenting SH/shares”
rules and regulations i.e. policies(stockholders Communicates her Right of Appraisal
make) contains Arbitration agreement (takes effect While waiting for ROI, still considered an SH until
after 15 days) to resolve controversies, criminal CANCELLED
cases and interest of parties NOT INCLUDED Return of Capital – return as is
Must be notarized, principal office must be
identified (general city or address will suffice) HOW MUCH CAN YOU DETERMINE THE BV
Failure to submit By-laws to SEC will result to De Total # of shares , net assets divided by No. of
Facto Corporation (SEC) outstanding common shares
for the first few years they can elect themselves and
In Close Corporation = RTC will determine the they can issue Founder’s shares
right price is 3-man(?) month(?) committee in First 5 years from incorporation, when Founder’s
exercising the right of appraisal shares are available, common shares cannot vote

Close Corporation – people in the corporation have

Dissolved – all properties dissolve, satisfy creditors, members/participants 19 and below
if there is remaining, return of capital (as is), if there - Also called Family Corporation
is remaining (return of investments) - Preferred if odd number so that there is a tie-
Lazarus Doctrine – dead corporation that wants to
revive Directors cannot remove their co-ranks/co-directors
What can’t be revived – those who liquidated Only SH
already Directors can be removed with or without just cause
EXCEPT those who represent the minority
Revoking of CI is costly Voting Trust Agreement
Subject to DST also when Reincorporates - Good for 5 years you cannot vote only the
directors (right to vote is given to somebody else)
Sole Proprietor registration is in DTI -You must surrender your certificate that will be
Partnership and Corporation registration is in SEC cancelled and issued in the name of the bank.
-Bank people will be able to vote
Business Name then on the side OPC (to serve as -Only voting right is surrendered, all other rights are
warning to creditors) intact
Like Limited Partnership “Ltd.” -for loan
No proxy in Board Meeting only in meeting with
Incorporation Rule stockholders meeting
Central Management Test-find out where the head
of office is located Corporate Treasurer – Chief Finance Officer
Control Test if majority of investors Corporate President - Chief Executive Officer
Nationalized activities – activities not allowed for Compliance Officer – evaluates officers,
foreigners assessments

Advertising companies – 30-70% Can the Board fill up the vacancies?

Shares of Stocks as Payment Quorum = ½

Future services or non-existing = no
Previously incurred indebtedness = yes Where to choose? From the list of stockholders
1 – died
Educational Non-stock 2 – abroad
BOT 1 – abandoned
15/5 = 3 11-4 = 7 still a quorum
Determine how to change BOD when election
comes If you are a Director you cannot engage in a
business similar to the corporation
Hold-over Directors – holds their position cannot You cannot compete with your corporation. Not
step down or asked by law to continue in their applicable with SH
positions until the next election bc those elected are
not eligible New seats in the board
Foreigner = can sit; foreign equity of 40%
Incorporating Directors (1st Set) the Not disqualified. Only excluded in schools
founders/incorporators who want to sit as directors
Person found RSC or Insider’s Trading etc = - easier for small-medium business, agility you can
disqualified run your business on your own terms, limited
liabilities, separate properties, can decide on your
When to fill up vacancies = 45 days own pace
Self Dealing Directors = you sell land to -limited capital (biggest disadvantages)
corporation but needs to prove your presence is not -limited credit, higher taxes
necessary or not needed to approve the contract and -more reportorial requirement
the contract is transparent, fair, and reasonable -in case of insolvency, if did not separate personal
When to know contract SDD entered is valid? properties can be solidarily liable
- Dr. Lim, if I were to choose I’d prefer Close
“Ex-officio director” no functions but can gather or Corporation “two heads are better than 1”
still influential - non-stock, non-chartered GOCCs (created by
Congress, no CI, no AI, not within the jurisdiction
Composition of Board (engaged in public interest) of the SEC) cannot convert to OPC
20% of 15 = 3 independent
READ: Distinction of Corporation vs Partnership
Material Contract to be approved (2/3) involving
real property: majority of the independent directors Doctrine of Piercing the Veil of Corporate Entity
should approve, if not majority, cannot be approved - We will disregard the personality of the
Emergency Board
Example 11 directors SP (Sole Proprietor)
During the board meeting no quorum. More than ½ X HARDWARE STORE
did not attend = no business - 8 employees
- Went to LA
New Powers of the Corporation - Awarded by LA
- Corporations now can enter into contracts - X Hardware transferred to Y Corporation
and partnerships with juridical and natural their assets to prevent 8 employee’s
persons execution of judgment
- Allowed to donate to politicians, to support - Y is only covering X’s liability
partisan activities (EXC FOREIGN CORPS) - Only the Court has the power to pierce
through the veil
To protect minority SH
- Appointing independent directors Outsider Reverse Piercing
- Appointing compliance officers Creditors hopes

One -Person Corporation Insider Piercing

New corporation can it be registered as OPC? Yes
Existing? Convert Nell Doctrine
X sells his store to B
OPC Does not mean B also buys the credits of X
-doesn’t have a director Only happens in Merger. This is not merger, only
-owner can be president and treasurer at the same buy and sell (liability isn’t
time but if he is to be treasurer, must secure a bond included/absorbed/transferred) exc in the purchaser
-but cannot be president and secretary expressly/impliedly assume
- but cannot be a corporation vested with public
interest because you’re only one cannot have Business Enterprise Transfer
independent directors When the buying corp is a mere continuation of the
- cannot be formed from persons selling profession selling corp, then it will be liable
or services
-any amount of capital Theory of General Capacity
Aka (Theory of Separate Capacity) everything is
prohibited unless permitted When is a SH not allowed to exercise Pre-emptive
Like in Corpo Law, application in SEC, stated that rights
business is import export business, cannot do other - When PAID-W (mnemonics)
business (trading/ real estate etc) - Pre-emptive Right
If you want to change business, amend AI; get all - Re emptive right is denied in the Articles of
consent and other formalities Incorporation
AI should “tumutugma” sa actual business mo - IPO initial public offering of the
Corporation does not have mobility because limited Government shares that
in jurisdiction (where head office is located) - Elements of existing Debts
- Waive/ surrender of right
Stated Capital
No par value price stated at the time they were sold Ex: 500, 000,000.00
(agreed upon by SH) Law said 33 ½% standing order should set aside to
sell at par value of for ordinary small investors to
Legal capital buy
All the money from par value shares (not available for existing SH)
Every December corporations IPO (original shares
Corporation by Estoppel of corporation for sale to non SH at par value)
-never registered in the SEC This December Jollibee might sell IPOs
Liability if you joing fake corporation – liable as a Dr. Lim: buy stocks don’t put your money in the
General Partner ( all your properties will be bank
attached to answer for debts)
Cumulative Voting
Ultra Vires Act -guarantees minority voting (representation)
-actions, transactions, that were undertaken by a
corporation that were not in the AI (not illegal, but Derivative Suit (Corporation X vs the BOD)
corp is not allowed to enter it because it was not - Class suit Complainant is the Corporation
stated in the AI) therefore are VOID (filed by the aggrieved complaining SH
Ex: registered in the SEC as import/export but does (called “Nominal Party” they should be
realty business, realty business transactions are stockholder of record to have personality to
ULTRA VIRES ACT and therefore VOIDx file) vs BOD
- SH are prejudiced by the acts of BOD
Doctrine of Loyalty of Directors - Requisuites: 1 corporation is damaged
-obedience - 2 refusal to act upon it by the BOD after SH
-loyalty complained
-diligence - SH must show there was exhaustion of intra-
corporate remedies
Best Judgment Rule
-Director who acted in good faith is not liable in Representative Suit
case of mistakes/errors in the exercise of judgment - Election time
in the corporation
Wrong decision is not bad faith Voting:
BAR ZONE: Acquiring secret profit Straight
Assume personal liability
Grossly negligent in duty as BOD What actions of the Board will require the # of
Director dismissing employees in bad faith majority concurring votes

(ABSOLUTE) Pre-emptive Right of Stockholder Can a person buy stocks/registered in the name of a
Everytime the corporation issues new shares, SH minor or an unborn child? YES provided Legal
has 30 days to acquire offer Guardian is identified
Shares of Stocks are documents of title (documents 1 Participating – paid twice (in your capacity as
that have value) Preferred and in your capacity as common SH)
2 Cummulative
First Option Clause When corporation declares dividends, all the years u
- Right of first refusal didn’t get dividends, you will be given
- Right of a corp to buy the shares of a selling
corporation Treasury Shares
-was reacquired by the corporation in 1 way or the
IPO - SH no Pre-emptive rights other (SH borrowed money from corp and when
debt matured, SH asked the BOD if he can pay
IN CLOSE CORPORATION using so the corp calls it “treasury shares”
Buy-Sell Agreement
Someone died (member) in the corporation, can be Not non-par value when was reacquired bc the first
stipulated that his shares can be bought by the time they were sold they already were sold at par
Corporation or other members value so when they were reacquired by the corp,
and they eventually sell it again no need to sell them
Cross Purchase Plan at par value
Deceased’s shares can be sold outside (to third
persons) because there is no stipulation Redeemable Shares
-best shares bc they guarantee the return of your
Doctrine of Individuality of Subscription investments along with all your other rights
Upon the creation of the corporation the -corporation who wants to maintain redeemable
individuality of the incorporators shares must maintain a sinking fund
-when it is time to redeem surrender your shares
Limited Liability When?
When redeeming those shares will cause insolvency
Doctrine of Equality of Shares to the company
All shares issued by the corporation are deemed
Equal in rights, libilities, and privileges Doctrine of Corporate Negligence

Trust Fund Doctrine (Sec 66 & 139) Surplus Profit

In 66: 20M
In 139: no corporate property be in the name of a -
private person, only keeper of the property, held in -
trust only, you have an obligation to return the -
property Earmarked what to be paid

Kinds of Shares of Stocks Stock Dividends

1. Common There was surplus profit, buy unissued shares
2. Preferred – shares with special privileges (must be present), that’s stock dividends to be
Ex: Preferred: 3% preferred meaning upon distributed
distribution of dividend, you are entitled to
3% more (special advantage)1 Voting Shares =

First to be paid = preferred sh Subscription Contract – still a letter of intent, for
Non-voting SH (why? Not all privileges are given) approval
“equalize the playing field” Can be for installment
300,000 (per value) Bank Reserves – when you print money, you don’t
100 000 (paid up cap) just print, you need to have gold bouillons and or
P 200 000.00 (subscription balance) where treasury certificates to prove to IBA ( international
corporations get money to pay credit, interest- banking associations) they they can support
bearing, never waived,(Quason doctrine) are whatever money they want to print
indivisible payable in whole, contracts if no interest
stipulation written, cannot be paid Example: 1php for every 1thousand
Dividends are not allowed to be used for payment of
subscription balance (Dexter Doctrine) bc dividends BSP – prescribes interest rates
are not guaranteed, there’s always a possibility of
loss Transaction Discounting – buying checks at
discounted price; subject to tax
Option contract
Bangin sementeryo
Call – formal demand to pay subscription balances,
when you receive a call, you have to settle your What if you have 1.2m
balance from 30 days PDIC insured 500,000.00 ( 2 years to claim)
Who can call? Creditors (given the power to make a You get back 500,000.00
call) not BOD bc they also might have 700,000.00 (excess) you file your personal claim in
the Liquidation court
What if you cannot pay?
Declared delinquent ( should be delinquent) once Banking Laws
declared, can be sold to the public [public sale of Letters of Credits – commercial transactions that
shares of sticks] (price is original) will facilitate the payment for buyers not in the
same place, remedy
Highest Bidder – person who is able to meet the Notifying Bank – asks the seller if he has the
floor price and is willing to get the least shares request of the buyer
Opening Bank – local bank
Failure of Bid – when does the corporation bid
when there is money in the UREA account Seller didn’t have dyes buyer wanted so he resorted
Tender Offer (in a corporate setup) defect in the goods purchased
- Used in public corporations
- If u want to buy within 15% Strict Compliance Rule
- Intend to buy within a period of 12 mos,
more than 30% shares If the instructions of the buyer was followed, buyer
- No percentile, 1If you reach 51% has to pay strictly
Independence Principle Rule
Public Corporation
- Owned by the government, your shares can Opening Bank and Seller no privy of relation
be bought from the exchanges
- Listed in the Exchanges Banks can only hold foreclosed properties up to 5
- Assets if added together amount to 50m years. Beyond that they are obliged to pay the taxes.
above Taxable property to the bank
- 250 Investors needed ex 500 SH (where 200
investors have 100 shares) Rural Banks – no foreign equity
Bc involved in nationalized activities
Foreign Banks may now operate in the country
Ex: Bank of China, Maybank (Malaysian) 100%
foreign owned
Can Banks escalate interest rates without your
notification? Yes. Provided they also lower it when
the interests are low

Banks can automatically withdraw in payment of

maturing debts

When the bank closes, and you deposited money,

you cant withdraw, the ff cannot be filed:
Breach of contract
Impairment clause
Petition for mandamus to return the money

Doesn’t apply in banks closing

Bailor-Bailee Relationship
Relationship when u deposit a safety box In the

Negotiated Order of Withdrawal Account

Checking account with interest

Total of unencumbered deposit (where? Anywhere
even other bank) + the book value of your paid up

One-time more than Php 500,000.00 deposit
Suspicious deposit- should answer within 72h
CA – freezes account
Banks never ask information or send information
via cellphone

SEC- Any question about Shares of stocks

All shares should be issued by the corporation
without registering, criminal liability file SEC
Failure is not permanent
Only when u quit

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