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Introduction to Psychology


Name: Faria Hossain

ID: 19105037

Course code: PSY101

Department: Economics and Social Science

Semester: Fall2022
If we didn't occasionally experience significant and noteworthy events in our lives, living would

be a fairly dull endeavor. Thankfully, I've also experienced a few of such poignant moments.

There are countless happenings in life. Although we have a tendency to forget the majority of

these events, some of them do remain in our memory since they had significant meanings and

values for us. Anyway, I want to tell about one of these events that helped shape who I am now.

Regardless of whether you want to believe in paranormal activity, we all need to be aware that

many unusual things are happening to us that are unfathomable. History of the paranormal has

existed since the beginning of time, yet it is not what most people think it is. There are many

different things that it is thought to be; it is not just about ghosts. Well, it all happened about 9

years from now when I was just finished my JSC Exam.

When I was younger, I used to think there is always something (it probably a human or what I

still do not know) who is watching TV at our drawing room at midnight. Almost every day I felt

like that and I couldn’t sleep properly at night. When I started to grow up this happening are also

being more intensified. By continuing these, I cannot even stay alone in any room yet.

After finishing my JSC exam in the year of 2013, these incident became more intense. I cannot

sleep properly at night because of this fear that someone is probably following me. So, I keep my

younger brothers to be with me. However, it didn’t help. So I started take anti vomiting pills or

some sort of medicines which are usually used for cold. After taking those I could sleep for some

times but again I woke up and started screaming. I felt like someone is roaming around our

balcony and he or she could do any hamper to me. I screamed to the death. When it is almost

more or less 5 am, I can sleep then peacefully and usually woke up by 8 am. I cannot even read

any of my favorite story book or any TV show or cannot listen any of my favorite music. I
usually do prayer and seek help to the god for my recovery. After few months, everything

became normal and then I had everyday sound sleep.

Now, I am going to tell the main incident which happened almost after a year. As I mentioned

before, I used to sleep with my younger siblings, one day at the midnight the load shedding

happened. I started to check my face book news feed or the inbox, again started playing phone

games. Suddenly I noticed my phone is running out of charge. So I decided to keep the phone

away. My younger siblings felt asleep by then and I also was thinking that I should sleep now.

When I was about to sleep, I saw a girl who is standing behind my dressing table staring at me. I

clearly can say that girl was wearing a pink coloured salwar-kameez and covered her head with a

veil. She was straightly staring at me and so I was. After a certain period of time, I called my

younger brother, named Sazeed , Please wake! He suddenly woke up and said to me “apu, who is

there behind your dressing table? I even did not say him anything about that, I just called him by

his name!

Now, I am going to describe what Sazeed said about this incident:

Probably it was the middle of the night and I was sleeping and suddenly my sister woke me up

by calling my name and my eyes opened up. I realized on that time there were no electricity.

When my eyes went behind the dressing table of my elder sister, I saw something unexpected. It

was a lady was staring at me and I can see her without any lights on. The girl started

disappearing by times then. After that incident I realized that actually there is always something

what my sister was scared of. I believed whatever she said before.
This story of my life has a positive influence on my life. Before that obvious incident, my

parents used to think maybe I am overthinking about this or giving too much attention to this

vague incident. When my sibling said that we both at the same time experienced something, they

were also scared about it.

After a period of time, I can recover, again after timespan I felt these paranormal things. This is

how my life goes on.

In today’s society, many people love to watch paranormal movies or shows that are normally said

to be fiction. While many of the videos people watch about paranormal activity are based on

fabricated stories, there are some based on true events like the movie series.

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