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Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Internship Report On
React Js
Submitted to
Department of Computer Application
V.S. International College
Minbhawan, Kathmandu

Under the supervision of

Devi Bhakta Devkota

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Application

Submitted By
Dipti K.C.
Symbol N0:- 122802029
Tu Reg:- 6-2-789-3-2019

May, 2024
Certificate of Completion

This is to certify that Dipti K.C. has successfully completed the Internship on Frontend
Developer (React) “College Management System” as part of the requirements for the BCA at
Coding Mountain Pvt Ltd.

The report demonstrates Dipti K.C.’s knowledge and understanding of React and her ability to
conduct research and present findings in a clear and concise manner.

Mr.Lalit Puri
Internship Mentor
Coding Mountain Pvt Ltd.

Mentor’s Recommendation from Company

I am writing to highly recommend Dipti K.C. for any future opportunities in the field of Coding
Mountain Pvt. Ltd. As her mentor during her internship at Coding Mountain, I had the pleasure
of working closely with her and observing her growth and development as a professional.
Dipti K.C. consistently demonstrated a strong weak ethic and dedication to her work. She was
always eager to learn and took on new tasks and challenges with enthusiasm. She was an asset to
our team and made valuable contributions to our projects.
In addition to her technical skills and work ethic, Dipti K.C. is a highly personable and
collaborative individual. She was able to effectively communicate and work with team members
and stakeholders at all levels. Her positive attitude and ability to work well with others made her
a pleasure to work with.
I am confident that Dipti K.C. has a bright future in Coding Mountain and would not hesitate to
recommend her for any future opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions about her qualifications or potential as a professional.


Mr.Lalit Puri
Internship Mentor
Pram Soft Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
V.S. International College

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this internship report prepared under my mentorship by Ms.Dipti K.C.
entitled “Internship at Coding Mountain” in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degrees of BCA in Computer Application of Tribhuvan University and be processed for the
As her supervisor during the Frontend internship program at Coding Mountain, I had the
pleasure of working closely with her and observing her growth and development as a frontend
developer. During the internship, She consistently demonstrated a strong aptitude for the React
and web development in general. She was able to effectively utilize the various features of React
to build responsive web applications, and she consistently sought to expand her knowledge and
skills through independent learning and project work.

Mr.Devi Bhakta Devkota
V.S. International College
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
V.S. International College

This is to certify that the project prepared by Ms.Dipti K.C. entitled “INTERNSHIP AT
CODING MOUNTAIN” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor
Computer Application has been well studied. In our opinion it is satisfactory in the scope and
quality as a project for the required degree.

………………………. ………………………….
Project Supervisor Coordinator

Mr.Devi Bhakta Devkota Mr.Devi Bhakta Devkota

V.S. International College V.S. International College
Minbhawan,Kathmandu Minbhawan,Kathmandu

………………………. ………………………….
Internship Mentor External Examiner

Mr.Lalit Puri (lecturer,FOHSS,TU)

Sr. Frontend developer
Coding Mountain Pvt.Ltd

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of
my Frontend internship program.

First and foremost, I would like to thank our esteemed mentor, Mr.Lalit Puri, for his invaluable
guidance and support throughout the program. His expertise in Frontend(React) and web
development, as well as his patient and supportive teaching style, were instrumental in helping
me to achieve my goals.

I would also like to thank our internship coordinator, Devi Bhakta Devkota, for her tireless
efforts in organizing and managing the program. Her dedication and attention to detail ensured
that everything ran smoothly and that I had all the resources I needed to succeed.

I am grateful to our colleagues at Coding Mountain for their support and encouragement. Their
willingness to share their knowledge and experience helped me to gain a better understanding of
the real-world application of Frontend.

Finally, I would like to thank our V.S. International family’s friends and Coding Mountain group
for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the program. Without their love and
support, none of this would have been possible.

Thank you all for your contributions to the success of our Frontend internship program. I am
deeply grateful and look forward to applying what we have learned in the future.

This report presents the results of a three-month internship program focused on the Frontend for
web development. The internship was conducted by Mr.Lalit Puri of who had varying levels of
experience with Frontend. The program consisted of weekly lectures and hands-on projects, in
which the Dipti built web applications using React.

The results of the internship showed that the she made significant progress in her understanding
and use of the React. She has able to effectively utilize the various features of React, to build
responsive web applications. Also gained a deeper understanding of web development concepts
such as database design and authentication.

Overall, the internship was a success in helping her to gain practical experience with React. She
demonstrated her ability to apply what they learned to real-world projects, and many expressed
an interest in continuing to work with frontend in the future. It is recommended that similar
internship programs be offered in the future to help her gain valuable hands-on experience
frontend react.

Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Table
1.1 Introduction (Introduce the project/ work done during the internship)
During my internship at Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd., I worked extensively with React, a
JavaScript-based library for building user interfaces. My primary focus was on front-end
development, and throughout my internship, I gained valuable experience and knowledge in
building efficient and effective web applications using React.
One of the first projects I worked on was an application that allowed users to manage records in
a database through a user-friendly interface. React made creating dynamic and responsive
components easy, ensuring a smooth user experience.
Another significant project I undertook was developing an e-commerce website. This project
involved creating various endpoints to retrieve and update data, utilizing React's capabilities to
manage state and props effectively.
My experience working with React was extremely positive. As a core technology of modern web
development, React enabled me to build robust and fast web applications efficiently. The hands-
on experience I gained during my internship has been invaluable, providing me with a strong
foundation in front-end development with React.

1.2 Problem Statement
Many potential problems can arise when using React to develop a project.
- Lack of experience with React: As I was new to React development during my internship, I
encountered challenges while learning the library and trying to build projects. Overcoming these
challenges required a steep learning curve and a lot of practice.
- Complexity of the project: React is powerful for building user interfaces, but very large or
complex projects might require additional frameworks or a different architectural approach to
maintain scalability and manageability. Integrating React with other tools and libraries such as
Redux for state management or Next.js for server-side rendering can help address these
- Compatibility issues: Ensuring compatibility in a React project involves using modern
libraries, transpiling code with Babel to support older browsers, and employing tools like
BrowserStack for cross-browser testing. These practices help guarantee consistent behavior and
functionality across different environments.
- Performance issues: React performance issues can arise from inefficient component rendering,
excessive state updates, and heavy computations on the main thread. These can lead to slow load
times, poor responsiveness, and degraded user experience. Optimizing performance involves
minimizing unnecessary re-renders, using memoization techniques like `React.memo`,
implementing code-splitting, and leveraging performance monitoring tools like React Profiler.

1.3 Objectives
My primary objectives for this internship are:
 Develop advanced skills and understanding of HTML, CSS, React, and modern
JavaScript (ES6+) features.
 Improve skills in integrating React with backend technologies
 Gain hands-on experience with popular React libraries and tools
 Participate in the development of real-world web applications using React
 Learn and implement best practices in React development
 Tackle complex coding challenges and debugging tasks in React
 Understand and apply techniques to optimize React performance for better user

1.4. Scope and Limitations

1.4.1 Scope
The React developer intern will work with our experienced team of developers to gain hands-on
experience in web development using React. The intern will have the opportunity to learn about
various aspects of web development, including front-end design, state management, API
integration, and web application deployment.
 Design and develop dynamic web applications using React and related technologies.
 Implement and manage state using tools like Redux or Context API.
 Create secure user authentication and authorization systems.
 Develop forms for data collection, validation, and processing on the client side.
 Write clean, well-documented, and maintainable code that follows industry best practices
and standards.
 Participate in code reviews and contribute to improving the overall quality of the
 Troubleshoot and debug issues reported by end-users or detected during testing.
 Work with backend developers to integrate front-end functionality with APIs and
 Keep up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in web development and
contribute to the team’s knowledge base.
1.4.2 Limitations
Some limitations of this internship are listed below:
 Limited Access to Real Projects: Interns may have smaller tasks and less exposure to full-
scale projects.
 Limited Exposure to Advanced Concepts: Time and resources may restrict learning of
advanced React and web development concepts.
 Limited Time for Independent Projects: Internship duration may not allow for extensive
independent project work.
 Limited Opportunity for Team Collaboration: Fast-paced environment may limit
collaboration with other developers.
 Limited Exposure to Industry Trends: Interns may miss out on industry events and
conferences, impacting awareness of trends.
1.5. Report Organization
This study has organized into the following five chapters:

CHAPTER-I Introduction:
Chapter explains the introduction of the study, problem statement, and objectives of the study,
Scope and limitation of study.

CHAPTER-II Introduction to Organization:

The second chapter is concern with the organization detail, organizational Hierarchy , Working
Domains of Organization, Description of Intern Department/Unit.

CHAPTER-III Background study and Literature Review:

This chapter specify the Background Study Description of fundamental theories,general concepts
and terminologies related to the internship project. Literature Review of the similar projects
during internship, theories and results similar the projects during internship.

CHAPTER-IV: Internship Activities

This chapter include Roles and Responsibilities, Weekly log Technical Details of Activities,
Description of the Project Involved during Interns and Tasks/ Activities Performed.

CHAPTER-V: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes

This chapter specify the conclusion and learning outcomes of internship.

Citation and Referencing

This chapter including URL and Books names used as a reference in this report.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Organization
2.1. Organization Details
Company Overview:
Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software development company based in Patan,
specializing in innovative solutions for web and mobile applications. With a focus on cutting-
edge technologies and a talented team of developers, Coding Mountain delivers high-quality
software products to clients globally. The company's commitment to excellence, coupled with its
dynamic work environment, provides interns with valuable opportunities to learn and grow in the
field of software development.

Company logo

Services: Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd., offers a range of services including web and mobile app
development, custom software solutions, UI/UX design, e-commerce development, cloud
solutions, and digital marketing. With expertise in modern technologies and a focus on
delivering innovative and high-quality solutions, we ensure seamless user experiences and drive
business growth for our clients. Additionally, we provide expert consultation and ongoing
support to ensure project success from inception to deployment and beyond.
Performance: Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd. has excelled over the past year, witnessing substantial
growth in revenue and clientele. The company's expansion into new technologies like artificial
intelligence and machine learning has been noteworthy. Increased demand for its managed IT
services and cybersecurity solutions underscores its reputation as a leader in the industry, adept
at meeting evolving market needs while delivering exceptional value to clients.
Challenges: Despite the organization’s success, there have been some challenges that have been
faced over the past year. One of the biggest challenges has been the hiring and retention of
highly skilled It professionals. The company has also faced challenges in keeping up with the
rapid pace of technological change, as new technologies and services are constantly being
introduced. Additionally, the company has faced challenges in expanding its services to new
markets and geographies.
Conclusion: Overall, Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd. has demonstrated remarkable success,
witnessing significant growth in revenue and clientele. Its embrace of emerging technologies like
AI and machine learning, coupled with its expanding service offerings including managed IT and
cybersecurity solutions, underscores its position as a leader in the industry. With a commitment
to innovation and client satisfaction, Coding Mountain continues to thrive in the dynamic
landscape of software development.
Following are the contact details of the Coding Mountain Pvt Ltd:
Table1: Contact Detail of Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd.
Address Mahalaxmisthan, Patan, Nepal
Phone No 01-5536093

2.2. Organizational Hierarchy

Figure 2: Organization Hierarchy

1. CEO(Chief Executive Officer): The top executive who sets the company’s overall
strategy and vision.
2. CTO(Chief Technology Officer): Responsible for the company’s technology strategy,
research and development, and product development.
3. Director: Manages a department or team within the company, such as software
development, quality assurance, or human resources.
4. Manager: Oversees a team of employees within a specific department or function, such as
software engineering or customer support.
5. Engineer: The technical staff responsible for designing, developing, testing, and
maintaining software products.
6. Associate: Entry-level employees who work under the supervision of managers and
engineers, performing tasks such as testing, documentation, and customer support.
2.3. Working with Domains of Organization
The working domain of a Coding Mountain company can vary widely, depending on its size,
focus, and expertise:
 Web Development: Designing and developing websites using modern technologies and
 Mobile App Development: Building mobile applications for various platforms, including
iOS and Android.
 Custom Software Solutions: Developing bespoke software tailored to the unique needs of
 UI/UX Design: Creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces and experiences.
 E-commerce Solutions: Building robust e-commerce platforms for online businesses.
 Cloud Solutions: Developing scalable and reliable cloud-based solutions.
 Digital Marketing: Providing comprehensive digital marketing services to help
businesses grow online.
 Managed IT Services: Offering IT support and management services to businesses.
 Cybersecurity Services: Providing solutions to protect networks and data from cyber

Overall, Coding Mountain specializes in providing innovative software solutions to clients across
different industries, helping them achieve their business objectives effectively.
2.4. Description of Intern Department/Unit
During my internship at Coding Mountain Pvt. Ltd., I worked in the frontend development
department. This team is responsible for designing and implementing the user interface of the
company's web-based applications and websites. My main tasks included translating design
mockups into functional frontend components using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, optimizing
performance, and collaborating with designers and backend developers. Overall, it provided me
with valuable practical experience in frontend development practices and exposure to industry-
standard tools like React.
Table 2: Author’s Internship Duration
Particulars Time
Start Date of Internship 10th October,2022
End Date of Internship 10th January, 2023
Total Duration 3 Months
Office Hour 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Working Hour 8 Hours per Day
Working Days 5 Days
Holiday Saturday and Sunday

Chapter 3: Background Study and Literature Review

3.1. Background Study
During my internship, I had the opportunity to work with React, a popular open-source
JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook, primarily used for building user
interfaces, particularly single-page applications. React's main advantage is its ability to enable
developers to create large web applications that can update and render efficiently in response to
data changes. The library follows a component-based architecture, where the UI is broken down
into reusable components, each being a self-contained module that renders a part of the UI. React
uses JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension that allows writing HTML elements within
JavaScript code, making the code more readable and easier to write. One of React's key features
is the virtual DOM, which optimizes UI rendering by updating only the changed elements rather
than the entire DOM. This results in faster and more efficient applications. React also enforces a
unidirectional data flow, simplifying the understanding and debugging of data within an
application. Components in React can manage their own state and receive data from their parent
components through props, allowing for dynamic and reusable components. Throughout my
internship, I worked on creating new React applications using Create React App, which sets up a
new React project with a single command. I also learned to write both function and class
components, handle events, and manage state using hooks such as useState and useEffect.
Additionally, I explored advanced concepts like the Context API for managing global state and
integrating React with backend services using Axios for data fetching. Overall, my experience
with React has equipped me with the skills to build scalable and efficient web applications,
contributing to a seamless user experience.
3.2. Literature Review
E-commerce has become a popular way for businesses to sell their products and services online.
In this literature review, we will discuss the importance of having a payment system in an e-
commerce web app and the benefits of integrating a payment system like eSewa.

Hamro Kitchen is an ecommerce web app that currently does not have a payment system in
place. This can be a major obstacle for customers who are interested in purchasing products from
the app. Having a payment system in place can make the checkout process more convenient for
customers, and can help businesses increase their revenue by allowing customers to make
purchases more easily.
Integrating a payment system like eSewa can be a great option for Hmaro Kitchen. Esewa is a
popular online payment system in Nepal and widely used by customers for online transactions.
By integrating eSewa, Hamro Kitchen can provide its customers with a secure and convenient
way to make payments online. This can help build customer trust and increase customer
In addition to providing a convenient checkout process for customers, integrating eSewa can also
help businesses save time and money. Manual payment processes can be time-consuming and
can lead to errors. By automating the payment process, businesses can save time and reduce the
risk of errors.
However, it is important to note that integrating a payment system like eSewa also comes with
some challenges. For example, businesses will need to ensure that their website is secure and that
customer data is protected. Businesses will also need to comply with relevant regulations and
laws related to online payments.
Chapter 4: Internship Activities
4.1. Roles and Responsibilities

I was interning under the mentorship of Mr.Lalit Puri of Coding Mountain during my internship,
I was responsible for a range of tasks and projects, including:
 Assisting with the development of a new website for the company. This involved
working with the design team to create a new layout and design, as well as implementing
the changes using HTML,CSS, and JavaScript.
 Conducting research and analysis on a specific industry and presenting my findings in a
report. This required me to gather and analyze data, identify trends and patterns, and
make recommendations based on my findings.
 Assisting with customer service by answering customer inquiries, resolving issues, and
handling complaints. This provided valuable experience in customer relations and helped
me to understand the importance of providing excellent service to our customers.
 Assisting with marketing efforts, such as creating and scheduling social media posts and
creating marketing materials. This helped me to gain experience in marketing and public
 Assisting with administrative tasks, such as scheduling meetings and organizing
documents. This helped me to develop my organizational skills and attention to detail.
4.2. Weekly log(Technical Details of Activities)

Week 1:Introduction to HTML

 Overview of HTML basics (tags, elements, structure)
 Hands-on practice with HTML syntax and semantics
 Introduction to HTML forms and tables
 Review and feedback session; prepare for presentation (what you have learned this

Week 2: Intermediate HTML and Presentation

 Advanced HTML topics: semantic markup, accessibility

 HTML5 features and best practices
 Hands-on exercises with HTML forms and tables

Week 3:Introduction to CSS

 Overview of CSS basics (selectors, properties, values)
 Selector such as class, id, universal
 Css properties
 CSS box model and layout fundamentals
 Basic styling techniques: color, typography
Week 4: Intermediate CSS and Presentation
 CSS layout techniques: Flexbox
 CSS layout techniques: Grid
 Responsive design principles and media queries
 Create a photo gallery app using either flexbox or grid and make it responsive.
Week 5: Introduction to JavaScript
 JavaScript DOM manipulation basics
 Overview of JavaScript basics (variables, data types)
1. Variables
2. Data Type
 JavaScript operators
1. Operators
2. Expressions
 Tasks
1. Create a function to add two, subtract, multiply divide numbers
2. Create a function that take a number as argument and returns whether its
odd or even

Week 6: Intermediate JavaScript and Presentation

 Introduction to JavaScript functions
o Functions
 JavaScript arrays and objects
o Arrays
o Objects
 JavaScript loops and conditionals
o Loops - For, for each, do while, switch, if else,
o Advance - map, filter, reduce
 Take a dummy data to use (map, filter)
Week 7-Week 10: Introduction to React
Week 11-12: Final Project and Presentation
Work on the final project (building a small web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
Presentation on the final project and lessons learned

4.3. Description of the Project(s) Involved During Interns

During my internship at Coding Mountain Company I was responsible for assisting with various
project that I have included below.
Project1: Website redesign
As part or internship,I was responsible for assisting with the redesign of the company’s website.
This project involved working with the design team to create a new layout and design, as well as
implementing the changes using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React. I also assisted with the
testing and debugging of the website to ensure that it was functioning correctly.
Figure 3: Coding Mountain website design

Project 2: API Development:

As part of this project, I worked on developing a RESTful API using Laravel’s built in API
development features. My responsibilities included designing and implementing the API
endpoints, security the API with JWT authentication, and integrating it with a mobile
application. I also worked on optimizing the API’s performance by implementing caching and
load balancing. I gained valuable experience I API development using Laravel.

Project 3: E-commerce Web App HAMRO KITCHEN

In addition to the website and web app projects, I also assisted with the development of an e-
commerce platform for the company. This project involved implementing features such as a user
login system, a payment gateway, and a system for managing orders and customer profiles. I
gained experience in working with Laravel and other technologies to build a functional e-
commerce platform.

Figure 5: E-commerce website homepage design

E-commerce website that I developed can have various operations that help in managing the
products, customers, orders, and payments. Some of the essential operations that an e-commerce
website can perform are:
 Product Management: This ecommerce website can have functionalities to manage the
products. The website owner can add new products, update product information, set
product categories, set product prices, manage product inventory, and delete products.
 Customer Management: This ecommerce website can have functionalities to manage the
customers. The website owner can view the customer details, manage customer orders,
manage customer addresses, and send email notifications to customers.
 Order Management: This ecommerce website can have functionalities to manage the
orders. The website owner can view the order details, manage order status, manage order
payment, generate order invoices, and manage order refunds.
 Payment Management: This ecommerce website can integrate payment gateways to
mange payments. The website owner can set up payment gateways like eSewa payment
gateway, manage payment options, manage payment status, and manage refunds.
 Cart Management: This ecommerce website can have functionalities to manage the cart.
The customers can add products to the cart, view the cart, manage the cart, and check out
the cart.
 User Authentication and Authorization: This ecommerce website can have functionalities
for user authentication and authorization. This website can have login and registration
funxtionalities, manage user roles and permissions, and provide secure access to the
 Search Functionality: This ecommerce website can have a search functionality that
allows customers to search for products by name, category, or price.
 Sales and Discounts: This ecommerce website can have functionalities for sales and
discounts, which can attract more customers and increase sales.

4.4. Tasks/Activities Performed

During the internship, I was assigned to work on various tasks and activities related to
web development. Some of the significant tasks are listed below:
1. Website Design: The first task assigned to me was to design a website using HTML
and CSs. I was given a brief of the website requirements, and I designed a responsive
website using HTML and CSS. The website had multiple pages and was designed to
be user-friendly.
2. Laravel Framework: After designing the website, I was assigned to work on the
Laravel framework. I was given a brief of the requirements, and I developed a web
application using the Laravel framework, I implemented the CRUD operations and
developed a RESTFUL API for the application using MVC design pattern.
Figure 6: LARAVEL MVC design pattern architecture

1. Database Design: For the web application, I was assigned to design a database schema. I
studied the requirements and designed a normalized database schema using MySQL.I also
implemented the database schema using the Laravel ORM.
2. Testing: I was also responsible for testing the web application. I wrote unit testing using
PHP Unit to test the functionality of the application. I also performed manual testing and
identified and reported bugs.
3. Documentation: Finally, I was responsible for documenting the code base and the web
application. I wrote detailed documentation explaining the functionalities of the application,
the codebase structure, and the database schema.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes
1.1. Conculsion
During my internship at Coding Mountain Company, I had the opportunity to work on
various projects and gain experience in different areas of web development. Throughout my
time there, I was able to learn about React Js, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub, and many
more. These new skills and knowledge were essential to my professional development as
they helped me to expand my skill set and become a more well-rounded web developer.
One of the significant projects I worked on was integrating the eSewa payment system into a
client’s website. This experience gave me hands-on experience working with a third-party
API and taught me how to integrate complex payment systems into existing websites. It was
a challenging project that required me to pay close attention to detail, work closely with the
client, and collaborate with my colleagues.
Another significant experience I gained during my internship was working with Laravel
Blade. I had previous experience with other templating engines, but Laravel Blade was a
new technology for me. I quickly discovered its benefits, such as fatser rendering time and
better code organization. Learning to work with Laravel Blade has helped me to become a
more efficient developer and improve the quality of my code.
Working at Coding Mountain Company was a great opportunity for me to learn from
experienced and dedicated professionals. The team was always willing to answer my
questions, provide guidance and support, and share their knowledge and expertise with me. I
was grateful for the opportunity to work with such a talented group of individuals, and I
learned a lot from them.
Overall, my internship at Coding Mountain Company was an excellent learning experience
that provided me with a diverse range of projects and experiences. I believe that the skills
and knowledge I gained during my time there will be valuable as I continue my career as a
web developer. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such an exceptional
team, and I look forward to applying the skills and knowledge I have gained in my future
5.2.Learning Outcome
After completing an internship on React. I gained a lot of valuable experience working with
laravel and improving my skill in PHP and MYSQL and I understand the basic concepts and
principles of Laravel, including its Model-View-Controller(MVC) architecture, routing,
database migrations, and schema building. I am able to develop and implement basic
CRUD( create, Read, Update,Delete) operations in Laravel using Eloquent ORM. And I am
able to build and implement authentication and authorization features in Laravel using built-
in authentication scaffolding, including password reset and email verification. Utilize
Laravel’s Blade templating engine to build dynamic and reusable views for web
Develop and integrate RESTful APIs in Laravel provide data access and manipulation
services to external cients.
Employ best practices in testing, debugging , and error handling in Laravel applications
using PHP Unit and other testing tools.
Collaborate with team members using Git and other version control systems to mange source
code changes and maintain project integrity.
Understand the importance of security and performance optimization in Laravel applications
and apply best practices to ensure the security and scalability of web applications.
Continuously learn and keep up-to-date with the latest trends and updates in Laravel, PHP,
and related web development technologies to improve their skills and abilities as a web

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