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Team ID: 355578

Full Stack Web Development


Submitted by

Vaghasiya Hinal Ashvinkumar


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Computer Engineering

Shree swami atmanand saraswati institute of technology, Surat

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

August – 2023 Summer Internship

Gujarat Technological University I SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Shree swami atmanand saraswati institute of technology



This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled

Full Stack Web Development has been carried out by Vaghasiya Hinal

Ashvinkumar under my guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, 7th Semester of Gujarat

Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2023-24.

Prof. Nidhi A. Patel Prof. Chirag R. Patel

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Gujarat Technological University II SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Gujarat Technological University IV SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Shree swami atmanand saraswati institute of technology



We hereby declare that the Internship / Project report submitted along with the

Internship / Project entitled Full Stack Web Development submitted in partial

fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of original

project work carried out by me at Durvasa Infotech, Surat under the supervision

of Darshan Chauhan and that no part of this report has been directly copied from

any students’ report or taken from any other source, without providing due


Vaghasiya Hinal Ashvinkumar

Gujarat Technological University V SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578


The success of any task relies on the efforts made by person but it cannot be achieved without
cooperation of other persons which are being helpful. So, we would like to thank SHREE
INFOTECH, Surat. for giving us the opportunity of doing this Summer Internship.

The entire session of our internship completion was a great experience providing us with the
insight & invocation into learning various software engineering concepts & benefits of team
work. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all those people
without whose support and co-operation, it would have been difficult to complete this project.

Primarily, we are very much thankful to our Internship Mentor Mr. Viral Patel and PMMS
Internship Faculty guide Prof. Nidhi Patel for their leading guidance and sincere efforts
throughout project work. They took deep interest in simplifying the difficulties. Also, they
have been consistent source of inspiration for us.

We also express thanks to Prof. Hemangi Mirani class coordinator for her personal
involvement, constructive suggestion and thoughtful idea for betterment of the project. We are
grateful to our H.O.D. Prof. Chirag Patel and our beloved Principal Dr. Jignesh Vaghasiya
for providing us deep knowledge and all necessary resources. We are also thankful to our
Friends and Non-teaching Staff for their valuable time & help for completion project.

Once again, we are grateful to all those without whom this work would not have been


Gujarat Technological University VI SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578


Included in this report is the account of my internship undertaken in the fulfilment

of curriculum of Subject Summer Internship(3170001) for my Bachelors of
Engineering in Computer Engineering from Gujarat Technological University. I
interned as a Web Development at Durvasa Infotech, located at Surat. My tenure
at Durvasa Infotech began by acquiring valuable knowledge about the
functioning of the company, and basic knowledge about the languages and
languages that enables building modern applications, with emphasis on CRUD
operations with E-mail Authentication.

Industry mentor assigned me to build a website that is responsive for frontend

point of view and for backend he has assign me to do CRUD operation at the
Company. It is an website that is having perfect posture that just need to
implement the details of the client that urgently wants to utilize. The task was to
build the responsive website. I followed a structured methodology for the
assigned project which starts from designing the solution to the implementation
phase and the same is depicted in the report.

Working at Durvasa Infotech provided a valuable experience for my career. This

report takes us through all the details of application design and development
knowledge and experience gathered during this internship period.

Gujarat Technological University VII SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Fig 4.1 npm init........................................................................................................................07
Fig 4.2 Create React App..........................................................................................................08
Fig 4.3 File Structure................................................................................................................08
Fig 4.4 React Routing...............................................................................................................09
Fig 4.5 Run React App.............................................................................................................09
Fig 4.6 React Application1…...................................................................................................10
Fig 4.7 React Application2.......................................................................................................11
Fig 6.1 User Registration..........................................................................................................15
Fig 6.2 Data inserted.................................................................................................................16
Fig 6.3 User login.....................................................................................................................16
Fig 6.4 User profile display......................................................................................................16
Fig 6.5 Forgot password...........................................................................................................17
Fig 6.6 Data updated.................................................................................................................17
Fig 6.7 API test in Postman......................................................................................................18
Fig 6.8 User Registration..........................................................................................................19
Fig 6.9 Send request verification link.......................................................................................20
Fig 6.10 Verification link to mail.............................................................................................20
Fig 6.11 Link verified...............................................................................................................21
Fig 6.12 Firebase database........................................................................................................21
Fig 6.13 Registration API.........................................................................................................23
Fig 6.14 Postman testing..........................................................................................................23
Fig 6.15 Login API...................................................................................................................24
Fig 6.16 Dashboard after successful login................................................................................24
Fig 7.1 Home page....................................................................................................................25
Fig 7.2 Add Student..................................................................................................................26

Gujarat Technological University VIII SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Fig 7.3 Student Data.................................................................................................................26

Fig 7.4 Update Student.............................................................................................................27
Fig 7.5 Student data updated.....................................................................................................27
Fig 7.6 Add Student Report......................................................................................................28
Fig 7.7 View Student Report....................................................................................................28
Fig 7.8 After adding instalment................................................................................................29

Gujarat Technological University IX SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Table 1.1 Topics and tasks of internship...................................................................................03
Table 5.1 Mongo DB command...............................................................................................13
Table 6.1 HTTP methods..........................................................................................................14

Gujarat Technological University X SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

API Application Programing Interface
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
Auth Authentication
JWT Json web token
EJS Embedded Java Script

Gujarat Technological University XI SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

List of figures..........................................................................................................................viii
List of tables...............................................................................................................................x
List of abbreviation...................................................................................................................xi
Table of contents......................................................................................................................xii
Chapter 1 Overview of Company...............................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Objective of Internship..................................................................................................2
1.3. Contact details...............................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Topics and task of Intrnship.......................................................................................3
Chapter 3 Overview of Full-Stack Web Development...............................................................4
3.1. Introduction to Full-Stack Web Development...............................................................4
3.2. Advantages of Full-Stack Web Development...............................................................5
3.3. Technologies.................................................................................................................5
3.3.1. React JS................................................................................................................5
3.3.2. Node JS.................................................................................................................5
3.3.3. Express JS.............................................................................................................5
3.3.4. EJS........................................................................................................................5
3.3.5. Mongo DB............................................................................................................6
Chapter 4 Introduction to React..................................................................................................7
4.1. Build React Application................................................................................................7
4.2. Routing in React............................................................................................................9
4.3. Run React App...............................................................................................................9

Gujarat Technological University XII SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578

Chapter 5 Introduction to Mongo DB.......................................................................................12

5.1.MongoDB Node.js Driver Installation & Connection String.......................................12
5.2. MongoDB Compass....................................................................................................12
5.2.1. Features..............................................................................................................13
5.3. Command....................................................................................................................13
Chapter 6 Use of Node and Express.........................................................................................14
6.1. Node Module...............................................................................................................14
6.2. Express JS HTTP Method...........................................................................................14
6.3. Connection of Backend API to Frontend UI...............................................................15
6.3.1. Introduction to API.............................................................................................15
6.3.2.Construct login and signup page with CRUD Operation.....................................15
6.4. Test API using Postman...............................................................................................18
6.4.1. Introduction to Postman......................................................................................18
6.4.2. How to test API..................................................................................................18
6.5. Email Authentication using Firestore..........................................................................19
6.6. JWT.............................................................................................................................22
6.6.1. Introduction........................................................................................................22
6.6.2. Registration API.................................................................................................22
6.6.3. Login API...........................................................................................................24
Chapter 7 CRM........................................................................................................................25
7.1. Introduction to CRM...................................................................................................25
7.2. Construct CRM Project...............................................................................................25
Chapter 8 Conclusion...............................................................................................................30

Gujarat Technological University XIII SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Overview of company



India is making quick progress in software and website development industry. There are many
mentionable software and website development organizations in India who has contributed
significantly to the rise of software and website development industry sector in India and
Durvasa Infotech is one of them.

Durvasa Infotech is an IT company providing Services & training in various genres of IT fields
such as Android App Development, Website Development with strategy and technology that
covers a wide range of platforms.

As company says, We will help you to achieve your goals and to grow your business We're
Here To Build Your Digital Business. We do not believe in making replicas. To us, being
original makes all the difference. That‟s how we planted the first tree of the Durvasa Infotech
With smart work ethics and creativity as our roots, we have developed a fool-proof approach
that allows us to think out-of-the-box, yet never lose sight of the end-goal - client satisfaction.
Our drive to provide elegant and effective digital solutions has enabled us to gain clientele all
across the globe. Whether it is about designing a website from scratch or re-engineering an
existing product, we have done it all.

Want to take your business online? Let us help you take your business to the next level!

They have Web development, Web Design, App development, Software Development, App
Design, Custom Web Application, Mobile Apps Development, Content Management System,
E-commerce, Social media Designing, Digital Marketing, SEO , Graphic Designing, UI/UX ,
Innovation, technology, and etc.. available.

Gujarat Technological University 1 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Overview of company


1. Improving the technical skills and understanding new technologies that are currently being

used in the industry.

2. Finding the solutions of the problems that I am not familiar with.

3. Understanding the concept by researching the topics on the internet.

4. Making some industry contacts by working for the company.

5. Earning an industry experience that will narrow down our list of potential careers.

6. Interaction with client & understanding the client mindset






PHONE : (+91) 75738 18618 , (+91) 70434 79269

Gujarat Technological University 2 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Topics and task of internship



1 25/07/23 Introduction to Figma, HTML and CSS.
2 26/07/23 Create a landing web site.
3 27/07/23 Made a responsive web using bootstrap and media query.
4 28/07/23 Introduction to React JS and covert responsive web to React JS.
5 31/07/23 Learned router, JSX and components in React JS.
6 01/08/23 Installed Mongo DB and Mongo DB compass and learned
various command of Mongo DB.
7 02/08/23 Introduction to Express JS and make a CRUD API using
Node JS and Mongo DB.
8 03/08/23 Design a login and signup page and connect with it API.
9 04/08/23 Basic of EJS and display user detail in user profile.
10 07/08/23 Basic of firebase and make CRUD API using Node JS and
11 08/08/23 Basic of authentication in firebase and make login, welcome,
signup page with Email authentication.
12 09/08/23 What is JWT? Create API using firestore and Node JS
13 10/08/23 Make a UI of CRM
14 11/08/23 Provide add, edit, delete option to admin and update it on
database also.
15 14/08/23 Make fees structure of student.

Table 2.1 Topics and tasks of internship

Gujarat Technological University 3 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Overview of full stack web development



3.1 Introduction to Full-Stack Web Development

Full stack development is the end-to-end development of applications. It includes both the
front end and back end of an application. The front end is usually accessed by a client, and the
back end forms the core of the application where all the business logic is applied.

The main components of a full stack development are the front-end, back-end and database

 Front-end

Front end development is the area of web development that focuses on the user interface.
It is all about converting the backend code into a graphical interface. The front end makes
the data easy to read and understand.

 Back-end

The back end refers to parts of a computer application or a program's code that allow it to
operate and that cannot be accessed by a user. Most data and operating syntax are stored
and accessed in the back end of a computer system. Typically the code is comprised of one
or more programming languages.

 Database

Databases play a crucial role in full-stack development as they store and manage
application data. Popular database technologies used include MySQL, PostgreSQL,
MongoDB, and Redis. Databases enable data persistence, data retrieval, and efficient data
manipulation for the application.

Gujarat Technological University 4 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Overview of full stack web development

3.2 Advantages of Full stack development

 Complete ownership and understanding of the project

 Saves both project time and cost, and enhances productivity
 Faster bug fixing due to knowledge of complete system
 Easy knowledge transfer to other team members
 Better division of work amongst team members

3.3 Technologies

3.3.1 React JS

React Introduction. ReactJS is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript

library for building reusable UI components. It is an open-source, component-
base frontend library responsible only for the view layer of the application.

3.3.2 Node JS

Node. js (Node) is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for

executing JavaScript code. Node is used extensively for server-side
programming, making it possible for developers to use JavaScript for client-
side and server-side code without needing to learn an additional language.

3.3.3 Express JS

Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for
building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page,
multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node
js that helps manage servers and routes

3.3.4 EJS

EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with
plain JavaScript. No religiousness about how to organize things. No reinvention
of iteration and control-flow. It's just plain JavaScript.

Gujarat Technological University 5 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Overview of full stack web development

3.3.5 MongoDb
MongoDB is a document database. It stores data in a type of JSON format called
BSON. If you are unfamiliar with JSON, check out our JSON tutorial. A record
in MongoDB is a document, which is a data structure composed of key value
pairs similar to the structure of JSON objects.

Gujarat Technological University 6 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction to react


4.1 Build React Application

Step 1 : Install Node Js in your system

Step 2 : Command --- “npm init”

Fig 4.1 npm init

The npm init command in the JSON language creates a package.json file for your project’s
frontend. A package.json file is a file that contains information about the project’s packages
and dependencies. It also contains metadata for the project such as version number, author, and

Gujarat Technological University 7 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction to react

Step 3 : To Install Create React App

Command --- “npx create-react-app my-react-app”

To create a new React project, we can use the tool npx. npx gives us the ability to use the
create-react-app package without having to first install it on our computer, which is very

Fig 4.2 Create React App

Step 4 : Reviewing the Project Structure

Once our project files have been created and our dependencies have been installed, our project
structure should look like this:

Fig 4.3 File Structure

Gujarat Technological University 8 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction to react

4.2 Routing in React

Routing is the process of redirecting a user to different pages based on their action or request.
The primary goal of Router in React JS is to supply the browser with an asynchronous URL
that corresponds to the data that will show on the web page. It is mainly used to create single-
page web apps since it retains the application's regular structure and functionality.

Fig 4.4 React Routing

4.3 Run React App

Command --- “npm start”

Fig 4.5 Run React App

Gujarat Technological University 9 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction to react

Fig 4.5 React Application1

Gujarat Technological University 10 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction to react

Fig 4.5 React Application2

Gujarat Technological University 11 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction of MongoDB


5.1 MongoDb Node.js Driver Installtation & Connection String

To use MongoDB with Node.js, you will need to install the mongodb package in your Node.js
Command in your terminal to install the mongodb package:
 npm install mongoose
 We can now use this package to connect to a MongoDB database. Create an index.js
file in your project directory.
const { MongoClient } = require('mongoose');
 Connection String
 In order to connect to our MongoDB Atlas database, we'll need to get our connection
string from the Atlas dashboard.
 Go to Database then click the CONNECT button on your Cluster.
 Choose Connect your application then copy your connection string.
 You will need to replace the <username>, <password>, and <cluster.string> with your
MongoDB Atlas username, password, and cluster string.

5.2 MongoDb Compass

MongoDB Compass is a powerful GUI for querying, aggregating, and analyzing your
MongoDB data in a visual environment. Compass is free to use and source available, and can
be run on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Gujarat Technological University 12 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Introduction of MongoDB

5.2.1 Features
 Intelligent query generation.
 Drag and drop aggregation pipeline builder.
 Access the MongoDB Shell directly in Compass.
 Import and export data as needed.
 Visualize, validate, and analyze schema.
 Assess query performance in granular detail.
 Optimize queries with index analysis.

5.3 Command

Name Description
findAndModify Returns and modifies a single document.
getMore Returns batches of documents currently pointed to by the cursor.
insert Inserts one or more documents.
resetError Removed in MongoDB 5.0. Resets the last error status.
update Updates one or more documents.

Table 5.1 Mongo DB command

Gujarat Technological University 13 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express


6.1 Node Module

Module in Node. js is a simple or complex functionality organized in single or multiple

JavaScript files which can be reused throughout the Node. js application. Each module in Node.
js has its own context, so it cannot interfere with other modules or pollute global scope.

 Installing Modules using NPM

Syntax to install any Node.js module −
 $ npm install <Module Name>
For example, following is the command to install a famous Node.js web framework
module called express −
 $ npm install express
Now you can use this module in your js file as following −
var express = require('express');

6.2 Express Js HTTP Method

Method Description
GET The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource.
Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other
POST The POST method requests that the server accept the data enclosed in the
request as a new object/entity of the resource identified by the URI.
PUT The PUT method requests that the server accept the data enclosed in the
request as a modification to existing object identified by the URI. If it does
not exist then the PUT method should create one.
DELETE The DELETE method requests that the server delete the specified resource.

Table 6.1 HTTP methods

Gujarat Technological University 14 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

6.3 Connection of Backend API to Frontend UI

6.3.1 Introduction of API

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of defined rules that

enable different applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an
intermediary layer that processes data transfers between systems, letting
companies open their application data and functionality to external third-party
developers, business partners, and internal departments within their companies.
The definitions and protocols within an API help businesses connect the many
different applications they use in day-to-day operations, which saves employees
time and breaks down silos that hinder collaboration and innovation. For
developers, API documentation provides the interface for communication
between applications, simplifying application integration.

6.3.2 Construct login and signup page with CRUD operation

 User registration

Fig 6.1 User Registration

Gujarat Technological University 15 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

 Data insertion

Fig 6.2 Data inserted

 User login

Fig 6.3 User login

 User profile display

Fig 6.4 User profile display

Gujarat Technological University 16 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

 Forgot password

Fig 6.5 Forgot password

 Data update

Fig 6.6 Data updated

Gujarat Technological University 17 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

6.4 Test API using postman

6.4.1 Introduction of postman

Postman is a widely-used API testing tool that simplifies the process of testing
APIs. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both developers
and testers. With Postman, you can create, execute, and automate API tests

6.4.2 How to test API?

Fig 6.7 API test in postman

Gujarat Technological University 18 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

6.5 Email Authentication Using FireStore

It contains four pages which are login, profile, signup, update. All pages are connected to each
other according to its flow of work. It authenticate the user with email while doing the signup
task, verifies the user and then allow to go ahead. It also authenticate while user wants to update
the password.

Fig 6.8 User registration

Gujarat Technological University 19 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

Fig 6.9 Send request verification link

Fig 6.10 Verification link to mail

Gujarat Technological University 20 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

Fig 6.11 Link verified

Fig 6.12 Firebase database

Gujarat Technological University 21 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

6.6 JWT

6.3.1 Introduction

JWT, which stands for "JSON Web Token," is a compact and self-contained way to
securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object. It is commonly used
for authentication and authorization in web applications and services. JWTs consist of
three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature, and they are often used to verify the
identity of users and ensure the integrity of data being transmitted.

 Steps
1. Install JWT using “npm i jsonwebtoken -s” command.
2. Import JWT just below the const bcrypt = require("bcrypt"); line at the top
of the app.js file:
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
3. To create and verify token
jwt.sign(payload, secretOrPrivateKey, [options, callback]): This line
generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the jwt library
jwt.verify(token, secretKey, (err, authData) => { ... }: This code is used
to verify the JWT that was just generated.

6.3.2 Registration API

Create API for saving the username ,email and password and generated token using
email into database with the following code for successful registration.

Gujarat Technological University 22 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

Fig. 6.13 Registration API

Fig 6.14 Postman testing

Gujarat Technological University 23 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Use of node & express

6.3.3 Login API

If Email exists and Password matches then it will generate token to Authenticate user
by verifying generated token with stored token

Fig 6.15 Login API

Fig 6.16 Dashboard after success full login

Gujarat Technological University 24 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 CRM


7.1 Introduction to CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies and

technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data
throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is to improve customer service relationships and
assist in customer retention and drive sales growth. CRM systems compile customer data
across different channels, or points of contact, between the customer and the company, which
could include the company's website, telephone, live chat, direct mail, marketing materials and
social networks. CRM systems can also give customer-facing staff members detailed
information on customers' personal information, purchase history, buying preferences and

7.2 Construct CRM project

Fig 7.1 Home page

Gujarat Technological University 25 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 CRM

Fig 7.2 Add Student

Fig 7.3 Student Data

Gujarat Technological University 26 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 CRM

Fig 7.4 Update student

Fig 7.5 Student data updated

Gujarat Technological University 27 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 CRM

Fig 7.6 Add Student Report

Fig 7.7 View student report

Gujarat Technological University 28 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 CRM

Fig 7.8 After adding instalment

Gujarat Technological University 29 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 Conclusion


In the subject of a Summer Internship I have learnt many things. I have completed my summer
internship Durvasa Infotech. During the Internship period I have learned how company works
on projects and how will the task submission and project creation.

Full stack web development is an evolving technology and the developers are readily exploring
its potential of creating robust website and applications. The process takes all the three layers
i.e. Presentation , business logic and database. The best part is that a developer is not restricted
to work on a certain set of tools and frameworks, and rather handpick the resources of his

During this Internship, I developed my skills in technologies like HTML, CSS , Java Script,
Bootstrap, Node JS, React JS, Express JS, Firebase, EJS and MongoDB and got good
knowledge and experience from it.

Gujarat Technological University 30 SSASIT, Surat

Team ID: 355578 References




Gujarat Technological University 31 SSASIT, Surat

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