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Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from
different data sources to interactive dashboards and BI reports. Power BI suite provides multiple
software, connector, and services - Power BI desktop, Power BI service based on Saas, and mobile
Power BI apps available for different platforms. These set of services are used by business users to
consume data and build BI reports.

Power BI desktop app is used to create reports, while Power BI Services (Software as a Service -
SaaS) is used to publish the reports, and Power BI mobile app is used to view the reports and

Purpose of Power BI:

1. Data Visualization: Creates interactive and visually appealing reports and

2. Data Connectivity: Connects to a wide variety of data sources for integrated data
3. Real-Time Data Monitoring: Monitors data in real time for timely decision-making.
4. Self-Service Analytics: Empowers non-technical users to perform data analysis
5. Data Sharing and Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration by sharing reports and
6. Custom Visualizations: Allows creation of custom visualizations tailored to business
7. Advanced Analytics: Supports complex calculations and predictive analysis using
DAX, R, and Python.
8. Scalability and Flexibility: Scales from individual analysts to large enterprise
9. Mobile Access: Provides mobile apps for accessing reports and dashboards on the go.

Why we use power BI?

1. Cost-Effectiveness: Offers flexible and affordable pricing options.

2. Ease of Use: Features a user-friendly interface suitable for all technical levels.
3. Strong Data Connectivity: Supports a wide range of data sources for comprehensive
4. Seamless Integration with Microsoft Products: Works well with other Microsoft
tools like Excel and Azure.
5. Robust Visualization and Analytics: Provides rich visualization options and
advanced analytics capabilities with DAX, R, and Python support.

Power BI components:

 Power BI Desktop − This is used to create reports and data visualizations

on the dataset.
 Power BI Gateway − You can use Power BI on-premises gateway to keep
your data fresh by connecting to your on-premises data sources without the
need to move the data. It allows you to query large datasets and benefit from
the existing investments.
 Power BI Mobile Apps − Using Power BI mobile apps, you can stay
connected to their data from anywhere. Power BI apps are available for
Windows, iOS, and Android platform.
 Power BI Service − This is a cloud service and is used to publish Power BI
reports and data visualizations.

Power BI Architecture:
Power Query Editor:

The Power BI Query Editor, also known as Power Query, is used for several key purposes in
the data preparation and transformation process:

 Data Cleaning: Allows users to clean data by removing duplicates, handling missing
values, and correcting errors to ensure data quality.
 Data Transformation: Facilitates data transformation tasks such as filtering rows,
sorting data, and changing data types to prepare it for analysis.
 Data Shaping: Enables reshaping of data, including pivoting and unpivoting
columns, grouping data, and creating calculated columns.
 Data Integration: Combines data from multiple sources, such as databases, web
services, and files, into a single, coherent dataset.
 Automating Data Preparation: Automates repetitive data preparation tasks by
recording and reapplying steps, ensuring consistency and saving time.

The Query Editor in Power BI is essential for transforming raw data into a structured format
suitable for analysis and visualization
Power BI Desktop 25/06/2024

Workflow in Power BI Desktop

 Connect: Connect to one or multiple data sources to gather data.

 Transform: Use the Power Query Editor to clean, shape, and transform
the data.
 Model: Define relationships between tables, create calculated columns,
and establish measures.
 Visualize: Build interactive visualizations and reports using a variety of
charts, graphs, and maps.
 Analyze: Apply advanced analytics, drill-down capabilities, and
interactive filtering to uncover insights.
 Publish and Share: Publish the final reports to the Power BI Service for
sharing and collaboration

Data visualization:
Stack column chart :

Stacked column charts show total and relative contributions of categories to a whole across
multiple segments, highlighting part-to-whole relationship


Cluster Column Chart

Clustered column charts compare values across different categories within a single period,
offering a clear side-by-side visual comparison

Bar stack chart:

Stacked bar charts are used to compare how individual sub-categories contribute to
the total value of each main category, highlighting part-to-whole relationships. They are ideal
for displaying distribution and proportions across different groups.
Cluster bar chart:

Clustered bar charts are used to compare multiple sub-categories side by side within
each main category, making it easy to see differences and similarities across groups. They are
ideal for visualizing grouped data, such as sales figures for different products across multiple

Line and stack column chart

Conditional format:
Give a condition to column and it will represent in new column when they
condition applied.

Merge query:
It takes a column level approach, adding more columns only when at least one column
matches between both tables..

Append Query:
It take a column level and adding more columns .

Group By:
Group rows in this table based on the values in currently selected columns.


Split column:
 Split delimiter:
Split values in selected columns based on specific delimiter.

 Split number of character:
Split values in selected columns into fragment with specifed length.

 Split by positions:

Data modelling :
Data modelling in Power BI involves structuring and organizing data sources into a coherent
format, establishing relationships between different data tables, and creating calculated fields
and measures to support efficient data analysis and visualization.

Fact Table:
 Central Data: Primary table in data warehouses storing key numerical data.
 Measures: Holds quantitative data like sales amounts and quantities.
 Foreign Keys: Links to dimension tables for detailed analysis.

 Large Size: Contains many rows, growing over time with accumulated data..

Dimension Table:
 Descriptive Data: Stores attributes like customer names, product details, and dates.
 Context Provider: Adds context to the data in fact tables, explaining who, what, and
 Unique IDs: Each record has a unique ID to link with fact tables.

 Hierarchies: Contains levels for detailed analysis, like year to month to day

 Less Frequent Updates: Dimension tables are smaller and updated less often because
they contain descriptive data that doesn't change frequently.

Relationship between the tables:

 One-to-One (1:1): Each item in one group matches exactly one item in another
 One-to-Many (1): Each item in one group can match multiple items in another group,
but each item in the second group matches only one item in the first group.
 Many-to-One (M:1): Multiple items in one group can match one item in another
group, but each item in the second group matches only one item in the first group.
 Many-to-Many (M:M): Multiple items in one group can match multiple items in
another group, often managed through a connecting table.

Fact Table: Dimension Table:

Ribbon Chart 05/07/2024

Ribbon chart to visualize how the rankings of multiple categories change over time. It's great
for highlighting trends and comparing performance across different periods.

Waterfall Chart

waterfall chart to show how sequential positive and negative changes impact a total value
over time or stages.

Funnel Chart

Funnel chart to show how data decreases through stages of a process.


A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a visual cue that communicates the amount of
progress made toward a measurable goal.

 To measure distance to a goal,Too see "How far ahead or behind am I?"

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