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Level Test
Guidance for test takers

Delivered by:
Iin Hermiyanto
Head of Academic Affairs
CNL - Pearson
In this test, you will be asked some questions and see some
instructions on how to answer them. Please note that sample
tests are not scored.

Presenting Pearson English Level

This is an adaptive test designed to make sure you are put on
the right course. The difficulty of each question changes based
on your previous answers, so you won't receive the same
questions as your classmates.

Do not be discouraged if questions get harder. There is no pass

or fail mark so keep trying.

are needed during the test
Presenting Pearson English Level
Guidance for
test takers
At the start, you will be asked to check the sound and
microphone to make sure you can hear the questions and your
voice is recorded.

Presenting Pearson English Level

Each test question is timed, and you need to answer before the
time runs out. You’ll see a timer in the upper right corner of the

• Note: The difficulty of each question changes based on your

previous answers, so you won't receive the same questions as
your classmates

Presenting Pearson English Level


You can click ‘Next’ when you are ready to move on to the next

Presenting Pearson English Level

You CAN’T go back, listen again, or change your answers.
So listen or read the question carefully, and try to answer

For speaking test:

• You must speak clearly throughout the test - don’t shout or whisper.
• Don't touch your microphone or cover your mouth. Make sure it is in
front of your mouth before the test begins.
• If you don’t know the answer, try your best or say, “I don’t know” in
English. Then click on the Next button to move on.

Presenting Pearson English Level


Do not close the test down until you finish.

Presenting Pearson English Level


If the test freezes for any reason, try refreshing the page.

Presenting Pearson English Level


When you finish the tests, make sure you click on “Finish”, so
your answers are submitted and scored.

Presenting Pearson English Level

Sample Test

The Level Test Experience:

Taking the Sample Test
Test takers are introduced to the test, given clear technical instructions and prepared to
complete various tasks targeting individual and integrated English language skills.

Presenting Pearson English Level


The Level Test Experience:

(3 skills)
Section 1 tests Reading, Listening and Writing, plus Grammar and Vocabulary.

Presenting Pearson English Level

Prosedur Pelaksanaan Test
1. Pastikan anda sudah mendapat:

# access code
# username
# password

Presenting Pearson English Level

2. Memulai test
copy paste alamat website berikut ini
Kemudian anda akan diarahkan menuju halaman seperti dibawah ini.
3. Masukkan access code yang telah diterima, lalu
klik ‘submit’
4. Masukkan username dan password yang telah diberikan,
lalu klik ‘Sign in’
5. Beri tanda centrang (√) dan klik ‘Continue’
6. Klik ‘OK’
7. Klik ‘Launch sample test’ sebagai latihan. Jawaban tidak diberi skor.
8. Klik ‘Launch sample test’.
9. Klik ‘Next’
10. Klik tombol , lalu beri tanda centrang (√) jika suara
terdengar. Kemudian klik ‘Next’
11. Kerjakan soal di sample test sampai bagian akhir, namun tidak perlu mengisi
secara keseluruhan jawaban di sample test. Klik ‘Next’ di setiap bagian.
12. Jika muncul notifikasi seperti dibawah ini, klik ‘Continue’
13. Lanjutkan mengerjakan soal dan klik ‘Next’
14. Pada bagian akhir sample test, klik ‘Finish’
15. Di bagian ini, test dimulai. Klik ‘Launch Test’
16. Klik ‘Launch Test’
17. Klik ‘Next’
18. Klik tombol , lalu beri tanda centrang (√) jika suara terdengar.
Kemudian klik ‘Next’
19. Klik ‘Next’
20. Kerjakan seluruh soal yang muncul dan kli ‘Next’ jika soal sudah dijawab. Perhatikan
durasi waktu pengerjaan seluruh soal test dipojok kanan atas. (20 menit)
21. Jika waktu pengerjaan test habis, akan muncul notiifkasi seperti
Dibawah ini. Lalu klik ‘OK’
22. Tes berakhir, lalu klik ‘Finish’.

Individual Score Report

In just a few short minutes, you can understand each new student’s abilities across skills. This allows you
to easily stream them into classes, and even gives you early direction for your teaching.

Summary of student’s Clear, at-a-glance data

performance in the test for streaming students
quickly and easily

Scoring on both
the CEFR and the
Global Scale of
English (GSE)

This is sample data for illustrative purposes

Presenting Pearson English Level

Individual Score Report

In just a few short minutes, you can understand each new student’s abilities across skills. This allows you
to easily stream them into classes, and even gives you early direction for your teaching.

Overview of
performance in each
language skill
Individual skill level
compared to overall
level allocated

This is sample data for illustrative purposes

Presenting Pearson English Level

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