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Chapter Notes
Data collection is the systematic process of gathering information for analysis. It plays a vital role in research,
decision-making, and problem-solving across various fields. From surveys and interviews to sensors and
digital platforms, data collection methods continue to evolve, driving innovation and insights in today's data-
driven world.

What are the Sources of Data?

Statistical data can be obtained from two sources:
Primary data
Secondary data

Primary Data
The important points of primary data are:
The enumerator (person who assembles the data) may collect the data by administering an inquiry or research.
Such data is called Primary Data, as it is formulated on first-hand information. Primary data are unique, do not
require any modification, and are costly.

Secondary data
If the data have been examined and analyzed by another agency, they are called Secondary Data. Usually, the
issued data are secondary. They are already in the present and therefore are not unique.
It demands to be modified to satisfy the aim of the study at hand. Secondary data are low-priced.

How do we collect Data?

It is done in the following ways:
The survey aims to describe characteristics like cost, worth, utility (in the case of the product) reputation,

honesty, and loyalty (in the case of the nominee). The objective of the survey is to gather data and is a method
of gathering information from individuals.

Preparation of Instrument
The most prevalent type of tool employed in surveys is a questionnaire/ interview schedule. The questionnaire
is either self-directed by the interviewee or conducted by the enumerator or qualified investigator. While
drawing up the questionnaire/interview schedule, the following points should be kept in mind:

The questionnaire should not be lengthy.

The array of problems should move from indefinite to distinct.
Questions should not be enigmatic.

Questions should not use binary negatives.

Questions should not be leading.

Questions should not indicate choices.

Mode of Data Collection

The aim of probing questions is to survey the acquisition of data. There are three ways of collecting data:
Personal Interviews
Mailing (questionnaire) Surveys Telephone Interviews

Personal Interviews
In this method, the researcher has the main role as he/she conducts the interviews face-to-face with
the respondents. Personal interviews are preferred due to various reasons:

1.Highest Response Rate

2. Allows use of all types of questions

3. Better to use open-ended questions

4. Allows clarification of ambiguous questions.

The personal interview has some demerits too:

1. Most expensive
2. Possibility of influencing respondents
3. More time taking

Mailing Questionnaire
In such a method, the data is collected through the mail. The questionnaire is mailed to each person and a request is
attached to complete and return it on time.

The advantages of this method are:

1. Least expensive
2. The only method to reach remote areas
3. No influence on respondents

4. Maintains anonymity of respondents

5. Best for sensitive questions

The disadvantages of mail surveys are:

1. It cannot be used by illiterates

2. Long response time

3. Does not allow an explanation of unambiguous questions

4. Reactions cannot be watched

Telephone Interviews
In telephone interviews, the investigator asks questions over the telephone.
The advantages of telephone interviews are:
1. Relatively low cost
2. Relatively less influence on respondents

3. Relatively high response rate.

The disadvantages of this method are:

1. Limited use
2. Reactions cannot be watched

3. Possibility of influencing respondents

Pilot Survey
After the questionnaire is ready, it is desirable to carry out a try-out with a diminutive group,
known as the Pilot Survey or Pre-Testing of the questionnaire. The pilot survey serves to give a
preliminary impression of the survey.
It helps to pretest the questionnaire and know the lapses and drawbacks.
It also aids in assessing the appropriateness of questions, the accuracy of guidance, the administration of
enumerators, and the expense and time required in the actual survey.

Census and Sample Surveys
A survey, which encompasses every component of the population, is apprehended as a Census or the Method
of Complete Enumeration. The primary feature of this approach is that this comprises every individual unit in
the whole population.

Sample Survey
A sample refers to a section of the population from which information has to be taken. A good sample
(representative sample) is usually short and competent in giving reasonably accurate information about the
population at a lower cost and in less time.
Most of the surveys are sample surveys and are preferable in statistics because of several reasons. A sample
can give rationally secure and authentic information at a lower cost and in less time.
Now the question is how do you do the sampling?
There are two main types of sampling:
1. Random Sampling
2. Non-random Sampling

Random Sampling
It is also known as the lottery method.
Random sampling is where the specific units from the population (samples) are randomly selected.
In random sampling, each person has an equal possibility of being chosen, and the person who is selected is the
same as the one who is not selected. Random number tables are generated to ensure an equal chance of
selection of every single unit in the population.
They are accessible either in an issued form or can be generated by employing relevant software

Non-random sampling
In this method, units of the population don’t have equal chances of being selected.
The convenience or interpretation of the investigator plays a crucial role in the adoption of the sample. They are
chiefly selected based on belief, purpose, ease, or quota and are non-random samples.

Sampling and Non-sampling Errors

Sampling errors
Sampling error applies to the variations between the sample estimate and the actual value. It is the error that
transpires when you observe the sample taken from the population.
The point of differentiation between the actual parameter of the population and its estimate is known as
sampling error.

Non-sampling errors
Non-sampling errors are more consequential than sampling errors. Sampling error can be minimized by taking
a larger sample, on the other hand, it is difkcult to minimize non-sampling error. Even a Census can carry non-
sampling errors.
Some of the non-sampling errors are:
Errors in Data Acquisition: This type of error stems from recording inaccurate responses.
Non-Response Errors: Non-response happens if an interviewer is incapable of contacting a person listed in the
sample or a person from the sample declines to respond. In this case, the sample research may not be
Sampling Bias: Sampling bias happens when the sampling plan is such that some portion of the target population
could not possibly be incorporated into the sample.

Census of India and NSSO

The Census of India and the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), are two significant firms at the
national level, which gather, manner, and tabulate data. The Census of India produces the most
comprehensive and continuous demographic record of the population.
The NSSO was established by the Government of India to conduct nationwide surveys on socio-economic
NSSO gives periodic measures of education, school enrolment, utilization of educational aids, employment,
unemployment, manufacturing, and service sector enterprises, morbidity, maternity, child care, utilization
of the public distribution system, etc.

Short Questions with Answers - Collection of Data

What do you mean by data?


Ans. Data is the plural form of the Latin word ‘datum’, which means a fact or information.

What is the purpose of data collection?


Ans. The purpose of data collection is to collect evidence and arrive at an effective solution to an economic

Q.3. What is primary data?

Ans. Primary data is the type of data which is collected by the investigator or enumerator from its origin.

Q.4. Define secondary data?

Ans. Secondary data is the data which has already been collected and new investigator only uses it for his
investigation purpose.


Who is an investigator?

Ans. An investigator is a person who plans and executes the investigation.

Who is a respondent?

Ans. A respondent is the person who provides actual data.

Who is an enumerator?

Ans. An enumerator is the one who does actual collection of data.

Write one internal and one external source of data.


Ans. Annual report of a company is an internal source of data while data from NSSO is an external source of

Q.9. Name any two published sources of data.

Ans. World Bank and International Monetary Fund are the examples of published sources of data.

Q.10. Name any two unpublished sources of data.

Ans. Private institutions and individual researchers are the examples of unpublished sources of data.

Q.11. Write any two methods of data collection. Ans. Methods of

data collection are:
(i) Direct personal investigation
(ii) Indirect oral investigation
(iii) Investigation through local correspondents and resources
(iv) Through questionnaires

Q.12. What are the types of questionnaire method? Ans. There are
two types of questionnaire method:
(i) Questionnaire through enumeration
(ii) Questionnaire through mail

Q.13. List the types of questions that may be asked in the questionnaire. Ans. The questionnaire
may consist of closed-ended questions or open-ended questions.

Q.14. What are close-ended questions?

Ans. Closed-ended question can either be a two-way question or a multiple choice question. It is also known as
structured question.

Q.15. List any two demerits of mailing questionnaire. Ans. The demerits
of mailing questionnaire are:
(i) Possibility of misinterpretation of questions
(ii) Produces low response rates

When is it suggested to undertake indirect oral investigation?


Ans. Indirect oral investigation is suggested when the respondents are reluctant to answer certain questions in
direct personal interviews.

Q.17. What may be the impact of the presence of the researcher in personal interview?

Ans. Presence of the researcher may obstruct respondents from saying what they really think.

Q.18. What are the benefits of conducting pilot survey? Ans. The following
are the benefits of conducting pilot survey:
(i) Helps in providing a prior idea about the survey
(ii) Helps to know the shortcomings and drawbacks of the questions
(iii) Helps in assessing the suitability of questions

What is data? Explain the sources of data.


Ans. Data is the plural form of the Latin word ‘datum’, which means a fact or information. Sources of Data Data
can be obtained from two sources:
(i) Internal Source of Data: When data are obtained from the reports of various institutes, it is called as
internal source of data. For example, report published by any bank regarding its deposits and loan will be
an internal source of data for that particular bank.
(ii) External Source of Data: When data is collected by any organisation from other organisation or source

then the source of data is called as external source. For example, an economist uses the data published by

the Indian government while evaluating an economic problem. Data collected from external source are of

two types:
1. Primary Data: Primary data is the type of data which is collected by the investigator or enumerator from
its origin.
2. Secondary Data: Secondary data is the data which has already been collected and new investigator only
uses it for his investigation purpose.

Explain the questionnaire method of investigation.


Ans. In questionnaire method, investigator prepares a sequence of question keeping in mind the
objective of the investigation and sends them to the respondent. Based on the questionnaire,
information can be collected in two ways:
(i) through enumerator

(ii) through mail

Q.21. What is the difference between enumerator’s and mail questionnaire method?
Ans. In enumerator’s method, the questionnaire is sent through the enumerators to the respondents and
enumerator collects the data. In mail questionnaire method, the questionnaire is sent to the respondents
through the mail.

Q.22. Differentiate between schedule and questionnaire.

Ans. Series of questions prepared with reference to the investigation is called a questionnaire whereas
questionnaire filled by enumerator himself by asking the respondents is called a schedule.

What are the features of a good questionnaire?


Ans. Accuracy and originality of data collected through questionnaire depend upon the quality of questions in the
questionnaire. A good questionnaire must have following features:
(i) Objective of investigation and instruction for filling the questionnaire should be clearly mentioned.
(ii) Number and nature of question should be minimum and from the field of investigation only.
(iii) All the questions should be in a proper order.
(iv) Question should not be of irritating nature, wrong type and hurtful to the feelings of special categories.
(v) Language of the questions should be easy, clear and direct so that everyone could understand it.

Define pilot survey. List its uses.


Ans. Pilot survey is a preliminary piece of research conducted in order to test the effectiveness of the research
methodology. It should be completed before the commencement of the final survey. The intention is to alert
the surveyor regarding the difficulties that were not anticipated at the survey proposal stage. Pilot survey
helps in assessing the:
(i) performance of the enumerators;
(ii) quality of questions;
(iii) suitability of questions;
(iv) cost involved in the final survey; and
(v) time involved in the final survey.

Important Questions: Collection of Data

Q1: Why is a pilot survey important?
Ans: A pilot survey is crucial because it assesses question quality, evaluates enumerator performance, helps design
survey rules, and estimates time and cost for the knal survey.


Q2: Explain the sample method.

Ans: The sample method involves examining a subset of items and drawing conclusions based on this subset's

Q3: What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?

Ans: A good questionnaire should have a limited number of clear, non-controversial questions, properly ordered
and related to the topic. It should also include a polite request for return.

Q4: Mention two demerits of indirect oral investigation.

Ans: Indirect oral investigations are less accurate, biased, and can lead to doubtful conclusions.

Q5: The progress report of a railway published by the railway department is what kind of data? Ans: The progress
report of a railway published by the railway department is secondary data.

Q6: Define the census method.

Ans: The census method involves collecting data on every item related to the investigation's problem.

Q7: What do you mean by random sampling?

Ans: Random sampling ensures every item in the universe has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.

Q8: Mention two sources of secondary data.

Ans: Two sources of secondary data include government publications and semi-government publications.

Q9: What is the universe in statistics?

Ans: In statistics, the universe or population refers to the complete set of items being studied by investigators.

Q10: Define stratified and mixed sampling?

Ans: Stratified and mixed sampling involve dividing the universe into groups with distinct characteristics and
selecting items from each group to represent the entire population.

Q11: Explain systematic sampling.

Ans: Systematic sampling involves arranging population units and selecting every nth item as a sample, based on
numerical, alphabetical, or geographical order.

Q12: What is convenience sampling?

Ans: Convenience sampling involves selecting samples based on the investigator's convenience.

Q13: Define sample.

Ans: A sample is a subset of items from the population that represents the population's characteristics.

Q14: What are the two sources of data?

Ans: The two sources of data are primary sources (collected firsthand) and secondary sources (data collected by

Q15: When is a direct personal investigation suitable for primary data collection?
Ans: Direct personal investigation is suitable for primary data collection in situations where the
investigation is specific and limited, authentic and accurate information is needed, data confidentiality is
crucial, and direct interaction with the respondents is necessary.

Q16: What is purposive or deliberate sampling?

Ans: Purposive sampling involves selecting items based on the investigator's judgment and is best suited for the

Q17: In what parameters is the statistical information published in the census of India?
Ans: Statistical information in the census of India is published in parameters such as population projection, sex
composition, population density, size, growth rate, and distribution.

Q18: Define primary data.

Ans: Primary data refers to information collected directly by the investigator for the krst time, originating from
the source itself.

Q19: What is quota sampling?

Ans: Quota sampling divides the universe into sections based on characteristics, and items are selected from each

Q20: Define secondary data.

Ans: Secondary data is data gathered by someone else and is accessible in published or unpublished reports; it has
already been collected for a different purpose.

Long Questions with Answers

Q.1. Explain the direct personal investigation method. Write its suitability, merits and demerits.
Ans. In direct personal investigation method, investigator goes in person to person contact in the area in which
he wants to execute the investigation and collects the required information and data. The investigator has to be
hard working, unbiased, able and patient to execute investigation through this method.
Suitability of Direct Personal Investigation Method
(i) Field of investigation is restricted.

(ii) Confidentiality of data is important.


(iii) Data is to be collected directly from the source.

(iv) Data is required in original form.
Merits of Direct Personal Investigation Method
(i) Data collected through this method are reliable because investigator collects them directly.
(ii) Data collected is original.
(iii) Data collected is homogeneous and uniform as collected by single hand.
(iv) The level of accuracy is high.
Demerits of Direct Personal Investigation Method
(i) It requires large amount of money, time and effort.
(ii) It is suitable for limited area of investigation.
(iii) Since information is collected in person, there are chances of it being biased.
(iv) Method can be used only by able, wise and patient investigator and not by an ordinary investigator.
(v) Method is not suitable for large number of respondents.

Q.2. Discuss the suitability of indirect oral investigation method along with its merits and demerits.
Ans. Sometimes respondents are not willing to provide the data directly to the investigator such as data regarding
the habit of cigarette smoking and alcohol taking habits among students. In such situations, indirect oral
investigation method is the most appropriate. In this method, the required data is collected from the persons
associated with the respondents.
Suitability of Indirect Oral Investigation Method
(i) Direct contact with respondents is not possible.

(ii) Field of investigation is very vast.

(iii) Expert investigator is available.
(iv) Respondents are unable to provide information due to unawareness.
Merits of Indirect Oral Investigation Method
(i) It is a simple and less time-taking method.
(ii) It is relatively inexpensive method.
(iii) This method is unbiased.
(iv) It provides the opinion
of the experts. Demerits of
Indirect Oral Investigation
(i) Information collected can be biased.
(ii) Information may be wrong since it is not in its original form.
(iii) Respondents may behave carelessly because the information being asked is not directly related to them.


Q.3. Discuss in detail about the collection of data through local correspondents or sources.
Ans. In this method, investigator does not approach the respondents but appoints some local correspondents to
collect data or from local resource.
Suitability of Indirect Oral Investigation Method
(i) Data is to be collected regularly.
(ii) Data is to be used by the media.
(iii) Field of data is very vast.
(iv) Accuracy level of data is not a concern.

Merits of Indirect Oral Investigation Method

(i) It can cover wide field of investigation.

(ii) This method is less costly and requires less effort.

Demerits of Indirect Oral Investigation Method

(i) Data is not so accurate.
(ii) Data is received after a long period.
(iii) Data lack originality.
(iv) Data is not homogeneous since it is collected by different correspondents.

Q.4. Write down the precautions involved in the use of secondary data.
Ans. Secondary data should always be used with great care because this data has been collected by an individual
researcher for a special purpose. Secondary data has to be checked, tested for suitability, accuracy before using
them. Thus, some points must be kept in mind before using secondary data such as:
Whether the data is adequate for use?
Whether data is suitable for present investigation and objective? Whether the data is reliable?
Are they available in sufficient amount or not?

Following are the precautions that need to be taken in use of secondary data:
(i) Technique of Data Collection: Before using the secondary data, it is necessary to know that whether the method
of their collection is suitable and reliable.
(ii) Accuracy of Data: Before the use, accuracy level of data has to be certified because inaccurate data is not
suitable for the research.
(iii) Capability of the Collector: The nature, capability, honesty, biased nature of the collector has to be
considered prior to the use of secondary data as only honest, capable and unbiased collector can collect the
quality data.
(iv) Objective and Scope of Data: It should be known beforehand the objective and scope of the data to be used as
(v) Time and Condition of Data Collection: Time and condition of data collection may vary so it is important to check
the suitability of these variables to the present investigation.
(vi) Unit of Data Collection: For the data to be used as secondary, the unit of the data should be the same that is
being used for the present investigation.

Q.5. Suggest the steps for planning a field survey.

Ans. Following steps are to be taken while planning a field survey:
(i) Design a questionnaire with utmost care and be sure that:

(ii) The questionnaire has a reasonable length.

(iii) The questionnaire includes only precise and short questions.

(iv) The set of questions in the questionnaire can be cross-checked.

(v) The questions should not involve difficult calculations for the respondents.

(vi) Arrange a proper training program for the enumerators and explain them the purpose, mode of enquiry and
nature of various questions in the questionnaire.
(vii) Decide the mode of enquiry viz., direct personal or oral investigation or mailing the questionnaire.
(viii) Conduct a pilot survey when the field of survey is very large.


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