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The act is intended to operateas a model stamding order for the matters enumerated in Schedule I.They are,

i. Inclusion of workmen –Permanent ,temporary ,apprentice,probationers or badli

ii. Matters of Intimating to workmen –periods and hrs of work ,holidays ,paydays ,wage rate
iii. Shift working
iv. Attendance and late coming
v. Conditions of procedure applying for and the authority which may grant leave and holidays
vi. Requiring to enter premises by certain gatesand liability to search
vii. Closing and re opening of sections of industrial establishment ;temporary stoppageof work ;rights and liabilities of the employer and
workmen arising from there.
viii. Termination of employment and the notice thereof to be given by the employer and workmen
ix. Suspension or dismissal for misconduct and acts or omission which constitute misconduct
x. Means for redress for workmen against unfair treatment by the employer or his agents or servants
xi. Any other matter prescribed
The Act applies to the industrial establishment where in 100 or more workmen are employed or were on any day of the preceding 12 mons..
(but applies to less than 100 workmen by appropriate govt making notification in official gazette 2 mon notice)
i. Any industry to which the provision of chap 7 of the BombayIndustrial Regulation Act 1946 APPLY
ii. Any industry to which the provision of Madhya Pradesh Industrial Employment Act 1961 APPLY
iii. Under sec 13 B the provison of the Act will not apply to workmen employed in industrial estd governed by following regulation
a) Fundamental and supplementary rules
b) Civil service (temporary service)rules
c) Civil service (classification , control, appeal )rules
d) The civilians in Defence Service (classification , control, appeal )rules
e) The Indian Railway Establishmnet Code
f) Any other rules/regulations that may be notified in this behalf by the appropriate govt in official gazette.
Bharilal Vs.Superintending Engineer ,Allahabad
Case where the state Electricity Board took over several private undertaking –some undertaking fixed the age of superannuation of employee
while some not.State Govt in exercise of its power Under sec 13-B of the act and sec 79 ©of the Electricity supply Act notified regulation that
age of superannuation of employee is 58 yrs.It was challenged.The contention rejected and held that it valid.

U.P.State Electricity Board Vs.Harishankar Jain

even if the undertaking have the age of the superannuation higher than that of the 58 .Employee would be governed by the regulation under the



i. Industrial establishment as defined in sec 2(ii)of payment of wages act
ii. A factory as defined in sec2(m)of the factories act 1948
iii. A railway as defined in sec 2(iv) of the Indian railway act 1890
iv. The establishment of a person who for the purpose of fulfilling a contract with the owner of any industrial estd employs workmen.

INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT means W.R.T payment of wages act :

1. tramway service /motortransport service –carring passenger /goods by, road /hire/reward.
2. Air ,transport service other than such sevices belonging to military /naval /airforce of the union of civil Aviation Dept of Govt of
3. Dock ,wharf/jetty
4. Mine ,quarry /oilfield
5. inland vessel ,mechanically propelled
6. plantation
7. workshop /other estd-where articles produced ,adopted,mfg-for use ,transport and sale
8. An estd –where work relating to construction ,development,maintainence of building ,road,bridges or canal or relating to operation
connected with navigation ;irrigation ,supply of water; relating to generation ,transmission and distribution of electricity or any form
of power carried out.
To mean the rules relating to the matters set out in the scheduleI .
Agra Electric Co Vs SriAlladin
S.O.after their certification will be binding on the employees presently employed and employed thereafter.
Associated Cement Co Vs.P.D.Vyas
Cumulative effect of sec 3,4,5,15,was that the certifying officer has to be satisfied that the draft standingorder Is in conformity with the matters
set out in the schedule
Bhagalkat cement Co.Vs .R.K.Pathan
No standing order could be certified by the certifying officer unless it is related to one of the topics enumerated in schedule of the Axct
Co-operative Central Bank Vs.Addl.Industrial Tribunal A.P
Though binding on employees it is not binding on industrial tribunal adjudicating an industrial dispute.
Rohtak and Hissar District Electrical Supply Co Vs.State of U.P
employee can’t insist upon to add condition not in conformity with matters in the schedule of the act

WORKMEN SEC2(I) means= workmen under industrial dispute act 1947

To mean any person employed in any industrial estd to do any skilled or unskilled ,manual ,supervisory ,technical or clerical work for hire or
rewardbut not inc.
i. Person to army act (1950), air force act (1950), navy act (1957)
ii. Person employed in police service /an officer/employee of prison
iii. Person employed mainly in managerial or admin capacity
iv. Person employed in supervisory capacity drawring wage sexceeding 1600 /mon or fn of managerial nature.



Time period : The employer with in 6 mon from the date on which the act becomes applicable to the industrial estd ,the employer shall submit
to the certifying officer 5 copies of thedraft standing order proposed by him for the adoption inhis industrial establishment.
Conformity : The draft standing oder should include every matter applicable to the industrial establishment .Where a model standing order
have been prescribed it should be in conformity with such model.The certifying officer has to enquire such .he has the power to departure from
model standing order.
Attachment: The draft standing oder should be accompanied by statement containing the particulars of workmen employed in the industrial
estd including the name of trade union to which they belong.
Joint Draft:A group of employer in similar industrial establishment may submit a joint draft ofstandingorder under this sec.
Associated Cement Co Vs.P.D.Vyas
Conformity means not identical words , but substance matter must be in conformity .if it is shown that it is impracticable to bring about
conformity the draft standing order should be in conformity with the model.

Rohtak and Hissar District Electrical Supply Co Vs.State of U.P

It is for the authority to decide whether particular standing order is fair and reasonable


 D.S.O should provide for condition set out in schedule which is applicable to industrial estd
 D.S.O should conform with the provision of the act under sec 4
 D.S.O should provide for particulars of workmen –Permanent ,temporary ,apprentice,probationers or badli ,name of trade union to
which workmen belongs to(as under rule 5)
 D.S.O if found impracticableto be in conformity with the model the cerfying officer ,certify inspite of disparity provided it is in
conformity with provision under sec 4 of the act
 The jurisdiction of the certifying officer /appellate authority is to see that D.S.O prepared by employer are certifiable and make such
modification/addition necessary to render draft to be certifiable under the act
On receipt of D.S.O the certifying authority shall fwd a copy of it to trade union along with notice in Form II/ if no tade union to the meeting of
workmen to elect 3 representatives to whom such D.S.O sent with notice.
1. In conformity with model act
2. In conformity with provision of the act
3. Fair and reasonable.
4. Require performance of duty even when employees given their consent to standing order /even if they are absent
5. If deviation any from model standing order, its open to certifying officer to enquire the reasonableness and certify.


1. On receipt of D.S.O the certifying authority shall fwd a copy of it to trade union along with notice in Form II/ if no trade union to the
meeting of workmen to elect 3 representatives to whom such D.S.O sent with notice.
2. The union shall be given 15 days time period to file the objection
3. The certifying officer shall give the employer and trade unions an opportunity of being heard
4. After hearing the unions and employer the certifying officer shall certify the D.S.O.
5. Within 7 days from the date of passing such final order , copies of the certified standing order under sec 15(2)must be sent to the
employer and the trade union .
6. The certified standing order shall be authenticated by the certifying officer by putting his signature and office seal as per the Rule 7 of
the Central Rules.
7.Such Certified Standing Order-U/S 5(2) have force of Law:
 Act prescribe various provision to frame and certify .If model standing order replaced by certified standing order –there
violation of provision which is a criminal offence.-Viswanath vs.Ramesh Chand
 Though standing order made by pvt estd it should come within purview of act and condition imposed by it .and it have
statutory force like other instrument-Worker of DEvan Tea Estate Vs.Their Manager
 By Writ of mandamus pvt party or company may be compelled to perform duties if there is certified standing order.It has
stutury force like any other law -Abani Bhusan Biswas Vs.Hindustan Cables Ltd
 The standing order duly certified and provided are intravires have force of law binding B/W employer and employee & not
on Industrial tribunal which deals with industrial dispute.- Co-operative Central Bank Vs.Addl.Industrial Tribunal A.P


i. The standing order after their due certification shall apply to all workmen employed before and those employed after the standing
order came into force officially .
ii. The reason is to have uniform standing order providing for the matters enumerated in schedule of the act

Avery India LTD Vs.Industrial Tribunal ,W.B

There can’t be different standing order governing the terms and conditions of services of workmen of a particular industrial estd.
Agra Electric Co Vs SriAlladin
S.O.after their certification will be binding on the employees presently employed and employed thereafter.


 The right of appeal should be filed with in 30 days from the date of which the copies of official standing order are sent to the
employer and the union or their labour representative.
 Person preferring an appeal shall make Memorandam of appeal stating ground and forward 3 copies of it + certified copies of
standing orders ,amendments or modification to the appellate authority .The Memorandam of appeal shall be in for 4 set out in
schedule I
 The appellate authority may either confirm the order or make the necessary modification so as to render the standing orders certifiable
under the act .such order must be passed after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard.
 The appellate authority within 7 days of its order send copies of the order of the certifying officer to the employer ,trade union or other
representatives of the workmen accompanied by the copies of the authenticated standing orders.6(2)
i. confirm the certified standing orders whether with or without modification and not to completely cancel the standing order
that are appealed against –Bill Mazdoor Sangh Vs.U.P.Electricity Board
ii. The appellate authority similar to certifying officer competent to permit departure from model standing order on ground of
fairness and reasonableness . but such departure muts not be contrary to M.S.O.-A.R.Das Gupta Vs.Mgmt ,Assam Tribune.
 The appellate authority under the Act follows the pattern of the civil court but it is not a court to which provisions of
the civil procedure code as a rule apply
 The appellate authority not considering the fairness and reasonableness of the amendment has power to setaside the
amendment made by the certifying officer on ground that its beyond authority of certifying officer.
iii. The H.C will not issue a writ of certiorari to interfere with decision of the certifying offcer /appellate authority unless the
decision has been found to be arbitrary or perverse –Newspaper Ltd Vs.Industrial Tribunal
iv. The certified orders can’t be challenged in civil court . which is finalized by the appellate authority .However finalty given by
appellate authority is subject to modification of those very standing orders certified by him- S.S.Light RlyVs.S.S.Rly Worker

Guest Keen Wiliams Ltd Vs P.J.Sterlling

D.S.O to certifying authority submitted for certification. It was certified after reciving objection &conducting enquiry .S.O provided
superannuation on reaching 55 years.but company prior to this gave retirement order to employees who ere above 55 yrs.An industrial dispute
was raised and referred to tribunal to adjudication.where it was held illegal .on further appeal To SC it was held that Tribunal shud consider
not only reasonableness,fairness /propriety in question but also nature of work ,wage structure, benefits,amenities, and superannuation fixed in
comparable industries in same region .thereby fixed in this case to be 60 yrs as age of superannuation.


The certified standing order shall come into operation on expiry of 30 days on which the authenticated copies are sent to the employer and the
trade unions or the representatives of the workmen.If an appeal is preferred then standing order will be operative on the expiry of 7 days from
the date on which the copies of order of appellate authority are sent to certifying officer the employer and the trade unions or the
representatives of the workmen.
Guest Keen Wiliams Ltd Vs P.J.Sterlling
In case of dispute arising out of the order it shall be referred to the tribunal an dit has jurisdiction to deal with it .


i. The Act requires the certifyimg officer to file copies of all certified standing orders ina register in the prescribed form maintained for
that purpose .
ii. As per rule 8 the register to file certified standing order shall be in form III and shall be properly bound.
iii. The Certifying officer shall furnish a copy of such register on payment of prescribed fee


1. The text of standing order as finally certified shall be prominently posted by the employer in English and in language understood by
the majority of his workmen on special board tobe maintaijned for that purpose at or near the entrance through which the majority of
workman enter the industrial establishment.
2. This enables direct knowledge and communication about the service and employment
3. The above rule is mandatory not directory .
4. The tribunal will take into consideration the disply while taking appln of employer
5. But noncompliance with the provision under this sec will not make the S.O.ineffective

Ismail Papania Vs.Labour Appellate Tribunal

But noncompliance with the provision under this sec will not make the S.O.ineffective.Both employer and workmen bounded by S.O


Salem Erode Electricity Distribution Company Vs.The workmen; K.A.Abraham Vs.G.M.Bhilai Steel Plant

Company :employee joining after 1/10/60 entitled to less leaves than employees already in service .company filed draft S.O for
certification.Labour union opposed this .The certifying officer proposed that changes would be unfair, unreasonable and discriminate.It was
taken to S.Cwhere it was held two set of standing order will create confusion and discontent among workersand it may further duplicate the
standing order.

Indian Iron And Steel Co Vs.Industrial Tribunal ; Agra Electric Co Vs SriAlladin (uniform)

Inrespect of ech estd there can’t be more than one set of standing order .But if the certified standing order are meant only for one category of
workmen then there can be no difficulty in having another set of standing order for another category .1- related to daily rated workmen , other-
monthly rated workmen


The standing order certified under sec 6 shall be final i.e no further appeal /revision against that order and futher sec 6 R/W sec 12
finality given to the certification by the appellate authority is against challenge in the civil court .
Thus sec 10(i)does not permit any change to the existing certified standing order before expiry of 6months after certification or the
last modification unless both the parties consent such an amendment.
The finality of standing order is subject to right to apply for modification under sec 10(ii).


B4 1956 Amendment :employer alone can make appln for modification of the standing order to certifying officer .During which the
workman may raise industrial dispute to modify the existing order.
After 1956 Amendment : employer / workmen can make appln for modification of the standing order to certifying officer.


i. Employer and the union or the representative body of the workmen can apply for modification of existing standing order after expiry
of six mon from date of certification /last modification.
ii. The application must be accompanied by 5 copies of proposed modification
iii. If the proposed modification are by the virtue of an agreement between the employer and workmen , then a certified copy of the
agreement shall be filled along with application.
iv. The procedure contemplated under section 3,4,5,6, regarding the certification of standing order should be followed in the case of
modification as well.
An appln for modification shall be made where
1. A change of circumstances has occurred
2. Experience of the working of the standing orders last certified results any inconvienience , hardship or anomaly etc
3. Some fact was lost sight at the time of certification
4. The applicant feels that the modification will be more beneficial
s.s. light co Vs.workers union
It was held that change of circumstances are not necessary for modifying standing order.The contention that thechange of circumstances is a
condition precedent to maintain an application under sec 10(ii) or that an application for modification without proof of such change of
circumstances was not accepted by the court .
Since the act is a beneficial legislation and therefore unless compelled by any words the court will not be justified to give restrictive
interpretation to sec 10 of the act .The policy of sec 10 is clear that modification should not be allowed with in 6 mon standing order or last
modification came into operation.The object is to provide time limit tofind whether the S.O Or their modification allowed to work for
sufficiently long time to see whether they work properly or not .

Subsistence Allowance –Sec 10-A Inserted By 1982 Amendment Act

Any workman suspended during pending inquiry or investigation into complaints or charges of misconduct , the employer shall pay subsistence
at following rate
i. 50 % of wages for ninety days
ii. 75% of the wages for remaining period of suspension

Power Of The Certifying Officer And Appellate Authority

Every Certifying Officer And Appellate Authority shall have the power of a civil court for the purpose of
1. Receiving evidence
2. Administering oath
3. Enforcing attendance of witnesses
4. Compelling the discovery and production of documents
They shall be deemed to be civil court with the meaning of sections 345, 346, 348 of cr.p.c 1973.
Sec 11(2) Every Certifying Officer And Appellate Authority may correct the following on own or of his predecessor in office
1. Clerical mistake
2. Arithmetical mistake
3. Error out of accidental slip or omission

Associate Industries Vs.R.G.Singh

The power available to Certifying Officer And Appellate Authority will not change authorities tocourt of law and will not amount to
proceedings in civil court
Newspaper Ltd Vs.Industrial Tribunal
Certifying Officer And Appellate Authority are quasi judicial in nature.They are bound to observe the principle of natural justice.The H.C will
not issue a writ of certiorari to interfere with decision of the certifying offcer /appellate authority unless the decision has been found to be
arbitrary or perverse
N.G.E.F Ltd Byppanapillai Vs. Industrial Tribunal
accidental slip or omission came up for consideration in this case b4 Mysore High court .The Appellate Authority while cerifying the modified
standing order certified the very standing order which it had rejected .W.R.T. leave authorities fail to prescribe several classes of leave and
competent person to grant leave
The employer under sec 11(2) applied for rectification but appln was rejected.hence matter b4 H.C. .IT was held that order suffered
material omission and appln made by employer is wholly competentand had to be decided by the authority .

SEC 12:No oral evidence.-which have the effect of varying / modifying the standing order as finally certified shall be admitted in any court

SEC12-A- Temporary Application Of Model standing order

Model standing order appended with the rules will be applicable to an industrial establishment when the act becomes applicable to such
establishment .Thus the model standing order to such estd is limited to a temporary period until standing order is finally certified under this act
comes into operation .operation of amendment to model standing order can’t be enforced without amendment to certified standing order of an
Mgmt of Ideal Jawa Ltd Vs. T.RAMY
If thers is no provision in certified S.O of industry w.r.t. subsistence allowance .That any provision in S.O Act on basis of which any
amendment to the model standing orders can be enforced without any amendment to the certified standing order .That it can be treated that
amendment to certified standing order
Sulaiman Vs Tran Plywood LTD
Until provision for the subsistence allowance or appeal incorporated in the standing orders , the labour court / Dir board could not grant relief
on basis of amendment made to model standing only remedy is to approach civil court

SEC13A-Interpretation Of Standing Order

Question as to the interpretationj /application of the Certified Standing Order may be referred to the labour court be employer /workmen .The
labour court is set up by the appropriate govt for this purpose.The labour court is require to conduct enquiry aftergiving opportunity and
hearing to parties and take decision and such decision is final and binding on parties.

Tata Chemicals Ltd Vs.Kailash

labour court fn ltd i.e decision whether Certified Standing Order be applied/ not.It is not entrusted with power to grant relief in enforcement
of right and liabilities
K.R.S.T.CORPN Vs.Labour Court Banglore
Employee convicted of offence of theft before appointing for service into corpn.therafter corpn dismissed him from service.Labour court held
that there is no provision under certified standing order for his removal on ground of misconduct b4 service.The H.C held the finding of
labour court to be erroneous SINCE S.O contain specific provision to treat an award of punishment by competent court for any crl.offence
What is important in this case is conduct of employee whichled to conviction and not alleged date of misconduct .Therby the order of Labour
Court setaside.
Tata Chemicals Ltd Vs.K.C .Acharya
A labour court cant reinstate a dismissed employee or direct employer to pay him wages from date of dismissal till reinstatement.


Person fail to submit Draft Standing Order under sec 3 – }Rs.5000 ; Rs 200 for offence continued every day
Person who modified the stnding order contravening provision of sec10
SEC 13(2) Person contravening certified standing order of his estd } Rs100 ; Rs.25 for offence continued every day.
SEC 13(3) For every prosecution of offence under this provision the sanction of appropriate govt is compulsory.

SEC 13(4) NO court inferior to that of presidency magistrate or magistrate of 2nd class can try any offence under this sec.
Aboo Mohd Vs .State Of Bihar
Employer failed to furnish wage slip to workmen as required under clause 14 of standing order of the estd.IT was held that employer could not
be punished for breach of standing order under section even though it is not a matter enumerated in the schedule of the act


SEC 15- POWER TO MAKE RULES :By appropriate authority

i. To prescribe addl matters to be included in th schedule and that procedure to be followed in modifying standing order s
ii. Et out model standing orders for purpose of this act
iii. Prescribe procedure of crtifying officer and appellate authority
iv. Prescribe fee that may be charged for copies of standing order enterd in register of standing orders
v. Provide any other matter that may be prescribed

SEC 15-proviso –before framing any rules the representative of both employer and workmen shall be consulted by appropriate govt
under clause 3 where rules made by central and state govt are laid b4 parliament and state legislature fo total 30 days

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