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Prior tp the enactment of industrial employment Act an industrial employer was free to lay down service conditions
of its employees without any statutory restriction .Because of which employers exploited the workmen and harassed
them in various ways.To abolish these evil thje industrial employment tsanding order was passed in 1946b.it is also
called Model Act
The central legislature therefore considered it necessary to enact law framing of service conditions by means of
standing order defining-conditions of recruitment or discharge ,disciplinary action ,holidays or leave etc .This has
long way gone minimizing friction in the mgmt and workmen of the industrial undertakings.
 Thus it require employers in industrial establishment to define with sufficient precision the condition of
employment of workmen employed therein and to make them known to such workmen .and certify them
by certifying authority .
 The act designed to avoid friction and tension among employers and workmen employed in the industry .
 Provision for effective safeguards against unjust and wrong dismissals and other disciplinary actions will
always be in the interest as much as of the industry and the workers.

The OBJECT of the Act is to have uniform standing order providing for the matters enumerated in schedule of the
Act .
The FUNDAMENTAL OBJECT of the Act is to avoid any confusion in the minds of the employers and employees in
respect of their rights and obligations concerning the terms and conditions of employment and avoid unnecessary


1. Employer should have standing order certified
2. duty of the certifying authority to adjudicate upon theit fairness and reasonableness.
3. The notice to be given to the union and in their absence to the workmen .
4. The right conferred upon them to raise objection
5. opportunity of being heard before they are certified .
6. The right to appeal and right to apply for modification given to workmen individually.
7. The obligation on the employer to have them published in the manner so that they become easily known to
the workmen .which becomes binding thereafter to both employer and employee.

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