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Learning &
Dr. Ayman Hussein
Dr. Nermin Gamal
Dr. Marwa Mohanad
Dr. Mohamed Ali
• The primary objective of distance learning is
to conquer barriers of place and time.
• Institutions, distance instructors, and distance
learners need to reexamine how and where
learning occurs, their roles and daily tasks
within the technological learning environment.
This course highlights the educational
facilities included in different online learning
application, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams,
Cisco WebEx, & Google classroom…. etc
• Different technologies have been
utilized to defeat the distance between
the instructor and the student.
• Utilizing these technologies, the
educator prepares the educational
content and sends it to the student, and
the student then, at that point, interact
with the content and sends input
(questions, tasks, tests) to the
instructor. As technologies have
improved, so has the quality of this
What is distance learning?
• Distance education refers to any type of distance
education in which the student is not physically present
for the class.
• Students can receive formal education from a distance
(away from the campus/instructor location) through
distance education. Digital tools are used to interact with
the instructor and peers.
• Distance learning is a method of instructing students via
the internet. Lectures and educational materials are
delivered via the internet Instead of working in a
Types of Distance learning
1. Video conference
2. Synchronous learning
3. Asynchronous learning
4. Open schedule online courses
5. Fixed-time online courses
6. Hybrid distance education
Video conference
• Is a popular tool for teachers to communicate with students
in real-time classes.
Synchronous learning
• When all of the students are learning at the
same time (and often in the same location), but
the instructor is in a different location, this is
known as “synchronous learning”.
• Alternatively, or, if the students are interacting
at the same time, but from different physical
Asynchronous learning
• It means that the teacher and the
student are most likely on different
schedules and are not in direct
communication. Students are assigned
learning tasks with deadlines and are
sometimes referred to as being location
independent. They then go to self-study
in order to accomplish the homework.
Open schedule online courses
• Another layer of flexibility is provided by online classes. It's similar to
an asynchronous course, only there aren't any deadlines. This is great
for students who have other activities, such as working professionals or
stay-at-home parents.

Coursera edX Udemy

Skillshare FutureLearn Khan Academy

Hybrid distance education
• Is a type of blended learning in which students learn the same
material in real-time (synchronous distance learning), but some of
them are physically present while others learn remotely
Benefits of Distance learning
• Flexible: choosing the time, place, and medium for student education,
students can decide when, where, and how they learn
• Easy Access: Some pupils do not have basic access to educational
facilities, whether because of their rural location or because they are
differently abled
• Low Cost: The cost of education is being driven down by distance
How does Distance learning work?
• Online textbooks
• Screen recorded videos
• Voice-over slideshow
• Scheduled online section between students and the instructor.
Management of virtual classrooms
• Create a Session Plan : Designing a virtual classroom session as
• Format Selection
• Send a Pre-Session Notification
• Create a plan for classroom management
Mobile Technologies for Distance Learning

• Smart Phones
• Digital Tablets
• E-Readers
Successful Teaching and Learning in a
Distance Environment
• Content understanding
• Structured Instructional Approach
• Knowledge of how students learn
• Efficacy
Online learning applications.

• Google classroom
• Moodle
• Blackboard
• Moodle is a Learning Platform or course management system (LMS) - a free Open
Source software package designed to help educators create effective online
• Activities :
1. Assignments
2. Chat
3. Materials
4. Quizzes
5. Attendance
6. Books
How To Use Moodle
• Open This Link :
• Enter username & password
How To Use Moodle Cont.
Virtual Classroom Applications

• MS Teams
MS Teams
• Microsoft Teams is a persistent chat-based collaboration platform
complete with document sharing, online meetings, and many more
extremely useful features for business communications.
MS Teams Features
How To Use MS Teams ?
• Download MS Teams from :
• Install MS Teams
• Login to MS Teams
How To Use MS Teams Cont.

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