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MAP SKILLS: PAPER 0460/22 Question no, 1

[Terminal exam,2022]
1. Grid reference= 4 figure and 6 figure grid
2. Map symbols
3. Scale
4. Compass direction
5. Spot height, trignometrical points/ stations
6. Contours
7. River valley- law of Vs
8. Interpreting physical and human landscape
9. Types of settlement- nucleated, linear, disperse
10. Ways of describing settlements
11. Rural settlement pattern
12. Site and situation
● Recognising settlement patterns e.g. isolated, dispersed, loose knit, nucleated or
linear (ribbon).
● Recognising street patterns and residential types e.g. straight roads that would
normally indicate terraced housing and curved roads and cul-de-sacs which would
often represent suburban privately owned detached and semi-detached houses.
● Recognising natural advantages of a settlement e.g. on flat land, near a water
source, on the coast, near farmland, near natural resources, defensive location, etc.
● Recognising human locational factors e.g. good road links, schools, hospitals, jobs,
leisure facilities
● Recognising natural features e.g. bays and headlands, river valleys, mountains,
mangroves and forests
● Recognising different land uses e.g. agricultural, residential, industrial
● Recognising an areas main functions e.g. tourism, educational, fishing
● Recognising features that may have promoted a particular function e.g. tourism may
have been promoted by natural features like beaches, the sea, mountain scenery,
waterfalls oR human features like museums, historical buildings, water parks, golf
course, hotels and restaurants.
● Recognising how humans have altered the natural world e.g. building a dam on a
river, building groynes on a beach or draining wetlands.
Rural Settlement Patterns
Patterns of rural settlements indicate the way the houses are placed in
relation to each other. The position of the village, the neighbouring topography
and terrain impact the size and shape of a village. Rural settlements may be
classified based on some criteria:

● Based on the setting: The main classes are plain villages, coastal
villages, plateau villages, desert villages and forest villages.
● Based on functions: There may be farming villages, lumberjack
villages, fisherman’s villages, pastoral villages etc.
● Based on forms or configurations of the settlements: These may be
a number of geometrical patterns and shapes such as Linear,
rectangular, T-shaped village, a circular star-like village, double village,
cross-shaped village etc.
● Linear pattern: In such settlements houses are established along a
road, river, railway line, canal edge of a valley or along a levee.
● The Site of a settlement describes the
physical nature of where it is located.

The situation of a settlement is the

description of the settlement in relation to

the other settlements and physical features
around it.

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