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l, EqsiMoin Rood,Anno NogorWeslern Extension, Chennoi 600101

Heod Office & Regd. Office

Phone 044 43152200 Emoil in{o@iohnsonli{ Website www. Johnson
CIN No.: U27209tN t98 tPTC00B7t 8

ESTEz -GCC-LET- OOOOT 2- AOA Date: 27-06-2024

The Maple Consortium
MMRC Line-3 Transit office,
Wing 'B' ,North side of city park
'E' Biock, Bandra Kurla Cornplex,
Bandra [EastJ Mumbai-400051 Kind attn:-Mr.Ronald Iames Mickell, Proiect Manager

Project: Mumbai Metro Line - 3

Contract: MM3-CBS-EST-E2:
'Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing ancl commissioning
of Heavy Duty Escalators
(Package-16AJ Lot-E2- Siddhivinayak to Cuffe parade (14 Stationsl,,.

Dear Sir
We, Consortium of Johnson Lifts Pvt Ltd, India & SfEC Corporation, China have received order
for Design,
Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissionrng of 224 nos. of Healy Duty Escalators
Mumbai Metro Line-3 Project.
sJEC corporation, china's scope of work is Design, Manufacture, supply of Hea\,y Duty Escalators and
providing Technical Support to Johnson Lifts Pvt Ltcl, Inclia for Installati,on and Testing & Commissioning.
on date we have completed Design of all Escalators and have supplied 203 Escalator; and their Installation
work is in progress at various project sites in Mumbai. Due to uniqueness in Installation and Testing
Commissioning, fLPL team need technical support for quality Installatio; & Commissioning of Escalators.
Hence, we need to invite trained Engineers of SfEC, China to facilitate safe and quality
Installation of
Escalators. we hereby request you to kindly issue the invitation letters from MMRaL
fo; following SfEC
employees for their visit to Mumbai Metro Line-3 project in India from 7s-luly-2024 to 7s-Aug-zoz4.

S1.No. Name Pass port No. Designatior)

1 XIAOLONG lVAN F.417 47 640 Regional Gencral Manager-Asian-ll & Key proiects
2 IUNMINC ZIIII E53300557 Engut!et
3 ZHUQINC GE 8D4049507 Elsqggr
4 JIAQI YIN EH7t7 1902 Engineer
5 GAIPING IIANG 8I37851s3 Tech nician
6 ZIiI]NSIIU GU Itr(0160270 'l'cchnicia n
The invitation Ietter will be for great help to us in arranging Indian Entry Visa to the concerned persons.
request for the needful.
Thanking you and assuring you our best services.
Yours Truly,
For & on behalf of Johnson-S|EC Consortium
,t)// )"/ A.
A";",,.r, Llocinc
Avinrrsh \
!rrojcct Managu-J
Encl: Passl;0r't c01ty
CC: Mr.Praphull Wagh- ChietCr:neral Managor (nectr.icall, MMIIC.

Johnson L ifts Pvt Ltd

Mumboi office Plot No. 14, WICEL opposite sEEpZ Gote No. r Centrol Rood, Andheri (E), Mumboi - 4ooo93
Phone 40322403, 45052400 Emoil

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