MST129_MTA- Revision Paper

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Revision paper #1

Choose the correct answer:

−x x f (x )
1.1: Let f(x) = and g(x) = , find
x+3 5−x g (x)
5−x x−5 x+5
a) b¿ c¿ d ¿-5/3 e)None of the above
x+ 3 x +3 x +3

1.2: The solutions of the equation x 3−4 x=0 is

a) X=2or x=-2 b)X=0 or x=2 c)X=-2, or x=0, or x=2
d) X=0 or x=4 e)None of the above

1.3: A tangent line to f ( x )=x 2 +2 x+ 2 is horizontal at x=¿

a) −1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e)None of the above
x +x
1.4 : The value of the limit: lim 2
x→ ∞ 2 x +3
1 1
a) b ¿ – ∞ c ¿ ∞ d ¿ e ¿None of the above
5 2

1.5: The slope of the tangent line to the graph of f(x) = at (2, ½) is:
−1 1 1
a) b) c) d)4 e)None of the above
4 4 2

Answer the following questions

Q–2a) Let f ( x )= √ x and g(x )= 2.
i) Find the domains of f ( x ) and g(x ) in interval notation.
ii) Find(f ∘ g) ( x ).
b) Use the definition of the derivative to find the derivative of the function f(x) =
x + 2 x +2.

a) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve
f(x)= 3 x 3- 5 x 2+2x+3 at x=1
b) Suppose that a ball is thrown straight up into the air and its height after t
seconds is s(t)= 4+48t-16t 2 feet. Determine how long it will take the ball to
reach its maximum height and determine the maximum height.

Q–4: Let f ( x )=x 3−27 x

a) Find f ' (x) and f ' ' (x) .
b) Find the intervals on which f is increasing or decreasing, and find the local
maximum and minimum values of f (x), if exist.

c) Find the intervals on which f is concave up or concave down, and find the
points inflection of f , if exist.

Revision paper #2
Choose the correct answer:
1.1: The domain of the function f ( x )=x −√ x + is
a) R b ¿ R ¿ ¿ c ¿ (0, ∞) d)[0,∞) e)None of the above

9 x−9
1.2: The derivative of f ( x )= is
2 x−8
−9 −54 54 9
a. 2 b ¿ 2
c¿ 2
d ¿ e ¿None of the above
( 2 x−8 ) (2 x−8 )

1.3: An equation of the tangent line to f ( x )=(x +8)2 at x=−3 is

a) y=10 b) y=10 x−55 c) y=10 x +55 d) y=10 x−253
e)None of the above

1.4: The graph of f ( x )=x 3−3 x 2−9 x is concave down when

a) x >1 b ¿ x<1 c ¿ x>−1d ¿ x ←1 e ¿None of the above

1.5: A tangent line to f ( x )=10+ 3 x 2−2 x 3 is horizontal at x=¿

a) 10 b ¿ 3 c ¿−2 d ¿1 e ¿None of the above

Answer the following questions

1 2
Q–2: Let f ( x )= x + x and g ( x )=√ 4−x .
a) Describe the domains of f (x) and g(x ).
b) Find f (g( x )).
c) Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of f at the point whose x -
coordinate 4.

a) Using the definition of the derivative find f ' (x) if f (x)=√ 2+ x .

b) Find the area of the largest rectangular ground that can be enclosed by 1000
feet of fencing if part of an existing straight wall is used as one side.

2 3 2
Q–4: Let f ( x )= x −5 x +12 x −7.
a) Find f ' (x) and f ' ' (x) .

b) Find the intervals on which f is increasing or decreasing, and find the local
maximum and minimum values of f , if exist.

c) Find the intervals on which f is concave up or concave down, and find the
points inflection of f , if exist.

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