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7, JULY 2023 2515

Fault-Tolerant Consensus Control for Discrete-Time

Multi-Agent Systems: A Distributed Adaptive
Sliding-Mode Scheme
Xinchen Guo , Guoliang Wei , and Derui Ding , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this brief, a fully distributed sliding mode con- reported, see [8], [9], [10], [11] for examples. For instance,
troller with fault compensation is designed to deal with the con- an adaptive FTC scheme has been developed in [8] to real-
sensus problem of discrete-time first-order multi-agent systems ize the fixed-time output time-varying formation, where the
with actuator faults. A novel fully distributed integral sliding
surface (ISS) without global information is proposed to guaran- effect of actuator faults has been reduced with the help
tee consensus when agents move on the sliding surface. Based of time-varying gains. Furthermore, a bipartite fault-tolerant
on such a sliding manifold combined with identified faults, a containment control algorithm has been proposed in [9] for
fully distributed sliding mode fault-tolerant controller is con- MASs with cooperative and competitive agents. In addition,
structed, while a sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the in order to identify faults more effectively, some fault esti-
finite-time reachability of the distributed ISS. Finally, simulation
results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm. mators have been designed in [12], [13], [14]. For instance,
the human-in-the-loop consensus problem and the formation
Index Terms—Discrete-time multi-agent systems, integral slid- FTC problem with nonlinear dynamics have been, respectively,
ing surface, fault-tolerant control, reachability, consensus, fully
distributed. studied in [12] and [13], where neural networks and fuzzy
logic rules have been introduced to approximate unknown
I. I NTRODUCTION It should be pointed out that sliding mode control (SMC) has
prominent advantages to parameter perturbations and hence
VER the past decades, distributed cooperative control
O for multi-agent systems (MASs) has received ever-
increasing research attention due to their wide applications
can be utilized to handle actuator faults. When MAS is a
concern, some preliminary results have been developed for
discrete-time cases [15], [16], [17]. For instance, consensus
in distributed optimization, automatic guided vehicles as well issues have been discussed in [16] for ones with an undi-
as smart grids [1], [2], [3]. Moreover, in contrast to the tradi- rected switching graph by using two different reaching laws.
tional centralized way, the distributed control strategy of MASs More recently, the dynamic and static event-triggered SMC
only requires information interaction among local agents to have been, respectively, considered in [18] and [19], where
realize the global control performance (see [4], [5], [6], [7]). the designed controllers can guarantee the reachability of the
Especially, among the many cooperative control behaviors, quasi-sliding mode region. Noteworthy, the control strategies
consensus control is the most fundamental issue and always proposed in the above papers are centralized, and hence cause
occupies the leader status of the current research. a series of problems, such as low efficiency, low fault toler-
Actuator faults due mainly to improper operation or com- ance, and excessive costs. Therefore, how to design a fully
ponent deterioration often occur and inevitably destroy the distributed SMC algorithm is an open yet interesting problem,
excellent performance of addressed MASs. To overcome such which stimulates the research of our paper.
a negative impact, some fault-tolerant control (FTC) meth- Motivated by the above discussion, the purpose of this brief
ods have been developed by a fault compensation or a is to design a fully distributed sliding-mode fault-tolerant con-
robust controller, and plenty of interesting results have been troller (FD-SM-FTC) to realize consensus of discrete-time
MASs subject to actuator faults. The main challenges are high-
Manuscript received 20 November 2022; revised 3 January 2023; accepted
4 February 2023. Date of publication 7 February 2023; date of current ver- lighted as follows: 1) how to design an effective sliding surface
sion 30 June 2023. This work was supported in part by the National Natural by resorting to an adaptive parameter dependent on consensus
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61873169 and Grant 62273239. This errors, and 2) how to construct an FD-SM-FTC to force MASs
brief was recommended by Associate Editor C. Hua. (Corresponding author:
Guoliang Wei.) reaching consensus. This brief answers these two challenges
Xinchen Guo and Derui Ding are with the Department of Control and the main contributions are as follows: 1) a novel fully
Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, distributed ISS without global information is constructed such
Shanghai 200093, China.
Guoliang Wei is with the Business School, University of Shanghai for that consensus is guaranteed when agents move on the sliding
Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China (e-mail: guoliang.wei@ surface; 2) an FD-SM-FTC is designed by resorting to both the sliding manifold and the fault compensation; and 3) a sufficient
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at condition is derived to guarantee the finite-time reachability of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3243221 local ISS while selecting suitable controller gains.
c 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Engineering Univ Library. Downloaded on April 08,2024 at 09:35:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Notations: AT and A−1 represent the transpose and inverse In this brief, we focus on the design of an FD-SM-FTC for
of a real-valued matrix A, respectively. diag{x1 , x2 , . . . , xN } the addressed MAS (1) subject to actuator faults based on both
is a diagonal matrix, where the diagonal elements are the above integral sliding surface (4) and the fault identifier (2).
x1 , x2 , . . . , xN . x denotes the Euclidean norm of the real vec- Specifically, our purpose is to design an FD-SM-FTC such that
tor x, and |x| is the absolute value of the scalar x. ⊗ stands for 1) the designed ISS is reachable;
the Kronecker product, sign(·) indicates the symbolic function, 2) the addressed MASs (1) subject to actuator faults can
and [ · ] is the Ceiling function. achieve consensus, that is, limk→∞ (xi (k) − xj (k)) = 0,
for i, j ∈ V.
II. P RELIMINARIES AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION Remark 1: In contrast to the sliding surface proposed
in [19], whose gain is obtained with the help of the eigen-
The topology of addressed MASs consisting of N agents is
values of the Laplacian matrix, the ISS (4) constructed in this
described by an undirected connected graph G = {V, E, A}
brief avoids the intervention of global information by intro-
with the vertex set V = {1, 2, . . . , N}, the edge set E ⊆ V × V
ducing an adaptive parameter αi (k), which means the ISS is
as well as the adjacency matrix A = (aij )N×N . Ni = {j ∈
fully distributed, and thus preserves essential scalability.
V : (j, i) ∈ E} stands for the set of all neighbors of agent i, from
which agent i can receive the information. Furthermore, aij >
0 if (j, i) ∈ E and aij = 0 otherwise, and the Laplacian matrix III. M AIN R ESULTS
L is definedas L = M − A, where M = diag{m1 , m2 , . . . , mN } In this section, an FD-SM-FTC is designed by utilizing the
with mi = N j=1 aij for i = 1, 2, . . . , N.
equivalent sliding mode control idea, and then the finite-time
Lemma 1 [20]: There exists an orthogonal matrix  reachability of ISS and the consensus of addressed MASs are
whose first column is √1 1N , such that  T L =  = discussed via the Lyapunov stability theory. First of all, the
diag{0, λ2 , . . . , λN }, where λN ≥ λN−1 ≥ · · · ≥ λ2 > 0 are following lemma is accessible for the identified faults.
eigenvalues of L. Lemma 2: Consider the fault identifier (2) for the ith agent.
Consider MASs with the following discrete-time dynamics Under Assumption 1, the identification error dynamics (3) is
xi (k + 1) = xi (k) + T(ui (k) + fi (k)), i ∈ V (1) Proof: Introduce the Lyapunov function Vi (k) = f̃iT (k)f̃i (k).
By calculation, one has
where xi (k) ∈ Rn denotes the state of agent i, ui (k) ∈ Rn
means the control input, and fi (k) ∈ Rn is the actuator fault. Vi (k) ≤ −f̃iT (k)f̃i (k) + μ2i = −Vi (k) + μ2i .
T > 0 is the sampling time interval. Furthermore, the actuator
Then, Vi (k + 1) ≤ μ2i√. Therefore, f̃i (k) ≤ μ̄i always holds,
fault satisfies the following assumption.
where μ̄i = max{μi , Vi (0)}, which completes the proof.
Assumption 1: The fault fi (k) is a bounded variation, i.e.,
In the framework of SMC, when the trajectories of system
fi (k) = fi (k + 1) − fi (k) ≤ μi , where μi is a positive
states enter the sliding surface, one has
In order to relieve the effect of actuator faults, a fault si (k) = T(ui (k) + fi (k)) + αi (k)xir (k)/χi (k) = 0 (6)
identifier is constructed to estimate fi (k) for the ith agent
 which results in an equivalent SMC law
f̂i (k) = T1 (ξi (k) + xi (k))
(2) ueqi = −T −1 αi (k)xir (k)/χi (k) − fi (k). (7)
ξi (k + 1) = −Tui (k) − xi (k)
In what follows, substituting (7) to (1) leads to the following
where f̂i (k) is the estimate of fi (k). Introducing the error f̃i (k) = sliding mode dynamics
fi (k) − f̂i (k), one has from (2) that
xi (k + 1) = xi (k) − αi (k)xir (k)/χi (k) (8)
f̃i (k + 1) = fi (k + 1) − f̂i (k + 1)
xi (k + 1) − xi (k) − Tui (k) which can be rewritten as a compact form
= fi (k + 1) −
T x(k + 1) = x(k) − (α(k)χ −1 (k)L ⊗ In )x(k) (9)
= fi (k). (3)
In what follows, let us introduce an auxiliary variable
α(k) = diag{α1 (k), α2 (k), . . . , αN (k)},

xir (k) = aij (xi (k) − xj (k)), i ∈ V χ (k) = diag{χ1 (k), χ2 (k), . . . , χN (k)}.
j=1 x (k)
Defining x̄(k) = i=1N i , the consensus error can be writ-
and then construct a fully distributed ISS ten as x̃i (k) = xi (k) − x̄(k). Furthermore, it is not difficult to
 obtain that
si (k) = xi (k) + ri (k)
ri (k + 1) = ri (k) + αi (k)xir (k)/χi (k) x̃(k + 1) = (H ⊗ In )x(k + 1)
where χi (k) = 1+αi2 (k)+xir
T (k)x (k), and αi (k) is an adaptive = (H ⊗ In )x(k) − (Hα(k)χ −1 (k)L ⊗ In )x(k)
parameter designed as = x̃(k) − (Hα(k)χ −1 (k)L ⊗ In )x̃(k) (10)
1N 1TN
αi (k + 1) = αi (k) + xir
(k)xir (k)/χi (k). (5) where H = IN − N satisfying LH = HL = L.

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The following theorem is derived for analyzing the consen- In addition, we know that αi (k) is bounded by V(k) ≤ 0.
sus of MASs on the sliding surface. Therefore, limk→∞ xir (k) = 0 (equivalently limk→∞ (L ⊗
Theorem 1: For the constructed ISS (4) whose adaptive In )x(k) = 0) obviously holds. Moreover, one has
parameter αi (k) satisfies (5), the consensus of MASs (1) sub-
lim xT (k)(L ⊗ In )x(k) = lim x̃T (k)(L ⊗ In )x̃(k) = 0. (15)
ject to actuator faults can be achieved on such a sliding k→∞ k→∞
surface. Based on Lemma 1, defining x̃(k) = ( ⊗ In )x̌(k), the above
Proof: First of all, introduce the Lyapunov function as equation is equivalent to
V(k) = V1 (k) + V2 (k) lim x̌T (k)( T L ⊗ In )x̌(k) = lim x̌T (k)( ⊗ In )x̌(k)
k→∞ k→∞

where V1 (k) = x̃T (k)(L ⊗ In )x̃(k), V2 (k) = N
i=1 (αi (k) − α) ,

and α > 0 will be determined later. = lim λi x̌iT (k)x̌i (k) = 0 (16)
Calculating V1 (k) along the trajectory (10) yields i=2
which implies x̌i (k) = 0, (i = 2, . . . , N) as k → ∞. By the
V1 (k) = x̃T (k + 1)(L ⊗ In )x̃(k + 1) − x̃T (k)(L ⊗ In )x̃(k)
definition of x̌(k), it is not difficult to find that x̃1 (k) = x̃2 (k) =
= −2x̃T (k)(LT α(k)χ −1 (k)L ⊗ In )x̃(k) · · · = x̃N (k), which implies that limk→∞ (xi (k) − xj (k)) = 0,
+ x̃T (k)(LT χ −1 (k)α(k)Lα(k)χ −1 (k)L ⊗ In )x̃(k) for i, j ∈ V. The proof is completed.
 xT (k)xir (k) xT (k)xir (k)  We are now in the position to develop a controller to ensure
≤ λN αi2 (k) ir 2 − 2αi (k) ir that the constructed ISS can be restricted to a bounded neigh-
χi (k) χi (k) borhood of the origin, that is, the ISS is reachable. By doing

xT (k)xir (k) so, we propose the following FD-SM-FTC
≤− (2αi (k) − λN ) ir (11) 1
χi (k) ui (k) = − ρ1 si (k) + ρ2 sign(si (k))
α 2 (k)
where the fact 0 < χii (k) < 1 is utilized to obtain the last + αi (k)xir (k)/χi (k) − f̂i (k) (17)
inequality. Similarly, calculating V2 (k) easily acquires where ρ1 and ρ2 are the controller gains to be designed.
Based on the above preparation, the following theorem is

V2 (k) = (αi (k + 1) − α)2 − (αi (k) − α)2 derived to illustrate the reachability of the sliding surface.
i=1 i=1 Theorem 2: If the parameters in FD-SM-FTC (17) satisfy

N 0 < ρ1 < 1 and ρ2 > max{ (2−ρρ11)T μ̄i , (1−(ρ 1 −ε))T μ̄i
1+ρ1 −ε } with pos-
= (αi (k + 1) + αi (k) − 2α)(αi (k + 1) − αi (k)) itive constants ε < ρ1 and μ̄i given in Lemma 2, then the
i=1 distributed ISS si (k) can be restricted to a bounded neighbor-
 T (k)x (k)  xT (k)x (k) hood of the origin within a finite time, that is, |si(v) (k)| < i
xir ir ir
= 2αi (k) − 2α + ir
. (12) for k ≥ [ln |si(v) (0)|
/ln(1 − ε)], where si(v) (k) represents the vth
χi (k) χi (k) component of si (k), and i = ρ2 +T μ̄i . Moreover, the trajecto-
T (k)x (k)
ries of MASs (1) with FD-SM-FTC (17) can pass through the
Because of 0 < ir
χi (k) < 1, one has sliding surface at every step in the quasi-sliding mode region
¯ i = {si(v) | |si(v) | < i } and achieve the desired consensus.

xT (k)xir (k) Proof: Substituting the controller (17) into (6) yields
V2 (k) ≤ (2αi (k) − 2α + 1) ir . (13)
χi (k)
i=1 si (k + 1) = (1 − ρ1 )si (k) − ρ2 sign(si (k)) + T f̃i (k). (18)
Combining (11) and (13), the difference of V(k) can be When si(v) (k) > i , one has si(v) (k + 1) + i = si(v) (k + 1) +
divided into ρ2 +T μ̄i > (1−ρ1 )(ρ2 +T μ̄i ) > 0, which means si(v) (k+1) >

xT (k)xir (k) − i , and
V(k) ≤ − (2α − λN − 1) ir
χi (k) si(v) (k + 1) − (1 − ε)si(v) (k) = (ε − ρ1 )si(v) (k) − ρ2 + T f̃i(v) (k)
< −(ρ1 − ε)(ρ2 + T μ̄i ) − ρ2 + T μ̄i
N T (k)x (k)
xir ir
= −ā (14) = T μ̄i (1 − (ρ1 − ε)) − ρ2 (1 + ρ1 − ε) < 0.
χi (k)
Therefore, one has si(v) (k + 1) < (1 − ε)si(v) (k), and further
λN +1 calculates si(v) (k) < (1 − ε)k si(v) (0), which means |si(v) (k)| <
where ā = 2α − λN − 1 > 0, which means α > 2 . Based
i when k > ln si(v) (0) /ln(1 − ε).
on (14), it is not difficult to find that
On the other hand, when 0 < si(v) (k) < i , we also have

xT (ι)xir (ι)
≤ ā−1 V(0) si(v) (k + 1) > − i and
χi (ι)
ι=0 i=1 si(v) (k + 1) = (1 − ρ1 )si(v) (k) − ρ2 + T f̃i(v) (k)
for k ∈ [0, ∞), which implies < (1 − ρ1 )(ρ2 + T μ̄i ) − ρ2 + T μ̄i
T (k)x (k)
xir ir
T (k)x (k)
xir ir
= T μ̄i (2 − ρ1 ) − ρ1 ρ2 < 0.
lim = lim = 0.
k→∞ χi (k) k→∞ 1 + α (k) + xT (k)xir (k)
i ir
Similarly, when si(v) (k) < 0, the conclusion is also true.

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Fig. 1. Communication topology of six agents.

Fig. 2. Identified errors of faults, and fault f11 and its estimation.
In summary, si(v) (k) can be restricted to a bounded neigh-
borhood i of the origin within a finite time, where the
settling time is [ln |si(v) (0)| /ln(1 − ε)]. Moreover, the trajecto-
ries of MASs in the quasi-sliding mode region ¯ i can pass
through the sliding surface at every step. Further, when the
trajectories of system states enter the sliding surface, based
on Theorem 1, MASs (1) with FD-SM-FTC (17) can achieve
consensus, which completes the proof.
Remark 2: Thus far, we have provided an FD-SM-FTC to
solve the consensus problem for discrete-time MASs with
actuator faults. In comparison with the numerous literature Fig. 3. Trajectories of six agents.
on SMC of discrete-time MASs, the main results of this
brief stand out for the following two distinguishing merits:
1) the proposed FD-SM-FTC is fully distributed by intro-
ducing an adaptive parameter αi (k); and 2) the developed
control algorithm can guarantee the finite-time reachability of
the quasi-sliding mode region by selecting suitable controller
gains. In the following section, a numerical example is given
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.

This section will verify the effectiveness of the developed
FD-SM-FTC (17) for addressed MASs. To this end, we
employ an MAS with six agents (labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
whose communication topology is shown in Fig. 1, where the
weights are all 1 (i.e., aij = 1). Furthermore, the sam-
pling time interval is set as T = 1, and the
Fig. 4. Sliding mode surfaces si1 (k).
utilized faults are f1 (k) = (0.1 sin(0.04k + 0.2) +
0.1 cos(0.05k + 2) + 0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.04k + 0.4) + 0.01k)T ,
f2 (k) = (sin(0.01k + 0.2) + 0.1 cos(0.03k + 3) +
shown in Figs. 3–5, respectively. We can clearly find through
0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.02k +0.4)+0.01k)T , f3 (k) = (0.1 sin(0.05k +
these figures that the sliding surface si(v) can be reached in a
0.5) + 0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.04k + 1) + 0.01k)T , f4 (k) =
finite number of steps, and the states of six agents can achieve
(0.1 sin(0.02k + 0.2) + 0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.01k + 0.4) + 0.01k)T ,
consensus. In addition, the trajectories of adaptive parame-
f5 (k) = (0.1 sin(0.02k + 0.2) + 0.5 cos(0.03k + 3) +
ters αi (k) are presented in Fig. 6. Consequently, the consensus
0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.02k +0.4)+0.01k)T , f6 (k) = (0.1 sin(0.02k +
problem of MASs subject to actuator faults can be solved by
2) + 0.1 cos(0.09k + 3) + 0.01k, 0.1 sin(0.02k + 4) + 0.01k)T .
the developed FD-SM-FTC strategy.
It is not difficult to verify that the parameter μ̄i is 0.02
in Lemma 2. According to Theorem 2, the gains of FD-SM-
FTC (17) are chosen as ρ1 = 0.99, ρ2 = 0.021 and ε = 0.01. V. C ONCLUSION
Then, we can get i = 0.041. The fault-tolerant consensus control problem for discrete-
Without loss of generality, only the first component of the time MASs has been investigated under an undirected topology
fault is considered here. The corresponding results are shown in this brief. In order to relieve the effect of actuator faults, a
in Fig. 2, where Fig. 2(a) presents the identified errors of local fault identifier has been constructed to estimate the actu-
faults, and Fig. 2(b) shows both the true trajectory and the esti- ator fault for each agent. Then, a novel fully distributed ISS
mated one of f11 (k). Obviously, the proposed fault identifier (2) has been proposed without any global information. Based on
can effectively estimate the actuator fault. Furthermore, the tra- the estimator and ISS, an FD-SM-FTC has been developed to
jectories of the six agents and the sliding surface functions are ensure the finite-time reachability of the quasi-sliding mode

Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Engineering Univ Library. Downloaded on April 08,2024 at 09:35:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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