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Rev 1.0



14.1.1 This Electrical Safety Operational Procedure provides guidelines for Senior
Authorised Electrical Persons who have to prepare, issue and cancel Electrical
Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test, Limitations of Access and for responsible
supervisors of an asset custodian required to issue Electrical Isolation Certificates
as part of their duties.

14.1.2 The Electrical Safety Rules define Electrical Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test,
Limitations of Access and Electrical Isolation Certificates as Electrical Safety

14.1.3 Electrical Safety Documents are utilised for the following applications.
(a) Permits to Work are issued for work to be carried out on High Voltage and
Low Voltage equipment.
(b) Sanctions for Test are issued where testing is to be carried out on High
Voltage equipment, which will involve the removal of a Circuit Main Earth.
(c) Limitations of Access are for use when access is required to carry out work or
inspection in the vicinity of Live Low Voltage or High Voltage conductors.
(d) Electrical Isolation Certificates are for use when Isolation of High Voltage
or Low Voltage equipment is required by a third party to carry out non
electrical work. Electrical Isolation Certificates are issued by a responsible
supervisor of the asset custodian to an Electrical Person suitably authorised to
carry out the Isolation.


14.2.1 Al Furat Petroleum Company Electrical Safety Documents are prepared in book
form, each document consisting of a white top sheet and two copies, blue and pink,
immediately beneath. Special paper has been used so that details entered on the top
sheet will be reproduced on both copies beneath. Provision has been made so that
both white and pink copies can be easily removed from the book.

14.2.2 When a Senior Authorised Electrical Person has completed the Issue section of the
Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access and is
satisfied that the recipient has correctly completed the Receipt section, the top white
sheet shall be removed and given to the recipient, who shall retain it until he has
completed the work or testing and is ready to sign the Hand Back of Work section.

14.2.3 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person issuing the Electrical Permit to Work,
Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access shall record the time and date of issue in
the site electrical Log Book and in any related Switching Programme.

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14.2.4 The blue copy of the Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation
of Access shall remain in the book unless the Senior Authorised Electrical Person
requires that a copy be retained in the local control room for information purposes.

14.2.5 The pink copy of the Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation
of Access shall be retained by the Senior Authorised Electrical Person.

14.2.6 When an authorised Electrical Person has completed the Isolation of equipment
specified in an Electrical Isolation Certificate approved by the asset custodian and
the responsible supervisor of the asset custodian, and the responsible supervisor of
the asset custodian is satisfied that the authorised Electrical Person has correctly
completed the Isolation section of the Electrical Isolation Certificate, the top white
sheet shall be given to the Work Permit holder who shall retain it until he has
completed the request for De-Isolation section of the Electrical Isolation

14.2.7 The blue copy of the Electrical Isolation Certificate shall remain in the book unless
the responsible supervisor of the asset custodian requires that a copy be retained in
the local control room for information.

14.2.8 The pink copy of the Electrical Isolation Certificate shall be retained by the
responsible supervisor of the asset custodian.


14.3.1 All entries in an Electrical Safety Document shall be clearly printed in pen and the
details on the top sheet clearly reproduced on the two copies beneath. Full entries
shall be made against all statements and where a statement does not apply, ‘None’
shall be printed against the relevant statement. Where the Electrical Safety
Document requires one statement to be deleted, the statement which does not apply,
shall be crossed out. Ditto signs, denoting the text is the same as the line above shall
not be used on Electrical Safety Documents.

14.3.2 The number of sets, and identification numbers of Additional Earths issued to the
recipient of an Electrical Permit to Work or Sanction for Test, shall be clearly

14.3.3 A Limitation of Access can be issued for a variety of work purposes or access
requirements within the scope of the Electrical Safety Rules. It is important that the
Senior Authorised Electrical Person, when completing the entries, makes very
clear to the recipient, the purpose and limits of the work or access that is allowed
under the Limitation of Access being issued.

14.3.4 A Limitation of Access shall not be considered as an alternative to Isolating,

making Dead, Earthed and an Electrical Permit to Work issued.


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14.4.1 A Work Permit shall be raised before any Electrical Safety Document is issued.

14.4.2 The authorised Electrical Safety Document signatory and the recipient shall not be
the same person for an Electrical Permit to Work, Limitation of Access or
Sanction for Test.

14.4.3 The recipient of an Electrical Safety Document cannot transfer it to another person.


When the recipient has read the Electrical Permit to Work to the Senior
Authorised Electrical Person, it is important to verify that he clearly understands
the written entries and what work he is to carry out.

14.4.5 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall impress on the recipient that he
shall instruct all persons working with him under the Electrical Permit to Work,
exactly what work is to be carried out and the limits and extent of that work.

14.4.6 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall ensure that the recipient verifies the
number of Additional Earths issued for work under the Electrical Permit to

14.4.7 The recipient of the Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation
of Access shall, at the work site, be shown by the Senior Authorised Electrical
Person, the precautions that have been taken, including the Isolation points locked
with Safety Padlocks, Lock Out Boxes, Caution Notices, Danger Notices and the
position of the Circuit Main Earth(s) and Circuit Main Earth Notice(s) before
signing receipt of the Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation
of Access.

14.4.8 It is good operational practice for the Senior Authorised Electrical Person to
demonstrate to the Electrical Person in charge of the work that safe working
conditions exist.

14.4.9 Where more than one Working Party is concerned, an Electrical Permit to Work
shall be issued to the Electrical Person in charge of each Working Party. All
Electrical Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test or Limitations of Access issued
shall be cross referenced to ensure they are all cancelled before the Electrical
Equipment is De-Isolated.


If an Electrical Permit to Work has been issued on High Voltage equipment, then
until that Electrical Permit to Work is cleared by the recipient, a Sanction for Test
may not be issued on the same Electrical Equipment.

14.4.11 High Voltage equipment that has been Isolated and Earthed for testing under the
terms of a Sanction for Test must remain Isolated until the Sanction for Test Hand
Back of Work section has been signed and returned to the Senior Authorised
Electrical Person.

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The recipient of the Sanction for Test will be responsible for coordinating all
testing operations on the Isolated equipment and for ensuring safety during the test.
He may remove and replace the designated Earths as necessary and carry out tests
including making Live the Electrical Equipment concerned from a testing supply.
This does not mean that the recipient of the Sanction for Test must make the test
personally but that they should be carried out under his direct supervision.

14.4.12 When the recipient has read the Sanction for Test to the Senior Authorised
Electrical Person it is important to verify that he clearly understands the written
entries. Verify that the recipient is aware which Circuit Main Earth he may
remove when carrying out the testing required by the Sanction for Test and that he
understands that he shall not, under any circumstance, connect the Isolated
equipment to the electrical system.

14.4.13 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall ensure that the recipient verifies the
number of Additional Earths, if any issued under the Sanction for Test.

14.4.14 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall impress on the recipient that he
shall instruct all persons working with him under the Sanction for Test, exactly
what testing is to be carried out and the limits and extent of the testing.

14.4.15 The recipient of the Sanction for Test shall, at the work site, be shown by the
Senior Authorised Electrical Person, the precautions that have been taken,
including the Isolation points locked with Safety Padlocks, Lock Out Boxes,
Caution Notices, Danger Notices and the position of the Circuit Main Earth and
Circuit Main Earth Notice before signing receipt of the Electrical Permit to
Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access.

14.4.16 It is good operational practice for the Senior Authorised Electrical Person to
demonstrate to the Electrical Person in charge of the work that it is safe to test
under the Sanction for Test.


If an Electrical Permit to Work has been issued on High Voltage or Low Voltage
equipment or a Sanction for Test has been issued on High Voltage equipment, then
until that Electrical Permit to Work or Sanction for Test is cleared by the
recipient, a Limitation of Access may not be issued for the same Electrical

14.4.18 When the recipient has read the Limitation of Access to the Senior Authorised
Electrical Person, it is important to verify that he clearly understands the written
entries, what work he is to carry out and the Live equipment in close proximity to
the work.

14.4.19 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall impress on the recipient that he
shall instruct all persons working with him under the Limitation of Access, exactly
what work is to be carried out, the limits and extent of the work, the precautions
required and access allowed.

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14.4.20 Where more than one Working Party is concerned, a Limitation of Access shall be
issued to the Electrical Person in charge of each Working Party. All Electrical
Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test or Limitations of Access issued shall be
cross referenced to ensure they are all cancelled before the Electrical Equipment is


When an authorised Electrical Person has been assigned to carry out the Isolation
of equipment specified in an Electrical Isolation Certificate, it is important that the
responsible supervisor of the asset custodian verifies that he clearly understands the
written entries and what Isolation he is to carry out.

14.4.22 The responsible supervisor of the asset custodian shall impress on the person in
charge of the Work Party that he shall instruct all persons working with him under
the Work Permit and Electrical Isolation Certificate, exactly what work is to be
carried out and the limits and extent of that work.

14.4.23 The Work Permit holder may request to be shown the precautions that have been
taken by the authorised Electrical Person who carried out the Isolation of the
equipment, including the points of Isolation locked with Safety Padlocks, the Lock
Out Box used and position of Caution Notices and Danger Notices.

14.4.24 Where more than one Working Party is concerned, an Electrical Isolation
Certificate shall be issued to the person in charge of each Working Party. All
Electrical Isolation Certificates issued shall be cross referenced to ensure the
request for De-Isolation section has been duly completed by all persons in charge of
the Working Parties before permission is given to an authorised Electrical Person
by the responsible supervisor of the asset custodian to De-Isolate the equipment.


14.5.1 When work is not completed by the recipient of an Electrical Permit to Work,
Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access, the work shall be suspended and the
Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access signed off
and cancelled. Before work is resumed, a new Electrical Permit to Work,
Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access shall be prepared and issued to a new
Electrical Person.

14.5.2 When the recipient is ready to sign the Hand Back of Work section of the Electrical
Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access, the Senior
Authorised Electrical Person shall place the white and pink copies on top of the
blue copy retained in the book. The recipient shall complete the Hand Back of Work
section and the Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall then complete the
Cancellation section of the document.

14.5.3 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person cancelling the Electrical Permit to
Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access shall record the date and time of

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its cancellation in the site electrical Log Book and in any related Switching

14.5.4 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person cancelling the Electrical Permit to
Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of Access shall then remove the white and
pink copies of that Electrical Permit to Work, Sanction for Test or Limitation of
Access from the book, staple them together and place them in the appropriate file.

14.5.5 When the holder of a Work Permit to which an Electrical Isolation Certificate
relates has completed the prescribed work, the responsible supervisor of the asset
custodian shall place the white and pink copies on top of the blue copy retained in
the book. The Work Permit holder shall complete the De-Isolation section of the
Electrical Isolation Certificate and the supervisor of the asset custodian shall then
complete the permission to De-Isolate section of the Electrical Isolation
Certificate. He shall then submit the white copy of the Electrical Isolation
Certificate to an authorised Electrical Person to De-isolate the equipment.

14.5.6 When the authorised Electrical Person has completed the De-Isolation of the
equipment specified in the Electrical Isolation Certificate, he will return the white
copy to the responsible supervisor of the asset custodian who shall place the white
and pink copies on top of the blue copy retained in the book. The authorised
Electrical Person shall then complete the Reinstatement section of the Electrical
Isolation Certificate.

14.5.7 The responsible supervisor of the asset custodian shall remove the white and pink
copies of the Electrical Isolation Certificate from the book, staple them together
and place them in the appropriate file.

14.5.8 Although the practice is to be strongly discouraged, it is not a mandatory

requirement that the Senior Authorised Electrical Person cancelling an Electrical
Permit to Work, Limitation of Access or Sanction for Test is the same Senior
Authorised Electrical Person who issued the Electrical Permit to Work,
Limitation of Access or Sanction for Test.


It is important when cancelling Electrical Permits to Work that the Senior
Authorised Electrical Person confirms that the Hand Back of Work section has
been completed by the recipient to establish that the work is complete and the
equipment is in an operational condition.

14.5.10 Where more than one Electrical Permit to Work has been issued for work on
Electrical Equipment associated with the same Circuit Main Earth(s), the Senior
Authorised Electrical Person shall ensure that all Hand Back of Work sections of
Electrical Permits to Work have been signed before the Circuit Main Earth(s) are

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14.5.11 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall verify that all Additional Earths
have been returned by the recipient and correspond with the number shown as
having being issued on the Electrical Permit to Work.

14.5.12 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall make a visual check to establish if
the work has been completed on the equipment and that it is in an operational


It is important when cancelling Sanctions for Test that the Senior Authorised
Electrical Person confirms that the Hand Back of Work section has been completed
by the recipient to establish that the testing is complete and the equipment is in an
operational condition. In particular, the Senior Authorised Electrical Person
should verify that the Circuit Main Earth(s) have been re-applied following the

14.5.14 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall make a visual check to establish if
the testing has been completed on the equipment and that it is in a satisfactory
condition to be restored to service.


It is important when cancelling Limitations of Access that the Senior Authorised
Electrical Person verifies that the Hand Back of Work section has been completed
by the recipient to establish that the work is complete and any equipment involved is
in an operational condition.

14.5.16 The Senior Authorised Electrical Person shall make a visual inspection to
determine if the work has been completed on any equipment involved and that it is
in an operational condition.

14.5.17 If the Limitation of Access was issued only to allow access, a check shall be made
by the Senior Authorised Electrical Person to ensure that all access gates or doors
have been locked.


It is important, before permission is given to an authorised Electrical Person by the
responsible supervisor of the asset custodian to De-Isolate the equipment specified
in the Electrical Isolation Certificate, that he confirms that the Hand Back of Work
section of the Work Permit has been completed by the Work Permit holder and the
De-Isolation request section of the Electrical Isolation Certificate has been
completed by the Work Permit holder before permission is given for De-Isolation
of the equipment.


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14.6.1 Cancelled Electrical Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test or Limitations of

Access shall be retained by the Senior Authorised Electrical Person in their site
storage file for a minimum period of six months after the date of their cancellation.

14.6.2 Cancelled Electrical Isolation Certificates shall be retained by the responsible

supervisor of the asset custodian in their site storage file for a minimum period of six
months after the date of cancellation.

14.6.3 This system shall ensure when Electrical Permits to Work, Sanctions for Test,
Limitations of Access or Electrical Isolation Certificates are issued and cancelled
they can be easily and regularly monitored by Control Persons or Senior
Authorised Electrical Persons and if necessary can be produced for inspection by
internal or external audit.

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