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Md Nahid Hasan Shagor (BSMRSTU University)

Cell: 01726613096

Definition of Preposition: Noun Noun Equivalent -- এর Relationship Build up র।

Types of Preposition:

 Simple
 Double
 Compound
 Phrase
 Participle
 Disguised

Preposition –

 Location
 Time
 Movement

Preposition য় :

 Basic Based
 Phrase Based
 Appropriate Preposition based

Along- Over- । Preposition –

Beyond- Above- ।

Iike- / Around-

Basic Based Preposition

To – / From- / Through- য়
Of- এ Before- Over-
At- After- Upon-
With- Without- In-
For- Against- Below-
Into- ( ) Around- By- /
Onto- ( ) Across- য় Under- /

As- / Within- Beside-

Between- য় Among- On-
Toward- Since- / About- /

Phrase Based

In front of In honor of
By dint of On top of
In the name of A number of
In spite of The number of
For fear of One of the
On Account of Most of the
In lieu of On behalf of
Instead of In order to
In search of With a view to
By means of Look forward to
In respect of As well as
For want of By the grace of
In place of The end of
On the morning of As….as
Take part in All over
In addition to Because of
And so on Caught sight of
Due to In course of
Get rid of End in smoke- য় য়
Look forward to In connection with
In accordance with For fear of
In favour of By virtue of
In place of In consequence of/thanks to
For the sake of But for
In the interest of At the cost of
Special Preposition: But & Than

Appropriate preposition

Abide by Console to Escape from Protect from Cut off

Abstain from Congenial to- Guess at Prohibited from Fall in
Agree with Congratulate on Hanker after Recover from Get through
Aim at Consist of Impose upon Refrain from Go out
Appoint to Consist in Indifferent to Subject to Keep from

Adequate to Convert to Inform of Sanguine of Look after

Afraid of Cure of Insist on Suffer from Make of
Anxious about Cure for Lack of Suitable for Pass away
Appropriate to Deal in Laugh at Sure of Put on
Aware of Dependent on Match for Trust in Set off/out
Ambition for Deprive of Object to Vary from Take after
Aspire for Devote to Obstacle to Victim of Up to
Based on Die by Owe to Blow away Addicted to
Bar to Dissimilar to Prefer to Break out According to
Born in Expert in Relevant to Bring up Go on
Boas of Faith in Rely on Call off Awash with
Close to Fit for Seek for Carry on Dedicate to
Clue to Due to Similar to Carry out Rely on
Compare to Divert from Preside over Come round Share with
Compare with Emerge from Prevent from Come forward Effect on

Familiar to Indifferent to Opposite to As per Content with

Confine to Adhere to Look for Grow up Lie in -
Look at Good at Attentive to Attach to Absorbed in
Suffer from Proud of Crawl on/into/out Beset with Cling to
Occur in Clogs up-
Thirst for Break down Bring about
Proportion to Burn down By rote-
Capable of Access to
Bring to Look down upon Inherent in Capacity for Remedy for
Bring under In a hurry Worthy of Common to Subject to
Afford to Ignorant of- Lay down Cope with Depart from
Live in Example of Look at Desire for Avail of-
Base on For Example Responsibility for Result in Attraction for-আ
Come of Fight against Run into debt Injurious/harmful to Belong to- য়

Come from Surrender to Burst into Dangerous to/for Callous to-

Known as In memory Die in peace Name after Comply with- য়

Long for Associate with Fill in Deviate from Devoid of-

Satisfied at/with Add to Run over Cover with Destitute of-
Hope for Provide with Care for Endowed with Different from
Necessary for Listen to Victim to Apart from End in- ষ য়
Pertain to Take care of Read out Fit for Enquire of
Relate to Point to Stretch out Ambition for Esteem for

Tricks & Tips

1. The + Word + of =The effect of greenhouse gas is dangerous

2. The + Word + Word +Of= Communication is the benefited way of people to be more connected
3. To+v1=I am ready to do the work.Fill in gape এ verbএ base form .
4. Preposition - at/with । pleased at/with.
5. Preposition – From । Abstain from
6. Preposition – at/in ।
7. Preposition – On ।Depend on
8. Preposition – Of । Careful of
9. আ Preposition – For । Long for
10. Preposition – to/for ।Harmful for/essential to
11. Preposition – to । Similar to
12. Preposition – of ।Empty of
13. Preposition – to । Limited to
14. / য় Preposition – to । Answer to


4)Person With & Person At ।

6) At (He is good at communication) & In

(He is good in English)

10) Word + to/for ( এ )+ Noun & Word

+ to + Verb

Confused Part

Made of – Made from-

Compare with – Compare to-
Tired of- Tired with -
Marry to – য় Marry off- য় য়
– -
Around /across the world- In the world -
Wonder at- য় Wonder of- য়
Consist in- Consist of- Nahid

এ Preposition Useful of/to, Busy with/at/in/about, Idea of/about,

Concentrate in/on


– No preposition

য় ( / / ) – to/towards I go to school

য় ( / য়/ ) – by/with I am writing a letter with a pen.

( /এ / / ) – for I am waiting for my friend

(( / / য়) – from/than/since The earth gets light from the sun.

ষ ( /এ / ) - of This is the book of me

(এ/ য়/ ) – in/at

No use of Preposition

Subject/Direct object/Complement Prepostion ।

Ha gave me a pen= He gave a pen to me

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