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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

Suggested answers to in-text activities and unit-end exercises

Topic 2 Unit 5

P5.1 (page 4)
Hydrogen is a non-metal. It has low melting point and boiling point. It cannot conduct electricity.
Magnesium is a metal. It has high melting point and boiling point. It can conduct electricity.

P5.2 (page 6)
Element Magnesium Nitrogen Copper Iron
Symbol Mg N Cu Fe

Element Aluminium Oxygen Calcium Potassium

Symbol Al O Ca K

P5.3 (page 8)
The relative charges of a proton and an electron are +1 and –1 respectively.
The number of protons in an atom is equal to the number of electrons.

P5.4 (page 13)

Atomic Number of Number of Number of
Atom Mass number
number protons neutrons electrons
6C 12 6 6 6 6

38Sr 90 38 38 52 38

53I 131 53 53 78 53

2 a) 16S
b) 18Ar

P5.5 (page 15)

1 a) Y and Z
b) W and Y
2 The isotopes have the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

P5.6 (page 19)

24 × 78.99 + 25 × 10.00 + 26 × 11.01
1 Relative atomic mass of magnesium = 100

= 24.32

2 Let the relative abundance of 63Cu and 65Cu be y% and (100 – y)% respectively.
63 × 𝑦 + 65 × (100 – 𝑦)
Relative atomic mass of copper = 63.5 = 100

6 350 = 63y + 6 500 – 65y

y = 75.0

∴ the relative abundance of 63Cu and 65Cu are 75.0% and 25.0% respectively.

P5.7 (page 23)

Atom Electronic diagram Electronic arrangement of atom

3Li 2,1

18Ar 2,8,8

2 a) Particle X is proton.
Particle Y is neutron.
Particle Z is electron.
b) Atomic number — 7
Mass number — 15
c) The nucleus of an atom of isotope B has 7 protons and 7 neutrons.

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

Find & Share (page 9)

Date Event
Thinking about matter
442 BC Democritus, a Greek philosopher, co-originated the thought (with his teacher,
Leucippus) that all matter is composed of indivisible elements.
John Dalton and atoms
John Dalton, a British chemist and physicist, developed a theory that matter is
simply composed of atoms of different weights and is combined in ratios by weight.
Also proposed that these atoms are spherical, and are in motion.
Cathode ray tube and TV (1870s)
1870 Sir William Crookes constructed a primitive cathode ray tube, which later became
the basis for television.
X-rays developed
Wilhelm Rontgen discovered that certain chemicals glowed when exposed to
cathode rays. These rays were not deflected by a magnetic field produced in the
cathode ray tube. He named these X-rays.
Radiation, energy, and the atom
Pierre and Marie Curie theorised that radioactive particles cause atoms to break
down, then releasing
radiation that takes the form of energy and subatomic particles.
Electrons discovered
J. J. Thomson passed high voltage electricity through a gas in a tube at low pressure.
He found that a stream of rays, called cathode rays, moved from the negative
electrode to the positive electrode. Besides, cathode rays were also deflected
strongly towards the positive plate. Thomson suggested that the rays were composed
of particles carrying negative charges. He called them electrons.
Early quantum theory developed
Max Planck introduced what would be known as quantum theory, stating that
electromagnetic energy could only be emitted in quantised form. His quanta are now
called photons by physicists.
Plum-pudding model of atom
Thomson suggested that atoms are spheres of positive charge with electrons dotted
around inside, like
pieces of fruit in a cake.
Einstein and the nature of light
1905 Albert Einstein, creates special and general theories of relativity, and hypothesises
about the particle nature of light. This was the basis of nuclear energy.
Charge of an electron measured (1908–1917)
Robert Millikan measured the charge of a single electron. This is known as the

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

elementary charge, one of the fundamental physical constants.

Structure of an atom developed (1909–1911)
Ernest Rutherford known as the father of nuclear physics, developed the theory for
the structure of the atom. He used a gold foil experiment. Thin sheet of gold foil was
bombarded with positively charged particles called alpha particles. Most of the
alpha particles went straight through the gold foils. Some were deflected. A few of
the alpha particles bounced straight back.
Rutherford proposed that most of the atom was empty space with a small, positively
charged nucleus at its centre. The number of negatively charged electrons dispersed
outside the nucleus is the same as the number of positive charge in the nucleus. This
explains the overall electrical neutrality of an atom.
Bohr improves the atomic model
Neils Bohr developed the Bohr atomic model, with electrons travelling in orbits
1913 around the nucleus, and chemical properties being determined by how many
electrons are in the outer orbits. He also integrated the Planck quantum theory,
stating that when electrons change orbits they emit a quantum of discrete energy.
Math describes electron changes
Erwin Shrodinger described how electrons move in wave form, and developed the
Schrodinger equation which describes how the quantum state of a system changes
with time.
The neutron is discovered
James Chadwick discovers the neutron component of the atomic nucleus, explaining
the nuclear fission of uranium-235. This also made it possible to produce elements
heavier than uranium in the lab.
Nuclear fission developed
1938 Otto Hahn, regarded as the father of nuclear chemistry, discovers nuclear fission,
along with Lise Meitner.
Nuclear medicine and I-131
Glenn Seaborg, many discoveries of the transuranium elements, as well as many
advances in nuclear medicine, including the development of I-131 for thyroid
Elementary particles smaller than the atom
Murray Gell-Mann proposes the quark model (independently George Zweig does as
well), which describes elementary particles that have no substructure (and therefore
cannot be split).
Atomic theory timeline
(assessed January 2019)

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

Unit Exercise (page 27−33)

1 a) non-metals / metalloids
b) non-metals / metalloids
c) neutrons
d) electrons
e) atomic number
f) mass number
g) electron shells
h) electronic arrangement

2 A

3 A

4 B The atom has 34 electrons and 34 protons. Hence its atomic number is 34.
The atom has 34 protons and 40 neutrons. Hence its mass number is 74.

5 A

6 C

In 89 ,
39Y number of neutrons = mass number – atomic number
= 89 – 39
= 50

7 D Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons and electrons.

8 D 50
22Ti has 22 protons, 22 electrons and 28 neutrons.
23V has 23 protons, 23 electrons and 27 neutrons.

9 D Isotopes are different atoms of an element which have the same number of protons but a
different number of neutrons.

10 B The element contains a higher percentage of isotope of mass number 85 but a lower
percentage of isotope of mass number 87. Hence the relative atomic mass of the element
is probably between 85 and 86 (actual value is 85.56).

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

11 C Relative atomic mass of lithium

= 6 × 10.0 + 7 × 90.0

= 6.9

12 B Let the relative abundance of 185Re and 187Re be y% and (100 – y)% respectively.
Relative atomic mass of Re = 186.2 = 185 × y + 187 × (100 – y)

18 620 = 185y + 18 700 – 187y

y = 40.0

∴ the relative abundance of 185Re and 187Re are 40.0% and 60.0% respectively.

13 D Potassium is a metal. Its atom has 19 protons.

14 B The electronic arrangement of a neon atom is 2,8.

15 A (3) Silicon is a metalloid.

16 B

In baX, number of protons = b

number of neutrons = a – b
number of electrons = b

17 D In 31 ,
15P number of protons = number of electrons = 15
number of neutrons = 31 – 15 = 16
The electronic arrangement of a phosphorus atom is 2,8,5.

Element Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Zinc
Symbol N (1) K (1) Na (1) Zn (1)

Element Chlorine (1) Iron (1) Helium Sulphur (1)

Symbol Cl Fe He S

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

Relative mass Relative charge Position in atom
Proton 1 +1 in nucleus (1)
Neutron 1 0 in nucleus (1)
𝟏 (1)
Electron ̶1 spinning around nucleus
𝟏 𝟖𝟑𝟔

20 a)
Element State at 25 °C
Bromine liquid (1)
Nickel solid (1)
Aluminium solid (1)
Xenon gas (1)
Element Metal or non-metal Explanation
low melting point and boiling point;
Bromine non-metal (1)
non-conductor of electricity (1)
high melting point and boiling point;
Nickel metal (1)
conductor of electricity (1)
high melting point and boiling point;
Aluminium metal (1)
conductor of electricity (1)
low melting point and boiling point;
Xenon non-metal (1)
non-conductor of electricity (1)


Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

7N 7 8 7 (1)

17Cl 17 20 17 (1)

31Ga 31 38 31 (1)

35Br 35 46 35 (1)

92U 92 146 92 (1)

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

Element Description Name
arrangement of atom

W Its atom has 9 protons. fluorine 2,7 (2)

X Its atom has 11 electrons. sodium 2,8,1 (2)

Y Its atomic number is 20. calcium 2,8,8,2 (2)

Its atom has three occupied electron

Z sulphur 2,8,6 (2)
shells and six outermost shell electrons.

23 a) i) A and E (1)
ii) C (1)
iii) C (1)
iv) B (1)
b) 2D / 2He
3 3 (1)

24 a) 6 (1)
b) 13 (1)
c) Carbon (1)
d) A diagram with 6 protons and 6 / 8 neutrons (1)

25 a) The relative atomic mass of an element is the weighted mean mass of its atom, taking into
account the relative abundance of each isotope present s in a naturally occurring sample
of the element, relative to of the mass of a carbon-12 atom. (2)

b) Relative atomic mass of sulphur

= 32 × 95.02 + 33 × 0.76 + 34 × 4.22 (1)

= 32.09 (1)

26 a) Isotopes are different atoms of an element which have the same number of protons but a
different number of neutrons. (1)
b) They have the same number of electrons. (1)

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry


Isotope Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

Iodine-127 53 14 53 (1)

Iodine-131 53 78 53 (1)

d) Any one of the following:

 Japan / New Zealand / California country at risk from earthquake / flooding /
tsunami (1)
 Italy with volcanoes (1)
 Middle eastern countries / Afghanistan / African countries political instability / abuse
of nuclear power (1)
 USA risk of hurricane / tornado (1)

27 a) Isotopes are different atoms of an element which have the same number of protons but a
different number of neutrons. (1)
b) i) 30Zn and 30Zn have different numbers of neutrons.
64 66 (1)
ii) 64
30Zn and 66
30Zn have the same number of protons and electrons. (1)
c) Relative atomic mass of Zn
= 64 × 49.0 + 66 × 28.0 + 67 × 4.4 + 68 × 18.6 (1)

= 65.44 (1)

28 a) The relative atomic mass of chlorine is the weighted mean mass of its atom. (1)
The percentage abundance of chlorine-35 is higher than that of chlorine-37. (1)
b) (1)

29 a) (1)

b) Protons and neutrons (1)

c) Number of protons is equal to number of electrons (1)

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Topic 2 Microscopic World I Mastering Chemistry

30 Let the relative abundance of indium-113 and indium-115 be y% and (100 – y)% respectively.
Relative atomic mass of indium = 114.8
= 113 × y + 115 × (100 – y) (1)

11 480 = 113y + 11 500 – 115y

y = 10.0 (1)

∴ the percentage abundance of indium-113 is 10.0% while that of indium-115 is 90.0%.

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