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Banking Sector

12 June 2024 | Equity Research | Financial Sector

Sector Update Deposits Superior to Loan Growth

OVERWEIGHT Time to attract deposits from customers!
1 2M P RICE P ERFORMANCE Last year was an optimal moment to pursue loan growth, as confidence in our economy was
(IDR) (%) way better than is the case this year – we now conclude that strong CASA and deposit growth
32,000 17.5
will be a determinant as to whether banks can weather this storm or not. If we look at the big
12.5 4 banks currently in play, we assess BBCA as having a few similar experiences in their
7.5 playbook. “Gebyar BCA” for instance: a marketing program by BCA’s private corporate banking
28,000 2.5 whose purpose it is to extract as much CASA as possible during this tight liquidity epoch.
26,000 SRBI rates exceeding TD rate boiled liquidity out of banking
24,000 (12.5) The imposition of higher SRBI rates, a successful tool in stabilizing the IDR, lured many high-
Jun-23 Sep-23 Dec-23 Mar-24 net-worth customers, along with institutions, to stash their unused deposits in these facilities.
.BCASBA (LHS) Rel. to JCI performance (RHS) SRBI rate was between 7.0-7.4%, as of 5 June 2024, depending on incoming bids and fractions.
Source: Bloomberg This is much higher than TD rate in regular banks. SPI OJK data revealed how in the last twelve
months the average TD rate in commercial banks was around 4.9%, and we have heard that
banks like SOE are offering TD placement to institutional clients with around a 6% interest

MARKET DATA When BBCA pushes Gebyar BCA, better NIM and CASA will soon follow
YTD 1M 3M 12M
Absolute -8.4% -2.9% -18.1% -0.6% Looking at historical data from 2009, when BBCA featured Gebyar BCA, a significant
JCI Return -5.7% -3.3% -7.1% 2.0% improvement should derive from the NIM and its CASA structure. With liquidity tightening in
Relative -2.7% 0.4% -11.0% -2.5% the market, as well as faint confidence in any economic growth, BBCA has to remain
Source: Bloomberg conservative, as a private lender in Indonesia. Of course they need loan growth but they will
not aggressively diburse moneys if they are not confident about a business. Thus, with Gebyar
BCA in play, their usual strategy is to stow away funds into government instruments, a
conservative disbursement medium, while sustaining a prudent NPL.

S TOCK COVERAGE A decline in excess cash reserves may compel the Government to issue more SBN
CP TP P/B (x)
Ticker Rating
(IDR) (IDR) 2024F
Bank Indonesia’s FX reserves swelled by USD2.8 bn in May 2024 to USD139 billion, following a
BBCA NR 9,300 n.a n.a
decline of USD7.8 bn over the previous two months.This followed a JPY bond issuance and
BMRI BUY 6,125 7,250 2.1 inflows into government bonds (USD1.2 bn) and SRBI (USD4.5bn). However, ex-SRBI portfolio
BBNI BUY 4,480 6,075 1.3 flows sat on the other side of the equation, as investors continued to siphon off funds from our
BBTN BUY 1,220 1,700 0.6 stock market, amid concerns of higher credit risk, weaker demand and slowing growth. In fact,
BBRI HOLD 4,340 4,950 2.1 we already know that economic growth will be very feeble and that our IDR is dependant on
Source: Bloomberg, BCA Sekuritas higher cost of fund instruments (such as SBN and SRBI). Considering this data point in time,
we are wary about bank loan growth, as capital market investors are retreating while a
potential risk of NPL looms. The only game in town for banks is to become more conservative
(like BBCA), gathering CASA and disbursing conservatively, instead of trying to refinance loan
growth and cut credit cost.
Andre Benas
+6221 23587222 ext 11101

Elgin Gavriel Liman

Banking Sector | Deposits Superior to Loan Growth

Exhibit 1. Declining excess cash

Sources: BCA Economist

Exhibit 2. BCA Gebyar is the Game Changer Exhibit 3. Taking the CASA market share from SOE banks

Sources: BCA Sekuritas Sources: BCA Sekuritas

Exhibit 4. BCA Gebyar is the Game Changer Exhibit 5. Capturing all SES status to improve CASA and MyBCA

Sources: BCA Sources: BCA 2

Banking Sector | Deposits Superior to Loan Growth

Equity Research Institutional Equity Market Sales Equity Market

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