Practice Worksheet-UT1

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(to be written in the notebook)

1. The famous slogan of the French Revolution was:

a) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

b) No Taxation without Representation

c) E Pluribus Unum

d) Give me liberty or give me death

2. Which French king was executed during the revolution?

a) Louis XVI

b) Louis XIV

c) Napoleon Bonaparte

d) Charles X

3. Which event marked the end of the Reign of Terror?

a) Storming of the Bastille

b) Execution of Louis XVI

c) Execution of Robespierre

d) Tennis Court Oath

4. Why was the fortress-prison, the Bastille, hated by all?

A. It stood for the despotic power of the king.
B. Because of dictatorship
C. Aristocracy
D. None of these
5. A triangular slave trade took place between Europe, the Americas and…..?
A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. None
6. Who were not considered passive citizens?
A. Women
B. Children
C. Non property men
D. Wealthy people
7. The National Anthem of France which was sung for the first time by volunteers as they marched
into Paris was ____________
(a) Marseillaise
(b) Versailles
(c) Bastille
(d) Chateaux
8. ______________ was regarded as the moderniser of Europe in 1804.
(a) Napoleon
(b) Olympe de Gouges
(c) Robespierre
(d) Robespierre
9. Name the two individuals from India who responded to the ideas coming from revolutionary

10. Which symbol expressed the personification of law in France?

11. source-based question

a. What is depicted in the picture?

b. Write a short note about the event.
12. Identify the person shown in the picture and write about her contributions.

13. Explain the causes of French revolution.

14. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries.


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