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People Pleasing
E n d t h e i n t e r n a l s t r u g g l e of p e o p l e p l e a s i n g w i t h a w a r e n e s s ,
c o m p a s s i o n , and t e l l i n g the l o v i n g, t r u t h !

This entire worksheet is about lies and

manipulation. Beginning with the process of first telling the
truth with love. Then acknowledging how your
When we aren’t telling ourselves or other thinking and underlying beliefs may not be
people, we are not doing anyone a service. right. Finally, setting boundaries for yourself,
and giving with love and no expectation for
anything in return.
People pleasing is ingrained in our lives
starting from a very early age.
When you learn to accept yourselves, the
good and the bad, you give everyone else
You are taught you shouldn’t hurt other the same space of love and acceptance!
people’s feelings.
You show up whole and healthy in the world.
You shouldn’t be selfish.

Think of others before yourself. You evolve into your authentic, loving,
fabulous self!
Thinking in this manner sounds altruistic and
very loving, but it isn’t, and it isn’t every single When you can be in the presence of your
time. thoughts and not judge yourself, you will get
to know who you are.
Immediately our minds go to the opposite of
people pleasing. You think that you would You understand that if you choose to give, it
become selfish and that selfishness is wrong! will be with abundance.

You may think IF you are selfish, you will turn The opposite is giving out of obligation and
into a very "me, me, I, I, and myself" type of duty. Giving out of fear, obligation, or guilt is
person! the people-pleasing type of giving, which is
I am not referring to this type of mentality in
the least.

When we love ourselves in our entirety and

honor our own need first, we give more, love
more, and end suffering.
You are giving not because you want to but so
that people will think... Insert your thought here. Think of these words, "Mommy is sad because
you hit Sally."
You are offering to others to fill the void of All of us have heard this and taught it to our kids
emptiness in yourself. So much of the time what as well.
you are giving others you desperately want
yourself. You think, "If I just keep doing giving As a child, your emotional brain emotionally
what you want the people you love they will under-developed. The problem is what if 'Sally'
eventually do this for me." was your much-needed boundaries?
WRONG! What if she was terrorizing you and you are
trying to practice self-care?
You are providing or doing things for other
people from a place of manipulation. Sally had been teasing you and taking your toys.
You told her no, ask her to stop, and she kept
Giving from this place is never healthy. stealing them! You had done your best, but alas
you decided to settle this once and for all and
Give what you so want first to yourself and smacked her!
THEN AND ONLY THEN go back to martyring!
As a result, you ended up getting scolded harshly!
I'm teasing here, but you get my point!
What does your little emotional brain
think now?
Why and where does the belief that
we must please other people As an adult, you can see that you were taking
care of yourself, but as a child, your developing
develop? brain has no idea what happened.
1. Primal Brain As you are reading this, it may make sense that
Sally was in the wrong.
One facet of people pleasing comes from your
primal brain. What would you do now that you are an
emotional adult?
Your primal instinct is, if we aren't loved, we will
die. We are herd animals and being excluded You smile and seethe!
from the herd means death.

The fear of being discluded is our primal brain


In today's day and age, that way of thinking

keeps us lying, hiding, and in the illusion of safety.

Telling the truth brings up fear from your primal

brain. The only way to overcome this old
programming is to keep experiencing telling the
truth, feeling the fear, and eventually teaching
your mind you will not die.


The other facet of people pleasing is society,

and our families train us all, to people please
throughout our entire life.

We learn from a very early age to seek approval.

When we are reprimanded, it leaves an intense

emotional memory that sears into our
You learn to give Sally the toys, and you won't
get yelled at. You also learn that the Sally's of You realize you are a total people pleaser, but
this world must be manipulated to get what you how do you end this cycle?
How do you go from lying and pretending it's all
This behavior has continued right into adulthood! fine to, "No way!"?

You feel terrified to speak up, or you will lose all You have to start telling yourself the truth first.
your family and friends.
Telling the truth takes courage.
Or you become super aggressive.
Admitting you've spent years lying to get
Exclusion from the pack is your primal brain approval or fit in isn't easy.
biggest fear!
Start telling the truth to yourself about what do
Remember Sally? you genuinely like, want, feel, and think?

That a harrowing memory that your mind You will instantly go to the thought, "Who knows?
remembers and is trying to protect you from a I'm confused!".
painful situation like that again!
If you can truly master this skill, your entire life
So, now you go through the motions trying to will change!
avoid that intense emotional pain or anything
similar. Your happiness and fulfillment are on the other
side of "No!".
You feel like your needs don't get met or you
feel out of integrity with yourself because you In this works h e e t you will do a daily exercise
are lying to both yourself and everyone else! get to know yourself.

You're doing things you don't want to This daily practice is a massive step toward
do to please people you don't like! awareness and may take a little digging around!

When you do this long-term, your relationships You will practice telling the truth, first to yourself,
erode because they are based on your fear of then to the people in your life.
rejection and not on love and truth.
Your resentment keeps building because you
haven't told your friends, family or spouse the

And as you lie, they believe you!

Now what.
Here comes the rage!

When you start to tell the truth, you will be so

RAGEPA GE First at everyone else, and then at yourself.

This anger feels awful, but it is the fuel that ends

people pleasing.

Before you start punching people in the face,

remember that you laid on the floor for them to
walk all over you.
Now stand up.

You will have to learn how to use this energy constructively.

Before you hate everyone.
Before you turn that anger at yourself, stop.
You can only change your future if you forgive and let go of the
past. Don't bring your old resentment to your future.

Use the anger fuel to make a fierce commitment to protect yourself and stand up for yourself from this
moment forward.

Act in your best interest even if it's excruciatingly painful.

Do you have an excellent reason for this?

Do you understand that this is self-inflicted?

Do you understand that, right now, you can say no?

Do you understand that you can change your future?

Use the anger fuel to draw a line in the sand & end the
"I will not do this to myself ever, ever, ever again!"

W h a t do I lik e + h o n e s t l y
wa n t ? W h a t do I pr e f er ? W h a t do I w an t f or m y
f u t u r e?

H o w w i l l y o u s t a y s t r o n g t o a v o i d g o i n g b a c k i nt o t h e " s a f et y " o f p e o p l e p l e a s i n g ?

Ar e y ou w i l l i n g t o f e e l s u p e r u n c om f o r t a b l e on p u r p o s e ? Ar e y ou r e a d y t o t e l l t h e t r u t h ?

W h a t d o e s a r ec o v er ed p e o p l e p l e a s e r l o o k l i k e a n d w h a t is t h e pr oc e s s o f ge t t i n g t o
t h e p l a c e o f s e l f -c o m p a s s i o n ?

No. It's a complete sentence.

Love yourself madly through that discomfort!
You have permission to go after what you

Saying no will feel like dying. It's terrifying. You

In the beginning, this is extremely hard, and the will feel like your doing it all wrong.
guilt is intense!
Stay strong, keep going, your on the right track!
Stay strong and say, NO!
You will feel alone at first.
Feel the guilt, knowing it will be a very
uncomfortable vibration. Then your truth will appear.

You do not need everyone's support and What or who you genuinely like and don't like.
You will soon realize it's so amazing to give and
Your job is to support and approve of yourself! serve when you've taken care of your needs
Commitmen t o f the day:

You don't lie!

It's incredibly uncomfortable,
but the opposite is you ruin
relationships, create animosity, My plan t o f ollo w thr oug h:
you are seething, and a whole
host of negative emotions.

W h e n it ge t s u n c om f o r t a b l e , do I s m o o th t h e s i t u a t i o n o v er , a n d p e o p l e p l e a s e or s t i c k
to m y c o m m i t m e n t ?

Wh y do y ou t h i n k i t ' s e a s i e r t o g i v e in a n d a g r e e ?

Wh y ar e y ou u n c om f o r t a b l e w i t h d i s a g r e e i n g ?

W h a t is t h e w or st t h a t c o u l d h a p p e n ?

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